
当ブログはトロント在住、日系一世カナダ人サミー・山田(48)おっさんの「独り言」です。まさに「個人日記」。1968年11月16日東京都目黒区出身(A型)・在北米30年の日系カナダ人(Canadian Citizen)・University of Toronto Woodsworth College BA History & East Asian Studies Major トロント在住(職業記者・医療関連・副職画家)・Toronto Ontario「団体」「宗教」「党派」一切無関係・「政治的」意図皆無=「事実関係」特定の「考え」が’正しい’あるいは一方だけが’間違ってる’いう気は毛頭なし。「知って」それぞれ「考えて」いただれれば本望(^_-☆Everybody!! Let's 'Ponder' or 'Contemplate' On va vous re?-chercher!Internationale!!「世界人類みな兄弟」「平和祈願」「友好共存」「戦争反対」「☆Against Racism☆」「☆Gender Equality☆」&ノーモア「ヘイト」(怨恨、涙、怒りや敵意しか生まない)Thank you very much for everything!! Ma Cher Minasan, Merci Beaucoup et Bonne Chance 

突然の訃報☆Пернелл Уитакер☆追悼→★故パーネル・ウィティカー★=Boxing hall of famer Pernell Whitaker dies at age of 55 in car accident/L'ex-champion du monde de boxe Pernell Whitaker happé à mort

3 hours ago(2019/07/15)Boxing hall of famer Pernell Whitaker dies at age of 55 in car accident(ボクシング殿堂入りのパーネル・ウィティカーが交通事故により死亡)=Four-weight champion struck by car on Sunday night (4階級王者は日曜日の夜、車にはねられた)Considered by many to be greatest defensive boxer of all time  ernell Whitaker(時代を通じて、もっとも偉大なディフェンシブ(防御)ボクサーパーネル・ウィティカー), widely considered to be one of the greatest defensive boxers of all time(もっとも偉大な防御的ボクサー), has died after being hit by a car(車に轢かれた後、死亡した). He was 55(享年55歳).  Police in Virginia Beach(バージニアビーチの警察) said Whitaker was killed as he crossed the road at an intersection on Sunday night(ウィティカーは日曜日の夜、横断中に跳ねられた). “When officers arrived on scene they located an adult male victim who had been hit by a vehicle(”警察が現場に到着した時、男性犠牲者は車に轢かれていた). The victim succumbed to his injuries on the scene(被害者は負傷し、倒れていた’),” a Virginia Beach Police Department spokesman said in a statement(バージニアビーチ警察の発表). “The driver of the vehicle remained on scene with police.”(”車の運転手は拘束中”)  Whitaker was elected to the International Boxing Hall of Fame in 2006(ウィティカーは2006年、国際ボクシング殿堂に選ばれた), and(さらに) was a champion in four weight classes(4階級で王者になった): lightweight(ライト級), junior welterweight(J・ウェルター級(スーパーライト), welterweight(ウェルター級) and(そして) junior middleweight(J・ミドル級(スーパーウェルター)). The American was known as a brilliant defensive boxer (アメリカ人は傑出した(天才的な)技巧派ボクサーだった)with many opponents struggling to lay a hand on him(ほとんどの相手は、彼に触るのに(当てるのに)苦労した). He retired in 2001 after three defeats in his final four fights with(彼は2001年、最後の4戦において3つ敗北した後、引退した) but he was in his prime in the 80s and 90s(80,90年代が全盛期だった). He also won a gold medal as a lightweight at the 1984 Olympics(同じく1984年のロス五輪で金メダルを獲得した).  He was a successful trainer after his retirement(引退後、トレーナーとして成功した) although he became involved in an ugly dispute with his mother over money in recent years(しかし近年、母親と金銭問題で醜い論争を繰り広げていた). His youngest son, Devon, described his father as a “cool guy” on Monday(月曜日、末っ子のデヴォンは父をして”冷静な男”と称した).  “That’s all I can say about him,” he told the Virginian Pilot newspaper. “I can’t really say how I’m feeling because I’m feeling shocked. I’m still trying to process everything that’s going on. But he was a cool guy.”

Français3 hours ago(2019/07/15) L'ex-champion du monde de boxe Pernell Whitaker happé à mort(元ボクシング世界チャンピオン、パーネル・ウィティカー死亡)=L’ancien boxeur Pernell Whitaker est décédé après avoir été frappé par une automobile(元ボクサーのパーネル・ウィティカーは車にはねられた後、死亡した), dimanche soir, à Virginia Beach(日曜日の夕方、バージニアビーチ).  Le site TMZ Sports a rapporté le tout lundi(月曜日), précisant que l’homme de 55 ans(55歳) avait succombé à ses blessures à l’hôpital(跳ねられた後、病院へ急送). Les circonstances de l’accident demeurent obscures, mais (しかし)les policiers(警察) poursuivent leur enquête. Ils ont été appelés à une intersection(交差点) généralement(一般に) peu achalandée le soir(夕方). D’après la même source(後におなじ典拠から), ils y ont trouvé la victime (犠牲者)et(及び) le véhicule(車) passablement endommagé. Le conducteur de celui-ci est d’ailleurs demeuré sur place pour livrer sa version des faits aux agents.  Intronisé au Temple de la renommée international de la boxe en 2006(2006年にボクシング殿堂に選ばれた), Whitaker (40-4-1, 17 K.-O.) a amorcé sa carrière professionnelle en 1984(1984年にプロデビュー). Laissant dans le deuil cinq enfants(5人の子ども), il fut considéré comme le meilleur pugiliste livre pour livre entre 1993 et 1997, d'après le magazine The Ring(1993年と97年にリング誌にパウンドフォーパウンド(全階級最強)に選ばれた).  Ancien rival de Felix Trinidad(元ライバル、フェリックス・トリニダード), Oscar De La Hoya(オスカー・デラホーヤ) et(加えて) de Julio Cesar Chavez(フリオ・セサール・チャべス), entre autres, l’Américain a gagné un titre mondial dans quatre catégories de poids au cours de sa carrière. Chez les amateurs, il a mis la main sur la médaille d’or aux Jeux olympiques de Los Angeles en 1984(アマ時代、1984年のロスアンゼルス五輪で金メダル獲得).

Español3 hours ago(2019/07/15)Ex-boxeador Pernell Whitaker morre atropelado nos EUA=O ex-boxeador norte-americano Pernell Whitaker morreu neste domingo à noite, em Virginia Beach, nos Estados Unidos, vítima de um atropelamento. O “Sweet Pea” (Ervilha Doce), como era conhecido, tinha 55 anos. Ele foi campeão olímpico nos Jogos de Los Angeles-1984 e fez parte de uma equipe de boxe dos EUA na competição que reunia também Tyrell Biggs, Evander Holyfield, Mark Breland e Meldrick Taylor. No profissional, somou títulos em quatro categorias (leve, meio-médio-ligeiro, meio-médio e médio-ligeiro).  Lutou profissionalmente de 1984 a 2001 e teve um cartel de 40 vitórias (17 nocautes), quatro derrotas e um empate. Derrotou Roger Mayweather (tio de Floyd), Jorge Luis Ramirez, Jorge Paez, Greg Haugen e Azumah Nelson, sendo que ao bater este último talvez tenha alcançado o maior triunfo de sua carreira.  Ainda fez combates memoráveis contra Oscar De La Hoya e Julio César Chávez, nos quais perdeu para o primeiro deles e empatou com o segundo. Para muitos críticos, venceu ambas as lutas. Foi derrotado também pelo porto-riquenho Felix Trinidad.  Dono de uma guarda praticamente intransponível, Whitaker quase não era atingido em suas lutas. Canhoto, tinha um ótimo contragolpe, apesar de não ter pegada. De 1993 a 1997, ele foi considerado o melhor boxeador libra por libra do mundo. Em 2006, seu nome foi introduzido no Hall da Fama do Boxe. Ele deixa cinco filhos.
パーネル・"スイートピー"・ウィテカー(Pernell Whitaker、1964年1月2日 -2019年7月14日 )は、アフリカ系アメリカ人の男性元プロボクサー。バージニア州ノーフォーク出身。元WBA・WBC・IBF統一世界ライト級王者。その後、スーパーライト級、ウェルター級、スーパーウェルター級でタイトルを獲得した元世界4階級制覇王者。ニックネームの「スイートピー(Sweet Pea)」について、ウィテカーは若いころ「Pete(ピート)」の愛称で親しまれており、アマチュアの試合で地元に凱旋したとき応援団が「Sweet Pete」と応援したのを地元記者が誤って地元紙に「Sweet Pea」と記載してしまったものが定着した。 プロ戦績46戦40勝17KO4敗1引き分け1ノーコンテスト。戦績が示すようにパンチ力はあまり無かった。その基本戦術は、相手のパンチを素早いフットワークとディフェンステクニックでかわして軽いパンチをヒットさせるものであったが、ファン・ナサリオをKOしたカウンターの左ストレートや、ラファエル・ピネダをダウンさせたボディブローなどの攻め手も持っていた+Русский=Пернелл Уитакер (англ. Pernell Whitaker; 2 января 1964 года — 15 июля 2019 года) — американский боксёр-профессионал, выступавший в лёгкой, 1-й полусредней, полусредней и 1-й средней весовых категориях. В любительском боксе — серебряный призёр Чемпионата мира по боксу 1982, победитель Панамериканских игр 1983 года, олимпийский чемпион 1984 года в лёгкой весовой категории. Абсолютный чемпион мира (1990). Чемпион мира в лёгкой (версия IBF, 1989—1991; версия WBC, 1989—1991; версия WBA, 1990—1991), 1-й полусредней (версия IBF, 1992), полусредней (версия WBC, 1993—1997) и 1-й средней (версия WBA, 1995) весовых категориях. В 2002 году журнал «Ринг» поставил его на 10 место в списке 100 лучших боксёров за последние 80 лет.

一日前(7月21日)→Pernell Whitaker, boxing champion who won at four different weights and was regarded as one of the greatest ever defensive fighters – obituary Pernell Whitaker, who has died in a road accident aged 55, won world boxing titles at four different weights and was regarded as one of the greatest defensive fighters of all time. Turning professional following a glittering amateur career which culminated in the Virginia-born southpaw nicknamed “Sweet Pea” striking gold at the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics, Whitaker went on to win titles at every weight from lightweight to light-middle. Indeed, while he was at his sublime peak Whitaker’s only setbacks were a highly controversial loss to Jose Luis Ramirez at lightweight in March 1988 and an equally questionable draw against Julio Cesar Chavez in September 1993. A defensive master with near-flawless...

2日前(7月21日)→Funeral for Pernell "Sweetpea" Whitaker held where he fought in Norfolk=NORFOL Mourned far and wide but perhaps no more than right here, Pernell "Sweetpea" Whitaker lay in the center of the very Norfolk arena where he had won so many times years before, this time for a celebration that was as much about where he grew up as it was for the champ himself. A few thousand people gathered at Scope Arena for an hours-long goodbye that began at 9 a.m. with a viewing followed by a funeral service that included tributes, blessings and a call for the crowd to raise both arms above their heads like Whitaker had so often done when he won a fight. “The champ is here,” Bishop James E. Jones assured those gathered. “The fight is finally over. … Sweetpea, take your rest.” From the first declaration that Whitaker was “757’s finest,” eliciting a standing ovation, to the cheers for nearly every mention of Young’s Park, the neighborhood he grew up in, and Booker T. Washington, the high school he attended, Scope swelled with pride for its own. “He loved this city. He was proud of this city. He was this city,” said Tiara Mizelle, his daughter.  That’s why, perhaps, the biggest applause Saturday followed the announcement of a city resolution to be heard Tuesday that would rename the Norfolk Boxing and Fitness Center near Harbor Park to honor Whitaker.

