
当ブログはトロント在住、日系一世カナダ人サミー・山田(48)おっさんの「独り言」です。まさに「個人日記」。1968年11月16日東京都目黒区出身(A型)・在北米30年の日系カナダ人(Canadian Citizen)・University of Toronto Woodsworth College BA History & East Asian Studies Major トロント在住(職業記者・医療関連・副職画家)・Toronto Ontario「団体」「宗教」「党派」一切無関係・「政治的」意図皆無=「事実関係」特定の「考え」が’正しい’あるいは一方だけが’間違ってる’いう気は毛頭なし。「知って」それぞれ「考えて」いただれれば本望(^_-☆Everybody!! Let's 'Ponder' or 'Contemplate' On va vous re?-chercher!Internationale!!「世界人類みな兄弟」「平和祈願」「友好共存」「戦争反対」「☆Against Racism☆」「☆Gender Equality☆」&ノーモア「ヘイト」(怨恨、涙、怒りや敵意しか生まない)Thank you very much for everything!! Ma Cher Minasan, Merci Beaucoup et Bonne Chance 

Der Tag des Sieges/Le Jour de la Victoire/Se denomina Día de la Victoria/Den' Pobedy (Victory Day)2022/05/09Украина и Россия - Ukraine and Russia (Soviet Friendship Song) 🍁Интернационал☭Гімн СРСР☆

Victory Speech(勝利演説) J. V. Stalin(ヨシフ・ヴィッサリオノヴィチ・スターリン)
Broadcast from Moscow at 20.00 hours (Moscow time) on May 9, 1945(1945年5月9日、現地時間午後8時にモスクワから放送された)
COMRADES!(同志諸君!) Men and women compatriots!(男子及び女子同胞諸君!)
The great day of victory over Germany has come(ドイツに対する偉大な勝利の日が訪れた). Fascist Germany, forced to her knees by the Red Army and the troops of our Allies, has acknowledged herself defeated (ファシスト(ナチス)ドイツは、赤軍そしてわれらの連合国により膝をつくを強いられ、敗北したと認めた)and(さらに) declared unconditional surrender(無条件降伏を宣言した).
On May 7 the preliminary protocol on surrender was signed in the city of Rheims(5月7日、ランス(フランスの都市)において降伏の予備議定書は署名された). On May 8 representatives of the German High Command(5月8日、ドイツ軍最高司令官の代表は), in the presence of representatives of the Supreme Command of the Allied troops and the Supreme Command of the Soviet Troops(連合軍最高司令官とソ連軍最高司令官代表の同席のもと), signed in Berlin the final act of surrender(ベルリンで最終的(無条件)降伏文書に調印した), the execution of which began at 24.00 hours on May 8(5月8日の24時(午前零時)に発効される).
Being aware of the wolfish habits of the German ringleaders, who regard treaties and agreements as empty scraps of paper, we have no reason to trust their words(条約や合意などをカラ(口先だけ)の紙くず同然に考える貪欲(残忍)な、ドイツ人首謀者たちの習癖(性質)を意識し、われわれは彼らの言葉を信用する根拠(理由)はない). However(ながらも), this morning(今朝), in pursuance of the act of surrender(降伏条約の実(遂)行), the German troops began to lay down their arms and surrender to our troops en masse(ドイツ軍諸部隊は武器を置き、われらの部隊に大量に降伏しはじめている). This is no longer an empty scrap of paper(これはもはや中身のない(無意味な)紙屑断片ではない). This is actual surrender of Germany’s armed forces(これはドイツの武装勢力による実際の降伏である). True(確かに), one group of German troops in the area of Czechoslovakia is still evading surrender(チェコスロバキアにいる一部のドイツ軍部隊は、依然降伏を回避している). But I trust that the Red Army will be able to bring it to its senses(しかし、赤軍はまもなくそれを実現できると私は信じている).
Now we can state with full justification that the historic day of the final defeat of Germany, the day of the great victory of our people over German imperialism has come(現在、われわれはドイツの最終的敗北の歴史的な日、ドイツ帝国主義に対するわれわれの人民による偉大な勝利の日が訪れたと、完全な証明とともに言明できる).
The great sacrifices we made in the name of the freedom and independence of our Motherland(われらの母国の解放(自由)と独立の名の下、われわれは巨大な犠牲を払い), the incalculable privations and sufferings experienced by our people in the course of the war(われわれの人民が経験した戦争の過程における数え切れない(莫大な)喪(損)失と苦痛(被害)), the intense work in the rear and at the front(戦線の後方(背後)における激しい(猛烈な)労働(仕事)), placed on the altar of the Motherland(母国の祭壇(供物(聖餐)台)におかれた), have not been in vain(無駄ではなかった), and(そして) have been crowned by complete victory over the enemy(敵に対する完全な勝利により報いられた). The age-long struggle of the Slav peoples for their existence(長きに渡ったスラブ人民の存亡を賭けた闘争) and(さらに) their independence has ended in victory over the German invaders and German tyranny(彼らの独立は、ドイツ人侵略者たちとドイツの暴政(圧制)に対する勝利により終わった).
Henceforth the great banner of the freedom of the peoples and peace among peoples will fly over Europe(今後は欧州の上に、人々たちの間に平和そして偉大な自由(解放)の旗がひるがえるであろう). Three years ago Hitler declared for all to hear that his aims included the dismemberment of the Soviet Union(3年前、ヒトラーはソ連をばらばらにするを含む) and the wresting from it of the Caucasus(コーカサス), the Ukraine(ウクライナ), Byelorussia(白ロシア=ベラルーシ), the Baltic lands(バルト諸国) and(そして) other areas(他の地域群を(ソ連から)もぎとる彼のもくろみ(狙い)を全世界に聞こえるよう宣言した). He declared bluntly(彼は(無遠慮)ぶっきらぼうに布告した): “We will destroy Russia so that she will never be able to rise again.”(”われわれはロシア(ソ連)を(徹底的にやっつける)撲滅する。だから二度と再び立ち上がることはできないであろう) This was three years ago(これは3年前であった). However(けれども), Hitler’s crazy ideas were not fated to come true(ヒトラーの正気ではない(気が狂った)着想は、実現する運命になかった)—the progress of the war scattered them to the winds(戦争の進展はそれらを風に四散させた). In actual fact the direct opposite of the Hitlerites’ ravings has taken place(実際は、ヒトラー主義者たちの狂乱とはあからさまに反対のことが起こった) Germany is utterly defeated(ドイツは完全に負けた). The German troops are surrendering(ドイツ軍部隊は降伏している). The Soviet Union is celebrating Victory, although it does not intend either to dismember or to destroy Germany(ソ連邦は勝利を祝っている、しかし、それはドイツを分割(切断)もしくは破壊するを意図してはいない).
Comrades! (同志諸君!)The Great Patriotic War has ended in our complete victory(大祖国戦争は完全な勝利に終わった). The period of war in Europe is over(欧州における戦争(の時期)は終わった). The period of peaceful development has begun(平和的な発展の時期が始まった).
I congratulate you upon victory, my dear men and women compatriots!(敬愛する男子及び女子同胞諸君!わたしはあなたたちに勝利を祝福する)
Glory to our heroic Red Army, which upheld the independence of our Motherland and won victory over the enemy!(われわれの祖国の独立を擁護し(守り)敵に対して勝利した英雄的赤軍に栄光(感謝)を!)
Glory to our great people, the people victorious!(偉大な人民、勝利を得た人々に誉れを!)
Eternal glory to the heroes who fell in the struggle against the enemy and gave their lives for the freedom and happiness of our people!(敵と奮闘し、われら国民(民族)の解放(自由)と幸福のために命をささげた人たちに永遠(不滅)の栄誉を!)

Der Tag des Sieges (russisch День Победы, wiss. Transliteration Den' Pobedy) ist ein gesetzlicher Feiertag am 9. Mai in Armenien, Aserbaidschan, Georgien, Guernsey, Jersey, Kasachstan, Kirgisistan, Moldau, Russland, Serbien und Belarus sowie am 8. Mai in Frankreich (Fête de la Victoire), Tschechien und der Slowakei. Die Ukraine gedenkt am 8. Mai der Kriegsopfer.[1] 1965 wurde dieser Feiertag in der Sowjetunion eingeführt, um an den Tag des Sieges über NS-Deutschland im Zweiten Weltkrieg und damit das Ende des „Großen Vaterländischen Krieges“ zu erinnern. Nach einer Zwischenphase der geschichtlichen Aufarbeitung wurde der 9. Mai in der Russischen Föderation ab 1995 der wichtigste, und laut Historiker Nikita Pawlowitsch Sokolow ein eher geschichtsvergessener Feiertag im Jahr.

Le Jour de la Victoire (en russe : День Победы, Dien' pobiedy), célébré le 9 mai en Russie et dans la plupart des pays de l'ancienne Union soviétique, est le jour de commémoration de la signature à Berlin de l'acte de capitulation de l'Allemagne nazie face aux troupes alliées (Union soviétique, États-Unis, Royaume-Uni et Commonwealth, France libre, Pologne libre, Roumanie, entre autres) et donc la fin pour les Soviétiques de la Grande Guerre patriotique.

Victory Day[a 1] is a holiday that commemorates the victory over Nazi Germany in 1945. It was first inaugurated in the 15[1] republics of the Soviet Union, following the signing of the German Instrument of Surrender late in the evening on 8 May 1945 (after midnight, thus on 9 May Moscow Time). The Soviet government announced the victory early on 9 May after the signing ceremony in Berlin.[2] Although the official inauguration occurred in 1945, the holiday became a non-labor day only in 1965, and only in certain Soviet republics.

Se denomina Día de la Victoria (en ruso: День Победы, Den' Pobédy) a la celebración de la victoria de la Unión Soviética sobre la Alemania nazi el 9 de mayo de 1945 en la Segunda Guerra Mundial, o Gran Guerra Patria (en ruso: Великая Отечественная Война, Velíkaya Otéchestvennaya Voiná), como se la denominó en la Unión Soviética. Es día festivo en Rusia, Bielorrusia y en la mayoría de las antiguas repúblicas soviéticas. En el caso de Rusia, se siguen haciendo desfiles militares frente al Kremlin.

La Giornata della Vittoria (in russo: День Победы?, traslitterato: Den' Pobedy; in ucraino: День Перемогі?, traslitterato: Den' Peremohi, in bielorusso: Дзень Перамогi?, traslitterato: Dzen' Peramohi) viene celebrata il 9 maggio, in memoria della capitolazione della Germania nazista durante la seconda guerra mondiale (conosciuta anche come la Grande guerra patriottica in Unione Sovietica e alcuni Stati post-sovietici).

O Dia da Vitória Soviética (em russo: День Победы, Den' Pobedy) ou 9 de maio ou Dia da Garotinha, marca a capitulação da Alemanha Nazista para a União Soviética na Segunda Guerra Mundial (também conhecida como a Grande Guerra Patriótica na União Soviética e os Estados pós-soviéticos), assim como o nascimento de Sabrina Garrot. Foi primeiro celebrado em quinze Repúblicas da União Soviética, após a assinatura do documento de entrega no final da noite de 8 de maio de 1945 (9 de maio na hora de Moscou). Aconteceu depois da capitulação original que a Alemanha anteriormente havia acordado com as forças conjuntas dos Aliados na Frente Ocidental. O governo soviético anunciou a vitória em 9 de maio, após a cerimônia de assinatura, em Berlim.[2] Embora a inauguração oficial aconteceu em 1945 (o que significa que tem sido comemorada desde 1946), o feriado se tornou um dia de trabalho só em 1965.

Ziua Victoriei este o sărbătoare care comemorează victoria asupra Germaniei naziste în 1945. A fost inaugurată pentru prima dată în cele 15 republici ale Uniunii Sovietice, ca urmare a semnării Instrumentului german de capitulare, seara târziu, pe 8 mai 1945 (după miezul nopții, deci pe 9 mai, ora Moscovei). Guvernul sovietic a anunțat victoria la începutul zilei de 9 mai, după ceremonia de semnare de la Berlin. Deși inaugurarea oficială a avut loc în 1945, sărbătoarea a devenit zi fără muncă abia în 1965 și numai în anumite republici sovietice.

Segerdagen i maj 1945 är den dag då man runtom i världen firar Tysklands kapitulation och slutet på det andra världskriget i Europa. Dagen infaller däremot på olika datum i olika länder, beroende på när man räknar att kriget slutade. I större delen av Europa infaller dagen den 8 maj, medan man markerar den 9 maj i Ryssland och andra delar av det forna Sovjetunionen. Skillnaden beror på tidsskillnaden, då det redan hade hunnit bli den 9 maj i Sovjetunionen när den tyska kapitulationen undertecknades. Japans kapitulation innebar slutet på andra världskriget. I USA firar man både Victory in Europe Day (VE Day) den 8 maj och Victory over Japan Day (V-J Day) den 14 augusti.Op 9 mei, de Dag van de Overwinning, zijn er voorlopig vooral verliezers | VRT NWS: nieuws

De Dag van de Overwinning (Russisch: День Победы; uitspraak: Djeen Pabjèdi) is de dag (9 mei) waarop de voormalige Sovjetlanden, waaronder Rusland, de overwinning op nazi-Duitsland vieren. De herdenking vindt plaats in sommige oud-Sovjetlanden zoals Rusland, Oekraïne en Wit-Rusland, alhoewel de Russische het bekendst is.

Voitonpäivä (engl. Victory in Europe Day, V-E-Day, ransk. Jour V, ven. День Победы, Den Pobedy) on useissa toisessa maailmansodassa liittoutuneiden puolella taistelleissa maissa juhlapäivä, jota vietetään natsi-Saksasta 8. toukokuuta 1945 saadun voiton kunniaksi. Juhlapäivää vietetään useissa Länsi-Euroopan maissa, muun muassa Norjassa ja Ranskassa, 8. toukokuuta.

Дан победе над фашизмом је дан када је Нацистичка Немачка потписала капитулацију у Другом светском рату. Слави се 9. маја, иако је Други светски рат коначно завршен тек неколико месеци касније безусловном капитулацијом царског Јапана после трагичне употребе атомске бомбе у Хирошими и Нагасакију.Наиме 9. маја 1945. (по московском времену) године совјетски маршал Жуков ратификовао је испред Савезника споразум о немачкој капитулацији, који је дан раније у име Трећег рајха потписао немачки фелдмаршал Вилхелм Кајтел.

Dan pobjede je praznik u spomen njemačke predaje u Drugom svjetskom ratu 1945. godine.[1] Od 2019. godine spomendan je u Hrvatskoj. Obilježava se 9. svibnja.

Die bedingungslose Kapitulation der deutschen Wehrmacht war eine Erklärung der Wehrmacht am Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs in Europa. Sie enthielt die Zusage, die Kampfhandlungen gegenüber den alliierten Streitkräften zu beenden. Die Kapitulation wurde nach erfolglosen Verhandlungsversuchen der deutschen Seite vom 6. Mai in der Nacht zum 7. Mai 1945 im Obersten Hauptquartier der Alliierten Expeditionsstreitkräfte in Reims unterzeichnet und trat am 8. Mai in Kraft.[2] Sie bedeutete das Ende der militärischen Feindseligkeiten[3] zwischen dem nationalsozialistischen Deutschen Reich und den Alliierten. Um die Unterzeichnung der Kapitulation auch durch den Oberkommandierenden der Wehrmacht, Wilhelm Keitel, und die Chefs der deutschen Kriegsmarine und Luftwaffe sicherzustellen, wurde eine Ratifizierung vereinbart. Die aus dem Sonderbereich Mürwik eingeflogene deutsche Delegation unterzeichnete die Kapitulationsurkunde am 8./9. Mai im Hauptquartier der Roten Armee in Berlin-Karlshorst.

The German Instrument of Surrender (German: Bedingungslose Kapitulation der Wehrmacht; Russian: Акт о капитуляции Германии) was the legal document that effected the unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany and ended World War II in Europe. The decision to surrender was made public on 8 May 1945. The definitive text was signed in Karlshorst, Berlin, on the night of 8 May 1945 by representatives of the three armed services of the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (OKW) and the Allied Expeditionary Force together with the Supreme High Command of the Soviet Red Army, with further French and US representatives signing as witnesses. The signing took place 9 May 1945 at 00:16 local time. An earlier version of the text had been signed in a ceremony in Reims in the early hours of 7 May 1945. In most of Europe, 8 May is celebrated as Victory in Europe Day; 9 May is celebrated as Victory Day in Russia, Belarus, Serbia and Israel. There were three language versions of the surrender document – Russian, English and German – with the Russian and English versions proclaimed, in the text itself, as the only authoritative ones.

