
当ブログはトロント在住、日系一世カナダ人サミー・山田(48)おっさんの「独り言」です。まさに「個人日記」。1968年11月16日東京都目黒区出身(A型)・在北米30年の日系カナダ人(Canadian Citizen)・University of Toronto Woodsworth College BA History & East Asian Studies Major トロント在住(職業記者・医療関連・副職画家)・Toronto Ontario「団体」「宗教」「党派」一切無関係・「政治的」意図皆無=「事実関係」特定の「考え」が’正しい’あるいは一方だけが’間違ってる’いう気は毛頭なし。「知って」それぞれ「考えて」いただれれば本望(^_-☆Everybody!! Let's 'Ponder' or 'Contemplate' On va vous re?-chercher!Internationale!!「世界人類みな兄弟」「平和祈願」「友好共存」「戦争反対」「☆Against Racism☆」「☆Gender Equality☆」&ノーモア「ヘイト」(怨恨、涙、怒りや敵意しか生まない)Thank you very much for everything!! Ma Cher Minasan, Merci Beaucoup et Bonne Chance 

THIS I CANNOT FORGET/Anna Larina(translated from the Russian by Gary Kern)『夫ブハーリンの想い出(下)/アンナ・ラーリナ(和田あき子訳)』Незабываемое/А́нна Ла́рина - Товарищ«☭Большевистский переворот/Союз Советских Социалистических Республик☆»⑪



            [The Storm Descends: Stalin and Bukharin]
 Bukharin’s regret over his unproductive Paris trip did not last long. In fact, he put it behind him after Stalin said, “Don’t worry, Nikolai, we’ll acquire the archive; they’ll give in yet.” Nikolai Ivanovich resumed his normal life, absorbed in his work for Izvestiya, for the Academy of Sciences, and for the commission to draft a new constitution. Nothing clouded his sunny disposition. Several days after our return, a son was born to us, and the forty-seven-year-old father was cast into a state of pure joy. He was happy; he truly exulted. He could not have suspected what a heavy fate awaited his son, but something else did worry him. “Yurochka!” he once exclaimed to the infant, half joking. “I fear when you grow up, I’ll be old and moldy and won’t be able to walk with you in the forest to go hunting! No, no,” he dispelled his own misgiving, “I’ll be hardy for a long time yet. We’ll roam the woods together, and I’ll tell you lots of interesting things.” His knowledge of the Russian forest could perhaps be compared only to that of the nature writer Mikhail Prishvin. 
 Soon after Yura’s birth, we left the city and lived nearby the station Skhodnya, where dachas belonging to Izvestiya editors were located. Karl Radek’s was not for from ours. This was the only summer when, because of the baby, Nikolai Ivanovich made it back to the dacha every night for two months running, often after working at the newspaper until quite late. He had never before had a dacha where he could stay on a permanent basis. Instead, he had stayed for short periods at dachas in Lenin Hills, with Stalin in Zubalovo (mid-1920s to 1928), and with Rykov in Valuyevo, right beside an aspen forest into which he would dash to go hunting for hazed grouse. Later, he stayed at my father’s dacha in Serebryany Bor. After all, Bukharin was always in motion and the settled dacha way of life was not in his character.
 Nikolai Ivanovich’s vacation came in early August, and he decided to fulfill his cherished dream, a visit to the Pamir Mountain. Briefly, we had considered postponing his trip to the following year, since the baby and I could not travel, but we came to the conclusion that there was no point putting it off. The past year of intensive work demanded intensive rest. 
Relaxation, reunion with nature-these were indispensable to him. We assumed there would be time enough for us to travel together in the future.
 Nikolai Ivanovich left straight from the dacha for the Pamirs. The day before, he had brought his luggage from Moscow, filled with the requisite accoutrements for his vacation: a sketchbook, paints, and canvases for landscapes; cartridges, small shot, and a rifle for hunting. The care stood ready beside the porch, fussed over by the chauffeur Nikolai Klykov, or Klychini, as my husband called him. He had become such a close personal attendant that Nikolai Ivanovich never sat down to table without inviting him to join in. Usually, they would get to talking. In plain language, Bukharin would explain both the national and the international political events of the day to Klykov, who was keenly interested. Nikolai Ivanovich never spoke down to him, for they conversed as equals-and on more than one occasion the editor borrowed money from his chauffeur. On the road, they often sang Russian folk songs, a special passion for Bukharin. You would hear a duel like this one: “Pretty me, ah pretty me, and yet so poorly dressed;/ No one wants me for a bride although I am the best.” Or like this: “By the silver river, on the pure while beach;/ Long I sought the footprints from a maiden’s feet.”
 Bukharin did not look like a refined intellectual, though few could compare with him in intellect. He wore Russian boots, but not because they had become the fashion among the Bolsheviks during the civil war and after; he had begun wearing them in his youth, long before the revolution, because they suited his way of life. Instead of a hat, he wore a cap, because, as he put it, a hat on his head looked like a skullcap on a pig. In fact, he never wore a hat except when travelling abroad. The first time he was invited to a diplomatic reception in Moscow, the Commission of Foreign Affairs warned him over the phone to dress accordingly, but he replied, “The Russian proletariat knows me in a leather jacket and cap, boots and a Cossack shirt, and that’s how I will appear at the reception.”  
 His behavior was in harmony with its appearance. He could spit like a muzhik through his teeth or whistle like a street urchin, and he permitted himself impish pranks. At the same time, he was a person of remarkably fine sensitivity, almost maidenly shyness, and as I have already noted, an emotionally so intense that it verged on the pathological.
 He could look completely different, from one moment to the next. Sometimes, he looked like simple Russian muzhik with merry, clever, dating eyes; at other times, a thinker with a deep, pensive, sorrowful gaze fixed on some distant point.  
 Similarly, his eloquent manifestos and pamphlets, painstakingly written in a minuscule hand, and his complex theoretical investigations, overflowing with foreign words and phrases accessible only to a limited circle of readers, alternated with speeches, articles, brochures, and books written in a popular style for a wide public audience. (My father gave me Bukharin’s exceedingly popular The ABCs of Communism to study when I was thirteen years old.)
On the other hand, he never posed as one of the people, never played up to the people-rather, he was the living flesh of the people, a simple man and intellectual at one and the same time, an uncorrupted, pure spirit to the end of his life. This is what Klykov found appealing in him, and this is why Bukharin in turn felt so naturally at ease with his chauffeur.
 And so, the last happy minutes-everything is ready for departure.  
 “We’re off, Klychini!”
  Nikolai Ivanovich said farewell to me and Yura, kissed the boy, and added, “You’ll grow like the tsarevich in The Tale of Tsar Saltan, not by the day but by the hour. When I come home, you’ll shoot the kite out of the sky. Then we can go running with you!” [In Pushkin’s tale, the tsarevich shoots an arrow through a kite that is attacking a swan.]
The little tyke looked up at his father with bright, shining eyes and smiled, obviously without understanding but with incredible happiness. 
 “Let’s sit a moment before leaving,” Nikolai Ivanovich proposed, in keeping with Russian custom.  
 The day was hot. An immense ravine cut through the tract of dachas; in memory, its outline now reminds me of that Siberian gorge where I was once taken to be shot. We sat down on the overhang in the shade of spruces and burst into song: “Sasha, five years I have lived with you, angel without flaw,/Perhaps the hour of reckoning has struck, and I have broke my vow!” We sang loudly and merrily. The neighborhood kids ran up to listen. Finally, we stood up and went to the car. Nikolai Ivanovich got in next to Klykov and, radiant with anticipation of the pleasure of the trip ahead, peered out the car window. I would never again see Bukharin like this.  
 But just as the travelers were about to start off, Nikolai Ivanovich’s thirteen-year-old nephew, who lived with us in the dacha and was also named Nikolai and called Kolya, started bawling. (He was the sone of Nikolai Ivanovich’s younger brother, Vladimir.) Through his tears, sobbing, the boy cried out hysterically, “Unkle Kolya, don’t go! Uncle Kolya, don’t go!” There was something eerie and mystical in that sobbing, as if the boy had a presentiment that he was seeing his uncle for the last time.  
“Don’t be so quick to bury me, Kolya!” Nikolai Ivanovich said to calm his nephew. “I’ll come back soon, you’ll grow up, and we’ll ride in the mountains together. I have common sense enough not to break my neck.”
 At last, the car drove through the gates, disappeared from view, and headed for the airport. At that moment, I could never have guessed that in the days immediately ahead the joy of life would desert us. The summer day was so hot and sunny, and the baby was smiling. (Still, young Kolya went on sobbing for a while.)
 Nikolai Ivanovich was accompanied on his trek by his secretary, Semyon Lyandres, father of the writer Julian Semyonov, whose work became extremely popular in the 1970s and 1980s. Because Semyon was not blessed with good health, Bukharin tried to talk him out of a trip that demanded physical strength and training, but in vain.
Semyon had received Nikolai Ivanovich ever since they had worked together in the Supreme Soviet of the National Economy; he had served under him as a secretary and then transferred with him to Izvestiya. I know well that Nikolai Ivanovich in turn was attached to Lyandres.
 After Nikolai Ivanovich’s departure, two weeks passed without any real cause for concern, even though I received no word from him. He was venturing into wild areas where no post office, let alone telegraph, would be found I easily calmed myself with the thought that he was not alone in the mountains. In addition to Semyon, I supposed, there would be a guide who would to some degree guarantee the safety of the trek.
 Shortly before his departure, as I remember now, Nikolai Ivanovich had come home with the grave news of Grigory Sokolnikov’s arrest. Significantly, Bukharin failed to such a degree to foresee the impending mass terror and the imminent trials, mere days away, that he absolutely ruled out political motives in this arrest. He assumed that Sokolnikov had overspent government funds when he was Soviet ambassador to London; in a word, Nikolai Ivanovich put the whole thing down to financial impropriety and hoped for Sokolnikov’s speedy release. 
 But soon the last day of tranquility drew near. Disaster fell upon us all at once, like a squall. The trial of Zinoviev, Kamenev, and the others, the so-called trial of the Trotskyist United Center, began on August 19, 1936. There was the horrendous accusation that they were involved in the murder of Kirov; there were the terrible, incomprehensible confessions of the accused. I recalled Zinoviev declaring in the dock that individual terror might contradict Marx but that in the final analysis all means are acceptable in times of war. This particular choice of phrasing put me on guard. Allegedly, Zinoviev and Kamenev had ordered Kirov’s assassination, but their motives were left unexplained. Even so, I have to admit frankly that I came to the conclusion that the defendants must be guilty of something or other, perhaps a secret conspiracy against Stalin. But when they began to point their fingers at Bukharin, Rykov, and Tomsky, I went crazy. The shock was so great that by that evening I h ad lost my milk.  
 On August 21, the State Prosecutor’s Office announced an investigation in the case of Bukharin, Rykov, Tomsky, Radek, and others mentioned in the trial who were presumed to be involved with the defendants in counterrevolutionary activity. Angry resolutions had been passed at Party meetings: “Put the accused in the dock!” and the like.  

*ミハイル・プリーシヴィン(Михаи́л Миха́йлович При́швин、1873年2月4日 - 1954年1月16日)Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvinは、19世紀から20世紀にかけてのロシアの作家。https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuroCaNd0Vs

*ユリアン・セミョーノヴィチ・セミョーノフ(露: Юлиан Семёнович Семёнов、1931年 - 1993年)Yulian Semyonovich Semyonov は、ソビエト連邦・ロシアの小説家、推理作家、スパイ小説作家。男性。モスクワ生まれ。ソ連きってのベストセラー作家であり、また政治ジャーナリストとしても知られた。ソ連の書記長にもなったミハイル・ゴルバチョフの友人であり、顧問でもあった。https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vFmINVJ6dxs

