
当ブログはトロント在住、日系一世カナダ人サミー・山田(48)おっさんの「独り言」です。まさに「個人日記」。1968年11月16日東京都目黒区出身(A型)・在北米30年の日系カナダ人(Canadian Citizen)・University of Toronto Woodsworth College BA History & East Asian Studies Major トロント在住(職業記者・医療関連・副職画家)・Toronto Ontario「団体」「宗教」「党派」一切無関係・「政治的」意図皆無=「事実関係」特定の「考え」が’正しい’あるいは一方だけが’間違ってる’いう気は毛頭なし。「知って」それぞれ「考えて」いただれれば本望(^_-☆Everybody!! Let's 'Ponder' or 'Contemplate' On va vous re?-chercher!Internationale!!「世界人類みな兄弟」「平和祈願」「友好共存」「戦争反対」「☆Against Racism☆」「☆Gender Equality☆」&ノーモア「ヘイト」(怨恨、涙、怒りや敵意しか生まない)Thank you very much for everything!! Ma Cher Minasan, Merci Beaucoup et Bonne Chance 

☭Leo Trotskius☆Лев Тро́цький武力なき予言者/THE PROPHET UNARMED トロツキーTROTSKY 1921-1929 アイザック・ドイッチャー/ISSAC DEUTSCHER 第一章CHAPTER I:権力と夢The Power and the Dream⑤

*The Council of Labor and Defense (Russian: Совет труда и обороны (СТО) Sovet Truda i Oborony, Latin acronym: STO), first established as the Council of Workers' and Peasants' Defense in November 1918, was an agency responsible for the central management of the economy and production of military materiel in the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic and later in the Soviet Union.  During the Russian Civil War of 1917-1922 the council served as an emergency "national economic cabinet", issuing emergency decrees in an effort to sustain industrial production for the Red Army amidst economic collapse. In 1920–23 it existed on the rights of the commission of the Russian Sovnarkom and after 1923 of the Soviet Council of People's CommissariatsСовет народных комиссаров Советского Союза.
【原注】レーニン宛ての手紙の中で、スターリンはトロツキーの計画化案を「自分はロシアの救世主たるべきだというイプセン流の英雄気取りの中世の職人」のたてた案だと評している。スターリン『全集』第5巻50-51頁参照。*ヘンリック(ヘンリク)・イプセン(Henrik Johan Ibsen ノルウェー語: [ˈhɛ̀nrɪk ˈɪ̀psn̩]、1828年3月20日 - 1906年5月23日)Ге́нрик (Хе́нрик) Ю́хан И́бсенは、ノルウェーの劇作家、詩人、舞台監督。
*The People's Commissariat of the Workers' and Peasants' Inspection, also known as Rabkrin (Russian: Наро́дный комиссариа́т Рабо́че-крестья́нской инспе́кции, romanized: Narodnyy komissariat Raboche-krest'yanskoy inspektsii; РКИ, RKI; Workers' and Peasants' Inspectorate, WPI), was a governmental establishment in the Soviet Union of ministerial level (people's commissariat) that was responsible for scrutinizing the state, local and enterprise administrations.

*Wladimir Michailowitsch Smirnow ウラジミール・ミハイロヴィチ・スミルノフ(russisch Владимир Михайлович Смирнов; * 1887; † 1937) war ein sowjetischer Politiker.
Lenin continued to show little enthusiasm for the ‘single plan’ and for the ‘enlargement of the Gosplan’s powers’. He described his electrification plan as the ‘only serious work on the question’ and dismissed the ‘idle chatter’ about a ‘comprehensive’ plan. Stalin did likewise; and he did his utmost to widen the breach between Lenin and Trotsky. The lesser leaders, Rykov and Sokolnikov, saw Trotsky’s policy as an encroachment upon their own responsibilities. They were skeptical of planning; and they were opposed to investing the Gosplan with wide powers. In their own circle they commented-presently they were to make the charge in public-the Trotsky demanded such wide powers for the Gosplan because he hoped to assume its direction, and that having ceased to be the country’s military dictator he aspired to become its economic master. We do not know whether Trotsky did indeed wish to become the head of the Gosplan. Even if he did, the aspiration was hardly reprehensible. He criticized Kzhizhanovsky, the actual head of Gosplan, as inefficient; but he never put forward his own candidature; and he argued the case on its merits. However, personal ambitions and departmental jealousies again and again intruded. Thus, his opponents suggested that an enhanced Gosplan would compete with the Council of Labor and Defense over which Lenin presided, with Trotsky as his deputy. At a session of the Central Committee, on 7 August 1921, Trotsky replied that in his view the Council should remain in charge of high policy, but that Gosplan should transfer that policy into specific economic plans and supervise their execution. He failed to carry the Central Committee with him.
*See Stalin’s Sochinenya, vol.v, pp. 50-51 where, in a letter to Lenin, he describes Trotsky’s ideas on planning as those of ‘a medieval artisan who imagines himself an Ibsenite hero destined to save Russia’.
Parallel with these controversies there dragged on a conflict over the Rabkrin, the Workers and Peasants’ Inspectorate. Stalin had been the chief of Rabkrin, from 1919 till the spring of 1922, when he was appointed Secretary General; but he exercised a strong influence on it even later. The Inspectorate had wide and manifold functions: it was entitled to audit the morals of the civil service; to inspect without warning the work of any Commissariat; to watch over the efficiency of the entire administration, and to prescribe measures for raising it. Lenin intended that Rabkrin should act as a sort of super-commissariat through which the administration, which was not controlled democratically, was to control itself and maintain stern self-discipline. In reality, Stalin transformed the Inspectorate into his private police within the government. As early as 1920 Trotsky attacked Rabkrin, claiming that its methods of inspection were muddled and ineffective, and that all that it did was to throw spanners into the machinery of government. ‘You cannot’, he said, ‘create a special department endowed with all the wisdom of government and able to audit all the other departments . . . In every branch of government it is well known that whenever the need arises for any change of policy or for any serious reform in organization in is useless to look to Rabkrin for guidance. Rabkrin itself provides striking illustration of the lack of correspondence between governmental decree and governmental machinery, and is itself becoming a powerful factor of muddle and wantonness.’ In any case, what was needed in a body like Rabkrin was a ‘broad horizon, a broad view on matters of the state and of the economy, a view much broader than that possessed by those carrying out this work’. He described Rabkrin as the refuge and haven for frustrated misfits who had been rejected by all other commissariats and were ‘utterly cut off from any genuine, creative, and constructive work’. He did not even once mention Stalin in whom he saw the super-misfit risen to eminence.
Lenin defended Stalin and Rabkrin. Exasperated by the inefficiency and the corruption of the civil service, he pinned great hopes on the Inspectorate and was irritated by what he considered to be Trotsky’s private vendetta. Trotsky argued that the muddle, at least in the economic departments, was the result of faulty organization which, in its turn, reflected the lack of any guiding principle in economic policy. Inspections by Rabkrin could not change this-the remedy could be found in planning and in a reformed Gosplan. Nor could incompetence be cured by the shock treatment and intimidation to which Stalin’s commissariat subjected the civil service. In a backward country, with the worst traditions of uncivilized and corrupt government, Trotsky said, the main task was to educate the government personal systematically and to train it in civilized methods of work.
All these differences considered, Trotsky’s refusal to become vice-Premier is less surprising. He could not, without contradicting himself, accept a post in which he would have had no give effect to an economic policy which in his view lacked focus, and to guide an administrative machinery which he held to be faultily constructed. When, in the summer of 1922, Lenin urged him to use the post for a drive against bureaucratic abuses of power, he replied that the worst abuses had their source at the very top of the party hierarchy. He complained that the Politburo and the Orgbureau meddled intolerably with the affairs of the government and took decisions concerning various commissariats without deigning to consult even the heads of those commissariats. It was therefore vain to struggle against wantonness in the administration as long as this evil flourished unopposed in the party. Lenin did not take Trotsky’s hint. He relied on Stalin as the party’s General Secretary not less than he relied on him as chief of Rabkrin.

In the summer of 1922 further disagreement arose over the manner in which Moscow controlled the non-Russian republics and provinces of the Soviet Federation. The Bolsheviks had guaranteed to those republics the right of self-determination, which included expressly the right to secede from the Soviet Federation; the guarantee had been enshrined in the 1918 Constitution. At the same time they insisted on strictly centralized government and in practice overruled the autonomy of the non-Russian republics. Early in 1921, it will be remembered, Trotsky protested against the conquest of Georgia, of which Stalin had been the chief prompter. Then Trotsky reconciled himself to the accomplished fact and even defended the conquest in a special pamphlet. Later still, in the spring of 1922, he remained silent when at the eleventh congress eminent Bolsheviks accused Lenin’s government of forsaking the principle of self-determination and restoring the ‘one and indivisible’ Russia of old. Shortly thereafter, however, he himself voiced the same accusation behind the closed doors of the Politburo; and it was again over Georgia and Stalin’s activities there that the conflict came to a head.
As Commissar of Nationalities, Stalin had just ordered the suppression of the Menshevik party in Georgia. When leading Georgian Bolsheviks, Mdivani and Makharadze, protested against this he sought to intimidate them and to quell their protests. His action was up to a point consistent with the general trend of Bolshevik policy, for if it was right to ban the Menshevik party in Moscow, there was no apparent reason why the same should not be done at Tiflis. Trotsky had endorsed the ban in Russia, but attacked its extension to Georgia. He pointed out that the Russian Mensheviks had, because of their counter-revolutionary attitude, discredited themselves while the Georgian ones still enjoyed strong popular support., This was true enough; but the argument might have carried conviction only if the Bolsheviks had still based their rule on proletarian democracy. It sounded somewhat hollow once the view was accepted, as it was by Trotsky, that the Bolsheviks were entitled, in the interest of the revolution, to maintain their political monopoly regardless of whether they did or did not enjoy popular support. It was only a step from the establishment of the single-party system to the persecution of those Georgian Bolsheviks who opposed it, although this was a step from consistency to absurdly. Stalin for the first time now applied repression to members of the Bolshevik Party when he tried to intimidate Mdivani and Makharadze. He also gravely compromised the Bolshevik policy towards the non-Russian nationalities, the policy of which he himself had been an inspirer and in the broad-mindedness of which the Bolsheviks had taken great pride.
Defending themselves, Mdivani and Makharadze turned against the ultra-centralistic principle of Stalin’s policy. What right, they asked, had any Commissariat in Moscow to take decisions concerning the political life of Tiflis? Where was self-determination? Were not the small nationalities being forced back into the Russian empire, ‘one and indivisible? These were pertinent questions. All the more so as at the same time Stalin was preparing a new constitution which was to be much more centralistic than in 1918 predecessor and was to curtail and abrogate the rights of the non-Russian nationalities and to transform the Soviet Federation of republics into the Soviet Union. Against the constitution, too, the Georgians, the Ukrainians, and others raised protests.
When these protests came before the Politburo Trotsky upheld them. He was now confirmed in the misgivings which had caused him to oppose in the first instance the annexation of Georgia. He saw in Stalin’s behavior a scandalous and flagrant abuse of power, which carried centralism to a dangerous excess, offended the dignity of the non-Russian nationalities, and suggested to them that of Mdivani and Makharadze and alleged that these ‘national deviationists’ opposed the introduction of the Soviet currency in Georgia, refused to cooperate with neighboring Caucasian republics and to share with them scarce provisions, and that they generally acted in a spirit of nationalist selfishness and to the detriment of the Soviet Federation as a whole. Such behavior, if the charges had been true, could not be tolerated in party members. Trotsky did not believe the charges to be true. Lenin and most members of the Politburo viewed the conflict as a family quarrel between two sets of Georgian Bolsheviks, and they thought that the most prudent course for the Politburo was to accept Stalin’s views. Stalin was the Politburo’s expert on these matters; and Lenin saw no reason to suspect that Stalin, of all men, the author of the celebrated treatise on Marxism and the Nationalities, the party’s classical plea for self-determination, would malignantly offend the national dignity of his own countrymen. Again Trotsky appeared to Lenin to be acting from personal animosity or from that ‘individualism’ which had led him to oppose the Politburo on so many other questions. One of Lenin’s first moves after his return to office, in October 1922, was to rebuke Mdivani and Makharadze and uphold Stalin’s authority.
As we follow these dissensions in the Politburo and consider Trotsky’s part in them, we are stuck by the change which had occurred in Trotsky himself in about a year. In the first half of 1922 Trotsky still spoke primarily as the Bolshevik disciplinarian; in the second he was already in conflict with the disciplinarians. The contrast shows itself in many of his attitudes; but it becomes most apparent when it is recalled that at the beginning of the year he indicted, on behalf of the Politburo, the Workers’ Opposition before the party and the International. Yet towards its end he himself appeared to air views hitherto voiced by that Opposition (and by the Decemists). It was the Workers’ Opposition which had first confusedly expressed the discontent of the Bolshevik rank and file with N.E.P. and had spoken of the need to give the policies of N.E.P. a socialist perspective. It was the Workers’ Opposition which had first attacked the new bureaucracy, protested against abuses of power, and denounced new, privileges. It was that Opposition and the Decemists who had begun the revolt against the excessive powers of the party machine and had clamored for the restriction of inner-party democracy. Trotsky at first castigated them and warned them that Bolsheviks must under no circumstances oppose themselves to the party leaders in terms of ‘we’ and ‘they’. Yet, in the course of 1922, he appeared to have adopted most of their ideas and to have taken up an attitude from which he was bound to argue against the majority of the Politburo in terms of ‘we’ and ‘they’. It looked, indeed, as if in the process of taming the Workers’ Opposition he had been converted to its views and become its most eminent recruit.
In truth he was grappling all this time with a dilemma which occupied the party as whole-only he grappled with it more intensely than others. It was the dilemma between authority and freedom. Trotsky was almost equally sensitive to the claims of both. As long as the revolution was struggling for bare survival, he put authority first. He centralized the Red Army, militarized labor, strove to absorb the trade unions in the state, preached the need for a strong but civilized bureaucracy, overruled proletarian democracy, and helped to subdue inner-party opposition. Yet even in this phase the socialist ‘libertarian’ was alive and awake in him; and through his sternest calls for discipline there reverberated, like a counterpoint, a powerful note of socialist freedom. In his most ruthless deeds and most severe words there still glowed a warm humanity which distinguished him from most other disciplinarians. In the very first phase of the revolution he was already pointing an accusatory finger at the ‘new bureaucrat’, uneducated, suspicious, and arrogant, who was a baneful ‘ballast’, and a ‘genuine menace to the cause of communist revolution’, the cause which would ‘fully justify itself only when every toiling man and woman feels that his or her life has become easier, freer, cleaner, and more dignified’.
The end of armed hostilities sharpened the tension between authority and freedom within Bolshevism; and within Trotsky too. The Workers’ Opposition and the groups close to it represented a revulsion against authority. What set Trotsky against them was his deep grasp of the realities of the situation. He could not easily dismiss those claims of authority which were rooted in realities. Nor could he keep his peace of mind when he saw that freedom-socialist freedom-was being uprooted. He wrestled with a real dilemma, whereas the Workers’ Opposition seized only of its horns and clung to it. He sought to strike a balance between Bolshevik discipline and proletarian democracy; and the more the balance was tipped in favor of the former, the more was he inclined to uphold the later. The decisive shifts which upset the balance occurred in the years 1921-3, and in these years he gradually came to put the claims of inner-party democracy against those of discipline.
Yet he did not become a mere ‘liberation’, resentful at the encroachments of authority. He remained the Bolshevik statesman, as convinced as ever of the need for a contradicted state and a strong party leadership, and as mindful as ever of their prerogatives. He attacked the abuse, not the principle, of those prerogatives. Through his most angry broadsides against bureaucracy and his most spirited pleas for inner-party democracy there would still resound a strong disciplinarian counterpoint. Conscious that ‘bureaucracy represented a whole epoch, not yet closed, in mankind’s development’, and that its evils appeared ‘in inverse proportion to the enlightenment, the cultural standards, and the political consciousness of the masses’, he was careful not to induce the illusion that it was possible to sweep away those evils at a stroke. As yet he did not even turn against bureaucracy at large-he rather appealed to its progressive and enlightened men against its backward and despotic elements, and hoped that the former, together with the advanced workers, would be able to curb, to re-educate, and if need be to eliminate the latter. He had indeed shifted his ground, come closer to the Workers’ Opposition and kindred groups, and implicitly acknowledged the rational side of their revulsion against authority; but, unlike them, he was not carried away by the revulsion. He did not simply ‘reject’ bureaucracy. He still grappled with a real dilemma, but he did it in a different manner than before and from the opposite end.
It is for this reason that it is impossible to pinpoint the change in Trotsky’s attitude and to define more precisely what brought it about and when it occurred. No single even brought it about; and there was no single moment at which it was brought about. The policy of the Politburo drifted over many issues from a workers’ democracy to the totalitarian state. Trotsky’s ideas drifted with the drift of Bolshevik policy-but in the opposite direction. He began to defend the rights of the small nations as these rights were being violated. He clashed with the party ‘apparatus’ as the apparatus grew independent of the party and subjected party and state to itself. Because the processes against which he reacted developed piecemeal and in an ambiguous manner, his reactions, too, were piecemeal and vague. At no point did he feel the need for any drastic revision of his views because what he said now, in his anti-bureaucratic phase, he had also said in his disciplinarian phase, although he had said it with less emphasis and in different context. He passed from one phase into the other almost without noticing it.
Amid the drift of policies one relatively stable issue stood out-the rivalry between Stalin and Trotsky. It had said, we remember, intruded itself even in the conduct of the civil war; and it had sprung from an almost instinctive antagonism of temperaments, backgrounds, political inclinations, and personal ambitions. In this rivalry Stalin played the active and offensive part-he was offended by the inferiority of the place he occupied. Only slowly did Trotsky take cognizance of the rivalry; and only reluctantly did he begin to react and to get involved in it. So far the rivalry had remained in the background, where Lenin’s strong personality kept it; and it had not assumed any broader significance, for it was not yet identified with any clear conflict of policies and interests. In 1922 this identification began. As manager of the party machine, Stalin, supported for the time being by Lenin, came to represent authority at its extreme, to enforce its claims and to exact obedience. A deep conflict of policies and interests began to take shape, to absorb the personal antagonism, and even to focus itself on it, until the personal antagonism was thus at once overshadowed and yet magnified by the wider conflict.
An account of the disagreements in which Trotsky was opposed to Lenin, Stalin, and the majority of the Politburo, may leave a one-sided impression of his actual position in the Bolshevik leadership. The biographer is bound to throw into relief the events and situations out of which grew Trotsky’s later struggles with Stalin and which were therefore of the greatest consequence to his fortunes. These events and situations did not, however, appear in the same bold relief to contemporaries. Nor were the discords related here to the greatest importance in determining Trotsky’s place among the Bolshevik leaders, especially his relationship with Lenin. The controversies were confined to the Politburo. The party and the country had no inkling of them. The public voice still coupled Trotsky’s name with Lenin’s; and in the eyes of the world he was one of the chief inspirers of Bolshevik policy. And in truth, his disagreements with Lenin did not, in the balance of their common work, outweigh their solid and chose agreement on an incomparably wider range of domestic and foreign issues.

As Commissar of War Trotsky continued to enjoy Lenin’s full support. Even after the civil war he had to contend with the ‘military opposition’ which had challenged his policy in earlier years. Tukhachevsky still sought to win the party’s support for his per idea of an International General Staff of the Red Army Frunze and Voroshilov, encouraged by Zinoviev and Stalin, still tried to obtain official sanction for their conceptions of ‘proletarian strategy’ and for their ‘offensive military doctrine’. These issues were important enough to be thrashed out of the eleventh congress at a special session held in secret. Trotsky obtained the final disavowal of the demands of his opponents; and he was assisted by the fact that he had Lenin’s authority behind him. Lenin had learned to value his field. A curious incident may be cited as illustration. After the Kronstadt rising sailors, he held, were unreliable; the navy was useless; it consumed coal, food, and clothing, of which the country was desperately short; and so its disbandment would be a pure gain. Trotsky objected. He was determined to preserve the navy and was confident that he could reorganize it and bring about a change in its morale. The matter was settled in a most informal manner, through little private notes which Trotsky and Lenin scribbled to each other during a session of the Politburo. Lenin accepted Trotsky’s assurances, and the navy was saved.
Lenin also repeatedly indicated to the party and the International his regard for Trotsky as interpreter of Marxism; and he lent wholehearted support of the outstanding influence Trotsky exercised on Russia’s cultural life. (This aspect of Trotsky’s activity is discussed in a later chapter.) Both rejected the ambition of clamorous groups of writers and artists, especially of the Proletkull, to sponsor a ‘proletarian culture’ and ‘proletarian literature’. In educational affairs which since the civil war both considered to be of paramount importance, and in all matters relating to the advocacy of Marxism, both counselled caution and tolerance; and both discouraged firmly the crudity of approach, the conceit, and the fanaticism which influential party members began to exhibit.
Trotsky showed also a highly active and constant initiative in the conduct of foreign policy. Important issues of diplomacy were decided upon by a small committee which consisted of Lenin, Trotsky, and Kamenev, who invited Chicherin, the Foreign Commissar, and often also Radek, to take part in deliberations. The present efforts of Soviet diplomacy were directed towards the consolidation of peace and the establishment of relations with bourgeois Europe. Trotsky, we remember, had used all his influence to secure the final conclusion of peace with Poland in 1921, a peace for which Lenin had been so eager. He had similarly exerted himself to obtain the Politburo’s consent to the demarcation of frontiers and to the conclusion of peace with the small Baltic republics. As early as 1920 Trotsky had urged Lenin to conciliate Great Britain; but it was only some time later that this advice was acted upon. But his most important initiative in the diplomatic field came early in 1921, when he set afoot a number of bold and highly delicate moves which eventually led to the conclusion of the Rapallo Treaty with Germany, by far the most outstanding feat of Soviet diplomacy in the two decades that lay between the Brest Litovsk Treaty and the Soviet-German agreement of 1939.

民族問題人民委員部(みんぞくもんだいじんみんいいんぶPeople's Commissariat of Nationalities of the RSFSR РСФСР、ロシア語: Народный комиссариат по делам национальностей)は、1917年の十月革命直後から1924年までのソビエト・ロシアに存在した人民委員部НКНац。略称はナルコムナーツ (Наркомнац)。Its head, Joseph Stalin, as the People's Commissar of Nationalities (1917–23), served as a member of the Council of People's Commissars.

ポリカルプ・“ブドゥ”・グルゲノヴィチ・ムディヴァニ(ロシア語: Поликарп (Буду) Гургенович Мдивани、1877年 - 1937年7月10日)Polikarp "Budu" Gurgenovich Mdivani、i民族名ポリカルペ・“ブドゥ”・グルゲニス・ゼ・ムディヴァニ(グルジア語: პოლიკარპე (ბუდუ) გურგენის ძე მდივანი)は、グルジア人のボリシェヴィキ。

フィリップ・イェセーヴィチ・マハラゼ(Филипп Иесеевич Махарадзе、1868年3月21日 - 1941年12月10日)Filipp Yeseyevich Makharadze、民族名ピリペ・エセス・ゼ・マハラゼ(グルジア語: ფილიპე ესეს ძე მახარაძე)は、グルジア人のボリシェヴィキ政治家・文筆家。

Marxism and the National Question (Russian: Марксизм и национальный вопрос, romanized: Marksizm i natsionalniy vopros) is a short work of Marxist theory written by Joseph Stalin in January 1913 while living in Vienna. First published as a pamphlet and frequently reprinted, the essay by the ethnic Georgian Stalin was regarded as a seminal contribution to Marxist analysis of the nature of nationality and helped to establish his reputation as an expert on the topic.

ラパッロ条約(ラパッロじょうやく、ドイツ語:Vertrag von Rapallo、露: Рапалльский договор)は、1922年4月16日、イタリアのラパッロにおいてブレスト=リトフスク条約と第一次世界大戦に基づく領土及び金銭に関する主張を互いに放棄した上でドイツ(ヴァイマル共和政Weimarer Republik)とソビエト・ロシア(ロシア社会主義連邦ソビエト共和国Российская Советская Федеративная Социалистическая Республика)との間で成立した条約である。

