
当ブログはトロント在住、日系一世カナダ人サミー・山田(48)おっさんの「独り言」です。まさに「個人日記」。1968年11月16日東京都目黒区出身(A型)・在北米30年の日系カナダ人(Canadian Citizen)・University of Toronto Woodsworth College BA History & East Asian Studies Major トロント在住(職業記者・医療関連・副職画家)・Toronto Ontario「団体」「宗教」「党派」一切無関係・「政治的」意図皆無=「事実関係」特定の「考え」が’正しい’あるいは一方だけが’間違ってる’いう気は毛頭なし。「知って」それぞれ「考えて」いただれれば本望(^_-☆Everybody!! Let's 'Ponder' or 'Contemplate' On va vous re?-chercher!Internationale!!「世界人類みな兄弟」「平和祈願」「友好共存」「戦争反対」「☆Against Racism☆」「☆Gender Equality☆」&ノーモア「ヘイト」(怨恨、涙、怒りや敵意しか生まない)Thank you very much for everything!! Ma Cher Minasan, Merci Beaucoup et Bonne Chance 

☭Leo Trotskius☆Лев Тро́цький武力なき予言者/THE PROPHET UNARMED トロツキーTROTSKY 1921-1929 アイザック・ドイッチャー/ISSAC DEUTSCHER 第一章CHAPTER I:権力と夢The Power and the Dream③


*聖ワシリイ大聖堂(露:Собор Василия Блаженного)はロシアの首都、モスクワの赤の広場に立つロシア正教会の大聖堂。正式名称は「堀の生神女庇護大聖堂Собор Покрова, что на Рву」。
彼の芝居がかった身ぶりや誇張した言葉づかいも、そうしたものが時代のドラマと合致していた初期の時代には、異様な感じを与えなかった。今はそうしたものにどことなく作りもの的な感じがつきまとってきた。それにしても、彼としてはそうするしかなかったから、そんなふうに振舞っていたのだった。実際以上に自分を大きく見せるためにわざとポーズを作っていたのではなかったーそうしないではおれなかったのである。彼は強烈な演劇的な言葉を使ったが、気どりのせいでも、舞台効果を狙いすぎるからでもなくて、それが彼にとってはもっとも自然な言葉であり、彼の演劇的な理念や強烈な感情を表現するのにいちばん適していたからだった。ハズリット(注 イギリスの評論家)が自分とはおよそ違った人物であるバーク(注 イギリスの政治家、文筆家エドマンド・バークであろう)を評している言葉が、ちょうどトロツキーにあてはまりそうである。バークは「推論に感情や想像をごちゃまぜにすることによって論敵を屈服させた」「政界ではそういう光景を見慣れていなかったので」人々は「欺かれ、花と果実を見分けることができなかった・・・」。いつの時代にも、「世間の大部分の人間は不必要な光輝をおびているものは何によらず阻止することに関心をはらってきた」。しかし、「彼の黄金はそれが優美な形に細工されているからといってそれだけ価値が低下するわけではなかった」。それに「人間の理解力は必ずしもその人間の想像力の欠如に正比例して評価されるものではない。彼の理解は、それが彼の有している唯一の能力ではなかったからといって、それだけ真実性を欠いていたわけではなかった」
①ウィリアム・ヘイズリット(William Hazlitt、1778年4月10日 - 1830年9月18日)Уи́льям Хэ́злиттは、イギリスの著作家、批評家、随想作家②エドマンド・バーク(英: Edmund Burke、1729年1月12日 - 1797年7月9日)Эдмунд Бёркは、アイルランド生まれのイギリスの政治思想家、哲学者、政治家。「保守思想の父」として知られる。
彼は、社会革命党員の有名な裁判が行なわれていた1922年6月にも、再びこの見解を主張している。彼は強烈な怒りをこめたはなはだしい弁舌を駆使して被告の罪を暴露し、ドーラ・カプランФа́нни Ефи́мовна Капла́нのレーニン暗殺の企てについても、その他のテロ行為についても、彼らに責任があると論じた。この裁判は「ベルリンでの三種のインターナショナルの合同会議」と時を同じゅうして行われていた。会議のほうは西欧の共産党と社会党との「統一戦線」を樹立する目的で開かれていたものであり、ブハーリンとラデックとがボルシェヴィキ党を代表していた。西欧の社会民主党の指導者たちは裁判に抗議した。ブハーリンとラデックは、折衝をなめらかにはこばせるために、被告を死刑にすることはないと約束した。レーニンは、ブハーリンやラデックが「脅迫に屈し」、ヨーロッパの改良主義者どもがソビエトの国内問題に干渉するのを許したと言って、憤慨した。トロツキーもレーニンに劣らず憤慨した。だが、交渉の決裂を避けるために、いったん死刑を宣告したうえで、社会革命党は今後テロ行為を企てたり奨励したりしないという明白な約束のもとに、刑の執行を停止するという妥協案を提出した。
トロツキーの規律の厳守をもとめる態度は党内問題にも現れていた。彼は中央委員会を代表して、党と共産主義インターナショナルの前に、労働者反対派を告発した。労働者反対派は、第十回党大会でその活動と見解が非難されたのちも、党の指導にますます辛辣さを加えてゆく攻撃を浴びせていた。シュリャープニコフやコロンタイは、政府が、労働者の権利を踏みにじり、革命に対するはなはだしい裏切を犯して、新ブルジョアジーや富農(КулакクラークКуркуль)の利益を増進させていると非難した。党内でその主張がやぶれ、レーニンに除名をもって威嚇されると、彼らは共産主義インターナショナルにレーニンを訴えた。トロツキーはインターナショナルの執行委員会でも再び彼らを糾弾し、彼らの訴えを却下させた。ついで、やはりこの問題について態度を明白にするために召集された、1922年春の第11回党大会でも、トロツキーはまた告発者側の代弁者として行動した。彼は悪意や憎悪をこめた喋り方はしなかったし、反対派に対する多少の同情させ見せていた。それにしても、彼は断固として彼らに対する告発を支持した。彼はこんなふうに述べた。労働者反対派は、ロシアの党をインターナショナルに訴えるという前例のない行動をとった際には、それでもまだ自己の権利内の行動をしていたわけである。シュリャープニコフやコロンタイАлекса́ндра Миха́йловна Коллонта́йの行動に罪があると解釈していい点は、彼らがこの論争に許しがたい乱暴な言葉をもちこんだことと、まるで自分たちが「すでに別の党を用意している」かのように、自分たちと党のことを呼ぶのに「われわれ」と「彼ら」という言葉を用いたことである。このような態度は分裂に導くものであり、革命の敵の製粉所に穀物をはこんでやるようなものである。彼は政府の農村政策や、私有財産に対する譲歩だけでなく、前途には「ブルジョア諸国との平和的共存と実際的な協力との長い期間がひかえている」という、同じような猛烈な攻撃をくっている政府の見解も弁護した。
幻滅の声を上げたのは労働者反対派だけではなかった。レーニンの出席した最後の大会だった第11回党大会XI съезд РКП(б)では、トロツキーは自分やレーニンが古くからの親しい友人たちの攻撃にさらされるのを見た。アントーノフ=オフセーエンコは富農や外国の資本主義への党の屈服を問題にした。リャザノフは全般的な政治的腐敗と政治局が専制的に党を支配しているやり口に激しい非難を浴びせた。ロゾフスキーとウクライナのコミッサール、スクリプニクとは、政治の中央集権主義の行き過ぎに抗議し、これではあまりにも「一つにして分ち難い」旧ロシアを想い起こさせるものがあると述べた。今なお民主主義的中央集権論者であったブブノフは党の「プチ・ブルジョア的堕落」の危険を問題にした。指導的な経済理論家の一人、中央委員会の前書記プレオブラジェンスキーも同じ問題をとり上げた。これらの批判者たちの大部分はのちにはいわゆる「トロツキー派」の著名なメンバーになっており、トロツキー自身も、のちにはシュリャープニコフやコロンタイと同じやり方をとって、ロシアの中央委員会をインターナショナルに訴えることになるのである。だが、その当時の彼は、レーニンの心からの声援をうけて、ボルシェヴィキ古参党員の代弁者として反対派の矢おもてに立ち、一に二にも規律を主張していた。

*Arthur Ransome relates that when, in 1919, he gave Bukharin a little saccharine for tea, this was quite a treat; a meal at Zinoviev’s headquarters consisted of ‘soup with shreds of horseflesh . . . a little kasha . . . tea and a lump of sugar’. Six Weeks in Russia, pp. 13,56.
The magnificent setting of the Kremlin contrasted strangely with the way of life of its new inhabitants. Trotsky describes the family’s amused embarrassment when they were first attended by an old Court butler who served meals on plates in front of the grown-ups and the children so that the Tsar’s eagles should never, God forbid, he placed upside down. From every corner ‘the heavy barbarism of Moscow’ stared at the Bolshevik leaders; and when the chimes of the old bells intruded in their conversation, Trotsky and Lenin ‘looked at each other as if we had both caught ourselves thinking the same things; we were being overheard by the past’. They were not merely being overheard-the past was fighting back against them. In any case, Trotsky, as he confesses, never merged with the Kremlin background. He kept his distance from it; and only his sense of historic irony was tickled by the revolution’s intrusion into Muscovy’s holy of holies.                      
He had a gnawing feeling that the end of the civil war was an anticlimax in his fortunes. He repressed this feeling by an effort of conscious optimism, the optimism which should never abandon the revolutionary; and he looked forward to new triumphs for his cause and for himself. But scattered in his speeches and writings there were already nostalgic notes about the heroic era of revolution and civil war now closed. It was not that he idealized that era during which, as he put it, the muzhik’s club served the revolution as its ‘finest tool’, that primordial club with which the peasant had once driven Napoleon and with which they had now driven the landlord from Russia. Nor did he overlook the heavy legacy of that era-the destructive furies let loose by civil war which were revenging themselves on the Soviet Republic as it turned towards its constructive tasks. But for all their miseries, squalor, and cruelty, the years of destruction had also been years of creation; and he harked back to their mighty sweep, courage, and soaring hope; and he sensed the gap they left behind.
His brain and energy were now only half occupied. The Commissariat of War was no longer the hub of government. The army was demobilized. By the beginning of 1922 it had been reduced to one-third of its establishment. It was also losing its revolutionary idealism and fervor. The veterans of the civil war had left; and the freshly mobilized age-groups in the barracks seemed as listless and apathetic as had been the peasant sons who came to the same barracks in the days of the Tsar. Circumstances compelled the Commissar of War to shelve his cherished plans for transforming the army into a modern, democratic, and socialist militia, and imposed on him the humdrum routine of administration and training. He spent his time delousing the army, teaching it to grease its boots, and clean its rifles, and entreating the best commanders and commissars to stay on in their jobs. He urged the Central Committee to arrest the mass exodus of Communists from the army; and the Central Committee tried formal prohibitions and bans. But these were ineffective. A national conferences Trotsky again and again implored political commissars to resist the ‘infectious pacifist mood’ and he lamented the Red Army’s sagging morale. He struggled to keep the army uncontaminated by the ‘spirit of Sukharevka’ and to use it as an instrument of a Marxist Kulturkampf against the filth, backwardness, and superstition of Mother Russia, and above all, to keep alive in it revolutionary tradition and international awareness.
This was the time when the young commanders of the civil war, among them the future marshals of the Second World War, obtained serious training, and the Red Army received its rules and regulations. Of these Trotsky was the inspirer and part author. It is curious, for instance, to note the affinity between Trotsky’s ‘Infantry Regulation’ and the Cromwellian Soldier’s Catechism. ‘You are an equal among comrades’, the Infantry Regulation instructed the Red Army man, ‘Your superiors are your more experienced and better-educated brothers. In combat, during training, in the barracks, or at work you must obey them. Once you have left the barracks you are absolutely free . . .’ ‘If you are asked in what way you fight, you answer: “I fight with the rifle, the bayonet, and the machine-gun. But I also fight with the word of truth. I address that to the enemy’s soldiers who are themselves workers and peasants so that they should know that in truth I am their brother, not their enemy.”
His love of words, the simple words as well as the rich, and his sense of form and color went inot the making of a new pageantry with which he sought to appeal to the recruit’s imagination and no develop in the army the feeling that it was not merely regimented cannon-fodder. On May Day and on the anniversaries of the revolution, flanked by the commanders of the Moscow garrison, he rode out on horseback, through the Kremlin’s Spasky Gates to the Red Square to review the massed columns of the garrison. To his greeting ‘Salute, Comrades!’ the troops replied: ‘We Serve the Revolution’; and the echo thundered against the spires of the Vassily Cathedral and over the graves of the revolution’s martyrs along the Kremlin wall. There was as yet no mechanical pomp or ceremony. After the review the Commissar of War joined the other members of the Central Committee who from a ramshackle wooden stand or from a crowded army lorry took the parade of soldiers and workers.

Trotsky’s appearance and speech still thrilled the crowds. But he no longer seemed to find the intimate contact with his audiences which he found unerringly during the civil war, the contact which Lenin invariably established by his unobtrusive appearance and simple expression. Trotsky on the platform appeared more than life-size; and his speech resounded with all its old heroic tones. Yet the country was tired of heroism, of great vistas, high hopes, and sweeping gesture; and Trotsky still suffered from the slump in his popularity caused by his recent attempts to militarize labor. His oratorical genius still cast its spell on any assembly. But the spell was already shot through with doubt and even suspicion. His greatness and revolutionary merits were not doubted; but was he not too spectacular, too flamboyant, and perhaps too ambitious?
His theatrical manner and heroic style had not struck people as odd in earlier years when they accorded with the drama of the time. Now they carried with them a suggestion of histrionics. Yet he behaved as he did because he could not behave otherwise. He did not posture to appear more than life size-he could not help appearing it. He spoke an intense and dramatic language not from affectation or craving for stage effect, but because this was his most natural language, best suited to express his dramatic thought and intense emotion. One might apply to him the words in which Hazlitt described a man as different from him as Burke. He ‘gave a hold to his antagonists by mixing up sentiment and imagery with his reasoning’, and ‘being unused to such a slight in the region of politics [people] were deceived, and could not discern the fruit from the flowers’. The generality of the world’ was as always ‘concerned in discouraging any example of unnecessary brilliancy.’ But ‘his gold was not the less valuable for being wrought into elegant shapes’; and ‘the strength of a man’s understanding is not always to be estimated in exact proportion to his want to imagination. His understanding was not the less real because it was not the only faculty he possessed.’
Like Burke, Trotsky was ‘communicative, diffuse, magnificent’. He too conversed in private as he spoke in public, and addressed his family and friends in the same images, with the same wit, and even in the same rhythmical cadences which he used on the platform and in his writings. If he was an actor, then he was one to whom it made no difference whether he found himself on the proscenium, in the green room, or at his home-one to whom theatre and life were one. He was indeed the heroic character in historic action; and because of this he must appear unreal and unnatural to a prosy or jaundiced generation; and because of this he seemed out of place-a stranger-in the unheroic atmosphere of the early N.E.P.

There is no need, however, to overdraw the romantic aspect of Trotsky’s character. He remained as strong in his realism a ever. In any case, he was not the veteran ‘superfluously lagging on the stage’. He threw himself with zest upon the new economic and social issues posed by N.E.P.; and he did not by any means view N.E.P. through the prism of revolutionary fundamentalism. Absorbed in problems of finance, industry, trade, and agriculture, he placed before the Politburo and the Central Committee specific proposals of policy about which more will be said later. He used all his inspiring eloquence of defend the uninspiring ‘retreat’; and he appeared as the expounder of N.E.P. before the Communist International at its third and fourth congresses in 1921 and 1922. He gave more of his time and energy than before to the International, on the Executive of which he resisted Zinoviev’s and Bukharin’s inclination to encourage untimely and reckless risings abroad, such as the German Märzaktion. He presided over the French Commission of the Comintern and intervened in the conduct of affairs of every major section of the International.
However, the Commissariat of War, domestic economic preoccupations, and the Comintern, did not absorb his whole energy. He was busy with a host of other assignments each of which would have made a full-time job for any man of less vitality and ability. He led, for instance, the Society of the Godless before Yaroslavsky took over its direction. He led it in a spirit of philosophical enlightenment which was least likely to produce those excesses, offensive to the sentiment of the believers, which marred the Society’s work under Yaroslavsky. (He even headed a secret Commission for the confiscation and collection of ecclesiastical treasures which were to be used as payment for food imported from abroad to inspirer and leading literary critic. He frequently addressed audiences of scientists, doctors, librarians, journalists, and men of other professions, explaining to them where Marxism stood in relation to the issues which occupied them. At the same time he resisted within the party the tendency which was already becoming apparent to impose a deadly uniformity upon the country’s cultural life. In many articles and speeches he insisted in a more popular vein on the need to civilize the uncouth Russian way of life, to cultivate manners, to raise hygiene, to improve the spoken and written language which had been debased since the revolution, to widen already somewhat withdrawn from the public eye, he was the party’s chief and most authoritative spokesman in these, the last years of the Lenin era.
Nor did his romantic temperament revolt as yet against the harsh realism with which the party, or rather the Old Guard, established and consolidated its political monopoly. After as before the promulgation of N.E.P., he was indeed one of the sternest disciplinarians, although his call for discipline was based on persuasive argument and appeal to reason. He still extolled the party’s ‘historic birthright’, and he argued that the procedures of proletarian democracy could not be observed in conditions of social unsettlement and chaos, that the fate of the revolution should not be made dependent on the unstable moods of a shrunken and demoralized working class, and that it was the Bolsheviks’ duty towards socialism to maintain their ‘iron dictatorship’ by every means at their disposal. He had once intimated that the party’s political monopoly was an emergency measure to be revoked as soon as the emergency was over; but this was not what he said now. More than a year after the Kronstadt rising, writing in Pravda on the signs of economic recovery and on the ‘upward movement’ noticeable in all fields, he posed the question whether the time had not come to put an end to the single-party system and to lift the ban at least on the Mensheviks. His answer was a categorical No. He now justified the monopoly not so much by the republic’s internal difficulties as by the fact that the republic was a ‘besieged fortress’ within which no opposition, not even a feeble one, could be tolerated. He pleaded for the enforcement of the single-party system during the whole period of Russia’s international isolation, which he did not, however, expect to last as long as it was to last. Recalling that he himself had once ridiculed attempts made by governments to suppress political opposition and had demonstrated their ultimate inefficacy, he excused his apparent change of attitude with the following argument which would be flung back at him one day: ‘Repressive measures’, he wrote, ‘fail to archive their aim when an anachronistic government and régime applies them against new and progressive historic forces. But in the hands of a historically progressive government they may serve as very real means for a rapid cleansing of the arena from forces which have outlive their day.’
He reasserted this view in June 1922, during the famous trial of the Social Revolutionaries. He produced a brilliant and ferocious exposure of the defendants, holding them to be politically responsible for Dora Kaplan’s attempt on Lenin’s life and for other terroristic acts. The trial took place at the time of the ‘conference of three Internationals’ in Berlin. At that conference, which aimed at establishing a ‘united front’ between communist and socialist parties in the West, Bukharin and Radek represented the Bolsheviks. Western Social Democratic leaders protested against the trial; and to smooth negotiations Bukharin and Radek promised that the defendants would not be sentenced to death. Lenin was indignant at Bukharin’s and Radek’s ‘yielding to blackmail’ and at their allowing European reformists to interfere with domestic Soviet affairs. Trotsky was not less indignant. But in order to avoid a breach of the undertaking he proposed a compromise by which the death sentence was pronounced but then suspended on the express condition that the Social Revolutionary Party refrained from committing and encouraging further terroristic attempts.
Trotsky’s disciplinarian attitude showed itself inside the party as well. On behalf of the Central Committee he indicted the Workers’ Opposition before the party and Communist International. Since the tenth congress, at which its activity and views had been condemned, the Workers’ Opposition had continued to attack the party leadership with increasing bitterness. Shlyapnikov and Kollontai charged the government with promoting the interests of the new bourgeoisie and of the kulaks, with trampling upon the workers’ rights, and with the gross betrayal of the revolution. Defeated in the party and threatened by Lenin with expulsion, they appealed against Lenin to the Communist International. At the Executive of the International Trotsky presented the case against them and obtained the dismissal of their appeal. Then, at the eleventh congress of the Russian party, in the spring of 1922, which was again called upon to pronounce itself on the matter, Trotsky once again acted as counsel for the prosecution. He spoke without ill will or rancor and even with a certain warmth of sympathy for the Opposition; but he nevertheless firmly upheld the indictment. The Workers’ Opposition, he said, acted within its rights when it took the unprecedented step[ of appealing against the Russian party to the International. What he held against Shlyapnikov and Kollontai was that they had introduced an intolerably violent tone into the dispute and that they spoke of themselves and the party in terms of reserve’. Such an attitude, he said, led to schism and provided grist to the mills of the enemies of the revolution. He defended the government , its rural policy, its concession to private property, and also its view, equally strongly attacked, that ahead lay ‘a long period of peaceful coexistence and of business-like cooperation with bourgeois countries’.
The Workers’ Opposition was not alone in voicing disillusionment. At the eleventh congress, the last attended by Lenin, Trotsky saw himself and Lenin attacked by old and inmate friends: Antonov-Ovseenko, who spoke about the party’s surrender to the kulak and foreign capitalism; Ryazanov, who thundered against the prevalent political demoralization and the arbitrary manner in which the Politburo ruled the party; Lozovsky and Skrypnik, the Ukrainian commissar, who protested against the over-centralistic method of government, which he said, was all too reminiscent of the ‘one and indivisible’ Russia of old; Bubnov, still the Decemist, who spoke about the danger of the party’s ‘petty bourgeois degeneration’, and Preobrazhensky, one of the leading economic theorists and former secretary of the Central Committee. One day most of the critics would be eminent members of the ‘Trotskyist’ Opposition; and one day Trotsky himself would appeal, as Shlyapnikov and Kollontai had done, against the Russian Central Committee to the International. But for the time being, heartily applauded by Lenin, he confronted the Opposition as mouthpiece of the Bolshevik Old Guard, demanding discipline, discipline, and once again discipline.
And yet he remained a stranger in the Old Guard as well-in it but not of it. Even at this Congress of 1922 Mikoyan, then still a young Armenian delegate, stated this from the platform without being contradicted. In the course of the debate Lenin, Zinoviev, and Trotsky had expressed uneasiness over the merger of party and state, and had spoken about the need to separate in some measure their respective functions. Mikoyan then remarked that he was not surprised to hear this view from Trotsky who was ‘a man of the state but not of the party’; but how could Lenin and Zinoviev propound such ideas? Mikoyan did not speak from his own inspiration. He summed up what many members of the Old Guard thought but did not yet utter in public: in their eyes Trotsky was the man of the state but not of the party.
Now, when the Old Guard found itself elevated to an undreamt-of height, above the people, the working class, and the party, it began to cultivate its own past, and also the legends about it, with a pietism which is never quite absent from any group of veterans with memories of great battles fought and great victories won in common. The nation had known little or nothing about the men who, having risen from the obscurity of an underground movement, stood at its head. It was time to tell the people who those men were and what they had done. The party historians dug up the archives and set out to reconstruct their epic story. The tale they told was one of almost superhuman heroism, wisdom, and devotion to the cause. They did not by any means concoct the tale in cold blood. Much of it was true; and they sincerely believed even in that which was not quite true. As the members of the Old Guard viewed themselves in the dim mirror of the past, they inevitably saw that mirror brightened up and their own reflections in it enlarged by the retrospective glare of the victorious revolution. But as they looked into that mirror they invariably saw in it Trotsky as their antagonist, the Menshevik, the ally of the Mensheviks, the leader of the August bloc, and the bitter polemicist who had been dangerous to them even when he stood alone. They re-read all the excoriating epithets he and Lenin had once exchanged in open controversy; and the archives, which contained unknown manuscripts and letters, yielded many other rough remarks the two men had made about each other. Every document bearing on the party’s past, no matter how trivial, was treasured and published with reverence. The question to him, when Trotsky’s letter to Chkeidze, written in 1912, and describing Lenin as ‘intriguer’, ‘disorganizer’, and ‘exploiter of Russian backwardness’, was discovered in the files of the Tsarist gendarmerie. Trotsky objected to publication: it would be foolish, he said, to draw attention to disagreement which had long since been lived down; besides, he did not think that he had been wrong in all that he had ever said against the Bolsheviks, but he was not inclined to go into involved historical explanations. The offensive document did not appear in print; but its contents were too piquant for copies not to be circulated among old and trusted party men. So this, they commented, is how Trotsky denigrated Lenin in a letter. And to whom?-To Chkheidze, the old traitor, and he still says that he was not altogether wrong! True, Trotsky had since made ample amends, if there were at all needed; in 1920, when Lenin was fifty years old, Trotsky paid his tribute to Lenin and wrote a character sketch of him, which was as incisive in its psychological truth as it was full of admiration. All the same, the odd episodes from the past reminded those who had never felt anything but adoration for the party’s founder how relatively recent was Trotsky’s conversion to Bolshevism.
Not only memories of old feuds prevented the Old Guard from acknowledging Trotsky as its man. His strong personality had not become submerged in the Old Guard or taken on its protective coloring. He towered above the old ‘Leninists’ by sheer strength of mind and vigor of will. He usually arrived at his conclusions, even when they coincided with those of others, from his own premises, in his own way, and without reference to the axioms consecrated by party tradition. He stated his opinion with an ease and freedom which contrasted strikingly with the labored style of orthodox formulas in which most of Lenin’s disciples expressed themselves. He spoke with authority, not as one of the scribes. The very width and variety of his intellectual interests aroused a sneaking suspicion in men who, from necessity, self-denial, or inclination, had accustomed themselves to concentrating narrowly on politics and organization and who prided themselves on their narrowness as on their virtue.
Thus, almost everything in him, his fertile mind, his oratorical boldness, his literary originally, his administrative ability and drive, his precise methods of work, the exacting demands he made on associates and subordinates, his aloofness, the absence of triviality in him, and even his incapacity for small talk-all this induced in the members of the Old Guard a sense of inferiority. He never bothered to stoop down to them and he was not even aware that he might do so. Not only did he not suffer fools gladly-he always made them feel that they were fools. The men of the Old Guard were much more at ease with Lenin whose leadership they had always accepted and who usually spared their susceptibilities. When Lenin, for instance, attacked a political attitude which he knew that some of his followers shared, he was careful not to attribute that attitude to those whom he hoped to wean from it; and so he always allowed them to retreat without losing face. When he was intent on converting anyone to his view, he conversed with the man in such a manner that the later went away convinced that he had himself, by his own reasoning and not under Lenin’s pressure, arrived at a new viewpoint. There was little of that subtlety in Trotsky, who could rarely withstand the temptation to remind others of their errors and to insist on his superiority and foresight.

アーサー・ランサム(Arthur Ransome、1884年1月18日 - 1967年6月3日)Артур Рэнсомは、イギリスの児童文学作家、ジャーナリスト。『ツバメ号とアマゾン号』シリーズSwallows and Amazons seriesで知られる。

Jemeljan Michailowitsch Jaroslawski, in der Literatur auch als Emeljan Jaroslavskij geschrieben (russisch Емельян Михайлович Ярославский; * 19. Februarjul. / 3. März 1878greg. in Tschita; † 4. Dezember 1943 in Moskau) war ein sowjetischer Politiker und Journalist. Er war Anführer der Gesellschaft der Gottlosen (russ. Общество безбожников), auch Union der militanten Atheisten genannt.

The League of Militant Atheists战斗无神论者同盟(Russian: Сою́з Вои́нствующих Безбо́жников, tr. Soyúz Voínstvuyushchikh Bezbózhnikov, lit. 'The League of Militant Godless'[2]), also Society of the Godless (Russian: О́бщество безбо́жников, tr. Óbshchestvo Bezbózhnikov) or Union of the Godless (Russian: Сою́з Безбо́жников, tr. Soyúz Bezbózhnikov), was an atheistic and antireligious organization of workers and intelligentsia that developed in Soviet Russia under influence of the ideological and cultural views and policies of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union from 1925 to 1947.

The 11th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union was held during 27 March – 2 April 1922 in MoscowXI съезд Российской коммунисти́ческой па́ртии (большевико́в) проходил в Москве с 27 марта по 2 апреля 1922 года. The congress was attended by 522 with a casting vote alongside 165 with consultative vote, and elected the 11th Central Committee.

Mykola Oleksiyovytch Skrypnyk (en ukrainien : Микола Олексійович Скрипник)Никола́й Алексе́евич Скри́пник , né le 25 janvier 1872 à Yassynouvata et mort le 7 juillet 1933 à Kharkiv, est un leader bolchevik et homme d'État soviétique ukrainien.

①↑1964年5月、東京を訪問中のミコヤン第一副首相First Deputy Prime Minister Mikoyan visiting Tokyo, May 1964Анастас Иванович Микоянアナスタス・イヴァノヴィチ・ミコヤンԱնաստաս Հովհաննեսի Միկոյան(1895年11月25日 - 1978年10月21日)は、ソビエト連邦の政治家、革命家。アルメニア人である。

