『한국의 역사와 발전朝鮮史 その発展History of Korea and its development』(講談社現代新書(1977)Kodansha Gendai Shinsho)카지무라 히데키梶村 秀樹Hideki Kajimura(著Author)Товарищ!《Une lettre à des amis du monde entier/世界の友邦たちへの書/Письмо друзьям по всему миру》캐나다加拿大Канада🍁2024/06/14㉑
*Françaisフランス語→Yang Se-bong (coréen : 양세봉梁世奉Ян Се-бон ; 5 juin 1896 – 12 août 1934)양서봉(梁瑞鳳), 이명(異名)은 양윤봉(梁允奉) était un militant indépendantiste coréen et le commandant en chef de l'Armée révolutionnaire coréenne de la préfecture populaire nationale, pendant la période coloniale japonaise.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_tmtZGOF1w
抗日パルチザン闘争は、初期には中国共産党中央・満州省委員会の指導のもとに、東北抗日連軍(→東北人民革命軍)の一環として、朝・中連帯の理念のもとで展開されたIn the early days, the anti-Japanese partisan struggle was carried out under the guidance of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Manchuria Provincial Committee as part of the Northeast Anti-Japanese United Army (→Northeast People's Revolutionary Army) under the idea of solidarity between North Korea and China.
*Русскийロシア語→Северо-Восточная антияпонская объединённая армия (кит. 東北抗日聯軍) 동북항일연군Northeast Anti-Japanese United Army, NAJUA— антияпонское партизанское формирование, действовавшее в Маньчжурии (с 1932 года — Маньчжоу-го) после её оккупации Японией в 1931 году.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkuhxbD1kLY&t=251s
20年代には、社会主義者は、まだブルジョア民族主義を批判する理論啓蒙活動に専念しており、その末期には大衆的農民運動(反地主闘争)を開始していたIn the 1920s, socialists were still devoted to theoretical enlightenment activities criticizing bourgeois nationalism, and towards the end of that period they launched a mass peasant movement (anti-landlord struggle). 朝鮮共産党員の中国共産党編入直後の、1930年間島5・30蜂起は、社会主義者の本格的実力抗争の発端であるThe May 30th Jiandao Uprising in 1930, which occurred shortly after the Korean Communist Party was incorporated into the Chinese Communist Party, marked the beginning of full-scale physical struggle by socialists.
*간도 공산당 사건(間島共産黨事件Gando Communist Incident)은 1927년에서 1930년 사이, 간도에서 활동하던 공산주의 운동가들을 일본 제국(일제)이 검거한 사건이다.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGk8MInwGLs
これ自体は当時の中共中央の리리싼李立三Ли Лисаньの都市蜂起指令に忠実に従ったもので、多くの犠牲者を出したThis was a faithful compliance with Li Lisan's order for urban uprisings from the then Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and resulted in many casualties. しかし、それに続く一連の激しい大衆的農民蜂起の中から、パルチザン部隊が生み出されていったHowever, partisan forces were born out of the series of violent popular peasant uprisings that followed. 後にこの30年の蜂起は、李立三個人の責任として批判されていくがLater, the 1930 uprising was criticized as the personal responsibility of Li Lisan、同年の朝鮮内での労働運動や日本の「全協(日本労働組合全国協議会)」の運動とよく似た質であることからみて、おそらくコミンテルン中央の指示もあったとみられるthis movement was similar in nature to the labor movement in Korea that year and to the movement of Japan's Zenkyo (National Conference of Japanese Trade Unions), it is likely that instructions from the Comintern Central Committee were also given.
*日本労働組合全国協議会(にほんろうどうくみあいぜんこくひょうぎかいDer Japan National Council of Labor Unions)Японский национальный совет профсоюзовは、戦前に日本に存在した労働組合のナショナルセンター。略称は全協。
当時の満州は、中国共産党の運動全体からみると後進地域でAt that time, Manchuria was a backward region in the overall Chinese Communist Party movement、中国人党員の勢力はまだ弱かったので、抗日の最前線の責務はもっぱら間島の朝鮮人の肩にかかってきたsince the power of Chinese party members was still weak, the responsibility of fighting on the front lines of the anti-Japanese war effort fell primarily on the shoulders of the Koreans in Jiandao. それを、かれらはきわめて忠実に遂行したのだったThis they carried out very faithfully.
こうして、間島のパルチザンは短期間にめざましく成長し、33年には、山間地帯に小規模ながら七つの解放区が成立したIn this way, the partisans in Jiandao grew remarkably in a short period of time, and by 1933 seven small liberated areas had been established in the mountainous areas. もともと当時の間島は、住民の大多数が朝鮮人であったから、パルチザン部隊もほとんど朝鮮人によって構成されていたとみられるOriginally, the majority of the residents of Jiandao at that time were Korean, so it is believed that the partisan units were also mostly made up of Koreans. 解放区にはソビエト政権が樹立され、ほどなく人民民主主義政権に改編されたSoviet regimes were established in the liberated areas and were soon transformed into people's democratic regimes. 朝鮮本国では弾圧のためその一歩手前で抑えられていた解放区形態がIn Korea itself, the liberation of the area was suppressed due to oppression、ここでは、弾圧の相対的弱さの中で、ストレートに現出しえたのであったhere, given the relative weakness of repression, it was able to manifest itself directly.
だが初め有力だった中国側の軍閥・国民党系軍等の反「満」抗日闘争が急速に崩壊していくにつれて、突出した抗日パルチザン部隊に、日本帝国主義の「討伐」が集中されるようになったHowever, as the anti-Japanese struggle in Manchuria by the initially powerful Chinese warlords and Kuomintang-affiliated forces rapidly collapsed, the "punitive" efforts of Japanese imperialism were concentrated on prominent anti-Japanese partisan forces. あわせて農民とパルチザン部隊に、日本帝国主義の「討伐」が集中されるようになったAt the same time, the "punitive" efforts against Japanese imperialism were concentrated on peasant and partisan units. あわせて農民とパルチザンを分離するために「集団部落」を設定して、一般農民をそこに強制収容したAdditionally, in order to separate peasants from partisans, "collective villages" were established and ordinary peasants were forcibly interned there. また、朝鮮人が「満州国」の支配民族の地位につけるかのごとき欺瞞宣伝を行なって、反帝闘争をきりくずすための謀略団体「民生団」が作られたりしたIn addition, they(Japanese) carried out deceptive propaganda that Koreans could become the ruling nation of "Manchukuo," and created a conspiracy organization called the "Minseongdan" to undermine the anti-imperialist struggle.
*Deutschドイツ語→Der Minsaengdan-Zwischenfall민생단 사건(民生團事件)The Minsaengdan incidentИнцидент в Минсэнгдане, or Min-Sheng-T'uan Incident oder Min-Sheng-T'uan-Zwischenfall war eine Reihe von Säuberungen zwischen 1933 und 1936, bei denen die Kommunistische Partei Chinas (KPCh) Koreaner in der Mandschurei verhaftete, vertrieb und tötete, basierend auf dem Verdacht, dass die gesäuberten Koreaner die japanischen Besatzer als Teil der projapanischen und antikommunistischen Gruppe Minsaengdan unterstützten. Die KPCh verhaftete und vertrieb über 1.000 ihrer koreanischen Mitglieder und tötete während der Säuberungen 500.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vKFpRR0Bdq4
この「民生団」自体は、たいした影響力はなかったのだが、それへの当時の中共満州省委の誤った対応(朝鮮人を一律に幹部からはずした等)が、解放区の内部に動揺をひきおこしたThe Minshengdan itself did not have much influence, but the misguided response of the Manchuria Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China at the time to it (such as uniformly removing Koreans from cadre positions) caused unrest within the liberated areas. 34~35年の日本軍の大「討伐」の中で、解放区は放棄されざるをえなかったDuring the Japanese military's massive "punitive campaign" from 1934 to 1935, the liberated areas had to be abandoned. 金日成は、朝鮮人パルチザン部隊を率いて各地を転戦したすえ、コミンテルン七回大会の反帝民族統一戦線の方針にそって朝鮮国境に最も近い長白県に遊撃根拠地を設定しなおしKim Il-sung led Korean partisan units in fighting in various places, and then re-established a guerrilla base in Changbai County, the closest to the Korean border, in accordance with the policy of the anti-imperialist national united front of the Seventh Congress of Comintern、そして、36年5月、反帝民族解放闘争の基本方針と人民民主主義的な内容をふくんだ10ヶ条の綱領をもつ「祖国光復会」を結成しIn May 1936, founded the Fatherland Restoration Association, which had a 10-point platform that included basic principles for the anti-imperialist national liberation struggle and people's democratic content、国内民衆との接近、朝鮮の民族解放の課題をもっぱら追求したfocused solely on rapprochement with the people of the country and the liberation of the Korean nation. 以後、朝鮮人パルチザン部隊は事実上中共の指導をはなれ、独自の行動をとったとみられるFrom then on, the Korean partisan units effectively broke away from the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party and appeared to act independently.
①[企画連載1Planned Series 1] 金日成主席の抗日運動の歴史History of Chairman Kim Il-sung's Anti-Japanese Movement②前列右から二人目が金日成ですPhoto of United Nations forces taken after field training on October 5, 1943. First row, second from the right is President Kim Il-sung, to his right is Brigade Commander Sirinsky, to his left are Brigade Commander Ju Bo-jung, Wang Il-ji, Lee Jo-rin, and Batalin.
実際、意識的な努力の結果、国内民衆との連係が一定範囲で確立されたIn fact, as a result of conscious efforts, some degree of liaison with the domestic public has been established. 甲山地方では、朴達(1910~60)らによって、朝鮮共産党再建をめざす朝鮮民族解放同盟が組織されたIn the Kosan region, Pak Dal and others organized the Korean National Liberation League, which aimed to rebuild the Korean Communist Party.
①박달(朴達, 1910년 10월 28일 ~ 1960년 4월 1일)은 조선의 독립운동가로, 본명은 박문상(朴文湘)이다②Українськаウクライナ語→Корейська добровольча армія (кор.: хангиль: 조선의용군, ханча: 朝鮮義勇軍Korean Volunteer Army) — озброєне крило Чосонського альянсу незалежності, сформованого в 1942 році шляхом реорганізації північнокитайського відділення Добровольчого корпусу Чосону.
この連係を基礎にして金日成は、パルチザン部隊を国内に進出させる大胆な作戦を敢行したBased on this cooperation, Kim Il-sung carried out a bold operation to advance partisan units into the country. とくに1937年6月の普天堡の戦闘、39年5月の茂山の戦闘は、国内にも報道され、民衆に深い印象を刻みつけたIn particular, the Battle of Pochonbo in June 1937 and the Battle of Musan in May 1939 were reported domestically and left a deep impression on the people. ただし、国内の弾圧体制の異常な強まりのため、祖国光復会の組織活動は地域的に限定されざるをえなかったHowever, due to the extraordinary strengthening of the domestic repressive regime, the ARF's organizational activities had to be limited geographically. 40年にいったん収束されるまでたしかに抗日パルチザンは相対的に最強の抗日力量だったが、寸断された民族解放の全戦線を統括していたわけではないUntil the conflict was brought to an end in 1940, anti-Japanese partisans were certainly the strongest anti-Japanese force in relative terms, but they did not control the entire front of national liberation, which was now fragmented.
*Françaisフランス語→La bataille de Pochonbo (보천보 습격(普天堡 襲擊事件) 또는 보천보 전투(普天堡 戰鬪)Poch'ŏnbo chŏnt'u) du 4 juin 1937 est un affrontement entre militants indépendantistes coréens, menés par Kim Il-sung (ou peut-être Choe Hyon)Бой при Почхонбо et les autorités coloniales japonaises en Corée. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_tTkI_mehRY
社会主義者の間でも、国内では朴憲永(1900~53)らの「ソウル・コム」グループ(火曜派系)が40年頃まで独自の地下活動を続けていたEven among socialists in Korea, the Seoul.com group (affiliated with the Tuesday faction) led by Pak Hon-yong continued its own underground activities until around 1940. 35年以後、中国の옌안시延安ЯньаньにはML派系等の人々が集まり、中国大陸の戦線で反戦工作に従事したAfter 1935, people associated with the ML faction gathered in Yan'an, China, and engaged in anti-war activities on the front lines in mainland China.
*Españolスペイン語→Pak Heon-yeong박헌영朴憲永, (28 de mayo de 1900-19 de diciembre de 1956) fue activista de la independencia, escritor, periodista, militante comunista de Corea. Dirigente del Partido Comunista de Corea.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_aY_GMcPng
ブルジョア民族主義者の側では、李承晩(1875~1965)はアメリカ外交工作に専念したにすぎなかったがOn the bourgeois nationalist side, Syngman Rhee was solely devoted to American diplomatic maneuverings、上海の大韓民国臨時政府は、20年代を混乱のうちにすごしたすえ、「満州事変」以後、金九(1875~1948)の統率のもとで一連の爆弾闘争を敢行して活路を開いたThe Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea in Shanghai had been through a period of turmoil in the 1920s, but after the Manchurian Incident, it launched a series of bomb attacks under the leadership of Kim Gu to find a way out. 臨時政府は、のちに蔣介石政権とともに重慶に移り、一時的ながら義烈団との統一戦線を成立させ、「光復軍」を組織して45年2月には日本に宣戦を布告したThe Provisional Government later moved to Chongqing together with the Chiang Kai-shek government, temporarily forming a united front with the Righteous Army, organizing the "Liberation Army" and declaring war on Japan in February 1945.
①Portuguêsポルトガル語→Syngman Rhee (hangul: 이승만; hanja: 李承晩; Whanghae, Coreia, 26 de Março de 1875 – Honolulu, 19 de Julho de 1965)Ли Сын Ман foi um político sul-coreano que serviu como primeiro presidente da Coreia do Sul, de 1948 a 1960.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QTCu4wslZwc
②Françaisフランス語→Kim Koo, Kim Ku ou Kim Gu (hangeul : 김구, hanja : 金九, né à Haeju le 11 juillet 1876, mort le 26 juin 1949)Ким Гу est un résistant coréen à l'occupation japonaise de la Corée (1910-1945) et un homme politique coréen.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0gSpThKB5k
国内の「民族改良」派も、対日協力者にされてしまった李光洙や崔南善(1890~1957)らをのぞき、面従腹背の姿勢をもちこたえていたThe domestic "national reformist" faction also maintained a hypocritical stance, with the exception of Ri Kwang-soo and Choi Nam-seon, who were deemed to have collaborated with the Japanese. そして、以上のいずれの系列にも属さぬ無名の民衆の、孤立した中でたったひとりでもがんばる抗争が、数多くあったことを忘れてはならないAnd we must not forget that there were many struggles fought by anonymous people who did not belong to any of the above groups, but who fought alone in isolation.
*Русскийロシア語→Чхве Намсон (최남선崔南善26 апреля 1890 года — 10 октября 1957 года) Choe Nam-seon— крупный корейский историк, поэт и издатель, один из руководителей корейского движения за независимость в 1920-е годы, позднее разочаровался в нём и стал сторонником прояпонской позиции.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Xoxuku14vg
しかしながら、前節までの記述で、戦争下の朝鮮の歴史を終らせるなら、それはあまりにすっきりしすぎているHowever, if the description up to the previous section were to conclude the history of Korea during the war, it would be far too neat. 日本帝国主義は、朝鮮の物資と人間を根こそぎ戦争目的に動員するためには、手段を選ばなかったJapanese imperialism spared no means to mobilize Korea's materials and people for war purposes. 朝鮮民衆の精神生活の内側にまで入りこみ、その自発性を目先の矮小な目的のために組織しようとする罪深い行為を敢えてしたThey have committed the sinful act of penetrating deep into the mental life of the Korean people and organizing their spontaneity for petty, short-term purposes. この時期の同化政策の極限としての「皇民化」政策(民族抹殺政策)は、まったくナンセンスなものでありながらもThe "Imperialization" policy (ethnic annihilation policy), which was the ultimate assimilation policy during this period, was completely nonsensical、権力機構を総動員した必死の悪あがきであったぶんだけ、朝鮮民族の内面にかつてない深い傷跡を刻みつけたit was a desperate struggle that mobilized all of the power structures, and it left unprecedentedly deep scars on the Korean people. たとえば、まだ自我の確立していない少年に公立学校で「皇民精神」を反覆的にたたきこむという行為が、たとえ誤ったものであっても少年の精神形成に大きく影響せざるをえなかったFor example, the act of repeatedly drilling the "Imperial spirit" into boys who had not yet established their own sense of self in public schools was bound to have a major impact on the boys' mental formation, even if it was incorrect. 国内民衆のほとんどが、心のどこかには前節でみたような抗争への共鳴を秘めながらも、その日常生活意識は「皇民」化の枠組にまきこまれていくという苦痛を味わったAlthough most of the country's people harbored some sympathy for the conflict described in the previous section somewhere in their hearts, they suffered the pain of having their everyday lives sucked into the framework of becoming "Imperial subjects." 朝鮮民衆は、台湾民衆とともに、日本帝国主義から直接の被害をうけたうえ、侵略戦争の一端までむりやり担わされた、いわば二重の被害者であったThe Korean people, along with the Taiwanese people, were doubly victims, in that they not only suffered direct damage from Japanese imperialism, but were also forced to take part in the war of aggression.
「満州事変」下の宇垣一茂総督の時期は、いわば「皇民」化への布石をしいた時期であったThe period of Governor Ugaki Kazushige during the Manchurian Incident was a time when the groundwork was laid for the country to become "imperial subjects." とくに、農民運動の力量を侮りがたいと感じとった統治者は、農民を農民組合の側から奪い取るために、怠惰な統治者がかつて試みなかったことまでやろうとしたIn particular, the rulers, who felt that the power of the peasant movement was not to be underestimated, were willing to do something that no lazy ruler had ever attempted before: to wrest the peasants from the side of the peasant unions. 農民運動のスローガンを換骨奪胎して横どりし、個々の農家の戸口の中まで入りこんでThey have completely repurposed the slogans of the farmers' movement and are reaching out to the homes of individual farmers、その「更生」を援助するとうたった官製の「農村振興運動」は、そのようなイデオロギー的意味をもったthe official "Rural Revitalization Movement," which claimed to assist in their "rehabilitation," had such ideological significance.