
当ブログはトロント在住、日系一世カナダ人サミー・山田(48)おっさんの「独り言」です。まさに「個人日記」。1968年11月16日東京都目黒区出身(A型)・在北米30年の日系カナダ人(Canadian Citizen)・University of Toronto Woodsworth College BA History & East Asian Studies Major トロント在住(職業記者・医療関連・副職画家)・Toronto Ontario「団体」「宗教」「党派」一切無関係・「政治的」意図皆無=「事実関係」特定の「考え」が’正しい’あるいは一方だけが’間違ってる’いう気は毛頭なし。「知って」それぞれ「考えて」いただれれば本望(^_-☆Everybody!! Let's 'Ponder' or 'Contemplate' On va vous re?-chercher!Internationale!!「世界人類みな兄弟」「平和祈願」「友好共存」「戦争反対」「☆Against Racism☆」「☆Gender Equality☆」&ノーモア「ヘイト」(怨恨、涙、怒りや敵意しか生まない)Thank you very much for everything!! Ma Cher Minasan, Merci Beaucoup et Bonne Chance 

【Testimony of Yoshida Seiji吉田 清治】성노예性奴隸(sexual slavery)Сексуальное рабство/Harvard professor(존 마크 램지어John Mark Ramseyer) ignites uproar over 'comfort women' claims/램지어 ‘위안부 논문’에《ウソを信じ続ける欧米Sankei Shimbun퇴폐파頹廢派Декаданс》美 한인단체, 사임 요구(CANADA)2024/02/03

①성노예(性奴隸, 영어: sexual slavery)는 성적 착취를 위한 목적으로 부리는 인간 노예를 일컫는 말이다. 국가별 성 노예 발생률은 여러 국제기구의 협조를 얻어 유네스코가 연구하여 도표화하였다. 성 노예는 주인 개인에게 속한 노예, 특정 종교 의식을 거행하기 위한 노예, 상호합의에 의하지 않은 성행위를 강요하는 매춘이 자행되는 곳에 속한 노예 등 여러 종류가 있을 수 있다. 빈 선언과 행동계획은 성 노예는 인권을 침해한다는 점에서 이를 근절하기 위해 국제적인 공조를 할 것을 요구하고 있다②위안부(일본어: いあんふ/慰安婦 이안후)는 제2차 세계대전 동안 일본군의 성적 욕구를 해소하기 위한 목적으로 강제적이거나 집단적, 일본군의 기만에 의해 징용 또는 인신매매범, 매춘업자 등에게 납치, 매수 등 다양한 방법으로 일본군을 대상으로 성적인 행위를 강요받은 여성을 말한다. 일본에서는 종군 위안부(일본어: じゅうぐんいあんふ/從軍慰安婦 주군이안후)라고도 일컫는다.
Jan 19, 2024 — The West continues to believe lies... Mr. Ramseyer's accusation Yoshitaka Fukui
The claim that comfort women on the Korean peninsula were forcibly taken away by the Japanese military and made into sexual slaves before the war was a complete fabrication by a man named Seiji Yoshida, which was published by the Asahi Shimbun newspaper, and was once widely believed in Japan. Became. However, the lies, which were full of contradictions, were soon exposed, and in 2014, the Asahi Shimbun newspaper, which had unknowingly taken the lead, had to retract all articles based on Yoshida's "testimony." It is now a well-known fact in Japan that the theory of forced abduction of comfort women and the theory that "comfort women = sex slaves'' are fictions.
2019年2月12日 杉田水脈衆院議員提訴にあたっての声明Statement regarding the lawsuit filed by Member of the House of Representatives Mio Sugita
第一に、杉田議員は、「慰安婦」問題を扱った私たちの研究について「ねつ造」と述べ発信しましたFirst, Congressman Sugita called our research on the "comfort women" issue a "fabrication." 「強制連行」に関する一部の証言に問題があったとしても、それは「慰安婦」の存在、そして日本軍慰安所の強制性を否定するものでは全くありませんしEven if there are problems with some testimonies regarding "forced recruitment," this does not at all deny the existence of "comfort women" or the forced nature of Japanese military comfort stations、かつて日本軍が行った戦時性暴力は多くの研究者が調査によって明らかにしていますmany researchers have conducted investigations into the wartime sexual violence committed by the Japanese military. また、1993年の河野官房長官談話ほか、「慰安婦」問題について政府が謝罪し反省を述べた文書は現在も日本政府の公式見解ですFurthermore, the 1993 statement by Chief Cabinet Secretary Kono and other documents in which the government apologized and expressed remorse regarding the "comfort women" issue remain the official position of the Japanese government. 杉田議員はこの事実を無視して、「慰安婦」問題はねつ造とし、この問題について検討考察を行う研究まで貶めたのですCongressman Sugita ignored this fact, pretended that the "comfort women" issue was a fabrication, and even denigrated the research that examines the issue. 研究者にとって研究がねつ造とされるのは、研究者生命を危うくする、きわめて重大な名誉毀損ですFor researchers, if our research is found to be fabricated, it is an extremely serious defamation that puts the life of the researcher in jeopardy.(岡野八代さんはじめJSPS科研費基盤(B)「ジェンダー平等社会の実現に資する研究と運動の架橋とネットワーキング」Yayo Okano and others JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Bridging and networking of research and movements that contribute to the realization of a gender-equal society”)http://yjtanaka.blogspot.com/
*Yayo Okano岡野八代 (born 1967) is a Japanese political scientist and professor at Doshisha University. Her specialty is political thought and feminist thought.

Sexual slavery and sexual exploitation is an attachment of any ownership right over one or more people with the intent of coercing or otherwise forcing them to engage in sexual activities.

존 마크 램지어(John Mark Ramseyer, 1954년~)는 미국 하버드 로스쿨 교수이다. 공식 직함은 '일본 법학 미쓰비시 교수'이다. 전공은 일본회사법과 법경제학이다.

John Mark Ramseyer (* 1954) ist ein amerikanischer Jurist und Japanologe und Professor an der Harvard Law School.

Femei de reconfortare (în limba japoneză: 慰安婦ianfu) sau femei de reconfortare a militarilor (従軍慰安婦jūgun-ianfu) este o denumire eufemistică a celor 60.000 – 200.000 de femei, care au fost transformate în sclave sexuale pentru militarii japonezi în timpul celui de-al doilea război mondial. Istoricii și cercetătorii fenomenului au afirmat că majoritatea acestor femei proveneau din Coreea (aproximativ 80%), dar și din China și alte teritorii ocupate de japonezi. 

L’esclavage sexuel consiste à amener par la contrainte des personnes non consentantes à diverses pratiques sexuelles. Il peut se présenter sous la forme d'une relation à un seul maître, d'esclavage rituel souvent associé à des pratiques économiques, religieuses ou culturelles traditionnelles, d'esclavage à des fins principalement non sexuelles, mais où la sexualité est courante, ou enfin sous la forme de prostitution forcée ; il est considéré comme un des crimes contre l'humanité.

①Junko Mihara三原じゅん子, née le 13 septembre 1964 à Tokyo, est une actrice et femme politique japonaise. Elle est également favorable à la visite du sanctuaire Yasukuni/Mar 16, 2015 —韓国、カナダに「慰安婦像」計画La Corée du Sud projette une « statue de femme de réconfort » au Canada 自民・三原じゅん子女性局長が、許し難い隣国の暴挙への対抗策を語ったJunko Mihara, chef du Bureau des femmes du Parti libéral-démocrate, a parlé de contre-mesures contre les outrages impardonnables des pays voisins⇔『セクシー・ナイトSexy Night』『だって・フォーリンラブ・突然Because, Falling in Love, Suddenly』『GOGO! チアガールCheer Girl』タレント政治家Talento Politician②2016/5/10ー朝日新聞の「従軍慰安婦」報道を鵜呑みにし、謝罪を繰り返した政治家たちよ 歴史から目をそむけまいPoliticians who swallowed Asahi Shimbun's "comfort women" report and repeatedly apologized, don't turn your eyes away from history.https://www.sankei.com/article/20160510-2QTIVDHGSBPQJH2OIFPX72VXZY/photo/72EYRX7Y2BIINLB4BTLHHE6WJU/

Sankei Shimbun産経新聞≪Санкей Сімбун≫Lui et son journal anglophone Japan Forward ont été décrits comme ayant une position politique d'extrême droite ou de droite.

« Femmes de réconfort (慰安婦, ianfu?) » (chinois simplifié : 慰安妇 ; chinois traditionnel : 慰安婦) est l'euphémisme employé au Japon à propos des victimes, souvent mineures, du système d'esclavage sexuel de masse organisé à travers l'Asie par et pour l'armée et la marine impériales japonaises, en particulier durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. L'emploi de ce terme est fortement contesté par les organisations qui exigent du gouvernement japonais des excuses formelles et des réparations, et préfèrent le terme non édulcoré d'« esclaves sexuelles ».

Yumiko Yamamoto山本優美子 is a Japanese political activist. She is the representative of the citizen group Nadeshiko Action, the representative of the "Truth about Comfort Women'' national movement, and the director of the "International Institute for Historical Controversy'' (a voluntary organization). 

Le donne di conforto furono bambine, ragazze e donne costrette a far parte di gruppi creati dalle forze militari dell'Impero Giapponese, composti per sfruttare le giovani vittime come schiave sessuali peggio delle prostitute. La locuzione italiana, al pari di quella inglese comfort women, è una traduzione del termine giapponese ianfu (慰安婦). Ianfu è un eufemismo che sta per shōfu (娼婦) che significa "prostituta/e". 

Yoshiko Sakurai (櫻井よしこ?), born October 26, 1945 in Hanoi, is a Japanese freelance journalist. For a long time, she was a news anchor on Nippon Television. Originally from the city of Nagaoka (Niigata Prefecture).

„Trostfrauen“ (japanisch 慰安婦 ianfu, englisch comfort women) ist ein euphemistischer Begriff für Mädchen und Frauen, die für die japanischen Kriegsbordelle des Zweiten Weltkriegs zwangsprostituiert wurden. Die meisten Opfer – etwa 40 % der Trostfrauen – stammten aus Japan, ferner aus Korea und Taiwan sowie den besetzten Gebieten wie Indonesien, Malaysia, Philippinen und China. Die südkoreanische Regierung hat offiziell 240 Opfer registriert, aber eine genaue Zahl ist weiterhin umstritten mit Angaben zwischen 20.000 bis 200.000.

Mio Sugita (jap. 杉田 水脈 Sugita Mio; * 22. April 1967 in Kōbe, Hyōgo) ist eine japanische Politikerin.

Naoki Hyakuta (百田尚樹, nascido em 23 de fevereiro de 1956) é um romancista, produtor de televisão e político japonês.

El término «mujeres de consuelo» o «mujeres de solaz» (en japonés, 慰安婦, ianfu, de [w]ian, ‘consolar y entretener’, y bu/fu, ‘mujer adulta’)​ fue un eufemismo usado para describir a las mujeres que eran forzadas a la esclavitud sexual por parte de los militares japoneses durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial.

Katsuto Momii (jap. 籾井 勝人, Momii Katsuto; * 4. März 1943 in Yamada (heute: Kama), Präfektur Fukuoka) ist ein japanischer Manager und seit Januar 2014 Vorsitzender (kaichō) des öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunksenders NHK (engl. Japan Broadcasting Corp.).

Женщины для утешения — эвфемизм, вошедший в употребление в годы Второй мировой войны для обозначения женщин, вынужденных быть сексуальными рабынями для обслуживания солдат и офицеров Императорской армии Японии в оккупированных странах и территориях до и во время Второй мировой войны. Термин «женщины для утешения» является дословным переводом японского слова ианфу (часть эвфемизма 慰安婦), которым назвали таких женщин. Сами публичные дома назывались «станциями утешения».

2021/05/14 —ひろゆき氏Mr. Hiroyuki「組織として計画的に強制したかといったら日本軍はしてないと思うけどねI don't think the Japanese military systematically enforced this as an organization.」②February 15, 2023ーひろゆき氏、“高齢者は集団自決”の成田氏発言が海外へ飛び火に私見「朝日新聞が従軍慰安婦のデマ記事を書いて海外で広まったのと同じ」Herr Hiroyuki sagt, dass die Bemerkung von Herrn Narita, dass „ältere Menschen Massenselbstmord begehen sollten“, sich meiner Meinung nach im Ausland verbreitet hat: „Es ist das Gleiche, als Asahi Shimbun einen falschen Artikel über Militärprostituierte schrieb, der sich im Ausland verbreitete.“③堀江貴文Takafumi Horieー吉田証言を取り消した朝日新聞、慰安婦問題で国民に謝罪せよAsahi Shimbun, which retracted Yoshida's testimony, must apologize to the public over the comfort women issue④Sep 7, 2018 —「慰安婦」などの補償問題で、国際政治学者の三浦瑠麗氏がトンデモ発言をしているRuri Miura, an international political scientist, has made some shocking remarks on the issue of compensation for "comfort women" and other issues.三浦瑠麗が櫻井よしこと韓国慰安婦少女像設置問題で徹底討論!そもそも「少女像」の名称が違う事を指摘!Ruri Miura and Yoshiko Sakurai have a thorough discussion on the issue of installing a statue of comfort women in South Korea! Point out that the name of the “girl statue” is different in the first place!

산케이 신문産経新聞«Санкэй симбун»Ihr und ihrer englischsprachigen Zeitung Japan Forward wurde eine rechtsextreme oder rechte politische Haltung zugeschrieben. 

①Feb 15, 2023 — ひろゆき「従軍慰安婦は朝日新聞のデマ」成田悠輔「高齢者は集団自決した方がいい」Hiroyuki: “Las mujeres de solaz militares son un engaño del Asahi Shimbun” Yusuke Narita: “Los ancianos deberían suicidarse en masa”②メンタリストDaiGo:慰安婦はうそLes femmes de réconfort mentent!慰安婦問題は世界の人々をだました国際詐欺劇!La question des femmes de réconfort est un drame de fraude internationale qui a trompé les peuples du monde !③小林よしのりYoshinori Kobayashi 慰安婦問題での戦いを語るParler de la bataille sur la question des femmes de réconfort 勝利した!?Nous avons gagné! ?④Jan 15, 2017 — 松本人志が「慰安婦像」問題に妙案「日本が像を建ててやったら?」Hitoshi Matsumoto has a clever idea on the "comfort women statue" issue: "What if Japan built a statue?"Aug 20, 2017 —「10億円は返ってきてないんでしょう?」とコメントCommented, "We haven't gotten the 1 billion yen back, have we?"

Сексуальне рабство — форма організованого насильницького залучення людей (переважно жінок та дівчат) до проституції. В українському законодавстві за ці злочини передбачена кримінальна відповідальність за ст. 

Mulheres de conforto ou mulheres de alívio é um eufemismo utilizado para designar mulheres forçadas à prostituição e escravidão sexual em bordéis militares japoneses durante a II Guerra Mundial. Calcula-se que entre 50 000 e 200 000 mulheres tenham sido conscritas, mas ainda existem discordâncias sobre os números exatos. Historiadores e pesquisadores têm declarado que a maioria delas provinham da Coreia e China, mas mulheres das Filipinas, Tailândia, Vietnã, Malásia, Taiwan, Índias Orientais Neerlandesas, Indonésia (incluindo Timor-Leste) e outros territórios ocupados pelo Império do Japão também foram usadas nos "postos de conforto". 
*【追加参考資料Additional reference sources】↑で岡野教授が述べていたことが、そのまま直通しますIt can directly relate what Professor Okano said above.「性奴隷」だろうと「南京大虐殺」だろうと、「否定派」の戦法はいつも同じWhether it’s “sex slavery” or the “Nanjing Massacre,” the tactics of “deniers” are always the same.↓

①否定派の唯一とも言える否定のトリックは、証言、日記、写真、記事、フィルム等膨大な史料群の中に一つでも問題点を発見すれば、それだけを針小棒大に「ニセもの」だと繰り返し宣伝し、「森」の「木」全部が「ニセもの」からなり「森」も「まぼろしの森」であるかのごとく錯覚させることにあるThe only denial trick of the denialists is that if they find even one problem in the vast collection of historical materials such as testimonies, diaries, photographs, articles, and films, they repeatedly advertise it as "fake". The purpose is to create the illusion that all the trees in the forest are fake, and that the forest is also an imaginary forest.(渡辺春己Harumi Watanabe『南京大虐殺否定論13のウソ13 lies about denying the Nanjing Massacre』1999年 )
②否定派の狙いは、相手の著作や作品、企画品に一つでも誤りや矛盾を発見すると、それを針小棒大に宣伝、攻撃して、全体の信憑性に疑問をもたせることにあるThe aim of the naysayers is that when they find even one error or contradiction in the other party's writings, works, or projects, they actively promote and attack it, calling into question the authenticity of the whole thing.(笠原十九司Tokushi Kasahara)

③否定派の論争の仕方の最大の特徴は、自説に都合の悪い見解には無視をきめこむという、いじましい「ダンマリ戦術」であるThe most distinctive feature of the deniers' method of debate is the nasty ”silence tactic'' of ignoring views that are inconvenient to their own views(吉田裕Yutaka Yoshida)。

④・・・しかし、東京裁判の南京大虐殺の証拠となったのは、マギー牧師の証言だけではないHowever, Pastor McGee's testimony was not the only evidence of the Nanjing Massacre at the Tokyo Trials.他にも証人が出たし、当時の記録等の書証も多数提出されているOther witnesses have come forward, and many documents such as records from that time have been submitted.それらの証拠すべてに頬っかぶりして、もっぱらマギー牧師の証言が南京大虐殺の存在を証拠だてるものであったかのように思わせて展開されるそれ以下の議論はThe argument is developed by ignoring all of the evidence and making it seem as if Pastor McGee's testimony was the only evidence for the existence of the Nanjing Massacre、渡部氏のいつものイカサマ論法であるthis is Mr. Watanabe's usual cheating argument.立花氏は、渡部(昇一)氏の論法を「一点突破全面展開戦術」と称するMr. Tachibana calls Mr. (Shōichi)Watanabe's argument a"one-point breakthrough and full-scale deployment strategy.''(立花隆Takashi Tachibana「ロッキード裁判を斬る」(13)『朝日ジャーナル』Recent article “Defeating the Lockheed Trial”(13) “Asahi Journal”一九八五年一月四・十一日合併号)http://yu77799.g1.xrea.com/nankin/magee2.html

