
当ブログはトロント在住、日系一世カナダ人サミー・山田(48)おっさんの「独り言」です。まさに「個人日記」。1968年11月16日東京都目黒区出身(A型)・在北米30年の日系カナダ人(Canadian Citizen)・University of Toronto Woodsworth College BA History & East Asian Studies Major トロント在住(職業記者・医療関連・副職画家)・Toronto Ontario「団体」「宗教」「党派」一切無関係・「政治的」意図皆無=「事実関係」特定の「考え」が’正しい’あるいは一方だけが’間違ってる’いう気は毛頭なし。「知って」それぞれ「考えて」いただれれば本望(^_-☆Everybody!! Let's 'Ponder' or 'Contemplate' On va vous re?-chercher!Internationale!!「世界人類みな兄弟」「平和祈願」「友好共存」「戦争反対」「☆Against Racism☆」「☆Gender Equality☆」&ノーモア「ヘイト」(怨恨、涙、怒りや敵意しか生まない)Thank you very much for everything!! Ma Cher Minasan, Merci Beaucoup et Bonne Chance 

[Oshogatsu🎍お正月] Zelensky and Putin, the difference between heaven and earth《UNIQ유니크Happy New Year》Promessa de ano-novo【Winner's Room『ただ一つの月を斬る!Cut only one moon!』 Ёити Масудзоэ】Ruska invazija na Ukrajinu promijenila je svijet☭Lenin★tribute☆旅愁가사 번역送别(CANADA🍁)2022/12/31

Русскийロシア語⇒Uniq (кор. 유니크; стилизованно как UNIQ) — южнокорейско-китайский бой-бэнд, сформированный китайской компанией Yuehua Entertainment в 2014 году.Tiếng Việtベトナム語→Uniq (tiếng Hàn: 유니크; Romaja: Yunikeu; cách điệu UNIQ) là nhóm nhạc Hàn-Trung được thành lập bởi công ty Trung Quốc Yuehua Entertainment vào năm 2014.

[2022-12-27]"Zelensky and Putin, the difference between heaven and earth" Yoshinori Kobayashi(福岡県出身) Rising 
[This week's news] "Gomanism Declaration" ... Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky visited Washington, USA on the 21st, met with President Biden, and delivered a speech at a joint session of the US Congress. This speech was likely intended as a “war of words” against the pro-Russian factions in the United States and those who were reluctant to support Russia. The number of well-thought-out words was nothing short of splendid. On the other hand, when it comes to Russian President Vladimir Putin, this is a moot point. Putin is the exact opposite of Zelensky. Which one is the true “hero” who risks his life for the people? Who are the strong leaders? The answer is clear! !Izumi Mikiran's "Tondemo Observations" … Do you know that "In 2022, there is a possibility that a disaster comparable to the Great East Japan Earthquake occurred in Japan"? Especially in February 2022, the number of deaths jumped from 117,636 in February of the previous year to 136,994, an increase of more than 19,000 deaths. Even considering the fact that we are an aging society, this increase is abnormal, and there is a clear correlation with vaccination. In the United States, there is already a move to clarify the drug hazards of mRNA vaccines in court. Don't let Japan turn a blind eye to this inconvenient truth!Yoshirin directly answers questions from readers "Q & A corner" ... What do you think about the mask trial the other day? Is it an ant for writers to use TV media to improve sales? Tell me the song you want me to sing at karaoke, the teacher's 18th song! Are you looking forward to Hayao Miyazaki's latest work "How do you live?" Are men who shave their entire bodies for their own beauty ants? No? Why do Japanese value anonymity like Twitter? What do you think about the M-1 Grand Prix jury problem? Do you believe in "turbo cancer"? … and so on, Yoshirin’s answer and how! ?

Русскийロシア語⇒«RIVER» — 14-й сингл японской идол-группы AKB48. Вышел в Японии 21 октября 2009 года на лейбле King Records.

JKT48(제이케이티포티에이트)는 아키모토 야스시의 완전 프로듀스에 의해 2011년에 탄생한 인도네시아의 자카르타를 중심으로 활동하는 AKB48의 첫 해외 여성 아이돌 그룹이다.Portuguêsポルトガル語→JKT48 (lê-se "J.K.T. Forty-eight") é um grupo musical da Indonésia, grupo irmão do grupo AKB48 e o primeiro fora do Japão, e com sede em Jacarta.

新・ゴーマニズム宣言 14 勝者の余裕New Gomanism Manifesto 14 Winner's Room  – 19 novembre 2004 par| 小林 よしのりYoshinori Kobayashi (著者auteur) 小学館文庫Shogakukan Bunko
情報の洪水にいかに流されない視点を持つか――今回小林よしのり氏は「情報」でなく自らの「感情」を頼りに国内外の様々なニュース・事件を斬っていきます。自分の感覚を頼りに情報に流されることなく「傲慢」をかます。「ゴーマニズム宣言」の原点とも言えるこのメッセージが全編をとおして訴えられていく、そんな一冊です。邦人人質、橋田信介氏殺害、捕虜虐待……イラク情勢と自分はどう繋がっているのか?北朝鮮外交、日米同盟、中台問題……小泉「亡国」外向は日本人のどんな心根の反映か?長崎女児同級生殺人事件は日本社会の何を象徴しているのか?「イラク」「アメリカ」問題にこだわらず全方位的な評論がなされておりゴー宣言の醍醐味を濃縮した内容となっておりますComment avoir une perspective qui n'est pas balayée par le flot d'informations - Cette fois, M. Yoshinori Kobayashi s'appuiera sur ses propres "sentiments" au lieu d'"informations" pour couper diverses nouvelles et incidents au Japon et à l'étranger. S'appuyant sur ses propres sens, il mord "l'arrogance" sans se laisser influencer par l'information. C'est un livre dans lequel ce message, dont on peut dire qu'il est à l'origine du "Manifeste du Gomanisme", est invoqué tout au long du livre. Les otages japonais, le meurtre de Shinsuke Hashida, les abus sur les prisonniers de guerre... Quel rapport ai-je avec la situation en Irak ? Koizumi "Pays en ruine'' Extraversion reflète quel genre de cœur du peuple japonais? Que symbolise l'affaire du meurtre d'une camarade de classe de Nagasaki dans la société japonaise ?

Portuguêsポルトガル語→Yōichi Masuzoe (Ёити Масудзоэ 舛添 要一 Masuzoe Yōichi nascido em 29 de novembro de 1948福岡県出身) é um cientista político , professor universitário e político japonêsCatalàカタルーニャ語→és un polític japonés que va ser membre de la Cambra de Representants del Japó, ministre de salut, treball i benestar de 2007 a 2009 i Governador de Tòquio. Fou governador des del 9 de febrer de 2014 fins a la seua renuncia el 21 de juny de 2016. Abans d'ingressar en la política era un conegut tertulià televisiu.

①Русскийロシア語⇒«Sayonara Crawl» (яп. さよならクロール안녕 크롤) — 31-й сингл японской идол-группы AKB48. Вышел в Японии 22 мая 2013 года на лейбле King RecordsBNK48(태국어:บีเอ็นเคโฟร์ตีเอต,
영어:B.N.K. Forty-eight, 한국어: 비엔케이포티에이트)는 태국의 방콕을 중심으로 활동하는 여성 아이돌 그룹이다.

Polskiポーランド語→BNK48 – tajska grupa idolek stworzona przez Yasushiego Akimoto. Jest to trzecia siostrzana zagraniczna grupa AKB48 (po JKT48 i SNH48).

2022/12/31(土) 【舛添直言Frankly Masuzoe】プーチンが破壊した「相互依存による平和」、第三次大戦の現実味“Peace through Interdependence” Destroyed by Putin, Reality of World War III (Yoichi Masuzoe: international political scientist)https://news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/034ea3ba83dc80d52996451df1ff7e3d83521bbe
Looking back at the world in 2022, the biggest event is the war in Ukraine. It completely overthrew traditional values ​​and became a turning point in history. ■ The end of World War II and the confrontation between the two major camps As a scholar specializing in Europe, I have argued that interdependence with Russia will bring about peace . I was harassed by the president . In the modern world, it is impossible for any country to run a self-sufficient economy. By trading with many countries, we meet the needs of our people and improve their living standards. Looking at the process leading up to World War II, political disagreements led to a block economy, which created a vicious circle of further conflict. Realizing that a free and open international economic system is the path to peace and prosperity, mankind created the framework of the IMF and GATT after the war. The post-war world was divided into the capitalist bloc led by the United States and the communist bloc dominated by the Soviet Union, creating a confrontational structure called the Cold War. In June 1947, the United States attempted to revive Europe through the Marshall Plan

For the next 40 years, the two sides fought and competed, but in the end the Western side won. Capitalism, which is based on free competition, won against communism, which promotes a planned economy, and that is the Berlin Wall .It resulted in the collapse of the Soviet Union and the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Gorbachev advocated perestroika (reconstruction) and glasnost (information disclosure), and in the Yeltsin era that followed, Russia also entered the Western camp, and even an illusion was born that the scheme of confrontation between the two blocs would disappear. In 1998, Russia officially joined the G7 and became the G8. However, Russia was disqualified after its invasion of Crimea in 2014 and returned to the G7.

« Потому что ты мне нравишься »(アンダーガールUnder Girlsไทยタイ語→ริเวอร์ (อังกฤษ: River) เป็นซิงเกิลลำดับที่ 14 ของกลุ่มไอดอลญี่ปุ่นเอเคบีโฟร์ตีเอต วางจำหน่ายเมื่อวันที่ 21 ตุลาคม ค.ศ. 2009 เป็นซิงเกิลแรกของวงที่ได้รับอันดับ 1 บนชาร์ตของออริคอนรายสัปดาห์ และมียอดจำหน่าย 179,000 ชุดในสัปดาห์แรก

Hrvatskiクロアチア語→Yōichi Masuzoe (Масудзое Йоїті舛添要一 Masuzoe Yōichi rođen 29. studenog 1948. ) japanski je politolog , sveučilišni profesor i političar .Polskiポーランド語→ japoński polityk, minister zdrowia, pracy i opieki społecznej. Członek Izby Radców od 2001 z ramienia Partii Liberalno-Demokratycznej.

①Українськаウクライナ語→Seventeen (кор.: 세븐틴 , також стилізовано як SEVENTEEN або SVT) — південнокорейський бойз-бенд, створений Pledis Entertainment у 2015 році. Гурт складається з 13 учасників: Ескупс, Джонхан, Джошуа, Джун, Хоші, Вону, Уджі, Докьом, Мінґю, Діейт, Синґван, Вернон, Діно②Русскийロシア語⇒Kep1er (/ˈkɛplər/; кор. 케플러; ром. Kepeulleo; читается как Кеплер, также известные как Kepler) — южнокорейская проектная глобальная гёрл-группа, сформированная в 2021 году через реалити-шоу на выживание Girls Planet 999, которая будет продвигаться 2,5 года. 

月影の心Moonlight heart(spirit)●
「だが忘れていることがあるBut There Is Something You Forgot」「良い月じゃIt's a good moon」「おぬしにあれが斬れるかなI wonder if you can cut that・・・」「月は斬るものではないThe moon is not for cutting・・・」「フフフFufufu、おぬし本当は斬れんのじゃろうI guess you really can't cut」「なら、あなたには斬れると申されるか!Then you say you can cut!」「見たいか?Do you want to see?」・・・「それは月影を斬ったにすぎんIt just cut the moonlight・・・」「そのとおりExactly影じゃよIt's a shadow・・・そらThere、その水たまりにもin that puddle・・・そこの船の中にもin that ship・・・」「水に映る月は無数じゃThe moon reflected in the water is countless・・・だが月は一つBut the moon is only oneあれじゃThat's it・・・」

Professional citizens caught in the Yoshirin trap againーProfessional citizens can just go camping on the Senkaku Islands.
↑『ただ一つの月を斬る!Cut only one moon!』↓

Examine the data and don't stop the economy: Ask Yoshinori Kobayashi (Part 1) | Medical Premier Special Feature | Mainichi Shimbun "Medical Premier"
↑≪Новогодние обещания新年の(抱負)決意New Year’s ResolutionsBonnes résolutionsPromessa de ano-novo
2022/12/31(Samdi/Saturday/土曜日)Richmond Hill, ON Weather 9:35 p.m. 3°C FEELS LIKE -2 Mostly cloudly

*【老僧Old Monk】阿多棒心Atabōshin(阿多棒庵の弟Atabōan's younger brother):棒庵は柳生利厳(兵庫)に薙刀を伝授したと言われるIt is said that Bōan taught how to use theНаґінатаNaginata«меч-коса» to Yagyū
Toshitoshi(Hyōgo)棒術の腕前は兄よりも上とも言われるIt is said that his БодзюцуBōjutsu«искусство шеста»skill is superior to that of his brother.
①Українськаウクライナ語→Нова́ шко́ла ті́ні (яп. 【新陰流】, しんかげりゅう, шін-каґе-рю) — школа японського фехтування. Заснована у 1560-х роках фехтувальником і стратегом Каміїдзумі Нобуцуною із провінції Кодзуке「無形の位(むぎょうのくらいMugyo no Kurai)Intangible Rank」 構えなき構えStance without stance相手は打ち込もうにも打ち込めないOpponent can't hit even if he tries to hit②Yagyū Hyōgonosuke (柳生 兵庫助, 1579 – 1650) or — Toshitoshi (利厳) was the founder of the Owari mainline of the Yagyū Shinkage-ryū style of swordsmanship in the early Edo period

Русскийロシア語⇒Kamui the Ninja: Stories Other Than the Legend(яп.忍風カムイ外伝Нимпу Камуи Гайдэн) — японский аниме-сериал, выпущенный студиейTele-Cartoon Japan. Транслировался по телеканалу Fuji TV с 6 апреля по 18 сентября 1969 года. Был дублирован на испанский и итальянский языки. Всего было выпущено 26 серий аниме.

Françaisフランス語→Songbie (chinois :送别; pinyin : sòngbié ; litt. « dire adieu »)《梦见家和母亲》est l'arrangement par le moine bouddhiste, peintre et musicien chinois Li Shutong (connu sous le nom d'artiste Hongyi), de la chanson de John P. Ordway (en) (États-Unis) de 1851 Dreaming of Home and Mother en chinois et japonais. Cette chanson est principalement restée célèbre sous son nom en chinois et japonais.

