
当ブログはトロント在住、日系一世カナダ人サミー・山田(48)おっさんの「独り言」です。まさに「個人日記」。1968年11月16日東京都目黒区出身(A型)・在北米30年の日系カナダ人(Canadian Citizen)・University of Toronto Woodsworth College BA History & East Asian Studies Major トロント在住(職業記者・医療関連・副職画家)・Toronto Ontario「団体」「宗教」「党派」一切無関係・「政治的」意図皆無=「事実関係」特定の「考え」が’正しい’あるいは一方だけが’間違ってる’いう気は毛頭なし。「知って」それぞれ「考えて」いただれれば本望(^_-☆Everybody!! Let's 'Ponder' or 'Contemplate' On va vous re?-chercher!Internationale!!「世界人類みな兄弟」「平和祈願」「友好共存」「戦争反対」「☆Against Racism☆」「☆Gender Equality☆」&ノーモア「ヘイト」(怨恨、涙、怒りや敵意しか生まない)Thank you very much for everything!! Ma Cher Minasan, Merci Beaucoup et Bonne Chance 

Незабываемое/А́нна Ла́рина『夫ブハーリンの想い出/アンナ・ラーリナ(和田あき子訳)』THIS I CANNOT FORGET/Anna Larina(translated from the Russian by Gary Kern)Товарищ«☭Большевистский переворот/Союз Советских Социалистических Республик☆»⑱



 I assumed that I had slain Beria with list of inconsistencies, particularly with this last story. But he regarded me with unperturbed calm and declared, “Your argumentation is not convincing, Anna Yuriyevna. These considerations you bring forward, based on facts you allege to be true, require the confirmation of witness. On what basis should I believe your story that Radek in private with Bukharin denied his involvement in crimes, when both of them, and other defendants as well, confessed at the trials to having committed evil deeds against the Soviet state? Where is the guarantee that everything you have just told me is not your own invention?”
 He had listened to me with undivided attention, and he knew perfectly well that nothing I had said was the fruit of my imagination. Yet his scholastic objection threw me for a loss. It would be impossible to find witness. But I quickly came up with a pertinent rebuttal.
 “I don’t need any witnesses,” I retorted. “You expressed surprise, even indignation, that after the trial I was unable to believe that Nikolai Ivanovich had participated in crimes. I have demonstrated why it is impossible to believe that; from my point of view, the reasons I have cited are sufficiently convincing. If you do not believe what I say, there is no point in talking to me.”
 “If I am talking to you, there’s a point,” Beria said with emphasis. “Now, how do you account for the confessions of the accused, since you don’t believe in them? Bukharin, evidently, suggested to you that the testimonies were obtained through torture.”

 “When we talked before his arrest, he dismissed the testimonies as outright libel; consequently, he said they must have been forced, coerced by pain, for mankind has not yet spawned such a quantity of scoundrels willing to lie of their own volition. Nikolai Ivanovich came up with various suppositions about the methods used to obtain such testimony, and he did not exclude torture. Which methods are effective in extorting lying accusations from someone, you would know better than I.”
 “We treat enemies as enemies; that’s the way you have to treat them!’

 “Tom my mind, it makes sense to find out the truth, even from your enemies. If the methods of your investigation produce false testimony, they make no sense, not even in regard to your enemies.”
 I cannot recall Beria’s answer to this.
 His aim in conversing with me was not clear. Impulsively, I started to ask him, but since his face happened to look severe at that moment (his expression changed frequently), I held back, partly because I assumed he would not tell me the truth in any event, partly because I probably feared his answer.

 Toward the end of our conversation, he asked me several questions that are not without interest. I will recall as much as I can. He asked how close Maksim Maksimovich Litvinov, then people’s commissar of foreign affairs, had been to Bukharin; had he ever come to visit? I gathered that Litvinov was being undermined and did not rule out the possibility that he had already been arrested. I replied that they were not at all close and that Litvinov had never visited Bukharin.
 “What now, are you saying that they did not know each other, that they were not even acquainted?” Beria asked with a smirk.

 With the best intentions in the world, I could not say they were not acquainted.
 “Your answer is very indefinite, quite nebulous. Evidently, you are guided by a desire to wall Litvinov off from Bukharin.”
 “My answer reflects the actual state of affairs: they were acquainted, but not close. I cannot put it any other way.”
The next question surprised me greatly: “What character assessments did Bukharin make of Soviet political figures?”
 It seemed more than strange that Beria should interest himself in this point several months after Bukharin’s death. I had no answer that Nikolai Ivanovich never discussed this particular topic with me. Besides, since he, Beria, had just observed, “You cannot execute someone repeatedly, execution is one time only,” the question lost meaning with Bukharin’s death. The people’s commissar did not yield on this point right away, but he got no other answer from me.

 The next question concerned me personally. Had I met with anyone in Moscow before going into exile? I did not immediately come out with the truth. At first, I said I hadn’t met with anyone at all, but, unable to bear my lie, I changed my answer, or “confessed”:
 “I saw one person, but I will not say who. I will not give his name.”  “Why not?”
 “You would start persecuting him for this, but in my most difficult days he had not act like a miserable coward, as so many others did. He showed me the utmost solicitude and warmth, and I do not want him to suffer because of it.”
At that, Beria and Kobulov burst out laughing.

 “It was Sozykin, Nikolai Stepanovich, wasn’t it? He’s the one who showed you consideration,” Beria said sarcastically, shaking his head. “What naïveté ! You met him at the Moskva Hotel, didn’t you?”
 I could literally hear my own heart beating. In an instant, I was compelled to change my attitude toward a man who had seemed a bright spot in my disastrous life. I had no often reflected that there were few people like Kolya Sozykin.
 Here is his story. Kolya Sozykin, a former classmate of mien at the institute and the Komosomol organizer in our group, telephoned me not long before Bukharin’s arrest. A native of Stalingrad, he had returned home after graduation to work, but now, as he explained, he had been transferred back to Moscow to the planning department of the newly organized People’s Commissariat of the Defense Industry. He was living in the Moskva Hotel until an apartment could be found for him.  I took all of this at face value, but Nikolai Ivanovich had his doubts: “Who in the People’s Commissariat of the Defense Industry could have needed a recent graduate, a specialist in a different field, so badly as to drag him to Moscow from Stalingrad and then present him with a room in the Moskva Hotel? It looks as if your Sozykin is a plant.” I refused to believe this, Nikolai Ivanovich did not go so far as to object to our meeting; he simply warned me to be extra careful and not say anything unnecessary. Besides, we had been secluded together from August 1936 to February 27, 1937, virtually isolated from the outside world. Just once I had gone out to pay a visit to my mother. Bukharin always stayed at home, and he wanted to know what people were saying about current events.

 I saw Sozykin only one time before Nikolai Ivanovich’s arrest. It seemed natural to me that he expressed an interest in my husband when we met at the Moskva Hotel, and how could I possibly keep from telling him that Nikolai Ivanovich absolutely denied his guilt? Yet this was precisely the “unnecessary” thing it was dangerous to talk about. After the arrest, I saw Sozykin once more at his hotel, but I was unable to think or speak about anything but the horrible February-March plenum. My former schoolmate tried to calm me: They would sort it all out, you see. He bought toys for my baby, and candy.
 “You felt story for him and wanted to protect him, Anna Yuriyevna, but he didn’t spare you. No, no, he didn’t feel a bit sorry for you! He gave a very bad report of you.”
 “I don’t care what kind of report he gave about me. What is important to me is that he is not the Sozykin I thought he was, and that hurts. Besides, he could not have said anything bad about me unless he lied. I told him about the events of the February-March plenum and about Bukharin’s conduct there. That’s all he could pass along from me. Evidently, there is more than one such testimony against me in your files. One more, one less, does that change anything? You think I was wrong to tell Sozykin about the plenum; I think I did the right thing, because I told him the truth about Nikolai Ivanovich.”

 “So then, you feel sorry for everyone,” the people’s commissar concluded. “And so Litvinov’s ties with Bukharin, you don’t want to reveal them, either.”
 “I know nothing about any ‘ties’ between Litvinov and Bukharin. As far as I understand it, you are interested in counterrevolutionary ties, but no such ties could have existed between them. What sense would it make for me to shield Litvinov? He’s much too large a figure for me to have any influence on his fate.”
 “You will tell the investigator about Litvinov,” Beria said. Then he abruptly asked, “Did you know Valentin Astrov? He helped us a lot, and we spared his life.”
 I was not acquainted with the man, but I knew he had been one of Bukharin’s protégés in the 1920s.
 “Evidently, this Astrov told lies about Bukharin and about his own comrades, Bukharin’s protégés. What methods brought him to this point I do not know, but I’m not Astrov and I’m not your accessory. Even if I wanted to, I couldn’t help you. As you put it so well, they execute you only one time; it’s impossible to be executed more than once.”

 “Yes, yes,” said Beria, not in the least deterred. “It’s not enough that Larin’s daughter married Bukharin; she has to defend him as well.”
 I could barely restrain myself from using foul language in reply. Beria saw that mentioning my father drove me to near frenzy. As a sadist, he may have derived pleasure from this.
 “What has Larin got to do with it? Don’t mention his name! If I were not Larin’s daughter, I would not be Bukharin’s wife. You know this as well as I! They were friends!”

 Beria gazed at me searchingly, knitting his brows, and kept silent for a while. I was shaking with nervous agitation, while he seemed to be mulling over something and making a decision of some sort. Finally, he spoke:
 “Whom are you trying to save, Anna Yuriyevna? After all, Nikolai Ivanovich [once again, he used Bukharin’s given name and patronymic] is no longer with us. Now save yourself!
 “I’m saving my clean conscience, Lavrenty Pavlovich!”

 “Forget your conscience!” Beria yelled back. “You blab too much! If you want to live, then shut up abut Bukharin! If you don’t shut up, here’s what you’ll get.” Beria aimed his right forefinger at his temple. “So will you promise me to shut up?” It was not a question but a categorical, commanding statement, made as he peered straight into my eyes, as if he had already given the promise for me. I felt as if my life were being decided in that instant, whether I would still breathe, whether my heart would still beat. I promised to shut up. Besides, I suddenly suspected that it was Beria, not the Boss, who for some reason wanted to save my life. This suspicion influenced my decision to a degree.
 I had conducted myself with dignity throughout this conversation, and yet just before the end I could no longer hold out and had given up. My soul felt dirtied by the degrading promise.
 Jumping ahead, I have to say that I broke my vow the very next day. I wrote Stalin a little note, not a declaration but just a few words. At first, I could not decide how to address him. It was impossible for me to write the words “Comrade Stalin,” and using just “Stalin” seemed too crude (as if he did not deserve such crudity!). So I called him by his given name and patronymic:

Iosif Vissarionovich!
 Through the thick walls of this prison I am looking you straight in the eyes. I do not believe in this monstrous judicial process. What you had to gain by putting Nikolai Ivanovich to death I cannot understand.
That is all I was able to write. I signed with both my surnames and left the note in a box on the little table in the corridor, and they led me back to my cell. I do not think Stalin ever saw my message, but Beria surely would have. Why did I write? Obviously, to recover some spiritual peace after my degrading promise to the people’s commissar.

 “Well, it’s time to conclude our conversation,” Beria said. “I hope we can have tea now. Would you like some fruit? The grapes are wonderful. You haven’t eaten grapes for a long time.”
 But again I turned down his hospitality.
 “You won’t get away from this fruit,” he said and handed them in a paper package to the convoy guard assigned to take me back to my cell.

 To me the newly installed people’s commissar of the NKVD had not acted like the man I remembered from my trips to Georgia or yet like the brute he actually was, according to the numerous stories and reminiscences I would hear later from people who were interrogated by him. But it was clear that he was an unprincipled careerist serving only Stalin, so long as Stalin was dictator. Had the tyrant’s power wavered, Beria would not have hesitated to dig a knife into his back. The people’s commissar of the NKVD was not corrupted by Stalin; he was a criminal from the start. And eventually, retribution would be paid!

Le chef de la sécurité de Staline, Lavrenti Beria, a été exécuté le 23 décembre 1953. Beria, avec Staline en arrière-plan et la fille de Staline, SvetlanaLavrenti Pavlovich Beria était un Géorgien, comme Staline, qui l'appelait « mon Himmler ».

