
当ブログはトロント在住、日系一世カナダ人サミー・山田(48)おっさんの「独り言」です。まさに「個人日記」。1968年11月16日東京都目黒区出身(A型)・在北米30年の日系カナダ人(Canadian Citizen)・University of Toronto Woodsworth College BA History & East Asian Studies Major トロント在住(職業記者・医療関連・副職画家)・Toronto Ontario「団体」「宗教」「党派」一切無関係・「政治的」意図皆無=「事実関係」特定の「考え」が’正しい’あるいは一方だけが’間違ってる’いう気は毛頭なし。「知って」それぞれ「考えて」いただれれば本望(^_-☆Everybody!! Let's 'Ponder' or 'Contemplate' On va vous re?-chercher!Internationale!!「世界人類みな兄弟」「平和祈願」「友好共存」「戦争反対」「☆Against Racism☆」「☆Gender Equality☆」&ノーモア「ヘイト」(怨恨、涙、怒りや敵意しか生まない)Thank you very much for everything!! Ma Cher Minasan, Merci Beaucoup et Bonne Chance 

《論破力Argumentative power》5채널≪4chan≫2ch.net“無敵のInvincible”別稱(「知ったかおじさん?😆Un oncle qui sait tout?」)〈大影响家인플루언서Influencer〉La secte『ヘラヘラ民国Republic of Herahera』教祖へ捧げる頁Page dedicated to the (Guru)founder⑥Sous le ciel de Paris(CANADA)2024/11/16

自分は自分、バカはバカ。 他人に振り回されない一人勝ちI am me, and a fool is a fool. I am the only one who can win without being influenced by others ...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AvvFGY8BDJA

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NAfO1azZSds「賢いのに偉そうにふるまわず、私たちの目線でなんでもわかりやすく教えてくれる物知りなお兄さんHiroyuki is a very intelligent man who doesn't act bossy and explains things to us in an easy-to-understand way.」「自分たちのような賢くない庶民にも難しいことをわかりやすい説明で教えてくれるナビゲーターHe is a navigator who explains difficult things in an easy-to-understand way, even for ordinary people like us who aren't very smart.」「立派な肩書や学歴のある専門家や知識人といったインテリ層・エリート層の『頭の良さ』なんか、実は大したことないじゃんThe 'intelligence' of the intellectual and elite classes, such as experts and intellectuals with impressive titles and academic backgrounds, is actually not that great.」https://news.infoseek.co.jp/article/president_51540/

*「専門家が言っていることは必ず正しいと盲目的に信じる方が社会にとっては良くないIt is not good for society to blindly believe that what experts say is always correct.「ほら、ここもまた混ぜっ返す。俺はそんなこと言っていないWell, here he goes again. I never said that.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOz1CzMBmuQ
「サービスや金額は一緒ですよね? 国民(健康)保険って地域によって変わります?Aren't the services and fees the same? Does national (health) insurance vary by region?」いやいやいや、組合は資金の大きさで保険機能が変わるわけだし、地域によって変わるよ。保険料率が違うよ。国民健康保険の地域によってできるサービスが違うNo, no, no, the insurance function of the union changes depending on the size of its funds, and it also changes depending on the region. The insurance premium rates are different. The services available in the National Health Insurance area are different.https://www.nikkansports.com/general/nikkan/news/202311290000862.html
「人が死んでて埋まってるときにやるべきじゃないよねっていう普通の話を僕してるんですよI was just saying that it's not something you should do when someone is dead and buried.」「結局平時の場合だと注目浴びないから、じゃあ炎上したほうがわりと注目浴びるよねっていう、なんか“炎上芸人”的な動きの結果がいま(この議論をすること)なのかIn the end, in normal times, you wouldn't attract much attention, so if you cause a flaming incident, you'll attract more attention, right? Is this debate happening now as a result of the actions of a flaming comedian?"」
「そういう悪意はやめようよ、本当に。意味ないからLet's stop being so spiteful, seriously. There's no point.
「1ヵ月後じゃなぜ意味ないんすか。僕わかんないです。1ヵ月後だとなぜこの議論が意味がないんですかWhy doesn't it make sense in a month? I don't get it. Why doesn't this discussion make sense in a month?」
「ほとんど本質的じゃないHardly substantive.https://jisin.jp/domestic/2283331/

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kOCOUvzLsw4L'affaire de la caisse noire japonaise日本自由民主黨政治資金醜聞Скандал вокруг японского тайного фонда в 2023–2024 гг. est une affaire politico-financière qui a eu lieu au Japon. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7-7sUCUUpns

2024/11/13ーHiroyuki's unique opinion on the appointment of Akiko Ikuina as Parliamentary Vice-Minister: "I think this is not a bad personnel move" and "It's better to have a lighter portable shrine"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxExEDfL_lU

① Ushirogami Hikaretai (うしろ髪ひかれ隊우시로가미히카레타이) est un groupe de J-pop actif en 1987 et 1988, composé de trois idoles japonaises dont la future vedette Shizuka Kudo et Akiko Ikuina, Makiko Saito. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q66MWJ9tRqk

②Akiko Ikuina (生稲晃子생이나 아키코, Ikuina Akiko, née le 28 avril 1968 à Koganei, Japon)Акико Икуина est une actrice, ex chanteuse et idole japonaise dans les années 1980, qui débute en 1986 avec le groupe J-pop Onyanko Club. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwDkPdOIJDc旧統一教会Secte Moon통일교Église de l’unification세계평화통일가정연합

・・・「24時間座り込まないといけない」「座り込みの意味を理解していない」「わざとおかしな人をリーダーにして、まともな沖縄基地反対派を増やさない作戦」「字が汚い」などと、抗議の方法や表記内容について批判を続けていますHiroyuki continues to criticize the method and content of the protest, saying,"They have to sit in for 24 hours," "They don't understand the meaning of a sit-in," "They're deliberately choosing a strange person as the leader to prevent the number of legitimate opponents of the Okinawa bases from increasing," and "Their handwriting is messy."・・・今回、抗議内容ではなく、方法に論点をずらして、当事者の声をかき消していることについて、ひろゆき氏は7日に出演したアベプラで「反対運動を揶揄」していたことを認めていますRegarding the fact that the focus has shifted from the content of the protest to the method, and the voices of those involved are being drowned out, Hiroyuki admitted on Abema Prime, in which he appeared on the 7th, that he was "making fun of the opposition movement."・・・
 このような、訴えの内容ではなく、その訴えの方法や言葉使いを非難するという論点のすり替えは「トーンポリシング」(tone-policing)と呼ばれ、当事者の声を遮る不適切な行為であるとされていますThis type of shifting of the argument by criticizing the way a complaint is made or the language used rather than its substance is known as "tone policing" and is considered inappropriate behavior that silences the parties involved.・・・
 これだけひろゆき氏の言動が話題になったにも関わらず、沖縄問題について十分な本質的議論に繋がらなかったのは、その内容がトーンポリシングという、論点のすり替えだったことに原因があると考えますDespite Hiroyuki's words and actions becoming a hot topic, they did not lead to a sufficient and substantive discussion of the Okinawa issue. I believe this is because the content of his comments was tone policing, a shift in the issue.https://newspicks.com/news/7821500/body/

 一部が持つ悪意を巧みに誘導Skillfully guiding the malice of some
 しかしこうしたひろゆき氏の一連の悪意は、Twitterで多くのRTや「いいね!」を集めており、多くの人々に支持されてしまっている。『沖縄タイムス』の阿部岳記者の記事によれば、ひろゆき氏に追随して、沖縄の運動に心無い言葉を向ける人々が増えているというHowever, these malicious comments by Hiroyuki have garnered many retweets and likes on Twitter, and are supported by many people. According to an article by reporter Takeshi Abe of the Okinawa Times, more and more people are following Hiroyuki's lead and directing insensitive words at the Okinawa movement.・・・
 人々の中には、マイノリティからの告発や、人権問題は社会全体の責任で解決すべきであるという「正論」から自由になりたい者がいる。そのような者にとって、議論を「座り込み」の定義や胃ろうのコストといった極めて限定的な範囲に強制的に絞ったうえで、ロジック上の「正論」を振りかざし、議論に勝利し続けているかのように見える「論破王」ひろゆき氏は、ありがたい存在だ。なぜなら、自分たちが差別や人権、社会的弱者の問題について、何も学ぶ必要がないと勇気付けてくれるからだ。ひろゆき氏の尻馬に乗ることは、社会的な責任を回避するための極めて低カロリーな方法なのだSome people want to be free from the "sound argument" that accusations from minorities and human rights issues should be resolved as the responsibility of society as a whole. For such people, Hiroyuki, the "King of Debate," who appears to continue winning arguments by forcibly narrowing the discussion to a very limited range such as the definition of "sit-ins" and the cost of gastrostomy, is a welcome presence. This is because he encourages them that they do not need to learn anything about discrimination, human rights, or issues of the socially vulnerable. Jumping on Hiroyuki's bandwagon is an extremely low-calorie way to avoid social responsibility.https://www.newsweekjapan.jp/fujisaki/2022/10/post-49_1.php

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PiWv5deh8Hs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UiweKTX9QfE

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPR16mmc1b4「他人が何を大事だと思うかは、他人の勝手What other people think is important is up to us.」「そんなに助けてあげたいほど大事なら、口出すよりも金出してあげたらいいんじゃない?言うだけなら誰でもできるIf it's important enough that you want to help them, why not give them money instead of interfering? Anyone can say something.」
https://www.nikkansports.com/entertainment/news/202108130000331.html「ただでさえ苦しんでいる人にさらに苦しみを与えてしまう行為What I did was to cause even more suffering to someone who was already suffering.」「生活保護を実際に受けているすべての方に深く謝罪させていただきますI would like to offer my deepest apologies to all those who are actually receiving welfare benefits.」

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtAhYSer4v4&t=45s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Up5OBiIm9_U

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HfB-a-B8sVw「結局、彼らは口だけで誰も助けず、いい人振りたいだけの愚者の行動In the end, they are all talk and no one is helping anyone, just the actions of fools who want to act like good people.」「そんな暇あるなら、バイトでもして、ウクライナに海外送金してあげなよとIf you have that kind of free time, why don't you get a part-time job and send some money to Ukraine?」https://www.j-cast.com/2022/04/18435552.htmlまったくおなじ、なにも変っていない、と思うのはおいらだけですかね?
It's exactly the same, am I(Oira) the only one who thinks he hasn't changed at all?~♪おいらにゃ~闘う~意地があるI(Oira) have the determination to fight~だけどルルルルBut, rurururu~♪血涙tears of blood
*【参照Reference】今回折り鶴を送ろうとしたのは、埼玉県の障害者就労移行支援施設の利用者で、送り先は東京・港区の在日ウクライナ大使館だったということを知らない人もいたからだThe people who were sending the folded paper cranes this time were users of a facility in Saitama Prefecture that provides employment transition support for people with disabilities, and some of them were unaware that the destination was the Ukrainian Embassy in Japan in Tokyo's Minato Ward.https://friday.kodansha.co.jp/article/240207ウクライナ大使館は迷惑だとは一言も言っていないThe Ukrainian Embassy never said anything about it being a nuisance.「今回の一件はウクライナ大使館も『ありがたい。是非お願いします』と言ってくださったことからスタートしているものと聞いています"I heard that this incident started with the Ukrainian Embassy saying, 'We would be grateful. We would be happy to assist you.'"ロシアには「鶴」という民謡があるThere is a folk song in Russia called "Cranes(Журавли) ".https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=za6QQt6Xdrs https://www.nikkan-gendai.com/articles/view/geino/304342

2021/08/13ーFools, being fools, end up taking easy-to-understand contrarian positions.
 なぜ逆張りに走るのかWhy go against the flow(Contrarian)?
 では本題。なぜDaiGoのような人々はわかりやすい逆張りに走るのでしょうか。それは、基本的に、彼らに能力がないからですNow to the main topic. Why do people like DaiGo resort to obvious contrarian moves? Basically, it's because they lack the ability.
 人が注目を集めようとするときには、2つの方法があります。まっとうなことを言うか、まっとうではない逆張りを言うかですWhen people try to get attention, there are two ways to do it: they can say something right, or they can say something contrarian that is not right.
 まっとうなことを言って注目を集めるのは結構大変です。なにせまっとうなことですから、それを言う人は大勢います。つまり、最初からライバルが多いという状況がまずあります。その中で頭ひとつ抜けるには、まっとうなことをそのまま言うだけでは無駄で、わかりやすくしたり面白くしたりといった工夫がいります。つまり、能力が相応に必要なわけですIt's quite hard to get attention by saying something reasonable. Since it's something reasonable, there are many people who say it. In other words, you'll have a lot of rivals from the start. To stand out from the crowd, it's no use just saying something reasonable; you need to make it easy to understand and interesting. In other words, you need a certain amount of ability.
On the other hand, an unfair contrarian view is unfair, so to begin with, there are few people who say it and few rivals. Furthermore, unfair things can be made as easy to understand or interesting as you like. To make fair things easy to understand or interesting, you need to be careful that your argument does not lose its fairness in the process. However, unfair things are unfair to begin with, so there is no need to worry about them becoming unfair in the process of making them easy to understand or interesting. Anyone can do this.・・・
 社会の問題Social issues
 こうしたまっとうでない人たちが跳梁跋扈してしまうのは、もちろん社会にも問題があります。DaiGoは数多くの書籍を出版してきましたが、そもそもその背景には彼の本を出してしまう会社があり、買ってしまう読者の問題があるのですOf course, it is a problem in society that such dishonest people are allowed to run rampant. DaiGo has published many books, but in the first place, there is a company that publishes his books, and there is a problem with the readers who buy them.

2024/07/24ーHiroyuki criticizes the mindset of men who marry "poor women" from different countries: "They only make themselves unhappy" and "I think there are a lot of Japanese people like that..."

①2021/08/06ーThe thoughts of rebellious linguist "Grandpa F" Mr. Kojima Goichi, as told to the Tokyo Shimbun 10 years ago - What we learned from a survey of Türkiye's ethnic minorities that continued despite pressure
②2011/09/07ー水際の旅、小島剛一さんと共に - 記憶の彼方へA journey along the water's edge with Mr. Kojima Goichi - Beyond memory 「闘う言語学者」こと小島剛一さん、襟裳岬にてMr. Kojima Goichi, the "fighting linguist," at Cape Erimo. https://elmikamino.hatenablog.jp/entry/20110907/p1③2023/10/22「頑張ってください」はNG…「四国遍路」への誤解、そのせいで起きているトラブルの数々を反骨の言語学者“F爺”が解説"Do your best" is a no-no... Rebellious linguist "F-jii" explains the misunderstandings about the Shikoku Pilgrimage and the troubles that have arisen as a result https://www.dailyshincho.jp/article/2023/10221103/
「若者言葉を知らない高齢者の方が『聞いたことが無いからフランス人は使わない』というのは勉強不足なだけWhen older people who don't know youth slang say, 'I've never heard it, so French people don't use it,' that's just a lack of knowledge.」こにも書いていません。「ひろゆき」は、歪曲・捏造引用をしています。存在しない瑕疵を捏造して攻撃していますI have not written anything about this anywhere. Hiroyuki has distorted and fabricated quotes. He is attacking me by fabricating flaws that do not exist. そもそも「putain」は若者言葉ではないIn the first place, 'putain' is not a youth slang word. https://dailynewsonline.jp/article/2702073/「語源が古いから、若者言葉ではない」というのは反論になってません。「ヤバい」は若者言葉ですが、江戸時代から使われていて、「矢場」から来てます。そもそも、ご自身で「『若者言葉を知らない』ということはあり得ますが」と認めてるので、、、"Its etymology is old, so it's not youth slang" is not a valid counterargument. "Yabai" is youth slang, but it has been used since the Edo period and comes from "Yaba". In the first place, you yourself admitted that "it's possible that I don't know youth slang," so...「ひろゆき」は、「ヤバい」という言葉の「語源」なるものを披露していますが、数ある根拠の無いド素人語源説の一つに過ぎないことを知らないようです。典拠を示していないのは、そんなものは存在しないからです"Hiroyuki" presents the "etymology" of the word "yabai," but does not seem to know that it is just one of many unfounded etymological theories written by amateurs. He does not provide a source because such a theory does not exist・・・世の中には謙譲表現というものが存在することを知らないのですね。どこまで無教養なのでしょうYou don't know that there is such a thing as humble expressions in the world. How uneducated can you be?
https://fjii.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-3041.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zmhoKY7oKHI https://dailynewsonline.jp/article/2704977/  
Goichi Kojima (Japonca: 小島剛一코지마 고이치; d. 1946)Гоичи Кодзима Japon dilbilimcidir. Fransa'da yaşamaktadır. 

トルコのもう一つの顔 小島 剛一【著】Another Face of Türkiye by Gōichi Kojima
言語学者である著者はトルコ共和国を1970年に訪れて以来、その地の人々と諸言語の魅力にとりつかれ、十数年にわたり一年の半分をトルコでの野外調査に費す日日が続いた。調査中に見舞われた災難に、進んで救いの手をさしのべ、言葉や歌を教えてくれた村人たち。辺境にあって歳月を越えてひそやかに生き続ける「言葉」とその守り手への愛をこめて綴る、とかく情報不足になりがちなトルコという国での得がたい体験の記録であるThe author, a linguist, has been fascinated by the people and languages ​​of Turkey since he first visited the country in 1970, and has spent half a year conducting fieldwork there for over a decade. When he encountered misfortunes during his fieldwork, villagers willingly offered him a helping hand and taught him words and songs. This is a record of his rare experiences in Turkey, a country where information is often lacking, written with love for the "language" that has quietly survived for years in a remote area and its guardians.

2024/11/12ーHiroyuki praises Prime Minister Ishiba for abolishing "policy activity expenses": "It's only natural to reduce the share, so do it wisely"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vIgKWB6uUfo

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yyarj4ilsZM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uu6hJB2IUH8

①Niconico (ニコニコ, Nikoniko?, litt. « Sourire ») anciennement connu sous le nom Nico Nico Dōga (ニコニコ動画
니코니코 동화Нико Нико До:га, litt. « Sourire vidéos ») ou Nico-dō est un site web de partage de vidéos, très populaire au Japon, géré par Niwango②ペンギン村Penguin Village:地域の近所の人とやるようなことを、ネット越しにやろうとする村ですA village that aims to do things online that you would do with your local neighbors.  ひろゆき(村長)Hiroyuki (Village head).https://epg.jp/

