
当ブログはトロント在住、日系一世カナダ人サミー・山田(48)おっさんの「独り言」です。まさに「個人日記」。1968年11月16日東京都目黒区出身(A型)・在北米30年の日系カナダ人(Canadian Citizen)・University of Toronto Woodsworth College BA History & East Asian Studies Major トロント在住(職業記者・医療関連・副職画家)・Toronto Ontario「団体」「宗教」「党派」一切無関係・「政治的」意図皆無=「事実関係」特定の「考え」が’正しい’あるいは一方だけが’間違ってる’いう気は毛頭なし。「知って」それぞれ「考えて」いただれれば本望(^_-☆Everybody!! Let's 'Ponder' or 'Contemplate' On va vous re?-chercher!Internationale!!「世界人類みな兄弟」「平和祈願」「友好共存」「戦争反対」「☆Against Racism☆」「☆Gender Equality☆」&ノーモア「ヘイト」(怨恨、涙、怒りや敵意しか生まない)Thank you very much for everything!! Ma Cher Minasan, Merci Beaucoup et Bonne Chance 

Homem atira bombas/Atacan sede de partido gobernante/Le nouveau premier ministre nippon Shigeru Ishiba a envoyé《오키나와현Окінава》Hiroyuki aujourd’hui - Quel beau sourire!!!【70.000 Menschen demonstrieren gegen US-Basis auf Okinawa】Privilège et violence de la majorité - What Hiroyuki destroyed(Canada)2024/10/14

①2022/10/08ーYoshifu Arita and Hiroyuki's book of dialogue: "I decided to decline" - Deal falls apart due to Henoko tweet2022/10/09ー有田芳生氏 ひろゆき氏との対談本を断った理由「僕にとってはそれほど沖縄と基地問題、沖縄の歴史は重い」Yoshifu Arita: The reason he turned down the interview book with Hiroyuki: "Okinawa, the base issue, and Okinawa's history are so important to mehttps://www.sponichi.co.jp/entertainment/news/2022/10/09/kiji/20221009s00041000399000c.html

2022/10/05ーHiroyuki: "Wouldn't it be better to make it 0 days?" Post about sit-in protest in front of Henoko Gate sparks controversy

2022/10/04ーHiroyuki mocks Okinawa's anti-base protests with a smile, severe criticism of "vicious" and "lowest sense"
《すごいいい笑顔!!!!What a beautiful smile!!!》《この笑顔を守りたいI want to protect this smile》
《久々に腹が立ったI've been angry for a long time》《こういうの本当に悪質だよなThis is really bad stuff》《悔しくて涙が出る。ここに座り込み続ける人たちを嘲笑うようなことがなぜできるのか。こんな馬鹿馬鹿しいツイートになぜ何万も「いいね」がついてしまうのか。基地問題の本質は沖縄にあるのではなく、本土のこうした無知と無関心と冷笑にあることを改めて痛感するI'm so frustrated I'm in tears. How can anyone ridicule the people who continue to sit here? How can such a ridiculous tweet get tens of thousands of likes? I am once again keenly aware that the essence of the base issue does not lie in Okinawa, but in the ignorance, indifference and cynicism of the mainland

2022/10/20ー"I'm sorry from the mainland to the people of Okinawa" - Hiroyuki's remarks on the Henoko tour - RKB Mainichi Broadcasting commentator "apologises" on radio program
ひろゆきさんの投稿がネット上で「いいね」を集めていることにはHiroyuki's posts have been garnering a lot of likes online「沖縄の人たちの心に傷を負わせているが、配慮は何もないThese things are hurting the hearts of the people of Okinawa, but no consideration is being given to themと憤ったhe said indignantly(神戸金史Kanebumi Kanbe).

2024/10/10ーHiroyuki apologizes for being late to live broadcast: "I was playing games in the bathroom and lost track of time..."

2024/10/14ーThe man who created the message board that Hiroyuki called "ugly writing" expresses his frustration over his mother being killed by a US soldier
「どんな思いで基地に反対し、座り込みをしているのか分からないのだろうI don't think he understands what people are thinking when we protest against the base and hold sit-ins

2022/10/06ーNo response from Hiroyuki regarding apology or retraction; Citizens react to sit-in and post "Wouldn't it be better to make it 0 days?"
「辺野古を訪れるにあたり、その背景である沖縄の基地被害、また日米地位協定などについてどのような書籍などで勉強されましたか?When you visited Henoko, what books did you study about the background of the base damage in Okinawa and the Japan-US Status of Forces Agreement?"
 私の質問に彼は「一般的なものです」と答え、「今回は辺野古の取材ではないので」という言葉を放ち、自身の番組の番宣をして去った。曲がりなりにも言論人とされる彼が辺野古を訪れながら、沖縄に関する一冊の書籍の名前も挙げられなかったことには驚かされたIn response to my question, he(Hiroyuki) answered "general information," and then said, "This time, I'm not covering Henoko," before promoting his own program and leaving. I was surprised that he, who is considered a public figure in his own right, could not name a single book about Okinawa despite visiting Henoko.https://diamond.jp/articles/-/310908?page=2
Taro Ogesa大袈裟 太郎(born 1982) is a Japanese political activist.

2023/08/08ーThe Henoko "sit-in" becomes a joke for the debate king Hiroyuki: The pain of the Okinawan people being met with cold laughter
Since Okinawa was returned to
Japan in 1972, US military bases have been forced upon it. Journalist Koichi Yasuda points out that there is a "mainland" that ridicules, discriminates against, and coldly rejects Okinawa.

2022/12/19ーHiroyuki mocks Okinawa: colonialism behind the sneer | | Shinako Oyakawa
Hiroyuki's tweet mocking the sit-in at Henoko (Nago City, Okinawa Prefecture) reminded Okinawa that it is an object of ridicule from Japan. By laughing, you find allies. There are people who will join you on the ride, customers, and there is profit to be gained by mocking Okinawa. Okinawa has been shown that it is okay to criticize Okinawa, and that there is a certain customer base that is appreciated for mocking Okinawa.
①2019年になり、あなた方(日本とアメリカ)の民主主義と自由は孤独化の上に立っているIt's 2019, and your (Japan and America) democracy and freedom are built on isolation. 私たち琉球・沖縄の人々は植民地から解放されることを望んでいます。 あなたと同じように、私たちも自己決定権を望んでいますWe, the Ryukyu/Okinawa people, want to be liberated from colonial rule. Like you, we want the right to self-determination. 私たちは人間として平等な権利を持つべきですWe should have equal rights as human beings.
琉球返還から51年が経過したが、米軍の悪行は抑えられず、琉球人には基本的人権が認められていないFifty-one years have passed since the return of the Ryukyu Islands to Japan, but the misdeeds of the US military have not been suppressed and the Ryukyuans have not been granted basic human rights. 現在の琉球列島における琉球語復興運動は、言語帝国主義と闘うための手段であり、さらに重要なことは、琉球を脱植民地化することであるThe current Ryukyuan language revival movement in the Ryukyu Islands is a means to fight linguistic imperialism and, more importantly, to decolonize the Ryukyus.
*Shinako Oyakawa親川 志奈子 (born 1981) is a part-time lecturer at Okinawa University (sociolinguistics). Born in Okinawa City.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAHR4r-9ZsE2022/12/01ー What Hiroyuki destroyed: Debate is not the same as "Ronpa(refutation)" - Takeshi Nakajimahttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVm8MT6unF0
・・・「ひろゆき氏が沖縄を笑えるのはなぜか−多数派の特権と暴力Why can Hiroyuki laugh at Okinawa? - Privilege and violence of the majority.(阿部岳Takeshi Abe:論座Ronza、10月31日)番組の中で、ひろゆきは思い込みを指摘されても、へらへらと笑みを浮かべ、時に嘲笑した。阿部はその笑いを、強い側にいる人間の特権であると論じ、笑いのめすことの暴力性を指摘するIn the program, even when Hiroyuki's assumptions were pointed out, he would smile and sometimes even laugh. Abe argues that this laughter is the privilege of those in a stronger position, and points out the violence of laughing at others.「自分が多数派の側にいて、反発されても数の力で押し流せることを知っているからこそ、人は安心して対峙(たいじ)する相手を笑いのめすことができるHiroyuki knows that he is on the side of the majority and that even if he faces opposition he can push it aside with the power of numbers, which is why he can feel safe and laugh at those who confront him.・・・ひろゆきの嘲笑は、さまざまなものを毀損(きそん)している。まずは、沖縄の人たちの尊厳である。自らのポジショナリティに対する省察がないまま、相手に軽蔑的な笑いを向けることは、許されることではないHiroyuki's ridicule is damaging many things. First of all, it is the dignity of the Okinawan people. It is not permissible to direct contemptuous laughter at someone without any reflection on one's own positionality.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BuvAYdBNTE&t=141s
Takeshi Nakajima中島 岳志 (born February 16, 1975) is a Japanese political scientist and historian. He holds a PhD in Area Studies from Kyoto University.
阿部岳記者 「(ひろゆき氏は)ネトウヨですね」 | 令和電子瓦版記者も拘束、自由なき沖縄(襲撃30年 明日も喋ろう) [兵庫県]:朝日新聞デジタル

2022/10/31ーSense of crisis over Hiroyuki's remarks that spread malice
<There are people in this world who want to be free from the "sensible argument" that accusations from minorities and human rights issues should be resolved as the responsibility of society as a whole.>
「『寝たきり老人の胃ろうに保険適用しません。飯が食えない老人は自費で生き残るか諦めてください』と言える政治家が必要になりますWe need politicians who can say, 'Insurance will not cover gastrostomy tubes for bedridden elderly people. Elderly people who cannot afford to eat will have to either survive by paying for it themselves or give up.」(10月17日/ひろゆきHiroyuki)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=on9qpAAUnGs
ひろゆき氏は10月3日から、沖縄の辺野古基地建設反対運動で行われている建設資材の搬入を阻止するための座り込み行動に対して、工事車両が来ないときは座り込んでないのだから、これは座り込み運動ではないという揶揄を続けているSince October 3rd, Hiroyuki has been mocking the sit-in protests being held to prevent the delivery of construction materials in the anti-construction movement at Henoko, Okinawa, by saying that since there are no sit-ins when construction vehicles are not coming, it is not a sit-in protest.・・・このような、10月に投稿されたひろゆき氏の一連の発言に共通しているのは、多数派にとって目障りで、お荷物とみなされているような対象を、悪意をもって踏み付けるという意志に他ならないWhat these series of comments posted by Hiroyuki in October have in common is nothing other than a willingness to maliciously trample on those who are seen by the majority as an eyesore and a burden.・・・ひろゆき氏は10月の一連の発言に関して、どれについても謝罪をしていない。これは極めて危険な兆候だ。こうした発言が許され、支持されてしまうなら、それは社会の底が抜けてしまったということだからだHiroyuki has not apologized for any of the comments he made in October. This is a very dangerous sign. If such comments are tolerated and supported, it would mean that society has fallen into disarray. だから私たちは、たとえ「問題提起」だろうと許されない発言はあるのだ、ということを、もう一度確認する必要があるのだSo we need to reaffirm that there are some comments that are not tolerated, even if they are just "raising an issue."
現代ニホン主義の精神史的状況Spiritual history of modern Japaneseism藤崎剛人Masato Fujisaki

2021/09/16ーHiroyuki vs. Shigeru Ishiba: "Why can't you become important in the LDP?"
Have more fun with real economics! "Nikkei TV Tokyo University" is now available on the YouTube channel! A talk show where Yusuke Narita, an assistant professor at Yale University, and Hiroyuki Nishimura, founder of 2channel, provide new perspectives and redefine fundamental problems in Japan and the world.

