《超A評論》永恆的無責任體系?마쓰모토 히토시/Dr. Lully Miura - "재일교포는 북한 테러분자"/Japoneses boicotam Amazon Prime por uso de figuras polêmicas【Youtube≪Тройка?≫Hiroyuki/Horiemon/DaiGo】Юсуке Нарита: Kirin retira anúncio com economista que defendia o 'suicídio em massa'(CANADA)2024/04/13
①Lully Miura: “Koreans in Japan are North Korean terrorists” Spreading boycott of Amazon, Japan used as advertising model②미우라 루리 "한국 성착취가 위안부 분노로 이어져" 망언Lully Miura: "Korea's sexual exploitation leads to anger over comfort women" Absurd statement
①Lully Miura's English skills, CNBC English interview, graduate from the University of Tokyo②英語の達人列伝ー成田悠輔の英語力Legend of English masters - Yusuke Narita's English ability③Nov 30, 2022 — ひろゆき氏がMr. Hiroyuki said「周りが英語ばかりなら嫌でも英語を覚えるYou will learn English even if I don't like it if all the people around you are English speaking」(«Où allez-vous? Qui êtes-vous? Ton papier tout de suite. Il est ici~!! »)④英語力がある!英語ペラペラな美人女優ランキングThey have English skills! Ranking of beautiful actresses who are Perapera(fluent) in English(«Bist Du Engländer? Was machst du hier? Sie sind Amerikaner? Warum bist du hier? Was tun Sie hier!?!»https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FADhGSCHGw)⇔①Linguistic imperialism語言帝國主義Anglocentrism英語帝國主義(アメリカ帝国主義American Imperialism≪パクス・アメリカーナPax Americana≫支配的言語Dominant language)②「多くの日本人の誤解のひとつは、英語が世界語だと思いこんでいることであろう。いわゆる英語圏などは、世界でそれほど広くはないOne of the misconceptions many Japanese people have is that they think English is a world language. The so-called English-speaking countries are not that large in the world」(本多勝一Katsuichi Honda/1999年)「現在の世界における言語帝国主義的役割は、おそらくイギリス語が最もはたしているThe role of linguistic imperialism in the world today is perhaps best played by British(English)(といってもBut、この一地域語が通ずる世界は多くの日本人が想像するほど広くはないThe world where this one regional language is understood is not as wide as many Japanese people imagine)・・・そんな”世界語”を話せる者がエライと思いこまされPeople are made to believe that people who can speak such "world languages" are special people」(1992年)《エスペラント語Esperantoイド語IdoインターリングアInterlingua》
①President Putin’s “imperial mentality” analyzed by Lully Miura Is "passion" at the root of aggression?②私の英語勉強法:三浦瑠麗さんMy method of studying English: Lully Miura③メンタリストDaiGo 科学的に正しい英語勉強法Mentalist DaiGo Scientifically correct English study method慶應義塾大学出身Graduated from Keio University④
【ひろゆき】ひろゆきの英語English of Hiroyuki Nishimura⑤英語が1番うまい政治家は誰なのかネイティブに聞いてみたI asked a native speaker which politician speaks English best⑥Jul 16, 2017 —「日本が国際化できていない」の原因は英語力The reason behind “Japan’s failure to internationalize” is English capability①「国際的とは決して外国語をうまく話したり、外国の習慣を身につけたりすることではない。それはむしろ国際性というよりも植民地性に近いことがあるÊtre cosmopolite ne signifie pas bien parler une langue étrangère ou adopter des coutumes étrangères. Cela peut ressembler davantage à de la colonialité qu’à de l’internationalisme. 国際性とは、基本的には異民族や異文化に対する理解があることであるL’internationalisme signifie essentiellement avoir une compréhension des différents groupes ethniques et cultures」(本多勝一Katsuichi Honda/1987年)②《自由民主党Liberaldemokratische Partei (LDP, Japan)日本会議Conférence du Japon》《日本保守党Консервативная партия Японии百田新党Nueva Partido Hyakuta》「国際化を謳いながらも、自分の国の基準でしか考えられないからAuch wenn wir die Internationalisierung befürworten, können wir nur auf der Grundlage der Standards unseres eigenen Landes denken、この国の為政者たちは国際的には噴飯ものの失言を性懲りもなく繰り返して塊じることがないdie Politiker dieses Landes sind unerbittlich und begehen immer wieder Ausrutscher, die international umstritten sind」(鎌田慧Satoshi Kamata/1990年)
①Even if “Wasabi(Japanese horseradish고추냉이) Terrorism” had no discriminatory intent, Hitoshi Matsumoto’s statement “If that were the case, South Korea would be Karashi(Mustard머스터드) Terrorism” is discrimination! The number of comments flattering Netouyo is increasing rapidly②12ヶ国語を話す男 (松本人志)L'homme qui parle 12 langues (Hitoshi Matsumoto)③Jan 13, 2019 — 松本人志、韓国の反日感情は「たぶん嫉妬」と分析 指原「ヤバ!」Hitoshi Matsumoto analyzes South Korea's anti-Japanese sentiment as "probably jealousy" Sashihara: “That’s dangerous.”https://www.zakzak.co.jp/article/20190114-WHHGWJ2BKRINRP3VTGARCP57DA/④2018年02月18日ー「三浦瑠麗さんのフォローをしていると思われた」松本人志がワイドナショーで告白「オレの番組にゲストで出たタレントさんが叩かれてたりするとツライです」と書いていた"Je pensais que je suivais Lully Miura", a avoué Hitoshi Matsumoto sur Widena Show. "Ça fait mal quand un talent qui est apparu en tant qu'invité dans mon émission est critiqué." https://www.huffingtonpost.jp/entry/matsumo-miura_jp_5c5d5fe7e4b0974f75b1f783
①Jun 28, 2015 —百田尚樹氏、集団的自衛権で持論展開 「解釈より国民守るにはどういう憲法が正しいのかが大事」Naoki Hyakuta develops his own theory on the right of collective self-defense: "What is more important than interpretation is what kind of constitution is correct to protect the people.''②Mar 3, 2019 — 松本人志の持論を専門家絶賛、会談決裂の正恩氏「習おじさんと文お兄ちゃんに相談せなあかん」Experts praise Hitoshi Matsumoto's own theory, but Kim Jong Un's talks break down: "We should consult Uncle Xi and Brother Moon.''③2022年10月25日 ー三浦瑠麗氏 性交同意年齢の引き上げに持論「わたしの経験からは思わなかった」Lully Miura's own theory on raising the age of consent for sexual intercourse: "Based on my experience, I didn't think so."④Apr 22, 2024 —メンタリストのDaiGoさんがXにSNSをめぐる持論を展開し、波紋を広げているMentalist DaiGo shares his own theory on SNS on X, causing a stir「SNS最大のデメリットThe biggest disadvantage of SNS」「口を開く価値がないやつが発信できるようになり、聞く価値がない意見を耳にするようになったことPeople who don't deserve to speak out can now make statements, and we can now hear opinions that aren't worth hearing."」⑤Jan 11, 2024 — ひろゆき 松本人志の活動休止に持論展開「仮に5年後に戻ってきても、稼げない」Hiroyuki develops his own theory on Hitoshi Matsumoto's hiatus: "Even if he comes back in five years, he won't make any money."⑥2023.01.12ー成田悠輔氏、物議醸す「高齢者は集団自決」発言は持論だったYusuke Narita's controversial remark that "the elderly should commit mass suicide'' was his own theory.
Hiroyuki: *Feeling uncomfortable about Yusuke Narita's uproar * Elderly people are in trouble after being removed from Kirin's commercial due to his comments about mass suicide. Can I say something?
[Horiemon] Yusuke Narita was forced to leave the Kirin commercial after being criticized for his comments about mass suicide among the elderly. How many people understand and criticize the true meaning of that statement? I'll tell you the truth.
[Remodeling theory] Yusuke Narita: "Create a situation where people who should disappear can be told to disappear'' Hiroyuki: "Unmanned society is better than depopulation'' The future of Japan, based on the premise of a declining birthrate and population decline
Horiemon and Yoshinori Kobayashi cut into taboo! What is the key to bringing the coronavirus under control?
Yoshinori Kobayashi is furious about Noriyuki Higashiyama's remarks and the attitude of the media at Johnny & Associates press conference!
DaiGo: How Hiroyuki decides | I asked Hiroyuki how to achieve an invincible life Live broadcast
《Super A Review》Eternal no-responsibility system? —The Pathology of Japan’s Political and Economic System/Вечная система безответственности? — Патология политической и экономической системы Японии
The most important discussion of Japan's irresponsibility system in the early postwar period came from the diagnosis of militarism by the political thinker Maruyama Masao. He pointed out that the structure and components of Japanese society and culture brought about this war that caused great catastrophe externally and almost destroyed the entire country internally. The famous answer he proposed is that Japan has formed an "irresponsible system" in which no one makes major decisions based on their own authority and subjectivity, and no one takes responsibility.
「すべては『天皇への距離』によって決定される。近代社会の組織原則である社会的分業(横のつながり)の立場によって職務を遂行するのではなく、タテの究極的価値(天皇)に直接つながっているという自覚によって行われる。こうした社会では、独裁者が恣意的に権力をふるうという図式は生まれない。すべての人間や組織が互いを拘束し、牽制しあうという形となっているからだ。だから、誰か一人が独裁的権力をふるっているとか、どこかの組織が権力をふるっているという意識は生まれなかった。日本には、これだけの戦争を起こしていて、自分こそがこの戦争を起こしたのだという意識が誰にも見いだせない。権力を握っていた集団そのものが、おのれが権力を握って事を起こしたのだという意識を持たなかった。つまり主体的な責任意識が成り立ちようがなかったのであるEverything is determined by "distance to the Emperor.'' Duties are not performed based on the social division of labor (horizontal connections) that is the organizational principle of modern society, but are performed based on the awareness that one is directly connected to the ultimate vertical value (the Emperor). In such a society, a picture of a dictator wielding power arbitrarily does not emerge. This is because all people and organizations constrain and check each other. Therefore, there was no sense that one person was wielding dictatorial power or that some organization was wielding power. In Japan, there are so many wars that no one can find that they are the ones who caused these wars. The very group that held power did not realize that it was their power that caused the situation. In other words, there was no way a sense of independent responsibility could be established.」 https://takamm.hatenablog.com/entry/20141108/1415458295