
当ブログはトロント在住、日系一世カナダ人サミー・山田(48)おっさんの「独り言」です。まさに「個人日記」。1968年11月16日東京都目黒区出身(A型)・在北米30年の日系カナダ人(Canadian Citizen)・University of Toronto Woodsworth College BA History & East Asian Studies Major トロント在住(職業記者・医療関連・副職画家)・Toronto Ontario「団体」「宗教」「党派」一切無関係・「政治的」意図皆無=「事実関係」特定の「考え」が’正しい’あるいは一方だけが’間違ってる’いう気は毛頭なし。「知って」それぞれ「考えて」いただれれば本望(^_-☆Everybody!! Let's 'Ponder' or 'Contemplate' On va vous re?-chercher!Internationale!!「世界人類みな兄弟」「平和祈願」「友好共存」「戦争反対」「☆Against Racism☆」「☆Gender Equality☆」&ノーモア「ヘイト」(怨恨、涙、怒りや敵意しか生まない)Thank you very much for everything!! Ma Cher Minasan, Merci Beaucoup et Bonne Chance 

Незабываемое/А́нна Ла́рина『夫ブハーリンの想い出/アンナ・ラーリナ(和田あき子訳)』THIS I CANNOT FORGET/Anna Larina(translated from the Russian by Gary Kern)Товарищ«☭Большевистский переворот/Союз Советских Социалистических Республик☆»⑰


 カラスは死体を食べて育った、丸々と太っているのにーいつも空腹だ!彼はロシア中に撒き散らした 恐怖と奴隷制度を、迫害と恥辱を!
 私は、その凝視から逃れるために後ろを向いた。私の左手にはカーテンのかかった窓があった。気のせいだったのか、あるいは実際にそうだったのかはわからないが、そこからは町の騒音ー自動車の警笛や市電の通る音が聞こえてくるようであった。私が面と向かっていたのは劇場広場、今のスヴェルドローフ広場であった。そして「メトロポール」。その正面にはヴルーベリ〔ロシアの画家〕のモザイクがあり、屋根には小さな塔が立っている。「メトロポール」は、その広場に錨を降ろした巨大な汽船に似ていたが、その建物で私は育ち、幸福だった。それはすぐそばにあるのに、いまとなって私には手の届かない建物である。キタイ・ゴロドの壁と活版印刷創始者イワン・フョードロフの記念碑のそばを下りて行くと、狭い歩道になる。この歩道では20年代はじめには中国人が見られた。彼らは長い黒い弁髪(辮髪(べんぱつБянь-фа、満州語:ᠰᠣᠨᠴᠣᡥᠣ、転写:soncoho、モンゴル語:гэзэг 、ᠭᠡᠵᠢᠭᠡQueue (hairstyle)は、主に東アジア(北方民族)の男性の髪型で、頭髪の一部を残して剃りあげ、残りの毛髪を伸ばして三つ編みにし、後ろに垂らした)にし、青い、長いだぶだぶの衣服を着て、その上からズボンをはき、手製の玩具、紙の種々様々な球や細いゴムの上で跳ねる小さな毬を売っていた。ところが、「メトロポール」の筋向かいが円柱のあるこの陰気な建物であり、そこでは不正義の、恥ずべき裁判が行なわれているのである。
 ワシーリー・グリゴーリエヴィチ・ヤコヴェーンコはシベリアの農民出身であり、反コルチャークのパルチザン運動を指導したことでよく知られていた。自分が逮捕される直前にブハーリンは、すでに逮捕されていたヤコヴェーンコの供述調書を受け取っていた。取調べの時にこの人は、セレーブリャヌイーボール(Serebryany Bor (Russian: Серебряный Бор, literally "Silver Pinewood")Срібний Бір is a large forest park in north-west Moscow)のラーリンの別荘でブハーリンと会い、シベリアをソヴエト連邦から分離するために富農反乱を組織しにシベリアに行ってくれという委任をブハーリンから受けた、と供述していた。これらの供述には一つだけ真実があった。ブハーリンは実際に、セレーブリャヌイ・ボールのラーリンの別荘で偶然にヤコヴェーンコに会っている。ただし、その時の状況は次のようなものであった。つまりエヌ・イ、父、それに私は棚のそばのベンチに腰掛けていた。私たちは、痩せこけ、やつれはてて、見る影もないワシーリー・グリゴーリエヴィチ・ヤコヴェーンコが別荘のそばの小道を歩いているのを見つけた。父は彼をよく知っていたが、エヌ・イは疎遠であった。かつてこの人は健康で、実に力あふれる若者であった。力強く、背が高く、好男子のシベリア人。ところが、思いがけなく私たちが見たのは病気の、虚弱な、杖にすがった彼であった。悪化した胃潰瘍が発見されて、入院することになっていたところだった。父は、寄っていき、一緒に座るようにヤコヴェーンコに勧めた。痛みに悩まされ、彼は長くは座っていなかった。彼の健康のことや収穫予想の話をしただけであった。

 Beria, resting his elbows on the desk, looking through me as if with X-ray eyes, said nothing for a while. Then he tossed a few phrases in Georgian back and forth with Kobulov, who exclaimed, “My, my, what a filthy mouth you have. Aren’t you ashamed of yourself?”
 “I am no longer ashamed of anything,” I shot back, although I cannot truthfully say now that I was not embarrassed.
 Because of my prolonged isolation, I had no idea what was going on in the country. Specifically, I did not know how the new people’s commissar was carrying out his duties or what connection he had with the trials. Beria did not make me wait long to learn the answers, although he did proceed cautiously now, step by step. After a short pause, he gently asked, apparently out of the blue, “Tell me, Anna Yurievna, what was it that made you love Nikolai Ivanovich?”
 I was thrown off balance. His conciliatory tone and the courtesy of referring to Bukharin by his given name and patronymic seemed to be promising signs. Immediately, I assumed that the Boss had commissioned Beria to expose Yezhov, treacherously dumping on him the blame for all of the mass repressions, including Bukharin’s death. If I was right, it was too late to save Bukharin, but the horrible charges against him would be retracted.

 I evaded a direct reply, remarking only that love is an intensely personal affair and I had no intention of answering such a question, no matter who asked it.
 “But even so,” Beria persisted, “we are aware that you loved Nikolai Ivanovich very much.” He did not employ the standard interrogator’s phrase “We know for a fact,” so I answered, “Indeed, you know it for a fact.”
 Beria smiled again. Suddenly, an idea dawned upon me, and I tossed his question back at him: “What about you? What was it that made you love Nikolai Ivanovich?” Beria grimaced in alarm.
 “I loved him? What do you mean by that? I couldn’t stand him.”

 Apparently, he had missed the hidden catch in my trick question.
 “But Lenin,” I continued, “called Bukharin the legitimate favorite of the whole Party. If you didn’t love him, if follows that you were an illegitimate exception in the Party ranks.”
 “What is this, something Bukharin told you?” “No, not Bukharin, I read it in Lenin’s ‘Letter to the Congress.’”
I don’t remember now whether I had actually read the document, but I was familiar with its contents.
 “Lenin wrote that a long time ago,” Beria observed. “It is inappropriate to refer to it now.”
 I still had hopes that the new people’s commissar would at least not call Nikolai Ivanovich a traitor and had had nothing to do with his destruction. But Beria changed the subject now that the conversation had taken an unwanted turn for him.

 He asked what I’d been fed that day, and I replied that meals were not specially prepared for me. He asked Kobulov to go get some sandwiches and fruit and turned his attention to some documents in a folder. I recognized my declaration to Yezhov.
 ‘Anna Yuriyevna, do you really not want to live?” he asked. “This is hard to believe. You’re so young; you have your whole life ahead of you!”

 “When I wrote Yezhov, I was in a state of total desperation. I saw no prospect of anything but a slow wasting away. Because nothing remained to me but a monstrous nightmare, because I lived as if in a fog of blood, because they had killed Nikolai Ivanovich and all those I respected, took away my baby and doomed me to waste away in a damp cellar, and then repeatedly executed me [I was thinking of the several threats of execution and the walk to the ravine after the reading of my death sentence], nothing remained for me to do but plead for death.”
 Beria listened with head lowered, looking up at me from under his brows. Some sort of momentary disturbance flickered across his face. Perhaps for an instant something human awoke in his soul.

 “It’s not possible to execute someone repeatedly,” he said. “Execution is one time only. And Yezhov would certainly have shot you.”
 I tried again in find out what had happened to Yezhov, but Beria let me know that he alone could ask question.
“Well, are you too going to execute me?” “That all depends on how you conduct yourself.”
 How many times and to how many prisoners had the interrogators repeated this rote phase! It was already clear that my conduct was not to Beria’s liking. Finally, he moved my “case” file closer to himself. Obviously, he was very familiar with it. Flipping cursorily through the pages, he stated:
 “A counterrevolutionary youth organization connected with Bukharin through you . . . This is nonsense. And this, that Bullitt wanted to send you to America after Bukharin’s arrest? Also, fantasy. Do you have any idea who you were talking to in your cell? Before you bare your soul, you should find out who is listening to you! Especially, in your position.”

 The commissar seemed now to be showing a downright paternal interest in me. I had to confess that I had found out who my cellmate was only at the last minute, just before she was taken off. I also told Beria how she had nearly favored me with a slap in the face and stressed to him that she hated me not because she thought I was a counterrevolutionary, wife of an enemy of the people, but because she saw me as the wife of a Bolshevik revolutionary. It was for that reason she’d told such egregious lies about me.
 “She didn’t lie about everything,” Beria interjected. “Sverdlov, Andrei Yakovlevich. . . . Did you know him?”
I knew that, on the basis of my cellmate’s reports, Andrei Sverdlov had been named in my “case” as a member of the alleged counterrevolutionary youth organization.
 “I did,” I hastened to reply, “but it does not follow that Sverdlov was in a counterrevolutionary youth organization. You just said yourself that the story of this organization was nonsense.”
 “I was expressing my opinion only in respect to you. That doesn’t mean we have no counterrevolutionary youth organization at all. Why are you defending Sverdlov like this? Could it be he was in love with you?”
 “I am defending him only because I am convinced he could not have had any connection with counterrevolution. As far as love is concerned, ask Sverdlov, if you’re interested. He never professed any love to me.”

 From my “case” file, Beria pulled out pages of poetry written in an unfamiliar hand. Again, only my cellmate had ever heard my verses.
 “Well now, Anna Yuriyevna, it turns out that you write poems. Not bad, if I do say so myself. Who taught you this, Bukharin or Larin?” Not pausing for a reply, he recited:
 Though he won the love of multitudes, He was hated by terrible foes Because, no matter how great the cost, He fought to keep thought free.

 “What did you mean by those lines?” “Just what you see; they have no hidden meaning.” “We always put a stop to any of Bukharin’s harmful thoughts.”
 I thought to myself, “He says only, ‘Bukharin’s harmful thoughts.” That’s not so awful.” I felt my spirits rising. Beria had not brought up wrecking, spying, and spreading terror, or any connection with fascist intelligence operations.
 “And the crow, this crow of yours. Who is he?” the commissar asked in a raised voice and read the lines from my other prison poem:

 A great crow, black and evil, pecked into his heart, his brain. Blood oozed out in scarlet drops, The bird triumphed in its disdain.
 For this crow thrived on the dead, Gorged itself, could not be sated. Throughout Russia it has spread Fear, oppression, shame, and slavery.

 “Who is this crow?” Beria asked again.
 “A crow is a crow!” I shouted, making up my mind not to engage in any explanation, despite my increasing anxiety. “It is a constantly recurring nightmarish vision that tormented me in the cell, as you can gather from the poem.”

 “That’s not all one can gather,” Beria noted. My agitation grew, but Kobulov, who came back into the office at that moment with sandwiches and fruit, inadvertently spared me further explanations. Evidently, Beria was not interested in dotting the I, anyway, for the suddenly changed his tone. Perhaps Caucasian hospitality took precedence even in this situation, perhaps there were other considerations; I couldn’t tell.
 “Let’s interrupt the conversation, Anna Yuriyevna,” he said, pushing the sandwiches, tea, and a bowl of oranges and grapes toward me. I refused them.
 “You won’t eat, I won’t talk with you.”  Words cannot convey me surprise at this remark.

 “That must mean,” I countered, “that you have no particular need to talk with me. You were an excellent host to Kuibyshev, Lavrenty Pavlovich; on that visit, I sat at the same table with you and we had supper together, but now the circumstances have changed.”
 “Why only Kuibyshev? Was I a poor host to Larin? You have obviously forgotten same things.”
 “I have forgotten nothing, though it was ten years ago. I remember the toast you made at the dinner table: ‘Let us drink to the health of this little girl. May she live long and be happy!’ Nice sentiments, but alas, they did not come to pass!”

 “Is she also the daughter of Larin?” Kobulov blurted out in disbelief, disgusted by this apparent connection to yet another discredited man.
 “Not that Larin,” Beria explained. “But Yury Larin, a most original, talented man, with a fantastic imagination.”
After Lenin delivered his opinion of Larin’s imagination at the posedly inordinate gift whenever his name came up.
“I had great respect for him,” Beria went on. “We interred him with honors in Red Square.”(A if he had had anything to do with my father’s interment!)

 Perhaps Beria thought that his praise for Larin would make his hostile attitude toward Bukharin more persuasive to me.
 “It’s a good thing Larin died in time,” I observed. “Otherwise, he would have perished in exactly the same way as his comrades, and then you wouldn’t be able to recall him so fondly.”
 “Why do you have such a poor opinion of your father?” Comrade Larin was an unusually devoted member of the Party.”
 “And the other Bolsheviks who perished, and Nikolai Ivanovich, were they in fact less devoted members of the Party?”  The decisive moment had arrived.
 “You can ask this now, after the trial?” Beria answered, getting louder. “You can continue to think that Bukharin was devoted to the Party? He was an enemy of the people! A traitor! The leader of the Bloc of Rightists and Trotskyists! And you know what that bloc was. In the camp, you had an opportunity to learn about the trial from newspapers.”                                     

 So this is what had been hiding under the mask of phony courtesy: lies and hypocrisy! The floor swam beneath my feet, the room went dark before my eyes, and Beria’s face became a gray, amorphous mass. From that instant on, I felt the same hatred for the “new people’s commissar: as I had for the old. Beria studied me, evidently gauging the effect of his vile words.
 I turned aside to evade that steady stare. To my left, I now saw a window with blinds. I imagined I could hear, or perhaps I actually did hear, the sounds of the city coming from there: automobiles honking, streetcars clanging. I conjured up Theater Square, today called Sverdlov Square. And on it the Metropol, with the mosaic by Mikhail Vrubel on its façade and the little mast turrets on its roof-the Metropol, like a giant ship forever docked at that square, where I had grown up and been happy.  It was right nearby, but unreachable. If only I could go downstairs and walk past the Kitai Gorod [China City] wall and the monument to the first printer, Ivan Fyodorov, then continue down the narrow sidewalk where in the early 1920s one could see Chinamen with long jet-black pigtails wearing wide blue overcoats down over their bloomers, trading their homemade toys, round paper honeycombs and little balls bouncing on thin rubber bands. And catty-corner to the Metropol was that ill-fated building with columns where the trials were held, those shameful, unjust spectacles!
 During the interrogation, if the term suits my exchange with Beria, the strain on my nerves kept rising, and finally I burst out crying.
“Have you always been such a crybaby?” Beria asked and pushed the glass of tea even closer toward me. I shoved it back.

 “It’s a superb tea. You are making a mistake to refuse it, Anna Yuriyevna. Comrade Larin exerted no small effort to organize the production of tea for us in the Caucasus. This is the very same tea.”
 Yet, because of Beria’s terrible attack upon Nikolai Ivanovich, I was still unable to say a word. What could have cut me so deeply? You’d think that such epithets as “traitor,” enemy of the people,” and “betrayer of the motherland,” loudly broadcast over and over in regard to famous political figures, the champions in fact of the October Revolution, and somewhat less loudly voiced in regard to millions of less famous people placed under arrest, had become so firmly established as part of the national vocabulary that they had lost the power to shock. Yet, when Beria uttered them, I was seized by a powerful sense of indignation, perhaps because he had only moments before expressed views that seemed quite reasonable and humane. He had, for example, brushed aside many of the unfounded accusations made against me in Novosibirsk. I believed that his remark “Before you bare your soul, you should find out who is listening to you” indicated he considered my statements in prison a natural reaction in event but felt I had been foolish to make them in front of the wrong person, thereby worsening me reason to hope that he would at least spare me the indignity of calling Nikolai Ivanovich a traitor in my presence.

 But at last I made myself say to him everything I had planned to say to Yezhov.
 I declared that he should not expect me to believe something he himself did not overwhelming majority of Bolsheviks had betrayed their ideals by seeking to restore capitalism in the Soviet Union, the very system they had fought against all their conscious lives. This was my chief point.
 I would have known this truth, I went on, even without being married to Bukharin. But since I did know the accused men and had been present with them at many events, I was able to detect the falsehoods and inventions in the trial testimony.

 “Interesting, interesting. What did you manage to pick up?” the people’s commissar asked.
I cited a number of examples I noticed during the reading of the newspaper accounts in camp. For example, Akmal Ikramov, formerly secretary of the Uzbek Central Committee, testified under questioning that he had met with Bukharin in 1935 for the purpose of holding counterrevolutionary discussions; furthermore, they had met in an apartment on Zubovsky Boulevard, along their wives. But in fact the apartment described was completely unknown to me; I had certainly never been in it.

 A second example had persuaded me even more strongly that the trial was nothing but a staged performance. Ikramov testified that during Stalin constitution was passed, he had met with Bukharin on the empty stairway (the producers and directors of this extravaganza had prompted the poor man to give the exact location, so that the tale would be more convincing), where they held conversations of a conspiratorial nature. Supposedly, Bukharin had told Ikramov that if an intervention did not take place soon (an “intervention” by fascist Germany in the implication), they-that is, the wreckers and saboteurs-would be rounded up, I was citing all of this testimony to Beria from memory.
 I did not waste time trying to prove to him that neither Ikramov nor Bukharin was capable of such conspiracies; that was already my basic position. Rather, I only wanted to make the point that my husband was not even present at that congress. He considered it impossible to attend, even though he was a member of the constitutional commission, because he was already under investigation. In fact, he was already an outcast, never left our apartment, and sat at home with me to listen to Stalin’s report on the radio.
 I brought up Paris, and Beria listened with rapt attention. I had accompanied Nikolai Ivanovich there on an official trip in 1936, and so I could explain that he and the other members of his commission had negotiated with the émigré Menshevik Boris Nicolaevsky to buy the Marx archive.  I told Beria how horrible I felt when Bukharin at his trial lied that Nicolaevsky had been initiated intot he underground conspiratorial activities of the Bloc Rightists and Trotskyists and lied, too, that he had used the official trip as cover for talks about the conspiracy and had even asked for the support of the Second International in the event of a debacle. I knew firsthand that the negotiations with Nicolaevsky were concerned entirely with business, in keeping with the official purpose of the trip. There was a political connotation to only one chat, when Bukharin and Nicolaevsky disagreed, as would be expected, about ideology.
 To take yet another example, Bukharin testified that a connection between the Bloc of Rightists and Trotskyists and the Menshevik center abroad was maintained by Rykov through Nicolaevsky. Rykov was forced to admit this, as Yagoda himself confirmed. Yet I knew, from Nicolaevsky’s own lips, that he had had no contact whatsoever with Rykov. Nicolaevsky had brought up the subject himself during a conversation with Bukharin in Paris, as I listened because he wondered whether we had any news of his brother Vladimir, who was married to Rykov’s sister and lived in Moscow.
 “I am convinced that Nicolaevsky has already refuted these false statements of Bukharin and Rykov in the press,” I declared to Beria. Many years after my release, I learned that I had been right.
 “Representatives of the Second International might want to refute that testimony for conspiratorial reasons,” Beria remarked.
 In these words, I recognized the familiar mark of Stalin.
 “Perhaps I have said enough to prove my point? I asked.
 “No, no, go on. It’s interesting to see how everything has been fractured in your mind.”
 “I understand everything perfectly, as would anyone in my shoes.”

 Next, I referred to the testimony of Vasily Yakovenko. A Siberian of peasant stock, he had won glory as the leader of the partisan movement against the White Army of Admiral Kolchak. After Yakovenko was arrested, a copy of his testimony was sent to Bukharin, who would be picked up soon afterward. It seems that Yakovenko claimed that he had met Bukharin at Larin’s dacha in Serebryany Bor and had been commissioned by him to go to Siberia to organize a kulak uprising for the purpose of splitting the territory off from the Soviet Union.
 Only one part of this story was true: Bukharin had indeed happened to run into Yakovenko at Larin’s dacha. Here’s what happened. Nikolai Ivanovich, my father, and I were sitting together on a bench near the yard fence, when we noticed Yakovenko walking down the path alongside, bent over and thinner than normal, not at all like himself. He had always been a hardy, truly powerful lad, a tall, strong, and handsome Siberian, but now he was sick, feeble, supporting himself with a cane. Nikolai Ivanovich knew him only slightly, but Father was a close friend, so he asked Yakovenko to stop and sit awhile. Joining us, he explained that the doctors had discovered he had a stomach ulcer at an advanced stage of development and he would have to go rest in the hospital (not foment kulak uprisings). He was in such pain that he could not sit long. We spoke of nothing but this health and the prospects for the harvest.
 “Well, how were the prospects?” Beria asked ironically, implying that he did not much believe my story.
 “I don’t know; that is irrelevant here.”
 Not only Yakovenko’s incriminating testimony but also Bukharin’s reported reaction to it had shaken me. Before Nikolai Ivanovich was arrested, he had been outraged by the tale; he read it aloud to me and asked whether I recalled the incident, but at his trial he confirmed both the incident and the place of meeting, Serebryany Bor (though without mentioning Larin’s dacha, evidently not wanting to drag in my father’s name).

 I was deeply worried, for I recognized that my eyewitness observations placed the noose around my own neck; still, once Beria had called Nikolai Ivanovich a traitor, I was unable to hold my tongue. I did keep quiet about one specific item in Bukharin’s trial testimony that had stunned me, however, his statement that among his so-called fellow conspirators he had called Mikhail Tukhachevsky a potential “Napoleonchik” [little Napoleon]. In fact, as my husband had told me himself, it was Stalin who called Tukhachevsky “Napoleonchik” in a conversation with Bukharin, who then tried to persuade him that the general by no means yearned for such power. Therefore, the insertion of this specific epithet in the false testimony indicates that Stalin participated directly in the composition of the trial scenario. No one else could have known to put his words into Bukharin’s mouth.
 Nor did I tell Beria how surprised I had been by Bukharin’s forced admission that he had sent his former protégé Aleksandr Slepkov to the North Caucasus to organize a kulak uprising there. On the contrary, I knew very well that Nikolai Ivanovich’s protégé, Slepkov among them, had been sent by Stain to the provinces in order to isolate him, which made him very sad.            
 But I did cite one more weighty fact that gave the lie to the trials. Not long before Radek’s arrest, I heard him talking with Bukharin; it was meant to be a private conversation, but I was in the next room and the door was open. I heard Radek assuring Bukharin that he had not been involved in any conspiracy against Stalin or in any other crimes. Yet, after his arrest, both at his preliminary investigation and at his trial, Radek confessed to horrific crimes and impeached Bukharin.
 “From Radek’s conversation with Bukharin,” I asserted to Beria, “one can conclude only one of two things: either Radek himself took part in counterrevolutionary activity and gave false testimony against Bukharin [of course, I categorically rejected this possibility, but I was trying to prove logically that my husband was not involved in crimes] or both men were innocent. Two accomplices could not have had the conversation I overheard.”

William Christian Bullitt Jr. (January 25, 1891 – February 15, 1967) was an American diplomat, journalist, and novelist. He is known for his special mission to negotiate with Lenin on behalf of the Paris Peace Conference, often recalled as a missed opportunity to normalize relations with the Bolsheviks.[2] He was also the first U.S. ambassador to the Soviet Union and the U.S. ambassador to France during World War II.

ミハイル・アレクサンドロヴィッチ・ヴルーベリ(Михаил Александрович Врубель / Michail Alexandrowitsch Wrubel、1856年3月17日(ロシア暦5日) - 1910年4月14日(ロシア暦1日))は19世紀から20世紀にかけて、装飾や舞台美術も含め様々なジャンルで活躍したロシアの画家。Art nouveauアールヌーヴォーМодернあるいは象徴主義の傾向を有する。

Iwan Fjodorow (russisch Ива́н Фёдоров, Aussprache [i'van 'fʲodɘrɘf], auch Ivan Fedorovitsch; * zwischen 1510 und 1525 im Raum Moskau; † 6. Dezemberjul. / 16. Dezember 1583greg. in Lemberg, Polen, heute Ukraine) war der erste namentlich bekannte russische Drucker.

Akmal Ikromovich Ikromovアクマリ・イクラモヴィチ・イクラモフ (1898-yil, Toshkent — 1938-yil 15-mart) — davlat va siyosat arbobi. O’zbekiston hukumat rahbarlaridan biridir中央アジア方面の地方幹部として昇進するも大粛清によって失脚、処刑された。

