
当ブログはトロント在住、日系一世カナダ人サミー・山田(48)おっさんの「独り言」です。まさに「個人日記」。1968年11月16日東京都目黒区出身(A型)・在北米30年の日系カナダ人(Canadian Citizen)・University of Toronto Woodsworth College BA History & East Asian Studies Major トロント在住(職業記者・医療関連・副職画家)・Toronto Ontario「団体」「宗教」「党派」一切無関係・「政治的」意図皆無=「事実関係」特定の「考え」が’正しい’あるいは一方だけが’間違ってる’いう気は毛頭なし。「知って」それぞれ「考えて」いただれれば本望(^_-☆Everybody!! Let's 'Ponder' or 'Contemplate' On va vous re?-chercher!Internationale!!「世界人類みな兄弟」「平和祈願」「友好共存」「戦争反対」「☆Against Racism☆」「☆Gender Equality☆」&ノーモア「ヘイト」(怨恨、涙、怒りや敵意しか生まない)Thank you very much for everything!! Ma Cher Minasan, Merci Beaucoup et Bonne Chance 

知られざる歴史事実・French Indochina War=第三次インドシナ戦争+Guerre entre le Cambodge et le Viêt Nam

みなさん こんにちは(2016年11月)
ーまずこの当時の「日本パスポート」には「北ベトナム」(ベトナム民主共和国)と「北朝鮮」(朝鮮民主主義人民共和国)は「渡航できず」と記載されていました。私がアメリカに発ったときも「北朝鮮」は厳存していたけど。いつのまにか消えましたね(今度、事情を調べてみます)。もし行く場合は「一次パスポート」(その国行きのみ有効)を特別申請しなければならなかった。それは余談に過ぎず。以下参考文献:小倉 貞男「ヴェトナム戦争全史」 (岩波現代文庫・1992年)平松茂雄「中国人民解放軍」(岩波新書・1997年)
The Fall of Saigon

Citation: C N Trueman "The Fall of Saigon"
historylearningsite.co.uk. The History Learning Site, 27 Mar 2015. 16 Aug 2016.
Saigon, capital city of South Vietnam, fell to North Vietnamese forces on April 30th1975. The fall of Saigon (now Ho Chin Minh City) effectively marked the end of the Vietnam War. After the introduction of Vietnamisation by President Richard Nixon, US forces in South Vietnam had been constantly reduced leaving the military of South Vietnam to defend their country against the North. Saigon had already experienced direct military action in 1968 when as part of the Tet Offensive North Vietnamese forces had appeared in Saigon and for a short time had entered the US Embassy. However, brief their incursion may have been, the appearance of North Vietnamese forces in the South’s capital had been a shock. By 1975, what remained of the South Vietnamese Army was not capable of withstanding the advance of the North and it was an inevitability that Saigon would fall to communist forces.On January 1st 1975, troops from the PAVN (People’s Army of Vietnam) had advanced to within 75 miles from Saigon. Because Saigon was so far to the south, it had effectively escaped major action and damage. Attacks on US targets did occur but usually this was the result of individual attack as an all-out offensive was to all intents out of the question. However, once US forces had left South Vietnam, the advance of the North into the South became unstoppable. As the forces of the North got nearer to Saigon, what remained of the South Vietnamese Army started to disintegrate. The President and Commander-in-Chief, General Thieu, had already fled to Taiwan. General Duong Van Minh who was instructed to find a peaceful solution to the war replaced him. This was an impossible task, as the North had no reason to want to negotiate.
Vietnam's forgotten Cambodian war

On 30 April 1975, the last American helicopters beat an ignominious retreat from Saigon as the tanks of the North Vietnamese Army rumbled into the capital of defeated South Vietnam. Victory over the US military is remembered each year in Vietnam as a triumph over foreign aggression in a war of national liberation. Less celebrated is Vietnam's quiet retreat from its own deeply unpopular foreign war that ended 25 years ago this month. A war where Vietnamese troops, sent as saviours but soon seen as invaders, paid a steep price in lives and limbs during a gruelling decade-long guerilla conflict.
On the 25th anniversary of their withdrawal from Cambodia, Vietnamese veterans are still haunted by their memories of war with Pol Pot's army. Some wonder why Cambodians are not more grateful to the troops who freed them from the brutal Khmer Rouge regime."Anyone who came back from Cambodia intact was a lucky person," said Nguyen Thanh Nhan, 50, a veteran of the war and author of the autobiographical book "Away from Home Season - The Story of a Vietnamese Volunteer Veteran in Cambodia".
Sent to Cambodia at the age of 20, Mr Nhan served from 1984 to 1987 in a frontline combat unit near the Thai-Cambodian border where some of the bloodiest confrontations with Khmer Rouge fighters took place. Though the Vietnamese government has never officially confirmed casualty numbers, some 30,000 Vietnamese troops were believed to have been killed before the final withdrawal in September 1989.
American soldiers thought they helped Vietnam; we were the same in Cambodia
Nguyen Thanh Nhan, Vietnamese war veteran Banned in its original form by the Vietnamese government, Mr Nhan's book recounts the hardships of the Vietnamese soldiers and their camaraderie while trying to survive among a population who played host to them by day, and their enemy by night.
Much like the young Americans who fought in Vietnam, Mr Nhan's years in Cambodia have left indelible psychological marks. He still suffers from nightmares, and their daytime equivalent that drag him back into the terror of battle. "When your companions die in battle, it is a very great loss," Mr Nhan said. "During the war, the battle does not stop. We have no time to reflect. We must be strong to continue. Later, more than 30 years later, memories come back - over and over again."
"The injury in the body is not so heavy but our injury was mental. Many soldiers, one or two years later, when they came back, they went mad."His experience parallels the disillusionment of American troops, a generation before who arrived in Vietnam believing they were coming to save a nation, only to find that many ordinary people considered them the enemy.
"American soldiers thought they helped Vietnam. Then their illusion was broken," Mr Nhan said. "We were the same in Cambodia."Vietnam launched an invasion of Cambodia in late December 1978 to remove Pol Pot. Two million Cambodians had died at the hands of his Khmer Rouge regime and Pol Pot's troops had conducted bloody cross-border raids into Vietnam, Cambodia's historic enemy, massacring civilians and torching villages. Pol Pot fled ahead of the onslaught and Phnom Penh was placed under Vietnamese control in a little over a week. Those that survived the Khmer Rouge regime initially greeted the Vietnamese as liberators. Years later, however, Vietnamese troops were still in Cambodia and by then, many Cambodians considered them occupiers.Cambodia was an unpopular war for Vietnam, said Carlyle Thayer, an expert on Vietnam and emeritus professor at the University of New South Wales at the Australian Defence Force Academy in Canberra.The dead are lucky as they rest in peace; we struggle every day
Nguyen Thanh Nhan, War veteran
"The Vietnamese military had been trained and experienced in overthrowing an occupying power and all of a sudden, the shoe was on the other foot. They had to invade Cambodia and occupy it, and succeed in setting up a government and engineer a withdrawal."
Unlike Vietnam's wars against the French and Americans, the intervention in Cambodia was "downplayed" to the Vietnamese public, Mr Thayer said. When soldiers returned from Cambodia without the fanfare of previous wars, veterans felt that they had been "forgotten".
Gratitude was also not forthcoming from Cambodia, where hostility towards the Vietnamese remains ubiquitous. It is an enmity born of conflicts between ancient emperors and kings, of lost territory and a much smaller Cambodia faring poorly through history to a far more populous Vietnam.
Today, many in Cambodia would like to forget that it was Vietnam that saved their country from Pol Pot's vicious revolution.Every few months, a group of veterans from the war in Cambodia meet in Ho Chi Minh City. On a recent Sunday morning, their get-together started early with short welcome speeches followed by swift toasts of strong rice wine. Asked about the war, their mood shifted perceptibly. What happened in Cambodia is not something they discuss often. One relents, likely out of politeness, and he describes an enduring image from his first days in Cambodia in 1979. Le Thanh Hieu's unit pursued the retreating Khmer Rouge to the border with Thailand. He remembers seeing Cambodian villagers lying on the sides of roads dying of starvation and illness.
"They were dying everywhere. They were dying of hunger," said the 54-year-old. "We didn't have rice to feed the starving. We only had army rations to feed ourselves in battle."
Yet, he said, "faced with this situation the soldiers could not avoid saving lives" and they used their rations to make a thin rice soup for the starving.
"I don't want to have this experience to tell you about," Mr Hieu said.
Vietnam does not want to entirely forget about the war in Cambodia, said Mr Nhan. It only wants to remember an official version: a victorious, lightning attack that toppled Pol Pot.
Best forgotten, Mr Nhan said, are the 10 years of punishing hit-and-run fighting and the largely-forgotten veterans still scarred from their experiences.
"For me, the truth needs to be said," he said.
"Sometimes I think the dead are lucky. They rest in peace. We have to struggle every day. Our lives continue."


Chinese Invasion of Vietnam
 February 1979
China's relations with Vietnam began to deteriorate seriously in the mid-1970s. After Vietnam joined the Soviet-dominated Council for Mutual Economic Cooperation (Comecon) and signed the Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation with the Soviet Union in 1978, China branded Vietnam the "Cuba of the East" and called the treaty a military alliance. Incidents along the Sino-Vietnamese border increased in frequency and violence. In December 1978 Vietnam invaded Cambodia, quickly ousted the pro-Beijing Pol Pot regime, and overran the country.
China's twenty-nine-day incursion into Vietnam in February 1979 was a response to what China considered to be a collection of provocative actions and policies on Hanoi's part. These included Vietnamese intimacy with the Soviet Union, mistreatment of ethnic Chinese living in Vietnam, hegemonistic "imperial dreams" in Southeast Asia, and spurning of Beijing's attempt to repatriate Chinese residents of Vietnam to China.
In February 1979 China attacked along virtually the entire Sino-Vietnamese border in a brief, limited campaign that involved ground forces only. The Chinese attack came at dawn on the morning of 17 February 1979, and employed infantry, armor, and artillery. Air power was not employed then or at any time during the war. Within a day, the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) had advanced some eight kilometers into Vietnam along a broad front. It then slowed and nearly stalled because of heavy Vietnamese resistance and difficulties within the Chinese supply system. On February 21, the advance resumed against Cao Bang in the far north and against the all-important regional hub of Lang Son. Chinese troops entered Cao Bang on February 27, but the city was not secured completely until March 2. Lang Son fell two days later. On March 5, the Chinese, saying Vietnam had been sufficiently chastised, announced that the campaign was over. Beijing declared its "lesson" finished and the PLA withdrawal was completed on March 16.
No amount of strategic propaganda can cover the PLA's tactical failures of the Sino-Vietnam War. The campaign was racked by mistakes ranging from training and preparation to using Red Army meatgrinder tactics that the PLA had neither the training, the resources nor the experience to perform. The problems arising from the training should have stopped the campaign but no senior officer put a stop to an overly ambitious plan. The lack of proper maps and compasses resulted in troops getting lost during training. Radio waves wrapped themselves around the hilly terrain. Operations officers did not have the training or experience to properly equip their troops, resulting in units going without water for 24 to 48 hours after first contact.
The element of surprise had been lost. The Vietnamese battle hardened militia were well dug in and waiting. In contrast, the PLA mobilized second class garrison troops. The PLA's best-armed and best-trained troops faced North, against much tougher possible Soviet retaliation.
None of these deficiencies were addressed before the PLA attacked on 17 February 1979. The PLA attacked Vietnam through 26 points of entry. Immediately, the volume of battle management overwhelmed the PLA's limited C3. The front line units experienced human casualties and equipment failures that could not sustain battle momentum. Moreover, company commanders would rather wait for tank and recoilless rifle support before taking on Vietnamese entrenched positions. The front line units exhausted themselves, forcing a re-supply much earlier than planned. Re-enforcement and re-supply were brought forward to shore up the units. The 26 unwieldy prongs were consolidated into a more manageable 9 aiming at Cao Bang, Lang Son, Hang Lien Sen, Lai Chou and Quang Ninh.
The final phase saw the heaviest fighting of the war, climaxing with the capture of Lang Son on 2 March. The Vietnamese adopted their favourite tactics of abandoning urban areas in favor of the built up surrounding hills. The PLA did not contest these strong points. Instead, they pushed through to the urban areas, taking them after fierce close quarter combat. None of the routes into these urban areas were what the West would consider secured.
Hanoi's post-incursion depiction of the border war was that Beijing had sustained a military setback if not an outright defeat. Most observers doubted that China would risk another war with Vietnam in the near future. Gerald Segal, in his 1985 book Defending China, concluded that China's 1979 war against Vietnam was a complete failure: "China failed to force a Vietnamese withdrawal from [Cambodia], failed to end border clashes, failed to cast doubt on the strength of the Soviet power, failed to dispel the image of China as a paper tiger, and failed to draw the United States into an anti-Soviet coalition."
Nevertheless, Bruce Elleman argued that "one of the primary diplomatic goals behind China's attack was to expose Soviet assurances of military support to Vietnam as a fraud. Seen in this light, Beijing's policy was actually a diplomatic success, since Moscow did not actively intervene, thus showing the practical limitations of the Soviet-Vietnamese military pact. ... China achieved a strategic victory by minimizing the future possibility of a two-front war against the USSR and Vietnam."
After the war both China and Vietnam reorganized their border defenses. In 1986 China deployed twenty-five to twenty-eight divisions and Vietnam thirty-two divisions along their common border.
The 1979 attack confirmed Hanoi's perception of China as a threat. The PAVN high command henceforth had to assume, for planning purposes, that the Chinese might come again and might not halt in the foothills but might drive on to Hanoi. The border war strengthened Soviet-Vietnamese relations. The Soviet military role in Vietnam increased during the 1980s as the Soviets provided arms to Vietnam; moreover, Soviet ships enjoyed access to the harbors at Danang and Cam Ranh Bay, and Soviet reconnaissance aircraft operated out of Vietnamese airfields. The Vietnamese responded to the Chinese campaign by turning the districts along the China border into "iron fortresses" manned by well-equipped and well-trained paramilitary troops. In all, an estimated 600,000 troops were assigned to counter Chinese operations and to stand ready for another Chinese invasion. The precise dimensions of the frontier operations were difficult to determine, but its monetary cost to Vietnam was considerable.
By 1987 China had stationed nine armies (approximately 400,000 troops) in the Sino-Vietnamese border region, including one along the coast. It had also increased its landing craft fleet and was periodically staging amphibious landing exercises off Hainan Island, across from Vietnam, thereby demonstrating that a future attack might come
from the sea.
Low-level conflict
continued along the Sino-Vietnamese border as each side conducted artillery shelling and probed to gain high spots in the mountainous border terrain. Border incidents increased in intensity during the rainy season, when Beijing attempted to ease Vietnamese pressure against Cambodian resistance fighters.
Since the early 1980s, China pursued what some observers described as a semi-secret campaign against Vietnam that was more than a series of border incidents and less than a limited small-scale war. The Vietnamese called it a "multifaceted war of sabotage." Hanoi officials have described the assaults as comprising steady harassment by artillery fire, intrusions on land by infantry patrols, naval intrusions, and mine planting both at sea and in the riverways. Chinese clandestine activity (the "sabotage" aspect) for the most part was directed against the ethnic minorities of the border region. According to the Hanoi press, teams of Chinese agents systematically sabotaged mountain agricultural production centers as well as lowland port, transportation, and communication facilities. Psychological warfare operations were an integral part of the campaign, as was what the Vietnamese called "economic warfare"--encouragement of Vietnamese villagers along the border to engage in smuggling, currency speculation, and hoarding of goods in short supply

Guerre civile cambodgienne (1967-1975)=La guerre civile cambodgienne est un conflit qui opposa les forces du Parti communiste du Kampuchéa, connues sous le nom de « Khmers rouges », leurs alliés de la république démocratique du Viêt Nam (Nord Viêt Nam) et du Front national de libération du Sud Viêt Nam (dit Việt Cộng) à celles du gouvernement du Royaume du Cambodge (après octobre 1970, la République khmère), soutenue par les États-Unis et la république du Viêt Nam (Sud Viêt Nam).  Dans le contexte de la guerre froide, ce conflit fut exacerbé par l'influence de la guerre du Viêt Nam, et les actions des alliés des deux parties belligérantes. En effet, l'implication de l'Armée populaire vietnamienne (armée nord-vietnamienne) était motivée par son souci de protéger ses bases et ses sanctuaires dans l'Est du Cambodge le long de la piste Hô Chi Minh, sans laquelle la poursuite de son effort militaire au Sud Viêt Nam aurait été plus difficile, tandis que les États-Unis souhaitaient gagner du temps pour leur retrait du Sud-Est asiatique et protéger leur allié, le régime sud-vietnamien. Les Américains et les armées du Sud et du Nord Viêt Nam participèrent directement, à un moment ou un autre, aux combats.  Le gouvernement cambodgien fut principalement soutenu par des campagnes américaines de bombardements aériens massifs et des aides directes matérielles et financières. En 2009, Raoul Marc Jennar annonçait devant le tribunal chargé de juger les derniers dirigeants khmers rouges en vie, que « dans toute l’histoire de l’humanité, aucun autre pays n’a été autant bombardé que le Cambodge durant cette période »1.  Après cinq années de combats acharnés, qui causèrent des pertes massives en vies humainesnote 1, la destruction de l'économie, la famine de la population et des atrocités sans nom, le gouvernement républicain du Cambodge fut renversé le 17 avril 1975 lorsque les Khmers rouges, victorieux, proclamèrent la création du Kampuchéa démocratique. L'intervention américaine au Cambodge (en particulier les bombardements massifs) a finalement contribué au renforcement du mouvement khmer rougenote 2, dont les effectifs passèrent de 4 000 en 1970 à 70 000 hommes en 19754 et à leur prise du pouvoir. Le régime des Khmers Rouges s'avérera être un des plus sanglants du xxe siècle5. Ce conflit, même s'il s'agissait d'une guerre civile locale, s'est inscrit dans le contexte de la Guerre froide, dans le cadre plus large de la guerre du Viêt Nam (1959–1975) qui toucha également le Royaume du Laos, le Sud Viêt Nam et le Nord Viêt Nam.
Guerre entre le Cambodge et le Viêt Nam=La guerre Cambodge - Viêt Nam est un conflit armé ayant opposé, entre décembre 1978 et janvier 1979, le Viêt Nam au Kampuchéa démocratique, le régime politique installé au Cambodge par les Khmers rouges.  Résultat de plusieurs années de tensions entre les partis communistes cambodgien et vietnamien, précédemment alliés, cette guerre aboutit à chasser les Khmers rouges du pouvoir et à installer au Cambodge le régime pro-vietnamien de la République populaire du Kampuchéa. Elle entraîne également, dans les mois qui suivent, la guerre sino-vietnamienne et est suivie d'une guerre civile qui dure, au Cambodge, jusque dans les années 1990.
La guerre sino-vietnamienne (vietnamien : Chiến tranh biên giới Việt-Trung), (également appelée troisième guerre d'Indochine) est une guerre courte, pouvant également être qualifiée de conflit frontalier, qui opposa le Viêt Nam à la république populaire de Chine du 17 février au 16 mars 1979. La Chine ouvrira les hostilités en lançant une expédition punitive en réponse à l'invasion et l'occupation du Cambodge par le Vietnam en 1978 (ce qui mit fin au règne des Khmers rouges, appuyés par la Chine).  Les forces chinoises entrèrent dans le nord du Vietnam et capturèrent plusieurs villes près de la frontière. Le 6 mars 1979, la Chine déclara que la route de Hanoï était ouverte et que sa mission punitive était désormais accomplie. Les troupes chinoises se retirèrent alors du pays. Les belligérants déclarèrent tous deux avoir remporté la victoire à l'issue de cette dernière guerre d'Indochine. Les troupes vietnamiennes étant restées au Cambodge jusqu'en 1989, la Chine ne parvint pas à réussir à dissuader le Vietnam de s'impliquer au Cambodge, mais réussit à démontrer que son adversaire communiste de la guerre froide, l'Union soviétique, était incapable de protéger son allié vietnamien. Après la dissolution de l'URSS en 1991, la frontière sino-vietnamienne fut finalisée.

Cambodge   Chronologie depuis 1953

Les événements sélectionnés se rapportent à la situation intérieure ou aux enjeux internationaux qui ont eu un impact direct sur la gouvernance du pays.

9 novembre 1953
Proclamation de l'indépendance du Cambodge
Après la dissolution de l'Assemblée nationale, le roi cambodgien Norodom Sihanouk entame personnellement de sérieuses négociations avec Paris qui mènent à l'indépendance totale de son royaume. La souveraineté du nouvel État, qui est proclamée le 9 novembre 1953, sera internationalement reconnue à la conférence de Genève, le 21 juillet 1954.
17 avril 1955
Ouverture d'une conférence internationale à Bandoeng
Environ 2 000 délégués et observateurs provenant de 29 pays d'Asie et d'Afrique sont réunis à Bandoeng, en Indonésie, afin de participer à une conférence où ils discuteront de leurs problèmes communs et de la menace qui pèse sur la paix mondiale.
1 septembre 1961
Ouverture d'une conférence des pays non-alignés à Belgrade
Le président yougoslave Josip Broz, dit Tito, est l'hôte d'une importante conférence réunissant des représentants de 24 pays non-alignés à Belgrade. L'apaisement des tensions entre les superpuissances est au coeur de cette rencontre qui s'étale sur cinq jours.
8 août 1967
Création de l'Association des nations de l'Asie du Sud-Est
Les ministres des Affaires Étrangères de cinq pays d'Asie du Sud-Est signent la Déclaration de Bangkok instituant l'Association des nations de l'Asie du Sud-Est (ASEAN). Créée dans le contexte de la Guerre froide, cette alliance économique, politique et culturelle est mise sur pied pour atténuer les tensions entre ces États asiatiques.
18 mars 1970
Coup d'État au Cambodge destituant le prince Norodom Sihanouk
Profitant de l'absence du pays du prince Norodom Sihanouk, l'Assemblée nationale cambodgienne le déchoit de son poste de chef de l'État. Cheng Heng, le président de l'Assemblée nationale, est choisi pour lui succéder alors que le lieutenant général Lon Nol demeure le premier ministre.
17 avril 1975
Entrée des Khmers rouges à Phnom Penh
La chute du gouvernement dirigé par le maréchal Lon Nol est suivie par la prise de contrôle du Cambodge par les communistes (Khmers rouges). Ils instaureront un régime autoritaire dont la répression entraînera la mort de centaines de milliers de personnes.
17 janvier 1979
Début de l'occupation vietnamienne au Cambodge
Des incidents frontaliers incitent le Viêt Nam à envahir le Cambodge. En quelques jours, l'armée vietnamienne renverse le régime autoritaire du Parti communiste khmer (Khmers rouges) dirigé par Pol Pot. Les occupants instaurent un gouvernement qui leur est favorable et dont les politiques rompent radicalement avec celles des Khmers rouges.
20 juillet 1979
Ouverture d'une conférence internationale sur les réfugiés de la mer en Asie du Sud-Est
Une conférence internationale, tenue sous les auspices de l'Organisation des Nations unies (ONU), tente de solutionner le problème des réfugiés qui ont quitté le Viêt Nam par la mer au cours des dernières années. Les pays du G7, réunis à Tokyo en juin 1979, qualifient cette crise de «problème humanitaire aux proportions historiques».
26 juillet 1998
Tenue d'élections législatives au Cambodge
Un an après le coup d'État qui a évincé le prince Norodom Ranariddh du pouvoir, des élections législatives sont organisées au Cambodge le 26 juillet 1998. C'est le Parti du peuple cambodgien (PPC) de Hun Sen, un des responsables du renversement de 1997, qui remporte la victoire avec 41 % des voix et 64 des 122 sièges en jeu.

Sommaire historique
En politique intérieure
Un ex-protectorat français, le Cambodge accède à l'indépendance en 1953 après de longues négociations. L'ex-roi Norodom Sihanouk, qui préside le pays à partir de 1960, en est la principale figure politique jusqu'à son renversement, en 1970. Le règne de Lon Nol, qui est appuyé par les Américains, est de courte durée. La victoire des communistes khmers, en 1975, inaugure un régime de terreur caractérisé par des bouleversements économique néfastes et des massacres qui font des centaines de milliers de morts. Des résistants, aidés par des troupes vietnamiennes, s'emparent du pouvoir à la fin des années 70. Devenu le Kampuchéa, le pays reste miné par des luttes armées et une situation économique désastreuse. Les Vietnamiens se retirent à la fin des années 80. Après une courte période sous la tutelle de l'Organisation des Nations unies (ONU), le Cambodge emprunte la voie démocratique au début des années 90 et devient une monarchie constitutionnelle. L'économie connait une croissance marquée au début du XXIe siècle, malgré des problèmes de corruption au sein du gouvernement.
En politique extérieure
Malgré la proclamation d'indépendance de 1953, le Cambodge conserve de bonnes relations avec la France. Son désir de neutralité est ébranlé par l'intervention massive de troupes américaines chez son voisin vietnamien au cours des années 60. Le Cambodge joue le rôle d'intermédiaire dans le transport de marchandises aux communistes du Sud-Vietnam, ce qui lui attire l'hostilité des États-Unis qui soutiennent le coup d'État de Lon Nol, en 1970. Le départ des Américains de la région et le règne sanglant des Khmers rouges, sont suivis en 1978 par la victoire de résistants au régime qui s'appuient sur des troupes vietnamiennes. Ces dernières occupent le pays, devenu le Kampuchéa, pendant plus d'une décennie. La tutelle de l'Organisation des Nations unies (ONU) facilite par la suite la transition vers la vie démocratique. Sur le plan économique, le Cambodge entretient aussi des liens étroits avec son voisin chinois qui est en pleine croissance au tournant du siècle.


