
当ブログはトロント在住、日系一世カナダ人サミー・山田(48)おっさんの「独り言」です。まさに「個人日記」。1968年11月16日東京都目黒区出身(A型)・在北米30年の日系カナダ人(Canadian Citizen)・University of Toronto Woodsworth College BA History & East Asian Studies Major トロント在住(職業記者・医療関連・副職画家)・Toronto Ontario「団体」「宗教」「党派」一切無関係・「政治的」意図皆無=「事実関係」特定の「考え」が’正しい’あるいは一方だけが’間違ってる’いう気は毛頭なし。「知って」それぞれ「考えて」いただれれば本望(^_-☆Everybody!! Let's 'Ponder' or 'Contemplate' On va vous re?-chercher!Internationale!!「世界人類みな兄弟」「平和祈願」「友好共存」「戦争反対」「☆Against Racism☆」「☆Gender Equality☆」&ノーモア「ヘイト」(怨恨、涙、怒りや敵意しか生まない)Thank you very much for everything!! Ma Cher Minasan, Merci Beaucoup et Bonne Chance 

☭Lev Trockij레프 트로츠키★武装せる予言者・トロツキー 1879-1921 アイザック・ドイッチャー/The Prophet Armed: Trotsky, 1879-1921 by Isaac Deutscher/第11章:ブレスト・リトフスクのドラマCHAPTER XI: The Drama of Brest Litovsk④

①ウクライナ中央ラーダまたはウクライナ中央議会(ウクライナ語:Українська Центральна Рада [ウクライィーンスィカ・ツェントラーリナ・ラーダ]Украинская Центральная радаCentral Council of Ukraineは、ウクライナ人民共和国の政治中枢機関である。略称はUTsR(УЦР [ウーツェーエール])。単に中央ラーダまたは中央議会(Центральна РадаZentralna Radaとも呼ばれる。ラーダはウクライナ語で「評議会」を意味し、ロシア語の「ソビエト」にあたる。歴史・政治分野では「ラーダ」と書かれるのが一般的である②ラーダ(ウクライナ語: рада、ポーランド語: rada)は、「忠告、勧告、勧め、助言」や「(一般的な)議会parliament、会議assemblyを意味すると共に、「(政治機関としての)議会council」を意味する語である。ソ連時代には「ソヴィエトsoviet」(ロシア語: совет)を意味する語句としても用いられた。その他、政治機関にもラーダと呼ばれるものがある。

①アイルランド(愛: Éire、英: IrelandИрландияは、北西ヨーロッパに位置し、北大西洋のアイルランド島の大部分を領土とする共和制国家。代替的な記述でアイルランド共和国(アイルランドきょうわこく、愛: Poblacht na hÉireann、英: Republic of IrelandРеспублика Ирла́ндияとしても知られる。首都はダブリン②ユゼフ・クレメンス・ピウスツキ(Józef Klemens Piłsudski[a] ポーランド語: [ˈjuzɛf ˈklɛmɛns pʲiwˈsutskʲi] )Ю́зеф Кле́менс Пилсу́дский、1867年12月5日 - 1935年5月12日)は、ポーランド共和国の建国の父にして初代国家元首、国防相、首相。ポーランド軍創立者にして元帥。独裁的な政権で同国を盛り立てたことで知られる。
【原注】翌日、ドイツの主要法律専門委員クリューゲがヨッフェに語ったところによると、クリューゲは歴史上の前例を探して、ただ一つだけ発見したーそれは遠い古代ペルシャとギリシャの戦争Греко-персидские войныにある、と。『講和折衝』の付録にあるヨッフェの回想記を見よ。同書262頁。

*クールラントКурземе(独: KurlandКурляндіяは、現在のラトビア西部地方の旧名。ラトビア語ではクルゼメ(Kurzeme)と呼ばれる。16世紀から18世紀にかけ、小規模なバルト・ドイツ人国家Kurzemes un Zemgales hercogisteクールラント公国Herzogtum Kurland und Semgallenが存在した。
*In Russia, new style dates came into use in early 1918, when 31 January 1918 was followed by 14 February 1918: there is a 13-day difference between Old Style and New Style dates since 1 March 1900.
①グレゴリオ暦Григорианский календарь(グレゴリオれきГригоріанський календар、羅: Calendarium Gregorianum、伊: Calendario gregoriano、英: Gregorian calendar)は、ローマ教皇グレゴリウス13世がユリウス暦の改良を命じ、1582年10月15日金曜日(グレゴリオ暦)から行用されている暦法である②新暦(OrnatusしんれきNew Style dates)とは、改暦が行われた場合の改暦後の暦法のことである③ユリウス暦Юлианский календарь(ユリウスれきЮліанський календар、羅: Calendarium Iulianum、伊: Calendario giuliano、英: Julian calendar)は、共和政ローマの最高神祇官・独裁官・執政官ガイウス・ユリウス・カエサルにより紀元前45年1月1日から実施された、1年を365.25日とする太陽暦である④旧暦(Old Style datesきゅうれきLunar calendar)とは、改暦があった場合のそれ以前に使われていた暦法のことである。
あくる朝早く、中央委員会の冒頭で、トロツキーは最近のいろいろな出来事をのべた。バヴァリアのレオポルド公が、ドイツは西欧の敵側をふくめて、あらゆる国々を、ボルシェヴィズムの伝染から防衛しつつあるのだ、と世界に吹聴したばかりだった。西部戦線のドイツ師団がロシアに現われたと報じられていた。ドイツ航空隊がドヴィンスクДвинск (Dvinsk)(ダウガフピルス(ラトビア語: Daugavpils、 [ˈdaʊɡaʊpils] )はラトビアの都市。ダウガヴァ川(ドヴィナ川)に跨る。ダウガフピルスはロシア語読み(ロシア語: Даугавпилс)で、ラトビア語ではダウガウピルスと呼ぶ)上空で活躍している。レヴエルの襲撃が予想されている。このようなすべての事象は、全面的な攻勢を指示しているが、その事実はまだ確定的なものではない。レオポルド公の吹聴くは、ドイツと連合国側との密かな結託の可能性を示してはいるが、可能性以上のものではない、と。レーニンは、即時ドイツに接近する提案を、またもや熱心に持ち出した。「われわれは行動しなければならない」と彼は言った。「ぐずぐずしてはおられないのだ。つまるところ戦争、革命戦争か、講和かだ」。トロツキーは「この攻勢がドイツ内に重大な爆発をもたらさないか」どうか、と頭をひねりながら、講和をもとめるのはまだ早すぎる、と主張しつづけた。またもやレーニンの提案は、一票の差で否決された。

Even at this stage, Trotsky did not object to the Rada’s participation, but he served notice that Russia would recognize no separate agreements between it and the central powers. He also warned Kühlmann and Czernin that they overrated the strength of Ukrainian separatism. Then Lubinsky, the Rada’s delegate, launched a violent attack against Trotsky and the Soviet government, accusing them on tramping on the rights of the Ukraine and forcibly installing their own government in Kharkov and Kiev. ‘Trotsky was so upset that it was painful to see’, Czernin noted in his diary. ‘Unusually pale, he started fixedly in front of him. . . . Heavy drops of sweat trickled down his forehead. Evidently he felt deeply the disgrace of being abused by his fellow citizens in the presence of the enemy.’ Trotsky later denied that he was so greatly embarrassed, but Czernin’s account seems credible. Trotsky certainly realized that his adversaries had succeeded up to a point in confusing the issue of self-determination. At heart he may have wondered whether the Rada’s spokesman was not justified in claiming that the Ukrainian Soviets were not representative of the Ukrainian people. Not that Trotsky himself would have scrupled greatly about imposing Soviet rule on the Ukraine: the revolution could not be consolidated in Russia without its being extended to the Ukraine, which was wedged in deeply between northern and southern Russia. But here for first time the interest of the revolution clashed with the principle of self-determination; and Trotsky could no longer evoke that principle with quite the same clear conscience with which he had evoked it hitherto.
*This is inferred from a private message from Trotsky to Lenin, found in the Trotsky Archives at Harvard and written towards the end of the civil war. In that message Trotsky bluntly stated that the Soviet administration in the Ukraine had from the beginning been based on people sent from Russia and not on local elements. He then asked for a radical break with this method of government.
He returned to the attack with the question of Poland, and asked why Poland was not yet represented at Brest. Kühlmann made the appearance of a Polish delegation dependent on Russia’s prior recognition of the existing Polish administration. ‘We have been asked again’, Trotsky said, ‘whether or not we acknowledge Poland’s independence. . . . The question so posed is ambiguous. Do we acknowledge Ireland’s independence? Our government does . . . but for the time being Ireland is still occupied by the British. We recognize that every human being has the right to food . . . which is not the same as recognizing the hungry man as sated.’ The recognition of Poland’s right to independence did not imply the admission that she was independent under German-Austrian tutelage. Then Radek came forward with a telling indictment of German-Austrian domination of his native country: he spoke of the forced deportation of hundreds of thousands of Polish laborers to Germany; the appalling conditions in which this had taken place; political oppression; the imprisonment or interment of Polish political leaders of all parties, including the internment of Radek’s old adversary Pilsudski, then commander of a Polish legion which had fought on Germany’s and Austria’s side, and Poland’s future dictator.
In the middle of these exchanges, on 21 January, Trotsky received a message from Lenin about the downfall of the Rada and proclamation of the Soviet government all over the Ukraine. He himself got in touch with Kiev, checked the facts, and notified the central powers that he no longer recognized the Rada’s right to be represented at the conference.

These were his last days at Brest. The mutual charges and recriminations had reached a point where the negotiations became the sessions he refreshed himself by writing, From February to Brest Litovsk, one of his minor classics, a preliminary sketch for the monumental History of the Russian Revolutions which he was to produce fifteen years later during his exile on Prinkipo Island. At last he sent a letter to Lenin in which he wrote: ‘We shall declare that we end [ the negotiation ] but do not sign a peace. They will be unable to make an offensive against us. If they attack us, our position will be no worse than now. . . . We must have your decision. We can still drag on negotiations for one or two or three or four days. Afterward they must be broken off.’ Events did not allow him to wait for any new decision from Petrograd; and the vote taken before his departure had in any case given him enough latitude for the action he contemplated. Count Czernin still offered his services as mediator and even visited Trotsky in his lodging, warning him about the imminence of a new German offensive and begging him to state his final terms. Trotsky replied that he was prepared to bow to force, but would not give the Germans a testimonial of good moral conduct. Let them, if they so desired, annex foreign countries, but let them not expect the Russian Revolution to exonerate or embellish their acts of violence.
*Trotsky confirmed to Mr. Wheeler-Bennet the authenticity of this letter. See The Forgotten Peace, pp. 185-6.

On the last days before the break, the central powers produced a fait accompli: they signed the other separate peace with the Rada. ‘We have officially informed the other side about the downfall of the Rada’, Trotsky remonstrated. ‘Nevertheless, the negotiations with a non-existing government continued. We then proposed to the Austro-Hungarian delegation-we did it in a private talk but in quite a formal manner-that they should send a representative to the Ukraine who would see for himself the Rada’s collapse . . . but we have been told that the signature of the treaty could not be delayed.’ General Hoffmann noted in his diary that Trotsky said that they were concluding a peace with a government whose territory extended no farther than its rooms at Brest Litovsk. Kühlmann self-righteously declared that German reports, ‘the reliability of which was subject to no doubt, sharply contradicted this communication’. This did not prevent General Hoffmann from remarking in his diary that ‘according to reports that lay before me . . . there was unfortunately ground for regarding Trotsky’s statement an not unfounded’. The separate peace with the Ukraine served the central powers merely as a pretext for spreading their control to the Ukraine; and so in their eyes the credentials of their Ukrainian partners were irrelevant. It was precisely for this reason that Trotsky felt that he could not go on with the negotiations, for to do so would have meant to connive at the coup and at all that it entailed: the overthrow of the Ukrainian Soviets and the separation of the Ukraine.
On the next day, at a sub-commission, took place the famous scene at which General Hoffmann displayed a great map showing the full extent of the proposed German annexations. As Trotsky had said that he was ‘prepared to bow to force’ but would not help the German to keep up appearance, the general evidently believed that a blunt statement of German claims might be the short-cut to peace. When, on the same day, 28 January/10 February, the political commission reassembled, Trotsky rose to make his final statements:
The task of the sub-commission . . . was to say to what extent the frontier proposed by the opposite side was capable of securing, be it in the slightest degree, the self-determination of the Russian people. We have heard the reports of our representative and . . . the time for decision has come. The people wait with impatience for the results of the peace talks at Brest Litovsk. They ask when this unparalleled self-annihilation of mankind, provoked by the selfishness and lust for power of the ruling classes, is going to end? If either of the two camps has ever fought this war in self-defense, this has long since ceased to be true. When Great Britain seizes African colonies, Baghdad, and Jerusalem, she is not waging a defensive war. When Germany occupies Siberia, Belgium, Poland, Lithuania, and Rumania and seizes the Monsoon Islands, this is not a defensive war either. This is a struggle for the partitioning of the world. Now this is clear, clearer than ever.
We do not want to take part any longer in this purely imperialist war, in which the claims of the possessing classes are openly paid for in human blood. . . .
In expectation of the approaching hour when the working classes of all countries seize power . . . we are withdrawing our army and our people from the war. Our soldier, the tiller of the land, should go back to his land to till it this spring, the land which the revolution has taken from the landlord and given to the peasant. Our soldier, of destruction but tools of construction and to build, together with the tiller of the land, a new socialist economy.
As they listened to these impassioned words, the delegates of the central powers were still ready to applaud Trotsky with a ‘well roared, lion’. This, they hoped even now, was Trotsky’s final roar, after which would come the whimper of surrender. Only gradually did the import of his statement dawn upon them, and then they became breathlessly aware that they were witnessing an act which in its tragic pathos, was unique in history.

*On the next day, Kruge, the chief German legal expert, told Yoffe that he had looked for historical precedents and found only one-in the remote antiquity of the wars between Persia and Greece. See Yoffe’s memoir appended to p. 262
We are withdrawing from the war [ Trotsky went on ]. We announce this to all peoples and governments. We are issuing an order for the full demobilization of our army. . . . At the same time we declare that the terms proposed to us by the governments of Germany and Austro-Hungary are in fundamental conflict with the interest of all peoples. They are repudiated by the toiling masses of all counties, including the Austro-Hungarian and the German peoples. The peoples of Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania, Kurland, and Estonia feel in them the violence inflicted upon their aspirations. To the Russian people these terms are a permanent threat. The popular masses of the whole world, guided by political consciousness or moral instinct, repudiate them. . . . We refuse to endorse terms which German and Austro-Hungarian imperialism is writing with the sword on the flesh of living nations. We cannot put the signature of the Russian revolution under a peace treaty which brings oppression, woe, and misfortune to millions of human beings.

‘When the echoes of Trotsky’s powerful voice died away’, writes the historians of Brest Litovsk, ‘no one spoke. The whole conference sat speechless, dumbfounded before the audacity this coup de théâtre. The amazed silence was shattered by an ejaculation of Hoffmann: ‘Unerhört ’, he exclaimed, scandalized. The spell was broken. Kühlmann said something about the necessity of calling a plenary session of the conference, but this Trotsky refused, saying that there remained nothing to discuss. With that the Bolsheviks left the room, and in gloomy silence, still scarcely believing what they had heard and wholly at a loss as to what make of it, the delegates of the Central Powers dispersed.'
However, before the delegations had dispersed, something happened, the full significance of which Trotsky missed-something which confirmed Lenin’s worst fears. Kühlmann declared that in view of what had taken place, hostilities would be resumed, because Russia’s demobilization was of no legal consequence-only her rejection of the peace mattered. Trotsky treated this as an empty threat; he did not believe, he replied, that the German and Austrian peoples would allow their governments to continue a war so obviously devoid of any defensive pretext. Kühlmann himself gave Trotsky some reason for dismissing the threat when he inquired whether the Soviet government was at least prepared to enter into legal and commercial relations with the central powers and in what way they could keep in touch with Russia. Instead of answering the query, as, from his own standpoint he ought to have done-this might have entailed a commitment by the central powers to respect the state of ‘neither war nor peace’-Trotsky haughtily refused to discuss it.
He stayed on at Brest for another day and got wind of a quarrel between Hoffmann, who insisted on the resumption of hostilities, and the civilian diplomats, who preferred to accept the state of neither war nor peace. On the spot the civilians seemed to have carried the day. Trotsky was therefore returning to Petrograd confident and proud of his achievement. At this moment, the man stands before our eyes in all his strength and weakness. ‘Single-handed, with nothing behind him save a country in chaos and a régime scarce established, [he] . . . who a year before had been an inconspicuous journalist exiled in New York, [had fought] successfully the united diplomatic talent of half Europe.’ He had given mankind the first great lesson in genuinely open diplomacy. But at the same time he allowed himself to be carried away by his optimism. He underrated his enemy and even refused to listen to his warning. Great artist that he was, he was so wrapped up in himself and in his ideal and so fascinated by the formidable appeal of his own work that he lightly overlooked its deficiencies. While Trotsky was still on his way to Petrograd, General Hoffmann, backed by Ludendorff, Hindenburg, and the Kaiser, was already issuing marching orders to the German troops.
The German offensive began on 17 February, and it met with no resistance. ‘This is the most comic war I have ever experienced’, Hoffmann wrote, ‘It is waged almost exclusively in trains and cars. One puts on the train a handful of infantry-men with machine guns and one gun, and one rushes to the next railway station. One series that station, arrests the Bolsheviks, entrains another detachment and travels farther.’ When the news of the offensive reached Smolny, the Central Committee of the party, after eight votes, failed to agree on a way out of the situation. The Committee was equally divided between the adherents of peace and the advocates of war. Trotsky’s single vote could resolve the deadlock. Indeed, during this and the next day, 17 and 18 February, he and he alone could make the momentous decision. But he refused to join either faction.
His position was extraordinary complex. He had so behaved and spoken that many identified him with the war faction: and politically and morally he did in fact stand closer to it than to Lenin’s faction. But he had also made the private promise to Lenin that he would support peace, if and when the Germans resumed military operation. He still refused to believe that this moment had arrived. On 17 February he voted with the adherents of war against Lenin’s proposal for an immediate request for new peace negotiations. He then voted with the peace faction against revolutionary war. And finally he submitted his own motion, advising the government to hold up new negotiations until the military and political results of the German offensive had become clear. As the war faction voted with him, his motion was passed by a majority of one vote, his own. Lenin then posed the question whether peace should be concluded if it turned out that the German offensive was a fact and if no revolutionary opposition to it developed it Germany and Austria. The Central Committee answered the question in the affirmative.
Early next morning, Trotsky opened a session of the Central Committee with a survey of the latest events. Prince Leopold of Bararia had just broadcast to the world that Germany was defending all nations, including here western enemies, from the infection of Bolshevism. German divisions from the western front were reported to have appeared in Russia. German aviation was active over Dvinsk. An attack n Revel was anticipated. All this pointed towards a full-scale offensive, but the facts were not yet established. Prince Leopold’s broadcast indicated a possibility of collision between Germany and the Entente, but no more than a possibility. Lenin urgently renewed his proposal for an immediate approach to Germany. ‘We must act’, he said, ‘we have no time to lose. It is either war, revolutionary war, or peace.’ Trotsky, wondering whether ‘the offensive might not bring about a serious explosion in Germany’, still held that it was too early to sue for peace. Once again Lenin’s proposal was rejected by the majority of one vote.
Between the morning and the evening of this day, 18 February, a dramatic change occurred. When Trotsky opened the evening session of the Central Committee, he reported that the Germans had already seized Dvinsk and that there were widespread rumors of an imminent offensive in the Ukraine. Still hesitant, he proposed to sound the central powers about their demands but not to request peace negotiations. ‘People will not understand this’, Lenin answered, ‘If there is war we should not have demobilized’. This was ‘joking with war’, which might lead to the collapse of the revolution. ‘We are writing papers and in the meantime they [ the German ] are seizing rolling stock. . . . History will say that you have delivered the revolution [ to dangerous to the revolution.’ Sverdlov and Stalin spoke in the same vein. ‘If they open a hurricane fire for five minutes’, Stalin said, ‘we shall not be left with a single soldier on the front. . . . I disagree with Trotsky. To pose the question as he does in all right in literature.’ Yet Zinoviev, the most extreme advocate of peace, now had his qualms. Lenin was for peace even if it entailed the loss of the Ukraine, but Zinoviev would not go as far as that.
*Of this session two records are available. According to one, Zinoviev argued for peace, saying that the Bismarck tradition of co-operation with Russia was not yet dead in Germany and that the Germans had just as vital an interest in the peace as policy appear fleetingly and inchoately in these hurried debates. Protokaly Tsen. Kom., p. 242.
Thrice Trotsky spoke against suing for peace, and thrice he proposed only tentative soundings. But when Lenin once again presented his motion, Trotsky to everybody’s surprise voted not for his own proposal, but for Lenin’s. With the majority of one vote the peace faction won. The new majority asked Trotsky and Lenin to frame the message to the enemy governments. Later that night the Central Committees of the two ruling parties, the Bolshevik and the Left Social Revolutionary, met; and at this meeting the war faction once again had the upper hand. But in the government the Bolsheviks outvoted their partners; and on the next day, 19 February, the government formally sued for peace.
Four days of suspense and panic passed before the German answer reached Petrograd. In the meantime nobody could say whether or on what terms the central powers would agree to reopen negotiations. Their armies were on the move. Petrograd was exposed. A committee of revolutionary defense was formed in the city, and Trotsky headed it. Even while they were suing for peace, the Soviets had to prepare for war. Trotsky turned to the allied embassies and military missions to inquire whether, if the Soviets re-entered the war, the western governments would help them. He had made such soundings before, but without effect. But this time the British and the French seemed more responsive. Three days after he had sent off the request for peace, Trotsky reported to the Central Committee ( in Lenin’s adherence ) an Anglo –French suggestion for military co-operation. To his mortification, the Central Committee rejected this out of hand and so repudiated his action. Both factions turned against him: the adherents of peace-because they feared lest the acceptance of allied help compromise the chances of separate peace; and the adherents of war-because the same motives of revolutionary morality, by which they were actuated in opposing a compact with Germany, militated also against co-operation with ‘the Anglo-French imperialists’. Trotsky then declared that he was resigning from the Commissariat of Foreign Affairs. He could not stay in office if the party did not see that a Socialist government had the right to accept assistance from bourgeois powers, provided it maintained complete independence. Eventually he converted the Central Committee to his view, and Lenin firmly supported him.
*Colonel Robins relates that in January Trotsky proposed that American offices should go to the front and help to stop the leakage of Russian goods to Germany and to remove stocks of raw materials to the interior of the country. Trotsky then said that even if they signed a separate peace, the Soviets had no interest in strengthening Germany. Hard, Raymond Rubin’ Oun Story, pp. 64-65. ‘The Allied and American Governments’, this is Robin’s comment, ‘rather than admit the existence of Trotsky, let the German do all the grabbing of Russian raw materials on the Russian frontier.’ Ibid., pp 70-71.
The German answer, when it at last arrived, came as a shock. It allowed the Soviets only forty-eight hours for a reply and only three days for negotiations. The terms were much worse than those offered at Brest: Russia was to carry out complete demobilization; to cede Latvia and Estonia; and to evacuate the Ukraine and Finland. When, on 23 February, the Central Committee met, it had less than a day to make up its mind. It was again on Trotsky’s single vote that the outcome hung. He had yielded to Lenin on the point that a new request for peace be made, but he was not committed to accept the new, much harsher, terms. He did not agree with Lenin that the Soviets were utterly incapable of defending themselves. On the contrary, more distinctly than hitherto, he now leaned towards the war faction. ‘Lenin’s agreements’, he said, ‘are far from convincing. If only we had unanimity in our midst we could shoulder the task of organizing the defense, we could cope with this. We would not act a bad role even if we were compelled to give up Petrograd and Moscow. We would keep the whole world in tension. If we sign this German ultimatum to-day, we may be confronted by another to-morrow. . . . We may gain peace but we shall lose the support of the advanced elements of the proletariat. We shall, in any case, lead the proletariat to disintegration.’
And yet, despite his forebodings about the peace, despite his confidence in the capacity of the Soviets to defend themselves, he once again ensured, by his single vote, the ascendancy of the peace faction.

①ウクライナ人民共和国(ウクライナじんみんきょうわこくUkrainian People's Republic、ロシア語: Украинская Народная РеспубликаУкраїнська Народна Республікаは、1917年12月25日から1918年3月19日にかけてウクライナに存在した国家である。同名の別の国家と区別するため、Українська Народна Республіка Радソビエト派ウクライナ人民共和国 (Украинская Народная Республика Советов)Ukrainian People's Republic of Sovietsとも呼ばれる。国家の存続期間中、つねにРоссийская Советская Федеративная Социалистическая Республикa(РСФСР)ロシア・ソビエト連邦社会主義共和国Російська Радянська Федеративна Соціалістична Республікa(РРФСР)Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic(SFSR)の連邦下にあった。のちいくつかの併合や改名を経て、1991年8月24日まで存続するソビエト共和国の始祖となった。

②ウクライナ人民共和国(ウクライナじんみんきょうわこくUkrainian People's Republic、ウクライナ語: Українська Народна РеспублікаУкраинская Народная Республикаは、1917年11月22日から1920年11月10日にかけてウクライナに存在した国家である。独立は1918年1月22日。なお、1918年4月29日から12月14日の間はУкраїнська Державаウクライナ国Ukrainian Stateを称した。

