
当ブログはトロント在住、日系一世カナダ人サミー・山田(48)おっさんの「独り言」です。まさに「個人日記」。1968年11月16日東京都目黒区出身(A型)・在北米30年の日系カナダ人(Canadian Citizen)・University of Toronto Woodsworth College BA History & East Asian Studies Major トロント在住(職業記者・医療関連・副職画家)・Toronto Ontario「団体」「宗教」「党派」一切無関係・「政治的」意図皆無=「事実関係」特定の「考え」が’正しい’あるいは一方だけが’間違ってる’いう気は毛頭なし。「知って」それぞれ「考えて」いただれれば本望(^_-☆Everybody!! Let's 'Ponder' or 'Contemplate' On va vous re?-chercher!Internationale!!「世界人類みな兄弟」「平和祈願」「友好共存」「戦争反対」「☆Against Racism☆」「☆Gender Equality☆」&ノーモア「ヘイト」(怨恨、涙、怒りや敵意しか生まない)Thank you very much for everything!! Ma Cher Minasan, Merci Beaucoup et Bonne Chance 

☆Троцкийלייב טראצקי☭武力なき予言者/THE PROPHET UNARMED トロツキーTROTSKY 1921-1929 アイザック・ドイッチャー/ISSAC DEUTSCHER第四章CHAPTER IV: 幕合An Interval⑦

【原注】彼はこの論争中だが一回だけ、Zwischenruf (他人の発言中に発言すること)をやった。ジノヴィエフが、一年前、政治局からトロツキー罷免を要求した当時の事情を説明して、あれほどわれわれが非難攻撃を彼に加えた以上、彼をポリトビューローの一員に再選するのは筋が通らないからだ、と言ったとき、トロツキーは半畳を入れたー「その通り!」 

 Nor did he rise and declare his solidarity with Krupskaya when she spoke about the stultifying effect of the Leninist cult, when she entreated the delegates to discuss the issues before them on their merits instead of swamping debates with meaningless quotation from the writings of her husband, and when, finally, she recalled by way of a warning how the campaign against Trotsky had degenerated into slander and persecution. He listened as though unconcerned to the controversy over socialism in one country, one of the greatest debates of the century. He was not provoked to make a single gesture of protest or disagreement when Bukharin built the case for socialism in one country on the party’s previous rejection of Trotsky’s permanent revolution, and went on to speak of building socialism at the ‘snail’s pace’. The triumvirs revealed the inner story of their disagreement in which Trotsky’s person loomed so large: Stalin related how Zinoviev and Kamenev had asked for Trotsky’s head and how he had resisted them. Zinoviev described how he and Stalin had, violating the stature, dispersed the Central Committee of the Communist Youth after its overwhelming majority had declared for Trotsky. Speakers from all factions paid Trotsky compliments and made advances. While Krupskaya spoke, a cry, ‘Lev Davidovich, you have gained new collaborators!” rose from the floor. Lashevich, hitherto one of his most embittered adversaries, acknowledged that Trotsky had not been altogether wrong in 1923. The Stalinists and Bukharinists were lavish with praise: Mikoyan held up to the new Opposition the shining example of Trotsky who, when defeated, scrupulously observed party discipline. Yaroslavsky reproached the Leningraders with their rabid and still unabated anti-Trotskyism. Tomsky contrasted the ‘crystal-clear lucidity of Trotsky’s views’ and the integrity of his conduct with Zinoviev’s and Kamenev’s muddleheadedness and evasions. Kalinin spoke of the resentment and disgust he had always felt at their attempts to drag down Trotsky. When Zinoviev asserted his right to dissent from official policy, and complained that no opposition had ever been handled so roughly, Stalinists and Bukharinists showed on him derisive reminders of the things he had done to Trotsky. Then, winding up a great peroration, Zinoviev exhorted the congress to let bygones be bygones and to reform the party’s leadership so that all sections of Bolshevik opinion should co-operate and unite. The eyes of the whole assembly were now on Trotsky had the great and eloquent man nothing to say? His lips were sealed. He remained silent even when Andreev asked that new prerogatives he voted for the Central Committee to enable it to deal more effectively with dissenters-to enable it, that is, to break the back of the new Opposition. The latter had been heavily outvoted; but before its close the congress received with uproar and anger reports that in Leningrad turbulent demonstrations against its decisions were in progress: the Leningraders were fighting on within their fortress.  And to the end not a word escaped from Trotsky’s mouth.
*He made only one Zwischenruf in the debate. When Zinoviev explained that the year before he had asked for Trotsky’s exclusion from the Politburo because after all the accusations they had hurled at Trotsky, it was incongruous to re-elect him to the Politburo, Trotsky interjected: ‘Correct!’
*Ruth Fisher, who was present in Moscow during the congress but was not admitted to it and was instead given daily reports by Bogrebinsky, Stalin’s underling, ‘a delegate from the G.P.U., writes: ‘Bogrebinsky was particularly interested in Trotsky . . . Both groups feared him . . . and now both hoped to win him over, Trotsky’s attitude might have been decisive among the wavering delegates from the provinces. Trotsky, Bogrebinsky noted each day, had looked well or badly; he had spoken with this person or that. “I saw Trotsky today in the corridors. He spoke with some of the delegates, and I could hear a little of the conversation. He said nothing on the decisive questions. He did not support the Opposition, even by hints and allusions. That is wonderful. Those dogs of Leningrad will get a thorough bearing” R. Fisher, Stalin and German Communism, p. 494.

 Trotsky’s private papers offer us an insight into what was going on in his mind. In a note jotted down on 22 December, the fourth day of the congress, he remained that there was ‘a grain of truth’-but not more-in the view expressed by some that the Leningraders continued the work of the Trotskyist Opposition. The hue and cry, raised in 1923, about the enmity of Trotskyism towards the peasantry had paved the way for the neo-Populism which was now fashionable and against which the Leningraders reacted. It was natural that they should do so, although they had led in the drive against Trotskyism. The intense animosity of the congress towards Zinoviev’s faction reflected au fond the hostility of the country to the town. This view, one might have though, should have induced Trotsky to make common cause with the Leningraders at once. But the issues and the divisions did not yet seem to him as clear as they had so far appeared in his own analysis; and he entertained certain hopes which induced him to wait.
 He wondered why Sokolnikov, of all people, the ultra-moderate who should have been on Bukharin’s side, had joined the Leningraders. He was puzzled that the division was between Moscow and Leningrad. The artificially produced antagonism between them, he noted, veiled a deeper underlying conflict. He hoped that the organizations of the two capitals would draw together and reassert jointly the aspirations of the proletarian-socialist elements against the pro-muzhik right. He reckoned that all ‘true Bolsheviks’ would rise against the bureaucracy-nothing less could free the party organization of Moscow from Stalin’s stranglehold. The situation was still in a state of flux. He expected something like a political landside, of which the breach between the triumvirs was only the beginning, to shake the party and to bring about the final, far wider, and far more significant regrouping of forces. Then the lines of division would be less fortuitous and would correspond to the fundamental contradictions between town and country, worker and peasant, socialism and property. Meantime, he was not at all eager to throw in his lot with the ‘vociferous, vulgar, and rightly discredited’ leaders of the Leningrad Opposition. There is a whiff of Schadenfreude in these diary notes written as he watched Zinoviev’s and Kamenev’s discomfiture-as if he were saying: Vous l’avez, vaulu, vous l’avez voulu!
 Yet he could not give himself to Schadenfreude for any length of time, it was not in his nature to do so. Willy-nilly he had to rush to the rescue of the defeated. Nor sooner had the congress dispersed than the Central Committee met to consider measures for taming Leningrad. Stalin proposed to dismiss in the first instance the editorial staff of Leningradskaya Pravda and to turn that newspaper into the mouthpiece of official policy. Next Zinoviev was to be deposed and Kirov was to take his place at the head of the Northern Commune. The whip was to come down on the Leningraders. At this point Trotsky broke his silence-he was against the reprisals. He did not contemplate an alliance with Zinoviev and Kamenev, but by trying to shield them, he at once gave offensive to Stalin who had walked around him gingerly seeking to mollify him.
 There was a curious scene at the session. Bukharin spoke for the course of action proposed by Stalin. Kamenev protested. It was strange, he said, that Bukharin, who had always opposed drastic reprisals against the Trotskyists, should now call for the whip. ‘Ah, but he has come to relish the whip’, Trotsky interjected. Bukharin, as thought caught off guard, cried back: ‘You think I have come to relish it, but this relishing makes me shudder from head to foot.’ In this cry of anguish were suddenly revealed the forebodings with which Bukharin backed Stalin. From this incident dares a ‘private contact’, which ‘after a long interval’ Trotsky resumed with Bukharin-a fairly friendly, but politically fruitless and short-lived affair, the traces of which are found in their correspondence. Still ‘shuddering from head to foot’, Bukharin did his best to persuade Trotsky not to come to Zinoviev’s aid. He tried to impress on him that the party’s freedom was not at stake in this case and that Zinoviev, who himself brooked no opposition, was no defender of inner-party democracy. Trotsky did not deny this, but he argued that Stalin was surely no better; and that the evil lay in a monolithic discipline and the unanimous vote which both Stalin and Zinoviev enforced-this had made it possible that on the eve of the congress the two largest organizations, those of Moscow and Leningrad, should each carry its own resolutions in ‘a hundred per cent unanimity’. He held no brief for the Leningraders; but he could not but oppose the false discipline; and he appealed to Bukharin to join him in a common effort to restore ‘a healthy inner-party régime’. Bukharin, however, was afraid that by asking for more freedom they would get less; and he concluded that those who demanded inner-party democracy were in effect its worst enemies, and that the only way to save what was left of it was not to use it.
 While these pathetic ‘confidential’ exchanges went on, Stalin lost the hope of playing Trotsky against Zinoviev and Kamenev. Earlier perhaps than Trotsky himself he realized that the two Oppositions would have to join hands. He therefore gave the signal for a new drive against Trotsky. He was anxious that Trotsky should not be able to address communist gatherings in working-class districts. UglanovНикола́й Алекса́ндрович Угла́нов, who had replaced Kamenev as leader of the Moscow organization, saw to that. Under all sorts of pretexts Trotsky was refused admission to the cells. As he was just then addressing meetings of scientists and other intellectuals, the members of the proletarian cells were told that he preferred to speak to the bourgeoisie rather than face workers. Official agitators ceased to distinguish between Trotskyists and Zinovievists, incited the rank and file against both, and hinted darkly that it was no matter of chance that the leaders of both were Jews-this was, they suggested, a struggle between native and genuine Russian socialism and aliens who sought to pervert it.
  In another letter to Bukharin, dated 4 March, Trotsky described the vexations and the obloquy of which he had again become the object. Altogether against his inclination, he dwelt on the anti-Semitic undertones of the agitators’ talk. ‘I think’, he wrote, attempting to arouse Bukharin, ‘that what binds us, two Politburo members, is still quite enough for us to try and check the facts calmly and conscientiously: is it true, is it possible that it our party, IN MOSCOW, in WORKERS’ CELLS, anti-Semitic agitation, should be carried on with impunity?!’ A fortnight later at a Politburo meeting he asked the same astonished and indignant question. The Politburo members shrugged, professed to know nothing, or pooh-poohed the matter. Bukharin blushed with embarrassment and shamer; but he could not turn against hit associates and allies. At any rate, at this stage his ‘private contact’ with Trotsky was coming to an end.
 It was not by chance that the agitators struck the anti-Semitic note: they were briefed by Uglanov; and Uglanov took his cue from Stalin who was anything but fastidious in the choice of means. But there were means to which he could not have resorted even a year or two earlier; and playing on anti-Jewish prejudiced was one of them. This had been the favorite occupation of the worst Tsarist reactionaries, and even in 1923-4 the party and its Old Guard were still too strongly imbued with internationalism to countenance such prejudice, let alone to exploit it. But the situation was changing. The new right appealed vaguely to nationalist emotions; and while these surged up, the political climate hints or allusions dropped in their midst. The distrust of the ‘alien’ was, after all, only a reflex of that Russian self-centredness, of which socialism in one country was the ideological abstract.
 Jews were in fact, conspicuous among the Opposition although they were there together with the flower of the non-Jewish intelligentsia and workers. Trotsky, Zinoviev, Kamenev, Sokolnikov, Radek, were all Jews. (There were, on the other hand, very few Jews among the Stalinists, and fever still among the Bukharinists.) Thoroughly ‘assimilated’ and Russified though they were, and hostile to the Mosaic as to any other religion, and to Zinoviev, they were still marked by that ‘Jewishness’ which is the quintessence of the urban way of life in all its modernity, progressiveness, restlessness, and one-sidedness. To be sure, the allegations that they were politically hostile to the muzhik were false and, in Stalin’s mouth, though perhaps not in Bukharin’s, insincere. But the Bolsheviks of Jewish origin were least of all inclined to idealize rural Russia in her primitivism and barbarity and to drag along at a ‘snail’s pace’ the native peasant cart. They were in a sense the ‘rootless cosmopolitans’ on whom Stalin was to turn his wrath openly in his old age. Not for them was the ideal of socialism in a single country. As a rule the progressive or revolutionary Jew, brought up on the border lines of various religions and national cultures, whether Spinoza or Marx, Heine or Freud, Rosa Luxemburg or Trotsky, was particularly apt to transcend in his mind religious and national limitations and to identity himself with a universal view of mankind. He was therefore also peculiarly vulnerable whenever either religious fanaticisms or nationalist emotions ran high. Spinoza and Marx, Heine and Freud, Rosa Luxemburg and Trotsky, all suffered excommunication, exile, and moral or physical assassination; and the writings of all were burned at the stake.
*In 1918, while the Ukraine was under German occupation and ruled by Skoropadsky, the rabbits of Odessa pronounced anathema on Trotsky and Zinoviev.(Zinoviev, Sochinenya, vok, xvi, p. 224.) The White Guards, on the other hand, made much of Trotsky’s Jewishness and alleged that Lenin was also a Jew. Curious echoes of this can be found in soviet folk-lore and fiction of the early twenties. In one of Seyfulina’s stories a muzhik says: ‘Trotsky is one of us, a Russian and a Bolshevik. Lenin is a Jew and a Communist.’ In Babel’s short story ‘Salt’ a peasant woman says those dirty Jews Lenin and Trotsky.’ The Red Army man replies: ‘We aren’t talking about Jews now, you harmful citizen. The Jews haven’t got nothing to do with it. By the way, I won’t say nothing about Lenin, but Trotsky was the desperate son of a Governor of Tambov and went over the working class . . . . They work like niggers, Lenin and Trotsky do, to pull us up to the path of freedom.’
 In the first weeks of 1926 the strength of the Leningrad Opposition was broken. The Leningraders could not but submit to Stalin’s orders. To defy them was to challenge the authority of the Central Committee, which backed Stalin, and the legality of the congress which had elected the Committee. This Zinoviev and Kamenev, who like Trotsky still sat on that Committee, were not prepared to do. They had openly declared that Stalin had rigged the elections to the congress and that the Central Committee represented the party machine, not the party. But it was one thing to state this, and quite another to proclaim that the decisions of the congress and of the Central Committee were invalid and to refuse to submit. For Zinoviev and Kamenev in particular it would have been a dangerous undertaking to question the legitimacy of the last congress: had they not, together with Stalin packed the fourteenth? By challenging the authority of the Central Committee, the Leningraders would have virtually constituted themselves into a separate party, a rival of the official All-Union Communist Party. It was unthinkable that they should do so. They had all accepted the single-party system as a sine qua non. Nobody had shown greater zeal in asserting this principle and drawing from it the most far-reaching and absurd conclusions than Zinoviev had. Leningrad’s defiance of Moscow would have amounted almost to a declaration of civil war.
*After the fourteenth congress the Bukharinists and the Stalinists had an increased majority in the Central Committee. The new Politburo consisted of nine instead of seven members Stalin, Trotsky, Zinoviev, Bukharin, Rykov, Tomsky, Kalinin, Molotov, and Voroshilov. With Kalinin and Voroshilov vacillating between the right and the center, Stalin’s faction was somewhat weaker numerically than Bukharin’s. Kamenev was now only an alternate member of the Politburo. The other alternative members were Uglanov, Rudzutak, Dzerzhinsky, and Petrovsky.
 And so, when Kirov appeared in Leningrad as Stalin’s envoy invested with plenary power and entitled to take command of the Northern Commune, there was nothing left for Zinoviev but to yield. Almost overnight all the local branches of the party, is editorial offices, its manifold organizations, and all the resources on which the Opposition had hitherto drawn, passed into the hands of Stalin’s and Kirov’s nominees. Two of Zinoviev’s lieutenant had controlled the armed forces of Leningrad: Lashevich, as political commissar of the garrison and the military region, and Bakaev as head of the G.P.U. Both surrendered their offices, the central government. This was followed by a moral débâcle . As long as the leaders stood in the full panoply of power it seemed that they had the whole of Leningrad behind them. Now the great proletarian city appeared indifferent to their fate. The workers of Vyborg, that old rampant of Bolshevism, were the first to desert them. For years Zinoviev had bullied and browbeaten them; and so they were not moved by his latest pleas on behalf of the workers and his cry for equality, the pleas and the cry which they were to recall nostalgically a few years hence when it was too late. Humble men viewed the commotion as a brawl between bigwigs which was of no concern to them. Even those who took a less cynical view and felt with the Opposition most often kept their feelings to themselves: unemployment was rampant; and the punishment for ‘disloyalty’ might be the loss of one’s job and starvation. Thus the active following of the Leningrad Opposition dwindled to a few hundred veterans of the revolution, a small and closely knit band of men, who were devoted to their ideals and leaders and who gradually found that all doors were shut upon them.

*Nikolaï Alexandrovitch Ouglanov (Угла́нов, Никола́й Алекса́ндрович), né le 5 décembre 1886 et mort exécuté le 31 mai 1937 à Moscou, est un homme politique russe, qui joua un rôle important dans le gouvernement de l'Union soviétique.

