★Лев Тро́цкий★武装せる予言者・トロツキー 1879-1921 アイザック・ドイッチャー/The Prophet Armed: Trotsky, 1879-1921 by Isaac Deutscher/ 第二章:理想をもとめてCHAPTER II: IN SEARCH OF AN IDEAL②
↑オフラーナ(oхрана Okhrana帝政秘密警察)の「危険な革命家」ファイルに残っていたトロツキーの写真(おそらく1898年、はじめに逮捕されたとき(シベリア流刑前)19歳当時)。
この最初の冒険の成功は「書かれた言葉の威力」を若い革命家に印象づけた。町は同盟のうわさで湧きたった。称賛の意味でも、怖れる意味でも、同盟は重視しなければならない要因になった。敵も味方も同盟を実際よりもずっと強力なものと思いこんだ。こうしたことのすべてが、彼、ブロンシュテインの、書いた言葉の影響なのであった。言葉の威力を信じる気持は最後まで彼からはなれなかった。こんな事態に当面した場合にも、彼は、最初の、そして最後の、手段として、言葉に頼っている。生涯を通じて、言葉の威力を駆使してきており、時には世界を震撼させるほどの効果をおさめた場合もあれば、時にはみじめな失敗に終った場合もあった。この反逆者たちの小さな団体でも、彼は最初自分の弁論をためしてみた。ところが、その最初の試みは屈辱と涙の結末に終った。議論の際に辛辣な言葉を投げつけるのと、本式の演説をするのとでは、まるで勝手がちがった。「彼はグンプロヴィチ(注 オーストリアの政治学者、社会学者+Ludwig Gumplowicz (auch: Ludwig Gumplowitsch; polnisch Ludwik Gumplowicz; * 9. März 1838 in der Republik Krakau (heute Polen); † 19. August 1909 in Graz, Österreich) war ein polnischer Jurist und Professor für Staats- und Verwaltungsrecht an der Universität Graz. Er gilt als einer der Gründerväter der europäischen Soziologie)を引用し・・・ジョン・スチュアート・ミルを引用し・・・意味のハッキリしないしちむずかしい言葉と、遠のいてゆく観念との、手に負えない網の目にすっかりからみこまれてしまい、おかげで聴衆は、これではとめどがないのではないかと心配させられ、同情して汗びっしょりになるしまつだった。それでも彼がようやくしめくくりをつけ、主題を一般討議に移した時には、誰1人として発言する者がなかった。何が主題なのか誰にも判らなかったからである」。ブロンシュテインは「部屋を横ぎっていって、長椅子に身体を投げかけクッションに顔を埋めた。彼は汗まみれになり、恥ずかしさに肩を波うたせており、誰もが彼をかわいい男だと思った」
誰よりも彼に感激を与えた英雄は、ドイツ社会主義の最初の大衆運動の創立者、フェルディナント・ラサール(フェルディナント・ヨハン・ゴットリープ・ラッサール(Ferdinand Johann Gottlieb Lassalle, [laˈsal]、1825年4月11日 - 1864年8月31日)は、プロイセンの政治学者、哲学者、法学者、社会主義者、労働運動指導者。ドイツ社会民主党(SPD)の母体となる全ドイツ労働者同盟の創設者である。社会主義共和政の統一ドイツを目指しつつも、ヘーゲル哲学の国家観に強い影響を受けていたため、過渡的に既存のプロイセン王政(特に宰相オットー・フォン・ビスマルクOtto Eduard Leopold von Bismarck-Schönhausen)に社会政策やドイツ統一政策を取らせることも目指した。その部分を強調して国家社会主義者に分類されることもある)であった。当時ヨーロッパの社会主義に及ぼしたラサールの影響はすこぶる大きいものであったーもっとも、後年になってビスマルクとの不明朗な取引が暴露され、彼の輝きもかすんできはしたけれども、若いブロンシュテインがラサールに非常に深い感銘をうけたのは、この2人にはどこから見ても似通ったところがあったからであろう。ラサールも裕福なユダヤ人の息子だったし、労働者の解放のために闘うために時分の階級を放棄してもいた。彼も偉大な雄弁家の1人でもあれば、その時代のもっとも色彩に富んだロマンチックな人物の1人でもあった。彼の流星のような生涯は悲劇的な結末をとげた。彼はロマンチックな血闘で生命を終ったのであった。最初のードイツ一国から見てだけではなくー近代的に労働党の創立者として、彼は歴史を創った人物でもあった。そうした生涯の偉大さや、光輝や、ドラマは、若いブロンシュテインの想像力をかきたてずにはおかなかった。彼はこの英雄のことを恍惚とした讃嘆のおもいをこめて語った。自分もその足跡に従うと誓いもした。ジフの言葉を信じるとすれば、彼は、自分はロシアのラサールになるつもりだと、豪語したそうである。この青年には、見せかけにせよほんものにせよ、控えめな態度をとる傾向はなかった。自分の欠点も自負も隠そうとしない男だった。彼は常に自分の野心をー声にも出してー考え、夢想し、たのしんだ。
*ミンスク(ベラルーシ語: Мінск ミーンスク、ロシア語: Минск)は、ベラルーシの首都。首都としてどの州にも属さない市である。
*ロシア社会民主労働党(ロシアしゃかいみんしゅろうどうとう、ロシア語: Российская социал-демократическая рабочая партия[1])とは、1898年に創立されたロシア帝国で最初のマルクス主義政党である。のちにボリシェヴィキとメンシェヴィキに分裂した。
罪に触れるような証拠は上らないままに、訊問はだらだらと続いた。そのあいだに、ブロンシュテインは手にはいるかぎりの書物を何であろうとむさぼるように読んだ。最初のうちは監獄の図書室備えつけの書物や雑誌類だけだったが、のちには外部からも書物が送られてきた。監獄の図書室にあるのは宗教書や教会の定期刊行物だけだった。彼は、語学の勉強のために、ドイツ語とフランス語と英語とイタリア語の聖書を同時に読んだ。ついで、ギリシャ正教会発行の定期刊行物の綴じ込みを借出したが、これには不可知論者(不可知論(ふかちろん、英: agnosticism)は、ものごとの本質は人には認識することが不可能である、とする立場のこと)や無神論者(無神論(むしんろん、英語: atheism、ラテン語: atheismus)は、世界観の説明に神の存在、意思の介在などが存在しない、または不要と主張する考え方である)に対する、ことにフリーメーソン(フリーメイソン(英: Freemasonry)は、16世紀後半から17世紀初頭に、判然としない起源から起きた友愛結社。多様な形で全世界に存在し、会員数は600万人を超える)に対する、反論がいっぱい載っていた。彼は後年それらのものについて次のように書いている。「正教会の博学な著者たちによる、ヴォルテール(ヴォルテール(Voltaire)こと、本名フランソワ=マリー・アルエ(François-Marie Arouet、1694年11月21日 - 1778年5月30日[1])は、フランスの哲学者、文学者、歴史家である。歴史的には、イギリスの哲学者であるジョン・ロックなどとともに啓蒙主義を代表する人物とされる。また、ドゥニ・ディドロやジャン・ル・ロン・ダランベールなどとともに百科全書派の学者の一人として活躍した)、カントКант、ダーウィンДа́рвинなどへの反論を読んでみて、わたしは今までに一度も接したことのなかった神学思想の世界に頭を突込んだわけだが、それらの思想がこれほどまでに奇怪な、衒学的な(衒学者(げんがくしゃ、英語: pedant)とは、論理の形式、厳密性、正確性などに過剰にこだわったり、学識をひけらかし、傲慢な態度を見せるような人物のこと)、滑稽きわまる形式で吐露されていようとは、全然想像もしていなかった」「デヴィル、デーモン、彼等の魔王たち、サタンそのものと闇の国、そうしたものについての研究はわたしをたえず啞然とさせた・・・天国についての、内部のこまかな構造にわたっての、詳細な描写も、次のような陰気な文句で終っていた。「天国の位置についての正確な道しるべは知るよしもない」。食事の時や、お茶の時や、散歩時間には、わたしはこの文句を頭の中で繰返したものだった。天国の地理的な位置については、正確な道しるべが欠けているのだ、と」。いっこく者の看守を相手にしての神学上の口争いは彼の大きな気慰みだった。合理主義の立場からの宗教の拒否は、急進論者であろうと、社会主義者であろうと、穏健な自由主義者にすぎなかろうと、或るいはまたギリシャ正教徒なりユダヤ人なりの家の出身者であろうと、当時の教育をうけたロシア人の一般的な特徴だった。ブロンシュテインの育ちには、ユダヤ教の信条はなんらの役割も演じていなかったし、ギリシャ正教についても、彼はやっと監獄の中で知識をえた程度だった。ユダヤ正教やギリシャ正教はいずれも徹底した反啓蒙主義の立場をとっており、新しい思想に関心を持つことは頑固に拒否していてーその点では、両者は新教やカトリックに比べてすら、はるかにおくれていたー教育をうけた者に対しては、多少なりと教育をうけた者に対してすら、猛烈に反撥していた。彼のほうでも、人間精神の近代的傾向との妥協を拒否しているような宗教とは、妥協する気になれなかった。
*悪魔(あくま)Devil Дьяволとは、特定の宗教文化に根ざした悪しき超自然的存在や、悪を象徴する超越的存在をあらわす言葉である[1]。悪魔は、仏教では仏道を邪魔する悪神を意味し、煩悩のことであるとも捉えられる[1]。キリスト教ではサタンを指し、神を誹謗中傷し、人間を誘惑する存在とされる[2]。サタン以外の西洋文化の悪霊(デーモン)も現代日本語では一般に悪魔と呼ばれたりする。イスラム教においては悪魔はシャイターン、イブリースと呼ばれる。宗教によっては神に敵対するものを指し、他宗教の神々への蔑称ともなる(後述)。
*悪霊(あくりょう、あくれい)Demon Демонとは神話、宗教や小説における超自然的な悪しき霊。キリスト教や仏教など宗教ごとに意味は異なるほか地域ごとにも意味は異なる。たたりをする死霊[1]を指す宗教もある。悪霊は、祟りや呪いによってわざわい(病気、不運など)の原因となると考えられているものである。英語の「evil spirit」、ドイツ語の「böser Geist, Böse Geister」など、あるいは悪魔、(善神に対立する)悪神などにあたる概念が「悪霊」と翻訳される。
*サタン(ヘブライ語:שָּׂטָן、アラム語:שָׂטָנָא、ギリシア語:Σατᾶν, Σατανᾶς、ラテン語: Satan, Satanās)Сатана́はユダヤ教、キリスト教、イスラム教における悪魔。イスラームではアラビア語のアッ=シャイターン (الشيطان, DMG方式: aš-Šayṭān) がこれに相当する[注釈 1]
彼は、おもしろがって、こうした神学上の文献を掘りかえしてみると同時に、そこに載っている論争のための概要の歪曲を通じて、教会派の論難しているなじみのない哲学や社会学体系の大体の概念をつかもうとしてみた。それらの有害な理論なるものを自分の解釈に基づいて組立て直し、マルクス主義的な方法を用いて、自分の観点から評価し直すために手がかりをさがし求めた。その点で直接役に立ってくれる書物も、多少は獄外から入手できた。彼はダーウィンの著作を読み、自分の本能的な無神論の裏づけをえた。その当時から25年たった頃の回想の中でも、孔雀の羽根の模様が自然に形成されてゆく過程についてのダーウィンの描写が、いわゆる志向の存在なるものを永遠に自分の頭から追放してくれた、と彼は述べている。彼はまた、ダーウィン自身は無神論者ではなかったと知って、すこぶる驚いたとも述べている。ついで、イタリアのマルキスト、アルツーロ・ラブリオーラ(Arturo Labriola (Napoli, 21 gennaio 1873 – Napoli, 23 giugno 1959) è stato un politico ed economista italiano)の哲学上のエッセイが彼をいくらか目標に近づけてくれた。ラブリオーラの思想と、その独断にとらわれることのない、透明で、優雅な文体とは、永続的な感銘を残した。彼はいまようやくラブリオーラの著作の主題を理解した程度だったが、それにしても、マルクス主義理論については、今までよりも実体のある手がかりをつかんだわけだった。
そこで彼は、そうした不安定な見解を基礎にし、ギリシャ正教の文献からひき出したばらばらな事実を材料にして、唯物史観によるフリーメーソンの歴史を書き、その具体的な史的分析のなかで、自分の自家製マルキシズムをためしてみようと企てた。これは彼の最初の長い著作になり、彼が終生愛着を抱き続けていたものでもあった。げんに、初期の放浪生活中にその原稿をなくしたことを、彼は常に残念がっていた。もっともわれわれとしては、自分の実らせた最初の果実に対する彼の愛着ぶりに、共感を持つ必要はなさそうである。それにしても、彼がそれらの文章の中で初めてマルクス主義による歴史研究に筆をそめたことは認めていいだろう。彼が監獄の便所の中の隠し場所にいれておいて友人たちに読ませたという、その当時の彼の多くのエッセイのうちには、マルキストとナロードニキとのあいだの常に熱狂的な論争の主題であった。歴史における個人の役割を論じたものもあった。「わたしは何も新たな発見をしたわけではなかった。わたしの到達したような・・・結論のすべては、既にずっと前に、ひとの到達しているものであった・・・けれども、わたしは、手探り状態で、或る点までは独立して、そこへ辿り着いたのであった。このことはわたしの成長の全過程に影響を与えた。のちにわたしは、マルクス、エンゲルス、プレハーノフ、メーリング(フランツ・メーリング(Franz Mehring, 1846年2月27日-1919年1月29日)ドイツのマルクス主義者、歴史家、文芸史家、評論家)などの著作を読み、監獄の中では推測にすぎないものに思えたものが、確証されているのを知った・・・わたしは、最初から、独断論的な形で唯物史観をうけいれたわけではなかったのだ」
モスクワの監獄では、やはり最終の流刑を待ちうけている、ロシア各地の経験をつんだ年上の革命家たちと逢った。新たな顔ぶれ、新たな刺激、新たな観念、ここで初めて彼はレーニンのうわさを聞き、最近発行されたばかりの彼の充実した著書『ロシアにおける資本主義の発達』Развитие капитализма в Россииを読んだ。この国の北部では地下運動がはるかに進歩した段階に達していることを初めて知らされたのも、この監獄でだった。西欧で闘われていた思想の闘いさえもが、獄内に直接的な反響を起こしていた。獄房から監獄へまわされてくる多くの書物の中にはエドゥアルト・ベルンシュタインの有名な著書『社会主義の諸前提と社会民主主義の任務』 Die Voraussetzungen des Sozialismus und die Aufgaben der Sozialdemokratieもまじっていた。この書は、労働運動をマルクス主義の革命的な概念からとき放し、労働運動に漸進的な改良主義的な性格を与えようとする、著名なドイツ社会民主党員による、最初の試みであった。ベルンシュテインの著書は、西欧社会主義の両翼、「正統マルクス主義者」と「修正主義者」とのあいだには、当時はホーマーの叙事的な戦いと思えたほどの論争をひき起こした。だが、この書も、中継ぎ監獄の囚人たちのあいだには、なんらの動揺ももたらさなかった。彼等のうちには、1人として、社会主義への平和な歩行的前進に賛成し、革命の道を放棄しようなどと思う者はいなかったからである。
↑1919年、激化する内戦中(装甲列車に積まれた車に乗り、自ら戦線を指揮してまわった)戦闘前に部隊を激励するトロツキーソ連邦陸海軍人民委員(国防大臣)ソビエト共和国革命軍事会議議長(レーニンЛе́нинソ連邦人民委員会議議長(首相:ロシア語: Председатель Совета Народных Комиссаров, 英語: Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars)と並ぶ事実上の最高指導者)。
This transformation of the boy, who only he year before seemed a rich man’s worldly son, into the founder of a clandestine organization, volunteering to take the revolutionary’s thorny path, was startlingly rapid. He had evidently been overflowing with an inborn exuberant energy and with an ardor and imagination for which conventional pursuits provided little or no outlet. He needed a cause to serve, a cause exacting sacrifice; and when he found it, his youthful and passionate temperament came into the open. Both his friends and his enemies agree that he was the moving spirit, the mouthpiece, the organizer, and also the most energetic and devoted worker of the Union. ‘Our group was the first social democratic organization at Nikolayev’, says Ziv in reminiscences colored by retrospective hostility. ‘We were to excited by our success that we were in a state . . . of chronic enthusiasm. For the major part of these successes were undoubtedly indebted to Bronstein, whose energy was inexhaustible and whose many-sided inventiveness and untiring drive knew no bounds.’ The organization, Ziv goes on, many years afterwards looked back with pride to its hey-day when it was led by the eighteen-year-old boy, who by his faith, eloquence, and personal example cast a spell upon its members and induced them to forget all their private attachments and preoccupations and wholly devote to the cause themselves, their thoughts, energies, and time. After Bronstein’s departure the nerve of the organization snapped. The Union could not recapture the ardor of its beginnings.
The Union was, of course, a tiny group compared with any normal party or organization. In relation to the power against which it set itself it was like a microbe assailing a huge and decaying body; it was in fact one of a score or so of the microbes of revolution that were just going into action.
The groups set up in the docks and factories circulated leaflets and a sheet called Nashe Delo ( Our Cause). The leaflets commented on matters of local interest, conditions in factories and shipyards, and abuses by employers and officials. The exposures made an impression; those exposed were compelled to reply; and the Union fought back with new leaflets. ‘What satisfaction I had when I received he information from factories and workshops that the workers avidly read the mysterious leaflets printed in purple ink . . . They imagined the author as a strange and powerful person who had . . . penetrated into all the factories, knew what was happening in the workshops, and within twenty-four hours reacted to events with fresh leaflets.’ Nashe Delo, the ‘organ’ of the Union, also met with encouraging response. The group was too poor to print the clandestine sheet. Bronstein is said to have proposed to produce it secretly in Spentzer’s printing shop in Odessa-in his fervor he was unmindful of the harm he might have done to his relative-but his own comrades persuaded him not to. Then a somewhat cranky well-wisher came along with a ‘scheme’ for revolution: what was needed to overthrow the Tsar, he said, was 100,000 roubles, for which a thousand little clandestine printing shops could be set up all over Russia to flood the working-class quarters with anti-Tsarist proclamations. As a beginning the well-wisher presented the group with a mimeograph; and Bronstein set to work. He himself wrote the sheet and the leaflets; he himself calligraphed them in purple ink ( so that the workers should not need to strain their eyes); he himself illustrated the text with cartoons; he himself produced, in the wretched dwelling of a blind comrade, the stencils and the several hundred copies of used to take him about two hours to print a page. ‘Sometimes I did not even unbend my back for a week, interrupting my work only for meetings and group discussions.
*‘All the important technical, not to speak of the literary part of the work was done by Bronstein. A. G. Ziv, op, cit., p. 21 and passim.
Politically, the Union was a parochial fraternity of rebels, innocent of any sophistication. Some members will described themselves as Narodniks, others called themselves Marxists; but this division did not interfere with their work. They could act together because they acted on a narrow basis. They called the workers to fight for higher wages and for shorter hours and in this no difference showed itself between the Narodnik and the Marxist. They avoided addressing the workers on the political issues over which they were arguing at the orchard. This sort of activity, at this time characteristic of most of the clandestine groups, was later labelled ‘Economist’, because of its one-sided concentration on matters of ‘bread-and-butter’. But it was its one-sidedness that secured its rapid success. If two groups, each advocating another ‘ism’, had come out and tried in competition with each other to win the workers, the result would have been confusion and failure. Only within a broader and more firmly established movement could the differences be seriously fought out. All the same, the Union of Nikolayev became known to the leaders of more advanced groups in other centres, who Democratic Workers’ Party. They wondered whether to invite the Nikolayev group to send its delegate: would his age not detract from the solemnity of the occasion? Before the doubt was resolved the Nikolayev group was in prison.
The success of this first venture demonstrated to the young revolutionary the ‘power of the written word’. The town was astir with rumor; the Union, admitted or feared, was a factor to be reckoned with; and friend and foe imagined it to be much stronger than it was. All this was the effect of his, Bronstein’s, written word. The belief in the power of the word turn to it as to his first and his last resort; and throughout his life he would wield that power sometimes with world-shaking effect, and sometimes with lamentable failure. In this small fraternity of rebels he also first tried out his oratory; but the first attempt ended in humiliation and tears. It was one thing to speak sharply and bitingly in argument and quite another to make a set speech. ‘He quoted Gumplowitz and . . . John Stuart Mill . . . and he got himself so terribly wound up in a sliding network of unintelligible big words and receding hopes of idea that his audience sat bathed in sympathetic perspiration, wondering if there was any way under the sun they could help him to stop. When he finally did stop and the subject was opened for general debate, nobody said a word. Nobody knew what the subject was.’ The speaker ‘walked across the room and threw himself face down in the pillow on the divan. He was soaking with sweat, and his shoulders heaved with shame and everybody loved him.’
*M. Eastman, op. ct., p. 70; Ziv relates that Bronstein carefully studied the techniques and tricks of polemics in Schopenhauer’s The Art of Debating.
In this small group none of Bronstein’s qualities, good or bad, escaped his comrades. Their recorded observations agree with one another in almost everything except the emphasis. Sokolovskaya, who was to become his wife and whom he was to abandon, recollected after nearly thirty years that he could be very tender and sympathetic but also very assertive and arrogant; in one thing only he never changed, in his devotion to the revolution. ‘In all my experience I have never met any person so completely consecrated’, she said. His detractor speaks with more emphasis about his self-centeredness and domineering temper: ‘Bronstein’s Ego’, writes Ziv, ‘dominated his Ego.’ ‘He loved the workers and loved his comrades . . . because in them, he loved his own self.’ Having cheerfully given up the comforts of a settled life and the prospects of a good career he could not see how others could behave differently. When Ziv, anxious to finish his university course, began to neglect the group, Bronstein gave him a telling though tactful admonition. He presented Ziv with a picture on which he wrote a dedication: ‘Faith without deeds in dead.’
The hero who inspired him more than anybody else was Ferdinand Lassalle, the founder of the first mass movement of German socialism. In those days Lassalle’s influence on European socialism was very strong-later the disclosure of his ambiguous political dealings with Bismarck dimmed the luster. That the young Bronstein should have been son strongly impressed by Lassalle was due to an indubitable affinity. Lassalle, too, had been the son of a wealthy Jewish family and had abandoned his class to strive for the emancipation of the workers. He had been one of the greatest orators and one of the most colorful and romantic characters of his age. His meteoric career had come to a tragic end: he found his death in a romantic duel. As the founder of the first modern Labor party-the first not only in Germany-he had made history. The greatness, the brilliance, and the drama of such a life could not but stir the young Bronstein’s imagination. He spoke about his hero with rapturous admiration; he swore to follow in his footsteps; and, if we are to believe Ziv, he boasted that he would become the Russian Lassalle. The young man was not addicted to modesty, false or real. He hid neither his faults nor his pretensions. He used to think and dream and indulge his ambition-aloud.
The first spell of his clandestine activity lasted from the spring of 1897 till the end of the year. The police at first refused to believe that all the agitation in the factories and docks emanated from the few adolescents and cranks in Shvigovsky’s garden; and they searched for a more impressive source. This gave the Union time to spread its influence, until the police recovered from incredulity and began to watch the comings and goings of Bronstein and his friends. Towards the end of the year the leaders of the Union, expecting repression, agreed to disperse and to resume work after an interval. They decided, however, to reappear in town if in their absence the police arrested workers belongings to the Union: the police must not be in a position to tell the rank and file that the leaders had deserted him.
In the first weeks of 1898 Bronstein left Nikolayev to seek refuge on an estate in the country, where Shvigovsky had just taken on new job. No sooner had he arrived there than both he and Shvigovsky were seized by the police. Most members of the Union were arrested in Nikolayev and in the neighborhood. From the country Bronstein was transferred to the prison at Nikolayev and then to a prison at Kherson, where he was kept for several months. The police had no doubt that he was the animator of the group. Through a bitterly cold winter they kept him in strict isolation in a tiny, unheated, unaired, and vermin-ridden cell. A straw mattress was brought for the night and removed at dawn so that in daytime he had neither couch not seat. He was not allowed to walk and take exercise in the prison yard, nor to receive a newspaper, a book soap, or a change of linen. Starved, dirty, covered with lice, he paced his cell, knocked at the walls to see whether there was a living soul in the neighboring cells-there was none; he resumed his walk, counted his steps and tried to shake off the vermin. The monotony of these months was not even interrupted by an official interrogation; the prisoner was not even told what were the charges brought against him. This treatment, intended to break his spirit, was still milder than that meted out to a few other members of the Union, who under torture were committing suicide, becoming insane, or breaking down and agreeing to serve as informers. “There were times . . . when I was sick with loneliness’, he confessed. But he found moral satisfaction in his sacrifice and he composed revolutionary limericks which later were sung as folk-songs. Towards the end of his stay in this prison the police relented, and his mother succeeded in bribing his guards and sending in food parcels and such ‘luxuries’ as soap, linen, and fruit.
For descriptions and examination he was at last transferred to a prison in Odessa, in which he was to remain a year and a half, until the end of 1899. There, too, he was kept in solitary confinement, but he could secretly communicate with his friends. The prison was overcrowded and alive with constant movement, plotting, and practical jokes. He was in high spirits and poked fun at the colonel of the gendarmerie who conducted the investigation. To prepare himself for his interrogator he had to ascertain how much the gendarmes had discovered about the Union and he communicated about this with his associates in other cells. ‘His task . . . was not easy . . . he had to tell me the whole story of his arrest and the circumstances attending it and to summarize his own deposition. . . . All this had to be expressed so that I should get the fullest possible idea of what had happened and so that the communication should contain no clue against himself in case of interception. He performed this in a masterly fashion. He wrote an essay full of scintillating wit and satirical irony, a brilliant pamphlet.’ He began to transform his own experience into literature.
*It was in this prison that the members of the Union learned about the founding ‘Congress’ of the Social Democratic Party, which had just taken place in Minsk; and in excitement they passed on this news from window to window. P. 20
The interrogation dragged on without producing incriminating evidence. In the meantime Bronstein avidly read whatever he could lay hands on, at first only books and periodicals available in the prison library but, later, books sent from outside as well. The prison library contained only religious literature and church periodicals. For linguistic exercise he read the Bible simultaneously in German, French, English, and Italian. Then he got hold of files of Greek Orthodox periodicals, which were full of polemics against agnostics, atheists, and especially freemasons. ‘The polemics of the learned Orthodox writers’, he wrote later, ‘against Voltaire, Kant, and Darwin, led the into a world of theological thoughts which I had never touched before and I had never even distantly imagined in what fantastic, pedantic, droll forms these thoughts poured out.’ The research on the devils, daemons, their princes, Satan himself and the Kingdom of Darkness constantly amazed me. . . . The copious descriptions . . . of Paradise with details about its . . . internal lay-out ended on a melancholy note: ‘Exact directions about the location of Paradise are not available”; and at dinner and tea and during my walks I kept repeating this sentence: as to the geographical location of Paradise precise directions are lacking.’ Theological bickering with a bigoted jailor was his favorite diversion. Rationalistic rejections of religion was, generally speaking, characteristic of the educated Russian of this time, whether he came from a Greek Orthodox or a Jewish family. In Bronstein’s upbringing the Jewish creed had played no part at all, and only in the prison did he acquaint himself with Greek orthodoxy. Both the Jewish and the Greek orthodoxies were so obscurantist and stubborn in their refusal to take notice of any new idea-they were in their refusal to take notice of any new idea-they were in this respect far behind the Protestant and even the Catholic Churches-that they violently repelled the educated or even half-educated man. He could not compromise with a religion which itself refused to compromise with any modern trend in the human mind.
As he delved with amusement into this theoretical literature he also tried to extract from its polemical summaries and distortions the main lines of the unfamiliar philosophies and sociological systems which the Church condemned. He searched for clues which would enable him to reconstruct his own versions of these evil theories and then to evaluate them, according to his lights, in a Marxist manner. From outside he received a few books which helped him more directly. He read Darwin’s works, and these confirmed him in his instinctive atheism. Twenty-five years later he recalled how Darwin’s description of the way in which the pattern on the peacock’s feathers formed itself naturally, banished for ever the idea of the Supreme Being from his mind; and how shocked he was to learn that Darwin himself had not been an atheist. Then the philosophical essays of Arturo Labriola, the Italian Marxist, brought him a little nearer to his goal: Labriola’s thought and style, undogmatic, lucid, and graceful, left a lasting impression. He now only half understood the subject matter of Labriola’s book, but he obtained more solid clues to Marxist theory.
From such precarious points of view, and using a loose tissue of fact drawn from Greek Orthodox sources, he then attempted to write a materialist history of freemasonry and in this concrete historical analysis to put to a test his homespun version of Marxism. This was his first copious literary work and one for which he preserved a lifelong attachment: he remained un-consoled after its loss in one of his early wanderings. We need not share the author’s tenderness for his first fruits; but we may not share the author’s tenderness for his first-fruits; but we may assume that in these writings he first tried his hand at Marxist history writing. Among his many essay, which he used to put into a hiding place in the prison latrine for his friends to read, was one on the role of the individual in history, the subject of ever-absorbing debate for the Marxist and the Narodnik. ‘I made no new discoveries; all the conclusions . . . as which I arrived had been made long ago by others. . . . But I reached them grouping and, up to a point, independently. This influenced the whole course of my development. In the writings of Marx, Engels, Plekhanov, and Mehring, I later found confirmation for what in prison seemed to me only a guess. . . . I had not at the outset accepted historical seemed to me only a guess. . . . I had not at the outset accepted historical materialism in a dogmatic form.
*In an address to the students of the Sverdlov University in Moscow, in 1923, he said: ‘To the end of my life I shall wonder whether Darwin was sincere in this, or whether merely paid his tribute to conventional beliefs. pp. 55-56.
These efforts occupied his mind and kept his spirit buoyant as his second year in prison was drawing to a close. Mentally, the adolescent was passing into manhood; and the transition was hastened by the fact that nothing was left to the captive in his cell but thought and reflection.
*L Trotsky, Moya Zhizn, vol. o, p. 147. Ziv claims that in the Odessa prison Bronstein also wrote a treatise on wages, in which he argued that piece-wages were preferable to time-wages because they were more conductive to high productivity. It seems almost impossible that he should have dealt with no specific an economic subject at this time. Ziv was again imprisoned with Bronstein in St. Petersburg in 1906-7; and he probably ascribes to his friend in Odessa an essay written several years later.
Towards the end of 1899 the prisoners received their administrative verdict, that is, a verdict without trial. Bronstein and three of his associates were to be deported to Siberia for four years; others were exiled for shorter terms; some were released. Soon the trek of the deportees began. They were first taken to Moscow, and there they waited six months in a ‘transfer prison’. Not only had they been given no fair hearing or trial, the two and a half years of their detention were not to be deducted from their terms.
In the prison in Moscow Bronstein met older and more experienced revolutionaries from all parts of Russia who were also awaiting final deportation. New faces, new impulses, new ideas. Here he first heard about Lenin and read his solid book, just published, The Development of Capitalism in Russia. Here he first became aware of the more advanced stages the clandestine movements had reached in the north of the country. Even battles of ideas fought in western Europe found an immediate echo within the walls of this prison. Among the many books passed on from cell to cell was Edouard Bernstein’s famous work The Premises of Socialism and the Tasks of Social Democracy, the first explicit attempt made by an eminent German Social Democrat to dissociate the labor movement from the revolutionary conceptions of Marxism and to impart to it an evolutionary, reformist character. Bernstein’s work provoked what seemed at the time a Homeric struggle between two wings in European socialism, the ‘orthodox Marxist’ and the ‘revisionist’. It caused no flurry among the inmates of the transfer prison: not one of them was in a mood to abandon the road of revolution for a peaceful pedestrian march towards socialism.
In these new surroundings Bronstein lost none of his self-confidence. He went on reading and arguing, and produced a continuous stream of essays and pamphlets. He planned to set up a printing shop inside the prison under the very noses of the police. This seemed too risky to his comrades and he had to content himself with circulating his output in manuscript. Already to his fellows his imagination at times seemed too bold and his willingness to challenge authority too rash. At Kherson he had, in the teeth of opposition, persuaded his comrades to start a hunger strike in protest against a proposal from the police that juvenile be released on condition that their parents would give them a good thrashing and keep them from meddling in politics-this was ‘an insult to the honor of the juvenile revolutionary’. Here, again, in Moscow, he defended with bravura the prisoner’s dignity. A prisoner had failed to take off his cap to the governor of the prison and had been punished with solitary confinement. Bronstein at once staged a demonstration of solidarity:
At a brief meeting it was decided that we should all come out with our hats on and ask the guard to give the alarm signal for the governor. When the governor comes we shall, of course, not take off our hats. Circumstances will dictate what to do next. The guard . . . refused to give the alarm signal. We crowded around him, and Bronstein, standing in front of us, took out his watch and said with supreme confidence: ‘I give you two minutes to make up your mind.’ . . . Then . . . pushing aside the disconcerted jailor, he pressed the button with a magnificent flourish. We put on our hats and went out to the yard. The governor, surrounded by a huge band of armed guards, came running into the yard. ‘Why don’t you take your hat off?, he burst out, jumping at Bronstein, who stood is front of us with the most defiant mien. ‘And you, why don’t you take off yours?’, Bronstein replied proudly.
A few giant guards carried away the struggling rebel to solitary confinement.
Harsh and defiant towards authority, or, as he himself would have said, towards the class enemy, he was warm-hearted and even sentimental with his comrades and their relatives. The convicts were allowed to receive their relatives twice a week. At these visits Bronstein ‘showed a moving tenderness not only to his own girl and future wife . . . but to all the other women who came to see their husbands or brothers; he charmed them all with his chivalry’. The women usually took home the men’s linen; but Bronstein refused to benefit from such comforts, washed and repaired his own linen, and mocked at revolutionaries so ensnared in bourgeois habits and prejudices as to burden their womenfolk with such work. Returning from the visitors’ room to the cell, he ‘used to spend all the excess of his tenderness on us, caressing and kissing and embracing us. So much was he remembered for the warmth of his friendship that years later his friends, who had in the meantime become his opponents, were puzzled by his ruthlessness in the revolution and in the civil war.