★Троцкийלייב טראצקי☭武力なき予言者/THE PROPHET UNARMED トロツキーTROTSKY 1921-1929 アイザック・ドイッチャー/ISSAC DEUTSCHER第五章CHAPTER V: 決定的抗争・1926-27年The Decisive Contest: 1926-7⑦
【原注】ロシア語版『共産主義インターナショナル』誌1927年3月18日号、(訳注 これは「中国における階級関係」と題する論文で、現代思想社版トロツキー選集、『中国革命論』1~16頁所蔵)。
【原注】『トロツキー文庫』にある(1927年4月19日に書かれた)『蔣介石のクーデター後の中国の情勢と展望』参照。(訳注 前掲『中国革命論』中の「中国革命と同志スターリンのテーゼ」1927年5月17日、前掲書、17-67頁も参照)
Trotsky contended himself with opening the new controversy inside the limits within which Zinoviev, Kamenev, Radek, Preobrazhensky, and Pyatakov were prepared to conduct it. In the early months of the year the chiefs of the Opposition were still seeking to adjust their differences; only towards the end of March did they define the common ground from which they would start the attack. They now embarked upon a new and dangerous venture. Trotsky was conscious of its bleak prospects. On 22 March, the very day when the workers of Shanghai were up in arms and Chiang Kai-shek’s troops were entering the city, he remarked in his private papers that there was ‘the danger that at the Central Committee they would turn the matter into a factional squabble instead of discussing it seriously’. Regardless of this, the issue had to be posed, for ‘how can one keep silent when nothing less than the head of the Chinese proletarian is at stake?
The fact that the Opposition applied itself to China so late and with so many mental reservations weakened its stand from the beginning. The policy which was in the next few weeks to produce the débâcle had been pursued for at least three long years. It could hardly have been reversed within two or three weeks. Even as Trotsky was resolving that he could not keep silent when ‘the head of the Chinese proletariat was at stake’ that head was already under Chiang Kai-shek’s hammer blow. When the Opposition then denounced Stalin and Bukharin as those responsible, they retorted by asking where the Opposition had been and why it had kept silent during three long years. The plausibly suggested that the critics’ indignation was spurious, that the Opposition had been on the lookout for a debating point, and that it grasped at the Chinese issue ‘as a drowning man grasps at a straw’. The rejoinders were not wholly undeserved. Stalin further brought to light the inconsistencies in the Opposition’s attitude and exploited to the utmost the differences between Trotsky and his colleagues. This does not alter the fact that the Opposition’s criticism, even if belated and half-hearted, were justified. As to Trotsky-throughout these fateful weeks, day after day he struggled with all his courage and energy for a last-minute revision of policy. His analyses of the situation were of crystalline clarity; his prognostications were faultless, and his warnings were like mighty alarm bells.
Posterity can only marvel at the malignant complacency and wilfulness with which the ruling factions shut their ears during these weeks, and throughout the rest of the year, when amid many rapid shifts in China, Trotsky ceaselessly tried to induce them to salvage at least the wreckage of Chinese communism. At every stage they spurned his promptings, partly from political calculation and partly because they were bent on proving him wrong. When events proved him right and brought fresh disasters, they steered frantically and yet half-heartedly in the direction which he had favored but which it was already too late to take; and invariably they sought to justify themselves by heaping denunciation and abuse upon Trotskyism.
It will not be out of place to survey here at least some of Trotsky’s interventions. In his letter to the Politburo, of 31 March, complaining that he had no access to reports from Soviet advisers and Comintern envoys, he pointed to the upsurge in China of the workers’ movement and of communism as the dominant feature of this phase of the revolution. Why, he asked, did the party not call upon the workers to elect soviets, at least in the main industrial centers such as Shanghai and Hankow? Why did it not encourage agrarian revolution? Why did it not seek to establish the closest co-operation between insurgent workers and peasants? This alone could save the revolution which, he insisted, was already confronted with the danger of a counter-revolutionary military coup.
Three days later, on 3 April, he came out against an editorial statement in the Communist International to the effect that the crucial issue in China was ‘the further development of the Kuomintang’. This was exactly what was not the crucial issue, he replied. The Kuomintang could not lead the revolution to victory. Workers and peasants must be urgently organized in councils. Day in, day out, he protested against speeches by Kalinin, Rudzutak, and others, who asserted that all classes of Chinese society ‘look upon the Kuomintang as upon their party and should give the Kuomintang government their wholehearted support’. On 5 April, a week before the Shanghai crisis, he wrote emphatically that Chiang Kai-shek was preparing a quasi-Bonapartist or fascist coup and that only Workers’ Councils could frustrate him. Such councils, soviets, should first act as a counterbalance to the Kuomintang administration, and then, after a period of ‘dual power’, become the organs of insurrection and revolutionary government. On 12 April, the day of the Shanghai massacre, he wrote a scathing refutation of a eulogy of the Kuomintang which had appeared in Pravda-its author, Martynov, had for twenty years been after the civil war, and was now a leading light in the Comintern. In the next few days Trotsky wrote to Stalin, once more asking in vain to be shown the confidential reports from China. Grotesquely, on 18 April, a week after the Shanghai massacre, the eastern secretariat of the Comintern invited him to autograph, as other Soviet leaders did, a picture for Chiang Kai-shek as a token of friendship. He refused and rebuked with angry contempt the Comintern officials and their inspirers.
*Kommunisticheskii International, 18 March 1927.
By this time reports about the Shanghai butchery had reached Moscow. Stalin and Bukharin’s pleadings were still fresh in everyone’s memory. Fortunately for them the criticism of the Opposition had not become public knowledge-only some party cadres, Comintern officials, and Chinese students in Moscow were aware of the controversy. Stalin and Bukharin did their best to belittle the events and presented them as an episodic setback to the Chinese Revolution. They were compelled, however, to modify their policy. The ‘alliance’ with Chiang Kai-shek having lapsed, they instructed the Chinese communists to attach themselves all the closer to the ‘left Kuomintang’, i.e. the Wuhan government, headed by Wang Ching-wei. The left Kuomintang was temporarily in conflict with Chiang Kai-shek and anxious to benefit from communist support. Moscow readily granted it and pledged that Chen Tu-hsiu and his comrades would refrain as before from ‘provocative’ revolutionary action and submit to Wang Ching wei’s discipline.
*See Stalin’s ‘theses’ in Sochinenya, vol.ix, p. 221. This attitude was reluctantly adopted by the Chinese Communist Party during its congress at the end of April. Sea Chen Tu-hsiu’s ‘Open Letter’.
Trotsky asserted that the new policy merely reproduced the old mistakes on a smaller scale. The communists should be encouraged to adopt at last a forward policy, to form workers’ and peasants’ councils, and to support with all their strength the rebellious peasantry in the south of China, where Chiang Kai-shek’s writ did not run and they could still act. Ture, he saw the possibilities of revolutionary action as greatly reduced: Chiang Kai-shek’s coup was, despite official attempts to belittle it, a ‘basic shift’ from revolution to counter-revolution and a ‘crushing blow’ to the urban revolutionary forces. But he assumed that Chiang Kai-shek had not succeeded in overwhelming the scattered and elusive agrarian movements; that the peasants’ struggle for the land would go on; and that it might in time provide the stimulus for a revival of revolution in the towns. Communists should throw their full weight behind the agrarian movements; but to be able to do this they must at last break with the Kuomintang, ‘left’ as well as right, and pursue their own aims. On this point again the Zinovievists disagreed. They still preferred the Chinese party to remain within the left Kuomintang; but they wished it to pursue there an independent policy, in opposition to Wang Ching-wei. Along these lines the Opposition argued its case in many statements, none of which saw the light.
*See ‘The Situation in China After Chiang’s coup and the Prospects’(written in 19 April 1927) in The Archives.
The Opposition’s return to the attack over China threw the ruling factions into a fever. Their predicament was grave, for never before had the futility of their policy been so glaringly revealed and never before had their leaders so outrageously and ridiculously disgraced themselves. About the same time another setback, minor by comparison, added to their embarrassment. The Anglo-Soviet Council broke up: the leaders of the British trade unions contracted out. In the diplomatic field, there was high tension between Britain and the Soviet Union. Yet another of the great hopes of official policy had vanished into thin air. The ruling factions made the most of this circumstance, however, precisely to divert attention from China and to block all discussion. They raised an outcry about the danger of war and intervention and created a state of public nervousness and national alarm, in which it was all too easy to damn the Opposition as unpatriotic. Stalin cracked the whip, threw out fresh threats of expulsion, and used every means of moral pressure to silence his critics. At his prompting Krupskaya begged Zinoviev and Kamenev not to make a ‘row over China’s and to remember that they might find themselves ‘criticizing the party from the outside’. The Opposition wished to avoid the ‘row’. Trotsky and Zinoviev proposed that the Central Committee should meet and thrash out the differences in private so that the discussion should not be reported even in the confidential bulletin which the Central Committee issued for the ‘activists’. Stalin, however, would have no debate even off the record, and the Politburo refused to call the meeting.
*On 7 May Trotsky wrote a letter to Krupskaya. Hurt by her talk about the ‘row over China’ he asked her not to evade a great issue. ‘Who is right, we or Stalin? He recounted all that the Opposition had done to secure an off the record discussion, and he reminded Krupskaya that until recently she had been with the Opposition against Stalin’s ‘brutality and disloyalty’. Had Stalin’s regime become any better since? He wrote to Lenin’s widow in grief and disappointment, mingled with a warm sentiment-this was in a way his farewell to her-and he hesitated over the conclusion of the letter: ‘From all my heart I wish you good health and good . . . confidence in the integrity of that line which . . .’ He delated, rewrote, and deleted again the last two lines. The draft of the letter is in The Archives.
Then, in the last week of May, Trotsky forced a debate at a session of the Executive of the Comintern. He appealed from the Russian party to the International. In doing so he acted within his rights. The Executive of the International was normally the court of appeal before which any communist was entitled to lodge a complaint against his own party. Pravda, however, denounced the appeal beforehand as an act of disloyalty and a breach of discipline. The Opposition, nevertheless, used the opportunity to subject to criticism the whole of the official policy at home as well as abroad, in Asia as well as in Europe. To strengthen its hands and protect itself against reprisals, or, as Trotsky put it, ‘to spread the expected blow over many shoulders’, the Opposition staged a political demonstration similar to that the Forty Six had made in 1923: on the eve of the session a group of eighty-four prominent party men declared their solidarity with Trotsky’s and Zinoviev’s views. Stalin could not indeed apply disciplinary measures immediately against Trotsky and Zinoviev without applying them also to the Eighty Four and then to the Three Hundred, who signed the statement of solidarity. But their joint démarche enabled Stalin to claim that the Opposition had broken its pledge and reconstituted itself as a faction.
*The document is sometimes referred to as the Statement of the Eighty Three and sometimes of the Eighty Four. It was presented to he Central Committee between 23 and 26 May. Later the number of signatories rose to 300.
*See Trotsky’s letter of 12 July 1927 addressed to one of the leaders of the Opposition who held ambassadorial posts abroad (either to Krestinsky or toAntonov-Ovseenko). His correspondent thought that the démarche of the Eighty Four needlessly aggravated the struggle. Trotsky admitted that such doubts had been entertained by Oppositionists in Moscow as well, but said that they decided in favor of the démarche as a measure of self-protection. He did not believe that matters were aggravated because the Opposition spoke out. He thought that his correspondent had through a long absence become cut off from Russia and invited him to make a trip to Moscow to get the feeling of the atmosphere there. The Archives.
On 24 May Trotsky addressed the Comintern Executive. Ironically, he had to begin with a protest against the Executive’s treatment of Zinoviev, its erstwhile President who not to so long ago had indicated him before this very Executive-Zinoviev was now not even admitted to the session. Trotsky spoke of the ‘intellectual weakness and uncertainty’ which led Stalin and Bukharin to conceal from the International the truth about China and to denounce the Opposition’s appeal as a crime. The Executive should publish its proceedings ‘the problem of the Chinese Revolution could not be stuck in a bottle and scaled up’. It should beware of the grave dangers lurking in the ‘régime’ of the International would resume normal life once Trotsky and Zinoviev had been disposed of. They were deluding themselves. ‘The contrary will happen . . . . On this road there will be only further difficulties and further convulsions.’ No one in the International trusted himself to speak up for fear that criticism might harm the Soviet Union. But nothing was as harmful as lack of criticism. The Chinese débâcle had proved it. Stalin and Bukharin were concerned mainly with self-justification and with covering up their disastrous mistakes. They claimed that they had foreseen it all and provided for all. Yet only a week before the crisis in Shanghai Stalin had boasted at a party meeting that ‘we would use the Chinese bourgeoisie and then throw it away like a squeezed lemon’. ‘This speech was never made public because a few days later the “squeezed lemon” seized power.’ Soviet advisers and Comintern envoys, especially Borodin, behaved ‘as if they represented some sort of a Kuomintern’:
They hindered the independent policy of the proletariat, its independent organization and especially the arming of the workers . . . . Heaven forbid that arms in hand the workers should frighten away that great chimera of a national revolution which should embrace all classes of Chinese society . . . . The Communist Party of China is a shackled party . . . Why has it not had and why does it not have to this day its own daily newspaper? Because the Kuomintang does not want it . . . . But in this way the working class has been kept politically disarmed.
While the Executive was in session, the tension between Britain and the Soviet Union reached a critical point: the British police had raided the offices of the Soviet trade mission in London and the British government broke off relations with Russia, Stalin exploited the circumstance. ‘I must state, comrades’, he told the Executive, in conclusion of his speech,
that Trotsky chosen for his attacks . . . an all too inopportune moment. I have just received the news that the English Conservative Government has resolved to break off relations with the U.S.S.R. There is no need to prove that what is intended is a wholesale crusade against communists. The crusade has already started. Some threaten the party with war and intervention; others with a split. There comes into being something like a united front from Chamberlain to Trotsky . . . . You need not doubt that we shall be able to break up this new front.
He staked everything on the left Kuomintang as confidently as he had previously staked it on the right Kuomintang: ‘Only blind people can deny the left Kuomintang the role of the organ of revolutionary struggle, the role of the organ of insurrection against feudal survivals and imperialism in China. He demanded, in effect, that the Opposition should keep silent on pain of being charged with bringing aid and comfort to the enemy.
This was not the first time that Stalin had made hints about ‘a united front from Chamberlain to Trotsky. A few months earlier Pravda had done in anonymously. But for the first time now vague and anonymous insinuation was replaced by direct accusation. Here is Trotsky’s rejoinder:
It would be manifestly absurd to believe that the Opposition will renounce its views . . . Stalin has said that the Opposition stands in one front with Chamberlin’s work as much as Stalin’s false-policy, especially in China . . . . Not a single honest worker will believe the insane infamy about the united front of Chamberlin and Trotsky.
*The Archives contain the draft of a sharp protest against this, written on 6 January 1927, addressed to the Politburo. Zinoviev objected to its sharpness and produced another draft begging the Politburo to protect the Opposition from slander.
In reply to Stalin’s appeal in favor of the left Kuomintang Trotsky said:
Stalin assumed and wants the International to assume responsibility for the policy of the Kuomintang and of the Wuhan Government as he repeatedly assumed responsibility for the policy of . . . . Chiang Kai-shek. We have nothing in common with this. We do not want to assume even a shadow of responsibility for the conduct of the Wuhan Government and the leadership of the Kuomintang; and we urgently advise the Comintern to reject this responsibility. We say directly to the Chinese peasants: The leaders of the left Kuomintang . . . will inevitably betray you if you follow them . . . instead of forming your own independent Soviets . . . . [They] will unite ten times with Chiang Kai-shek against the workers and peasants.
*The Archives; Problem of the Chinese Revolution, pp. 102-11.
These exchanges were still going on in the Kremlin when in the remote south of China Trotsky’s prediction was already coming true. In May there occurred the so-called Chan-Sha coup. The Wuhan Government in its turn set out to suppress trade unions, sent out troops to quell peasant risings, and struck at the communists. For almost a month the Soviet press kept silent about these events. The resolutions of the Executive, dictated by Stalin and Bukharin, were grotesquely out of date even before they had come off the printing presses; and Stalin hastened to frame new instructions for the Chinese party. He still ordered it to remain within the left Kuomintang and go on supporting the Wuhan Government; but he instructed it to protest against the employment of troops against the peasants and to advise the Wuhan Government to seek the assistance of Peasant Councils in restraining the agrarian movement instead of resorting to arms. By now, however, the left Kuomintang was expelling communists from its ranks. Throughout June and July the breach between them deepened; and the stage was set for a reconciliation between the left Kuomintang and Chiang Kai-shek.
*The chiefs of the Opposition learned about them from a confidential bulletin of the Soviet News Agency.
At once the repercussions were felt in Moscow. Almost daily Trotsky-protested against the suppression of information. Zinoviev asked that a party court should try Bukharin, who as Editor of Pravda was responsible for the suppression. At last Zinoviev and Radek agreed to demand with Trotsky that the communists should contact out of the left Kuomintang. This was now pointless, for since the left Kuomintang had broken with the communists, there was nothing that even Stalin could do but to advise them to . . . break with it.
Stalin was in fact already preparing to carry out one of his major turns of policy and switch over to that ‘ultra-left’ course which, towards the end of the year, was to lead the Chinese communists to stage, at the ebb of the revolution, the futile and bloody rising in Canton. In July he withdrew Borodin and Roy from China and sent out Lominadze, a secretary of the Soviet Comsomol, and Heinz Neumann, a German communist, both without an inkling of Chinese affairs and both with a bent for ‘putschism’, to carry out a coup in the Chinese party. They branded Chen Tu-hsiu, the reluctant but loyal executor of Stalin’s and Bukharin’s orders, as the ‘opportunist’ villain of the piece and made him the scapegoat for all failures.
At home Stalin went on playing up the danger of war and of an anti-communist crusade; and he intensified the drive against the Opposition. He sent many chiefs of the Opposition abroad on the pretext that they were needed for various diplomatic missions. Pyatakov, Preobrazhensky, and Vladimir Kossior had joined Rakovsky at the Embassy in Paris. Kamenev was appointed Ambassador to Mussolini-there could be no more frustrating and humiliating assignment for the former Chairman of the Politburo. Antonov-Ovseenko was in Prague; Safarov, the Zinovievist leader of the Comsomol, was posted to Constantinople; others were detailed to Austria, Germany, Persia, and Latin America. Thus the leading group of the Opposition was largely dispersed. One after another the Eighty Four were demoted, penalized and, on the pretext of administrative appointments, shifted to remote provinces. Repression was all the less disguised and blunter the lower down it reached: men of the rank and file were sacked and dispatched into the wilderness without any pretext.
①Уханьское националистическое правительство (кит. 武漢國民政府Gouvernement nationaliste de Wuhan)Wuhan Nationalist government武汉国民政府Nationalistische Regierung von Wuhan, также известное как Уханьское правительство, Уханьский режим или правительство Ханькоу, было правительством, в котором доминировало левое крыло Националистической или Гоминьдановской (ГМД) партии Китая, которое базировалось в Ухане с 5 декабря 1926 года по 21 сентября 1927 года, сначала его возглавлял Юджин Чэнь, а затем Ван Цзинвэй.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVqcl932DVc
②国民党左派指中国国民党内的左派,是中国共产党在第一次国共合作时使用的政治概念Die Kuomintang-Linke bezieht sich auf die Linke innerhalb der chinesischen Kuomintang. Es handelt sich um ein politisches Konzept, das von der Kommunistischen Partei Chinas während der ersten Zusammenarbeit zwischen der Kuomintang und der Kommunistischen Partei verwendet wurde.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IFEctqrxVCA
*Le Comité anglo-russe英ソ委員会 (ARC ; en russe : Англо-русский комитет единства)Anglo-Russian Committee était une organisation créée en tant qu'organe de coopération entre les syndicats soviétiques et britanniques. Officiellement, il a été formé en avril 1925 à l'initiative des syndicats de l'URSS lors de la conférence syndicale anglo-soviétique de Londres. Formellement, le comité a été créé pour « réaliser l'unité du mouvement syndical international », pour lutter contre les préparatifs de guerre et « renforcer la lutte contre l'offensive du capital sur la classe ouvrière ». L'organisation était en conflit avec le Conseil général des syndicats britannique : le conflit a pris fin en septembre 1927, lorsque - dans le cadre de la rupture des relations diplomatiques entre la Grande-Bretagne et l'URSS - le comité a été liquidé.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EkdVxX3m-ow
*サー・ジョゼフ・オースティン・チェンバレン(Sir Joseph Austen Chamberlain, KG、1863年10月16日 - 1937年3月17日)は、イギリスの政治家。植民地大臣を務めたジョゼフ・チェンバレンJoseph Chamberlainの長男。https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQgFzc7gvno