
当ブログはトロント在住、日系一世カナダ人サミー・山田(48)おっさんの「独り言」です。まさに「個人日記」。1968年11月16日東京都目黒区出身(A型)・在北米30年の日系カナダ人(Canadian Citizen)・University of Toronto Woodsworth College BA History & East Asian Studies Major トロント在住(職業記者・医療関連・副職画家)・Toronto Ontario「団体」「宗教」「党派」一切無関係・「政治的」意図皆無=「事実関係」特定の「考え」が’正しい’あるいは一方だけが’間違ってる’いう気は毛頭なし。「知って」それぞれ「考えて」いただれれば本望(^_-☆Everybody!! Let's 'Ponder' or 'Contemplate' On va vous re?-chercher!Internationale!!「世界人類みな兄弟」「平和祈願」「友好共存」「戦争反対」「☆Against Racism☆」「☆Gender Equality☆」&ノーモア「ヘイト」(怨恨、涙、怒りや敵意しか生まない)Thank you very much for everything!! Ma Cher Minasan, Merci Beaucoup et Bonne Chance 

Незабываемое/А́нна Ла́рина『夫ブハーリンの想い出/アンナ・ラーリナ(和田あき子訳)』THIS I CANNOT FORGET/Anna Larina(translated from the Russian by Gary Kern)Товарищ«☭Большевистский переворот/Союз Советских Социалистических Республик☆»⑥

私たちがこの旅行を思いたった第二の理由は、その美しさについていろいろ聞いていたアルタイ地方(アルタイ地方(アルタイちほう、Алтайский край; Altai Krai)はロシア連邦の中南部に位置する連邦構成主体の一つ)を見たいと思ったことであった。そして、実際にその絵画のような美しさは、いまも私の記憶に残っている。自由奔放なカトゥニ川(カトゥニ川(カトゥニがわ、英語: Katun、ロシア語: Катунь、南アルタイ語: Кадын)はロシアのアルタイ共和国およびアルタイ地方を流れる川である)はエメラルド色の激流となって、堆積した苔むした石で出来た障碍物をくぐりぬけて流れて、ビエ川(ビヤ川(ビヤがわ、英語: Biya、ロシア語: Бия、南アルタイ語: Бий-суу)はロシアのアルタイ共和国およびアルタイ地方を流れる川である)の方に合流し、大オビ川(オビ川(オビがわ、英語: ob'、ロシア語: Обь、ネネツ語: Саля ям、ハンティ語: Ас、セリクプ語: Ӄолд、南アルタイ語: Ах умар / Тойбодым、シベリア・タタール語: Үмәр、ハカス語: Ымар)は、ロシア連邦西シベリア低地を流れる川である)となっていた。カトゥニ川の河岸を取り囲む険しい道はまるで忠実な番兵のようにそそり立ち、川を自然の意の計画するままの軌道に向けていた。双頭のベルーハ山(ベルーハ山(ロシア語: Белуха、南アルタイ語: Ӱч-Сӱмер)またはムズタウ山(カザフ語: Мұзтау ШыңыBelukha Mountainは、ロシアとカザフスタンの境にあるアルタイ山脈の一角を成す)の雪の積もった頂きは太陽できらきら光り、それにー氷河のような淡青色をおびた白いベルーハ山とは対照をなすように、遠くからはビロードのように見える、濃い緑色の、シベリアまつの生えた山々が連なっていた。
いまはどうなっているかわからないが、その頃はテレツコエ湖(テレツコイェ湖(テレツコイェこ、英: Lake Teletskoye、ロシア語: Телецкое озеро、南アルタイ語: Алтын Кӧл)は、ロシアのアルタイ共和国のアルタイ山脈にある湖)へ行く幹線道路はなかった。やっとのことで私たちの軽自動車は進み、散在する村の一つの近くを通りかかった。自動車の音を聞きつけて、少年たちの群れ(ロシア人は麻色で、アルタイ人(アルタイ人Алтайцы(アルタイ語:Алтай-кижи、ラテン文字化altái kizhi)Altai peopleは、アルタイ共和国を中心とし、アルタイ地方やケメロヴォ州(ビェロヴォ地方)などに居住しているテュルク系民族である)はコクマルガラスのような青黒い髪をしていた)が「乗せてよ、乗せてよ、おじちゃん!」と叫びながら、道路に走り出してきた。
ニコライ・イワーノヴィチは運転手(地元の人で、ノヴォシビルスクの運転手ではなかった)に止めてくれるように頼んだ。私たちは車から降り、代わりに子供たちが大騒ぎをし、金切り声を上げて、お互いに押し合いへし合いしながらー席は全員には足りなかったのでー乗り込んだ。彼らが満足すると、私たちはまた車に乗ったが、そうして次の村まで行くと、そこでも同じことが繰り返された。そのために私たちは夜になってからやっとある集落にたどりつき、そこで床の上に主人のぼろ着を敷いて泊まるはめになった。その夜は南京虫(トコジラミПостельный клоп(床虱、学名:Cimex lectulariusдиванный клоп 、英語: Bed bug)とは、吸血性の寄生昆虫である)に悩まされて寝られなかった。



Iwan Pawlowitsch Bardinイワン・パヴロヴィチ・バーディン (russisch Иван Павлович Бардин; * 1. Novemberjul. / 13. November 1883greg. in Schiroki Ustup bei Atkarsk im Gouvernement Saratow; † 7. Januar 1960 in Moskau) war ein russischer Metallurg und Hochschullehrer.
Our month-long Siberian trek had two aims. First, my dissertation for the Economic Planning Institute, “The Technical and Economic Basis of the Kuznetsk Metallurgical Combine,” had to do with the region. Nikolai Ivanovich wanted to introduce me to our country’s foremost metallurgist, Academician Ivan Bardin, who had supervised the construction of the Kuznetsk Metallurgical Combine and now served as its technical director. When we visited, Bardin acquainted us with the huge combine and provided extensive material for my work. Then we traveled to Leninsk and Prokopiyevsk, the chief mining towns in the Kuznetsk coal basin of Kuzbass. My husband went down in the mines with me and talked with the workers, who greeted him with applause.
Second, we wanted to see the Altai region, having heard much about its great beauty. Indeed, this picturesque landscape lives in my memory today. The unharnessed Katun River harled its emerald waters headlong against the barriers of moss-covered rocks piled up in the river Biya, there to merge with it and form the mighty Ob. The precipitous cliffs bordering the banks of the Katun stood like trusty watchmen, directing its flow down the course conceived by nature. The snowcapped peak of two-headed Belukha Mountain glinted in the sun, while alongside, velvet in the distance, dark green mountains covered with cedars formed a striking contrast with Belukha’s glacial, humpbacked whiteness.
I do not know about the present, but back then there was no paved road to Teletskoye Lake. Somehow, we made our way within hiking distance in our car. As we passed remove villages, packs of little children, hearing our engine, would race cut into the road. There were blond Russians with flaxen little heads and Altaians with jet black hair, like little jackdaws, all shouting, “Give me a ride, give me a ride, uncle!”
Nikolai Ivanovich would always ask the driver to stop. We would get out, and the kids, hollering and screaming, shoving each other aside to find room, would scramble in and take our places. After letting them have their fun, we would get back in and continue on to the next village, where the same thing would happen all over again. It was night fall before we finally reached the last settlement, where we had to spend the night on the floor, on the filthy rags provided by our hosts. The bedbug attacks made it impossible to sleep.
Early the morning, we resumed our journey on the backs of sturdy little mountain horses. As there agile creatures scuttled up and down the perpendicular cliffs, we could barely hold on to our saddles.

The rays of the setting sun painted huge Teletskoye Lake golden and lilac. Its steep forest banks were riddled with a multitude of gorges with plummeting waterfalls that formed little rivulets winding into the lake. Here we remained about a week, sheltered by some Leningrad ornithologists on a scientific expedition. They offered us one of their ornithologists on a scientific expedition. They offered us one of their two rooms, and our party-I, Nikolai Ivanovich, and the two bodyguards assigned to him-made sleeping places on the floor by spreading out bearskins.
Once, when Nikolai Ivanovich was discussing ornithological matters with the scientists, surprising them with his knowledge, the door suddenly opened and in walked an aged Altaian wearing a patched padded jacket and ragged footwear, holding a small sack in one hand. He looked us all over carefully, trying to determine which was Bukharin.
“What can we do for you?” one of the ornithologists asked. Turning to the one who wore a black felt hat with a broad brim, the Altarian replied in faltering Russian, “Me come yours to see.” The old man had taken the scientist for Bukharin, assuming that a famed leader would definitely be wearing a hat. “Yes, yours to see,” the Altaian repeated, looking at the ornithologist. “I heard she came and in this hut lives.”
He used only the feminine gender and could not decline nouns or conjugate verbs. “Well, if it’s ‘yours’ you want to see, I am not ‘she’ is?” “Now she?” smiled the Altaian, completely disconcerted because no one else was wearing a hat. He thought a moment, considered the other ornithologist, who was smoking a pipe off to the side, and pointed to him.                              

“Again not ‘she,’” laughed the one with the hat. Including the bodyguards, there were only three men left. The ornithologist decided to help. “Look at that one over there!” He nodded toward Bukharin. “That’s she?” the old fellow marveled. “Your truth are telling?” Nikolai Ivanovich, short in stature, wearing boots, a sports shirt, and a little cap that was by no means a hat, failed to meet the Altaian’s expectations.
“Bukharin is big, beautiful . . . but what’s this?” This set off a defending roar. The bodyguards laughed longest of all. At last, Nikolai Ivanovich spoke up. “Why did you come to see me? I’m not a bride, and, as you see, I’m not big and beautiful. Complete disenchantment!”
What “disenchantment” meant, the Altaian had no idea, but he understood everything about the “bride.” “Me not need a bride, me have a woman. She baked you a cake.” And he held out for Nikolai Ivanovich his little sack, which was filled with flat cakes. They were baked from first-class wheat flour and were, I must say, done superbly. Nikolai Ivanovich began to share them with us, but the Altaian took offense.
“My woman only for you guest baked. Little flour.” “But to what do I owe such an honor?” Bukharin asked. “What? Me not understand.” “Why, I ask, did your woman bake flat cakes only for me?” “Me said: bake cakes for guest Bukharin because she loves persons.”
“The people,” one of the ornithologists suggested. “Love the people, the people, yes, yes, yes,” repeated the Altaian. “Well, tell me,” said Bukharin, “how are you getting along now on the collective farm?”
The old man hesitated. “I would tell you, but persons here many.” “Tell me, tell me. Don’t be afraid.” “Me already said everything, so understand, listen how we live! I say, persons many, no way to talk.”
The Altaian made for the exit. We all accompanied him down to the shore of the lake, where he had tied up his homemade boat, a thick, sawed-off three trunk with a hollowed-out seat. He bid farewell to Bukharin ( and to no one else )-“Be healthy, my dear!”-and paddled away.
Everything was approaching, the gentle splashes from his paddle could be heard clearly in the silence, and his departing silhouette could be seen for some time.
Nikolai Ivanovich spent his vacation, as usual, immersed in nature, asserting his love of life to the full. His swam in cold mountain streams with floating chunks of ice and hunted for wild duck from rafts bobbing down the rapids of the Katun, which was certainly not without risk. A good shot, he jumped for joy as the ducks fell one by one on the raft. When we took a car up the Chuisky road to the Mongolian border, he hunted roe deer. We stayed with the border patrol, who were skillful in smoking meat. In the evening, after a successful hunt, all of us-the two bodyguards, the border patrol, my husband and I-had our supper by the campfire.
Nikolai Ivanovich also spent a lot of time painting in Altai. Of the canvases he brought back to Moscow, I particularly liked three, and therefore remember them quite well: Waterfall in the Mountain Gorge, Teletskoye Lake, and Katun River. All were exhibited at the Tretyakovsky Gallery from the end of 1935 through the first months of 1926. When we visited the show, the artist Konstantin Yuon was standing in front of Bukharin’s words. He liked them so much that he told Nikolai Ivanovich, “Give up politics. Politics promises nothing good in the future. Take up painting Landscapes, that’s your calling!” The advice came too late.
In the Siberian resort town of Chemal, we checked into an exclusive government rest home but traveled around more than we rested. Toward the end of our vacation, however, an “exceptional circumstance” forced Nikolai Ivanovich to remain in town. The watchman for the Chemal chicken coop gave him a magnificent gift, a huge horned owl. Chickens had been disappearing from the coop, so one night the watchman kept a vigil and nabbed this thief. The owl’s unusually large size, beautiful plumage, big brick-colored eyes, and remarkably powerful clucking won my husband’s heart. He decided to take the owl back to Moscow no matter what. He himself built an enclosure for it, learned to cluck, and teased the bird by imitating its calls. This duet drove the owl into a fury, making it cluck all the more loudly, and Nikolai Ivanovich laughed uproariously. The watchman wove a big basket out of branches for the bird, and we carried it in our compartment on the international train. In Moscow, the owl did not stay with us long. We had no place to keep it and no time to care for it. Eventually, Nikolai Ivanovich gave it to Anastas Mikoyan’s children, but he thought of it frequently afterward.
In Novosibirsk, both before out trip to Kuzbass and Altai and upon our return, we stayed several days with Robert Indrikovich Eikhe in his apartment and also at his dacha outside town. Fate had driven this famous revolutionary to Siberia back in the 1920s. Even, now, I can clearly see this lanky, haggard Latvian, looking like Don Quixote. At times, his permanently exhausted and severe-looking face would break out in a surprisingly pleasant, kindhearted smile. How wrapped up he was in the building then going on in Siberia, and how popular and beloved he was! I want to share just one episode that occurred toward the end of Robert Indrikovich’s life.
Imprisoned, he wrote Stalin’s remarkable letter. It was found in the tyrant’s archives after his death and quoted by Khrushchev in his famous confidential report to the Twentieth Party Congress. In this letter, Eikhe pleaded innocence of the charges brought against him and explained that he had confessed only because of the horrible tortures inflicted upon him. His interrogators had beaten him on the spine, where it was excruciatingly painful. I particularly recall that Eikhe reminded Stalin, hoping to prove his innocence, that he had never belonged to any opposition. Even on the threshold of his death, Eikhe did not understand that he was appealing to his murderer, or that actual involvement with any opposition was not necessary as proof of one’s criminal activities.
Alas, Eikhe was not alone in his delusions. So many other people also believed in Stalin and also thought that their lack of membership in an opposition group would vindicate them in the eyes of the executioner.

But when we were in Novosibirsk, Eikhe was not all terrified by Nikolai Ivanovich, who really had been in the opposition more than once. Our host traveled around the city with us, pointing out the new construction on the central street, Krasny Prospekt, with its modern, multistory buildings. We clambered with him up to the flat roof of the unfinished Theate4r of Opera and Ballet, which gave a panoramic view of the whole town. Later, when Eikhe offered us a parlor car, Nikolai Ivanovich steadfastly resisted; he had not used a private coach even when he was a member of the Politburo, considereing it an extravagant luxury. Robert Indrikovich eventually convinced him, however, that we would not cramp anybody by travelling in a private coach. In Kazbass, because it was so hard to get apartments them, we would actually live in the coach, parked in the station on a dead-end track.
The two bodyguards I mentioned earlier and their police dog had set out with us in the coach from Novosibirsk. Despite every effort during out vacation trip, Nikolai Ivanovich could not get free of them. He had not had a personal guard in Moscow for some years. Previously, his only bodyguard had been Rogov, assigned in 1919 after a Left Socialist Revolutionary bomb went off in the Moscow Party Committee building on Leontiev Lane just as Bukharin was supposed to be giving a report. Ten years later, in 1929, Nikolai Ivanovich was removed from the Politburo and Rogov was relieved of duty.

Eikhe had explained that the bodyguards were necessary to restrain Nikolai Ivanovich’s enthusiasm out in the provinces. “You can’t play around with Atlantic nature,” he warned. “You’ll never make it out of the taiga. I chose these men specially; they know the territory and will be good guides for you.” Robert Indrikovich was acting out of good motives, knowing Bukharin’s rash character and literally fearing for his life. Even so, Nikolai Ivanovich did not discount the possibility that the guards had been assigned in order to keep tabs on his contacts with the people. It was Stalin’s suspicious nature that forced Bukharin to think this way. For example, I know that the young secretary for the Altai Territory Party Committee, who came to see my husband a few times, was later arrested. And I assume that our trip to Siberia and our stay in Novosibirsk were used against Robert Indrikovich.
His chauffeur, whose chance appearance sparked all of these memories, had been quite at ease in the Eikhe household. His always sat with us at the dinner table, took part in the conversation, enjoyed the hospitality of our host’s wife ( who later shared her husband’s fate, a bullet in the head ), went out hunting with Nikolai Ivanovich, and met us whenever we came to town. My later encounter with precisely this chauffeur compels me to believe that he must have been “working two jobs” while he was taking care of Eikhe’s automobile.
During our Siberian vacation, we were exactly one year away from investigation. Later, when acquainting myself with the accusations against Nikolai Ivanovich, I was astonished to read that this trip had been taken for the purpose of fomenting peasant revolts and effecting the separation of Siberia from the Soviet Union.

How pleasant it had been in my happy past to dip into my memories of our trip, but how awful it was to come again to Novosibirsk, under guard, knowing that my husband was no more! Our trip together horrible: how much water had flowed under the bridge in such a short time! Nature alone had not changed. Somewhere, not so far away by Siberian standards, the emerald waters of the Katun still flowed, proud Belukha glistened in the sun, and at sunset Teletskoye sparked golden and lilac in silence. Drinking it in, Nikolai Ivanovich had exclaimed, “It’s a fantasy, a fable! Not nature!| And somewhere even farther away, in a remote Altaic settlement, there still lived that collective farmer who had come to “look at” Bukharin and had said in parting, “Be healthy, my dear!”
But perhaps I am painting too rosy a portrait of the life of this Altaic farmer. It is not likely he was allowed to continue living in his settlement. More probably, he had occasion to be ruefully reminded of the day when he came “yours to see” and with an open heart treated Nikolai Ivanovich to flat cakes. And also, I wonder, did a similar fate befall the two ornithologists with whom we stayed on the shores of Teletskoye?
As for our two bodyguards, I do not know whether or not they were assigned as informers, but they certainly became personally attached to Nikolai Ivanovich during the month we spent together. Still, the service comes first! Yet one of them, during my most difficult days, would perform a very daring and noble deed, understandable only if his attitude toward my husband had not been changed by the trial. But more about that later.
Now I come back to the painful circumstances of my return to Novosibirsk.

[ The Underground Cell ]
May 1938.
Across from the Novosibirsk train station, Eikhe’s former chauffeur and I stood by the car, looking each other straight in the eye. My face surely revealed my alarm and complete bewilderment; his showed cocky self-assurance. But I might have been mistaken about that. The down-pour lashed us so furiously in the face that it was difficult to make out his expression clearly. Not speaking, he opened the front door of the car and gestured for me to sit next to him. We drove off down the road toward the most terrible “living quarters’ of my life. After a short distance, he apparently decided he should say at least something, since we were, after all, old acquaintances. The best he could do was this:
“Did you get the owl to Moscow safely?” Amazed as I was by such a question under our unusual circumstances, I had the presence of mind to reply, “We got the owl there, all right, but when we did, they arrested it.”
He did not even smile. Since he had broken the ice, I decided to ask him a question: “Well, how is Robert Indrikovich? Is he still thriving, or is he no more?

The driver kept this silence. At the time, I knew nothing of Eikhe’s fate, but women who had been sent to the Tomsk camp from Novosibirsk said that harrowing interrogations had been conducted there to obtain testimony against him. Later, I would learn that Eikhe had been transferred from Novosibirsk to Moscow the year before and appointing people’s commissar of agriculture following Yakov Yakovlev and Mikhail Chernov, who had each been arrested in turn. In other words, he was no longer in Novosibirsk. At the time, a transfer from one position to another served as prelude to arrest. So it would be with Robert Indrikovich.
Just as the thunderstorm ended and the sky cleared, we stopped at the building that housed the Investigative Department of the NKVD Siblag. The Isolation prison for people under investigation was located in an underground clamber in a rather small courtyard. The chamber’s flat roof, covered over with turf, rose only ten to fifteen centimeters above the ground. An elderly guard led me down an asphalt path to the base of this hillock into its corridor and pooled in the cells. The guard wore rubber boots; I, suede slippers. My feet were soaked.

I took off my soaked slippers, put them on an upper bunk, and set to work, standing ankle-deep in the water. Filling pail after pail and mounting the stairs again and again, I poured out the water in the prison courtyard until only little puddles remained in the indentations of the stone floor. From my things, I retrieved only a warm scarf; the guard carried my suitcase to the storeroom. This fine leather suitcase, the one Nikolai Ivanovich had brought back from London, remains in my possession today, faded and scratched all over, with the stairs of crushed bedbugs inside, as a memento of what I have endured. It is, along with some of his paintings, Bukharin’s sole surviving property.
Having bailed out the water, I entered the cell. The guard locked the door, the bolt clanked, the lock clicked, the keys jangled. For a moment I stood in a daze, unable to move, but quickly regained my senses. I had learned, by this time, not to be surprised by anything. Surveying the surroundings, I decided to make my home on the upper-left bed boards; higher up, it is always drier. Although a thick layer of green mold covered every wall, the cell was an end one, so the left wall, which adjoined the next cell, was not so wet as the right, which came up again the earth. Also, water continued to seep from pits and crannies on the right wall, formed little stream, ran down the side, and dripped onto the floor. At constant, unvarying intervals I heard: drip . . . drip . . . drip. There were no mattresses on the bed boards, not even poor ones stuffed with straw. I laid out my fur coat, folding it over so that half served as bedding, half as blanket. The scarf I rolled up and put under my head. All the comforts of home. The window slit, too, was on the left side. Through it, I could glimpse the bright green grass of spring growing on an untrampled patch of prison courtyard. When other prisoners were taken out for a walk, I could see jut ankles and feet. Pulling myself up onto the bunk, I went to sleep. But the guard, observing through a peephole in the door, woke me immediately and warned that sleeping during the day was not permitted. Half-awake, I barked something back and instantly dropped off again. From then on, the guard left me alone.
I woke up covered with fleabites. My body itched all over. I had to get up, climb down, take off all my clothes, and shake the fleas out of them. The clothes themselves had managed to get damp and could be dried only with the heat of my own body.
I was called out for an interrogation that very first evening. The questioner was Chief Skvirsky himself, the head of the entire Third Department. In a rather small office, I saw a man about forty-five to forty-seven years old with the look of a wild beast that had just caught a long-awaited prey. I was never told his first name and do not remember his exact rank, but rumors circulated that he had been demoted from being a director of the NKVD in Odessa and sent to Novosibirsk. Perhaps in order to prevent further descent down the ladder, he exhibited exceptional ferocity. He reported that he was interrogating me on direct orders from Moscow. This assignment from high up obviously flattered him, as his self-satisfied, obnoxious expression revealed clearly.
“The investigation knows for a fact,” he announced, “that Bukharin was connected, through you, with a counterrevolutionary youth organization. You were a member of this organization, the liaison between Bukharin and the organization. Name your fellow members. Until you do, you will sit and rot in the cellar.”
I denied, first of all, that Bukharin could have any connection at all with a counterrevolutionary youth organization, even if one had existed, because he was a revolutionary, not a counterrevolutionary, and for the same reason I could not be a liaison between any such organization and him.

“Insolent bitch! Counterrevolutionary swine!” Skvirsky yelled. “Even now, after the trial, you dare state that Bukharin was not a counterrevolutionary?” “Yes, I dare state it, but I consider it pointless to talk to you about it.” “Will you also say that you had no relationship with Bukharin at all?” “No, I will not say that. I was his wife.” “His wife? We know for a fact that your marriage was a fiction to cover Bukharin’s counterrevolutionary ties with young people.”
I had thought I was ready to any accusation Skvirsky might make-wrecking, terrorism, or something of that sort-but I could never have imagined he would declare our marriage a counterrevolutionary sham. This absurd charge deeply unsettled me. I naively attempted to refute it by pointing out that we had a child.            

“It has yet to be proved, yet to be demonstrated, by whom you had this child!”
This interrogator’s ridiculous, senseless slander was more insulting than his vulgar abuse, but, since I now understood that I was dealing not only with a lowlife but also with a mentally limited clod, I became indifferent to his stupid, loudmouthed accusations.
“Such insolence!” Skvirsky bellowed. “She dares state that Bukharin was not a counterrevolutionary! There is no place for you on Soviet soil! Shoot her! Shoot her! Shoot her!”
I felt the hopelessness of my situation, but this made me bolder, more decisive. I was able to shout contemptuously at the top of my voice, “It’s you who have no place on Soviet soil, not me! It’s you who should sit behind bars, not me! Shoot me right now! I don’t want to live!”

I expected this monster to beat me up at any moment or do who knows what to me, but nothing of the sort happened. In fact, surprised by my response, the chief only peered at me with his evil, hawklike eyes. I was satisfied. We had fought to a standoff. The interrogator fell silent, and I believe I detected a glimmer of respect for me. He lifted the telephone receiver and said indifferently, “Take away the prisoner.”
Before the convoy guard appeared, Skvirsky had time to remind me, “Keep silent, and you’ll rot in that cell!” But I had time to retort, “I don’t care.”
It was now late at night. As it drizzled outside my cell, little streams of water again slowly wormed across the floor, and I realized that bailing water out of this place was the labor of Sisyphus.

Because of the interrogation, I had neither the strength nor the desire to pull myself up to the upper bunk, and I lay down on the lower one, directly on the bare boards. Yet it felt as if I were lying on a fluffy feather bed, simply because I had walked out with dignity.
Happiness, I thought, is a remarkable relative concept. Even in great unhappiness there are flashes of happiness; life and more and more convinced me of that. At this moment, lying in the cell of my imaginary feather bed, satisfied with my conduct at the interrogation, with my emotional outburst and my revolt in defense of human dignity, I was happy.

