
当ブログはトロント在住、日系一世カナダ人サミー・山田(48)おっさんの「独り言」です。まさに「個人日記」。1968年11月16日東京都目黒区出身(A型)・在北米30年の日系カナダ人(Canadian Citizen)・University of Toronto Woodsworth College BA History & East Asian Studies Major トロント在住(職業記者・医療関連・副職画家)・Toronto Ontario「団体」「宗教」「党派」一切無関係・「政治的」意図皆無=「事実関係」特定の「考え」が’正しい’あるいは一方だけが’間違ってる’いう気は毛頭なし。「知って」それぞれ「考えて」いただれれば本望(^_-☆Everybody!! Let's 'Ponder' or 'Contemplate' On va vous re?-chercher!Internationale!!「世界人類みな兄弟」「平和祈願」「友好共存」「戦争反対」「☆Against Racism☆」「☆Gender Equality☆」&ノーモア「ヘイト」(怨恨、涙、怒りや敵意しか生まない)Thank you very much for everything!! Ma Cher Minasan, Merci Beaucoup et Bonne Chance 

Les télévisions japonaises peinent à reconnaître les agressions sexuelles de leurs stars/松本人志捲性醜聞疑雲 週刊再爆他有特殊性癖/Comediante Matsumoto demanda a la revista Shukan Bunshun por ¥550 millones"/松本人志捲性侵吉下去了!控週刊妨害名譽求償5.5億/"There is no evidence of sexual assault.''(CANADA)2024/01/22

On July 21, 2019, Yoshimoto issued a press conference to reinstate Miyasako's contract. His ban was lifted on August 19, 2019 but he remains inactive as of January 2020. On January 28, 2020, Miyasako created a YouTube channel and upload videos regularly. Miyasako's YouTube channel hit 1 million subscribers on July 6.

①And if you really want to know how bad it could be, look at Keiichi Yamamoto. He raped a 17 year old in 2006 and vanished from comedy for years ... On July 18, 2006, it was found out that Yamamoto was questioned by the Hakodate West Police station in Hokkaidō on suspicion of statutory rape of a minor②He announced his return to Yoshimoto Kogyo at the final performance of his national live concert held in Ebisu, Tokyo on November 20, 2016. On March 2, 2017, he opened his official YouTube channel "Gokuraku Tonbo Yamamoto Keiichi's ◯ Hon Keiichi"


In 2001, Shūkan Bunshun ran a series of similar sexual harassment allegations along with claims that Kitagawa had allegedly forced the boys to drink alcohol and smoke. Johnny & Associates sued Shukan Bunshunfor defamation, and in 2002, the Tokyo District Court ruled in favor of Kitagawa, awarding him ¥8.8 million in damages. In 2003, the fine was lowered to ¥1.2 million on the basis that the drinking and smoking allegations were defamatory, while the sexual harassment claims were not. Kitagawa filed an appeal to the Supreme Court of Japan. It was rejected in 2004. The case saw minimal coverage in Japan, with many journalists attributing it to Kitagawa's influence on Japanese mass media. Altogether, there were at least eight books and magazine articles about the abuse before the 2023 BBC documentary.

Im Jahr 2001 veröffentlichte das japanische Magazin Shukan Bunshun eine zehnteilige Artikelserie, die die Übergriffe Kitagawas auf seine Schützlinge dokumentieren und weitere Anschuldigungen bekannt wurden. So habe Kitagawa minderjährige Jungen teilweise zum Rauchen von Zigaretten und Trinken von alkoholischen Getränken gezwungen.  Kitagawa verklagte das Magazin wegen Verleumdung und bekam in erster Instanz Recht zugesprochen. Das Magazin wurde zu einer Zahlung von knapp neun Millionen Yen Schadenersatz verurteilt. Nach Einspruch des Magazins gegen das Urteil wurde die Strafe auf 1,2 Millionen Yen reduziert. Das Gericht sah die Vorwürfe des sexuellen Missbrauchs von Kindern als erwiesen an, wertete die Vorwürfe, die Schützlinge zum Tabak- und Alkoholkonsum gezwungen zu haben, allerdings als Verleumdung. Gegen das neue Urteil legte Kitagawa ebenfalls Einspruch ein, der allerdings im Jahr 2004 abgewiesen wurde. In Japan erfuhr der Fall keine Beachtung durch die Medien, was manche Zeitungen auf den großen Einfluss Kitagawas auf die japanische Medienlandschaft zurückgeführt haben.

Des années 1988 à 2000, Johnny Kitagawa a été la cible d'accusations selon lesquelles il aurait profité de sa position pour obtenir des faveurs sexuelles de la part de garçons qu'il produisait sous contrat. Il a nié ces accusations et a gagné 8,8 millions de yens de dommages et intérêts en 2002 lors d'un procès contre le journal qui les avait publiées. Le journal a fait appel et a obtenu une infirmation partielle du jugement. Dans les années qui ont suivi, Johnny & Associates a continué à produire des albums, films, shows TV… pour lesquels le succès commercial a toujours été au rendez-vous. Après sa mort, les révélations s'enchainent sur des centaines de viols dont se serait rendu coupable le producteur, notamment à la suite d'enquêtes de médias étrangers. Les médias japonais ont pour leur part longtemps choisi d’ignorer les accusations portées contre Johnny Kitagawa

①Jan 8, 2024 —活動休止の松本人志、Xに投稿Hitoshi Matsumoto, who is on hiatus, posts on X「事実無根なので闘いまーす。 それも含めワイドナショー出まーすI will fight because it is baseless. Including that, I will be appearing on the wide na show.」 https://news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/5a940f4cff83491c89162731b00f2439460bd7a1 
②Jan 10, 2024 —「やる気出てきた」「とうとう出たね」"I'm motivated" "I finally got it done"松本人志さん意欲一転、ワイドナ出演とりやめHitoshi Matsumoto changes his motivation and cancels appearance on Widena https://www.sankei.com/article/20240110-DHEA5OZQP5JPFI2M6XFYYP3LQA/
③2024/01/18ー渦中の松本人志に今度は“女性の指示書”と隠語の存在…吉本興業が“第2のジャニーズ”になる可能性Hitoshi Matsumoto is in the midst of a turmoil, and this time there is a “female instruction book” and secret language…Yoshimoto Kogyo may become the “second Johnny’s
④2024/01/24ー吉本興業、松本人志めぐる報道受け声明「真摯に対応すべき問題」当事者・関係者に事実確認徹底Yoshimoto Kogyo's statement in response to the press regarding Hitoshi Matsumoto: "This is an issue that must be dealt with seriously.'' We will thoroughly check the facts with those involved and related parties.
⑤2024/01/24ーTV局の“松本人志離れ”が「文春5億円訴訟」で急加速TV station's “separation from Hitoshi Matsumoto” suddenly accelerates due to “Bunshun 500 million yen lawsuit”…スポンサーが嫌悪、番組打ち切り続々Sponsors hate it, programs are canceled one after another 

①Dec 24, 2017 — 松本人志、政治家転身を否定「汚職もできへんし、不倫もできへんし、うまみは何もない」Hitoshi Matsumoto denies becoming a politician: "I can't do corruption, I can't have an affair, there's nothing good about it.''②2024年6月5日ー松本人志さん 裁判手続きで“いかなる女性にも強制一切ない”Hitoshi Matsumoto: "No woman is forced to do anything'' in court proceedings③Feb 16, 2024 —「松本人志の芸能界復帰は厳しい。政治家になって」日本保守党の百田尚樹氏から仰天オファー"It will be difficult for Hitoshi Matsumoto to return to the entertainment industry. Become a politician." Shocking offer from Naoki Hyakuta of the Japanese Conservative Party④2024年6月8日ー日本保守党・百田尚樹氏が代表辞退ほのめかす「マジで考えています」Japan Conservative Party's Naoki Hyakuta hints at resigning as representative: "I'm seriously thinking about it.''https://news.livedoor.com/topics/detail/26564177/

Yoshimoto Kogyo Co., Ltd. (吉本興業株式会社요시모토흥업, Yoshimoto Kōgyō Kabushiki-gaisha)Рыба из озера Ёсимото дополнительный золотой gs для детей. est la plus grande et influente agence de divertissement au Japon ; son siège se trouve à Osaka. Elle a été fondée en 1912 et était initialement un théâtre traditionnel de Rakugo, mais a évolué pour devenir l'une des firmes les plus influentes au Japon, employant la plupart des owarai geinin (humoristes), assurant la production et la promotion de nombreux spectacles, et disposant de son propre parc d'attractions.

①Am 24. August 2022 berichtete ein japanisches Medienunternehmen, dass Kagawa im Juli 2019 eine Frau gewaltsam berührt habe. Kagawa gab das sexuelle Fehlverhalten am 25. August 2022 über seine Agentur Lotus Roots zu.

②In addition, Kagawa persistently gave detailed instructions and habitual lectures to the former manager regarding the driving of the shuttle vehicle, which caused the former manager to become mentally ill and has been unable to come to work since the beginning of 2022. It was also reported that . . .

The agency did not protect the former manager who brought the medical certificate from Kagawa, treated him as absent without notice, and refused to pay him his unpaid salary. However, the former manager consulted a lawyer about legal action, so they hurriedly paid off the unpaid salary. It is said that he paid his former manager a salary

③FLASH reported on the Kagawa incident on August 29th and September 3rd. Reports on September 3rd reported that Kagawa's own book "Nihon Miroku 2'' contained statements that were suspected of suggesting male-dominated ideology, reported the contents④On December 6, 2022, Danjuro Ichikawa, the 13th generation, made a comeback as an actor by appearing in the daytime section "Sayato Sayaate'' of the Kabukiza's "December Dai Kabuki'' to announce the succession of his name to Hakuzaru

音喜多駿Сюн Отокита/Aug 15, 2013 —僕たちの世代と"戦争論"Our generation and "War Theory"小林よしのりの「戦争論」ですYoshinori Kobayashi's "On War" ←Oct 4, 2017 —小林よしのりライジング - 音喜多駿都議、よくやった!Yoshinori Kobayashi Rising - Metropolitan assemblyman Shun Otokita, well done! ①訴訟lawsuit:2010年、飲み会で知った大手企業の女性従業員と性的関係を持ったIn 2010, he had a sexual relationship with a female employee of a major company he met at a drinking party.その年の5月に女性が強姦されたとして被害届を出したことによりIn May of that year, a woman filed a complaint alleging that she had been raped、検挙されたものの、8月に起訴猶予となったことを、2016年に週刊文春が報じたAlthough he was arrested, the prosecution was suspended in August, Shukan Bunshun reported in 2016.音喜多はこれを男女の行き違いからの誤解で、すでに解決済みでありOtokita thinks this is a mistaken place due to a misunderstanding between men and women, and it has already been resolved、報じた週刊文春には遺憾であると主張しているHe claims that it is regrettable that Shukan Bunshun reported on it

②憲法9条について「改正して、自衛隊の存在を明記すべき」という立場をとるTakes the position that Article 9 of the Constitution should be amended to clearly state the existence of the Self-Defense Forces③日米安保体制はもっと強化すべきとしているHe says the Japan-U.S. security system should be further strengthened④性的マイノリティに関する記述Statements regarding sexual minorities:「遠くの政治より、目先のホモImmediate homosexuality rather than distant politics」「抜け出せないゲイスパイラルA gay spiral you can't escape from」「僕は女性大好きで健全なヘテロセクシャルI love women and am a healthy heterosexual」⑤統一教会との関係についてRegarding the relationship with the Unification Church:2019年11月に教団系メディア『世界日報』と連携するシンクタンクのイベント「令和元年・自由民権大演説会」に登壇In November 2019, he took the stage at the think tank event “Reiwa 1st Freedom and Civil Rights Speech” in collaboration with the religious organization media “Sekai Nippo”.

