이오시프 스탈린იოსებ სტალინიИосиф Сталин=Stalin: A Political Biography. by Isaac Deutscher. /第7章(CHAPTER 7)☆書記長THE GENERAL SECRETARY☆④
論争はこのように自然の勢いで、または故意に相手をそらすため本題から離れることがあったが、要するに、間もなく開かれる協議会での対決のための準備工作の一部にすぎなかった。これと同時に、書記局は反対派の指導者たちを分散させて彼らの勢力を弱めた。トロツキーは病気と心のしこりにわざわいされて余り活発には活動できなかった。ラコフスキーは1924年2月、英ソ国交樹立に伴ってロンドンに設置されたソヴェト公使館要員として是非とも必要な人物だということにされた。クレスチンスキー(ニコライ・ニコライェヴィチ・クレスチンスキー(Николай Николаевич Крестинский, 1883年10月13日 - 1938年3月15日)は、ロシアの革命家、ソ連の政治家。ヴャチェスラフ・モロトフによると、クレスチンスキー家は、ユダヤ教から正教会へ改宗した一族である[1]+訳注、外務人民委員部次官 トロツキストとして1938年銃殺。)は外交使節としてドイツに、ヨッフェ(アドリフ・アブラーモヴィチ・ヨッフェ(ロシア語: Адольф Абрамович Иоффе[1], 1883年10月10日 - 1927年11月16日)は、ロシアの革命家、ソビエト連邦の政治家、外交官+訳注、スターリン時代に自殺。)は中国にそれぞれ派遣された。これらの任命は各自の長所を生かしたものだと説明することができた。反対派としてもこれに抗議することはできなかった。これらの新任外交官は党内問題には口出しできなかった。ウクライナは反対派のとりでで、ラコフスキー首相の指導下にあったが、書記局はこの蜂の巣を片づけるため、皮革工あがりの辣腕家ラザール・カガノヴィッチを派遣した。モスクワでは、トロツキーの論文、パンフレットは事実上店頭から回収された。ためらい、疑う党員たちは双方の言い分を知る機会をほとんどすべて奪われた。だが、地方の党役員は3人組がなにを望んでいるかについては少しも疑いを抱く余地がなかった。協議会の成り行きがどうなるかははじめから自明のことであった。
3日後の1924年1月21日、レーニンは死んだ。この数年間、民衆は多くの悲惨と失望をなめてきたのにもかかわらず、レーニンの死に対しては、心からの哀悼の意を捧げた。歴史上、これほどその死を悲しまれた指導者は稀であった。民衆の心には、レーニンという名前は革命の偉大な公約である。自由、平等な人々の社会を依然代弁していた。悲しみに包まれた群衆はすでに不安げな眼差しを彼の弟子たちに向けていた。レーニンに代って政権のたずなを握る人はだれであろうか。この数年間の口論、追放にもかかわらず、多くの人々の思いはトロツキーに向けられた。だが、トロツキーの姿はレーニンの棺台の傍にも、また数多い追悼の集りの席上にも見られなかった。群集は棺台の傍に立ってうやうやしく収められた亡きレーニンに最後の別れをつげたが、トロツキーは病気の治療を受けるためコーカサスに赴いていた。彼自身の言葉を信ずるならば、彼がレーニンの葬儀に列席するためモスクワに帰れなかった理由はスターリンが葬儀の日取りを誤って彼に知らせたからであった。だが、歴史の秤にかけてみれば、この出来事はほとんど目盛りに現われない 細なことだったといえよう。だが、次のことばはれっきとした事実だった。長々と入念に繰り展げられた葬儀で民衆の心をかきたて、自分たちの姿を民衆の頭にやきつけさせることに成功したのは3人組であってトロツキーでなかったということだ。象徴的に突破口にたち現われた彼ら3人の上に、巧みな舞台工作による脚光が浴びせかけられた。スターリン自身の書いた彼の“略歴”には特長ある文体で、この間のことが日を追い、時間を追って書きしるされてある。
*ゴールキ・レーニンスキエ(ロシア語: Го́рки Ле́нинские、ラテン文字表記の例: Gorki Leninskiye)は、ロシアのモスクワ州にある都市型集落(町)。ウラジーミル・レーニンの終焉の地として知られ、レーニン博物館がある。
*歴史的類似性を好む人は、ダントンの没落を招いた一連の事件のなかで彼が病気でパリを去ったことが、このトロツキーの場合と余り違わない役割を演じたことを想起するかもしれない。10月12日、(ダントン伝の著者は書いている)彼は静養のため休暇をとってアルシ・シューローブに赴いた。これはビョー=ヴァレンヌ(ジャック・ニコラ・ビョー=ヴァレンヌ (Jacques Nicolas Billaud-Varenne, 1756年4月23日 - 1819年6月3日) はフランス革命の指導者・・・テルミドールのクーデターではタリアンと組んでサン=ジュストの発言を封じ、ロベスピエールの失脚に一役買った。以後は1794年9月1日に公安委員を辞し反動の行き過ぎと戦おうとしたが、過激なテロリストとしてしばしば攻撃され、1795年3月2日ついに逮捕された。コロー・デルボワらと一緒に翌年南米ギアナへ流刑された。20年間の流刑生活の後、1814年赦免されたがナポレオンの政府を容認せずに恩赦を拒否し、フランスに帰国しなかった。その後アメリカ本土に渡り、1816年ハイチに移住し、ポルトープランスで病死した)、ロベスピエールなどの彼の匹敵にとってダントンの失脚を準備する絶好の機会だった。ダントンは11月、パリに帰ったが、彼が持場を去っていたため自分の地位を棒にふったことが間もなく明らかとなった。
われわれを去るに当って、同志レーニンはわれわれに党の団結を のひとみのように守るよう遺言した。同志レーニンよ、われわれはこの遺訓をりっぱに果すことを貴下に誓う・・・。
この後間もなく、スターリンはスヴェルドロフ大学―党はここで新しいインテリの先鋭分子を養成中であったーの大学生、共産青年に彼の解釈によるレーニン主義を説明した。この問題について彼の述べなければならなかったことは少しも独創性がなく、平板でほとんど要約するにも当らない。この説明のなかでただ一つ独創的だといえることはその形式にあった。彼は、本質的には社会学的、実験的であったレーニンの教えを人類救済のため一連の厳しい戒律または無味乾燥な戦術的、戦略的指令として指示し、簿記のような正確さですべてを列挙し、数えあげた。彼はレーニン主義を一見簡潔明瞭と思われる形に法文化し、形式化したが、このような形はほとんど社会学上の素養のない人々にとってきわめて魅力的なのである。彼は自己の主張をすべてレーニンから引用で裏づけたが、その引用はあるいは的外れであり、あるいは前後の関係を問わずに原点から引き抜いてきたものであった。そのやり方は中世のスコラ哲学者が自己の思索を是認する権威を聖書に求めたのと全く同じで取り上げて自分の議論を裏づけることが時々であったが、スターリンの場合はこの常套手段がバカげたほど徹底しているのでアルキメデス(アルキメデス(Archimedes、希: Ἀρχιμήδης、紀元前287年? - 紀元前212年)は、古代ギリシアの数学者、物理学者、技術者、発明家、天文学者。古典古代における第一級の科学者という評価を得ている)の言葉をこう言い換えてもよいほどだった。「われにレーニンの引用を与えよ、さればわれは地球を動かさん。」
スターリンの個人生活もまた非難あるいは疑いをさしはさむ余地がなかった。「この情熱的政治家は(とパザノフは書いている)情熱以外になにも悪徳がなかった。彼は金銭も快楽もスポーツも女も愛しなかった。彼自身の妻を除けば女は彼にとって存在していなかった。」内戦のさなかに彼は2度目の結婚をした。彼の革命後レーニンの書記の1人となり、1917年にツァーリツィンに赴いた。ここで人民委員と共産娘との恋が芽生えた。結婚後、彼らはクレムリン内の召使部屋だったところにささやかな落ち着き先きを求め、ナジェージダ・アリルーエヴァはモスクワ技術学校で勉学にいそしんでいた。書記長の個人生活が簡素どころか耐乏生活に近い きを呈していることは、清教徒的考え方の党員たちに好ましいものとして映った。彼らは、クレムリン内にだらしない生活と腐敗の兆しがはじめて現われてきたことに不安を感じだしていたところだった。
↑1926年7月のДзержинскийジェルジンスキーDzierżyński(秘密警察Политический сыскの父отец(「ヴェチェカーВЧК反革命・サボタージュ取締全ロシア非常委員会Всероссийская чрезвычайная комиссия по борьбе с контрреволюцией и саботажем(チェーカーЧека)」の創設者・ポーランド人)の葬儀(安置された遺体の横で、トロツキーが号泣している映像もある)。埋葬後の「葬送の行進」におけるトロツキーとカーメネフ(すでに反トロツキー「トロイカ」は解体。スターリン(新たな右派「トロイカ」(ブハーリン(「ネップ」(新経済政策)と「一国社会主義」の理論的支柱)、ルイコフ(人民委員会議議長=首相)、トムスキー(全ロシア労働組合中央評議会議長)とともに)形成)に敗北後。ジノヴィエフとともにトロツキーと和解。左派「反スターリン」の同盟を組む(しかしすでに2人は前年、トロツキーを見捨てて右派に屈服)。いずれにせよ、時は遅すぎた。
In the light of the Leninist cult, Trotsky’s position was most vulnerable. He had warned the party about the danger of a ‘degeneration’ of the old Bolshevik guard; and he had used in this context the first person plural: ‘We, the old Bolshevik,’ a phase which was justified in as much as more than 90 per cent of the present members of the party had joined in only after the October revolution. ‘I must defend Trotsky from Trotsky,’ Stalin replied sarcastically: for surely he was not of the old, now allegedly degenerating, guard. The degeneration of the old Bolsheviks, he went on, was a figment of Trotsky’s imagination. There were elements of decomposition in the party; but these were in the Mensheviks, who had joined its ranks but remained alien to its sprit. The innuendo needed no elaboration.
The debate, with all its diversions and red herrings, was only part of the preparation for a show-down at the forthcoming conference. Simultaneously the General Secretariat weakened the opposition by dispersing its leaders. Trotsky, ill and hampered by mental reservations, was not very active. Rakovsky was found to be badly needed on the staff of the Soviet Legation in London, in connexion with the establishment of Russo-British diplomatic relations in February 1924. Krestinsky had been sent on a diplomatic mission on Germany, Yoffe to China. The opposition could not protest against the assignments, which could be justified on their merits. The newly appointed diplomats could not meddle in the inner affairs of the party. The Ukraine had been a stronghold of the opposition under Rakovsky’s premiership; and the General Secretariat, now delegated the former leather-worker Lazar Kaganovich, a tough administrator, to clear this hornets’ nest. In Moscow Trotsky’s articles and pamphlets were virtually withdrawn from circulation; hesitant or doubting members had badly a chance to acquaint themselves with both sides of the argument. The provincial functionaries were left in no doubt what were the wishes of the triumvirs; and the outcome of the conference was a foregone conclusion.
At the conference Stalin stated his views more bluntly than hitherto: “I shall say but this, there will plainly not be any developed democracy, any full democracy.’ People were forgetting that ‘there are moments when it is impossible and it would make no sense to adopt it’, even within the very narrow limits of the party. Economic prosperity, military security, and a civilized membership, such were the conditions under which a workers’ democracy would function; these conditions were lacking. Though the party was not democratic, it was wrong to charge it with being bureaucratic. His argument was muddled; his picture of the organization which was neither democratic nor bureaucratic was confused; but the strength of his argument lay precisely in its muddled character, calculated to satisfy hesitant minds. He then listed ‘six mistakes’ committed by Trotsky. Trotsky had voted for the Politbureau’s motion on the New Course and then come out criticizing the Politbureau – he was placing himself above his colleagues and assuming the pose of a superman. He had refused to say clearly whether he was with the Central Committee or with the opposition. Trotsky, the ‘patriarch of the bureaucrats’, incited the party against its machine and the young people against the party. He had set himself up as the mouth-piece of the petty bourgeois intelligentsia, while the other leaders spoke for the proletariat. He had blamed the regime in the party for the emergence of secret factions and groups, whereas Marxists knew that the variety of groups reflected divergent class interests. The party must be of one piece, a party of steel, monolithic. Two hundred thousand workers ‘from the bench’ should be admitted into it as once; they would bring with them a sound proletarian sprit, immune from petty bourgeois individualism – this was the so-called Leninist call-up. Finally, Stalin created a sensation by making pubic a secret clause of Lenin’s resolution to the tenth congress, which allowed the Central Committee to expel its own members guilty of factional work. He asked the conference to reaffirm that clause. All his proposals were accepted. The conference condemned the opposition as a ‘petty bourgeois deviation from Leninism’.
Three days later, on 21 January 1924, Lenin died. Despite all the miseries and disappointments of recent years, he was mourned by the people as very few leaders in history have been mourned. In the popular mind his name still stood for the great promise of the revolution, the society of equal and free men. The mourning crowds were already turning uneasy eyes on his disciples: which of them would take his place at the helm of the state? In spite of recent squabbles and excommunications, the thoughts of many went out to Trotsky. But he was not to be seen at Lenin’s bier, at which the crowds paid their last homage to the deceased leader as he lay in state, or at the numerous memorial meetings. Trotsky had gone to the Caucasus to have his illness treated; and, if his own testimony is to be believed, he failed to return for the funeral in Moscow because Stalin had misinformed him about its date. On the scales of history, it may be said, the incident weighted but little.* But the fact is that in those days the triumvirs, and not Trotsky, impressed themselves upon a popular imagination stirred by prolonged and elaborate funeral ceremonies. Skillful stage-management turned the limelight on the triumvirs as they were symbolically stepping into the breach. Stalin’s own ‘Biological Chronicle’ tells the story in characteristic detail, day by day, even hour by hour:
21 January: 6.50 a.m. Lenin dies at Gorky. 9.30 a.m. Stalin and other members of the Politbureau arrive at Gorky.
22 January: Stalin co-edits a manifesto ‘To all toilers of the U.S.S.R.’, and sends out messages to the provincial branches of the party, calling them to keep faith with the teaching of the dead leader.
23 January: 9 a.m. Stalin and other leaders carry the coffin with Lenin’s body from Lenin’s home at Gorky; 1.30 p.m. Stalin and his friends carry the coffin from the Paveletsky Station to the House of the Trade Unions in Moscow, where Lenin lay in state for the next four days; 6.10 p.m. Stalin stands in the guard of honour at the bier.
25 January: Stalin calls upon the party to collect relics of Lenin for the newly founded Lenin Institute.
26 January: 8.24 p.m. At the second congress of the Soviets, Stalin reads an oath of allegiance to Lenin.
27 January: 8 a.m. Stalin takes his place in the guard of honour at Lenin’s bier; 8.30 a.m. Stalin moves to the head of the bier; 9 a.m. Stalin and others carry the coffin into the crypt of the future Mausoleum.
*Lovers of historical analogy may recall that in the train of events that led to the downfall of Danton, the incident of his illness and departure from Paris played a not dissimilar role. ‘On 12 October [writes a biographer of Danton] he went for a holiday to Arcis-sur-Aube to restore his health. This was an excellent opportunity for his enemies – for Billaud-Varenne and Robespierre – to prepare his downfall. When he returned to Paris in November, it was soon obvious that quitting his post cost him his position.’
The elaborate ceremony was altogether out of keeping with the outlook and style of Lenin, whose sobriety and dislike of pomp were almost proverbial. The ceremony was calculated to stir the mind of a primitive, semi-oriental people into a mood of exaltation for the new Leninist cult. So was the Mausoleum in the Red Square, in which Lenin’s embalmed body was deposited, in spite of his widow’s protest and the indignation of many Bolsheviks intellectuals. To myriads of peasants, whose religious instincts were repressed under the revolution, the Mausoleum soon became a place of pilgrimage, the queer Mecca of an artheistic creed, which needed a prophet and saints, a holy sepulcher and icons. Just as original Christianity, as it was spreading into pagan countries, absorbed elements of pagan beliefs and rites and blended them with its own ideas, so now Marxism, the product of western European thought, was absorbing elements of the Byzantine tradition, so deeply ingrained in Russia, and of the Greek Orthodox style. The process was inevitable. The abstract tenets of Marxism could exist, in their purity, in the brains of intellectual revolutionaries, especially those who had lived as exiles in western Europe. Now, after the doctrine had really been transplanted to Russia and come to dominate the outlook of a great nation, it could not but, in its turn, assimilate itself to that nation’s spiritual climate, to its traditions, customs, and habits. Imperceptibly, the process had been going on for some time. Nobody had had a deeper insight into it and felt more embarrassed by it than Lenin. His own death was the catharsis, which relieved many of his disciples from the inhibitions of pure Marxism. It revealed the degree of the mutual assimilation of doctrine and environment that had taken place so far.
It was perhaps natural that the triumvir who had spent his formative years in a Greek Orthodox seminary should become the foremost agent of that change, that he should give the fullest expression to it. He did so in his oath to Lenin, which he read at the second congress of the Soviets – this was the fullest and the most organic revelation of his own mind. In it, the style of the Communist Manifesto is strangely blended with that of the Orthodox Prayer Book; and Marxist terminology is wedded to the old Slavonic vocabulary. Its revolutionary invocations sound like a litany composed for a church choir:
Comrades, we Communists are people of a special cut. We have been cut out of peculiar stuff . . . There is no loftier title than that of a member of the party, which Comrade Lenin has been founder and leader. It is not given to everyone to be member of such a party. It is not given to everyone to endure the hardships and storms that go with the membership of such a party. Sons of the working class, sons of misery and struggle, sons of incredible privation and heroic endeavor, these, above all, ought to be the members of such a party . . .
In leaving us, Comrade Lenin ordained us to guard the unity of our party like the apple of our eye. We vow to thee, Comrade Lenin, that we shall fulfill honorably this thy commandment, too . . .
In leaving us, Comrade Lenin ordained us to guard and strengthen the dictatorship of the proletariat. We vow to thee, Comrade Lenin, that without sparing our strength we shall honorably fulfill this thy commandment, too . . .
In leaving us, Comrade Lenin ordained us to strengthen with all our might the alliance of workers and peasants. We vow to thee, Comrade Lenin, that we shall fulfill honorably this thy commandment, too . . .
In leaving us, Comrade Lenin ordained us to strengthen and broaden the Union of the Republics. We vow to thee, Comrade Lenin, that we shall honorably fulfill this thy commandment, too . . .
In leaving us, Comrade Lenin ordained us to keep faith with the principles of the Communist International. We vow to thee, Comrade Lenin, that we shall not spare our lives in the endeavor to strengthen and broaden the alliance of the workers of the whole world – the Communist International.
In view of all that had recently passed between Lenin and Stalin, it might be thought that this half-mystical oath was a piece of sheer hypocrisy. Such a conclusion would seem to over simplify the matter, though it can hardly be doubted that Stalin’s exalted valediction contained its steak of insincerely. Yet he was undoubtedly sincere in his belief that he had the right to regard himself as Lenin’s orthodox pupil. His adherence to Bolshevism had lasted twenty years; he had been a member of Lenin’s Central Committee for ten years; and more than half of that time, for six difficult and stormy years, he had served directly under Lenin, with energy and devotion. Could their brief and violent conflict have obliterated their long, close association? Stalin still felt entitled to think of his clash with Lenin as of an awkward episode, a misunderstanding, which, it Lenin had recovered, might have been smoothed out to their mutual satisfaction. He was certainly convinced that his attitude towards the body of doctrine bequeathed by Lenin as beyond reproach. In all probability he was not aware that the Leninist cult, and in particular his own half-religious oath, sounded like a mockery of the real Lenin.
Presently, he expounded Leninism, as he understood it, to the Communist youth and the undergraduates of the Sverdlov university, where the party was bringing up its new intellectual elite. What he had to say on the subject was so unoriginal and dull that it hardly deserves to be summarized. The only original side of his exposition was its form. He presented Lenin’s doctrine, which was essentially sociological and experimental, as a series of rigid canons and flat strategic and tactical recipes for mankind’s salvation, all listed and enumerated with the precision of a book-keeper. He codified and formalized Leninism in that style of spurious simplicity and lucidity that is highly attractive to the mind with little sociological training. He supported every contention of his with a quotation from Lenin, sometimes irrelevant and sometimes torn out of the context, in the same way that the holy writ. True, Lenin had also sometimes backed his arguments with all too frequent references to Marx. But Stalin carried the mannerism to such absurd perfection that in the end he might have paraphrased Archimedes: ‘Give me a quotation from Lenin and I will move the earth.’
Meanwhile the one text of Lenin that might have removed the earth from under Stalin’s feet, his will, was still unknown to the party and to himself. Only in May, four months after Lenin’s death, was it read out at a plenary session of the Central Committee, which was to decide whether the document should be made public at the forthcoming congress of the party. ‘Terrible embarrassment paralyzed all those present,’ so an eyewitness describes the scene. ‘Stalin sitting on the steps of the rostrum looked small and miserable. I studied him closely; in spite of his self-control and show of calm, it was clearly evident that his fate was at stake.’ In the atmosphere of the Leninist cult, it seemed almost sacrilegious to disregard Lenin’s will. At this, for him, fateful moment he was saved by Zinoviev. ‘Comrades,’ so Zinoviev addressed the meeting, ‘every word of Ilyich [Lenin] is law to us . . . We have sworn to fulfill anything the dying Ilyich ordered us to do. You know perfectly well that we shall keep that vow.’(Many among the audience drop their eyes – they cannot look the old actor in the face.) ‘But we are happy to say that in one point about our General Secretary. You have all witnessed our harmonious cooperation in the last few months; and like myself, you will be happy to say that Lenin’s fears have proved baseless.’ Kamenev followed with an appeal to the Central Committee that Stalin be left in office. But if this was to happen it was not advisable to publish Lenin’s will at the congress. Krupskaya protested against the suppression of her husband’s testament, but in vain. Trotsky, presented at the meeting, was too proud to intervene in a situation which affected his own standing too. He kept silent, expressing only through his mien and grimaces his disgust at the scene. Zinoviev’s motion that the testament should not be published, but only confidentially communicated to picked delegates, was then passed by forty votes against ten. Stalin could now wipe the cold sweat from his brow. He was back in the saddle, firmly and for good.
The solidarity of the triumvirs stood this extraordinary test because both Zinoviev and Kamenev were as convinced that they had nothing to fear from Stalin as they were afraid of Trotsky. Zinoviev, and the President of the Communist International, was still the senior and the most popular triumvir. Kamenev was conscious of his intellectual superiority over his partners. Both looked upon Stalin as upon their auxiliary; and, though they were sometimes uneasy about a steak of perversity in him, neither suspected him of the ambition to become Lenin’s sole successor. Nor, for that matter, did any such suspicious enter the mind of the party as a whole. It was not, on the other hand, very difficult to arouse in the party distrust of Trotsky. The agents of the triumvirate whispered that Trotsky was the potential Danton or, alternatively, the Bonaparte of the Russian revolution. The whispering campaign was effective, because the party had, from its beginnings, been accustomed to consult the great French precedent. It had always been admitted that history might repeat itself; and that a Directory or a single usurper might once again climb to power on the back of the revolution. It was taken for granted that the Russian usurper would, like his French prototype, be a personality possessed of brilliance and legendary fame won in battles. The mask of Bonaparte seemed to fit Trotsky only too well. Indeed, it might have fitted any personality with the exception of Stalin. In this lay part of his strength.
The very thing which under different circumstances would have been a liability in a man aspiring to power, his obscurity, was his important asset. The party had been brought up to distrust ‘bourgeois individualism’ and to strive for collectivism. None of its leaders looked as immune from the former and as expressive of the latter as Stalin. What was striking in the General Secretary was that there was nothing striking about him. His almost impersonal personality seemed to be the ideal vehicle for the anonymous forces of class and party. His bearing seemed of the utmost modesty. He was more accessible to the average official or party man than the other leaders. He studiously cultivated his contacts with the people who in one way or another made and unmade reputations, provincial secretarian, popular satirical writers, and foreign visitors. Himself taciturn, he was unsurpassed at the art of patiently listening to others. Sometimes he would be seen in a corner of a staircase pulling at his pipe and listening immovably, for an hour or two, to an agitated interlocutor and breaking his silence only to ask a few questions. This was one of his qualities that seemed to indicate a lack of any egoism. The interviewer, glad of the opportunity to get his troubles off his chest, rarely reflected on the fact that Stalin had not revealed his mind in the conversation. For Stalin, to quote his secretary, ‘did not confide his innermost thoughts to anybody. Only very rarely did the share his ideas and impressions with his closest associates. He possessed in a high degree the gift for silence, and in this respect he was unique in a country where everybody talked far too much.’
His private life, too, was beyond reproach or suspicion. ‘This passionate politician [says his secretary] has no other vices. He loves neither money, nor pleasure, neither sport, nor women. Women, apart from his own wife, do not exist for him.’ In the middle of the civil war he married for the second time. His wife, Nadezhda Alliluyeva, the daughter of the workman in whose home Lenin hid in the July days of 1917, was twenty years younger than himself. She had been one of Lenin’s secretaries after the revolution and went to Tsaritsyn in 1919. There the love between the Commissar and the Communist girl began. Now they had a small lodging in what used to be the servants’ quarters in the Kremlin; and Nadezhda Alliluyeva was earnestly studying at a technical college in Moscow. The air of plainness and even austerity about the General Secretary’s private life commented him to the puritanically minded party, which was just beginning to grow apprehensive at the first signs of corruption and loose life in the Kremlin.
Nor did Stalin at that time impress people as being more intolerant than befitted a Bolshevik leader. He was, as we have seen, less vicious in his attacks on the opposition than the other triumvirs. In his speeches there was usually the tone of a good natured and soothing, if facile, optimism, which harmonized well with the party’s growing complacency. In the Politbureau, when matters of high policy were under debate, he never seemed to impose his views on his colleagues. He carefully followed the course of the debate to see which way the wind was blowing and invariably voted with the majority, unless he had assured his majority. To party audiences he appeared as a man without personal grudge and rancor, as a detached Leninist, a guardian of the doctrine who criticized others only for the sake of the cause. He gave this impression even when he spoke behind the closed doors of the Politbureau. In the middle of the struggle Trotsky still described Stalin to a trusted foreign visitor, Max Eastman, as ‘a brave and sincere revolutionary’. A few description of scenes in the Politbureau give a vivid glimpse of Stalin, the good soul:
When I attended a session of the Politbureau for the first time [writes Bazhanv] the struggle between the triumvirs and Trotsky was in full swing. Trotsky was the first to arrive the session. The others were late, they were still plotting . . . Next entered Zinoviev. He passed by Trotsky; and both behaved as if they had not noticed one another. When Kamenev entered, he greeted Trotsky with a slight nod. At last Stalin came in. He approached the table at which Trotsky was seated, greeted him in a most friendly manner and vigorously shook hands with him across the table.
During another session, in the autumn of 1923, one of the triumvirs proposed that Stalin be brought in as a controller into the Commissariat of War, of which Trotsky was still the head. Trotsky, irritated by the proposal, declared that he was resigning from office and asked to be relieved from all posts and honors in Russia and allowed to go to Germany, which then seemed to be on the brink of a Communist upheaval, to take part in the revolution there. Zinoviev countered the move by asking the same for himself. Stalin put an end to the scene, declaring that ‘the party could not possibly dispense with the services of two such important and beloved leaders’.
He was slowly stacking his cards and waiting. The opposition, though again condemned by the thirteenth congress in May 1924, was still a factor to be reckoned with. The attitude of the Communist International had also to be considered. The leaders of European communism, Germans, Poles, and Frenchmen, had either protested against the discrediting of Trotsky or attempted to persuade the antagonists to make peace. It took Zinoviev a lot of wire-pulling to silence those ‘noises off’. He had behind him the prestige of the only victorious Communist party, the which only very few Communists dared to break away. He also had at his disposal the treasure of the International, to which the Russian party was the greatest single contributor and on which some European parties were, up to a point, dependent. Enough that by using all means of pressure, the triumvirate succeeded in extracting a pronouncement against the Russian opposition from the fifth congress of the International, which sat in Moscow in June, and July 1924. Stalin, who had so far kept aloof from the Comintern, addressed in private its Polish commission and castigated the Poles for their bias in favour of Trotsky.
Dissension among the triumvirs was yet another reason for Stalin’s caution. Not until a year later, in 1925, did they fall out; but even now personal jealousies troubled their relations. Zinoviev and Kamenev began to feel that Stalin was tightening his grip on the party machine and excluding them from control. Stalin was envious of their authority in matters of doctrine. Shortly after the condemnation of Trotsky, he made his first public attack, irrelevant in content, on Kamenev’s doctrinal unreliability. Each of the triumvirs had enough ground to think that a split between them might drive one of them to join hands with Trotsky against the others. This motive did not impel Trotsky, to soften their attack on him; but it did enter into Stalin’s tactical calculations. As a tactician he proved himself superior to his partners.
Finally, he was still waiting for the adversary to make the blunders that were inherent in his attitude. Trotsky had accepted the Leninist cult, even though his rational mind and European tastes were outraged by it. The uniform of Lenin’s disciple was, anyhow, too tight for him. The Leninist mystique, however, had already grown too powerful for anybody who wanted to get the hearing of a Communist audience to ignore it, let alone challenge it. Trotsky thus involved himself in fighting on ground where he was weak. The triumvirs hurled at him old anti-Trotskyist quotations from Lenin and, what was even more embarrassing to him, his own strictures on Lenin which he had uttered twelve or fifteen years ago. In the mind of the young Communist, the selection of such quotations added up to a picture of Trotsky malevolently opposing Lenin at every turn of events, from the split in 1903 to the debates over Brest Litovsk and the trade unions. In the light of the Leninist dogma, Trotsky stood condemned.
For Trotsky to reject the dogma would have meant to appeal against the party to non-communist opinion. This was the one thing that Stalin could be quite sure Trotsky would not do. Outside the party, formless revolutionary frustration mingled with distinctly counter-revolutionary trends. Since the ruling group had singled out Trotsky as a target fro attack, he automatically attracted the spurious sympathy of may who had hitherto hated him. As he made his appearance in the streets of Moscow, he was spontaneously applauded by crowds in which idealistic Communists rubbed shoulders with Mensheviks, Social Revolutionaries, and the new bourgeoisie of the N.E.P., by all those indeed who, fro diverse reasons, hoped for a change. Precisely because he refused to rally in his support such mixed elements, he showed timidly and hesitantly in almost every move he made. He could not stop opposing the triumvirs who had identified themselves with the party; and yet even in his rebellion he still remained on his knees before the party. Every move he made was thus a demonstration of weakness. Stalin could afford to wait until his rival defeated himself through a series of such demonstrations.
It is here that the knot was tied which was to be cut only in the tragic purge trials twelve and thirteen years later. It is here, too, that the most important clue to the understanding of those trials in to be found. At the congress in May 1924, Trotsky, facing the implacably hostile phalanx of party secretaries, was on the point of surrendering to his critics and abjuring the opposition. Krupskaya, Radek, and others exhorted the antagonists to make peace. Zinoviev, however, was not to be persuaded. He demanded that Trotsky should surrender in his thoughts as well as in his deeds, that he should admit that he had been wrong in his criticisms. In the history of Bolshevism this was the first instance where a member of the party was vaguely charged with a ‘crime of conscience’, a purely theological accusation. Its motive was tactical, not theological: Trotsky, submitting to party discipline but not recanting, still seemed to the triumvirs a formidable foe. Zinoviev therefore added to the terms of his submission an obviously unacceptable point, which would compel Trotsky to go on waging the unequal struggle. Thus, the first suggestion of a ‘crime of conscience’ against the party was made by the man who, twelve years later, was to go his death with appalling recantations of his own ‘crimes of conscience’. Stalin, at least in appearance, had nothing to do with that. He repeatedly stated that the only condition for peace was that Trotsky should stop his attacks. He repeatedly made the gesture that looked like the stretching out of his hand to his opponent.
Trotsky’s reply to Zinoviev was pregnant with the tragedy that was to overwhelm Zinoviev and Kamenev even more cruelly than himself:
The party [Trotsky said] in the last analysis is always right, because the party is the single historic instrument given to the proletariat for the solution of its fundamental problems. I have already said that in front of one’s own party nothing could be easier than to acknowledge a mistake, nothing easier than to say: all my criticisms, my statements, my warnings, my protests – the whole thing was a mere mistake. I, however, comrades, cannot say that, because I do not think it. I know that one must not be right against the party. One can be right only with the party, and through the party, for history has created no other road for the realization of what it right. The English have a saying: ‘Right or wrong – my country.’ With far greater historic justification we may say right or wrong, on separate particular issues, it is my party . . .
These words of the leader of the opposition resembled less the words a patriotic Englishman might use than those of a medieval heretic, confessing his heresy, rueful and yet stubborn in his conviction, able to see no salvation beyond the Church and yet none in the Church either, Stalin sarcastically dismissed Trotsky’s statement, saying that the party made no claim to infallibility.