【特集Special edition】創立2ch - le propriétaire du site 4chan/Hate speech laws in France≪혐오발언Discours de haine - "He hurts a lot of people"≫The Rise and Fall of?《在網路上有「論破王」之別稱》Hiroyuki Nishimura « Les habitants d'Okinawa ne savent pas parler grammaticalement » Biographie(CANADA)2024/10/04
2021/11/09 ーThe fate of the major media that made Hiroyuki into "the best intellectual who explains difficult things in an easy-to-understand manner" is the result of responding to invisible "needs"
2023/04/07ーPhoto: Kenichiro Saito, who treated Hiroyuki as a criminal, apologizes: "All you did was fail to pay billions in damages.''
2024/08/02ー“No apology” Hiroyuki spreads “false rumors” about boxing woman’s gender controversy → Despite the correction, criticism continues over the lack of remorse
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-FDlcGCOaQ&t=203s2024.04.15ーMr. Hiroyuki also apologized for Otani's illegal gambling issue...《My speculation was off.'' Sorry》The post added fuel to the fire
《最悪ですね。いい加減な書き込みで、どれだけ人の評判や感情を傷つけているのかThat's the worst. How much do you damage people's reputations and feelings with careless posts?》《自分がネット上で目立つこと、稼ぐことのために、人の人生を踏み台にしていますYou are using other people's lives as a springboard to make yourself stand out online and make money.》《「憶測外れてましたー。すいませーん」って。47歳にもなって、謝罪の仕方も知らないのか"My guess was wrong. I'm sorry." You're 47 years old and you don't even know how to apologize?》
どうやら投稿者らは、西村氏の「軽いノリ」が許せなかったようだApparently, the posters couldn't stand Mr. Nishimura's "light mood''.「論破王」「インフルエンサー」などと持ち上げられ、メディア露出も多かった西村氏だがMr. Nishimura was hailed as the "King of Debate'' and "Influencer,'' and received a lot of media exposure、大泥棒だった「一平ちゃん」と同様、“過去の人”になる日もそう遠くはないのではないかit may not be long before he becomes a person from the past, just like Ippei-chan, who was a great thief.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jnMW1zLXiqU&t=328s2024.04.15ーIs the Hiroyuki boom finally coming to an end? Shohei Otani is treated as a criminal amid repeated defeats; even his apologetic attitude comes under fire and he's in big troublehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Blr6KbWuJ-s
Hiroyuki Nishimura, also known as Hiroyuki, was once in the spotlight with the nickname "King of Arguments.'' He has been under fire for a number of tongue-lashings, but now he is facing unprecedented criticism.
「謝れて偉いIt's great to apologize」「潔いClean/Sportsmanlike」《責任感が軽すぎ さも犯罪者であるかのように吹聴しておいて「すいませーん」かよYou have too little sense of responsibility, and you should just say "I'm sorry'' and pretend like he is a criminal.》
実はひろゆき氏、ここ最近は得意の〝論点ずらし〟が通用しなくなり、炎上する機会が増えているのだIn fact, Mr. Hiroyuki, his specialty of "shifting the point'' is no longer working these days, and there are more opportunities for him to get into trouble・・・重箱の隅をつついて得意の論点ずらしをする様に、『議論が深まらない』とリスナーから批判コメントが続出Listeners continued to make critical comments saying, "The discussion doesn't deepen,'' as if he(Hiroyuki) was trying to poke at a corner and shift their favorite points.・・・こうして化けの皮が剥がれつつあるところ、大谷選手を犯罪者扱いして炎上してしまったJust as his disguise was beginning to peel off, Otani was treated as a criminal and came under fire. これが決定打となり、もはや「ひろゆき」というコンテンツは終わりを迎えそうだThis is the decisive blow, and it seems that the content called "Hiroyuki" will come to an end.・・・「かつて『ひろゆキッズ』といわれた支持層も、コロナ禍以降のひろゆきブームから数年経ち、中学生~高校生になって、ある程度の判断能力を持っているSeveral years have passed since the Hiroyuki boom following the coronavirus pandemic, and the supporters who were once known as "Hiroyuki Kids'' have become middle school and high school students and have a certain level of decision-making ability. 単なる陰謀論と論点ずらし・逆張りだと分かり、どんどんとボロが出た今、誰も彼になど耳を傾けないでしょうIt turns out that he's just a conspiracy theory, shifting the point, and being contrarian, and now that his true nature is being exposed, no one will listen to him.」(文芸誌編集Literary magazine editing)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-2X_rJDfFQ2022/10/07ーNo response from Hiroyuki regarding apology and retraction; public backlash against posthttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_6sm1nKHoOQ&t=73s
「0日にした方がよくない?Isn't it better to set it to 0 days?」直接言葉を交わしたオール沖縄会議現地闘争部長の山城博治さんはYamashiro Hiroji, head of the local struggle department at the All Okinawa Conference, who spoke to him directly, recalled,「自分が来た時に座り込みをしていないからゼロ日にしろ、とは何様か。あっけにとられて怒りもないWho does he think he is, saying we should make it day zero just because there was no sit-in when he arrived? I'm stunned and not even angry.」と振り返る。ひろゆき氏の投稿は「いいね」とリツイートを合わせて30万件を超えるHiroyuki's post has received over 300,000 likes and retweets. 山城さんはYamashiro said「沖縄に犠牲を押し付けながら何の自省もない、倫理観の底が抜けた日本の現状を表している。こうしたソフトな形の侮辱が、直接的な暴力を扇動することを懸念するIt shows the current state of Japan, which has a rock-bottom sense of ethics and shows no self-reflection while imposing sacrifices on Okinawa. I am concerned that such soft forms of insults will incite direct violence」と語った。本紙は5日、ひろゆき氏にツイッター上で取材を申し込んだ。謝罪と撤回の考えがあるかを尋ねたが、返信はなかった。ジャーナリストの大袈裟(おおげさ)太郎さんが4日にインタビューした動画では、ひろゆき氏は認識を改めるつもりがないと回答している。インターネット番組の収録のため訪問したというOn the 5th, this newspaper requested an interview with Hiroyuki on Twitter. We asked him if he was thinking of apologizing and retracting his statement, but received no reply. In a video interview with journalist Ogesa Taro on the 4th, Hiroyuki said that he had no intention of changing his perception. He said he visited to record an internet program.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xK_QXc9g2Ek
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pH7gNZ85V5Y2022.10.20ーWe will not tolerate Hiroyuki's tweets - Hiroji Yamashiro's angry comments on the slander of the Henoko sit-in protest
「詭弁(きべん)を弄(ろう)して、私たちの活動を否定しようとする悪質なものThis is a malicious attempt to deny our activities by using sophistry.」「西村氏のような言動が政府の抑圧を正当化する世論をつくることはあってはならないMr. Nishimura's words and actions must not create public opinion that justifies government oppression.」https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iEKXpSO-2wI
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7kscOgH7KeI2022/1012ーHiroyuki: "Okinawans can't speak grammatically" - remarks about the prefecture's "Japanese"
Il a été révélé qu'il avait tenu des propos haineux sur sa propre chaîne YouTube, disant des choses comme : « Les habitants d'Okinawa ne savent pas parler grammaticalement » et « Beaucoup de gens ne parlent pas correctement le japonais ».沖縄キリスト教学院大学の新垣誠教授(国際人権論)はProfessor Arakaki Makoto of Okinawa Christian University, who specializes in international human rights, criticized the practice, saying「非常に危険だ。日本軍は『標準語』ではない沖縄の言葉を話す住民を虐殺したIt is extremely dangerous. The Japanese military massacred residents who spoke Okinawan languages, which are not standard Japanese.」と批判した。https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZjbYtaL9E4
①https://www.iwgia.org/en/japan/5121-iw-2023-japan.ht②ひろゆき氏を直撃「辺野古座り込み抗議」で議論、SNSに溢れる沖縄巡る誤解の数々 | News&Analysis | ダイヤモンド・オンライン
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HmtPVipP7f82022/10/20ー"He hurts a lot of people" - Criticism of Hiroyuki's remarks about Okinawa continues; In Tokyo, there were protests against the Financial Services Agency for using him in the video
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCUNg83CqMs「基地に反対する沖縄の声をちゃかしているHe is mocking the Okinawan voices opposed to the base.」「沖縄の歴史、文化を知らな過ぎる。主観的なものの見方で、いろんな人を傷つける発言He knows too little about Okinawa's history and culture. His subjective views and comments hurt many people.」「看板の字はロゴタイプとして私が作り上げたデザインで、みんなの思いを込めているThe letters on the sign are a logotype I created, and they contain everyone's thoughts.」「差別的発言を容認しないでDo not tolerate discriminatory remarks.」https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33k_biWbFcI
2021/08/06ーLe linguiste qui a réfuté Hiroyuki : « Grand-père F » Kojima Goichi, qui vit en France depuis plus de 50 ans, parle de la discrimination envers les Japonais (texte intégral)
差別に無自覚な人People who are unaware of discrimination
・・・率直に申し上げて、お二人のフランス語のレベルは、かなりひどいものです。フランス語が話せず、書けない人が、フランス人が差別したかどうかを判断できるはずもありませんFrankly speaking, the level of French of both of them (辻仁成氏Mr. Hitonari Tsuji and Mr. Hiroyuki) is pretty poor. There is no way that someone who cannot speak or write French can judge whether or not the French discriminated.・・・翻って、ひろゆき氏はどうでしょうかOn the other hand, what about Hiroyuki? 氏はフランスに住んでいるのかもしれませんが、フランスで働いているわけではなさそうですHe may live in France, but it doesn't seem like he works there. 生活の原資は主に、日本での活動で得ているのでしょうHis living expenses likely come mainly from his activities in Japan. 日々、どれくらいの頻度でフランス人と会話をしているのでしょうかHow often does he talk to French people on a daily basis? 買い物でも、スーパーなら店員と話をする必要はありませんWhen shopping at a supermarket, you don't have to talk to the store clerk. タクシーに乗る時でも、行き先は紙に書いたり、スマホに表示させたりすれば行ってくれますWhen taking a taxi, you can write your destination on a piece of paper or display it on your smartphone and the taxi will take you there. お金さえあれば、フランス語が全くできなくとも、フランスでの生活は可能ですAs long as you have money, it is possible to live in France even if you don't speak any French.・・・氏がパリに建つアパートの一室に住んでいるのは事実なのかもしれませんIt may be true that he lives in a room in an apartment in Paris. しかし、それはフランス語を使ってフランスで働き、フランスで生計を立てているのとは違いますHowever, that is not the same as working in France and making a living in France, using French. 結局、ひろゆき氏は北海道や沖縄で暮らしているのと大差はないのですIn the end, for Hiroyuki, it's not much different from living in Hokkaido or Okinawa.
2022/10/10ーRegarding the sinfulness of the media's promotion of "Hiroyuki" | Bambi Yoshikawa
「ひろゆき」を放置してきたことの功罪The pros and cons of leaving "Hiroyuki" alone
まずはじめに、私がこの件に関して意見を述べる前に、反省しておかねばならないことがある。少なくともメディアに携わる仕事をしておきながら、さらには言論人として活動している身であるにもかかわらず、これまで「ひろゆき」が無根拠で、偏見じみた、ときには事実や実態に反するような言動をし、大衆の憎悪を煽り、嘲笑的な振る舞いを行うのを「関わりたくもない」と無視し、多少の言及はしたとしても、徹底的に強く批判したり、制止したりしてこなかったことFirst of all, before I express my opinion on this matter, there is something I must reflect on. At the very least, despite working in the media and even being active as a public figure, I have ignored Hiroyuki's baseless, prejudiced, and sometimes untrue statements and actions, which incite hatred among the masses and his mocking behavior, saying that I "don't want to be involved" with him, and even though I have made some comments, I have not criticized him strongly or stopped him.・・・結果として「ひろゆき」がメディアのお墨付きを与えられ、社会に向けて彼の発信が「正当性」を帯びているように見せたり、まるで「正論」であるかのようにまわりが演出したり扱ったりしてきたことについて、私たちを含めたメディア関係者が持つ責任は非常に重いAs a result, "Hiroyuki" was given the media's stamp of approval, and his messages were made to appear "legitimate" to society, and were presented and treated by those around him as if they were "correct," and for this, we, and other members of the media, bear a heavy responsibility.・・・民衆が起こしている抗議運動に対して、当事者でもない(なんならお前はパリにいるじゃん)人間がろくに歴史を知ろうともせず表面的な揚げ足をとって嘲笑、揶揄するような扱いをしたこと。それを番組側としてもたしなめず、出演者が口々に擁護していたことIn response to the protests being waged by the people(Okinawan/Ryukyuan), people(Hiroyuki etc) who are not directly involved (after all, you're in Paris) don't even bother to understand history, nitpicked on superficial points and mocked and ridiculed them. The program staff did not reprimand him, and the other guests all defended him. あんな光景を目の当たりにしてもまだ、メディアは引き続き「ひろゆき」を、有害な過激芸で注目を集めようとする人を、肯定的に出し続けるんでしょうかAfter witnessing such a scene, will the media continue to positively present "Hiroyuki" and other people who seek attention with harmful extremism?
Hate speech laws in France: Les lois sur les discours de haine en France relèvent à la fois du droit civil et du droit pénal. Ces lois protègent les individus et les groupes contre toute diffamation ou insulte en raison de leur appartenance ou de leur non-appartenance, de fait ou d'idée, à une ethnie, une nation, une race, une religion, un sexe, une orientation sexuelle ou une identité de genre ou en raison de leur handicap. Elles interdisent toute communication visant à inciter à la discrimination, à la haine ou à porter préjudice à quiconque en raison de son appartenance ou de sa non-appartenance, de fait ou d'idée, à une ethnie, une nation, une race, une religion, un sexe, une orientation sexuelle ou une identité de genre ou en raison de son handicap.