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76-летие атомных бомбардировок Японии/히로시마 원폭 76년/Hiroshima : le Japon commémore les 76 ans du bombardement atomique/Hadashi no Gen はだしのゲン) Gen, El Descalzo★安魂彌撒★☆Pax平和Kapayapaanへの祈り☆

Атомные бомбардировки Хиросимы и Нагасаки (6 и 9 августа 1945 года) — два единственных в истории человечества случая боевого применения ядерного оружия. Осуществлены Вооружёнными силами США на завершающем этапе Второй мировой войны против Японии.
*Хиросима (яп. 広島県 Хиросима-кэн) — префектура Японии, расположенная в регионе Тюгоку на острове Хонсю. В её состав входят также 140 островов Внутреннего Японского моря. Административный центр префектуры — город Хиросима.
*Хироси́ма[2], официально Хиро́сима[3][4] (яп. 広島市 Хиро:сима-си) — город в Японии, самый крупный город региона Тюгоку на юго-западе острова Хонсю, административный центр префектуры Хиросима. Население — 1 202 000 чел. (2016).

Les bombardements atomiques d'Hiroshima et de Nagasaki, ultimes bombardements stratégiques américains au Japon, ont lieu les 6 août et 9 août 1945 sur les villes d'Hiroshima (340 000 habitants) et de Nagasaki (195 000 habitants). Hiroshima est le siège de la 5e division de la deuxième armée générale et le centre de commandement du général Shunroku Hata, et Nagasaki est choisie pour remplacer la cité historique de Kyoto.
*Hiroshima (広島県, Hiroshima-ken?) est une préfecture du Japon située au sud-ouest de l'île de Honshū. Sa ville principale est Hiroshima. Le territoire de la préfecture englobe de nombreuses petites îles sur la mer intérieure de Seto (瀬戸内海, Seto Naikai?).
*Hiroshima (広島市, Hiroshima-shi?, littéralement large île) est une ville du Japon située sur la côte nord de la mer intérieure de Seto, sur l'île de Honshū, la plus grande île japonaise. Elle est la capitale de la préfecture d'Hiroshima et la ville la plus importante de la région du Chūgoku.

히로시마·나가사키 원자폭탄 투하(広島・長崎原子爆彈投下, 영어: Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki)는 제2차 세계대전이 다 끝나갈 무렵 1945년 미국은 일본에 두 개의 원자폭탄을 투하했는데, 8월 6일 히로시마시에 한 개의 원자폭탄을 떨어뜨렸고 8월 9일 나가사키시에 나머지 한 개의 원자폭탄을 떨어뜨렸다.
*히로시마현(일본어: 広島県)은 일본 혼슈 섬 서남부의 주고쿠 지방에 있는 현이다. 현청 소재지는 히로시마시이다.
*히로시마시(일본어: 広島市, 광도시)는 히로시마현의 현청 소재지이다. 일본 전국에서 11번째로 인구가 많은 도시이며, 1974년에는 인구가 80만 명을 넘어 정령지정도시 지정을 요구해 온 결과 1980년 4월 1일에 정령지정도시로 지정되었다. 히로시마 현 서부에 위치하며 주고쿠・시코쿠 지방에서 제일 큰 도시이다.

Die US-amerikanischen Atombombenabwürfe auf Hiroshima und Nagasaki am 6. August und 9. August 1945 waren die bislang einzigen Einsätze von Atomwaffen in einem Krieg.  Die Atombombenexplosionen töteten insgesamt ca. 100.000 Menschen sofort – fast ausschließlich Zivilisten und von der japanischen Armee verschleppte Zwangsarbeiter. An Folgeschäden starben bis Ende 1945 weitere 130.000 Menschen. In den nächsten Jahren kamen etliche hinzu.
*Die Präfektur Hiroshima (jap. 広島県, Hiroshima-ken) ist eine Präfektur in Japan, 1871 gebildet aus dem Fürstentum Hiroshima (Hiroshima-han), die seit 1876 die Provinzen Aki und Bingo umfasst.[1] Sie liegt in der Region Chūgoku hauptsächlich auf der Insel Honshū. Sitz der Präfekturverwaltung ist die gleichnamige Stadt Hiroshima (Hiroshima-shi).
*Hiroshima ([çi'ɺoɕima], Audio-Datei / Hörbeispiel Aussprache?/i, dt. „weiträumige Insel“; im Deutschen auch Hiroschima;[1] jap. 広島市, Hiroshima-shi, „[kreisfreie] Stadt Hiroshima“) ist eine Hafenstadt im Südwesten der japanischen Hauptinsel Honshū und der Verwaltungssitz der gleichnamigen Präfektur Hiroshima (Hiroshima-ken).

Los bombardeos atómicos de Hiroshima y Nagasaki (en inglés, atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki; en japonés, 日本への原子爆弾投下, lit., «caída de bombas atómicas en Japón») fueron dos ataques nucleares ordenados por Harry S. Truman, presidente de los Estados Unidos, contra el Imperio del Japón. Los ataques se efectuaron el 6 y el 9 de agosto de 1945, respectivamente, lo que contribuyó, junto con la Guerra soviético-japonesa, a la rendición de Japón y el fin de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Después de seis meses de intenso bombardeo de otras 67 ciudades, el arma nuclear Little Boy fue soltada sobre Hiroshima el lunes1​ 6 de agosto de 1945,2​ seguida por la detonación de la bomba Fat Man el jueves 9 de agosto sobre Nagasaki. Entre 105 000 y 120 000 personas murieron y 130 000 resultaron heridas.3​4​5​ Hasta la fecha, estos bombardeos constituyen los únicos ataques nucleares de la historia.
*La prefectura de Hiroshima (広島県 Hiroshima-ken?) está ubicada en la región de Chūgoku, en la isla de Honshu, en Japón. La capital es la ciudad de Hiroshima.
*La ciudad de Hiroshima (広島市 Hiroshima-shi?) (Speaker Icon.svg escuchar) es la capital de la prefectura de Hiroshima, en la región de Chūgoku, al oeste de Japón.

廣島與長崎原子彈爆炸(英語:Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki,日语:日本への原子爆弾投下/にほんへのげんしばくだんとうか Nihon e no genshi bakudan tōka */?)發生在第二次世界大戰末期,美軍在1945年8月6日與8月9日,分別在日本的廣島市和長崎市投下一枚原子彈,造成数十万日本平民死亡。這是人类历史第一次在戰爭中使用核武器,並促使日本投降及第二次世界大戰結束。
*廣島縣(日语:広島県/ひろしまけん Hiroshima ken */?)是日本一級行政區劃,位於日本本州西端中國地方。東接岡山縣、北接鳥取縣與島根縣、西鄰山口縣、南濱瀨戶內海。首府位于廣島市。
*廣島市(日语:広島市/ひろしまし Hiroshima shi */?)是位於日本廣島縣西部的都市,為廣島縣首府,也是本州西部最大都市,人口約119萬。原本只是太田川入海口的一個三角洲,自16世紀時毛利氏在此建城並作為政權根據地後,迅速發展成為中國、瀨戶內兩大地方的中心都市,現今為中國地方僅有的兩個政令指定都市之一。因其重要的政治经济军事地位,二战期间遭受了核彈轟炸的军事攻击。

Os bombardeamentos atômicos das cidades de Hiroshima e Nagasaki[a] foram dois bombardeios realizados pelos Estados Unidos contra o Império do Japão durante os estágios finais da Segunda Guerra Mundial, em agosto de 1945. Foi o primeiro e único momento na história em que armas nucleares foram usadas em guerra e contra alvos civis.
*Hiroshima (prefeitura) (広島県 Hiroshima-ken?) é uma prefeitura do Japão localizada na Chūgoku (região) na ilha de Honshu.[1] A capital é a cidade de Hiroshima.[2] Tem uma população de cerca de 2,8 milhões de habitantes.
*Hiroshima ou Hiroxima[1][2] (広島市 'Hiroshima-shi'?) (Loudspeaker.svg? pronúncia) é a capital da prefeitura de Hiroshima, no Japão. É cortada pelo rio Ota (Ota-gawa), cujos seis canais dividem a cidade em ilhas. Cresceu em torno de um castelo feudal do século XVI. Recebeu o estatuto de cidade em 1589. Serviu de quartel-general durante a Primeira Guerra Sino-Japonesa (1894–95).[3]

Hiroshima (はだしのゲン en japonés, romaji: Hadashi no Gen) es una película dramática de anime japonés de 1983 dirigida por Mori Masaki y basada en la serie de manga homónima de Keiji Nakazawa. Se sabe que en España ha sido distribuida la primera película en formato VHS por Manga Films, muy rara y difícil de encontrar,1​ y también ha sido doblado en catalán y se emitió en TV3.  El film se centra en un niño, del cual desde su punto de vista se detalla los sucesos previos y posteriores al bombardeo de Hiroshima durante la II Guerra Mundial en Japón.

Gen d'Hiroshima (はだしのゲン, Hadashi no Gen?, littéralement Gen aux pieds nus) est un manga de Keiji Nakazawa publié entre 1973 et 1985 dans plusieurs périodiques japonais. La publication du premier volume par Les Humanoïdes associés en 1983 fait de Gen d'Hiroshima l'un des premiers albums de bande dessinée japonais traduits en français, quatre ans après la publication par Rolf Kesselring du Vent du nord est comme le hennissement d'un cheval noir. La première traduction française intégrale a été publiée entre 2003 et 2017 par Vertige Graphic.

Keiji Nakazawa (jap. 中沢 啓治, Nakazawa Keiji; * 14. März 1939 in Hiroshima, Präfektur Hiroshima, Japan; † 19. Dezember 2012 ebenda) war ein japanischer Manga-Zeichner. Er überlebte als kleiner Junge den Atombombenabwurf auf seine Heimatstadt Hiroshima, nur etwas mehr als einen Kilometer vom Hypozentrum entfernt. Zwei Jahrzehnte später zeichnete Keiji Nakazawa seine Erinnerungen in dem Manga „Barfuß durch Hiroshima“ – es begründete das Genre des pāsonaru komikku, des auf einer persönlichen Geschichte beruhenden Manga, wurde zum Klassiker und zu einem wichtigen Erinnerungsbuch in Japan. Charakteristisch für seine Zeichnungen ist ihre ungekünstelte Schlichtheit[1], die klare Struktur der Panels und eine oft expressive Ausdrucksweise seiner Figuren.[2] Keiji Nakazawa war in Japan einer der bekanntesten Atomkraftgegner.

*Debate over the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Substantial debate exists over the ethical, legal, and military aspects of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on 6 August and 9 August 1945 at the close of World War II (1939–45).  On 26 July 1945, United States President Harry S. Truman, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and President of China Chiang Kai-shek issued the Potsdam Declaration, which outlined the terms of surrender for the Empire of Japan as agreed upon at the Potsdam Conference. This ultimatum stated if Japan did not surrender, it would face "prompt and utter destruction".[1] Some debaters focus on the presidential decision-making process, and others on whether or not the bombings were the proximate cause of Japanese surrender.  Over the course of time, different arguments have gained and lost support as new evidence has become available and as new studies have been completed. A primary and continuing focus has been on the role of the bombings in Japan's surrender and the U.S.'s justification for them based upon the premise that the bombings precipitated the surrender. This remains the subject of both scholarly and popular debate. In 2005, in an overview of historiography about the matter, J. Samuel Walker wrote, "the controversy over the use of the bomb seems certain to continue".[2] Walker stated, "The fundamental issue that has divided scholars over a period of nearly four decades is whether the use of the bomb was necessary to achieve victory in the war in the Pacific on terms satisfactory to the United States."[2]  
Supporters of the bombings generally assert that they caused the Japanese surrender, preventing massive casualties on both sides in the planned invasion of Japan: Kyūshū was to be invaded in November 1945 and Honshū four months later. It was thought Japan would not surrender unless there was an overwhelming demonstration of destructive capability. Those who oppose the bombings argue it was militarily unnecessary,[3] inherently immoral, a war crime, or a form of state terrorism.[4] Critics believe a naval blockade and conventional bombings would have forced Japan to surrender unconditionally.[5] Some critics believe Japan was more motivated to surrender by the Soviet Union's invasion of Manchuria and other Japanese-held areas.[6][7]

*United States war crimes are the violations of the laws and customs of war which the United States Armed Forces has committed against signatories after the signing of the Hague Conventions of 1899 and 1907. These have included the summary execution of captured enemy combatants, the mistreatment of prisoners during interrogation, the use of torture, and the use of violence against civilians and non-combatants.  War crimes can be prosecuted in the United States through the War Crimes Act of 1996 and through various articles of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). However, the Federal government of the United States strongly opposes the International Criminal Court (ICC) treaty, arguing that the Court lacks checks and balances,[1] and thus does not accept ICC jurisdiction over its nationals.[2][3]
*Hiroshima Prefecture (広島県, Hiroshima-ken) is a prefecture of Japan located in the Chūgoku region of Honshu.[1] Hiroshima Prefecture has a population of 2,811,410 (1 June 2019) and has a geographic area of 8,479 km² (3,274 sq mi). Hiroshima Prefecture borders Okayama Prefecture to the east, Tottori Prefecture to the northeast, Shimane Prefecture to the north, and Yamaguchi Prefecture to the southwest.
*Hiroshima (広島市, Hiroshima-shi, /ˌhɪroʊˈʃiːmə/, also UK: /hɪˈrɒʃɪmə/,[3] US: /hɪˈroʊʃɪmə/, Japanese: [çiɾoɕima]) is the capital of Hiroshima Prefecture in Japan. As of June 1, 2019, the city had an estimated population of 1,199,391. The gross domestic product (GDP) in Greater Hiroshima, Hiroshima Urban Employment Area, was US$61.3 billion as of 2010.[4][5] Kazumi Matsui has been the city's mayor since April 2011.

