
当ブログはトロント在住、日系一世カナダ人サミー・山田(48)おっさんの「独り言」です。まさに「個人日記」。1968年11月16日東京都目黒区出身(A型)・在北米30年の日系カナダ人(Canadian Citizen)・University of Toronto Woodsworth College BA History & East Asian Studies Major トロント在住(職業記者・医療関連・副職画家)・Toronto Ontario「団体」「宗教」「党派」一切無関係・「政治的」意図皆無=「事実関係」特定の「考え」が’正しい’あるいは一方だけが’間違ってる’いう気は毛頭なし。「知って」それぞれ「考えて」いただれれば本望(^_-☆Everybody!! Let's 'Ponder' or 'Contemplate' On va vous re?-chercher!Internationale!!「世界人類みな兄弟」「平和祈願」「友好共存」「戦争反対」「☆Against Racism☆」「☆Gender Equality☆」&ノーモア「ヘイト」(怨恨、涙、怒りや敵意しか生まない)Thank you very much for everything!! Ma Cher Minasan, Merci Beaucoup et Bonne Chance 

☆Boukharine: La vie d'un bolchevik : A Political Biography, 1888-1938 Сти́вен Фрэнд Ко́эн☭ブハーリンとボリシェヴィキ革命 政治的伝記1888〜1938 | スティーヴン・F・コーエン/第九章:ブハーリンの没落とスターリンの革命の到来CHAPTER IX: The Fall of Bukharin and the Coming of Stalin's Revolution④


If further evidence was needed, the futility of compromise with Stalin was demonstrated amply the following month when he completed his conquest of Bukharin’s and Tomskii’s “principalities.” In a rare Comintern appearance, he personally signaled the seizure of the international organization at a meeting of its Executive Committee presidium on December 19. At issue was the persistent opposition of anti-Stalinists in the German party leadership. Denouncing the “craven opportunism” of Bukharin’s supporters on the Executive Committee, Humbert-Droz and Tasca, Stalin read the German Rights and “conciliators” out of the party: “the presence of such people in the Comintern cannot be tolerated any longer.” Over Bukharin’s protests in the Politburo, a wave of expulsions soon followed, including those of Brandler and Thalheimer. Parallel reprisals were in the making in order parties, leading in 1929 to a mass expulsion of foreign Communists leaders allied with or sympathetic to Bukharin. Stalin’s takeover of the Comintern’s central apparatus was symbolized by Molotov, who assumed control and whose international credentials were as negotiable as his own.                
Tomskii’s downfall, preceded by subversion similar to that in the Moscow party, came at the Eight Trade Union Congress on December 10-24. By early November, Stalin’s campaign to discredit his leadership had led union officials to complain of “an atmosphere making it completely impossible to work.” When the congress opened, Tomskii and his fellow leaders found themselves a minority in the party caucus which controlled the agenda, and were defeated on two crucial issues. One involved endorsement of the Central Committee’s November resolutions, and thus official trade union acquiescence in industrial policies bitterly opposed by its leadership. The fight was decided in the caucus, but it spilled over into a debate by innuendo at the public congress. While Stalinists led by Kuibyshev extolled all out heavy industrial drive that would victimize the working class and transform unions into “house of detention.” It was the Tomskii leadership’s swan song, a defense of the traditional NEP role of unions: “Trade unions exist to serve the working masses,” a conception now rejected as “narrow shop stewardism “ and apolitical. The incoming order was heralded by a new Stalinist slogan: “Trade Unions-Face Toward Production!”
Tomskii’s other defeat ended his decade-long control of the trade union organization. On Politburo instruction, the caucus voted to co-opt five Stalin appointees onto the Central Trade Union Council. Tomskii tried to block one nomination, that of the unpopular Kaganovich, charging that it created a “dual center” and imposed a “political commissar” on the unions. Defeated, Tomskii again submitted his resignation on December 23. It was rejected, but he remained trade union head in name only, refusing to return to his post. He and virtually the entire union leadership ( most of them, like Tomskii, pioneers of the Bolshevik trade union movement ) were removed officially in June 1929. This overthrow was so wholesale and arbitrary that it elicited an explanation by Kaganovich: “It could be said that this was a violation of proletarian democracy; but, comrade, it has long been known that for us Bolsheviks democracy is no fetish.”
By November-December, Bukharin, Rykov, and Tomskii were no longer leading members of a divided leadership making decisions by compromise, but a minority opposition in Stalin’s Politburo, powerless and with dwindling influence over policy. Apart from Rykov, their roles had become less than minimal. Formally still editor of Pravda and political secretary of the Comintern, Bukharin, like Tomskii, quit his posts in protest in December and never returned.

They had been reduced to this state by fighting and losing where Stalin excelled, in convert organizational politics. Except for “Notes of an Economist,” published after much soul-searching in July, Bukharin had avoided public opposition: “calculation dictates prudence,” he explained to Kamenev. Now, with complete silence the only alternative, he changed his mind. On three occasions in the 1928 and January 1929, he spoke out publicly against Stalin’s “general line.” All three protests appeared in Pravda, directed to the policy sense and conscience of the Central Committee. And while Bukharin refrained from attacking Stalin explicitly, his angry words bore the unmistakable stamp of fervent opposition.                   
The first came on November 28 in a speech to worker-peasant correspondents, the grass roots association Bukharin had promoted to countervail official misdeeds. He began, in terms more explicit and less technical than “Notes of an Economist,” with a denunciation of the industrial “policies of madmen,” who dreamed only of gluttonous, giant projects that for years would “give mothing but take enormous quantities of the means of production . . . and the means of consumption.” Indifferent to agriculture, not caring that consumer goods were needed to obtain peasant grain, that peasants “are taking up arms in some areas,” they could only shout: “’Give us metal, and don’t worry about grain.’” Their stupidity invited disaster: “if some kind of madmen propose to build immediately twice as much as we are now doing, the truly would be the policies of madmen because then our industrial goods famine would intensify several times over . . . and mean a grain famine.             
But this “stupidity” in policy, Bukharin went on, reflected an even greater evil: “party officials are turning into chinovniki.” Like provincial officials under the old régime, the postured as “bureaucratic idols,” “doing whatever they please,” usurping authority and suffocating initiative when “more local, group, and personal initiative” was needed, and protecting themselves in “companies of ‘friends’” answerable to no one. Worst of all, party bureaucratic forgot that “the fate of many millions of living people depends significantly on our policies.” For them, “there is no difference in principle between a person and a log; for the bureaucrat it is important only that he himself be clean in the eyes of authority.” And became “a piece of paper is one hundred pet cent justification,” party bureaucrats were ready to accept any concoction of “Communist conceit,” any “fraudulent, bureaucratic ‘creation,’” including “policies of madmen.” Echoing Trotsky but more directly his own long-standing fear that party functionaries would become an abusive, privileged élite, Bukharin’s speech was a scratching condemnation of the degeneration of the degeneration of party officialdom under Stalin.                        
“Communist conceit” was the theme of his next public attack, an article in Pravda on January 20, 1929. On one level it analyzed the technological revolution in the West. On another it implicitly accused the Stalinist leadership of economic irresponsibility and incompetence, of conceiving an industrial drive based not on the most recent achievements of science and technology and “objective statistics adapted to reality,” but on “bureaucratic memoranda,” “subjective aspirations,” and “Communist yahooism.” The negative consequences, predicted Bukharin, would be monumental because in a planned, centralized economy with “an unprecedented concentration of the means of production, transportation, finance, etc. in state hands . . . any miscalculation and error makes itself felt in a corresponding social dimension.” A “historic truth” was being ignored: “we shall conquer with scientific economic leadership or we shall not conquer at all.
Bukharin’s most dramatic protest, however, came the following day in a long speech commemorating the fifth anniversary of Lenin’s death. Its sensational title, “Lenin’s Political Testament,” alerted readers to its importance when it appeared leading newspapers on January 24. For, while Bukharin was talking about Lenin’s deathbed articles on party policy, his title recalled the dead leader’s other “testament,” unpublished but not unknown, with its damning postscript calling for Stalin’s removal as general secretary. In the context of 1929, Bukharin’s actual subject was no less provocative. He wanted to show that Stalin was violating Lenin’s programmatic “testament” as well. The device was a straightforward exposition of the famous five articles that had inspired Bukharin’s programs, and official policy, since 1923-4. Their legacy, he began, was “a large, long-range plan for all of our Communist work . . . the general paths and high road of our development. . . . To set out Illich’s entire plan as a whole-that is my task today.”
Point by point, “adding absolutely nothing of my own,” Bukharin reiterated Lenin’s “last directives”: The revolution’s future depends on a fifth collaborative alliance with the peasantry; party policy must center now on “peaceful, organizational, ‘cultural’ work,” on conciliating peasant interests, not on a “third revolution”; capital accumulation and industrialization must proceed on the “healthy base” of expanding market relations, with prospering peasant farmers joining into market-oriented cooperatives ( which were not collective farms ), and on a rational utilization of resources combined with a relentless cutback in unproductive and bureaucratic expenditure. The watchwords of Lenin’s “testament” were caution, conciliation, civil peace, education, and efficiency. Its central directive was preventing a “split” with the peasantry, for this would mean “the destruction of the Soviet Republic.”
Composed largely of Lenin words and signed by Bukharin, “Lenin’s Political Testament” was a rising, anti-Stalinist manifesto, a defense of the NEP philosophy and policies being jettisoned by the general secretary. A year earlier it would have been an official homily. In January 1929, it was an opposition platform attacked by the Stalinist majority as “a revision and distortion of the most important principles of Leninism,” an attempt to portray Lenin as “a common peasant philosopher.” It was also the last explicit statement of Bukharin’s thinking and policies to be published in the Soviet Union. Sensing what was to come, he appealed to Bolshevism’s tradition of critical thought, imploring party officials “to take not a single word on trust . . . to utter not a single word against their conscience.” He added, plaintively, “conscience, contrary to what some think, has not been abolished in politics.
Bukharin’s outcry reflected the worsening situation in both the leadership and country. Disagreement between the two Politburo factions now included even the fate of the foe who had once united them. In mid-January, with Bukharin, Rykov, and Tomskii protesting bitterly, Stalin’s majority voted to expel Trotsky from the Soviet Union. The deportation was carried out on February 11, when the great tribune was escorted to a streamer bound for Constantinople, banished forever. Meanwhile, as Stalin’s industrial ambitions soared, the agricultural crisis worsened. By early 1929, grain collections had again begun to fall sharply; incidents of peasant violence were on the rise. The Stalinist leadership had no new solution. There was a heightened campaign inciting rural officials to war against kulaks and “kulak agents.” Over the objections of Bukharin and Rykov, “extraordinary measures,” though officially banned, were repeated in euphemistic guise in key grain areas. They helped little since there were few peasant stocks left to confiscate. Market relations and the whole grain delivery system were rapidly approaching a total breakdown.                                   
It was in these circumstances that Stalin moved toward a showdown in the leadership. The appearance on January 30 of an underground Trotskyist pamphlet containing Kamenev’s account of his July talk with Bukharin was the pretext. Dissembling righteous indignation, Stalin convened a joint meeting of the Politburo and several leaders of the Central Control Commission, the party’s disciplinary body headed by his supporter Ordzhonikidze, to censure Bukharin’s “factional activity.” The trial, as Bukharin characterized it, opened on January 20 with Stalin and a chorus of inmates in the role of prosecutor. Charging “Bukharin’s group”-but primarily Bukharin-with opposition to the party line, a “right-opportunist, capitulatory platform,” and connivance “to form an anti-party bloc with the Trotskyists,” Stalin’s tone grew increasingly menacing as he recited his opponent’s “crimes.”           Unintimidated, Bukharin had come prepared. Justifying his meeting with Kamenev as necessitated by “abnormal conditions” in the party, he retaliated with a thirty-page counter-indictment of Stalin’s political conduct and policies. His defiant statement apparently surprised Stalin; at this point the Politburo adjourned while a small commission composed of Bukharin and a Stalinist majority considered the charges. On February 7, it produced a “compromise” which, in exchange for dropping the censure motion against Bukharin, required him to admit the “political error” of his meeting with Kamenev, to retract his counter-accusations of January 30, and to return to his posts. Declining to denounce himself, Bukharin rejected the compromise. He then drafted another detailed attack on Stalin which was signed by Tomskii and Rykov, who read it to the final Politburo session of February 9. This “platform of the three” seems to have been virtually identical to Bukharin’s statement of January 30. Considered as a single document, it was his most important declaration of opposition, the strongest condemnation of Stalin and nascent Stalinism ever to originate in the Politburo. Never published and known solely from fragmentary accounts, it can only be partially reconstructed.                          
Its political theme was that behind a spate of participatory, slogans, Stalin and his coerce were “implanting bureaucratism” and establishing a personal régime inside the party. The official line called for self-criticism, democracy, and elections. “But where in reality do we see an elected provincial secretary? In reality, elements of bureaucratization is our party have grown.” Indeed, “the party doesn’t participate in deciding questions. Everything is done from above.” The same situation prevailed in party councils, where Stalin was usurping power: “We are against that practice where questions of party leadership are decided by one person. We are against that practice where collective control has been replaced by the control of one person, however authoritative.”
Bukharin then specified Stalin’s abuses of power. Among them were gross violations of party decorum, as in the surreptitious campaign against Bukharinists who were being “politically slaughtered” and subjected to “organizational encirclement” by Stalin’s henchmen, “political commissars” like Kaganovich, “a wholly administrative type.” These “abnormal conditions” made it impossible to discuss urgent problems. To point out that there was a grain shortage was to be “worked over” and accused of “every filth” by “a swarm of well-nourished, satiated functionaries.” Meanwhile, Stalin was arbitrarily disregarding official party resolution. Despite unanimous and repeated decisions to assist private farmers, for example, policy proceeded quite differently and these directives “remained merely literary artifacts.” A similar process was underway in the Comintern, where policy was being revised “with scorn for the facts,” and where Stalin’s tactics of “splits, splinters, and groups” were leading to the “decomposition” of the international movement.
Turning to domestic policy, Bukharin charged Stalin with an irresponsible failure of real leadership in conditions of national crisis.

Serious, urgent questions are not discussed. The entire country it deeply troubled by the grain and supply problems. But conferences of the proletarian, ruling party are silent. The entire country feels that all is not well with the peasantry. But conferences of the proletarians party, our party, are silent. The entire country sees and feels changes in the international situation. But conferences of the proletarian party are silent. Instead there is a hail of resolutions about deviations ( all in the very same words ). Instead there are millions of rumors and gossip about the rightists Rykov, Tomskii, Bukharin, etc. This is petty politics, and not policies that in a time of difficulties tells the working class the truth about the situation, that trusts the masses, and hears and feels the needs of the masses. . . .
Those economic measures actually advocated by the Stalin group, continued Bukharin, were only a disastrous “going over to Trotskyist positions.” Industrialization based on the “impoverishment” of the country, the delegation of agriculture, and the squandering of reserves was impossible-“all our plans threaten to collapse.” But Bukharin’s harshest words dealt with peasant policy. Stalinists had written off private farming and talked only of collectivization; but “in the next few years . . . collective and state farms cannot be the basic source of grain. For a long time, the basic source will still be individual peasant economies.” Then, in a never-to-be-forgotten “slander,” Bukharin perceived a dark impulse behind the “overtaxation” and requisitioning in the countryside. Since the plenum of July 1928, he charged, Stalin had advocated industrialization based on “the military-feudal exploitation of the peasantry.”
What in fact has determined subsequent policy? . . . Comrade Stalin’s speech about tribute. At the Fourteenth Party Congress, Comrade Stalin was completely against Preobrazhenskii’s idea of colonies and the exploitation of the peasantry. But at the July plenum, he proclaimed the tribute slogan, that is, the military-feudal exploitation of the peasantry.                        

What in fact has determined subsequent policy? . . . Comrade Stalin’s speech about tribute. At the Fourteenth Party Congress, Comrade Stalin was completely against Preobrazhenskii’s idea of colonies and the exploitation of the peasantry. But at the July plenum, he proclaimed the tribute slogan, that is, the military feudal exploitation of the peasantry.
The dramatic confrontation of January 30 to February 9, highlighted by Bukharin’s intransigence and counterattack on Stalin completed the breach in the leadership. By rejecting the “compromise” of February 7, Bukharin refused to continue the pretense of Politburo unity, and for the first time was denounced formally by the Stalinist majority. Brushing aside his call for a return to conciliatory policies to pacify the peasantry and ease the supply crisis, the expanded Politburo meeting, in a secret resolution on February 9, strongly censured his “factional activity” and “intolerable slandering of the Central Committee, its internal and foreign policies, and its established leadership.” ( Tomskii and Rykov were also reprimanded, but in milder terms. ) Employing the standard equation, the document construed his opposition to the Stalin group as opposition to “the party and its Central Committee.”

But despite this major victory, Stalin appears to have encountered resistance among his own supporters and gained less than he had hoped from the showdown. There is evidence that he warned to expel his opponents, and primarily Bukharin, from the Politburo. The censures resolution, the language and specifics of which were notably less harsh than his own, not only refrained from such drastic reprisals but demanded that Bukharin and Tomskii return to their posts. Adding to its ambiguity, the resolution was not published. As the proceedings ended, Stalin suggested his dissatisfaction: ‘we . . . are treating the Bukharinites too liberally and tolerantly. . . . Has not the time come to stop this liberalism?”                           
At least two worries seem to have constrained several, perhaps a majority, of Stalin’s supporters among the twenty-two or so high leaders in attendance. While they endorsed his leadership and industrial goals, they must have been troubled by his uncertain rural policies, as well as by the grave situation in the countryside. Some undoubtedly shared Bukharin’s anxieties. Moreover, those who were the general secretary’s supporters but not his personal devotees-unlike Kaganovich or Molotov, for example-were still unwilling to grant him the singular pre-eminence that the ouster of Bukharin ( the only other “Himalaya” still in the Politburo ) would bestow. Tradition and prudence inclined them toward collective authority at the top, however, vestigial, rather than a supreme leader. Or as Kalinin confided: “Yesterday, Stalin liquidated Trotsky and Zinoviev. Trotsky, he wants to liquidate Bukharin and Rykov. Tomorrow, it will be my turns.”                  
Nevertheless, Bukharin and his Politburo allies had suffered a severe defeat. They were in an incongruous and unpublicized their official esteem was unaffected. Bukharin continued to be elected to honorary presidiums of party and state gathering, accorded the requisite “noisy ovation,” and celebrated as a new member of the Academy of Sciences, the only important political figure to be chosen. In closed meetings and party corridor, however, they were the victims, in Bukharin’s expression, of “civil execution,” as Stalinists spread word of their recreancy with intensified vigor. Simultaneously, the press campaign against the anonymous “right danger” redoubled and grew more strident. Officially ( if secretly ) censured, privately vilified, stripped of sored access to the press, the trio had become “prisoners of the Politburo.” The strain began to tell. Despite their show of solidarity on February to Rykov was again wavering; while Bukharin and Tomskii became more adamant, he withdrew his resignation, though he continued to resist Stalin’s policies as Politburo meetings. Further evidence of the pressure, as well as the Stalinist groundswell, came in early March when Stetskii, a renowned Bukharinist, defected to Stalin.            
Events now awaited the first uninhibited confrontation before the full Central Committee, the next plenum of which was scheduled for April 16-23, the eve of the Sixteenth Party Conference. In the interim, as their public protests grew more Aesopian and thus fainter, the Bukharin trio tried to function as a loyal opposition-exercising “passive resistance”- inside the Politburo. During March and the first half of April, their objections centered on Stalin’s five year plan for industry, which was to be adopted at the upcoming plenum and party conference. Its goals, expressed in minimal variants immediately discarded the escalated optimal ones, had soared enormously. They now envisaged a tripling or quadrupling of investment in the state sector, 78 per cent earmarked for heavy industry, and an increase in capital goods production of at least 230 per cent in five years.
Aghast, Bukharin and Rykov tried to constrain Stalin’s industrial aspirations. Rykov proposed a supplementary two-year plan to “liquidate the discrepancies between agricultural development and the needs of the country.” Embodying the Bukharinist principle of industry’s dependency on agriculture, it called for “the most rapid rectification of the agriculture sector” through a series of tax, pride, and agronomical remedies. Rykov’s plan was brusquely rejected as a ploy to discredit the five-year plan, as were similar criticisms and counterproposals then submitted by Bukharin. Even token compromises being no longer possible, Bukharin, Rykov, and Tomskii abstained in the formal Politburo vote on the industrial figures on April 15.
Meanwhile, Bukharin was privately pursuing a tactic that the right opposition had thus far resorted to only hesitantly and haphazardly. In preparation for the Central Committee meeting, he was gathering evidence to document Stalin’s personal unfitness for the general secretaryship, a post now being equated with that of party leader. His intention, it seems, was to revive and reaffirm the judgement Lenin had expressed in his “testament” in 1923:
Stalin is too rude. . . . Therefore I propose that the comrades think of a way to remove Stalin from that position and appoint to it another person who in all respects differs from and is superior to Comrade Stalin-namely, that he be more tolerant, more loyal, more polite, and more considerate toward comrades, less capricious, etc.

After six years of complicity in suppressing Lenin’s “testament,” Bukharin was compiling testimony from victims of Stalin’s “rudeness.” Among them was Humbert-Droz, who had clashed with Stalin in the Comintern and no whom Bukharin wrote on February 10, 1929: “Please write to me whether it is true that at a meeting of the presidium, during the discussion of the German question, Comrade Stalin shouted at you the words ‘Go to Hell,’” Humbert-Droz confirmed the incident.
To remind the party of Lenin’s last wishes in the circumstances of 1929 required courage; but it was too late for such a “trivial matter,” as Stalin labelled it, to stem the political tide. When the plenum opened on April 16, Bukharinists were engulfed by an assembly presided over by Stalinists eager to pillory and crush the opposition. Dramatizing their isolation, the Central Committee met jointly with the full Central Control Commission, swelling the attendance to over three hundred. Bukharin and his supporters numbered about thirteen.               

For the first time, the party’s highest body was informed fully and explicitly of the year-long struggle, and exhorted to denounce the man who was still its more illustrious member. After Stalinists had presented for approval the Politburo’s resolution censuring Bukharin, and Bukharinists had spoken in their own defense, Stalin gave his version of Bukharin’s “right deviation” and “treacherous conduct.” It went considerably beyond the resolution of February 9. Bukharin, he said, advocated a line completely hostile to the Central Committee’s on every major issue from Comintern affairs to domestic policy; its implementation would mean “to betray the working class, to betray the revolution.” Asserting that Bukharin’s “mistakes” were not accidental, Stalin struck at the Bukharin’s “mistakes” were not accidental, Stalin struck at the basis of his authority in the party. In a section on “Bukharin as a Theoretician,” he resurrected Bukharin’s pre-1917 controversy with Lenin on the state to reveal that his reputation as party theorist was “the hypertrophied pretentiousness of a half-educated theoretician.” Moment later Stalin took a more ominous tack: he hinted that during the peace treaty dispute of 1918, Bukharin had conspired with Left Socialist Revolutionaries “to imprison Lenin and carry out an anti-Soviet coup d’ état.” In April 1929, this malicious innuendo was designed to make credible Stalin’s claim that Bukharin-whom Lenin ( the assembly would recall ) had described as “the favorite of the whole party”-now headed “the more repulsive and the pettiest of all the factional groups that have ever existed in our Party.” Nine years later it became the criminal charge that Bukharin had conspired to assassinate Lenin.                            
It was remarkable that the Bukharinists found the will to resist insistent demands for their recantation in this pogrom atmosphere. Moreover, they fought back defiantly, particularly Bukharin, Tomskii, and Uglanov. ( Rykov evidently restated his opposition in a more moderate tone. ) Only Stalin’s address was ever published. But judging by fragments later quoted, Bukharin’s speech to the plenum was among his greatest. He began, it seems with Stalin’s personal misconduct and “rudeness,” and by denying angrily that he and his allies were opposed to “the general line.” Rather, it was Stalin who had violated the authorized line with policies incompatible with its NEP tenets. Much of Bukharin’s argument was similar to his Politburo declarations of January 30 and February 9. But here, before the Central Committee, he focused on the crux of the struggle over policy-the fate of NEP.
There was, he exclaimed, “something rotten” in Stalin’s line, and it had led the country into a vicious circle. While grain deliveries fell, rural violence increased, and open revolt broke out in Soviet borderlands, Stalin preached intensified class war, more “extraordinary measures,” the necessity of “tribute,” and “new,” direct forms of the smychka between the state and the peasantry. This reflected “a clear exaggeration of the possibility of influencing the basic peasant masses without market relations,” and promised a “monstrously one-sided” relationship with the peasant.” And what is still this from the standpoint of our struggle with Trotskyism? It is a complete ideological capitulation to Trotskyism.” Bukharinists supported rapid industrialization; but Stalin’s plan, like a plane without an engine, was doomed because it rested on agricultural decay and the destruction of NEP: “The extraordinary measures and NEP are contradictory things. The extraordinary measures mean the end of NEP.” Tomskii put it with equal bluntness: “What is this new form of smychka? . . . There is nothing new here; it is the extraordinary measures and the ration book.”

