Stalin: A Political Biography. by Isaac Deutscher. /THE GENERAL REHEARSAL=総稽古/იოსებ სტალინიИосиф Сталин③
―彼はレーニンから目を離さず、彼の演説にくいいるように耳を傾け、彼の一挙一道を見守った。レーニンにはチフリスの代表を深く感銘させるだけのものがあった。それは聞き手を納得させずにはおかないほど筋道のたった話し方、政治的大胆さ、幅の広い歴史的見通し、結論の綿密さと簡明さ、順序は最後になったが重要さには変りがない、堅実な現実感であった。タンメルフォルスにやってきた代表たちの気分は浮き立っていた。彼らはモスクワ蜂起の第一報にわき立ち、ツァーリ専制政治を早く打ち倒せるだろうという希望に酔っていた。レーニンでさえ、楽観的な空気に動かされた。この会議には喜劇じみた場面があった。例えば、レーニンを先頭に代表たちは会議の合間に森へいってピストルを射つ練習をした。だが、レーニンは堅実さと慎重さを失わなかった。開会早々、彼は“自由の時代”を迎え、いろいろのことが起こっているが、それにもかかわらず、各代表は本名でなく変名を使うべきだと提案した。彼はいった。オフラーナはまだ不敗である。秘密のベールを全部かなぐり捨てるにはまだ早すぎる。コーバはイヴァノヴィッチという変名を使った。会議での彼の役割はこの変名と同じようにありふれた、地味なものであった。彼とレーニンの間には、友情はもちろんちかしい間柄という関係も生れなかった。だが、彼は後に重要な地位を占めるようになった人たちと会った。ロゾフスキー(労働組合インターナショナル議長、1941-45年の独ソ戦中の情報局長+ソロモン・アブラモヴィッチ・ロゾフスキー(ロシア語: Соломо́н Абра́мович Лозовский 英語: Solomon Abramovitch Lozovsky、1878年3月16日(ユリウス暦)/3月28日(グレゴリオ暦) - 1952年8月12日[1])は、ソビエト連邦の労働運動家、政治家。経歴・人物[編集]=ロシア帝国エカテリノスラフ県(現在のウクライナ南部)の村で、ユダヤ人の教師の子として生まれた。1901年ロシア社会民主労働党に入党。1905年カザンでの労働者蜂起を指導して投獄されたが、フランスに逃れパリで労働運動を指導。1917年、ロシア革命後に帰国して全ソビエト労働組合中央評議会(ロシア語版)書記。1920年より赤色労働組合インターナショナル(プロフィンテルン)の創立に参加。1921年7月の第1回大会でその責任者となり、1939年に解体されるまでプロフィンテルンを指導した。1927年ソビエト連邦共産党中央委員候補。コミンテルン執行委員、1939年-1946年極東関係担当の外務人民委員代理(副外相)、1941年-1946年ソビエト連邦情報局総裁代理、1946年同総裁を歴任した。1949年、シオニストの陰謀事件(ロシア語版)に関与したとして逮捕され、1952年8月12日に処刑された[1]。スターリン批判後、1956年に名誉回復された)ヤロスラウスキー(訳注、エメリアン・E・1878-1944、チタで流刑囚の子として生れ、3年の軍隊生活を送る。革命運動に参加、しばしば逮捕、脱走を続けた。ロシア革命には赤衛軍の組織に尽力し、モスクワ軍区革命軍事委員となる。以後党活動に従事、病死して国葬された。著書、スターリン伝記はドイッチャーがしばしば引用しているが、前芝 三の邦訳(現代国民選書、創元社出版)がある+Емелья́н Миха́йлович Яросла́вский (урожденный Мине́й Изра́илевич Губельма́н; 19 февраля [3 марта] 1878, Чита, Забайкальская область, Российская империя — 4 декабря 1943, Москва) — российский революционер, советский партийный деятель, идеолог и руководитель антирелигиозной политики в СССР)ボローディン(ちょうど20年後、スターリンの特使として蒋介石の軍事顧問となった+ミハイル・マルコヴィチ・ボロディン(ロシア語: Михаил Маркович Бородин、Mikhail Markovich Borodin、1884年7月9日 - 1951年5月29日)は、コミンテルンの工作員。本姓はグルーゼンベルグ(Gruzenberg)。ロシア帝国(現・ベラルーシ)ヴィテプスク県のヤノヴィチ(ロシア語版)生まれ・・・中国における英国敵視政策と容共政策への誘導[編集]=1923年から1927年まで、ボロディンは中国広東における中国国民党政府に対してのコミンテルン及びソビエト連邦の代表であり、その時期には孫文の主要な政治顧問となっていた。彼の進言により中国国民党はマルクス・レーニン主義を受け入れ、共産主義者の入党が認められ、黄埔軍官学校が設立された。同時に1925年から1927年の間は、広東において敵意に満ちた反英運動の組織と指導も行っていた[1]。モスクワの英国大使館はボロディンの人物紹介を求めたが当時の外務人民委員代理マクシム・リトヴィノフは「ボロディンのことはほとんど知らないけれど、彼はソ連政府とは何の関係も無い一民間人である」と答えている[1]。 1925年の孫文の死後もボロディンは中国国民党政府の政治顧問を続けた。晩年[編集]帰国後間もなく、労働人民委員代理に任命された。その後、英字新聞紙『モスクワ・ニュース』(Moscow News)編集者(1932年-1949年)、タス通信副局長(1932年-1934年)、『ソヴインフォルムビューロー』(Soviet Information Bureau)編集長(1934年-1949年)として働いた。ユダヤ人だったため、1949年にソビエト連邦の敵であるとして逮捕された。シベリアの強制収容所に送られた後、そこで2年後に死亡した(別説によれば、銃殺されたとも)。死後、名誉回復)ナジェージダ・クルプスカヤ(レーニン夫人)などである。
The October the Tsar issued his manifesto with a promise of constitutional freedom. The Liberals triumphed. They hoped to be able to transform Tsardom into a constitutional monarchy and they saw in the Duma, the newly convoked Parliament, the instrument for that transformation. Most Mensheviks and some Bolsheviks, too, thought that they should take part in the election. True, the franchise was to be limited, the working class was to be very poorly represented and the Duma was, therefore, certain to be dominated by the moderate Liberals. This, the Mensheviks argued, did not really matter. In the French Revolution the moderate Assembly had been forced by the popular movement to give place to the more radical Convention. Similar shifts in Russia would sweep away the Duma and replace it by a Convention. Koba did not share that view. He advocated a boycott of the election, because any election now ‘on the eve of an attention from direct revolutionary action. ‘Only on the bones of the oppression can the people’s freedom be founded – only the blood of the oppressors can fertilize the soil for the people’ self-rule.’ He called for a ‘a fight without quarter against the Liberal enemies of the people’, because the Liberals were making their deal with Tsardom. It was no far cry from this to decrying the Mensheviks, too, even though Bolsheviks and Mensheviks were still members of the same party, ‘Either the bourgeois Liberals have become Mensheviks, ‘Koba remarked,’ or else the Caucasian Mensheviks have changed into bourgeois Liberals.’ The Tsar’s manifesto provoked a storm of protests. It was too half-hearted to satisfy the opposition; and if was so obvious a sign of weakness that it was bound to encourage frees demands. The protests were followed by the general strikes and local risings. Two months after the Tsar had made his semi-Liberal gesture the superintendent of the police in the Caucasus reported to his chief in Petersburg as follows:
The Kutais is in a critical condition . . . The insurgents have disarmed the gendarmes, made themselves masters of the western line of the railway and are themselves selling tickets and keeping order . . . I am receiving no reports from Kutais; the gendarme have been taken off the line and concentrated in Tiflis. The couriers sent out with reports are searched by revolutionaries and the documents are seized; the situation there is impossible . . . The Vice-Regent has had a nervous breakdown; the situation is not yet weak. If possible I shall send details by post; if not, by messenger.
The parties had emerged from the underground. Socialist dailies were published and sold openly. In Petersburg Litvinov and Krasin edited Novaya Zhizn(The New Life). Trotsky edited, Nachalo(The Start), the most brilliant journalistic venture of the First Revolution, with a circulation of abut half a million. In Tiflis Koba-Djugashvili co-edited a Bolshevik daily with a less symbolical name, Kavkasky Rabochy Listok(The Caucasian Workers’ News-sheet). The newspapers were short-lived – they were suppressed by the police as soon as the rising fizzled out. Meanwhile, Koba was dividing his time between the editorial offices of the legally published daily, the half-cladestine Tiflis and Caucasus Social Democratic Committees, and the altogether clandestine technical branch of the party. Amid such varied activities he was also preparing the fourth conference of the Caucasian Bolsheviks, at which he himself was elected delegate to the party’s national conference, convened by Lenin for the first time inside Russia. In actual fact, the conference took place in the Finnish town of Tammerfors, because Finland enjoyed autonomy and greater freedom than the rest of the Tsarist Empire and the delegates felt safer there.
This was the first time that Koba emerged from the half Asiatic Caucasus into European Russia, from the backwater of Tiflis into a truly national gathering. At Tammerfors, too, he first met Lenin. Years later he described with characteristically vivid crudeness the impression his master made on him:
I had hoped to see the mountain eagle of our party, the great man, great physically as well as politically. I had fancied Lenin as a giant, stately and imposing. How great was my disappointment to see a most way, distinguishable from ordinary morals . . . Usually, a great man comes later to a meeting so that his appearance may be awaited with hated breath. Then, just before the great man enters, the warning goes round: ‘Hush . . . silence . . . he is coming.’ The rite did not seem to me superfluous, because it created an impression and inspired respect. How great was my disappointment to see that Lenin had arrived at the conference before the other delegates were there and had settled himself somewhere in a corner and was unassumingly carrying on a conversation, a most ordinary conversation, with the most ordinary delegates. I will not conceal from you that at that time this seemed to me to be rather a violation of certain rules.
Nothing, could sum up Koba’s parochial outlook at the time better than his own words. The descendant of serfs may have learned to use an elementary Marxist idiom and argue about the mechanics of the revolution. But he was still surprised to see that the leader of that revolution lacked all seigniorial manner. The ex-seminarist who had turned his back on the Church still fancied Lenin as the high priest or mandarin of socialism.
He gazed at Lenin, listened avidly to his speech, and watched every move and gesture. There were enough qualities in the man to impress the Tiflis delegate deeply: the overwhelming logic of his speech, his potential fearlessness, the broad historical sweep of his views, the subtlety and simplicity of his conclusions, and – last but not least – his sober practical sense. The delegates had arrived at Tammerfors in a mood of exhilaration, dizzy with hope of a quick overthrow of Tsardom, a hope that was stimulated by the first tidings of the Moscow rising. Even Lenin was affected by the general optimism; and there were such comic-opera touches about the conference as, for instance, the intervals between its sessions when the delegates headed by Lenin went out to practice revolver-shooting in the woods. Nevertheless, Lenin’s sobriety and circumspection were not swept away. At the opening session he proposed that, in spite of all that was happening in those’ days of liberty’, the delegates should use pseudonyms instead of their real names. The Okhrana had not yet been defeated, he said, and it was too early to dispense altogether with clandestinity. Koba assumed the nickname of Ivanovich. His own role at the conference was as modest and unassuming as his nickname. No ties of close acquaintance, let alone friendship, arose between him and Lenin as yet. But he met a number of people who were to become important later on: Lozovsky, the future head of the Red Professional International(Profintern) and chief official spokesman during the Russo-German war of 1941-5(whom he was to send to his death after that way); Yaroslavsky, future leader of the Society of the Godless; Borodin, who was to become Stalin’s envoy and military adviser to General Chiang Kai-shek exactly twenty years later (also executed on Stalin’s order in 1952); Nadezhda Krupskaya, Lenin’s wife; and several others.
It must have been with some surprise that Koba learned that a merger between Mensheviks and Bolsheviks was the main item on the agenda of the conference. Events had brought the two factions nearer to each other. The trend towards unification was stronger in central Russian than in the Caucasus, where the split was of no great practical importance because the Bolsheviks wielded little influence. Both factions felt that the split was weakening them and were anxious to put an end to it. At Tammerfors Lozovsky proposed that the local organizations should merge straight away, without waiting for formal agreement between the leaders. His motion was accepted. Simultaneously with the Bolsheviks, the Mensheviks, too, were in conference and adopted a parallel decision in favor of union. The two conference were to be followed by negotiations between the leaders in Petersburg.
The next issue discussed at Tammerfors was elections to the Duma. Ought the Social Democrats to take part in them or not? At the conference of the Caucasian Bolsheviks Koba had argued in favor of boycott. The place of the working class was on the barricades and not at polling-boots. Much to his surprise, however, at Tammerfors Lenin came out in favor of participation in the election, or at least in some of its phases, since the election was to be indirect. The tactics of boycott seemed to Lenin negative and barren; and habits of conciliation and bargaining, had no attraction for him; but he saw no reason why the cause of revolution should not be furthered from the parliamentary platform. In later years, he was to say that revolution could be preached even from a dungheap or in a pigsty – why not preach in the ‘pigsty’ of the Tsarist Duma? To most delegates at Tammerfors, to the practical workers of the underground who came to the conference full of the sound and fury of the strikes and the risings. Lenin’s reasoning sounded like pure Menshevik opportunism. Together with other provincial delegates, Koba strongly objected to his master’s proposals. Together with others, he must have thought that the great leader, like many émigrés, had lost touch with life in Russia and underrated the impact of recent events. They, the practical workers, who studied the course of revolution not in the libraries of Geneva, London, or Paris but in the slums of Moscow, Kazan, or Baku, knew better. Lenin was shaken by the unexpected strength of the opposition. Perhaps, he said, the practical workers were right after all; and he jovially announced that he was ‘withdrawing from his position in good order’. Koba-Ivanovich was elected to the commission that was to draft a resolution on the subject. This was his first success at a national party gathering. That he obtained it against Lenin could not but enhance his self-confidence.*
*The Komitectchik[Committee-man], ‘writers Krupskaya, ‘was usually a fairly self-assured person, who realized what great influence the work of the committees had over the masses; he generally did not recognize any inner Party democracy whatever.” This demonstration [which required that the Committees should be elected by the rank, and file] only leads to us falling into the hands of the authority . . . “, the Komitetchiks would say. And inwardly these Committee members always rather despised” the people abroad [I,e. the leaders in exile]. . . . They ought to be sent to work under Russian conditions" was their verdict. The Komitetchiks . . . did not like innovations . . . In 1904-5 [they] . . . bore tremendous responsibilities . . . but many of them experienced the utmost difficulty in adapting themselves to . . . increasing opportunities for legal work and to the methods of open struggle’(Memories of Lenin, p. 93). Krupskaya’s words undoubtedly reflected Lenin’s opinion about the Committee-men.
The conference ended on the last day of the eventful year. According to a report of the secret police, who had an agent among the delegates, on the morrow of the conference’ the Social Democratic Central Committee and a number of delegates, Menshevik and Bolshevik, met at No. 9 Zagorodny Prospect in Petersburg in order to discuss unity’. The report mentioned Ivanovich, the delegates of Tiflis, as one of those present. Koba witnessed a curious scene: Lenin and Martov spoke about current affairs in the most conciliatory vein. Martov even went so far as to accept Lenin’s famous Paragraph 1 of the Party Statutes, the paragraph that had caused the split. Lenin might well have triumphed. Social Democracy seemed at last to reunite and to do on his, Lenin’s, terms.
In the first days of January 1906, while Koba was on his way back to Tiflis, the tide of revolution had already turned. The Moscow rising had been defeated. The risings in Georgia were only smoldering under the ashes. The Vice-Regent, by now recovered from his nervous breakdown, gave orders to suppress the Caucasian Workers’ News-sheet. But the change in the situation made itself felt only gradually. The revolution’s reverses were seen by the leaders as a mere zigzag in a complicated graph. In a pamphlet Two Skirmishes, Koba analyzed the events of the year, from the Petersburg procession to the defeat of the Moscow rising: the rising failed because it was on the defensive, when it should have been constantly on the attack. It lacked leadership; and this was due to the split inside Social Democracy. The events showed the need for unity, which would soon be happily achieved.
But unity, that healing medicine, was being administrated rather late in the day; and it was doubtful how far its ingredients corresponded to the label. The Mensheviks who had allowed themselves to be carried away by the radical mood of the last months of the year, were now relapsing into their previous, more moderate or timid, attitude. The Bolsheviks were insuring themselves against the risk of a merger and formed a secret Bolshevik Caucasian Bureau, a sort of party within the ‘united party’. After these preliminary moves, the factions sent their delegates represented the Caucasian at the Congress – ten Mensheviks and one Bolshevik. The one Bolshevik was Koba-Ivanovich.
The Congress dragged on in a string of long session and interminable debates and squabbles. Koba spoke several times in defence of Lenin’s views. On the crucial issue of the debate, however – land reform – he took an independent view. The Mensheviks advocated dispossession of the landlords and the transfer of their land to municipal ownership. Lenin advocated nationalization of the land. The Mensheviks, as usual, saw the future Russian Republic dominated by the Liberal middle class and were eager to strengthen the more popular local government against the central administration. Lenin, thinking in terms of ‘the democratic dictatorship of workers and peasants’, wanted the ownership of all land to be vested in the central government. Koba-Ivanovich was equally opposed to nationalization and municipalization. The land reform for which he stood was simply the sharing out of the great estates among the peasants. Against Lenin’s policy of nationalization he set two arguments, one that sounded as if it had been borrowed from the Mensheviks, and the other characteristically his own. The future government, he error to strengthen it unduly by vesting it with the ownership of all the land. But his main objection to both nationalization and municipalization was that neither would satisfy the peasants. He, the revolutionary of peasant stock, was more sensitive than others to the muzhik’s werewolf hunger for land. “Even in their dreams,’ he wrote, ‘the peasants see the landlords’ fields as their own property.’ Distributism’, as this viewpoint came to be called, was branched by most Socialists as a reactionary concession to peasant individualism. Lenin thundered against ‘the practical party workers’, who were out to win favor with the backward muzhik and, ignoring Socialist principle, played unscrupulously on his appetite for property. Ivanovich’s answer was that the countryside, but this was precisely what, by common agreement, the revolution be an advance on feudalism. As the Mensheviks had a majority. Lenin in the end voted with the pro-muzhik group in his own faction, hoping thug to defeat the Mensheviks: but he went on to vent his irritation on the narrow-minded ‘realists’ of Koba’s sort.
The incident was a significant, though remote, prelude to the agrarian revolution in Russia in 1917 and the land reform that were to be carried out in eastern Europe and eastern Germany under the auspices of the Red Army in 1945. In 1917 the Bolsheviks actually divided the land among the peasants, though in theory it was nationalized. In 1945 the land of the Prussian Junkers and Polish and Hungarian landlords was shared out among the peasants, without even the theoretical pretense of nationalization. In Stockholm in 1906 the course such agrarian revolutions would take was mapped out in advance by Ivanovich more clearly than by Lenin, though this did not prevent Ivanovich Stalin from crushing the ‘rural capitalism’ he had defended and replacing it by collective farming in 1930. Forty years later, in 1946, in the foreword to his Collected Works, Ivanovich-Stalin tried to explain his Stockholm controversy with Lenin and self-critically he attributed it to the narrow-mindedness and lack of theoretical insight on the part of the ‘practical workers’ of whom he was one. We, he confessed, the ‘praktiki’, could not understand that Lenin was already then looking ahead to the Russian revolution, as it would be when it passed from its ‘bourgeois democratic’ to its Socialist phase. He, Stalin, thought that the two phases would be separated rom one another by a long period of capitalist development, because he could not conceive of a Socialist revolution taking place before the working class grew to be the majority of the nation. A curious confession: on the strength of this principle, Russian should have remained a capitalist country until today. The confession offers a glimpse of the complex evolution of Bolshevism itself as well as of the groping manner in which its leaders, driven by events, were changing the direction of their revolutionary journey.
Among the many resolutions adopted by the Stockholm Congress there was one that had a close bearing upon Koba’s discreet doings in the Technical Branch. On the initiative of the Mensheviks, the Congress condemned the raids made by the fighting squads on banks, treasury transports, and government troops. Lenin, believing that the revolution was still on the upgrade and that partisan raids were a good way of training the fighting squads for the expected nation-wide insurrection, fiercely opposed the resolution. The Mensheviks had not been in their element at all while the pandemonium of revolts and risings lasted. They were quicker than the Bolsheviks to realize that the revolution was now in retreat, though as yet nobody dared to say so in as many words. Plekhanov concluded his second thoughts on the December rising with the words: ‘We should not have taken up arms.’ To Lenin this was sheer blasphemy – he was in no mood to repent of the ‘follies’ of 1905. Many Mensheviks did not yet dare to endorse Plekhanov’s second thoughts, but his saying aptly epitomized the mood that was taking hold of them.
At first the controversy over the fighting squads was subsidiary to the wider dispute. If the December rising had been in a bad mistake, the raids of the fighting squads were even worse. If, however, the revolution was still to advance then the fighting squads had an essential role to play. The Stockholm Congress outlawed ‘partisan warfare’ in principle, but if could not make up its mind to pass a categorical verdict. It prohibited all forms of raids, with the exception of the seizure of arm and arsenals. The technical branches soon made the utmost of that loophole and continued to stage attack after attack on high Tsarist officials, banks, treasury transports, as well as arsenals. This was the most obscure, and perhaps also the most romantic, chapter of the First Revolution. It abounded in dramatic incidents and unheard-of exploits. Its heroes were fearless idealists, saints, and colorful adventurers: but there were also agents provocateurs and gangsters plying their trade under the banner of revolution. It was not easy to tell one type from another and to disentangle individual motives. It was long customary in western Europe to speak and write about this episode of Russian history as something peculiarly Russian, reflecting the mysteries of the Slav soul. According to their taste, western European would express either admiration or abhorrence of the terrorists’ deeds, though at the time the sympathy of western European Liberals went out to the ‘indomitable fighters against Tsarist tyranny’. But both those who extolled and those who condemned these deeds thought of them as of things so remote and exotic that they could never happen in a civilized western Europeans environment. Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, western Europe was not spared that ‘exotic’ experience in the years of the Second World War, when it was submerged by the Nazi conquest. What the various movements of resistance, the Maquis and guerrillas did in France and Italy, Belgium and Norway, was exactly what the Russians had done nearly forty years before, only that the European Resistance was on a far larger scale, better financed, far more ‘terroristic’ and costly in human life. The Russian revolutionaries considered themselves at war with their own native autocracy; and in this they found moral justification for what they did. As in Nazi occupied Europe, so in Tsarist Russia the heroic and idealistic core of the movement was surrounded by dubious elements. The basic types – fighters, idealists, adventures, heroes, and gangsters – were almost equally frequent in both movements, and many of the famous mysteries of the ‘Russian soul’ revealed themselves startlingly in French, Italian, Belgian, and Danish souls.
In spite of the moral justification which the revolutionaries believed they had for this particular method of opposition many Bolsheviks were uneasy. Guerrilla warfare, they held, could play only an auxiliary part in the revolution, just as forty years later it was auxiliary to the main war waged by the regular armies. The ‘regular army’, to which the Bolshevik fighting squads had to be subordinated was, in Lenin’s eyes, the whole Russian people in insurrection. Unsupported by a general rising, left to itself and isolated, partisan warfare was certain to degenerate into a hopeless and demoralizing adventure. Logically, one would have expected Lenin to call off partisan warfare and disband the fighting squads as soon as it became clear that the ebb of revolution was not temporary and that years would pass before the next tide began to rise. At first, throughout 1906, Lenin clung to the hope that the revolution had not yet spent its force; and this may have accounted for the stubbornness with which he defended his fighting squads, even when the Central Committee of the united party, dominated by the Mensheviks, insisted on their disbandment.
But there was more to in than that. The defeat landed the Bolsheviks, as well as other factions, in great financial straits. In 1905 the membership of the party grew by leaps and bounds and so did its revenue from members’ subscriptions. Wealthy sympathizers made important contributions to the treasury. After the counter-revolution had set in, in 1907 and 1908, the membership shrunk even more rapidly than it had grown; fellow travelers turned their backs on the defeated revolution; and so the party, whose apparatus had in the meantime been inflated to large dimensions, was left without financial means to carry on. Lenin, the real head of a revolutionary administration, was the last man to see that administration wrecked for lack of money. Even if this revolution was beaten, he thought, the next one had to be prepared; and he was determined to get the funds needed for that task. Who, if not the fighting squads, should provide the party with the means it needed to tide over the grim interval of counter-revolution and to emerge with flying colors into the Second Revolution? Lenin was fond of saying that if need be the revolutionary ought to be able to creep towards his goal with his belly in mud – he now ordered his fighting squads to creep in the mud to supply the revolution. Aware of the moral risk, he proposed to bring the squads under the strict control of the party so that they should be cleaned from dubious and unreliable elements.