
当ブログはトロント在住、日系一世カナダ人サミー・山田(48)おっさんの「独り言」です。まさに「個人日記」。1968年11月16日東京都目黒区出身(A型)・在北米30年の日系カナダ人(Canadian Citizen)・University of Toronto Woodsworth College BA History & East Asian Studies Major トロント在住(職業記者・医療関連・副職画家)・Toronto Ontario「団体」「宗教」「党派」一切無関係・「政治的」意図皆無=「事実関係」特定の「考え」が’正しい’あるいは一方だけが’間違ってる’いう気は毛頭なし。「知って」それぞれ「考えて」いただれれば本望(^_-☆Everybody!! Let's 'Ponder' or 'Contemplate' On va vous re?-chercher!Internationale!!「世界人類みな兄弟」「平和祈願」「友好共存」「戦争反対」「☆Against Racism☆」「☆Gender Equality☆」&ノーモア「ヘイト」(怨恨、涙、怒りや敵意しか生まない)Thank you very much for everything!! Ma Cher Minasan, Merci Beaucoup et Bonne Chance 

डायरी की चोरीぶぁい Yai Yai【Horiemon New Party/Mentalist DaiGo/ABEMA/Internet Celebrity | Hiroyuki/Dr. Yusuke Narita/햐쿠타 나오키百田尙樹】Order of the National Heroes/精神病質Психопатия《大影响家인플루언서》Twilight of JapanЯпония⇔Aislamiento internacional/La sombre histoire du Japon(CANADA)2024/03/17

Top 5 ways to increase income within 5 years

Mentalist DaiGo refutes the issue of “discriminatory remarks”: “It’s just an impression” “There’s nothing wrong or crap about the impression”“It doesn’t really benefit me if people on welfare stay alive.” “The lives of homeless people don’t matter.”"I don't think that human life is more important."

DaiGo's still problematic comments: "A man has no use for a woman who cannot safely conceive" | The woman herself 
DaiGo (34) is a mentalist who has been exposed for prejudice and discriminatory remarks against the homeless, welfare recipients, and LGBTQ. As the aftermath of the commotion did not subside, more “problematic statements” were discovered.

The line that mentalist DaiGo crossed - what is YouTube's responsibility? | Mainichi Shimbun

Mentalist DaiGo's comments from a psychologist's perspective(Takayuki Harada) 
Criticism and fire: Mentalist DaiGo has come under heavy criticism for his hate speech against homeless people and welfare recipients. I also watched the video and was speechless at how ugly it was. 私自身、生活保護を受けている人々に対する心理的な支援を行っている身でもあり、聞いたこともないようなあからさまなヘイトを目の当たりにして、大きなショックを受けたAs someone who provides psychological support to people on welfare, I was shocked to witness such blatant hate that I had never heard of before. そして、これまで人類が人権のために闘ってきたその歴史は何だったのだろうかとさえ思わされたIt also made me wonder what the history of humanity's struggle for human rights was. あからさまな差別に対して、われわれがまずやるべきことは、明確に声を上げて「NO」を突き付け、社会としては絶対に許容できないという態度を示すことであるThe first thing we need to do in response to blatant discrimination is to clearly say "NO" and show that as a society we absolutely cannot tolerate it・・・まず最初にはっきりさせておきたいのは、彼は心理学者でも科学者でも何でもないということだFirst of all, let me make it clear that he is not a psychologist or a scientist・・・科学的根拠もないようなサプリメントや健康情報を断定的に薦めたり、自ら宣伝したりしていることも多いHe often categorically recommend supplements and health information that has no scientific basis, or even promote it himself.つまりは、疑似科学の権化のような存在となっているIn other words, he has become something like the embodiment of pseudoscience. YouTubeでは両側を本で囲まれた部屋で配信しているが、人々はその「場面装置」にも騙されて、「すごい量の本を読んでいる」と感嘆し、あたかも知の巨人のような虚像を信じ込まされていたのだろうOn YouTube, the video is streamed in a room surrounded by books on both sides, but people are fooled by the "scenario'' and exclaim that he is "reading an incredible amount of books,'' as if he is giants of knowledge. Viewers must have been made to believe in a false image. これもまた、メンタリストの手品仕掛けの1つであるThis is also one of the mentalist's tricks.しかし、研究者からすれば、あのくらいの書籍の量はどうってことはないし、むしろ日本語の心理読み物ばかりであることにも、その「正体」を見る思いがするHowever, from a researcher's point of view, there is nothing special about that amount of books, and in fact, the fact that they are all psychological reading materials in Japanese makes me feel like I am seeing his true nature. 決定的なのは、彼には知識の断片の寄せ集めはあるかもしれないが、「教養」がないということであるThe crucial point is that although he may have a collection of fragments of knowledge, he is not "educated.''・・・謝罪になっていない謝罪An apology that is not an apology・・・「申し訳ございませんでした」とあさっての方向を見ながら述べたかと思えば、動画の最後には自分のオンラインサロンなどの宣伝を口にしていた"I'm sorry," he said while looking in the direction of the day after, but at the end of the video he was talking about promoting his own online salon・・・カナダの心理学者ロバート・ヘアの「感情という言葉は知っているが、その響きを知らない」という言葉を思い出しI am reminded of the words of Canadian psychologist Robert Hare: "They know the word emotion, but they don't know what it sounds like." (Psychopathie精神病質Психопатия) ・・・繰り返される差別発言と尊大な自己意識Repeated discriminatory remarks and arrogant self-consciousness・・・これまでもホームレスだけでなく、女性差別、能力差別など、醜悪な差別発言を繰り返していたのであるUp until now, he has repeatedly made ugly discriminatory remarks, not only against the homeless, but also against women and ability. 

[Photo] Discriminatory remarks, fornication of minors... TVs, universities, and companies flocked to DaiGo with a monthly income of 900 million yenー2021 BEST5 | Bunshun Online

Mentalist DaiGo, what was the comment that was pointed out that "He has not learned from the "fornication allegations''''? - Livedoor News

[Curse] Should parents take responsibility for their children? Why are they integrated? Is society too intolerant? Thinking with Hiroyuki & DaiGo|Abepla

‘Elderly people, commit mass suicide’ Repercussions from Japanese professor’s remarks… “When you get old… ” [This is Japan]

I was shocked by the solution to aging proposed by a Japanese professor at Yale University.

[J Culture] Takafumi Horie (堀江貴文) appreciates the success of crowdfunding for the observation rocket “MOMO Unit 5”

The Horiemon New Party (ホリエモン新党, Horiemon Shintō) is a Japanese regional political party based in Tokyo founded by Takashi Tachibana on 20 May 2020. The party is named after Takafumi Horie, an Internet entrepreneur whose nickname is "Horiemon", which is derived from time-traveling cartoon robot cat Doraemon; however, Horie has publicly disclaimed any connection to the party.

“Far-right writer Hyakuta is likely to step down from NHK management committee” | yunhap news

A Japanese writer who said he was “nauseated by the Korean alphabet” found plagiarism and errors in his book…

[Double Care] Childcare and nursing care at the same time? Are you isolated and lonely due to disconnection from society? What should the support system around you be like? Mentalist DaiGo’s theory|Abepla

「・・・このごろ読書が面倒な人やタレントへの好奇心旺盛な人がふえたのか、やたらと講演がはやっていると聞きますI hear that there are a lot of lectures going on these days, probably because the number of people who don't like reading or who are curious about celebrities has increased. 何の内容もない、ほとんどデタラメに近いおしゃべりをしてChatting without any content, almost like bullshit、なんと一回で100万円もとる元NHKアナウンサーや曲学阿世の「学者」もいますthere are former NHK announcers and prostitution of learning "scholars'' who take as much as 1 million yen in one session・・・こんな人物はどこの国のどの時代にもいるのでしょうから、それを100万円も出して呼ぶ方の民度が問題なのでしょうThere are people like this in every country and every era, so the problem is the level of people who pay 1 million yen to call them(本多勝一Katsuichi Honda/1992年)
「講演」から「Youtube」へFrom "Lectures" to "Youtube"→↑これらの現代版(2024年)がまさしく↑↓のような人物たちをもてはやす大衆及び社会状況なのでありましょうThese modern versions(2024) are precisely the public and social conditions that favor people like above and belowつまり何十年たとうがIn other words, no matter how many decades have passed、「未来志向」だの「進歩」「発展」「国際化」などといった’言葉’を’乱発’するわりには(いつもどおり中味は空洞)「悪化」「退歩」こそすれinstead of throwing around 'words' like “future-oriented,” “progress,” “development” and “internationalization”(as usual, the inside is hollow)、まったく変わっていないnothing has changed other than a "worsening," "regression"(’持論Own theory’(このおかしな’標語’こそが、その象徴といえるかもしれませんThis peculiar 'motto ' may be a symbol of that)2024/03/30 Canada).

《왕괴짜 돈만이Obocchamakun》Ёсинори Кобаяси小林 よしのり고바야시 요시노리

*Françaisフランス語→Robert HareРоберт Д. Хэйрロバート・D・ヘア로버트 헤어, né en 1934 à Calgary, est un psychologue canadien. Professeur émérite de l’Université de la Colombie-Britannique, il a consacré l'ensemble de sa carrière à l'étude de la psychopathieサイコパシー・チェックリスト(PCL)およびその改訂版(PCL-R)を開発したことで有名。

