『한국의 역사와 발전朝鮮史 その発展History of Korea and its development』(講談社現代新書(1977)Kodansha Gendai Shinsho)카지무라 히데키梶村 秀樹Hideki Kajimura(著Author)Товарищ!《Une lettre à des amis du monde entier/世界の友邦たちへの書/Письмо друзьям по всему миру》캐나다加拿大Канада🍁2024/06/14㉖
*Русскийロシア語→МинданMindan (корейский: 민단, ханджа: 民團), или Союз корейских жителей Японии (корейский: 재일본대한민국민단, японский: 在日本大韓民国民団Union des résidents coréens du Japon), является одной из двух основных организаций корейцев, живущих в Японии, вторая — Чонгрён. Компания Mindan имеет связи с Южной Кореей и была основана в 1946 году в Токио, Япония.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d5ZBSw1g7t0
なお、再建された日本共産党は、在日朝鮮人を日本内の少数民族と規定して、前章でみた30年代の組織形態を踏襲したThe re-established Japanese Communist Party defined Koreans in Japan as an ethnic minority within Japan and followed the organizational structure of the 1930s, as discussed in the previous chapter. したがって、「朝連」を指導する社会主義者たちは、日本共産党員としてその組織的統制下におかれることとなったのであるTherefore, the socialists leading the Choren came under the organizational control of the Japanese Communist Party as members of the party. この時点で唯一の在日朝鮮人大衆団体だった「朝連」の具体的活動は、南朝鮮の民衆運動とも連係をとった相対的に独自のものではあったがAt that time, the Choren was the only Korean mass organization in Japan, and its concrete activities were relatively unique, linking up with the South Korean people's movement、それが全体として日本共産党の方針によって枠付けられていたas a whole, this was framed by the policies of the Japanese Communist Party. そしてその組織形態が、やがて、またもや、日本民衆の力量の弱さを在日朝鮮人大衆を動員して埋めるために、利用される結果を生んだのであるAnd this organizational structure eventually ended up being used once again to fill the weakness of the Japanese people by mobilizing the Korean masses in Japan.
*Kim Chon-hae (Korean: 김천해; Hanja: 金天海Ким Чон Хэ; RR: Gim Cheon-hae, Japanese reading: Kin Tenkai; 10 May 1898 – c. 1969) was a Zainichi Korean who was a leading figure in the Japanese Communist Party and a founder of the pro-communist Chōren, predecessor of the modern Chongryon.
「朝連」がまっさきに取りくまねばならなかった活動は、とうぜんにも一日も早く帰国することを望む大衆の要求にそって、GHQや日本政府とかけあっていくことであったThe first activity that the Choren had to undertake was to negotiate with GHQ and the Japanese government in line with the demands of the masses, who naturally wanted to return home as soon as possible. 強制連行の経緯を考えれば、これは日本政府が最優先とすべき課題のはずだったが、その動きは鈍かったConsidering the circumstances surrounding the forced (taken away)abductions, this should have been a top priority for the Japanese government, but action has been slow. 45年8月末青森県大湊軍港を徴用朝鮮人を満載して出発した浮島丸が、舞鶴沖で爆発・沈没し、542名の死者と多数の負傷者を出すという、ふんだりけったりの事件まで起こったAt the end of August 1945, the Ukishima Maru, which had departed from the Ominato naval port in Aomori Prefecture loaded with conscripted Koreans, exploded and sank off the coast of Maizuru, resulting in a tragic incident in which 542 people were killed and many more were injured.
*우키시마호 침몰 사건(浮島丸號沈沒事件, 일본어: 浮島丸事件) 또는 우키시마호 폭침 사건은 1945년 8월 24일 한국인 피징용자를 태운 일본 해군 수송선 우키시마마루(浮島丸)호가 원인 모르는 폭발사고로 침몰한 사건이다.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIy8ytOqiM4
引揚船が満足に配給されないので、自力で玄界灘を渡ろうとした人々も数多く、そのため三菱重工広島の徴用工(被爆者)のように途中で遭難してしまった事例さえあるBecause there were not enough repatriation ships available, many people tried to cross the Genkai Sea on their own, and there were even cases where people, such as the conscripted workers (survivors of the atomic bomb) at Mitsubishi Heavy Industries in Hiroshima, ended up stranded along the way. そのうえ、46年に入ると、米軍政下の南朝鮮の生活苦と政治的暴圧が帰国をおしとどめたFurthermore, in 1946, the hardships of life and political oppression in South Korea under U.S. military rule prevented them from returning home. 在日朝鮮人の90パーセント以上は南朝鮮の出身だが、すでに故郷の生活の基盤が失われている人々が、ふたたびどこかにわりこめるような経済状態ではなくMore than 90 percent of Koreans in Japan are originally from South Korea, but they have already lost the foundations of their lives in their homeland and are not in an economic position to be able to find a new home again、また、活動家の帰国は生命の危険を意味したfurthermore, returning home for the activists meant putting their lives at risk. それで、南朝鮮に年老いた両親を残したまま、今まで30余年、会うこともできずにいる在日朝鮮人が少なくないのであるAs a result, there are many Koreans living in Japan who have left their elderly parents behind in South Korea and have not been able to meet them for over 30 years. こうして、約150万人は何とか帰国し、帰るに帰れぬ約60万人が、本国としだいに分断されていく日本に、在住し続けることとなったIn this way, about 1.5 million people managed to return home, while the approximately 600,000 who were unable to return continued to live in Japan, which was gradually being separated from their home country.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Enas8kJGkx8
*연합군 최고사령부(聯合軍 最高司令部, 영어: Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers, SCAP, General Headquarters, GHQ, GHQ–SCAP, 일본어: 連合国軍最高司令官総司令部 렌고우코쿠군사이코우시레이칸소우시레이부)Главнокомандующий союзными оккупационными войсками 는 일본이 제2차 세계 대전에 패한 이후, 1945년 10월 2일부터 샌프란시스코 강화조약이 발효된 1952년 4월 28일까지 6년 반 동안 일본에 있었던 연합군의 최고위 사령부이다.
二重三重の被害者である在日朝鮮人の生活権と民族的権利を保障することについてGuaranteeing the right to live and the ethnic rights of Koreans living in Japan who have been the victims of double and triple crimes、GHQと日本政府は、単に冷淡であったばかりでなく、かれらが自らこれを確保しようとする努力を、治安弾圧の対象とさえしたGHQ and the Japanese government were not only indifferent, but even subjected their own efforts to secure this to security crackdowns. このことはとくに民族教育問題においてはっきりあらわれているThis is especially evident in the issue of ethnic education. 解放とともに、禁圧されてきた朝鮮語による教育を復活させWith the liberation, education in the Korean language, which had been suppressed, was reinstated、隔離された状況のもとでも、本国の民衆との文化の一体性を保ち続けeven in isolation, they maintained cultural integrity with the people of their home country、問題意識を共有して歩みたいと考える父兄の欲求は、ごく自然にほとばしり出たthe parents' desire to share their concerns and work together emerged quite naturally. かれらは塾のような形でだれの援助もなしに、無数の民族教育の場をつくり出したThey created countless educational facilities for ethnic minorities in the form of cram schools, without any assistance from anyone. 朝連はこれを系統的に育成強化することを最優先課題としたThe Choren made it its top priority to systematically develop and strengthen this.
ところが、戦後日本の虚脱状態の中で生き生きとした民族教育が発展していくことを、GHQと日本政府は「共産主義者を利するもの」と矮小化してとらえ、これをつぶしにかかったHowever, despite the vibrant development of ethnic education in postwar Japan's state of collapse, GHQ and the Japanese government belittled it as something that "benefited the Communists" and tried to crush it. 48年1月の文部次官通達をきっかけに、各地でつぎつぎに民族学校閉鎖命令が出されはじめたFollowing a notice from the Vice Minister of Education in January 1948, orders to close ethnic Korean schools began to be issued one after another across the country. 自力でつくった場を失なうまいと、父兄・教師・生徒一体となって、この無茶な弾圧に抵抗したのはあまりにもとうぜんのことだったNot wanting to lose the place they had created with their own efforts, it was only natural that parents, teachers, and students came together to resist this unreasonable oppression.
*Françaisフランス語→L'incident éducatif de Hanshin한신교육투쟁(阪神教育鬪爭, 일본어: 阪神教育事件Hanshin Education Incident)Инцидент в сфере образования Хансин s'est produit en avril 1948, lorsque les autorités japonaises, agissant sous les ordres du gouvernement des États-Unis et du ministère japonais de l'Éducation, ont fermé des écoles privées coréennes opérant au Japon. Les manifestations à travers le Japon ont rassemblé entre 1 et 20 000 civils. La majorité des manifestations se sont concentrées dans les rues d'Osaka et de Kobe, la capitale de la préfecture de Hyogo, où les civils ont protesté contre la fermeture des écoles coréennes.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9pu9L9AzG0
在日朝鮮人労働者の最も多く住む関西地方で、学校を守る運動も最も強かったThe movement to protect schools was also strongest in the Kansai region, where the largest number of Korean workers in Japan live. 正当な抗議に対して、行政当局は警察と軍隊の力による弾圧をもってのぞんだIn response to legitimate protests, civil authorities responded with repression using police and military force. いわゆる「阪神教育事件」であるThis is the so-called "Hanshin Education Incident." 48年4月23日、大阪府庁前の集会では、ついに、群衆の中にいた金太一(1932~48)という16歳の少年が、警官のピストルで射殺される事件までひきおこされたAt a rally in front of the Osaka Prefectural Office, a 16-year-old boy named Kim Tae Il who was in the crowd was shot and killed by a police officer's pistol. 金太一の死に象徴される事態を、日本人は、ごく少数をのぞいて冷淡に傍観し、ないしは弾圧に拍手さえしたWith the exception of a very small minority, the Japanese people looked on indifferently at the situation symbolized by the death of Kim Tae Il, or even applauded the repression. それが、朝鮮人大衆を孤立させ、かれらから自主的な教育の場を奪って、のちのちまで続く戦後的「同化」への道を固めてしまったのであるThis isolated the Korean masses, deprived them of an opportunity for independent education, and paved the way for the postwar "assimilation" that continued for many years. 阪神はじめ多くの地域で学校閉鎖は強行され、生徒たちはばらばらに日本の学校に編入されたSchool closures were enforced in many areas, including the Hanshin area, and students were transferred to Japanese schools one by one. 東京など一部の地方では、妥協として、公立学校の形態で民族学校の実質が残されたがIn some areas, such as Tokyo, ethnic schools were allowed to remain in the form of public schools as a compromise、それも、55年頃にいたり、今度は「日本の税金で外国人を教育するわけにはいかぬ」という奇妙な論理(朝鮮人が公立にしてくれと頼んだわけではないし、朝鮮人も同様に税金を払っている)で、各種学校扱いにし、制限を強めたhowever, around 1980, the government began to treat the schools as miscellaneous schools and tightened restrictions, this time based on the strange logic that "we cannot educate foreigners with Japanese tax money" (Koreans had not asked for them to be made public schools, and Koreans pay taxes just like them).
*Españolスペイン語→La Asociación general de coreanos residentes en Japón (en coreano 재일본 조선인 총련합회在日本朝鮮人總聯合會, Chae Ilbon Chosŏnin Ch'ongryŏnhaphoe)Ассоциация северокорейских граждан в Японии, más conocida por la abreviación Chongryon (en coreano 총련) o Chōsen Sōren (en japonés, 朝鮮総連Чочхоллён), es una organización de personas de etnia coreana que residen en Japón. El grupo mantiene estrechos vínculos con Corea del Norte y funciona como su embajada de facto en el país nipón.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qwrSjAYD1Vs
そうした中でも、民族教育を守る血みどろの努力の中で、共和国を支持する「総連」(在日本朝鮮人総連合会)の側では、朝鮮大学校(1956~)までの体系を整えていったEven in such circumstances, in a bloody effort to protect ethnic education, Chōsen Sōren(The General Association of Korean Residents in Japan), which supported the Republic, established a system up to the establishment of Korea University. 一方、数はそれより少ない民団系・中立系の学校も生まれているOn the other hand, a smaller number of Mindan-affiliated and neutral schools have also been established. しかし、日本政府はなお「外国人学校法案」などによる規制強化の企図を放棄しきっていはいないThough, the Japanese government has not yet completely abandoned its plans to strengthen regulations through the "Foreign School Bill" and other measures. このように、民族教育への対応は、戦後日本の国家と社会が、人間にとって最も本質的な次元で、朝鮮人に対して何をしてきたかを、最も明白に示しているIn this way, the response to ethnic education most clearly shows what the postwar Japanese state and society have done to Koreans in the most fundamental dimensions of human nature.
*Русскийロシア語→Корейский университет (朝鮮大学校, корейский: 조선대학교L'Université de Corée) — это смешанная школа университетского уровня, расположенная в Кодайре, Токио. Он был основан связанной с Северной Кореей организацией «Чонгрён» 10 апреля 1956 года.https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=3-ltu7_l3XM
ところで、前述の第一次民族教育弾圧には、攻撃性を強めていたアメリカの極東軍事政策全体、とりわけ南朝鮮での弾圧強化とも関連していたIncidentally, the first crackdown on ethnic education mentioned above was also related to America's increasingly aggressive military policy in the Far East, particularly the intensified crackdown in South Korea. 米軍の銃弾が南朝鮮の民衆を血に染めている状況を、日本ではひとり在日朝鮮人のみが、自分の問題として注視していたIn Japan, only one Korean resident was paying close attention to the situation in which U.S. military bullets were staining the people of South Korea with blood, and viewed it as his own problem. GHQは、アメリカへの幻想を捨てない日本人に対しては懐柔(天皇制の保存等)をまじえ、アメリカの反動性を鋭く見抜いた朝鮮人に対してはもっぱら強圧するというように、政策を使いわけたのであったGHQ adopted a range of policies, including appeasement (preservation of the Emperor system, etc.) towards Japanese people who refused to give up their illusions about America, and strong repression towards Koreans, who keenly saw through America's reactionary nature.
朝鮮戦争に先立って、49年GHQ・日本政府は団体等規制令による「朝連」解散を強行したPrior to the Korean War, in 1949, GHQ and the Japanese government forced the dissolution of the Choren under the Ordinance for the Control of Organizations, etc. 形式上日本共産党指導下の一大衆団体である「朝連」に、より早くより強い弾圧が加えられたのであるThe Choren, which was technically a mass organization under the leadership of the Japanese Communist Party, was subject to earlier and stronger repression. そして、戦争下では、日本を基地に、爆撃機が続々と朝鮮へ飛び立っていくのを黙視しえぬ気持ちからAnd during the war, it was impossible to stand by and watch as bombers based in Japan continued to fly to Korea、「朝連」に結集していた人々は、「在日朝鮮統一民主戦線(民戦)」と祖国防衛委員会をつくり、米軍の背後での可能なかぎりの抗争を追求したthe people who had gathered in the "Choren" formed the "United Democratic Front of Koreans in Japan (Minsen)" and the Homeland Defense Committee, and pursued as much resistance as possible behind the backs of the U.S. military.
*재일조선통일민주전선(在日朝鮮統一民主戦線Die Koreanische Vereinigte Demokratische Front in Japan)Корейский объединённый демократический фронт в Японии 은 1951년부터 1955년까지 활동한 재일 한국인 조직이다. 6.25 전쟁 당시 조선민주주의인민공화국 정부를 지원하기 위해 결성되었다.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNq4XLj2Weo
それは、純粋に民族を思う気持ちの昂揚から生まれた闘いであり、けっして上からの命令でのみ行動したものではないがIt was a struggle born out of purely national pride and was by no means carried out solely on orders from above、組織形態上、この力量が当時の日本共産党の即席反米闘争に接続・動員されたことが、犠牲をより大きくしたin terms of organizational structure, this talent was connected and mobilized for the Japan Communist Party's impromptu anti-American struggle at the time, which further increased the casualties. メーデー事件・吹田事件・大須事件等、朝鮮戦争下の弾圧事件の被告としてAs a defendant in the May Day Incident, Suita Incident, Osu Incident, and other cases of oppression during the Korean War、ながい苦難を強いられた人々の中に、朝鮮人大衆の占める率が非常に多いのも、その一例であるone example of this is that the Korean masses make up a very large proportion of the people who have been forced to endure long hardships.
①Deutschドイツ語→Der Zwischenfall am 1. Mai (japanisch 血のメーデー事件피의 메이데이 사건 (일본) Chi no MēDē jikenИнцидент 1 маяBloody May Day, wörtlicher „‚Maifeiertag/May Day des Bluts‘-Zwischenfall“) 1952 in Tokio wurde durch Zusammenstöße von linken Demonstranten mit der Polizei und viele Festnahmen und Verurteilungen geprägt②Portuguêsポルトガル語→Os motins de Suita (em japonês 吹田事件스이타 폭동)Бунты Суйта ocorreram em 24 e 25 de junho de 1952, na cidade japonesa de Suita, província de Osaka③Françaisフランス語→L'incident d'Osu오스 사건大須事件Инцидент в Осу, ou émeute d'Osu, était un affrontement violent entre la police et des manifestants qui s'est produit le 7 juillet 1952 à Osu, dans le quartier de Naka, dans la ville de Nagoya, dans la préfecture d'Aichi.
だが、前述のような形での朝鮮戦争の終結は、南北の分断を固定化すると同時に、在日朝鮮人の故国との自然な精神的つながりを、たちきる画期ともなってしまったHowever, the end of the Korean War in the manner described above solidified the division of North and South Korea, and at the same time marked a turning point that severed the natural spiritual ties of Koreans living in Japan with their homeland. 日本社会の中への封じこめ、同化と差別の環境の中で、祖国との結合を新たに意識的につくっていかねばならない状況が生じたBeing confined within Japanese society and in an environment of assimilation and discrimination, a situation arose in which they had to consciously create a new connection with their homeland.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=irquMwWZ-ZA「朝連」・「民戦」とともに歩んできた人々は、54年の朝鮮民主主義人民共和国南日外相(1914~76)の声明に基づいて、日本共産党の指導下から公式に離れThe people who had walked alongside the Choren and the Minsen officially left the leadership of the Japanese Communist Party based on a statement made in 1954 by the Foreign Minister of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Nam Il 、1955年、共和国公民としての在日朝鮮人の民族的民主的権利を守る大衆団体として、在日本朝鮮人総連合会(総連)をつくり、今日にいたっているthe General Association of Korean Residents in Japan (Chongryon) was founded as a mass organization to protect the ethnic and democratic rights of Koreans in Japan as citizens of the Republic, and it continues to exist to this day. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvxLHIXGFRA
*Русскийロシア語→Нам Ир, русское имя — Яков Петрович (кор. 남일南日Nam Il, 5 июня 1913 Российская империя— 7 марта 1976, Пхеньян, КНДР) — северокорейский партийный и государственный деятель, министр иностранных дел КНДР (1953—1959).https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4OwUz6jE5o
一方、当初は問題が多く、大衆的基盤の小さかった民団に属する人々もしだいに増していきOn the other hand, the number of people belonging to Mindan, which had many problems at first and had a small mass base, gradually increased、日韓条約による協定永住権体制下の今日にいたり、総連傘下大衆とほぼ同数となっているtoday, under the permanent residency system established by the Japan-Korea Treaty, their numbers are roughly equal to those of the general public under the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan. それは、いずれにせよ、90パーセント以上が南朝鮮の出身である日本の体制下での生活者としての、複雑な思いのこもった選択の結果であるIn any case, it is the result of a choice made with complex feelings as people living under the Japanese system, more than 90 percent of whom are of South Korean origin. 在日朝鮮人こそ、故国の人々におとらず故国の統一を切願せざるをえぬ位置にあるのであるKoreans in Japan are in a position where they cannot help but yearn for the unification of their homeland, just like the people of their homeland.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aRaSGRrhd4c