이오시프 스탈린იოსებ სტალინიИосиф Сталин=Stalin: A Political Biography. by Isaac Deutscher. /第7章(CHAPTER 7)☆書記長THE GENERAL SECRETARY☆③
フリードリッヒ大王(フリードリヒ2世(Friedrich II., 1712年1月24日 - 1786年8月17日)は、第3代プロイセン王)はかつて、自分が国民と協定を結んだが、その協定は国民は好きなことを発言する自由を持ち、自分は好きなことを行動する自由を持つことだと述べた。スターリンはこの段階では自分が好きなように行動できる限りでは、トロツキーの好きなように喜んで発言する用意があった。こうしたさまざまのスターリンの譲歩ののち、政治局はグルジア問題についてのレーニンの覚え書きを大会で発表しないことを決定した。その理由はレーニンがこの覚え書きをどう利用する意図なのか不明だということにあった。これはスターリンの最初の戦術的成功であった。次の彼の成功はトロツキーが大会のため用意した書記長攻撃の演説を思い止まったことであった(グルジア、ウクライナの反対派を公然と支持したのは政治局員のうちでブハーリン1人だけだった)。1人で戦うよりレーニンと共同で行動した方が効果的だろうと考え、レーニンの回復に期待をかけていたトロツキーは待機していた。この間、スターリンは行動していたのである。
大会でスターリンは一批判者の質問に答えて、はじめて3人制の存在することを公けに認め、あらゆる反対に対して3人組は団結をもって当たることを言明した。スターリンの言葉は次のようであった。「オシンスキー(訳注、V・V、1887年生れ、1907年入党、10月革命後ハリコフ軍事革命委員、初代最高国民経済会議議長、18年共産党左派に加わり、21-23年農業人民委員代理、25年ゴスプラン幹部会員となった。Walerian Walerianowitsch Obolenski (auch N. Osinski; * 25. Märzjul./ 6. April 1887greg. im Amt Lgow; † 1. September 1938 in Moskau) war ein russischer Revolutionär und sowjetischer Wirtschaftsführer.)はスターリンをほめ、カーメネフをほめたが、ジノヴィエフは攻撃した。彼は差し当たってはこの3人のうち1人を除けば十分で、他のものには後でその順番が回ってくるだろうと考えているのだろう。彼のねらいは困苦の数十年間にわたって中央委内に結成されていった中核を解体させることである・・・。私は彼が壁につき当たって頭をわりはしないかと恐れていることを警告すべきだと考える。」より広範な党内の言論の自由を要求した他の批判者に対して、スターリンは党は討論会ではないと応酬した。ロシアは「帝国主義の狼に取り囲まれている。あらゆる重要問題を2万の党細胞内で討議することは持札の全部を敵の前にさらけ出すことを意味しよう。」容易に鎮まらない歓呼のなかで、彼はこう結論した。「今回のように単一の思想によって結ばれ、動かされている大会に接し得たのは私にとって久し振りのことである。私はレーニンがこの席上にいないことを悲しむ。レーニンがいたならば、彼は「25年間私は党をはぐくみ、育てあげてきたが、いまや党は強大なものとなった」ということができたであろう。」これまでのどの大会でも、スターリンがこれに少しでも近い自信をもって語ったことはことは一度もなかった。
このやりとりのさなかに、46人の著名な共産党員がトロツキーの批判と同じ趣旨の声明を発表した。この声明の署名者のなかには次の名前が見出された。レーニンの遺書に挙げられた、2人の若い世代の最も有能な指導者の1人であるピャタコフ、ともに政治局員だったプレオブラジェンスキー(訳注、粛清)とセレブリャコフ、10月革命の指導者アントーノフ・オフセエンコ、スミルノフ(Ivan Nikitich Smirnov (Иван Никитич Смирнов in Russian) (1881 – August 25, 1936) was a Russian Bolshevik revolutionary, Soviet politician and Communist Party functionary)、オシンスキー、ブブノフ(安德烈·谢尔盖耶维奇·布勃诺夫(俄語:Андре́й Серге́евич Бу́бнов,1884年3月22日(4月4日)-1938年8月1日)他是全联盟共产党(布尔什维克)中央组织局委员、苏联共产党中央委员会书记处候补书记、工农红军政治部主任、《红星报》的主编)、サプロノフ(Timofeï Vladimirovitch Sapronov (russe : Тимофе́й Влади́мирович Сапро́нов) est un révolutionnaire russe né en 1887 et exécuté en 1937 à Verkhneouralsk)、ムラロフ(訳注、最高裁判官1959年没)、ドゥロープニス(訳注、銃殺)、その他内戦当時の傑出した指導者で、いずれも学識ある高潔な人々であった。これらの人々の一部は以前にもレーニン、トロツキーの反対派を指導し、党内の不安を表明したことがあったが、それは党指導部が当座しのぎのため第一原則を犠牲にしはじめ、これに伴って党内の空気が騒然としてきたときであった。根本的にいえば、今度の場合も彼らは同じ不安を口にしているのであった。ただ、この不安は党が第一原則の一部から伊逸脱を続けてゆく度合に比例して増大しつつあった。トロツキーが直接、この示威行動をそそのかしたかどうかは確認できない。これまでのところでは、トロツキーは3人組との抗争を政治局の閉ざされたドアの背後で行ってきた。党一般としてはトロツキーは終始、公式の政策を心から支持しているとの印象を受けていた。このため、トロツキーは3人組と党の双方に対し最悪の事態に直面した。彼は自分の反対する政策に対する責任を負わされ、一方では、彼を支持したかもしれない人々を手遅れにならないうちに結集する手をなに一つ打てなかった。
Stalin had no exact knowledge of Lenin’s moves; but he sensed danger. He knew his formidable opponent well enough to realize that his whole career was in the balance. He could not but receive the news of Lenin’s relapse with mixed feelings, to say the least.* That Lenin would not be there to impeach him before the congress relieved beforehand from the greater part of his embarrassment. He still had ground to suspect an attack from Trotsky, who might also be a dangerous critic but who might equally prove a ‘champion with faked muscles’. He set out to lull Trotsky into inactivity. At the session of the Politbureau which discussed new arrangements for the congress, the first congress in the whole history of the party that was not to be guided by Lenin, Stalin proposed that, in place of Lenin, Trotsky should address the congress on behalf of the Central Committee, as its chief rapporteur. The scene which then took place, as related by Trotsky, was a farce in which it is difficult to say which of the two rivals played the more insincere part. Trotsky refused to act in Lenin’s customary role, lest people should think that he was advancing his claim to leadership even before Lenin was dead. His apprehension was certainly genuine. But then he went on to propose that Stalin, as General Secretary, should ex officio act in place of Lenin. The latter, too, was cautious enough to refuse. In the end Zinoviev accepted the risky honor.
*This is the most that can be said about Stalin’s attitude towards Lenin’s death. Trotsky suggests that Stalin may have poisoned Lenin. But this is no more than a vague surmise, as Trotsky himself states: and it sounds unreal in view of the fact that Trotsky never levelled that charge, or even himself at it, during the many years of his struggle against Stalin up to 1939-40, when he raised it for the first time in his Stalin. Apparently, Trotsky projected the experience of the great purges of the late thirties back to 1924. Yet such a projection contradicts Trotsky’s own characterization of Stalin. ‘If Stalin could have foreseen,’ says Trotsky, ‘at the very beginning where his fight against Trotskyism would lead, he undoubtedly would have stopped short, in spite of the prospect of victory over all his opponents. But he did not foresee anything.’ Thus, even after he had charged Stalin with poisoning Lenin, Trotsky still treated the Stalin of 1924 as an essentially honest but short-sighted man, a characterization that can hardly be squared with the accusation. There in also the fact that Stalin did not dispose of Trotsky himself in a similar manner, while the latter was in Russia, an act of which he would certainly have been capable if he had been capable of assassinating Lenin. The whole story of the relations between Lenin and Stalin at that time, however, seems to justify the conclusion that Lenin’s death must have relieved Stalin of a grave apprehension.
Meanwhile, Stalin displayed modesty and simple-minded devotion to Lenin. Such postures shielded him from a good half of the charges levelled against him. A few days after Lenin’s new stroke he published an essay on ‘Communist Strategy and Tactics’, full of reverential references to the sick leader.(‘This essay is just a condemned and schematical exposition of Comrade Lenin’s essential views.’) Even if the story of their sharp clash had leaked out from the Kremlin, it would have sounded incredible to most people. He also continued his vague overtures to Trotsky. At the sessions of the Politbureau he was yielding and conciliatory, readily accepting every amendment to the motions he was preparing for the congress. He almost welcomed every opportunity for making some verbal concession to his criticism. Eventually his motion on policy towards the small nationalities betrayed much more of Trotsky’s style than of his own. Its burden was in the reprobation of ‘Soviet officials in the center and in the provinces’ who chauvinistically interpreted the Union of Soviet Republics as ‘the beginning of the reconstitution of “great and indivisible” – Russia’. An amendment explicitly provided for the possible scrapping of his own celebrated constitutional reform and for leaving the independent republic with their fully fledged government, until the Russian bureaucracy had learned to give ‘truly proletarian and truly fraternal consideration to the needs and demands of the backward nationalities’. But Stalin obtained a condemnation also of the ‘local nationalisms’, a loophole for the justification of his own policies.
Fredrick the Great once said that he had concluded an agreement with his people, under which they were free to say that they liked and he was free to act as he pleased. As long as he could act as he pleased, Stalin was at this stage willing to talk as Trotsky liked. After all his concessions, the Politbureau decided not to communicate Lenin’s notes on the Georgian affair to the congress, on the ground that it was not clear what use Lenin had intended to make of them. This was Stalin’s first tactical success. The next one was that Trotsky refrained from delivering, all the congress, the prepared attack on the General Secretary.(Only one member of the Politbureau, Bukharin, openly backed the Georgian and Ukrainian oppositions.) Hoping for Lenin’s recovery and believing that their joint action would be more effective than his own solitary effort, Trotsky bided his time. Meanwhile Stalin acted.
It was about this time that a triumvirate, composed of Stalin, Zinoviev, and Kamenev, formed itself within the Politbureau. What made for the solidarity of the three men was their determination to prevent Trotsky from succeeding to the leadership of the party. Separately, neither could measure up to Trotsky. Jointly, they represented a powerful combination of talent and influence Zinoviev was the politician, the orator, the demagogue with popular appeal. Kamenev was the strategist of the group, its solid brain, trained in matters of doctrine, which were to play a paramount part in the contest for power. Stalin was the tactician of the triumvirate and its organizing force. Between them, the three men virtually controlled the whole party and, through it, the Government. Kamenev had acted as Lenin’s deputy and presided over the Moscow Soviet, Zinoviev was the chairman of the Soviet of Petersburg, soon to be renamed Leningrad. Stalin controlled most of the provinces. Zinoviev was, in addition the President of the Communist International, whose moral authority in Russia was then great enough to make any pretender strive for its support.
Finally, the three men represented, as it were, the party’s tradition. Their uninterrupted association with Bolshevism dated back to the split of 1903; and they held seniority in leadership. Of the other members of the Politbureau, apart from Trotsky, Bukharin was considerably younger, and Tomsky, the leader of the trade unions, had only recently become a member of it. Seniority carried with it the halo of a heroic past, distinguished by unflagging devotion to Bolshevism. The three men refused now to follow that ‘ex-Menshevik’, Trotsky, who, after an association with the party which had lasted only five years, had come to be commonly regarded as Lenin successor. This motives, the only one that made for their solidarity, impelled them to act in concert. As the other members of the Politbureau walked each his own way, the triumvirs automatically commanded a majority. Their motions and proposals, on which they usually agreed before every session of the Politbureau, were invariably carried. The other members were bound hand and foot by the discipline of the Politbureau – any attempt by one of them to discuss their inner controversies to public would have appeared as an act of disloyalty.
With the scenes so set, Stalin had little to fear from the congress. He had against him only second-rate opponents, who failed to carry the mass of the delegates. Many delegates were already dependent for their political standing on the General Secretariat. The degree of that dependence was indicated by Stalin himself when he described to the congress the work of the personnel department in the General Secretariat. His account shed light on the manner in which the party was securing its control over every field of public life. The year before only 27 per cent of the reginal leaders of the trade unions were members of the party. At present 57 per cent of them were Communists. The percentage of Communists in the management of cooperatives had risen from five to fifty; and in the commanding staffs of the armed forces from sixteen to twenty-four. The same happened in all other institutions which Stalin described as the ‘transmission belts’ connecting the party with the people. Not a single public institution was to be left outside the system of these transmission.
To be able to marshal its forces, the personnel department kept solid files with the most detailed records of the party’s ‘key-men’. The party had now, after the first purges, about 400,000 ordinary members and about 20,000 officials. So far the personnel department had compiled the records of the upper and medium layers, including 1,300 managers of industry. The investigation, Stalin disclosed, was still on. The files were compiled with special attention to every member’s professional skill and specialization, political, reliability, and moral bearings. Every blemish in a member’s record was duly registered. ‘It is necessary to study every workers through and through,’ said Stalin, ‘in every detail.’ ‘Otherwise policy loses sense and becomes meaningless gesticulation.’ Since the personnel department had to meet or help in meeting any demand for officials, it had spread a network of branches throughout the country. It had the power to order members to change their occupation and place of residence at the shortest notice, to shift from the capital to the wilderness of Siberia or to an embassy abroad, in order to carry out any assignment. An assignment, even an honorable one, might be a pretext for the punishment of a somewhat restive member. Few persons, whatever their merits, could have been quite sure that if their politics displeased the General Secretariat, some faux pas committed by them. But , so far, this had not become common practice.
The General Secretary was also responsible for appointments of provincial party leaders. He spoke about this with specious sadness. It was time, he told the congress, that provincial organizations elected their secretaries, instead of getting them appointed from above. Unfortunately, the lack of qualified men was so acute that local branches were all the time pestering the General Secretariat to send them people from the center. ‘It is very difficult to train leaders. This requires five, ten, or even more years. It is much easier to conquer this or that country with the help of Comrade Budienny’s cavalry than to train two or three leaders from the rank and file.’ He defended the provincial committees that had so often been attacked and ridiculed in the newspapers. He spoke for the whole phalanx of his secretaries; and he excused even their bad sides, because they helped in the crystallization of ‘coherent nuclei of leaders’. In other words, the provincial committees were miniature replicas of the Politbureau with their own little triumvirates and duumvirates and their groups of oppositionists.
At the congress Stalin, in reply to a critic, made his first public admission of the existence of the triumvirate and declared its solidarity against any opposition. ‘Osinsky,’ these were Stalin’s words, ‘has praised Stalin and praised Kamenev, but he has attacked Zinoviev, thinking that for the then would come the turn of the others. His aim is to break up that nucleus that has formed itself inside the Central Committee over years of toil. . . I ought to warn him that he will run into a wall, against which, I am afraid, he will smash his head.’ To another critic, who demanded more freedom of discussion in the party, Stalin replied that the party was to debating society. Russia was ‘surround by the wolves of imperialism; and to discuss all important matters in 20,000 party cells would mean to lay all one’s cards before the enemy’. Amid prolonged applause he concluded thus: ‘It is long since I have been a congress as united and as inspired by a single idea as this one. I am sorry that Comrade Lenin is not here. If he had been here, he could have said: “Twenty-five years I have nursed the party and I have brought her up to be great and strong.” At no other congress before had Stalin spoken with anything approaching his present self-confidence.
The malcontents, leaderless and helpless, were defeated at the congress. Three months later, in August 1923, the Politbureau was alarmed by a sudden outbreak of many strikes in industry. Since the promulgation of the N.E.P. in 1921, Russia’s economy was beginning to recover. But the process was slow and painful. Industry was still unable to meet the country’s most essential needs. It failed to supply the countryside with the goods that would induce peasants to sell food. Low wages, unemployment, and starvation were driving the workers’ demands, discontent exploded in ‘unofficial’ strikes. The restive mood penetrated into the ruling party. Clandestine opposition groups were half Menshevik; others were wholly Bolshevik and consisted of remnants of the opposition that had been banned in 1921 as well as of new elements. Their main plank was the demand for freedom of criticism inside the party. Some of the dissenters were expelled, others imprisoned. These were the first instances of clandestine opposition among Communists. So far, the secret groups had acted without concert and lacked leadership. The triumvirs feared a link-up between their rivals and the discontented rank and file.
They reached to the crisis in a self-contradictory manner. They put before the Central Committee a motion about the need to restore democracy and freedom of discussion for the members of the party. On the other hand, they mobilized the political police against the secret oppositions. The police found that ordinary Bolsheviks often refused to cooperate in trading the opposition groups. Dzerzhinsky asked the Politbureau to authorize the police to take action against uncooperative Bolsheviks, too. At this point the fight between Trotsky and the triumvirs entered a new phase. Without making it quite clear whether he thought that Dzerzhinsky’s demand should be granted, Trotsky attacked the triumvirate. What had happened, be stated, was symptomatic of the party’s state of mind, its sense of frustration, and its distrust of the leaders. Even during the civil war ‘the system of appointment [from above] did not have one tenth of the extent that it has now. Appointment of the secretaries of provincial committees is now the rule.’ He granted that there was a grain of demagogy in the demands for a workers democracy,’ in view of the incompatibility of a fully-developed workers’ democracy with the regime of the dictatorship’. But the discipline of the civil war ought to have given place to ‘a more lively and broader party responsibility’. Instead, ‘the bureaucratization of the party machine had developed to unheard of proportions; and criticism and discontent, the open expression of which was stifled, were driven underground, assuming uncontrollable and dangerous forms’.
The triumvirs evaded the issues raised by Trotsky and charged him with malevolence, personal ambition, neglect of his duties in the Government, and so on. They accused him of trying to establish himself as Lenin’s successor. This last charge was, in a sense, true, for the fight over the succession was inherent in the situation. Yet this as well as the other charges were beside the point, for the crisis in the party, as Trotsky diagnosed it, was a fact.
In the middle of this exchange forty-six prominent Communists issued a declaration the gist of which was identical with Trotsky’s criticisms. Among the signatories were: Piatakov, one of the two ablest leaders of the young generation mentioned in Lenin’s testament, Preobrazhensky and Serebriakov, former secretaries of the Central Committee, Antonov-Ovseenko, the military leader of the October revolution, Smirnov, Osinsky, Bubnov, Sapronov, Muralov, Drobnis, and others, distinguished leaders in the civil war, men of brain and character. Some of them had led previous oppositions against Lenin and Trotsky, expressing the malaise that made itself felt in the party as its leadership began to sacrifice first principles to expediency. Fundamentally, they were now voicing that same malaise which was growing in proportion to the party’s continued departure from some of its first principles. It is not certain whether Trotsky directly instigated their demonstration. So far he conduced his dispute with the triumvirs behind the closed doors of the Politbureau. The party at large was under the impression that he had all the time been whole-heartedly behind the official policy. He thus had the worst of both worlds: he had been burdened with responsibility for a policy to which he had been opposed; and he had done nothing to rally in time those who might have supported him.
In November the alarm caused by the crisis led the triumvirs to table a motion in favour of democratic reform in the party. As in the Georgian affair, so now Stalin agreed to make any verbal concession to Trotsky. The motion was carried by the Politbureau unanimously. Trotsky had no choice but to vote for it. On 7 November, the sixth anniversary of the revolution, Zinoviev officially announced the opening of a public discussion on all issues that troubled the Bolshevik mind. The state of siege in the party, so it might have seemed, was at last being lifted.
This was not the case. The state of affairs against which the triumvirs’ ambition and ill will. It had deeper roots. The revolution had saved itself by building up a massive political machine. The apathy, if no the hostility, of the masses drove it to rely increasingly on rule by coercion rather than by persuasion. Who could say with any certainty that the time had now come to reverse all this, to scrap or even curb the political machine, and to rely on the soundless of popular opinion? Who could be sure that this would not have impaired the safety of the revolution? If a workers’ democracy was needed, did that mean that the Mensheviks and the Social Revolutionaries were to be allowed to come back? Most of Stalin’s critics, including Trotsky, agreed that the Mensheviks should remain outlawed. In their view, the time had not yet come to lift the state of siege in the republic – they wanted it to be lifted in the party only. But was it at all possible that the party should be an island of freedom in a society doomed, for good or evil, to dictatorial rule? Apart from all this, the massive dictatorial machine had now a vested interest in self-perpetuation, which it was able to identify with the broader interest of the revolution. Both sides in the dispute were aware of the dilemma; but while to one of them, the opposition, that awareness was a source of weakness, to the other it was a source of strength.
Trotsky consequently demanded not more than a limited reform, to be promulgated form above, a degree of administrative liberalism. He had been careful so far to refrain from any appeal to public opinion, even Communist opinion, against the rulers. Yet he felt the need for bringing the dispute into the open. The official inauguration of a public discussion gave him the opportunity to do so, the opportunity, that is, to appeal to public opinion against the rulers and to do so with the rulers’ own formal permission. His inconsistency, real of apparent, was dictated by deeper consideration. He believed that it should be possible to strike a balance between dictatorship and freedom, that it should be possible to restrict or broaden the one or the other, according to circumstances. He hoped that with Russia’s economic recovery and the progress of socialism, the regime would be able to rely less and less upon coercion and more and more upon willing support. The revolution should be able to recapture its own youth. The divorce between the revolution and the people, he thought, was of a temporary character. The triumvirs, and especially Stalin, were far less hopeful.
Here we touch he root of most of the differences between Trotskyism and Stalinism. Both insisted on their basic loyalty to the Marxist outlook; and there is no reason to doubt the sincerity of their professions. For both factions to claim allegiance to Marxism and Leninism was as natural as it is for Protestants and Catholics to swear by Christianity. In the one case as in the other the professions of faith, common to both sides, offer almost no clue to their antagonism. What underlay Trotsky’s attitude was a cautious and yet very real revolutionary optimism, a belief that, if only the rulers pursued the right Socialist policy, the working classes, would support them. This belief had indeed been implicit in Marxist thinking; and Stalin never openly contradicted it. But between the lines of his policies there is always present a deep disbelief in the popularity of socialism, and even more than that: an essentially pessimistic approach to man and society. In the last instance the revolutionary optimist sets his hope on his frank appeal to the people, power distrusts those whom he rules. The Communist pessimist treats his own doctrine as a piece of esoteric knowledge. He does not believe that the working classes are really capable of accepting it, unless it is, brutally speaking, pushed down their throats.
A few weeks after Zinoviev had officially opened the public debate, Stalin addressed the Communists of Krasnaya Presnya, a working-class district in Moscow, on the meaning of the ‘New Course’. He frankly admitted that the party was in a state of ferment and that I had lost touch with the mood in the country. The reason for this he saw in the organization on the spot, which had ceased to discuss public affairs and had abandoned elective practices in favour of nomination from above. The fault of the leadership, if there was any, was that it had not discovered these abnormal conditions in time. ‘In 1917,’ he went on, ‘we fancied that we were going to finish off bureaucracy . . . This is an ideal from the attainment of which we are still far off . . . What is needed to free the state from bureaucratic elements. . . is a high degree of civilization in the people, a completely secure, peaceful condition all round, so that we should not need large military cadres . . . which put their imprint on the other governmental institutions . . . ‘(This was, of course, a subtle intimation that the source of the evil was not in the party caucus but in the army, i.e. in Trotsky’s department.) The evils of this state of affairs could in part be remedied by the New Course. But the party should be wary of taking too much advantages of freedom. They should go back to elective practices, but the restrictions on election must also remain in force. There was to be freedom of expression, but the previously imposed limitations must still apply. The sting of his story was in its tail. Some critics, Stalin said, quoted Trotsky in their support. He, Stalin, did not know what right they had to do so, for the knew Trotsky(here his tone became almost reverential) as one who insisted that the party was no debating society, that it must have discipline in action. He thus gave his audience the impression that Trotsky stood behind the policies of the General Secretariat. In the light of the preceding exchange of letters between Trotsky and the triumvirs, his suggestion was undoubtedly meant to provoke Trotsky to a public debate.
Three days later, on 5 December, Trotsky retorted with an open letter to the Communists of Krasnaya Presnya. Taking his stand on the Politbureau’s latest decision, he emphatically warned the rank and file that without their vigilant pressure on the leaders, those decisions would remain a dead letter. ‘Certain conservatively disposed comrades [he did not mention names], inclined to overestimate the role of the machine and underestimate the self-activity of the party, take a critical attitude to the resolution of the Politbureau. They say the Central Committee is undertaking an impossible task, the resolution will only spread false illusions and lead to negative results.’ This was not his, Trotsky’s view. He thought it was time the party regained its initiative and self-rule, which it had abdicated in favour of the machine. It should exercise its right to criticism ‘without fear and without favour . . . And first of all ought to be removed from the party positions those who at the first voice of criticism, of objection, of protest, are inclined to demand one’s party ticket for the purpose of repression. The New Course ought to begin with this, that in the machine all should feel, from top to bottom, that nobody dares to terrorize the party.’ Trotsky appealed to the youth; and, as if pointing to the triumvirs, the ‘old guard’ of Bolshevism, he warned the party that revolutionary ‘old guards’ had not rarely degenerated into bureaucrats. This had happened with the leaders of reformist socialism in Europe; and it might happen with Bolsheviks, too. It was from this letter that the pubic got the first inkling of the cleavage in the Politbureau.
The triumvirs took up the challenge instantly. The impulsive Zinoviev proposed that Trotsky be immediately arrested. Stalin, more circumspect and aware of Trotsky’s immense popularity, opposed such a step. Curiously enough, at this stage, and even later, he was at pains to appear as the most moderate, sensible, and conciliatory of the triumvirs. His criticisms of Trotsky were less offensive than Zinoviev’s on Kamenev’s. Aware that the party resented the belittlement of Trotsky, he left his partners to go through the crudest forms of mud-slinging, from which their own as well as Trotsky’s prestige was bound to suffer. He himself concentrated on a more discreet job, the handling of the party machine. Accustomed to attach due importance to the technical aspects of party life, he was anxious to obtain a formal verdict against the opposition from a national Communist assembly. It was still too risky to refer the controversy to an elected congress. He referred it therefore to a national conference at which the local branches were represented by their secretaries, officials, and appointees of the General Secretariat. An assembly of that sort could be relied upon to oblige the triumvirate; and its verdict against Trotsky was, in its turn, certain to impress the rest of the party. The conference was convened for January 1924.
Meanwhile, at the end of December, Stalin joined in the affray with a public broadside, directed primarily against the extremists of the opposition and only in the second instance against Trotsky. His argument, bristling with solecisms and non sequiturs, was nevertheless very effective, because it brought to light the opposition’s mental reservations and inconsistencies. Did the opposition demand that Lenin’s rules, which banned factions and groupings inside the party, should be abolished? Yes or no? It was precisely on this point that the opposition could not answer with a define yes or no. Trotsky, at any rate, was at cross-purposes with himself: he wanted Lenin’s rules, that he himself had endorsed, to stand; but he claimed that they had been abused. It was on this point that Stalin concentrated his fire, compelling Trotsky to retreat, to vacillate, to give up position after another, and then to attempt to regain the lost ground when it was too late, when Trotsky’s followers had already been confused and disheartened.
It was in this debate, while Lenin was on his death-bed, that the cult of Leninism was actually initiated. To demand, directly or indirectly, that any measure that had been inspired by Lenin should be cancelled was now an unpardonable offence against an unwritten code of behavior. When Preobrazhensky declared that the party longed to regain the ‘Leninist’ freedom of discussion which it enjoyed before 1920, in the controversy over Brest Litovsk, Stali rejoined that the customs and habits of that time were hardly worthy of imitation. Did not, he asked, Preobrazhensky and his like, the left Communists, then plan to depose Lenin’s government and replace it by their own? This was true in part. Yet during the Brest Litovsk controversy, and even later, it would have occurred to nobody that there was anything reprehensible in such an idea. The left Communists, the opponents of peace with Germany, had at one time carried the majority of the Central Committee; and it was natural for them to consider whether they themselves should not take over the government and assume responsibility for the conduct of a war to which Lenin was opposed. This did not prevent them and Lenin from working together after the Brest Litovsk controversy was over. But now, in 1923, the episode of 1918 looked like a sinister conspiracy or an act of blasphemy. The party, so Stalin suggested, should beware of those who advocated a return to such pernicious practices.