
当ブログはトロント在住、日系一世カナダ人サミー・山田(48)おっさんの「独り言」です。まさに「個人日記」。1968年11月16日東京都目黒区出身(A型)・在北米30年の日系カナダ人(Canadian Citizen)・University of Toronto Woodsworth College BA History & East Asian Studies Major トロント在住(職業記者・医療関連・副職画家)・Toronto Ontario「団体」「宗教」「党派」一切無関係・「政治的」意図皆無=「事実関係」特定の「考え」が’正しい’あるいは一方だけが’間違ってる’いう気は毛頭なし。「知って」それぞれ「考えて」いただれれば本望(^_-☆Everybody!! Let's 'Ponder' or 'Contemplate' On va vous re?-chercher!Internationale!!「世界人類みな兄弟」「平和祈願」「友好共存」「戦争反対」「☆Against Racism☆」「☆Gender Equality☆」&ノーモア「ヘイト」(怨恨、涙、怒りや敵意しか生まない)Thank you very much for everything!! Ma Cher Minasan, Merci Beaucoup et Bonne Chance 

『한국의 역사와 발전朝鮮史 その発展History of Korea and its development』(講談社現代新書(1977)Kodansha Gendai Shinsho)카지무라 히데키梶村 秀樹Hideki Kajimura(著Author)Товарищ!《Une lettre à des amis du monde entier/世界の友邦たちへの書/Письмо друзьям по всему миру》캐나다加拿大Канада🍁2024/06/14㉗

특별영주자(일본어: 特別永住者, 영어: Special Permanent Resident, SPR)Специальный постоянный резидент (Япония)는 1991년 11월 1일에 시행된 일본의 법률 《일본과의 평화 조약에 따라 일본 국적을 이탈한 자들의 출입국 관리에 관한 특례법》에 나와 있는 '특별영주자' 해당 요건을 충족시키는 사람을 말한다https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3F68n-HY3lU

Treaty permanent residence협정 영주권協定永住権Договор о постоянном проживании is a status of residence granted to Korean nationals in Japan based on the Japan-Korea Legal Status Agreement concluded between the governments of Japan and Korea following the conclusion of the Treaty on Basic Relations between Japan and the Republic of Korea.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BgIUklamBOM
 30年の歳月は、統一と帰国までの過渡期だとのみ思いながら生活するには、すでにあまりにながIt is not enough to live these 30 years thinking of them as a transitional period until unification and return to Korea. 同化を強いる状況の中で、自分の生きるよりどころをつくること自体のための悪戦苦闘があることを、我々は真剣に認識しなければならないWe(Japanese) must seriously recognize that in a situation that forces assimilation(of Koreans in Japan), there is a struggle just to create a basis for one's own survival.



 固定化した停戦ラインを背に、1953年以降、北と南とは、社会主義と資本主義というまったく異なる体制の下で、当面別々の方向に本格的に歩みはじめるほかなかったWith the ceasefire line fixed behind them, from 1953 onwards, the North and the South had no choice but to begin to move in completely different directions under the completely different systems of socialism and capitalism. 分断を前提とするそれぞれの内部の政治力学の場の中でWithin the context of internal political dynamics that are premised on division、もともと外から強いられた分断が、民衆意識の中にまでしみこんで惰性化することを防ぐためだけにも意識的努力が必要な状況となったthe situation has become one in which conscious efforts are needed simply to prevent the division, which was originally imposed from the outside, from seeping into the consciousness of the people and becoming an inertia. 

 北では、共和国建国後も朝鮮戦争前までは、南との遠からぬ統一の日まで、本格的な社会主義改造をさしひかえるという考慮があったようだがIn the North, even after the founding of the Republic and up until the Korean War, there seemed to be consideration to postpone full-scale socialist transformation until the day of unification with the South, which was not far off、停戦後は祖国解放の「民主基地」を維持するためにも、待っているわけにはいかなかったafter the ceasefire, they could no longer wait in order to maintain our "democratic base" for the liberation of our homeland. 53年に朴憲永派を、56年に経済建設の進め方をめぐって旧延安派(ML派系)を排除した金日成体制はThe Kim Il-sung regime, which expelled the Park Hon-yong faction in 1953 and the former Yenan faction (ML faction) in 1956 over the way of economic construction、戦後早い時期には社会主義国からの支援もあったがin the early postwar period, there was support from socialist countries、基本的には、苦労しぬいてきた民衆の「自力更生」の熱誠をひきだすのに成功したことによってbasically, it succeeded in evoking a strong desire for self-reliance among the people who had suffered through hardship、比較的順調に、廃墟の中から「千里馬」(一日に千里ゆくことができるという朝鮮の伝説上の翼の生えた馬で、建設の速度などのシンボルとされている)の社会主義建設の軌道へと進んでいくfrom the ruins, things progressed relatively smoothly onto the track of socialist construction based on the "Qianlima" (a winged horse from Korean legend that is said to be able to travel 1,000 li in a day, and is considered a symbol of the speed of construction, etc.).

*Françaisフランス語→Chŏllima (천리마千里馬 en hangeul, littéralement « 1 000 lieues cheval ») ou son abréviation Chonma (천마, littéralement « 1 000 chevaux »)Чхоллима est le nom coréen d'un cheval mythique. Il est commun aux cultures sibériennes et originaire d'Asie centrale.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7G6rDTjyug

58年には農業と私営商工業の協同化が完了し、第一次五ヵ年計画期(1956~60年)にすでに安定した社会主義工業化の骨格はできあがっていたといえるCooperation of agriculture and private commerce and industry was completed by 1958, and it can be said that the framework for stable socialist industrialization was already in place by the First Five-Year Plan period (1956-1960). そうした自信に支えられて、60年8月にはすでに、連邦制提案という形で、ふたたび自主的統一を志向する基本構想を表明しているSupported by this confidence, in August 1960 the government once again announced a basic plan for autonomous unification in the form of a federal proposal.

고려민주연방공화국안(한자:高麗民主聯邦共和國案The Koryo Democratic Federal Republic Plan, 문화어: 고려민주련방공화국안)План создания Демократической Федеративной Республики Корё은 조선민주주의인민공화국이 제시한 통일 방법으로, 연방제 통일안이다.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSgaRQYqpjQ

だが、日本政府は、いまだにそういう共和国を、世界中で唯一の「渡航してならぬ国」として、その発給する旅券に明記しているHowever, the Japanese government still lists such republics as the only countries in the world that should not be traveled to on the passports it issues. それが典型的な例であるがThis is a typical example、外からの強い封鎖政策下におかれ続けたことから、資本主義世界の中でもまれ続けてきた南の民衆意識をつかむことには、苦労が多いようであるit seems that it is difficult to grasp the consciousness of the people of the South, who have been subjected to a strong blockade policy from the outside and have been struggling in the capitalist world.

 一方、南には明白にアメリカの意図にそって、李承晩独裁体制が固定化されていったMeanwhile, in the South, Syngman Rhee's dictatorship was being consolidated, clearly in line with American intentionsアメリカ帝国主義の南朝鮮での第一の関心事は、資本主義世界の確保のための反共第一線軍事橋頭堡を、そこに維持できる程度の政治的「安定」でありThe primary concern of U.S. imperialism in South Korea is the political "stability" necessary to maintain there an anti-Communist frontline military bridgehead for the security of the capitalist world、あわせて自国資本のための、「援助」という形態での余剰商品のはけ口のひとつとすることを追求したAt the same time, they sought to provide an outlet for domestic capital to sell surplus commodities in the form of "aid." 後者は南朝鮮に、「援助」に依存する一群の隷属資本のゆがんだ成長と、農業と零細土着産業体系の崩壊とをもたらしたThe latter brought about in South Korea the distorted growth of a group of slave capitalists dependent on "aid" and the collapse of the agricultural and small indigenous industrial systems. しかも、ドル危機により、当面を糊塗するための「援助」も50年代末には頭打ちとなり、韓国経済に猛烈な不況を強いたMoreover, due to the dollar crisis, the "aid" provided to cover the short term came to a plateau by the end of the 1950s, forcing the Korean economy into a severe recession. この構造的矛盾のうえに「安定」を築く手段は、露骨な独裁しかなかったThe only way to build "stability" on top of these structural contradictions was through blatant dictatorship. 自由と民主主義をうたいながら、アメリカはこの役割を李承晩に課したのであるWhile touting freedom and democracy, the United States imposed this role on Syngman Rhee. 解放直後の韓国民主党の系譜に立ち、日帝下の抗争の中で身につけた古典的なブルジョア民主主義理念をたてまえどおり固辞した民主党すら、野党にまわっていたが、独裁に対抗すべき組織的な力は、戦後には一掃されていたEven the Democratic Party, which was a successor to the Democratic Party of Korea established immediately after liberation and which formally rejected the classical bourgeois democratic ideals it had acquired during the struggle under Japanese imperialism, was in the opposition, but the organizational power to oppose dictatorship had been wiped out after the war. もと共産党員でありながら、一時李承晩体制内にあった曹奉岩(1898~1959)は、進歩党を結成して、56年の大統領選挙で対決しようとしたが、逮捕・処刑されてしまったCho Bong-am, a former Communist Party member who was once part of Syngman Rhee's regime, formed the Progressive Party and attempted to run against Rhee in the 1956 presidential election, but was arrested and executed.

①The Progressive Party Incident进步党事件진보당 사건(進步黨事件) 또는 조봉암 사건(曺奉岩事件)Инцидент с Прогрессивной партией refers to the fact that Cho Bong-am (Korean: 조봉암), the leader of the Progressive Party (Korean: 진보당), a progressive political party in the first Republic of Korea, was regarded as a North Korean ally because of his advocacy of social democracy and contact with North Korea. The arrest and execution of spieshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rRLp4OLQt24Русскийロシア語→Чо Бон Ам (Чо Бонам, кор. 조봉암曺奉岩); 25 сентября 1894 года — 31 июля 1959 года) — корейский политик левого толка, борец за независимость Республики Корея.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ReM3yp8fiWg

無告の民衆は「反共」一色の体制下に息をひそめていたが、そこでは、とにかく生きられなかったThe undocumented masses hid under a system that was dominated by anti-communism, but it was simply impossible for them to survive there. 輸出が輸入の一〇分の一、全可働人口の40パーセントと推定された失業率Exports were one-tenth of imports; unemployment was estimated at 40 percent of the total working population、それでいて60万もの軍隊の維持を強要されていることand yet they are forced to maintain an army of 600,000ーこれらは、いかにまちがっても自立した政治・経済体制のもとでは、ありようもないことであったthese things would have been impossible under an independent political and economic system, no matter how false it may have been. ここからは「勝共統一」の空語しか生まれてきようがなかったFrom this, the only thing that could come out was the empty phrase "unification through victory over Communism." かくして、朝鮮全体を通じての歴史展開の鍵は、南の民衆運動の再生にあることとなったThus, the key to historical development throughout Korea lay in the revival of the people's movement in the south.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-diC6LNF3APolskiポーランド語→Rewolucja kwietniowa (kor. 4.19 혁명四一九革命) 또는 4월 혁명(四月革命)Révolution d'AvrilАпрельская революция в Корее nazywana również Rewolucją 19 Kwietnia, była masowymi protestami w Korei Południowej przeciwko prezydentowi Syngmanowi Rhee i Pierwszej Republice w dniach 11–26 kwietnia 1960 r., które doprowadziły do rezygnacji prezydenta.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQsw5bO-vd8

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAkawGxxeWkРусскийロシア語→Военная революция 16 мая (кор. 5·16 군사정변, 五一六軍事政變; О илюк кунса чонбён)The May 16 military coup d'état — военный переворот в Республике Корея, прошедший 16 мая 1961 года. Была организована и проведена генералом-майором Пак Чонхи и его товарищами, которые сформировали Военно-революционный комитет, номинально возглавляемый начальником генерального штаба генералом Чан Доён[норв.], после утверждения последним дня переворота.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtwjWy8UKSY


 この間、解放直後の強烈な民衆運動は、あとかたもなく消えてしまったようにみえていたDuring this time, the intense popular movement that had taken place immediately after liberation seemed to have vanished without a trace. 事実、朝鮮戦争のさいに、組織としてはいったん完全に絶滅させられたとみられIn fact, it is believed that the organization was completely wiped out during the Korean War. しかし、民衆は生き続けていたBut the people lived on. 60年4月、突如としてまったく新しい形で運動を再生させたSuddenly, they regenerated the movement in a whole new way. 運動の推進母体となったのは、反共教育下で育ったはずの若い学生層であったThe driving force behind the movement was young students who had grown up under anti-communist education. 動きのとれる組織された集団が他になく、学生が民族的使命を担ったのであるWith no other organized group to mobilize, the students took on the national mission. 大学生が口火を切り、中学生や国民学校生までが街頭に出、それに民衆が合流してたちまちソウル市中を埋めたUniversity students were the first to take to the streets, followed by middle school and elementary school students, and then the masses of people joined them, quickly filling the streets of Seoul. そして186名もの犠牲を出しながら、ついに李承晩大統領を退陣においこみ、アメリカの対韓政策への批判を提起したAlthough 186 people were killed, the attack ultimately forced President Syngman Rhee to resign and raised criticism of America's policy toward South Korea.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3ikl3QSi24 内からみても、外からみても、南朝鮮の民衆の姿がこれほど新鮮であった時はなかったWhether seen from within or without, the appearance of the South Korean people has never been more refreshing. この時だれのさしずもなしに、かれら自らの力が確実に歴史の歯車を一回転させたのであるAt this moment, without any guidance from anyone, their own power surely turned the gears of history once. 社会科学的にみて、体制の変化をもたらす革命であったかどうかという観点からではなく、そういう実感が「四月革命」という言葉を生んだのであるIt was this realization that gave rise to the term "April Revolution," rather than from the perspective of whether it was a revolution that would bring about a change in the system from a social scientific perspective.

 だがアメリカは事態をここでくいとめようとして、新興勢力が形をなさぬうちに急ぎ選挙を行なわせ、民主党の張勉(1899~)が、首相に就任したHowever, the United States tried to stop the situation from escalating, and quickly called elections before the emerging powers had a chance to take shape, with Chang Myon of the Democratic Party becoming prime minister. 

①Deutschドイツ語→Chang Myon장면張勉Чан Мён, auch John Chang Myon oder John M. Chang und Tamaoka Tsutomu (* 28. August 1899 in Incheon, Korea; † 4. Juni 1966 in Seoul, Südkorea) war ein südkoreanischer Politiker und zweifacher Premierminister Südkoreas.다마오카 쓰토무(玉岡 勉)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zbq0Zx97lDsFrançaisフランス語→Le Parti démocrate (coréen : 민주당民主黨, Minju Dang, DP)Democratic PartyДемократическая партия (Южная Корея, 1955) était un parti politique sud-coréen. Le parti est considéré comme la première opposition libérale vraiment organisée contre Syngman Rhee du Parti libéral, et comme le prédécesseur de la lignée des partis démocrates sud-coréens.

しかし、事実上民衆の力で政権についた張勉は、とうぜんアメリカの望むような圧政をしくわけにはいかなかったAlthough, Chang Myon, who had come to power through the power of the people, naturally could not impose the oppressive rule that the United States desired. 四月革命からの一年間に民衆の自発的な営為はみちがえるほどの積極性をもって表面にあらわれ、しだいに社会変革と自主統一運動へと向かう陣型を形成していったIn the year since the April Revolution, the spontaneous activities of the people had surfaced with an unprecedented level of positivity, and gradually they had taken shape toward social change and an independent unification movement. 四月革命そのものと同時に、このことが、民衆が歴史を動かしうるという私たちの確信を支えてくれるAlong with the April Revolution itself, this supports our conviction that people can change history. だが南側からの民主自主統一への道が具体的にみえてきた1961年5月、またしてもその道がふさがれてしまったHowever, in May 1961, when a clear path to independent democratic unification from the South came into sight, that path was blocked once again.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TgMulcyLVk8Italianoイタリア語→Park Chung-hee (박정희朴正熙, Bak JeonghuiLR; Gumi, 30 settembre o 14 novembre 1917 – Seul, 26 ottobre 1979)Пак Чон Хи è stato un politico, generale e dittatore sudcoreano.다카기 마사오(高木正雄) Масао Такагиhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnWrsLkJGHc

 朴正煕前韓国大統領(1917~79)等を中心とする軍人グループが、軍事クーデターによって政権を掌握したさい、直接にアメリカの指示を受けていたかいないかはまだ明らかではないIt is not yet clear whether the group of military officers led by former South Korean President Park Chung-hee received direct instructions from the United States when they seized power in a military coup. しかし、自由と民主主義のたてまえをふみにじることによってアメリカの本音に最もよく沿い、民衆の志向する統一への道を遠のかせたものであったことは明白であるBut, it is clear that by trampling on the principles of freedom and democracy, it was in line with America's true intentions and further distanced the path to unification that the people desired. 肥大した軍事力を背景に権力をにぎった軍事政権は、まず『民族日報』社長趙鏞寿(1930~61)等を処刑し、多くの統一運動家、労働運動家を投獄したThe military government, which had seized power with the backing of an expanded military force, first executed Cho Yong-su, president of the Minjok Ilbo newspaper, and imprisoned many unification and labor activists. 

①조용수(趙鏞壽Cho Young-su, 1930년 4월 24일 ~ 1961년 12월 21일)Чо Ён-су 은 대한민국의 언론인이다.[1] 민족일보의 발행인이었는데, 박정희의 5·16 군사정변 세력에 의해 교수형에 처해졌고, 2008년 1월 16일에 법원 재심 결과 무죄와 국가 배상 판결을 받아 명예를 회복했다https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53LfwX372lY민족일보(民族日報)는 1961년 2월 13일부터 1961년 5월 19일까지 발행되었던 대한민국의 진보성향 일간지였다. 발행인은 조용수였고, 논설위원은 송지영, 양호민이었다.

当初、軍事政権は、あたかも昭和初年の日本の5·15 사건五・一五事件Инцидент 15 мая 1932 годаなどにおける青年将校群と類似した「農村の危機を救う」かのごとき装いを帯びてもいたInitially, the military government appeared to be trying to "save the rural areas from crisis," similar to the young officers who took part in Japan's May 15 Incident in the early Showa period. しかし、けっきょくは隷属資本と癒着してその構造的危機をのりきるための産婆役、というよりむしろ巨大な国家資本の主導者へと転化していったNevertheless, in the end, he ended up colluding with slave capital and acting as a midwife to help it overcome its structural crisis, or rather, he transformed himself into the leader of huge state capital. 強権はいかに強くとも、それだけではいったん目ざめた民衆をそんなにながくはだまらせておけないAlthough strong the power may be, it is not enough to keep the people silent for long once they have been awakened. そこで、政権の維持のためには、いかに従属的でいかに不安定でゆがんだ形であれ、資本主義世界で可能なあらゆる手段で、経済の高度化を追求していたSo in order to maintain their power, they pursued economic advancement by any means possible in the capitalist world, no matter how dependent, unstable and distorted this might be.

