Stalin: A Political Biography. by Isaac Deutscher. /第4章(CHAPTER 4):コーバ、スターリンとなる=KOBA BECOMES STALIN/იოსებ სტალინიИосиф Сталин④
The two men apparently did not get along well . . . Sverdlov was soon transferred to another settlement and Stalin remained alone, fishing, hunting, and reading for the remaining few years. At first the idea of an escape still occupied his mind, but it gradually faded as the watch on him grew closer, until the outlaw in Russia the exiles preferred to stay where they were. At first Stalin pursued his study of the national minorities, wrote a new essay on the topic, and dispatched it to Lenin through the inestimable Alliluyev who still lived in Petersburg. It was never published; either it was lost on the way or it was not up to the standard of his previous work and did not please Lenin. For the rest of his stay at Kureika he wrote almost nothing. In his Collected Works there is a gap between February 1913 and March 1917 which the publishers try to explain by the circumstance that Stalin’s writings of that period ‘had not yet been recovered’. Since Stalin was freed from banishment by the revolution and his writings could not have been destroyed by the Okhrana, the explanation does not sound plausible. It is more likely that while he was cut off from practical activity he did not take to the pen. He was the practitioner of the revolution, not its man of letters.
It was in his solitude at Kureika that he learned about the outbreak of the First World War. The event was not a bolt from the blue, but it confronted Russian as well as European socialism. In previous years international Socialist congresses had addressed strong anti-militaristic appeals to the working classes of the world, but few of the leaders really believed in the imminence of war. In the two years before its outbreak Lenin, immersed in factional affairs, wrote scarcely anything which suggests his awareness of the danger. When the war did break out, he was taken aback by the behavior of European socialism. On reading in Swiss newspapers that the parliamentarians of German socialism came out in support of the Kaiser’s war, he refused to believe his eyes and at first treated the report as a kite flown by the German General Staff to fool the working class into acceptance. So great and simple had been his belief in the strength of Socialism internationalism. For a belief spell he was so downcast that he thought of leaving politics altogether. But then he recovered and decided to ‘wage war on war’. He was no pacifist. He answer to war was revolution. He pilloried that trusts, cartels, and banks as the real culprits, denounced the patriotic truce between the classes preached by most Socialists in the belligerent countries, and launched the slogan ‘turn the imperialist war into a civil war’. Undismayed by the charge that, by promoting revolution in his country, he might provoke its defeat, he frankly described himself as a revolutionary defeatist. The defeat of Tsardom, he argued, would be the least evil in any circumstances; and if it speeded up the revolution, then all the better. After all, all the parties of the opposition in Russia, including the middle-class Liberals, had taken up a defeatist attitude only ten years before, during the Russo-Japanese war. He went a step farther and refused to have any truck with Socialists who did not share his views. There could be no unity with those Labour leaders who had become vile purveyors of cannon fodder to the General Staffs of Europe. In his eyes they were traitors to socialism; and any association with them was treacherous. The Second(Socialist) International was dead – nothing was left but to begin again and to build the Third International from the foundations.
As sometimes in the past so now Lenin ran far ahead of most of his disciples and followers. This is not to say that they, too, were carried away by war-time chauvinism. They remained true to their anti-militaristic conviction and opposed the war. But it seemed to them that Lenin had dangerously overstated his case. They were perplexed to see how emphatically he and Zinoviev stressed their defeatist views writings in Switzerland. About the same time Trotsky in Paris preached ‘neither victory nor defeat’, but revolution; and many Bolsheviks saw more common sense in that. They were also dumbfounded by Lenin’s call for a break with the whole Second International to which they had been accustomed to look as to the embodiment of all Socialist dreams and hopes. Between the Socialists that supported the war(the ‘social-patriots’ or the ‘defensists’) and those who opposed it there was a large body of floating Socialist opinion, which was dismayed by the deeds of the ‘social-patriots’ but reluctant to embark upon irrevocable schism.
Most of the Bolshevik leaders inside Russia were afraid that if they strictly adhered to Lenin’s policies they would cut themselves off from this wavering but bulky section. At the beginning of the war the Tsarist Government put the Bolshevik deputies into prison and charged them with treason. With them Kamenev, who since Stalin’s deportation inspired their policies and edited Pravda, took his place in the dock. The prosecution used Lenin’s defeatist declarations as evidence against the defendants. Kamenev and some of the deputies then dissociated themselves from Lenin, partly because they really objected to the latter’s prosecution’s blows. The deputies and Kamenev were deported to Siberia to the settlements in the Yanissey province. Their arrival gave rise to confused and angry debates among the exiled people. Lenin’s followers – the defeatists – reproached them with lack of political principle and undignified conduct before the court. The exiles used to travel hundreds of miles in dog – or reindeer-drawn sleighs to a meeting-point in one of the settlements, where the debates took place. Stalin, too, attended a few such meetings. What he said there and with whom he sided has remained unknown. His official biographers say that he was the chief spokesman of the revolutionary defeatists – the canons of Stalinist orthodoxy forbid admitting that their hero could on any occasion have dissented from Lenin. The anti-Stalinist biographers have been equally categorical in underlining the dissension. In all probability Stalin hedged, since this was what he was still doing in 1917, immediately after his return to Petersburg.
At all events, he did not take the controversy much to heart. He was thousands of miles away from any scene of political action; and thrashing out principles for their own sake, without the faintest chance for their immediate application, was not his pet occupation. The more sanguine exiles or those who were more given to speculative thought were agitated, argued and wrote treatises and these all though two or three long arctic winters. Stalin kept more and more aloof, until in the end he withdrew into hermit-like solitude.
There is very little that can be said about Stalin’s private life, although he was now already in his middle thirties. He himself was later unwilling to shed light upon it. Apart from this, the existence of a professional revolutionary left only the narrowest margin for ‘private life’. In his youth he was married to Ekaterina Svanidze, the sister of one of his Socialist schoolmates leaving a son who was brought up by his grandparents in the Caucasus. Stalin was not to marry again until 1918. But he was already in close friendship with the family of Sergo Alliluyev, his future father-in-law; and the Alliluyevs often looked after him. It was they who sent him parcels of food, clothing, and books during his banishment.
In his lonely existence on the Yenissey there must have been some bitterness. The cause of which he had devoted himself seemed to have been thwarted. As he looked back upon the many years of his labours in the underground, he could not derive much comfort from their results. His private life was empty and frustrated. He expressed some of his loneliness in a letter to Olga Evgeyevna Alliluyeva, his future mother-in-law. This, incidentally, is Stalin’s only private non-political letter we know. He thanked the Alliyuyevs for their parcels and asked them to spend no more money on him, for they themselves needed it. All he wanted was picture post-cards, because where he was, on the Yenissey, nature in its ‘dull ugliness’ offered nothing to the eye, except the frozen endlessness of the tundra. In this accursed country . . . I have ben overcome by a silly longing to see some landscape, be it only on paper.’