
当ブログはトロント在住、日系一世カナダ人サミー・山田(48)おっさんの「独り言」です。まさに「個人日記」。1968年11月16日東京都目黒区出身(A型)・在北米30年の日系カナダ人(Canadian Citizen)・University of Toronto Woodsworth College BA History & East Asian Studies Major トロント在住(職業記者・医療関連・副職画家)・Toronto Ontario「団体」「宗教」「党派」一切無関係・「政治的」意図皆無=「事実関係」特定の「考え」が’正しい’あるいは一方だけが’間違ってる’いう気は毛頭なし。「知って」それぞれ「考えて」いただれれば本望(^_-☆Everybody!! Let's 'Ponder' or 'Contemplate' On va vous re?-chercher!Internationale!!「世界人類みな兄弟」「平和祈願」「友好共存」「戦争反対」「☆Against Racism☆」「☆Gender Equality☆」&ノーモア「ヘイト」(怨恨、涙、怒りや敵意しか生まない)Thank you very much for everything!! Ma Cher Minasan, Merci Beaucoup et Bonne Chance 

☆Boukharine: La vie d'un bolchevik : A Political Biography, 1888-1938 Сти́вен Фрэнд Ко́эн☭ブハーリンとボリシェヴィキ革命 政治的伝記1888〜1938 | スティーヴン・F・コーエン/第九章:ブハーリンの没落とスターリンの革命の到来CHAPTER IX: The Fall of Bukharin and the Coming of Stalin's Revolution③


*『ハムレット』(Hamlet)は、シェイクスピア作の悲劇。5幕から成り、1601年頃に書かれたと推測される。「デンマークの王子ハムレットが、父王を毒殺して王位に就き、母を妃とした叔父に復讐する物語」である。正式題名は「デンマークの王子ハムレットの悲劇」(The Tragicall Historie of Hamlet, Prince of Denmarke あるいは The Tragedie of Hamlet, Prince of Denmarke) で、続く『オセロ』『マクベス』『リア王』と共にシェイクスピアの四大悲劇の一つとされ、「1人の知識人の精神史を描いたものとして世界の演劇史上に特筆すべき作品」と評される[1]。およそ4000行で、シェイクスピアの戯曲の中で最長である。
公式の大会の結果は、これまでえしばしば誤って解釈されてきた。この大会は新しい極左路線を決定したわけではなかった。そうなったのは一年後、スターリンの専一的な指導下においてであった。1928年夏には、主な外国の党はまだ、ブハーリンと同盟しているか、あるいはスターリンの急進的提案に同情的でないようなグループー強力なグループあるいは多数派ーをかかえていた。その中にはハインリヒ・ブランドラー(Heinrich Brandler (* 3. Juli 1881 in Warnsdorf; † 26. September 1967 in Hamburg) war ein kommunistischer Politiker)、アウグスト・タールハイマー(August Thalheimer (18 March 1884 – 19 September 1948) was a German Marxist activist and theorist)、アルトゥール・エーヴェルト(Arthur Ewert (* 30. November 1890 in Heinrichswalde; † 3. Juli 1959 in Eberswalde, auch Artur Ewert) war ein kommunistischer Politiker)を中心とするドイツの共産主義者たちや、ジェイ・ラヴストーン(Jay Lovestone (15 December 1897 – 7 March 1990) was an American activist)に率いられたドイツ共産党公認指導部、バルミーロ・トリアッティ<エルコリ>(パルミーロ・トリアッティ(イタリア語: Palmiro Togliatti, 1893年3月26日 - 1964年8月21日)は、イタリア共産党の指導者であり、構造改革の提唱者として知られる。イタリア王国の副首相、イタリア共和国の法務大臣を歴任した)のイタリア共産党指導部などがあった。従って、論争的な問題に関する大会の全員一致の決議は(綱領もそうだが)激戦の末の妥協であり、不一貫性が目立ちはするがブハーリン的色彩が濃厚であった。後にブハーリンは、1929-33年の極左路線は第六回コミンテルン大会の歪曲だと抗議することになるが、それには根拠があったのである。
にもかかわらず、この大会はスターリンにとってもう一つの重要な勝利であった。それは彼に三つのものを獲得させた。第一に、決議の曖昧さはブハーリンの国際政策にひどく傷をつけ、既に形成中であったスターリンの極左路線に合法性の外観を与えた。第二に、『地下での大会』は多くの外国の共産党員を彼の側にひきつけ、主要な党における強力なスターリン分派を動員し、コミンテルン問題のブハーリンによる支配を実質上終わらせたのである。9月1日に大会が開幕した後、その常勤の在モスクワ機構には、なおブハーリンに忠実な主な人物は3人しか残っていなかった。スイスのアンベールリドロー〔アンベルト=ドロツ〕(Jules Humbert-Droz était un pasteur, journaliste, militant du Parti communiste suisse et de l'Internationale communiste, puis du Parti socialiste suisse)、ドイツのクララ・ツェトキン(クララ・ツェトキン(Clara Zetkin、1857年7月5日 - 1933年6月20日) は、ドイツの政治家・フェミニスト。社会主義の立場による女性解放運動を主導し、女性解放運動の母と呼ばれる)、イタリアのアンジェロ・タスカ<セッラ>(Angelo Tasca (Moretta, 19 novembre 1892 – Parigi, 3 marzo 1960) è stato un politico, scrittore e storico italiano)である。しかし最も大きな打撃を与えたのは第三の点、つまりブハーリンが大会で主要な点で譲歩したことである。彼は自己の立場をひるがえして、「右翼偏向こそ今や〔コミンテルンにおける〕中心的な危険だ」というスターリンの文句を支持したのである。彼は譲歩を最小限にとどめようとして、右翼偏向は組織的方法よりもイデオロギー的方法によって闘われるべき非個人的な偏向だと解釈し、20年代初頭にレーニンがブハーリンとジノーヴィエフ宛てに書いた未公開書簡から次のような引用を行なった。「特に従順というわけではないが賢明な人物をみんな追放し、従順な馬鹿どもだけを残しておくならば、それは党を滅亡させる最も確実な道だ。」こういう風に彼が限定をつけたことは何の役にもたたなかった。後に残っているのは、スターリンがこの「右翼偏向」という忌むべきカテゴリーをロシアの党にあてはめ、ブハーリン自身を犠牲にすることだけであった。
*ファリサイ派(ファリサイは、ヘブライ語: פרושים‎、古希: Φαρισαῖος/-οι、羅: Pharisaeus/-ei、英語: Pharisee(s)Фарисеиは、古代イスラエルの第二神殿時代(紀元前536年 - 紀元70年)後期に存在したユダヤ教内グループ。
打ちのめされ恥ずかしめられたウグラーノフと何人かの副官は、中途半端な撤回を行なったが、何の助けにもならなかった。上級役員の再度の更迭により、10月19日には彼らによるモスクワ組織支配に終止符がうたれた。ウグラーノフとその代理のコートフは11月27日までそのポストにとどまっていたが、その日にモーロトフとカール・パウマンによって正式にとって代わられた。モスクワにおけるブハーリン支持者、共鳴者―上級でも下級でもーの全面的な粛清がそれに続いた。旧モスクワ指導部の顛覆は完全なもので、それがいかに徹底していたかは、マルトィン・リャードフ(Martyn Nikolajewitsch Ljadow, geboren Martyn Nikolajewitsch Mandelstam, (russisch Мартын Николаевич Лядов, Geburtsname russisch Мартын Николаевич Мандельштам; * 12. Augustjul. / 24. August 1872greg. in Moskau; † 6. Januar 1947 ebenda) war ein russischer Revolutionär und Historiker)さえもが失寵をこうむったことに象徴されている。リャードフはスヴェルドローフ大学の校長で、党創立以来の尊敬すべきモスクワ委員会メンバーでモスクワ・ボリシェヴィズムの生みの親だった人物なのである。

Sensing the delegates’ mood, the Stalin group became more daring. While Molotov openly criticized Pravda’s editorials on the procurement campaigns, and thus by implication Bukharin himself, Kaganovich defended the “extraordinary measures” so extravagantly as to justify them “at all times and in any circumstances.” As the plenum drew to a close, Stalin and Bukharin rose to deliver the main addresses. The disheartened Bukharin tried to rouse the Central Committee. No sustained industrialization, he insisted, was possible without a prospering agriculture, which was now declining as a result of the requisitioning. Moreover, faced with a “wave of mass discontent” and “a united village front against us,” the régime was on the verge of a complete b
reak with the peasantry, “two bells have sounded, the third is next.” Stalinists retorted with hoots of “panic-monger.” The general secretary was similarly unmoved. Dismissing the Right’s admonitions as a “cheerless philosophy” and “capitulationism,” he spoke instead of class war and collectivization, and suddenly introduced the theoretical rationale for a new, unspecified peasant policy: since Soviet Russia had to colonies, the peasantry would have to pay “something in the nature of a “tribute” to fund industrialization. Bukharin was stunned. His former ally had appropriated not only Preobrazhenskii’s reasoning, but his draconian rhetoric as well.                     
Formally the plenum had decided nothing. Bukharin and his allies had not been directly defeated; the resolutions were largely theirs, and most delegates were perplexed rather than rigidly partisan. But Bukharin sensed the Right’s perilous situation. A minority in the Politburo and unable to rally the Central Committee, they faced a ruthless, skilled adversary determined “to cut our throats” and whose policies were “leading to civil war. He will have to drown the uprisings in blood.” Frightened by this turn of events, Bukharin took a desperate step, one that was to have adverse repercussions when it became known. Violating “party discipline,” he made personal contact with the disgraced Zinoviev, Kamenev opposition. On July 11, the day before the plenum closed, he paid a secret visit to Kamenev.
What passed between them comes to us through Kamenev’s elliptical notes acquired and published clandestinely by Trotskyists six months later. Bukharin, believing rumors inspired by Stalin of the general secretary’s own impending reconciliation with the Left, had come to convert Zinoviev and Kamenev, or persuade them to remain aloof. He, Rykov, and Tomskii agreed: “it would be better to have Zinoviev and Kamenev in the Politburo now than Stalin. . . . The disagreements between us and Stalin are many times more serious than were our disagreements with you.” As the “extremely shaken” Bukharin related the history of the rift, Kamenev had “the impression of a man who knows he is doomed.” Bukharin was obsessed by Stalin’s villainy-“a Genghis Khan” whose “line is ruinous for the whole revolution.” Trapped in a Hamlet-like posture, Bukharin wanted, but was unable, to carry the struggle into the open because a fearful Central Committee would turn against any perpetrator of an open split. “We would say, here is the man who brought the country to famine and ruin. He would say, they are defending kulaks and nepmen.” Bukharin could only hope that his discreet efforts or outside events would convince the Central Committee of Stalin’s “fatal role.” On this note, he left, surveillance. They were to meet twice against that year in equally melancholy and pointless sessions.                            

The July plenum was a pivotal episode in the struggle. Though it gave Stalin neither a decisive political victory nor a programmatic mandate, it emboldened him and reduced the Right to minority status in the leadership. With Stalin still groping toward alternative policies and uncertain of his political strength, and the Right’s acquiescence in concealing the split, the pretense of Politburo unity continued. But the advantage was now Stalin’s. He used it first in Communist International opened in Moscow. It sat for six weeks, during which Bukharinists and Stalinists were locked in fierce battle for control of the international organization and the direction of Communist policy abroad.
At stake, as became clear when the issues crystalized in the summer of 1928, were the Comintern policies of the past seven years and particularly Bukharin’s conduct of its united front strategy since 1915-6. The history of the dispute paralleled that over domestic policy. Revision of the Comintern line had also begun under Bukharin’s sponsorship in 1927 in the aftermath of setbacks in China and the West. Here, too, he had conceived of the leftward turn not as a radical break but as a moderate revision toward more independent Communist activity and less high-level collaboration with European social democrats. Voices demanding greater militancy were raised in late 1927; but it was not until 1928, with Stalin’s backing and then active intervention, that Bukharin’s Comintern authority and policies were directly challenged. Preliminary skirmishes occurred covertly in February and March, at a meeting of the Comintern’s Executive Committee and at the Fourth Profintern Congress. By July, probably at the Central Committee plenum, Stalin had openly criticized Bukharin’s draft of the Comintern program ( his third and most ambitious since 1922 ), which was to be adopted at the upcoming congress. “Stalin had spoiled the program for me in many places,” he told Kamenev.                                                                                   

The struggle over international policy revolved around conflicting estimates of the health of Western capitalism and the likelihood of imminent revolutionary situations. It thus became a controversy over the nature of the “third period,” the onset of which had been officially proclaimed and variously defined in 1927. In brief, Stalinists now asserted that advanced capitalist societies, from Germany to the United States, were on the eve of profound internal crisis and revolutionary upheavals. This led them to three tactical demands. First, foreign Communist parties should prepare to reap the whirlwind by chatting a radically independent course, refusing any collaboration with social democrats, and, more specifically, by creating rival trade unions everywhere. They should in the process destroy reformist influence on the working class by attacking social democratic parties, which according to the Stalinists were passing from token reformism to “social fascism,” as the main enemy of the labor movement. Third, all Communist parties should gird for revolutionary battle by purging their ranks of dissenters, particularly “right deviationists” who in the new circumstances were now the main danger within.             
This amounted to a sweeping repudiation of Bukharin’s Comintern policies. As we have seen, his understanding of advanced capitalist systems, updated and restarted in 1926-7 and again in the Sixth Comintern Congress, derived from his prewar theory of “state capitalism.” For him, capitalism’s “third period theory of “state capitalism.” For him, capitalism’s “third period” witnessed not internal breakdowns but further stabilization on a higher technological and organizational level. Revolutionary upheavals were inevitable; but they would come in the West from “external contradictions,” on the wings of imperialist war, not from isolated internal crisis. Therefore, for Bukharin and his followers, the assertion that Western capitalism was on the brink of revolutionary breakdown was “radically wrong, tactically harmful, and crudely mistaken theoretically”; it meant “to lose contact with real relations.” The continuing development of state capitalist systems called for working-class unity, not quixotic sectarian adventures that promised “isolation” for Communist parties and “tragedy” for the working class.           
The chimers of social democracy as “social fascism,” a notion developed by Zinoviev in the early twenties but made into policy by Stalin, was to have especially tragic consequences. In 1928, fascism was for Communists only a vague and little-studied reactionary phenomenon identified chiefly with Mussolini’s Italy; the menace of Hitlerism was still very remote. Unlike most of his Comintern initiatives, the idea that socialists were somehow akin to and a greater evil than fascists seems to have appealed to Stalin much earlier. In 1924, he had uttered what was to become the ritualistic catch phrase of the Comintern disaster of 1929-33: “Social Democracy is objectively the moderate wing of fascism. . . . They are not antipodes, they are twins.”                
Though the unpublicized 1928 debate over social fascism remains obscure, Bukharin’s opposition to the concept as a guide to policy seems clear. He had contributed greatly to the Bolshevik animosity toward social democratic leaders since 1914, and his present thinking did not exclude traducing them as renegades and bulwarks of the capitalist order. It did exclude, however, writing off social democratic parties and trade unions, which represented the overwhelming majority of European workers, as “social fascist” and the labor movement’s primary enemy Political compromise at the Sixth Comintern Congress apparently obliged him to concede that “social democracy had social fascist tendencies.” But he quickly added: “it would be foolish to lump social democracy together with fascism.” Moreover, he anticipated and opposed the implication that Communists might ally with fascist against socialists: “Our tactics to not exclude the possibility of appealing to social democratic workers and even to some lower social democratic organizations; but we cannot appeal to fascist organizations.”             
Each of these policy disputes was fiercely contested in closed meetings during the Sixth Comintern Congress, in reality the occasion of two congresses. As its political secretary and titular head, Bukharin reigned over the official, public congress. He opened and closed its accolades and enthusiastic ovations. On the surface, it was the high point of his career in the international movement. Behind the scenes, however, echoed faintly in the disparate public speeches, a “corridor congress” was under way against his authority and policies. It began when Stalin’s majority in the Russian delegation recalled and amended Bukharin’s keynote theses, and spread quickly to the major foreign delegation who divided ( for reasons of principle, careerism, and the habit of emulating the Russian party ) into Bukharinist and Stalinist factions, Rumors swept the congress as Stalin’s agents whispered of Bukharin’s “right deviation” and “political syphilis,” and that he was condemned to Alma Ata. Trotsky’s place of exile. After two weeks, the “corridor congress” had grown to clamorous that the Soviet Politburo felt compelled to issue a collective denial of a split in its ranks. No one seems to have believed the disclaimer, and the anti-Bukharin caucus” were on unabated.
The outcome of the official congress has been frequently misinterpreted. It did not legislate a new, ultra-left course, that came a year later under Stalin’s exclusive auspices. In the summer of 1928, the leadership of the major foreign parties still included strong or majority groups allied with Bukharin or otherwise unsympathetic to Stalin’s radical proposals. Among them were the German Communists around Heinrich Brandler, August Thalheimer, and Arthur Ewert, the official American leadership, headed by Jay Lovestone; and the Italian leadership of Palmiro Togliati(Ercoli). The congress’s unanimous resolutions on disputed issues ( as well as the program) therefore resulted from hard-fought compromises and, despite striking inconsistencies, were predominantly Bukharinist. Bukharinists would later protest justifiably that the extremist course of 1929-33 was a distortion of the Sixth Comintern Congress.
Nonetheless, the congress was another important victory for Stalin. It gained three things for him. First, the ambiguities in its resolutions seriously compromised Bukharin’s international policies and provided a semblance of legitimacy for Stalin’s extremist line already in the making. Second, the “corridor congress” brought many foreign Communists to his side, mobilized strong Stalinist factions in the major parties, and virtually ended Bukharin’s control of Comintern affairs. After the congress closed on September 1, only three significant figures in its permanent Moscow apparatus remained loyal to him: the Swiss Jules Humbert Droz, the German Klara Zetkin, and the Italian Angelo Tasca (Serra), Third and most damaging, however, was Bukharin’s main concession at the congress. Reversing himself, he endorsed Stalin’s axiom that “the right deviation now represents the central danger” in the Comintern. He trid to minimize the concession, construing right deviationism as an impersonal tendency, to be fought with ideological rather than organizational methods, and quoting from an unpublished letter written by Lenin to him and Zinoviev in the early twenties. “If you drive out all the not especially obedient but clever people, and are left with only the obedient fools, you will most certainly ruin the party.” His qualifications helped not at all. It remained only for Stalin to transfer the damming category of “right deviation” to the Russian party, and victimize Bukharin himself.                                 

The end of the Comintern congress left Bukharinists and Stalinists bitterly divided over international policy and refocused the dispute on domestic affairs. One important policy issue still remained outside the controversy, the rate and pattern of industrialization. This came to the fore on September 19, when Kuibyshev, speaking for Stalin’s faction, proclaimed a new industrializing manifesto. Bukharin’s revised program, adopted at the Fifteenth Party Congress, was ambitious but restrained. In stressing balanced industrial and agricultural development, and consumer and capital production, it explicitly rejected “that formula which calls for maximum investment in heavy industry.” Kuibyshev wholeheartedly embraced the formula, until now the clarion of the Left. Crisis and perils at home and abroad, he said, demanded a radical acceleration and concentration of investment in heavy industry at any price, including economic imbalances and “discontent and active resistance” among the population.” Stalin, revealing his own thinking, cast the new industrializing philosophy in historical perspective a few weeks later. The imperative of “maximum capital investment in industry,” he explained, was dictated by Russia’s traditional backwardness “feverishly built mills and factories to supply the army and strengthen the country’s defenses.”
Bukharin responded in a famous article entitled “Notes of an Economist.” Kuibyshev’s Supreme Economic Council, with Stalin’s encouragement and to the Right’s dismay, was already escalating its proposed five-year plan targets. “Notes of an Economist” was a definitive policy rejoinder. Bukharin reiterated the Right’s belief in proportional, “more or less crisis-free development” and a plan that specified and observed “the conditions of dynamic economic equilibrium” between industry and agriculture, and within the industrial sector itself. Defending the current level of investment but opposing any increase, he went on to a detailed indictment of Stalin’s and Kuibyshev’s “adventurism.”
Two features particularly infuriated him. To increase capital expenditure without a requisite improvement in agriculture, indeed amidst an agriculture crisis, was to disregard industry’s essential base and invite overall “ruin.” Furthermore, in addition to the shortages of grain and technical crops, industry was already lagging behind in own expanded demand, creating acute shortages of materials and widespread bottlenecks. A further overstraining of capital expenditure could only disrupt construction already under way, reverberate adversely throughout the entire industrial sector, and “in the last analysis reduce the tempo of development.” Instead, “upper limits” on industrial expansion had to be set, and that level of expenditure utilized efficiently for “real” construction, if only because “it is not possible to build ‘present-day’ factories with ‘future bricks’. Addressing the bravado of Stalinist industrializers, Bukharin added: “You can beat your breast, swear allegiance and take an oath to industrialization, and damn all enemies and apostates, but this will not improve matters one bit.                

“Notes of an Economist” caused a major stir in the party when is appeared in Pravda on September 30, 1928. Though its target remained anonymous “’super-industrialists’ of the Trotskyist type,” the long, strongly worded polemic was a transparent assault on Stalin’s group and as close as Bukharin had come to making public the struggle. His supporters circulated and recommended the article as “showing the path that must be taken,” while Stalinists, secretly trying to proscribe it, launched a press campaign defending their industrial line. On October 8, Stalin’s Politburo majority, over the objections of Bukharin, Rykov, and Tomskii, reprimanded its “unauthorized” publication.” The policy dispute was now total and seemingly beyond compromise. Its outcome awaited a political showdown.                      
With a Politburo majority to sanction his offensive, Stalin moved relentlessly against the Right’s political bases in the late summer and autumn of 1928. Rykov’s authority in high state councils was rudely challenged and a number of pro-Right officials in Moscow and the republican governments dismissed. Tomskii was savaged privately by Stalin as “a malicious and not always honorable person”-surely a classic piece of pharisaism-and his trade union leadership criticized in the Stalinist press for assorted sins, among them obstructing productivity. Much the same was afoot in the Moscow party organization in August and September, where Uglanov and his district secretaries were under the fire of a “self-criticizm” campaign against “right opportunism.” Meanwhile, the Bukharinist party Stalinists. And in the Comintern the dwindling band of Bukharin loyalists was locked in a losing battle for control of the Executive Committee apparatus, while Bukharin found himself powerless to stop the drive against Comintern “rightists,” notably in the important German party.                    
Equally significant was Stalin’s seizure of the party’s leading press organs. Petrovskii, after criticizing the general secretary’s “tribute” speech, was summarily transferred from the editorship of Leningrad Pravda to a tiny provincial newspaper. About the same time, probably in August or September, the young Bukharinist editors of Pravda and Bolshevik, Slepkov, Astrov Maretskii, Zaitsev, and Tseitlin, were ousted and replaced by Stalinists. Bukharin remained editor-in-chief of Pravda, and with Astrov still sat on the seven man board of Bolshevik; but he no longer decided their editorial policy or concerns. This was an important development. Until the autumn, these authoritative publications of the Central Committee had interpreted disputed policy in a Bukharinist spirit, thus moderating the party leadership’s official voice and its communication with lower officials. Now, though occasional dissonant articles and speeches by Bukharinists continued to appear, the party’s official voice became Stalinist. The turnabout coincided in mid-September with the beginning of a strident press attack on a still unidentified “right danger” in the party. No such attack thin anonymity adorned the convert anti-Right campaign, by October, Stalinists were surreptitiously “working over” Bukharin as a “panic-monger” and “enemy of industrialization and collective farms.”
Damping as these developments were, they did not directly after the uncertain balance of power in the Central Committee, where the struggle had ultimately to be completed. Here the key was the Moscow party organization, which continent to oppose Stalin with impurity, a fact no doubt carefully observed by party secretaries elsewhere. Since the July plenum, the Muscovites had persistently defended Bukharinist policies, including their own special interest in light industry. Indeed, Uglanov, a tough and determined adversary, was fighting back. Mounting their own press campaign, he and his associates had encouraged anti-Stalinists not to fear the word “deviation,” denounced talk of a right danger as “slanderous rumors” by “intrigues,” and suggested obliquely that Stalin was a negligent general secretary. Their daring worried even Bukharin, who cautioned Uglanov against giving Stalin a pretext to intervene in Moscow.                     
Considering the past efficiency of Uglanov’s machine, Stalin’s overthrow of the Moscow party leadership was remarkably swift. In the first weeks of October, Uglanov found himself besieged by rampant insubordinates in lower ranks, unable to make personal charges in his own organization, and forced to dismiss two of his most outspoken district secretaries, Riutin and Penkov. His hopeless situation was displayed at a full Moscow Committee meeting on October 18-19. Incited and sectioned by directives from Stalin’s central apparatus, insurgents censured Uglanov’s conduct of the Moscow party and his toleration of “deviations from the correct Leninist line.” On October 19, in the tone of a conqueror, Stalin personally addressed the gathering. His “message” was the urgency of conducting a relentless fight against the “Right, opportunist danger in our Party” as well as Communists who exhibited “a conciliatory attitude towards the Right deviation.” Allowing that the apostasy was still only “a tendency, an inclination,” and naming no offenders, he nonetheless magnified the peril: “the triumph of the Right deviation in our Party would unleash the forces of capitalism, undermine the revolutionary positions of the proletariat and increase the chances of the restoration of capitalism in our country.”                      Outgunned and humiliated, Uglanov and several aides issued semi-recantations, but to no avail. Further high-level dismissals ended their control of the Moscow organization on October 19. Uglanov and his deputy Kotov lingered on in their posts until November 27, when they were replaced formally by Molotov and Karl Bauman. A sweeping purge of Bukharin’s Moscow supporters and sympathizers, high and low, followed. The overthrow of the old Moscow leadership was complete, its thoroughness symbolized by the disgrace of even Martyn Liadov, rector of Sverdlov University and a venerable Moscow committeeman who had been a member since the party’s inception and a founding father of Moscow Bolshevism.                               Stalin’s rout of the Muscovites was a devastating blow to Bukharin, Rykov, and Tomskii, and probably the decisive episode in the power struggle. In addition to depriving them of their most important organizational base, it proved an exemplary incident for neutral or wavering Central Committee members elsewhere. Coming a month before the November plenum, it demonstrated that even the country’s largest party organization, led by a candidate Politburo member and seven full members of the Central Committee, and allied with the prestigious Politburo three, could not withstand Stalin’s central apparatus. All party organizations were instructed to study the Moscow documents. None, whatever their reservation about Stalin’s policies, were prepared to run the same risk.      
All this Bukharin had watched impassively from afar. His customary summer vacation delayed by the Comintern congress, he had left Moscow for Kislovodsk, a spa in the Caucasus, in early October. Behaving rather like Trotsky in 1924, he had remained there while his allies and friends were routed, offering neither overt resistance nor ( so far as the record shows ) even any symbolic gesture to hearten them. His Olympian detachment broke finally in the first week of November, when he learned that Rykov was retreating in the Politburo debate on the 1928-9 industrial plan. Bukharin departed immediately for Moscow, only to have his plane trip interrupted twice en route by Stalin’s agents professing concern over his health. He finally arrived on around November 7, his combative spirit restored.
A week of stormy Politburo sessions, preparatory to the Central Committee plenum on November 16, ensured. They brought another round of angry clashes between Bukharin and Stalin. Bukharin called for a radical turnabout in policy, including a reduction of Stalin’s proposed capital expenditure and alleviation of excessive, punitive taxation on better-off peasants. He followed with a political “ultimatum” demanding a resolute cessation of the campaign and organizational reprisals against himself and his supporters. When Stalin renegaded on a formal discussion of the demands, Bukharin cursed him as a “petty Oriental despot” and stalked from the room. Moments later he, Rykov, and Tomskii submitted their resignations, written beforehand, Stalin is said to have received them “paling and with trembling hands,” Unprepared to risk the Bukharinists’ open opposition to his still inchoate policies, he agreed to compromise.
Once again, ineluctably, Stalin’s concessions and Bukharin’s gains proved empty. In return for the trio’s nominal support of Politburo resolutions at the plenum, and Rykov’s formal presentation of the industrial theses, Stalin apparently consented to reduce capital expenditure slightly and halt the anti-Bukharinist persecution. His first concession was so minimal as to constitute a major setback for the Right; the second he simply ignored. The agreement evidently also involved Uglanov’s appointment as Commissar of Labor. This, too, was a dubious gain, since he replaced another ally, Tomskii’s associate Shmidt; in any case, Uglanov’s tenure was powerless and brief.
Compromise enabled the politburo factions to perpetuate their mock unanimity at the Central Committee plenum; but the guise was halfhearted and the proceedings a clear defeat for the Right. Rykov’s cautionary report on industry was received with vocal disapproval by the general secretary’s partisans. Stalin then delivered his strongest words yet on the theme of “maximum capital expenditure” ( or perish ), and on the menace of the “right deviation.” More significant, the plenary resolutions, while reflecting Bukharin’s influence ( or Stalin’s indecision ) on agriculture, were for the first time largely Stalinist in content. They ratified his industrial perspective, proclaimed the “right deviation and conciliationism” to be the main danger, and ordered the first general purge of the party-at this time a bloodless weeding out of undesirable-since 1921. Formally directed at “alien elements,” there was no to alter the proceedings but unwilling to sanction them by the presence, Bukharin boycotted the plenum.

