★Троцкийלייב טראצקי☭武力なき予言者/THE PROPHET UNARMED トロツキーTROTSKY 1921-1929 アイザック・ドイッチャー/ISSAC DEUTSCHER第五章CHAPTER V: 決定的抗争・1926-27年The Decisive Contest: 1926-7⑥
During all these events he Chinese issue remained at if outside the Russian inner-party controversy. The fact deserves to be underlined: it disposes of one of the legends of vulgar Trotskyism which maintains that the Opposition had from the beginning unremittingly resisted Stalin’s and Bukharin’s ‘betrayal of the Chinese Revolution’. No doubt, Trotsky himself had had his misgivings as early as at the beginning of 1924. He had then expressed at the Politburo a critical view of the adherence of the Chinese communists to the Kuomintang; and in the following two years he restated his view on a few occasions. But he did it almost casually. He did not dwell on the matter and did not go to its heart. When he found that at the Politburo he stood alone-all other members backed the Chinese policy-he did not try to repeat his objections before the wider forum of the Central Committee. Not once, it seems, in these years, 1924-26, did he speak about China in the Executive or the commissions of the Comintern. Not once, at any rate, did hi allude in public to any difference of opinion in this matter. He appears to have given to it far less attention and far less weight than he gave British or even Polish communist policies. He was evidently not clearly aware of the force of the tempest breaking over China and of the magnitude and gravity of the approaching crisis in communist policy.
Early in 1926 he was still concerned more closely with the conduct of Soviet diplomacy towards China than with the direction of communist affairs there. He presided over a special commission-Chicherin, Dzerzhinsky, and Voroshilov were its members-which was to prepare recommendations for the Politburo on the line that Soviet diplomacy ought to pursue in China. Of the commission’s work little is known, apart from its report which Trotsky submitted to the Politburo on 25 March 19226. As he did not dissociate himself from the report, it must be assumed that he was in basic agreement with it. The commission made its recommendations in strictly diplomatic terms, without references to the objectives of the Chinese Communist Party. While that party strove, in cooperation with the Kuomintang, to abolish the status quo in China, the commission should adopt within the status quo. Both the Communist Party and the Kuomintang called for the political unification of the country, that is for the overthrow of Chaing Tso-lin’s government, whose writ ran in the north, and for the spread of revolution from south to north. Trotsky’s commission reckoned with China’s continued divisions; and its recommendations were as if calculated to prolong it. At this time Chiang Kai-shek was already preparing his great military expedition against the north. Amid the confusion which reigned across the Soviet far-eastern frontier. Trotsky’s commission sought not to promote revolution but to secure every possible advantage for the Soviet government. Thus the commission suggested that Soviet diplomatic agencies should seek a modus vivendi and a division of spheres between Chiang Kai-shek’s government in the south and Chiang Tso-lin’s in the north.
Trotsky later maintained that at the Politburo, during the discussion on the report, Stalin tabled an amendment that Soviet military advisers should dissuade Chiang Kai-shek from undertaking his expedition. The commission rejected the amendment, but in more general terms it advised Soviet agencies in China to ‘urge moderation’ on Chiang Kai-shek. The Politburo’s main concern was with safeguarding Russia’s position in Manchuria against Japanese encroachments. The commission therefore advised that Russia envoys in northern China should encourage Chang Tso-lin to pursue a policy of balancing between Russia and Japan. Moscow, too weak to eliminate Japanese influence from Manchuria and not believing in the Kuomintang’s ability to do so, was ready to reconcile itself to Japan’s predominance in southern Manchuria, provided that Russia, remaining in possession of the North Eastern Chinese Railway, maintained her hold on the northern part of the province. The commission urged Soviet envoys to prepare public opinion ‘carefully and tactfully’ for this arrangement, which was likely to hurt patriotic feelings in China. The Politburo’s motives were mixed and tangled. It was concerned over Manchuria. But it also feared that Chiang Kai-shek’s expedition against the north might provoke the western powers to intervene in China more energetically than hitherto. And it also suspected that Chiang was planning the expedition as a diversion from revolution, a means to absorb and disperse the revolutionary energies of the south.
In April the Politburo accepted the report of Trotsky’s commission. At this point, however, Trotsky raised the problem of the strictly communist policy in China. This, he held, should remain independent of Soviet diplomatic considerations: it was the diplomats’ business to make deals with existing bourgeois governments-even with old-time warlords, but it was the revolutionaries’ job to overthrow them. He protested against the admission of the Kuomintang to the Comintern. Sun Yat-senism, he said, extoled the harmony of all classes; and so it was incompatible with Marxism committed to class struggle. In electing Chiang Kai-shek an honorary member, the Executive of the Comintern had played a bad joke. Finally, he repeated his old objections to the adherence of the Chinese communists to the Kuomintang. Once more, all members of the Politburo, including Zinoviev and Kamenev, who were now on the point of forming the Joint Opposition, defended the official conduct of Chinese communist affairs. This exchange, too, was incidental. It occurred within the closed doors of the Politburo; and it had no consequences.
Then, for a whole year, from April 1926 till the end of March 1927, neither Trotsky nor the other leaders of the Opposition took up the issue. (Only Radek, who since May 1925 had headed the Sun Yat-sen University in Moscow and had to expound party policy to perplexed Chinese students, ‘pestered’ the Politburo for guidance. This he failed to obtain and he expressed mild misgivings.) Yet this was the most crucial and critical year in the history of the Chinese Revolution. On 26 July, four months after the Politburo had discussed the report of Trotsky’s commission, Chiang Kai-shek, ignoring Soviet ‘counsels of moderation’, issued his marching orders for the northern expedition. His troops advanced rapidly. Against Moscow’s expectation, their appearance in central China acted as a tremendous stimulus to a nation-wide revolutionary movement. The northern and central provinces were astir with risings against Chang Tso-lin’s administration and the corrupt warlords who supported it. The urban workers were the most active element in the political movement. The Communist Party was in the ascendant. It led and inspired the risings. Its members stood at the head of the trade unions, which had sprung into being overnight and found enthusiastic mass support in liberated cites and towns. All along the route of Chiang Kai-shek’s advance the peasantry welcomed his troops and, counting on their support, rose against warlords, landlords, and usurers, ready to disposes them.
Chiang Kai-shek was frightened by the tide of revolution and sought to contain it. He forbade strikes and demonstrations, suppressed trade unions, and sent out punitive expeditions to subdue the peasants and to requisition food. Intense hostility developed between his headquarters and the Communist Party. Chen Tu-hsiu, reporting these events to Moscow, demanded that his party should at last be authorized to make its exodus from the Kuomintang. He was still for a united front of communists and Kuomintang against the northern warlords and the agencies of the western powers; but he held that it was imperative for his party to shake off the Kuomintang’s discipline, regain freedom of manoeuvre, encourage the proletarian movement in the towns, back the peasantry’s struggle for land, and get ready for open conflict with Chiang Kai-shek. A rebuff was once again the answer Chen Tu-hsiu received from the Executive of the International. Bukharin rejected his demand as dangerous ‘ultra-left’ heresy. As the Central Committee’s rapporteur at the party conference in October, Bukharin reasserted the need ‘to maintain a single national revolutionary front’ in China where ‘commercial industrial bourgeoisie was a t present playing an objectively revolutionary role’. It might be difficult, he went on, for communists to satisfy in these circumstances the peasantry’s clamour for land. The Chinese party had to keep a balance between the interests of the peasantry and those of the anti-imperialist bourgeoisie which was opposed to agrarian upheaval. The communists overriding duty was to safeguard the unity of all anti-imperialist forces; and they must repudiate all attempts at disrupting the Kuomintang. Patience and circumspection were the watchwords-all the more so as the revolutionary atmosphere was affecting the Kuomintang too, bringing about its ‘radicalization’, and ‘reducing its right wing to impotence’.
Somewhat later Stalin also, speaking at the Comintern’s Chinese commission, extolled Chiang Kai-shek’s ‘revolutionary armies’, demanded from the communists complete submission to the Kuomintang, and warned them against any attempts at setting up Soviets at the height of a ‘bourgeois revolution’.
On the face of it, Stalin and Bukharin’s predictions about a ‘leftward shift in the Kuomintang’ presently came true. In November the Kuomintang government was reconstructed into a broad coalition, in which leftish groupings led by Wang Ching-wei, Chiang’s rival, came to the fore, and which included two communist ministers in charge of agriculture and labor. The new government moved from Canton to Wuhan. The Kuomintang right, however, was far from being ‘reduced to impotence’. Chiang Kai-shek remained in supreme command of the armed forces and was busy setting the stage for his dictatorship. It was rather the communists within the government who were reduced to impotence. The Minister of Agriculture exerted himself to stem the tide of agrarian revolt; and the Minister of Labor had to swallow Chiang Kai shek’s anti-labor decrees. From Moscow new envoys arrived to calm the communists: after Bubnov’s departure, the eminent Indian communist leader M. N. Roy appeared with this mission at Wuhan towards the end of the year 1926.
The Politburo was still preaching unity with the Kuomintang when in the spring of 1927 Chiang Kai-shek, still honorary member of the Executive of the Comintern, carried out another coup by which he initiated open counterrevolution. The scene was Shanghai, China’s largest city and commercial center, dominated by the extra-territorial enclaves of the western powers and their warships anchored in the harbor. Shortly before Chiang Kai-shek’s troops had entered, the workers of Shanghai rose, overthrew the old administration, and took control of the city. Once again the hapless Chen Tu-hsiu appealed to Comintern headquarters seeking to impress them with the significance of the event-the greatest proletarian rising Asia had seen-and to disentangle his party from its commitments to the Kuomintang. Once again he and his comrades were pressed to reaffirm their allegiance to the Kuomintang and also to yield control over Shanghai to Chiang Kai-shek. Bewildered but disciplined, rejecting assistance offered them by Chiang’s own detachments, the communists on the spot accepted these instructions, laid down arms, and surrendered. Then, on 12 April, only three weeks after their victorious rising, Chiang Kai-shek ordered a massacre in which tens of thousands of communists and of workers who had followed them were slaughtered.
Thus the Chinese communists were made to pay their tribute to the sacred egoism of the first workers’ state., the egoism that the doctrine of socialism in one country had elevated to a principle. The hidden implications of the doctrine were brought out and written in blood on the pavements of Shanghai. Stalin and Bukharin considered themselves entitled to sacrifice the Chinese Revolution in what they believed to be the interest of the consolidation of the Soviet Union. They sought desperately to avoid any course of action which might turn the capitalism powers against the Soviet Union and disturb its hard-won and precarious peace and equilibrium. They considered their Chinese police in the same mood in which they shaped their present domestic policies, believing that it was wisdom’s first commandment to keep to the safe side and to proceed cautiously, step by step, in the conduct of all affairs of state. The same logic which had induced them to placate the ‘strong farmer’ at home led them to woo so excessively the Kuomintang. They had indeed expected the Chinese Revolution to develop at the snail’s pace at which Bukharin thought that socialism could progress in Russia.
As so often in history, this kind of weary and seemingly practical realism was but a pipe-dream. It was impossible to ride the dragons of revolution and counterrevolution at the snail’s pace. But the Bolsheviks had for years exerted themselves to gain a breathing space for the Soviet Union. Having gained it, they sought to draw it out indefinitely; and they reacted with sore resentment against anything which might conceivably interrupt it or shorten it. At home a policy risking conflict with the peasantry might interrupt it. Abroad a forward communist policy might interrupt it. The ruling factions were determined that this should not happen; and so, almost without turning a hair, they made the Chinese revolution prolong with its dying breath the breathing space for the workers’ first state.
It was only on 31 March 1927, after a year’s silence and barely a fortnight before the Shanghai massacre, that Trotsky attached the Politburo’s Chinese policy. That he had been implicitly opposed to that policy and its premises cannot be doubted. His earlier protests against the entry of the Chinese party into the Kuomintang and against the honor the Comintern had bestowed on Chiang Kai-shek had shown it. His own conception, developed consistently over more than twenty years, made it impossible for him to accept even for a moment the ideological arguments with which Stalin and Bukharin endeavored to justify their political strategy. Nothing was farther from the exponent of permanent revolution than their view that because the upheaval in China was bourgeois in character, the communists there must forgo their socialist aspirations for the sake of an alliance with the Kuomintang bourgeoisie. It was inherent in Trotsky’s whole way of thinking that he should take the view that the bourgeois and the socialist phases of the revolution would merge, as they had merged in Russia; that the working class would be the chief driving force throughout; and that the revolution would either win as a proletarian movement ushering in a proletarian dictatorship or would not win at all.
Why then did he keep silent during the decisive year? He was, of course, ill much of the time; he was up to his neck in domestic issues and the affair of European communism; he was engaged in an unequal struggle; and he had to reckon with the Opposition’s delicate tactical situation. His attention-so his private papers suggest-did not become focused on the Chinese problem before the early months of 1927. He had not been aware how far the Politburo’s opportunism and cynicism had gone. He had no knowledge of the reluctance with which the Chinese communists had acted on its instructions. He had no inkling of Chen Tu-hsiu’s many appeals and protests-Stalin and Bukharin had locked them up in secret files - nor was he acquainted with other confidential communications that had passed between Moscow and Canton or Wuhan. When at last, having little more to go by than news generally accessible, he became alarmed and raised the issue within the Opposition’s leading circle, he found that even there he was almost isolated.
Up to the end of 1926 Zinoviev and Kamenev had had little with which to reproach official policy. Striking to the ‘old Bolshevik’ ideas of 1905, they too held that the Chinese Revolution must of necessity limit itself to its bourgeois and anti-imperialist objectives. They approved the party’s entry into the Kuomintang. In his heyday at the Comintern Zinoviev himself must have played his part in implementing this policy and in overruling Chen Tu-hsiu’s objections. But even the most important Trotskyists, Preobrazhensky, Radek, and also, it seems, Pyatakov and Rakovsky, were taken aback when Trotsky applied the scheme of permanent revolution in China. They did not think that proletarian dictatorship could be established and that the Communist Party could seize power in a country even more retarded socially than Russia had been. Only when Trotsky threatened to raise the issue on his own responsibility and virtually to split the Opposition over it, and only after it had become abundantly clear that the workers were in fact the ‘chief driving force’ of the Chinese Revolution and that in obstructing it Stalin and Bukharin had long since gone beyond the point at which ‘old Bolshevik’ theory and dogma had any meaning, did the leaders of the Opposition consent to open a controversy over China in the Central Committee. Even then they were prepared to turn against the official policy but not against its premises. They were willing to attack the excessive zeal with which Stalin and Bukharin had made of the Chinese party Chiang Kai-shek’s accomplice in subduing strikes, demonstrations, and peasant risings; but they still held that the communists should remain within the Kuomintang, and that this ‘bourgeois’ revolution could not usher in a proletarian dictatorship for China. This was a self-contradictory and self-defeating attitude, for once it had been conceded that the communists must stay within the Kuomintang, it was inconsistent to expect them not to pay for it.
*ミハイル・マルコヴィチ・ボロディン米哈伊尔·馬爾科維奇·鮑羅廷(ロシア語: Михаил Маркович Бородин、ラテン文字転写:Mikhail Markovich Borodin、1884年7月9日 - 1951年5月29日)は、ロシアのコミンテルン工作員。https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJm4m44QKc0
*Le putsch de CantonКантонский путч, également connu sous le nom d'incident du Zhongshan (chinois simplifié : 中山舰事件 ; chinois traditionnel : 中山艦事件 ; pinyin : Zhōngshān Jiàn Shìjiàn ; litt. « incident du navire Zhongshan ») ou d'incident du 20 mars (三二〇事件, Sān-Èr-Líng Shìjiàn) est une répression politique menée par le Kuomintang, le 20 mars 1926, officiellement en réaction à une hypothétique tentative de coup d'état communiste.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--VqYTqyQ6A
*Чжан Цзолинь (кит. упр. 张作霖, пиньинь Zhāng Zuòlín, имел прозвище Юйтин 雨亭, 19 марта 1875 года — 4 июня 1928 года) — китайский военный и политический деятель эры милитаристов. Последний лидер бэйянского правительства.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=msBUX9vmW5I
*Ekspedycja północna (chiń. 北伐; pinyin běi fá) Северный поход國民革命軍北伐Expédition du Nord – kampania militarna przeprowadzona przez wojska Kuomintangu w latach 1926–1928. Jej efektem było pokonanie rządzących na północy Chin tzw. militarystów i zjednoczenie kraju.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lNSgm-L4Oic
*Ван Чжаамін (кіт. трад. 汪精衛, спр. 汪精卫, піньінь Wāng Jīngwèi, Wang Ching-wei; пры нараджэнне Ван Чжаамін (кіт. трад. 汪兆銘, спр. 汪兆铭, піньінь Wāng Zhàomíng), больш вядомы пад сваім псеўданімам Ван Цзінвэй (4 мая 1883 — 10 лістапада 1944) — кітайскі палітычны дзеяч.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hCjFoBcyWRM
*Dans l'historiographie chinoise, la scission Nanjing-Wuhan (寧漢分裂Nanjing–Wuhan Split)В китайской историографии Дивизия Нанкин-Ухань dans l'histoire chinoise fait référence à la scission du Parti nationaliste chinois (KMT) qui a commencé en septembre 1926, après la création du gouvernement national de Wuhan, divisant le KMT en gauche et en droite.1927年國民政府北伐期間,中國國民黨内部以南京蔣中正為首的清共勢力和武漢汪精卫為首的容共势力发生分裂的事件。https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WA9G7NJCYds
*Manabendra Nath Roy馬納本德·納特·羅易Манабендра Ройマナベンドラ・ナス・ロイ(born Narendra Nath Bhattacharyaমানবেন্দ্র নাথ রায়Нарендранатх Бхаттачария, better known as M. N. Roy; 21 March 1887 – 25 January 1954) was a 20th-century Indian revolutionary, philosopher, radical activist and political theorist.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tC6mIARX5CI
*Das Massaker von Shanghai上海クーデターShanghai massacre vom 12. April 1927, die „Säuberung vom 12. April“ oder der „Zwischenfall vom 12. April“,四一二事件,或称四一二惨案(中國國民黨稱東南清黨,中国共产党称為四一二反革命政变,在西方被称作上海大屠杀Шанхайская резня 1927 года) wie er in China gemeinhin genannt wird, war die gewaltsame Niederschlagung von Organisationen der Kommunistischen Partei Chinas (KPCh) und linken Elementen in Shanghai durch Kräfte, die General Chiang Kai-shek und konservative Fraktionen in der Kuomintang (Nationalistische Partei Chinas oder KMT) unterstützten.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ljl0zQIJiU