『日中関係Japan-China relations』- 戦後から新時代へFrom the postwar period to a new era - 毛里和子Kazuko Mōri著Author/岩波新書Iwanami Shinsho - 2006【中日关系Китайско-японские отношения《同志Товарищ!》好好学习,天天向上Étudiez dur et progressez chaque jour】CANADA🍁2024/09/22⑪
他方で周は「われわれは日米安保に不満をもっている。しかし、日米安保条約はそのまま続ければよいWe are dissatisfied with the Japan-US Security Treaty, but it should continue as is. 国交正常化に際しては日米安保条約にふれる必要はない。日米関係はそのまま続ければよい。われわれはアメリカを困らせるつもりはないThere is no need to touch on the Japan-US Security Treaty when normalizing diplomatic relations. Japan-US relations can continue as they are. We have no intention of causing trouble to the US」と述べており、71年以来の米中接触の「成果」がうかがえるZhou said this, suggesting the "results" of the contacts between the United States and China since 1971.
これに対して田中は、「賠償放棄についての発言を大変ありがたく拝聴した。感謝する。中国側の立場は恩讐を越えているという立場であることに感銘を受けたI was very grateful to hear your remarks regarding the renunciation of compensation. I appreciate it. I was impressed that China's position is one that goes beyond hatred and gratitude」と率直に謝意を示したIn response, Tanaka expressed his sincere gratitude.
第三回首脳会談では国際問題を話し合い、第三回外相会談では共同声明案を調整しているが、最後に中国が「請求権」の「権」を削って譲ったため、和やかな会談となったAt the third summit, international issues were discussed, and at the third foreign ministers' meeting, a draft joint statement was coordinated, but in the end, China conceded by dropping the word "right" from "claims," resulting in a cordial meeting.
最後の首脳会談は重要であるThe final summit will be important. 周恩来が台湾問題について日本側に説明を求めると、大平外相は「いよいよ明日から日台間の外交関係は解消される」として、四項目の「日中国交正常化後の日台関係」という文書を読み上げたWhen Zhou Enlai asked the Japanese side for an explanation about the Taiwan issue, Foreign Minister Ohira stated, "As of tomorrow, diplomatic relations between Japan and Taiwan will finally be dissolved," and read out a four-point document titled "Japan-Taiwan relations after the normalization of Japan-China relations." 「日中国交正常化の結果、現に台湾を支配している政府とわが国との外交関係は解消されるAs a result of the normalization of diplomatic relations between Japan and China, diplomatic relations between our country and the government currently ruling Taiwan will be terminated.」、日本政府は「今後とも”二つの中国”の立場はとらず、”台湾独立論”を支援する考えは全くないことはもとより、台湾に対しなんらの野心ももっていないWe will not adopt a "two Chinas" stance in the future, and we have absolutely no intention of supporting "Taiwan independence," let alone having any ambitions toward Taiwan.」、台湾との間の民間レベルでの事務所を相互に設置するMutual establishment of private-sector offices between Japan and Taiwan、正常化後の日台関係については国会や新聞記者などに上記の趣旨の説明をするRegarding Japan-Taiwan relations after normalization, the above-mentioned points will be explained to the Diet and newspaper reporters, etc、というものである(石井明他編・2003)。この日本側説明が共同声明を補うものとなったThis explanation from Japan supplemented the joint statement.
注目されるのは、「われわれは異常な決心を固めて訪中した」という田中の発言であるWhat is noteworthy is Tanaka's statement that "We visited China with extraordinary determination." 実は9月8日に自民党では、日中正常化交渉にあたり、「わが国と中華民国との深い関係にかんがみ、従来の関係が継続されるよう十分配慮の上、交渉すべきである」との党議決定がなされていたのであるIn fact, on September 8, the Liberal Democratic Party passed a party resolution stating that with regard to the normalization negotiations between Japan and China, "in light of the deep ties between our country and the Republic of China, negotiations should be conducted with due consideration given to ensuring that the current relationship is maintained."
なお、9月27日夜に突如、毛沢東・田中会談がセットされたFurthermore, a meeting between Mao Zedong and Tanaka was suddenly arranged for the evening of September 27th. 会談は「政治抜き」だったようで、日本側記録では、毛沢東が「あなた方の喧嘩はもうおわりましたか」と切り出すとThe meeting was apparently "political free," and according to the Japanese records, Mao began by asking, "Has your quarrel ended yet?"、田中が「いやいや、私どもの会談は大変友好的で、喧嘩はしておりません」と緊張して答え、あとは日本政治について雑談しているTanaka replied nervously, "No, no, our meeting was very friendly and there was no fight," and the rest of the conversation turned to casual conversation about Japanese politics.
9月29日に共同声明が出され、1945年以来の断絶は終わりを告げたA joint statement was issued on September 29th, marking an end to the rift that had existed since 1945. 文書では、「日本側は、過去において日本国が戦争を通じて中国国民に重大な損害を与えたことについての責任を痛感し、深く反省するThe Japanese side feels keenly responsible for the grave damage that Japan caused to the Chinese people through the war in the past, and deeply regrets it」という前文に続いて、以下が合意されたFollowing the preamble, the following was agreed:
・日本国と中華人民共和国との間のこれまでの不正常な状態は、この共同声明が発出される日に終了するThe abnormal state of affairs between Japan and the People's Republic of China will end on the date this Joint Statement is issued(第一項).
・日本国政府は中華人民共和国政府が中国の唯一の合法政府であることを承認するThe Government of Japan recognizes that the Government of the People's Republic of China is the sole legitimate Government of China(第二項).
・中華人民共和国政府は、台湾が中華人民共和国の領土の不可分の一部であることを重ねて表明するThe Government of the People's Republic of China reiterates that Taiwan is an inalienable part of the territory of the People's Republic of China. 日本国政府は、この中華人民共和国政府の立場を十分理解し、尊重し、ポツダム宣言第八項にもとづく立場を堅持するThe Government of Japan fully understands and respects this position of the Government of the People's Republic of China, and adheres to its position based on Article 8 of the Potsdam Declaration(第三項).
(なお、ポツダム宣言第八項が準拠したカイロ宣言はThe Cairo Declaration, on which Article 8 of the Potsdam Declaration was based、「連合国の目的は、1914年の第一次世界大戦の開始以後に日本国が奪取し、または占領した太平洋におけるすべての島を日本国から剥奪すること、ならびに満州、台湾および澎湖諸島の様な日本国が清国人から盗取したすべての地域を中華民国に返還することにあるThe objective of the Allied Powers is to strip Japan of all islands in the Pacific which it has seized or occupied since the beginning of World War I in 1914, and to restore to the Republic of China all territories which Japan has stolen from the Chinese, such as Manchuria, Taiwan, and the Penghu Islands」としている。共同声明で右のような表現になったのは、日本がこれらの帰属について語る立場にはない、との判断があったからであるThe reason why the joint statement was worded as above is because Japan determined that it was not in a position to comment on the attribution of these islands)。
・中華人民共和国政府は、中日両国国民の友好のために、日本国に対する戦争賠償の請求を放棄するThe Government of the People's Republic of China, in the interest of friendship between the Chinese and Japanese peoples, renounces its claim for war reparations from Japan(第五項).
・両国のいずれも、アジア太平洋地域において覇権を求めるべきではなく、このような覇権を確立しようとする他のいかなる国あるいは国の集団による試みにも反対するNeither country should seek hegemony in the Asia-Pacific region and will oppose any attempt by any other country or group of countries to establish such hegemony(第七項).
なお、共同声明発表後の記者会見で大平外相は賠償問題についてRegarding the compensation issue, Foreign Minister Ohira stated at the press conference after the joint statement was released:「中華人民共和国政府の賠償放棄につきましては、過去の日中間の不幸な戦争の結果、中国国民がこうむった損害がきわめて大きなものであったことに思いを致すならば、われわれとしては、これを率直かつ正当に評価すべきものと考えておりますWith regard to the waiver of reparations by the Government of the People's Republic of China, we believe that this should be evaluated frankly and fairly, considering the enormous damage suffered by the Chinese people as a result of the unfortunate war between Japan and China in the past」と補足しているis supplemented.
この交渉で中国側はかなりの点で譲っているThe Chinese side has made significant concessions in these negotiations.「戦争の終結」ではなく「不正常な状態の終了」となったし、賠償請求権の「権」を削ってほしいという要求ものんだIt was changed to an "end of the abnormal situation" rather than an "end of the war," and there were also demands to remove the "right" to claim compensation. 日米安保も台湾との断交問題も共同声明には一言も出てこないThe joint statement does not mention a single word about the Japan-US Security Treaty or the issue of severing diplomatic relations with Taiwan. 20年以上の隔絶は四日間の交渉で一気に正常化へ進んだ。では日本外交が「勝利した」のだろうか。この点は深い検証が必要であるMore than 20 years of isolation was suddenly brought to normalcy in just four days of negotiations. So was Japanese diplomacy a "victory"? This point requires further investigation.
ここで台湾についてふれておくべきだろうAt this point, I should mention Taiwan. 最終首脳会談で大平外相が、台湾との外交関係の解消、「二つの中国」・台湾独立論の否定を確言して中国側を安心させたが、正式文書にはならなかったAt the final summit meeting, Foreign Minister Ohira reassured the Chinese side by firmly stating that diplomatic relations with Taiwan would be terminated and that the idea of "two Chinas" and Taiwanese independence would be rejected, but this was not made into an official document. 最終会談後の記者会見で大平外相が、「日中関係正常化の結果として、日華平和条約は、存続の意義を失い、終了したものと認められる、というのが日本政府の見解でございますIt is the view of the Japanese government that as a result of the normalization of Japan-China relations, the Japan-China Peace Treaty has lost its reason to continue and can be deemed to have terminated"」と述べたが、これが公式声明のすべてだったForeign Minister Ohira made the remarks at a press conference after the final meeting, but this was the entire official statement.
だが、事前の対台湾工作は慎重だったHowever, Japan was cautious in its advance operations against Taiwan. 首相自身、9月13日付けの蔣介石総統あて親書でThe Prime Minister himself wrote a personal letter to Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek on September 13th、1971年の国連総会でも台湾のために奔走したがalso campaigned for Taiwan at the 1971 United Nations General Assembly、近年の国際情勢の変化、国民の声の高まりで日中正常化の機が熟すと判断、台湾との間で「痛切なる矛盾」をきたすことは了解しているが、「誠を尽くす」と伝えたhe said he judged that the time was ripe for normalization of relations between Japan and China due to recent changes in the international situation and growing public voices, and that while he understood that this would create "painful contradictions" with Taiwan, he would "serve sincerity."(石井明他編・2003). さらに自民党副総裁の椎名悦三郎を首相特使として派遣したIn addition, the LDP Vice President, Etsusaburo Shiina, was dispatched as a special envoy of the Prime Minister. だが、19日、蔣経国行政院長と会った椎名の話は、台湾との関係解消は「論理的結論」、「日中正常化と日華条約は論理的には両立しない」、「従来の関係をそのまま維持する」など終始曖昧だったHowever, when Shiina met with Premier Chiang Ching-kuo on the 19th, he was vague throughout, saying things like terminating relations with Taiwan was a "logical conclusion," "Japan-China normalization and the Japan-China Treaty are logically incompatible," and "We will maintain the current relationship as it is"(同前). 日中関係の「井戸を掘った」古井喜実代議士は、「椎名は言葉のはっきりしない男だから、一番適任だった」と回想しているRepresentative Yoshimi Furui, who "digged the well" of Japan-China relations, recalled, "Shiina was the best person for the job because he was a man of inarticulate speech"(柳田邦男・1983).
*Deutschドイツ語→Shiina Etsusaburō (jap. 椎名 悦三郎시나 에쓰사부로; * 16. Januar 1898 im Landkreis Isawa der Präfektur Iwate (heute: Ōshū)岩手県出身; † 30. September 1979)Сиина Эцусабуро war ein japanischer Beamter und Politiker. Er war Abgeordneter, mehrfach Minister und führte ab 1970 die Shiina-Faktion der Liberaldemokratischen Partei (LDP).
一方台湾側は、日中共同声明の直後に、「(日本と大陸中国は)共同声明を発表し、双方は9月29日から外交関係を樹立したと表明し、同時に日本外務大臣大平正芳は、中日平和条約および中日外交関係はこれによりすでに終了した旨言明したOn the other hand, Taiwan said that immediately after the Japan-China Joint Statement, "Japan and mainland China issued a joint statement announcing that the two sides had established diplomatic relations since September 29th, and at the same time, Japanese Foreign Minister Ohira Masayoshi stated that the Sino-Japanese Peace Treaty and Sino-Japanese diplomatic relations had thus been terminated. 中華民国政府は、日本政府のこれらの条約義務を無視した背信行為に鑑み、ここに日本政府との外交関係の断絶を宣布するとともに、この事態に対しては日本政府が完全に責任を負うべきであることを指摘する」と、対日断交声明を発したIn light of the Japanese government's treasonous disregard for these treaty obligations, the Government of the Republic of China hereby declares the severance of diplomatic relations with the Japanese government, and points out that the Japanese government should bear full responsibility for this situation," the statement read(『日中関係基本資料集』).
1952年からの日台関係にこうして終止符が打たれたThis marked an end to the Japan-Taiwan relations that had existed since 1952. だが、経済、民間交流はその後も途絶えることなく、1972年末から財団法人交流協会(日本)、亜東関係協会(台湾)が日台の代表機関として重要な役割を果たすことになったNevertheless
, economic and private exchanges continued unabated, and from the end of 1972 the Interchange Association (Japan) and the Association of East Asian Relations (Taiwan) began to play important roles as representative organizations for Japan and Taiwan.
3 正常化をどう評価するか
さて、米中和解の副産物だったのせよ、1972年の日中正常化は、19世紀以来はじめて両国関係を対等で平和なものにした点で画期的であるAlthough it was a by-product of the U.S.-China reconciliation, the normalization of relations between Japan and China in 1972 was a breakthrough in that it made relations between the two countries equal and peaceful for the first time since the 19th century. また、米国の封じ込め政策から政府が一歩も出られなかった中でMoreover, while the US government was unable to take a step back from its containment policy、貿易や民間交流で多くの政治家や民間人が力を尽くし、国民世論の圧力があったからこそ、四日間の交渉で一気に正常化を実現できた点も高く評価しなければならないit is also important to commend the fact that normalization was achieved in one fell swoop after just four days of negotiations, thanks to the efforts of many politicians and private citizens in trade and private exchanges, as well as pressure from public opinion. にもかかわらず、今日から見ると、日中正常化の内実には根本的な問題があるように思うNevertheless, looking back at it from today's perspective, it seems that there are fundamental problems with the nature of Japan-China normalization.
ところで、田中首相は当時なにを考えていたのだろう。10年後、インタビューでの述懐を見てみようBy the way, what was Prime Minister Tanaka thinking at the time? Let's take a look at what he said in an interview 10 years later. 彼は、日中関係の重要性について次のように言うRegarding the importance of Japan-China relations, he said:
ともかく、日中は同文同種の仲で、何千年という親密な歴史があるんだから、日中問題をなおざりにすることはできないIn any case, Japan and China are of the same culture and culture and have a close history spanning thousands of years, so Japan-China issues cannot be ignored. そのことがまず第一の原則That is the first principle、第二は、中国の八億だ九億だという人口と、日本の一億を合わせると、地球の人口の四分の一になるSecond, China's population of 800 or 900 million combined with Japan's 100 million amounts to a quarter of the world's population. これだけの日中関係を解決せずして、日本の安定なんかあるわけがないThere is no way that Japan can be stable without resolving such serious issues in Japan-China relations. 第三は、日本の安全保障の問題The third issue is Japan's security.・・・日本としては、日米安保条約だけでなく、中国とも友好関係を結ぶJapan will not only maintain friendly relations with the US-Japan Security Treaty, but also with China. 日米中の三国で、二等辺三角形の関係になれば、極東の平和は守れるIf the three countries of Japan, the United States, and China can form an isosceles triangle relationship, peace in the Far East can be maintained. 日本が中国と国交を正常化することは、アジアにNATOをつくるよりも、強力な安全保障になるJapan's normalization of diplomatic relations with China will provide greater security in Asia than the creation of NATO(柳田邦男・1983).
10年後の回想とはいえ、日中国交正常化にかけた田中や大平の「政治決断」を見てとることができる。だが、日本の外交当局はそれとはちがった対応をしたEven though it is a recollection of 10 years later, we can see the "political decision" made by Tanaka and Ohira to normalize diplomatic relations between Japan and China. However, Japan's diplomatic authorities responded differently. 第一に、日本政府、とくに外交当局が対中交渉に際してもっとも配慮したのは、52年以来の台湾との関係をどう整合させるか、これまでの日台関係をどう正当化するのか、だったFirst, what the Japanese government, and particularly its diplomatic authorities, paid most attention to in its negotiations with China was how to reconcile its relations with Taiwan that had existed since 1952 and how to justify the Japan-Taiwan relationship that had existed up to that point. それに汲々としていたから、これから大陸中国との関係をどうするのかの最小限の見取り図もなかったし、この交渉で日中戦争の問題が本当に処理されたことになるのか、という真摯な問いかけもなかったように思うBecause they were so preoccupied with this, they did not even have a basic blueprint for what to do with relations with mainland China in the future, nor did they seriously question whether the issue of the Sino-Japanese War had truly been resolved through these negotiations.
そもそも、最大の懸案になるはずだった賠償と日米安保条約については、中国が請求しない、ふれないことが事前にはっきりしていたIn the first place, it was clear in advance that China would not make any demands or mention the compensation and the Japan-US Security Treaty, which were supposed to be the biggest issues. 日本政府にとっての心配は台湾問題だけになっていたのだろうThe Japanese government's only concern was the Taiwan issue. 田中首相は会談最終日に周恩来に向かって、自分は「異常な決心を固めて訪中したOn the final day of the talks, Prime Minister Tanaka told Zhou Enlai that he had "visited China with an extraordinary resolve. 台湾問題につき、問題は日本国内、とくに自民党内にあるRegarding the Taiwan issue, the problem lies within Japan, particularly within the Liberal Democratic Party.・・・しかし日中の長い歴史のためには、その程度の困難は覚悟している」と吐露したbut because of the long history between Japan and China, we are prepared to face that level of difficulty." 10年後のインタビューでも、日中問題はEven in an interview 10 years later, the Japan-China issue「外交問題であるよりも国内問題だ。明治百年の歴史をみると、いかなる内閣においても、最大の難関だったIt is more of a domestic issue than a diplomatic one. Looking at the 100-year history of the Meiji era, it was the biggest challenge any cabinet had faced. 日中問題が国内問題として、大きなガンとなっているのは、日本にとっていいことじゃないIt is not a good thing for Japan that the Japan-China issue has become a major domestic problem. 日中問題がおさまると、国内のゴタゴタは、三分の二はなくなるOnce the Sino-Japanese issue is resolved, two-thirds of the domestic turmoil will be gone」と答えているTanaka answers(柳田邦男・1983). この日中交渉に、国内政治がなにより優先する日本外交の体質そのものが典型的に見てとれるThese Japan-China negotiations are a typical example of the nature of Japanese diplomacy, in which domestic politics takes precedence over everything else.
第二に、日本政府および外交当局が、この交渉で中国との戦争問題、いわゆる「歴史問題」の処理がすべてすんだ、と考えたのではないか、とみなされる点であるSecond, it is believed that the Japanese government and diplomatic authorities thought that these negotiations had resolved all issues regarding the war with China, the so-called "historical issues." 中国が、「日本側は、過去において日本国が戦争を通じて中国国民に重大な損害を与えたことについての責任を痛感し、深く反省する」(共同声明前文)という表明で了承し、賠償請求を放棄したからであるThis is because China agreed to the statement, "Japan feels keenly responsible for the serious damage caused to the Chinese people through the war in the past, and deeply regrets it" (preamble to the Joint Statement), and waived its claim for compensation. この点を裏付けるのは、第一回外相会談での対中説明、つまり高島益男発言であるThis point is supported by the explanation given to China at the first foreign ministers' meeting, namely, the remarks made by Masuo Takashima. 高島条約局長は、将来の日中平和条約問題にからめて次のように述べたRegarding the future issue of a Japan-China peace treaty, Treaty Bureau Director Takashima said the following:「戦争を含む過去の日中間の不正常な関係の清算に関連した問題は、今回の話し合いとその結果である共同声明によってすべて処理し、今後にかかる後ろ向きの仕事をいっさい残さないようにしたいWe hope that all issues related to the settlement of past abnormal relations between Japan and China, including the war, will be resolved through these talks and the resulting joint statement, and that we will not leave any backward-looking work for the future」と(石井明他編・2003)。
だが、15年におよぶ軍事侵略とそれがもたらす苦痛、損害、それが残す感情的問題をたった四日間の交渉、たった一枚の共同声明で「すべて処理する」ことがそもそもできるのだろうかBut is it really possible to "resolve" 15 years of military invasion, the pain and damage it has caused, and the emotional repercussions it has left in its wake, with just four days of negotiations and a single joint statement? 本当にそう考えたのだろうかDid he really think that? 「賠償を放棄する」という七文字のもつ深い意味合い、それが将来に残す問題に当然思いをいたすべきだったろうNaturally, they should have thought about the deep meaning behind the seven words "waive compensation" and the problems it would leave behind for the future. 「中国側が国民感情を理由に戦争への謝罪を求め、日本側が法を理由に、”解決済み”の姿勢をとるというパターンThe pattern is that China demands an apology for the war, citing national sentiment, while Japan takes the stance that the issue is "settled," citing legal reasons」(五百旗頭真編・2006)がその後も延々と続くのは、72年当時の日本側の「歴史認識」にその根源があるthe fact that this issue continues on and on has its roots in Japan's "historical awareness" at the time in 1972.
*Françaisフランス語→Makoto Iokibe五百籏頭 眞 (16 décembre 1943 (Showa 18) – 6 mars 2024 (Reiwa 6)) Макото Иокибэ était un politologue et historien japonais. (Histoire de la politique et de la diplomatie japonaises). commentateur des affaires internationales.