Ōmisoka除夕Омисока大晦日🎍Toronto ringing in 2025【世界の新年New Year around the world特集Special edition】Sydney, Tokyo, Dubaï... les images des premières célébrations《杀死比尔Убить Билла. Фильм 1》El mensaje de Año Nuevo del Emperador - "pessoas estúpidas são elas mesmas"(Canada🍁)2024/12/31
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v982C4XN0aY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6LkAZ_WjcA
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6t0bGq2rLr0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LneM-bcMI_Q
(1944年)12月30日、小磯首相は天皇に拝謁のため参内したOn December 30th, Prime Minister Koiso visited the Imperial Palace to have an audience with the Emperor. 廊下で杉山陸相に会うと「総理、どうも統帥部はレイテ決戦をやめるらしい」といったWhen he(Koiso) met Minister of the Army Sugiyama in the hallway, he said, "Prime Minister, it appears that the Supreme Command has decided to call off the Battle of Leyte." 首相は「じょうだんでしょう」と答えて、そのまま拝謁したがThe Prime Minister replied, "You are kidding," and went ahead to meet the Emperor(大東亜戦争全史 新装版 - 原書房 服部卓四郎The Complete History of the Greater East Asia War - New Edition - Hara Shobo Takushiro Hattori http://www.harashobo.co.jp/book/b369618.html)、「退ろうとすると、陛下が『小磯、統帥部はレイテ決戦を止めて、ルソンで決戦することに変更した』とこういわれるんです。『何か報告はあると思いますけれども、総理の知らない間にこう言うようなことが起っては、なかなか努めにくうございます』と言うことで、その場はすみましたがWhen I tried to leave, His Majesty said to me, "Koiso, the Supreme Command has decided to stop the Battle of Leyte and change the plan to fight in Luzon." I replied, "I'm sure there will be some report, but if something like this happens without the Prime Minister's knowledge, it will be very difficult to carry out my duties." That was the end of it.」同じことを天皇は(1945年)1月2日、内大臣木戸幸一に伝えているThe Emperor conveyed the same thing to Minister of the Interior, Koichi Kido, on January 2nd.
天皇は統帥部はレイテ決戦をやめるそうだがThe Emperor said that the Supreme Command would stop the Battle of Leyte、「レイテは天王山」といった手前、どう国民に説明するつもりかHow do you intend to explain this to the public, given that you have said that "Leyte is the decisive battle"?、と訊くとthe Emperor asked、小磯首相は実は自分もたった今聞いたばかりです、と実情を申し上げ、日本の政治家の永遠の台詞「十分検討の上、善処いたします」と奏上して退いたというPrime Minister Koiso admitted that he had only just heard about the situation, and then recited the eternal line of Japanese politicians: "We will consider the matter thoroughly and take appropriate action," before leaving the room.
陸海軍統帥部がその決定を総理大臣、陸軍大臣に告げない秘密主義は蘆溝橋以来の癌であったが、形勢が悪化するとその弊害は一層大きくなったThe secrecy of the Army and Navy General Staff not disclosing their decisions to the Prime Minister and the Minister of the Army had been a cancer since the Marco Polo Bridge Incident, but as the situation worsened, its harmful effects became even greater.・・・
最高戦争指導会議はその欠陥を除くために小磯が創設したものであったThe Supreme War Leadership Council was established by Koiso to eliminate this flaw. 30日はちょうど拝謁のあと一四〇〇から会議があったOn the 30th, the meeting was held right after the audience, starting at 14:00. 小磯は大将であり、陸海軍首脳と「俺、貴様」で話し合える仲であったKoiso was a general and was on good terms with the army and navy leaders, able to discuss the matter with them in a "you and I" manner. もっと早く、非公式でもいいから情報を教えてくれればよかった、そうすれば今日の苦境に陥らずにすんだのに、と梅津参謀総長にこぼしたKoiso complained to Chief of Staff Umezu that he should have been given the information earlier, even if unofficially, so that they would not have found themselves in the predicament they were in today.
もう少しあと、戦場がルソン島へ移ってからのことだがA little later, when the battlefield moved to Luzon、「陸軍はちっとも決戦しないじゃないか、もっと活動したらいいじゃないか」というと、梅津大将は答えたThe Army is not fighting any decisive battles at all. It would be better if they were more active," General Umezu replied.「おれは陛下の幕僚長に過ぎない。戦場統帥は出先でやっているから仕方がないI am merely His Majesty's Chief of Staff. I can't help it since the battlefield command is done outside the office.」このような責任のなすり合い、いわゆる「無責任体系」が成立していたのであるThis kind of blame-shifting, what is known as a "system of irresponsibility," had been established.(レイテ戦記Leyte Senki/大岡昇平Shōhei Ōoka https://www.chuko.co.jp/bunko/2018/04/206576.html)
*Koiso Kuniaki (japanisch 小磯國昭고이소 구니아키(大日本帝国陸軍大将/A級戦犯=終身刑); * 22. März 1880 in Utsunomiya, Präfektur Tochigi栃木県生まれ山形県出身; † 3. November 1950 in Tokio)Куниаки Коисо war ein japanischer Politiker. Er war von 22. Juli 1944 bis 7. April 1945 der 41. Premierminister Japans (28. Amtsinhaber). Koiso war Anhänger des Staats-Shintō.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hdroL1ebuIM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6oeZXbEtAI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4BDjESlgxg
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eu2YkqdNukQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGToiPCiDHg
①ズール(Suhl)Зульは、ドイツ連邦共和国の都市。テューリンゲン州に属する。人口は約36,000人。近世より武器の生産で知られるhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iTjSZblJLVUSuhl줄 (독일) ist eine kreisfreie Mittelstadt im fränkisch geprägten Süden des Freistaats Thüringen. Sie liegt am Südhang des Thüringer Waldes im Tal von Lauter und Hasel.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=olbNAIYkQyQ
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3I0R0fLwH_E https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lRaxCfo-CM
②https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MV-_y1kwsXkシュタージ(ドイツ語: Stasi)Шта́зиは、ドイツ民主共和国(東ドイツ)の秘密警察・諜報機関を統括する省庁である。正式名称は国家保安省(ドイツ語: Ministerium für Staatssicherheit、略号: MfS국가보안부 (동독)。英語では Ministry for State Security)Министерство государственной безопасности ГДР。シュタージの通称は「Staatssicherheit」の短縮語に由来する。https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QbpJhiRUCFY
秘密警察の追放Expulsion of the secret police
・・・ホーネッカー書記長辞任、国境鉄条網やベルリンの壁開放(1989年11月9日)General Secretary Honecker resigns, barbed wire on the border and the Berlin Wall are opened・・・と東独政権中枢が崩壊するなかで、旧体制を支えるべく全国の「現場」で猛威をふるった秘密警察(俗称シュタージ=国家保安省の組織)は、かんたんには”死に体”にいたらなかったAs the core of the East German government collapsed, the secret police (commonly known as the Stasi, an organization of the Ministry for State Security) which had wreaked havoc on the "scenes" across the country in order to support the old regime, did not easily go down the drain. 地方にあったその拠点のひとつは、前章のマッセルベルクの秘密警察専用保養所であるOne of their local bases was the secret police resort in Masserberg, mentioned in the previous chapter.
*Masserberg ist eine Gemeinde im Landkreis Hildburghausen im Freistaat Thüringen, der 1999 das Prädikat Heilklimatischer Kurort verliehen wurde.
町の中心からややはずれた丘の上に、森林を伐採して豪華な国営保養施設ができたのは四年前(1986年)だが、これは地元住民立入り禁止、全ドイツの秘密警察幹部のための保養兼秘密会議所であったFour years ago, a luxurious state-run resort was built on a hill slightly outside the center of town by clearing part of the forest. However, it was off-limits to local residents and served as a resort and secret meeting place for all German secret police officials.・・・
鉄条網が解放されて一カ月以上すぎても、この保養所は変化がなかったMore than a month had passed since the barbed wire was removed, but nothing had changed at the resort. そして去年の大みそかから正月にかけては、周辺住民にもそれと知れる大宴会のドンチャン騒ぎが行なわれたThen, from New Year's Eve to New Year's Day last year, a huge, wild party was held that was well known even to the surrounding residents.
恨み骨髄のオットー・シュライヒャー氏(54)はここで決意をかためるMr. Otto Schleicher (54), who is filled with bitterness, makes up his mind here.ー「今なおこんなことを公然とできる力があるんだと、奴らは誇示していたんですね。これは実力で追い出さなきゃいけない。日ごろ反体制的な民主化をこころざして胸の内を語りあっていた三人と相談して、住民のデモ隊を組織すべく行動に移りましたThey were showing off the power they could still do this openly. We had to drive them out by force. I talked to three people who were anti-establishment and had been talking about their feelings for democratization, and we started to organize a residents' demonstration.」・・・
二つのデモ隊は合流して保養所の前まで来ると、インターホンで通告したThe two protest groups joined forces and announced over the intercom when they reached the front of the resort.ー「門をあけよ、でないと破壊してはいる!Open the gate or we're destroying it!」「もう覚悟をしていたんですね、秘密警察側はThe secret police were already prepared for this.」とシュライヒャー氏は語るMr. Schleicher saysー「お手のものの電話盗聴でデモ隊襲来を知っていたのですから。二重の門があいたので、園内を本館へと行進して、玄関口から『ボスよ出てこい』と口々に叫びましたThey knew about the demonstrators' attack because of their expert phone tapping. The double gates were opened, so we marched through the park to the main building and shouted from the entrance, "Boss, come out!"」
デモ隊は次第に興奮して、「シュタージはこの町を出ていけ、われわれこそ主人公(人民)だ!」と叫びながら玄関を破壊せんばかりとなったが、シュライヒャー氏たちはそれをなだめて、玄関口に出てきた管理責任者と交渉するThe demonstrators became increasingly agitated, shouting, "Stasi, get out of this town! We are the masters (the people)!" and nearly destroyed the entrance, but Mr. Schleicher and his men managed to calm them down and negotiate with the administrator who appeared at the entrance.・・・
デモ隊の半分ー250人ほどが本館にはいった。広大で豪勢な内部に改めて驚かされながらも、デモ隊が早く押収したかったのは武器と盗聴設備である。地下や五階までの各部屋を片端から調べてまわったHalf of the protesters - about 250 people - entered the main building. While they were surprised by the vast and luxurious interior, what the protesters wanted to seize quickly were weapons and wiretapping equipment. They searched every room in the basement and up to the fifth floor. 秘密警察側は「武器庫はない」と主張していたが、深夜の午前零時半ごろになって、ついに秘密の武器保管室を発見したThe secret police maintained that there was no weapons storehouse, but at around 12:30 AM in the middle of the night, they finally discovered a secret weapons storage room.
「本当に最後の最後まで、われわれが直接発見する寸前までかれらは否定しつづけるんですからね。連中のいうことなど絶対に信用できないThey continued to deny it right up until the very end, right before we found out about it with our own eyes. We can't trust anything they say.」と、シュライヒャー氏は積年の恨みを晴らした日のことを語りつづけるMr. Schleicher continues to talk about the day he got revenge for years of resentment.・・・
いまこの豪華保養所は一般用に開放され、一泊わずか20マルクで利用できるThe luxury resort is now open to the public, with overnight stays costing just 20 marks.「・・・どうですか、日本でだれか買いませんか。冬はスキーもできて、実にいい保養所ですよHow about it? Would anyone in Japan like to buy one? You can even ski in the winter, and it's a really nice resort.」
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xEyZMyf3CGM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWZrJeKDYAU
ドイツ民主共和国 / 本多 勝一【著】Deutsche Demokratische Republik / Katsuichi Honda [Autor] https://www.kinokuniya.co.jp/f/dsg-01-9784022562234
*https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sz_wWzgh-vQTwiceトゥワイスДважды (en hangul, 트와이스; romanización revisada del coreano, Teuwaiseu; estilizado como TWICE) es un grupo femenino surcoreano formado por JYP Entertainment a través del programa llamado Sixteen. El grupo consta de nueve integrantes: Nayeon, Jeongyeon, Momo, Sana, Jihyo, Mina, Dahyun, Chaeyoung y Tzuyu.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s3Ejdweomww
2024/12/26ーHiroyuki has been "sending no New Year's cards" since high school. People are surprised at the reason why: "Isn't that too Hiroyuki-like?"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YhhHZzlWdU4
・・・戦闘において、あれほど頑強だった日本兵が、一度捕虜になってしまうと、比島人と同じ阿諛を示すのも、米兵を驚かせたことの一つだったOne thing that surprised the American soldiers was that the Japanese soldiers, who had been so tough in battle, showed the same servility as the Filipinos once they were captured. 彼等は例外なく米兵は親切で紳士的だといい、軍部を憎んでいたといったWithout exception, they said that American soldiers were kind and gentlemanly, and that they hated the military. ある者は「将校が鉄砲を持って戦えばいいんだ。おれはうしろで号令したい」といったOne Japanese soldier said, "The officers should take up their guns and fight. I want to be from behind giving orders."
マイニット川の一つの橋を一人で警備していた一等兵は、棍棒を一本持っただけの日本兵に襲撃されて驚いたA private first class, guarding alone at one of the bridges over the Mainit River, was surprised when he was attacked by a Japanese soldier armed with only a club. 彼はその日本兵が地上で動かなくなるまでに、15発小銃弾を射ち込まねばならなかったHe had to fire 15 rifle shots at the Japanese soldier before he was motionless on the ground.
「とても同じ日本兵とは思えない」という感想に対し、情報部将校が答えたIn response to the comment, "It's hard to believe they are the same Japanese soldiers," an intelligence officer replied:
「日本軍の訓練は厳しく、階級の差別はひどい。兵隊は奴隷みたいなもんだ。一度義務から解放されると、彼等は極端から極端に移るのは当然なのだ。われわれの軍隊とは違うんだThe training in the Japanese military is strict and the class discrimination is severe. The soldiers are like slaves. Once released from their duties, it is natural that they will go from one extreme to the other. It is not like our military.」「おれたちの方もあまり違いはないと思うがな」と一等兵は答えた"I don't think we're much different," the private replied.「きみは大学を出たおかげで将校だが、おれは百姓だからただの一等兵だ。きみたちはみんなスマートで、威張らない。しかしおれたちだって、一度きみたちにも鉄砲を持たせて、日本兵の方へ押し出してやりたくなるYou are an officer because you graduated from college, but I'm just a private because I'm a farmer. You're all smart and not arrogant. But we'd like to give you a gun and push you towards the Japanese soldiers.」(レイテ戦記Leyte Senki/大岡昇平Shōhei Ōoka)
«Убити Білла» (англ. Kill Bill Volume 1) 《杀死比尔Убить Билла. Фильм 1》新加坡译《复仇人物》,香港译《標殺令》,马来西亚、台湾译《追殺比爾》— американський бойовик 2003 року режисера Квентіна Тарантіно. Фільм є першою з двох частин-томів.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRpepyv9mhg
2021/09/15ーHiroyuki's Bit: "Only fools would say 'A female emperor is no good'": he doesn't know about the restoration of the former imperial family to the imperial status or adoption - Setting the facts https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=udbbS2Yqs6Q