
当ブログはトロント在住、日系一世カナダ人サミー・山田(48)おっさんの「独り言」です。まさに「個人日記」。1968年11月16日東京都目黒区出身(A型)・在北米30年の日系カナダ人(Canadian Citizen)・University of Toronto Woodsworth College BA History & East Asian Studies Major トロント在住(職業記者・医療関連・副職画家)・Toronto Ontario「団体」「宗教」「党派」一切無関係・「政治的」意図皆無=「事実関係」特定の「考え」が’正しい’あるいは一方だけが’間違ってる’いう気は毛頭なし。「知って」それぞれ「考えて」いただれれば本望(^_-☆Everybody!! Let's 'Ponder' or 'Contemplate' On va vous re?-chercher!Internationale!!「世界人類みな兄弟」「平和祈願」「友好共存」「戦争反対」「☆Against Racism☆」「☆Gender Equality☆」&ノーモア「ヘイト」(怨恨、涙、怒りや敵意しか生まない)Thank you very much for everything!! Ma Cher Minasan, Merci Beaucoup et Bonne Chance 

Professor de Yale sugeriu "suicídio em massa"/Yale-Professor schlägt Senioren Massenselbstmord vor/"고령화, 노인 집단할복이 해법"Mass Suicide for Old People in Japan【成田悠輔×ホリエモン】Профессор Йельского университета из Японии『高齢者は集団自決した方がいい』《경로의 날敬老の日》CANADA/2023/09/15

Jan 17, 2022 —First conversation [Yusuke Narita x Horiemon] Thorough discussion on "ideal nation for young people" and "future of Web 3.0"

成田 悠輔(なりた ゆうすけ、1985年〈昭和60年〉 - )は、日本の経済学者、起業家。イェール大学アシスタント・プロフェッサー、東京大学招聘研究員、半熟仮想株式会社代表取締役。ダボス会議(世界経済フォーラム)2023年度ヤング・グローバル・リーダーの一人。専門はデータ・アルゴリズム・数学・ポエムを使ったビジネスと、公共政策の創造とデザインYusuke Narita (born 1985) is a Japanese economist and entrepreneur. He is an assistant professor at Yale University, an invited researcher at the University of Tokyo, and CEO of Hanjuku Virtual Co., Ltd. He is one of the Davos (World Economic Forum) 2023 Young Global Leaders. His specialties are business using data, algorithms, mathematics, and poetry, and the creation and design of public policy.

2023/02/15ーHiroyuki : « C'est aussi ainsi que s'est répandu le faux article sur les femmes de réconfort militaires. » Bien qu'il ait défendu M. Narita, qui est également sous le feu des critiques à l'étranger, cela a suscité une controverse. Nishimura, également connu sous le nom d'Hiroyuki, homme d'affaires et fondateur de 2channel (actuellement 5channel), défend Yusuke Narita, un économiste critiqué à l'étranger pour ses propos tels que "Il vaudrait mieux que les personnes âgées se suicident en masse".

Hiroyuki Nishimura (西村 博之, Nishimura Hiroyuki , nato il 16 novembre 1976) è un imprenditore Internet giapponese noto soprattutto per essere il fondatore della bacheca giapponese più utilizzata, 2channel, e attuale amministratore di 4chan. È anche un autore di auto-aiuto e un personaggio televisivo Hiroyuki (ひろゆき).

Takafumi Horie (堀江 貴文, Horie Takafumi, born October 29, 1972) is a Japanese entrepreneur who founded Livedoor, a website design operation that grew into a popular internet portal. After being arrested and charged with securities fraud in 2006, he severed all connections with the company. His trial began on September 4, 2006. On March 16, 2007, Horie was sentenced to imprisonment of 2 years and 6 months.

Yusuke Narita ist Assistenzprofessor an der Yale University. Sein Forschungsschwerpunkt liegt auf dem Design von Entscheidungsalgorithmen in Politik und Wirtschaft, mit besonderem Interesse an der Bildungspolitik.
「集団自決」発言と騒動“Mass suicide” remarks and uproar
2019年2月9日、グロービスが主催した社会保障制度改革のパネル討論で、成田は「『葉隠』の「武士道というは死ぬことと見つけたり」という一節を引き合いに、高齢化し老害化しないために『人は適切な時期に”切腹”すべし』と発言し、「皆さんのようなリーダーが次々と切腹するような日本社会になれば、それは単なる社会保障政策ではなく、最強の『クールジャパン』政策になる」と語ったOn February 9, 2019, at a panel discussion on social security system reform hosted by GLOBIS, Narita said, "Bushido is about dying and finding something'' from Hagakure, and said, "Bushido is about dying and finding something,'' in order to avoid aging and becoming senile. "People should commit seppuku at the appropriate time,'' he said, adding, "If Japanese society becomes one in which leaders like you commit seppuku one after another, it will not just be a social security policy, but the ultimate "Cool Japan'' policy. 'It will become a policy.' 2021年12月17日放送の『ABEMA Prime』にて、高齢化について「唯一の解決策ははっきりしている」として、「結局、高齢者の集団自決、集団切腹みたいなのしかないんじゃないかOn "ABEMA Prime" broadcast on December 17, 2021, regarding the aging of the population, he said, "The only solution is clear," and said, "In the end, I think the only option is something like mass suicide or mass seppuku for the elderly. 僕はこれを大真面目に言っていて、やっぱり人間は引き際が重要だと思うI'm saying this very seriously, and I think it's important for humans to close the gap. 別に物理的な切腹ではなくて、社会的な切腹でもいいIt's not a physical seppuku, it's a social seppuku. 過去の功績を使って居座り続ける人がいろいろなレイヤーで多すぎるThere are too many people at various levels who continue to stay based on past achievements. これがこの国の明らかな問題だThis is a clear problem in this country」と語り、スタジオのアナウンサーや専門家を驚かせたhe said, surprising the studio announcers and experts.


2ちゃんねる(現5ちゃんねる)の創設者で実業家のひろゆきこと西村博之氏が、「高齢者は集団自決した方がいい」といった発言で海外でも炎上している経済学者の成田悠輔氏を擁護したものの、ネット上から困惑の声を集めているHiroyuki Nishimura, also known as Hiroyuki, a businessman and founder of 2channel (currently 5channel), defended Yusuke Narita, an economist who has come under fire overseas for his comments such as "It would be better for the elderly to commit mass suicide.'' However, it has attracted a lot of confusion from people online.
問題となっている発言は、22年2月1日に実業家の堀江貴文氏のユーチューブチャンネルに成田氏が出演した際のもの。その中で、成田氏は「高齢者は老害する前に集団自決、集団切腹みたいなことをすればいい」という持論を展開し、「世代交代をもっと真剣に考えた方がいい」「将来的にあり得る話は安楽死の強制みたいな話」と発言していたThe remark in question was made on February 1, 2022, when Narita appeared on businessman Takafumi Horie's YouTube channel. In the discussion, Mr. Narita expressed his opinion that "elderly people should commit mass suicide or commit seppuku before they become too old,'' and "We should think more seriously about generational change.'' "The most likely scenario is something like forced euthanasia."。
 この発言は今年1月頃からネット上で拡散され、日本で炎上。その後、今月12日になりアメリカの『ニューヨーク・タイムズ』が「この上ないほど過激」と報道。成田氏は「集団自決」発言について、「抽象的な比喩だった」と釈明しているが、海外でも物議を醸すこととなったThis comment has been circulating on the internet since January of this year and caused a stir in Japan. Then, on the 12th of this month, the American "New York Times'' reported that it was "the most extreme thing ever.'' Mr. Narita's comment on "mass self-determination'' has been explained as "an abstract metaphor,'' but it caused controversy overseas as well.。
 この騒動について、ひろゆき氏は15日にツイッターを更新し、「NYTimes東京支局の日本人が書いた記事で成田先生が海外で炎上みたいな流れを見ると、朝日新聞が従軍慰安婦のデマ記事を書いて海外で広まったのもこういうマッチポンプな流れだったんだろうなぁ、、、と」と持論を展開。今回の騒動について、「比喩で言った話が本気で言ったかのように伝言ゲームが始まってる状況」と綴ったRegarding this uproar, Hiroyuki updated his Twitter on the 15th, saying, "Seeing as Dr. Narita is under fire overseas due to an article written by a Japanese person in the Tokyo bureau of the NYTimes, the Asahi Shimbun published a false article about military prostitutes. "I think it was this kind of match pump trend that made it popular overseas,'' he said, expressing his own theory. Regarding the current uproar, he wrote, "It's a situation where a message game has begun, as if what was said metaphorically was actually said seriously.''。

 さらに、ひろゆき氏は次のツイートで、NYタイムス東京支局と朝日新聞の本社が同じビルに入っていることを指摘。「不思議な一致ですね」と記していたFurthermore, Hiroyuki pointed out in the next tweet that the NY Times Tokyo bureau and Asahi Shimbun's headquarters are in the same building. "What a strange coincidence," he wrote.
 しかし、この発言にネット上からは「さすがにこの擁護は無理ある」「たとえ比喩でも言ってはいけない」「実際言ってたんだから批判されるのは当然」「本人の発言でデマではない」「発言のまんまでしょ」という苦言が集まっているHowever, people on the internet reacted to this comment by saying, "It's impossible to defend this,'' "He shouldn't say it even if it's a metaphor,'' "It's only natural that he'll be criticized because he actually said it,'' and "It's not a hoax because it's what he said.'' "That's what he said, right?," there are complaints.
 なお、成田氏は22年1月1日にユーチューブチャンネル「日経テレ東大学」にひろゆき氏とゲスト出演。チャンネルの生みの親である高橋弘樹氏から「集団自決、集団切腹」発言について、「あれってメタファー的な意味で解釈してるんですけど」と聞かれた際、成田氏はメタファーではないと否定。「切腹とかっていうのはメタファーというよりは、リアルにそれに近いことを考えていいんじゃないかという気がしますね」「メタファーでもなんでもなくて、すごいリアルな問題」と話していたFurthermore, on January 1, 2022, Mr. Narita appeared as a guest on the YouTube channel "Nikkei TV Tokyo University" with Mr. Hiroyuki. When asked by Hiroki Takahashi, the creator of the channel, about his remark about "mass suicide and collective seppuku,'' "I'm interpreting that in a metaphorical sense,'' Narita denied that it was a metaphor. He said, "Rather than thinking of seppuku as a metaphor, I think it's better to think of it as something close to reality.'' "It's not a metaphor or anything, it's a very real problem.''

Respect for the Aged Day (敬老の日, Keirō no Hi) is a public holiday in Japan celebrated annually to honor elderly citizens. It started in 1966 as a national holiday and was held on every September 15. Since 2003, Respect for the Aged Day is held on the third Monday of September due to the Happy Monday System.

La Journée du respect pour les personnes âgées (敬老の日, Keirō no hi?) est un jour férié au Japon, célébré chaque année en l'honneur des personnes âgées1. Elle est devenue fête nationale pour la première fois en 1966. Célébrée initialement tous les 15 septembre, depuis 2003, elle a lieu le troisième lundi du mois de septembre, afin de créer un long week-end.

День почитания старших (яп. 敬老の日 кэйро:-но хи) — ежегодный японский праздник. Отмечается каждый третий понедельник сентября. С 1965 года имеет статус государственного. В этот день пожилым людям дарят подарки и выражают благодарность за их заслуги перед страной.

경로의 날(일본어: 敬老の日 케로노히)은 일본의 공휴일의 하나이다. 공휴일에 관한 법률(이하 공휴일법)에서는 '오랜 세월에 걸쳐 사회에 힘쓴 노인을 경애하고, 장수를 바라는' 것을 취지로 한다.

Ngày kính lão (敬老の日 Keirō no Hi) là một ngày lễ ở Nhật Bản được tổ chức hàng năm để tôn vinh những người cao tuổi[1]. Ngày này bắt đầu kỷ niệm từ năm 1966 như một ngày lễ quốc gia và được tổ chức vào ngày 15 tháng 9 hàng năm. Đến năm 2003, Ngày Kính lão được tổ chức vào ngày thứ Hai thứ ba của tháng 9 theo chế độ "Hệ thống Thứ Hai Vui vẻ" của luật Nhật Bản ((ハッピーマンデー制度)

敬老之日(日语:敬老の日/けいろうのひ Keirō no hi */?)為日本的節日,日期在9月第三個星期一。

Hari Penghormatan Orang Usia Lanjut (敬老の日, Keirō no hi) adalah salah satu hari libur resmi di Jepang. Hari libur ini dulunya diperingati tanggal 15 September, tetapi sejak tahun 2003 dipindahkan ke hari Senin di minggu ke-3 bulan September mengikuti sistem Sistem Happy Monday.

Seppuku (切腹, 'cutting [the] belly'), also called hara-kiri (腹切り, lit. 'abdomen/belly cutting', a native Japanese kun reading), is a form of Japanese ritualistic suicide by disembowelment. While harakiri refers to the act of disemboweling oneself, seppuku refers to the ritual and usually would involve decapitation after the act as a sign of mercy. 

①May 21, 2023ーDaiGoが最も会いたい人The person DaiGo most wants to meetTOP5 - YouTube 5位:成田悠輔Yusuke Naritaさん②Aug 7, 2022ー成田悠輔Yusuke Narita #daiGo #メンタリストDaiGo 「僕は嫉妬も怒りもしない。悟りを開きつつありますI'm not jealous or angry. I'm becoming enlightened」イェール大学助教授 成田悠輔Yusuke Narita, Assistant Professor, Yale University 欲と感情について語るTalks about greed and emotions

Хараки́ри (яп. 腹切り), или сэппуку (яп. 切腹)(букв. «вспарывание живота»), — ритуальное самоубийство методом вспарывания живота, принятое среди самурайского сословия средневековой Японии.

①2023/01/14ー成田悠輔「私はメンタリストDaiGoと違い過激な発言ではなく事実を提示してるから炎上しない自信がある」Yusuke Narita: "Unlike Mentalist DaiGo, I present facts rather than radical statements, so I'm confident that I won't cause any uproar.''②Dec 21, 2021 —“日韓問題”の解決は無理? ひろゆき氏「揉めるのは当たり前」成田悠輔氏らと議論 | 国内 | ABEMA TIMES | アベマタイムズIs it impossible to resolve the “Japan-Korea issue”? Hiroyuki: "It's natural to argue'' Discussion with Yusuke Narita and others

Yoshinori Kobayashi faces trial for spreading hoax(false rumor) about Ito Shiori 
Mar 21, 2023【小林よしのりの闘論席Yoshinori Kobayashi's debate seat】ー炎上案件がもたらす“公共性の縮小”は警戒案件The “shrinking of public nature” brought about by flaming cases is a matter of cautionー米エール大学助教授の成田悠輔氏は「高齢者は老害化する前に集団自決、集団切腹をすればいい」と発言して世界中で大炎上したYusuke Narita, an assistant professor at Yale University in the US, caused a stir around the world when he said, "The elderly should commit mass suicide or commit seppuku before they become senile.''これはシルバー民主主義で、少子高齢化と真剣に向き合わない老人への若者のいらだちとして、分からなくもないThis is silver democracy, and it is understandable that young people are frustrated with the elderly who are not seriously facing the declining birthrate and aging population.すでに老人の領域に入ったわしがかばってあげるI, who have already entered the realm of old people, will protect you.

①Sep 1, 2023 — 成田悠輔氏登壇決定!Mr. Yusuke Narita will be on stage! 10月31日(火)開催するHeld on October 31st (Tuesday)「SHINAGAWA イノベーションフォーラムInnovation forum」メディア等で人気の経済学者・データ科学者Economist and data scientist popular in the media, etc.②2023/10/01-東浩紀と成田悠輔Hiroki Azuma and Yusuke Naritaニコニコ生放送Niconico live broadcast③Sep 10, 2023 — 成田悠輔氏Mr. Yusuke Narita、ジャニーズ事務所の会見を一刀両断Johnny's office press conference cut in half「ほとんどギャグAlmost a gag」「構図はまったく変わってないThe structure hasn't changed at all」④Oct 8, 2023 — 成田悠輔氏Mr. Yusuke Narita ジャニ会見NGリストにJohnny press conference NG list「メディア側が叩く資格あるのか疑問I wonder if the media has the right to criticize it?」「目くそが鼻くそを批判Eye discharge(mucus) criticizes booger」⑤Oct 29, 2023 — 成田悠輔氏Mr. Yusuke Narita 所得減税案にIncome tax reduction proposal「誰得なんだ、悪手だなって印象I get the impression that it's a bad move and who wins」岸田首相の“スタイル”はPrime Minister Kishida's "style" is「賞味期限切れにExpiration date has expired」TBS「サンデージャポン」(日曜前9・54)に生出演Live appearance on TBS “Sunday Japon” (Sunday 9:54)

Japan that doesn't care about people  – February 1, 2002 by Satoshi Kamata (author)
環境を破壊する人間の愚かさ、子どもを取り巻く様々な不幸、自殺に追い込まれる人々…。それは私たちの、すぐそばで起きている。そんな数多くの社会問題に蝕まれている日本。その原因はどこにあるのか。現地を徹底取材し、病める国・日本の病巣に迫るThe stupidity of humans who destroy the environment, the various misfortunes surrounding children, people being driven to suicide... It's happening right next to us. Japan is suffering from many such social problems. What is the cause? We conduct thorough on-the-spot research and get to the root of the disease in Japan, a disease-prone country.

