
当ブログはトロント在住、日系一世カナダ人サミー・山田(48)おっさんの「独り言」です。まさに「個人日記」。1968年11月16日東京都目黒区出身(A型)・在北米30年の日系カナダ人(Canadian Citizen)・University of Toronto Woodsworth College BA History & East Asian Studies Major トロント在住(職業記者・医療関連・副職画家)・Toronto Ontario「団体」「宗教」「党派」一切無関係・「政治的」意図皆無=「事実関係」特定の「考え」が’正しい’あるいは一方だけが’間違ってる’いう気は毛頭なし。「知って」それぞれ「考えて」いただれれば本望(^_-☆Everybody!! Let's 'Ponder' or 'Contemplate' On va vous re?-chercher!Internationale!!「世界人類みな兄弟」「平和祈願」「友好共存」「戦争反対」「☆Against Racism☆」「☆Gender Equality☆」&ノーモア「ヘイト」(怨恨、涙、怒りや敵意しか生まない)Thank you very much for everything!! Ma Cher Minasan, Merci Beaucoup et Bonne Chance 

《Carte de voeux d'été盛夏問候Summer greeting card》🎌대일본인(大日本人)Der Große Japaner『Symbolしんぼる』狂洗身體到快出血/日本知名「讀心師」遭爆/2ch 전 운영자 VS 여성 논객〈인플루언서大影响家Influencer〉Госуда́рство Япо́ния≪ObrigkeitおかみAuthority≫『愛󠄁國行進󠄁曲Marcha patriótica』(CANADA🍁)2024/07/20

2024/03/06ーAgainst the wind, Hitoshi Matsumoto's sexual assault! AV actress' "contradictions in her words" were exposed and she was instantly slapped in the face by Japanese netizens
The 60-year-old Japanese "Variety King" DOWNTOWN member Hitoshi Matsumoto was exposed by Japanese media at the end of last year. He participated in a bliss party in 2015 and used the name of games to forcefully kiss and sexually assault women. He even had a "concubine selection industry chain". Now Hitoshi Matsumoto has announced to stop performing arts activities. However, AV actress Runa Shimotsuki recently supported Matsumoto, saying that she attended the reported party. The actual situation was completely different from the report. However, her statement was contradictory and was questioned by netizens.

2024年1月19日ーViolated in a taxi! A powerful man showed his love and touched her randomly. "The actress cried but she was scolded." I washed my body violently until it almost bled.
The 35-year-old Japanese actress Mai Endo used to be the leader of the well-known female idol group "IDOLING!!!". After the group disbanded and graduated in 2015, she turned to developing solo activities and later faded out of the entertainment industry. Become a vocal teacher. Mai Endo revealed her painful experience and pointed out that she was invited to attend a party by a group of people she trusted. After the party, she was suddenly pushed into a taxi by the person in charge. Unexpectedly, the most powerful person on the scene was sitting in the car. However, because Mai Endo knew her, Everyone present got in the car without any resistance or suspicion, but they didn't expect that this would be the beginning of a nightmare. The powerful man took advantage of her drunkenness to touch her, and even directly expressed his love by saying "how much I like you" and said he would take her home. She was so frightened that she got out of the car in panic and fled the scene in shock.

2024/07/21ーTailing, interference, extramarital affairs, former editor-in-chief of a women's magazine...The trial between Hitoshi Matsumoto and Bunshun is turning out to be a big deal | "Japan's retreat" from the perspective of a weekly magazine

①2024/07/18ーIs it a violation of the rules for Hitoshi Matsumoto's defense team to follow and contact Ms. A, who claimed damage? The bar association's opinion is...②Jul 11, 2024 —《松本人志 5.5億円裁判Hitoshi Matsumoto 550 million yen trial》A子さん出廷妨害工作を告発する!I am accusing them of trying to obstruct Ms. A from appearing in court!

①2024/07/16ー"No one told you to stop" Hitoshi Matsumoto resumes posting X, claiming that it's a "natural right" makes people feel uncomfortable... Some call for a press conference (Woman herself)多くの人が復帰を待ち望んでいただけに、この投稿には歓喜の声が続出As many people had been looking forward to his return, this post was flooded with cheers《人を笑わせることを志してきました。たくさんの人が自分の事で笑えなくなり、何ひとつ罪の無い後輩達が巻き込まれ、自分の主張はかき消され受け入れられない不条理に、ただただ困惑し、悔しく悲しいです。世間に真実が伝わり、一日も早く、お笑いがしたいですI've always wanted to make people laugh. I'm just confused, frustrated, and sad about the absurdity of how many people can no longer laugh at themselves, who are innocent juniors, and whose claims are being drowned out and unacceptable. I want to convey the truth to the world and do comedy as soon as possible(3月25日)》「早く戻ってきてほしいI want you to come back soon」②2024/07/17ー松本人志「X」再開も芸人からの「低リアクション」にガッカリ感…芸能界の「腫れ物扱い」は続くHitoshi Matsumoto's "X'' restart is disappointing due to the "poor reaction'' from entertainers...The entertainment world's ``treatment as a nuisance''continues

2024.04.03ーA Kyoto University professor laments the shallowness of "those who defend Hitoshi Matsumoto." The reason why "Matchan Ganbare!(Good luck Mr. Matsumoto!)" is only a dark history 

2014.06.19 ーJapanese NHK management member Hyakuta's 'absurd remarks series' being updated?

2020-04-14ー “Japanese people are resistant to coronavirus”

2018/02/05ー[J-Pop] Yasushi Akimoto (秋元康氏) reveals the reason for producing “Theater Company 4 Dollars and 50 Cents”

2016.04ーLorsque j'ai critiqué les paroles de Yasushi Akimoto comme étant « misogynes », j'ai reçu un e-mail menaçant de la direction d'AKB me disant « diffamation et insulte » et « supprimer l'article ». J'ai entendu de nombreuses histoires sur la pression agressive exercée par l'AKB sur les médias, mais je ne m'attendais pas à ce qu'elle soit aussi arrogante.

2010. 5. 8ーFormer 2ch operator VS female debater

2023ーThe 4chan admin said in the middle of the show that there was a murder case. But the news only talks about Sushiro.

①2024/07/18ーHiroyuki points out, "It makes no sense to make it an issue for Mr. Ishimaru.'' Whose problem is it to elect politicians who don't discuss policy?②2021/06/29 —【2ちゃんねる創設者2channel founder・ひろゆきHiroyuki】慰安婦の問題は分からないI don't understand the comfort women issue. 真実だと断言する人は大体嘘つき!Most people who claim it's true are liars!↓

①2016/12/01ーJapan's famous "mind reader" was exposed for taking the virginity of a 13-year-old girl
DaiGo, a 30-year-old Japanese "mind reader", claims to have extraordinary psychological insights. He not only publishes books but also often appears on TV shows. However, one of his ex-girlfriends came forward to reveal that she was pursued by DaiGo when she was only 13 years old. After dating, they had sex. When she was in high school at the age of 19, DaiGo actually approached her again, trying to maintain a physical relationship with her, and even asked her to wear a swimsuit in gym class for sex.→Dec 28, 2023 —「事実であるなら【警察に行けばいい】わけで、【週刊誌に情報売る】理由がよくわからないSi c'est vrai, alors [vous devriez simplement vous adresser à la police], mais je ne comprends pas vraiment la raison pour laquelle [vous vendez des informations à un hebdomadaire].」https://www.chunichi.co.jp/article/829475≪未成年淫行Minor fornication≫Jan 9, 2022 —「彼女は性的に求められることに承認を感じる子なので、そこで拒絶したら大変なことになるだろうな、と思ってましたC'est une fille qui ressent de l'approbation lorsqu'elle est sexuellement désirée, alors j'ai pensé que ce serait un gros problème si je la rejetais.」https://bunshun.jp/articles/-/51088→Aug 18, 2021 — メンタリストDaiGoの未成年淫行は大丈夫なんですか? なんで芸能活動できてたんでしょうねIs it okay for Mentalist DaiGo to commit adultery with minors? Why was he able to pursue a career in the entertainment industry?

②2021/08/17ーDaiGo's "discriminatory remarks" continue to cause ripples. Not only is the commercial broadcast refrained, but the name is also removed from the supervised app's website https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QfwKmMtBrQg
③2021/08/17ー「人間は、群れ全体の利益にそぐわない人間を処刑して生きているんですよ。犯罪者を殺すのだって同じですよHumans make a living by executing people who do not serve the interests of the group as a whole. The same goes for killing criminals.」
「人の命に優劣をつけ、価値のない命は抹殺してもかまわない、という『優生思想』そのものHe is emphasizing the "eugenic ideology'' that values ​​people's lives and that it is okay to eliminate lives that have no value.」「命をつなぐ制度から人々を遠ざけ、生活困窮者を間接的に死に追いやる効果を持つIt has the effect of distancing people from systems that sustain life and indirectly driving those in poverty to death.」「他者の生きる権利について自分が判定できると考える傲岸さは変わりませんIt doesn't change his arrogance to think he can judge the right of others to live.」「本当に深く内省して謝罪するのであれば、動画配信だけではなくIf he really introspects deeply and apologizes, he should not just broadcast a video、記者会見を開いたり、受け手が時間をかけて読めるような文章のかたちにまとめて表明したりするべきではないかと思っていますI think he should hold a press conference or express his concerns in a written format that the audience can read over time.(2回目の謝罪時のWhen apologizing for the second time)『昨日の謝罪を撤回致します』というタイトルのつけ方にも、私はひっかかりましたI was also taken aback by the way he chose the title, "I retract yesterday's apology.'' いわゆる『釣りタイトル』で、開き直るのかと思わせて、実際の内容は違うIt's a so-called "fishing(luring) title'' that makes you think he is about to shift to a defiant attitude again, but the actual content is different. すべては動画の再生回数のためではないかと感じてしまいますI feel like it's all about the number of views of the video.」「インフルエンサーの芸能人だけでなく、国会議員や大学教員など、社会に大きな影響力を持つ人が人の命の価値を否定するような発言をした場合は『一発アウト』If a person with great influence in society, such as a member of the Diet or a university professor, as well as an influencer or celebrity, makes a statement that denies the value of human life, it will be a "one shot out"、その職を続けるべきではないと私は考えていますI don't think they should continue in that job. 厳しすぎるという意見もあると思いますI think some people think it's too strict. しかし、そういう対応を社会が積み重ねていかない限り、また同じような差別や扇動が繰り返され、いつか暴力が誘発され、社会が壊される事態になってしまうと懸念していますHowever, unless society takes such measures, I am concerned that similar discrimination and incitement will be repeated, leading to violence and the destruction of society. ただ、本当に重要なのは、DaiGo氏が今後どうするかということよりも、こうした問題に社会がどう向き合うか、だと思いますHowever, I think what is really important is not what DaiGo will do in the future, but how society will deal with these issues.(稲葉剛さんMr. Tsuyoshi Inaba/一般社団法人つくろい東京ファンド代表理事Representative Director of Tsukuroi Tokyo Fund, General Incorporated Association)https://www.asahi.com/articles/ASP8J639BP8JULZU00B.html

④メンタリスト DaiGo氏の保護ネコカフェ&会員制ワインバー「D-Lab Cafe」を2024年7月11日、南青山にオープンいたしますMentalist DaiGo's rescue cat cafe and membership wine bar "D-Lab Cafe" will open in Minami Aoyama on July 11, 2024.https://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000000160.000043296.html⑤Nov 26, 2020 — メンタリストDaiGo氏は、なぜ独自の動画配信サービス「Dラボ」を作ったのかWhy did mentalist DaiGo create his own video streaming service, "D Lab"? YouTubeチャンネル登録者数220万人以上、教育系YouTuberの先駆者であるWith over 2.2 million subscribers on YouTube, he is a pioneer of educational YouTubers.https://jepista.io/jp/dlab/

①2024年4月22日ー河村市長「祖国のため命捨てるのは道徳的行為」 会見で持論Mayor Kawamura "Sacrificing one's life for one's homeland is a moral act,'' his own theory at a press conference②2012/02ー河村たかしTakashi Kawamura「南京大虐殺はなかったThere was no Nanjing Massacre.」発言 絶対、撤回しませんI will never retract my statement

