"Prince Satohito Arisugawa"冒充日本舊皇族結婚詐騙禮金的三歹徒被捕《Família Imperial japonesa》 Japan ‘Royalty’ Turn Out to be Glitter, Not Gold⇔☆Diamond Yukaiダイアモンド✡ユカイ☆有栖川宮詐欺事件を回顧「お札がちりばめられて」『TOKYO-POP』(トーキョーポップ- Because I Love You)
①2007年(平成19年)5月、京都府宇治市に政治団体「有栖川記念」(代表者・有栖川識仁、会計責任者・有栖川晴美)を改めて設立し直すIn May 2007, the political organization "Arisugawa Kinen" (Representative: Satohito Arisugawa, Accounting Officer: Harumi Arisugawa) was re-established in Uji City, Kyoto Prefecture. また、そのころ、『週刊ポスト』(小学館/2007年4月20日号)などの雑誌に北野と坂本2人揃って登場しAlso, around that time, Kitano and Sakamoto appeared together in magazines such as "Weekly Post" (Shogakukan/April 20, 2007 issue)、仲良く生活していることをアピールし、坂本はセミヌードまで披露しSakamoto even showed semi-nude to show that they are living happily together、「今回、この撮影に臨んだのも、過去と訣別し、殿下と一緒に温かい家庭を築いていきたいから。怖いものなんて、もうないんですThe reason why I took this photo shoot is because I want to say goodbye to the past and build a warm family with His Royal Highness. There's nothing to be scared of anymore」と語ったshe said(この事件を元に書かれた『有栖川の朝Arisugawa morning』(文藝春秋/久世光彦Teruhiko Kuze/2005)がある)。
②日本青年社(にほんせいねんしゃ)は、日本最大級の右翼団体であるNihon Seinensha is one of the largest right-wing organizations in Japan. 昭和三十六年より設立Established in 1966. 現在では複数の議員を地方議会に送り続ける影響力を持ち、単一団体としては日本最大規模Currently, it has the influence to send multiple members to local assemblies, and is the largest single organization in Japan.東京都港区六本木に総本部を置いていたが2021年に建物を解体The main headquarters was located in Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo, but the building will be demolished in 2021③2002年(平成14年)10月より2003年(平成15年)10月まで、自称「旧皇族・有栖川識仁」こと北野康行を名誉総裁に置いていたFrom October 2002 (Heisei 14) to October 2003 (Heisei 15), the honorary president was Yasuyuki Kitano, who called himself "former imperial family member Satohito Arisugawa.''
Japan ‘Royalty’ Turn Out to be Glitter, Not Gold By COLIN JOYCE OCT. 27, 2003 12 AM SPECIAL TO THE TIMES
TOKYO — To the star-struck guests(迎賓たち), it must have seemed like Tokyo’s wedding of the year(年間最高の結婚式だと思えた). Prince Arisugawa wore the grand uniform of an honorary general(有栖川(王)宮は名誉大将の軍服を着込み). His bride wore elaborate and archaic court robes(花嫁(新婦)は入り組み、古風なコートローブをまとった). Among the approximately 350 guests were Junichi Ishida(約350人の迎賓のひとりは石田純一), one of Japan’s most famous actors(もっとも有名な俳優(役者)のひとり), and numerous celebrities from Japanese television(加えて、たくさんの日本テレビからの著名人たち). The location too was fittingly prestigious(一流の), an exclusive private club on the grounds of the Canadian Embassy(カナダ大使館地下の(特権階級に)限られた個人施設(クラブ), just a stone’s throw from the Akasaka Estate(有栖川の財産(地所)) where numerous members of the imperial family reside(膨大な数の皇族たちが住んでいる). Except that the “imperial wedding” back in April now appears to have been an elaborate hoax. The “imperial couple” were last week arrested along with an accomplice for allegedly conning guests out of about $110,000 in wedding gifts(”皇室の夫妻”は最終的には、1100万円を迎賓たちから詐取したことにより逮捕された). The Imperial Household Agency(宮内庁) curtly explained that the Arisugawa family(有栖川家), from which the groom claimed descent, died out 90 years ago(新郎(花婿)が末裔だと主張していた有栖川家は90年前に断絶したと説明). “Satohito Arisugawa”(有栖川識仁) is now being called Yasuyuki Kitano(本名は北野康行), a 41-year-old fraudster from Kyoto trading on a false claim to royalty(皇族を詐称した京都出身、41歳のペテン(詐欺)師). His “bride,” 45-year-old Harumi Sakamoto(”花嫁”は坂本晴美(45)), has been revealed as a divorced mother of two -- not the former announcer she said she was(離婚した、子ども二人を持つ母だったことも暴露された). The marriage itself is said to have been a sham(結婚そのものが偽物だった). Japanese media have reported the story with a hint of amusement as well as amazement(日本のメディアは物語について、驚嘆を娯楽と同じく報道した). During the last week(先週), television shows broadcast interviews with embarrassed wedding guests(テレビは当惑した迎賓たちのインタビューを放映した) and footage of Kitano walking stiffly on stage as the guest of honor at an unidentified party while the emcee gushed: “It’s not every day you get this close to a member of the imperial family.”(”皇族の一員とこんなに近くで接する機会はない”) A thirst for contact with Japan’s remote royals may explain why people were tricked. Espa Ito, a celebrity psychic who attended the wedding, told Japanese television: “For a hick like me to get invited to an imperial wedding was quite something.” Ito said he should have been more suspicious about the unspectacular food and the fact that the sophisticated presents Japanese couples traditionally give to show appreciation to guests consisted of nothing grander than cheap cake and a plate engraved with the Arisugawa family crest.
The fake wedding’s notoriety has led to an Arisugawa plate and pieces of wedding memorabilia appearing for auction on the Web site of Yahoo Japan, where bids have reached $900. Other guests may have wondered why they were asked to pay $90 for souvenir pictures of the couple even though, as is traditional in Japan, they had already been expected to bring $270 each in cash gifts. One guest reportedly brought ten times that amount. Police have so far arrested Kitano on suspicion of taking money from guests for a fake wedding. The wedding reportedly netted a little over $7,000 profit after expenses.
But Kitano may face additional charges for other scams. More than ten years ago, “Prince Arisugawa” offered to raise money for a children’s charity started by the Amatakagahara Shrine in Miyazaki, western Japan. In fact, the shrine says it never saw a penny despite selling goods on behalf of Kitano, such as pricey “mineral water,” now suspected to be bogus, carrying the mark of the Arisugawa family and the imperial chrysanthemum mark. The shrine has supplied information about Kitano to the police. Senshu Tanaka, a priest from the shrine, said: “To prey on a project for children is unforgivable. I don’t even want to talk about it. I completely believed he was Prince Arisugawa. When he said he would help I was moved to think there was such a great person in the imperial family. He said he could raise $36 million in 3 years. It was a big lie.” Hidenori Sakurai, former editor of the women’s magazine Josei Jishin, which regularly runs stories about the imperial family, said: “In Japan, especially among older people, the imperial family is still respected. So there are lots of cases of people trying to capitalize on that.” . . .
有栖川宮詐欺事件!坂本晴美は現在その後も有栖川を名乗り活動中?Arisugawa Palace fraud incident! Is Harumi Sakamoto still active under the name Arisugawa? https://thepaperback.net/arisugawanomiya-jiken/
投稿日:6月 27, 2017 更新日:10月 8, 2018
Guests at 'royal' Japanese wedding saw bride - then gloomBy Colin Joyce in Tokyo12:01AM GMT 28 Nov 2004
It was, by all accounts, a memorably grand occasion. About 400 guests attended the royal wedding of Japan's Prince Arisugawa in April last year, including scions of high-born families, actors and television personalities.
The prince and his bride appeared in antique court robes before he changed into the uniform of an honorary general, complete with ceremonial sword, and she into an ornate wedding dress. A famous actor, Junichi Ishida, toasted the royal couple in a speech. Perhaps the guests should have become suspicious when they were expected to hand over £185 a head at the reception - held at a private club in the grounds of the Canadian Embassy, next to the royal family's home in Akasaka Palace. They were also charged an extra £50 - some reportedly gave much larger sums - for posing for photographs with the imperial couple. What's more, no other members of the royal family were present, the food was "unspectacular" and lavish presents traditionally given to departing guests were merely plates bearing the Arisugawa crest. But it was not until six months later, when the police arrested three people for fraud, that the wedding guests learned that they had been duped by a grandiose and elaborate sting. The sorry tale of social-climbing and deception unwound in grand style last week. At a court in Tokyo, Shinya Kusanagi, a 43-year-old event planner, was given an 18-month suspended prison sentence for conning more than 13 million yen (£67,000) from gullible "guests" who brought cash gifts in return for attending the fake royal wedding. "Prince Arisugawa" was in fact Yasuyuki Kitano, 42, a commoner suspected of impersonating royalty for more than a decade. The Arisugawa branch of the imperial family died out about 80 years ago. Even the marriage was not legal, as it was not properly registered. Most guests had been in no mood to wonder whether they were being taken for a very expensive ride. Espa Ito, a television comedian, suggested that he was flattered to be asked. "For a hick like me to get invited to a royal wedding was quite something," he reflected. Prosecutors were only able to confirm that 150 guests attended the "wedding" because many were too embarrassed to come forward. The enormous reverence in which the Japanese royal family is held had apparently assuaged any doubts. The party, as guests' invitations reminded them, was being held in a place "loved by Prince Takamado" - the late cousin of Emperor Akihito, who died of a heart attack playing squash in the embassy grounds in 2002. Ruling on the case, Judge Takaaki Oshima told Kusanagi: "You knew that Kitano was not a royal and you organised the wedding party for the purpose of fraud. You took money from guests who came out of respect for the imperial family." The trials of Kitano and Harumi Sakamoto - a divorced mother-of-two who posed as his bride - continue. So far, as "Prince Arisugawa", Kitano has spoken as the special guest of a peace group in Hiroshima and volunteered to raise money for a children's charity run by the famous Amatakagahara Shinto Shrine in Miyazaki, western Japan. It is alleged that he then used the shrine's name, as well as the imperial chrysanthemum symbol, to sell fake mineral water.+↓
Yasuyuki Kitano est né en 1961 (Showa 36) dans la ville d'Uji, préfecture de Kyoto, comme l'aîné de trois enfants. Ses parents tenaient un marchand de légumes, mais ils étaient pauvres. Après avoir obtenu son diplôme d'études secondaires, il a trouvé un emploi dans une usine d'articles Kiyomizu, mais cela n'a pas duré longtemps, et après cela, il a occupé d'autres emplois à temps partiel, comme livreur de journaux. Après que Kitano ait quitté la maison, il s'est fait appeler « Hiroshi Fushimi », mais son entourage a mal compris qu'il était apparenté à la famille Fushiminomiya et l'a surnommé « Miya-san ». À partir de 1984 environ, il a commencé à s'appeler « Miya-san ». Arisugawa Satohito'' et a menti en disant que le prince impérial Takamatsunomiya Nobuhito lui avait dit d'hériter des rituels de la famille Arisugawa. Kitano a assisté à diverses réunions et a reçu de l'argent pour sa voiture. En 1990, il a créé une organisation politique, le Prince Arisugawa Memorial Corporation, et a travaillé dans plusieurs entreprises pour recevoir des honoraires de consultant. Je l'avais reçu. Parmi eux se trouvait « Grand Capital », qui a été présenté comme un système pyramidal. En 2000, le nom a été changé pour « Arisugawa Kinen ». À cette époque, il a eu un « mariage forcé » avec une femme de près de 20 ans plus jeune que lui, mais ils ont ensuite divorcé.
Harumi Sakamoto est née en 1958 (Showa 33) dans la ville de Kumamoto. Son père était postier et sa mère était fonctionnaire travaillant dans une station forestière. À l'âge de 18 ans, elle a été sélectionnée comme finaliste du concours préliminaire Miss International du district de Kumamoto. Après cela, elle a trouvé un emploi dans une compagnie de bus locale et s'est mariée à l'âge de 20 ans. Sakamoto était la seule croyante Témoin de Jéhovah de sa famille depuis l'âge de 15 ans, mais la personne qu'elle a épousée était également croyante. Elle a finalement eu un enfant, mais son mari a détourné de l'argent de l'église, a emprunté de l'argent et a eu une liaison. Ils ont donc divorcé, laissant l'enfant à la maison et travaillant comme journaliste à la télévision et dans le secteur des cosmétiques. À cette époque, elle a épousé un homme d'affaires qui dirigeait son entreprise pour la deuxième fois et a eu un enfant avec lui, mais a fini par se retrouver mêlée à une entreprise frauduleuse de shapewear et à accumuler de lourdes dettes. Après cela, Sakamoto a déménagé à Tokyo et est devenue hôtesse à Ginza, où elle a développé une relation profonde avec un client et a fini par divorcer. En août 2002, Yasuyuki Kitano a rencontré Harumi Sakamoto lors d'une soirée à l'hôtel Westin de Tokyo et les deux ont développé une relation étroite. Kitano tombe amoureux de Sakamoto immédiatement après l'avoir rencontré et avoue qu'il est un faux à la recherche d'une relation sérieuse. Cependant, Sakamoto a pensé que c'était utile et l'a exhorté à continuer avec le déguisement. Kitano, qui était à l'origine mesquin, était réticent à voler l'argent du cadeau lors de la réception de mariage de peur que son mensonge ne soit découvert, mais Sakamoto l'a forcé à le faire. Les deux hommes n'ont pas enregistré leur mariage, mais dans une interview ils ont déclaré : « (Parce qu'ils sont membres de la famille impériale), il n'est pas nécessaire d'enregistrer leur mariage. »
Le premier procès s'est tenu au tribunal du district de Tokyo le 20 février 2004. Yasuyuki Kitano a nié les accusations, déclarant : « Je me fiche des vêtements qu'il portait à la réception (comme ceux d'un membre de la famille impériale), mais il n'a jamais prétendu être un membre de la famille impériale. s'appelait Arisugawa.'' Harumi Sakamoto a maintenu son innocence en disant : « Je viens d'épouser mon mari et j'ai invité des connaissances. » Kitano s'est défendue en disant qu'elle était liée à la famille impériale, et Sakamoto a affirmé qu'elle croyait que Kitano était le prince Arisugawa. a maintenu leur innocence en disant : « Cela ne constitue pas une fraude », mais le juge président a déclaré : « La déclaration de Kitano était une tentative farfelue de se déguiser en membre de l'ancienne famille impériale », comme l'avait dit Kitano. aucun lien de sang avec la famille impériale depuis au moins trois générations. Il est clair qu'il s'agit d'une histoire fabriquée. En revanche, le président du tribunal a déclaré que 76 des 137 victimes de l'acte d'accusation « savaient qu'elles n'étaient pas membres de la famille impériale » et a conclu que la fraude ne pouvait être établie.
2016.10.18ー“Dark rumors about Tsuneyasu Takeda, No. 2 arrest of Takeda Research Foundation” Yoshinori Kobayashi Rising
Цунэкадзу Такэда (яп. 竹田 恆和 Такэда Цунэкадзу:, род. 1 ноября 1947, Токио) — председатель Олимпийского комитета Японии (2001—2019), представитель одной из младших ветвей японской императорской фамилии.
Tsuneyasu Takeda竹田 恒泰 (né le 24 octobre 1975 ) est un commentateur politique , auteur et homme d'affaires japonais.
Prince Arisugawa Takahito (有栖川宮幟仁親王, Arisugawa-no-miya Takahito-Shinnō, 17 February 1813 – 4 July 1886) was the eighth head of the Arisugawa-no-miya (有栖川宮家) house, one of the shinnōke branches of the Imperial Family of Japan, which were eligible to succeed to the Chrysanthemum Throne in the event that the main line should die out.
Prinz Arisugawa Taruhito (jap. 有栖川宮熾仁親王 Arisugawa-no-miya Taruhito-shinnō; * 13. März 1835 in Kyōto; † 15. Januar 1895 in Kōbe) war seit dem 9. September 1871 das 9. Oberhaupt der Arisugawa-no-miya-Thronfolgerlinie (有栖川宮家) des japanischen Kaiserhauses und ein Offizier in der Kaiserlich Japanischen Armee.
Le prince Takehito Arisugawa (有栖川宮威仁親王, Arisugawa-no-miya Takehito-Shinnō?), né le 13 janvier 1862 à Kyoto – mort le 5 juillet 1913 à Kobe, est le 10e chef d'une branche cadette de la famille impériale du Japon et un officier de carrière dans la Marine impériale japonaise.
ダイアモンド☆ユカイ 有栖川宮詐欺事件を回顧 「お札がちりばめられて」
歌手・ダイアモンド☆ユカイ(55)が15日放送のフジテレビ系情報ワイド「バイキング」にVTR出演し、皇族と称して結婚披露宴を開き、祝儀など約1200万円をだまし取った2003年の「有栖川宮事件」に余興で出演した当時の経緯を語った。 「有栖川宮事件」とは、大正時代に断絶した皇族「有栖川宮」を名乗った夫妻が『有栖川宮記念祝晩餐会』と銘打った披露宴を開き、327人の出席者から祝儀約1200万円と高級絵画をだまし取った事件。披露宴には俳優・石田純一や元東京都議ら著名人が出席しており、石田は後に、警察から“広告塔”と疑われ、取り調べを受けたことを明かしている。当時、バンドを解散して1人で活動していたユカイのもとに、ラジオのプロデューサーを名乗る人物から「宮様の結婚式を仕切るから出演してくれ」と依頼が来たという。有栖川宮を名乗る2人にも披露宴前に会い「2人からは、有栖川宮の血を引くが、今は皇族の立場ではないが、また復帰するんだと言われた。説得力あった」と、その時は違和感を覚えなかったという。披露宴当日に会場を訪ねると、そこは会員制ラウンジのような場所。玄関では出演依頼をしてきたプロデューサーが、バラの花を床に敷き詰めていたという。ユカイは「宮様の結婚式はわりと手作りなんだな」と、不思議な印象は受けたものの、余興で演奏した。終了後、ギャラを受け取るために関係先のホテルを訪れるととても怪しい光景が。「無造作にお札がちりばめられていて、それを取って『はい、これ』みたいな(感じで渡された)。ご祝儀から出してる感じ」と振り返った。「これヤバいんじゃないかと、バンドマンと言いながら帰った」と話した。
その後、有栖川宮を名乗った2人とラジオプロデューサーは詐欺の疑いで逮捕された。ユカイも、友人から「お前、テレビに出てるぞ」と言われたため視聴すると、演奏する様子が報じられていた。「犯人みたいで、なんだこれと思って、ニセ有栖川事件って」と、その“恐怖”を振り返った。 逮捕された“夫妻”は十二単(ひとえ)と衣冠束帯姿で披露宴を開き、祝儀だけではなく、出席者との個別の記念撮影で写真1枚につき1万円をだまし取ったとされる。03年10月21日に詐欺容疑で逮捕された“夫妻”は、実は婚姻関係がなく、皇族とも何の関係もなかった。
Yutaka Tadokoro (田所 豊 Tadokoro Yutaka, born March 12, 1962), known professionally as Diamond Yukai (ダイアモンド✡ユカイ Daiamondo Yukai), is a Japanese rock singer and actor. He was born in Tanashi, Tokyo, Japan. He is the vocalist for the Japanese rock band Red Warriors. He has acted in the Hollywood films Tokyo Pop[1] and Lost in Translation and is often seen on television variety shows.
Polskiポーランド語⇒Diamond Yukai, właśc. Yutaka Tadokoro (jap. 田所豊 Tadokoro Yutaka, ur. 12 marca 1962 w Tanashi, Tokio) – japoński aktor i wokalista rockowego zespołu Red Warriors. Wystąpił między innymi w Dangan Runner (1996) oraz Między słowami (2003).
『TOKYO-POP』(トーキョーポップ Tokyo Pop)は、音楽を中心にアメリカ人の娘とロック・バンドのボーカルの日本人青年との交流を描いたアメリカと日本の合作映画。1988年に公開された。アメリカの習慣と東京のライフ・スタイルのコントラストと、2人の主人公の間で発展するラブ・ストーリーを織り交ぜている[1]。主人公はキャリー・ハミルトン扮するウェンディーと、田所豊(現:ダイアモンド・ユカイ)扮する山口ヒロ。ほかの出演者にはジーナ・ベラフォンテや丹波哲郎らがいる。監督と脚本はフラン・ルーベル・クズイ。メタル・バンドのX JAPANがカメオ出演している。あらすじ=これはマイケル・サーヴェリス扮する恋人を母国アメリカに残し、東京へと旅立ったウェンディー・リードという名前の少女の物語である。ウェンディーは東京で女友達を訪ねるつもりが叶わず、代わりに売れないポップ・バンドでボーカリストをしているヒロという青年と出会う。ブロンド髪で背の高いウェンディーは東京で人目を引く存在であった。ウェンディーはヒロと恋に落ち、物語が進むにつれ音楽シーンでその名が知られるようになる。やがてレコード会社のプロデューサーの目に留まり、わずかな間だが成功を手にする。物語を通して演奏される楽曲はジョン・セバスチャンの「ドゥー・ユー・ビリーブ・イン・マジック?」のカバーである。チャートのトップに立ち、成功を収めていた短い間には贅沢な暮らしも享受したが、徐々にお互いの心が離れ、2人の恋は終りを迎える。この映画でいうTOKYO-POPとは、バンドがチャートでヒットを1つ飛ばし、それを最後に永遠に消える1日限りのビジネスのことを指す。このためウェンディーは、より安定した職を探そうとアメリカに帰国。ヒロとは忘れられない時間を過ごしたが、素晴らしい作曲家であったヒロには自ら道を切り開く力があったので、お互い別々の人生を歩むことになった。ヒロはプロデューサーの関心を集めるために彼女の力を借りる必要がなくなっていた。
Tokyo Pop (東京ポップ Tōkyō Poppu) is a 1988 music-centric film that tells the story of a girl from the United States, a boy from Japan, and a briefly successful pop band. The film contrasts American customs with Tokyo lifestyles, as it presents an evolving love story between the two main characters.[1] Directed by Fran Rubel Kuzui, the film stars Carrie Hamilton as Wendy Reed and Yutaka Tadokoro (also known as Diamond Yukai) as Hiro Yamaguchi. In real life, Tadokoro was the frontman of the 80's rock group Red Warriors, who also star in the film as themselves. Other notable actors include Gina Belafonte and Tetsuro Tamba. Popular Japanese metal band X Japan also make a brief cameo appearance, though they were not credited. Plot=The plot centers around a young American singer named Wendy Reed, who wants to leave the US and her boyfriend (a musician played by Michael Cerveris), and travel to Tokyo, Japan, after hearing of the success of foreign groups overseas. She plans to visit a girlfriend but cannot find her. Instead she meets a young man named Hiro, who is the leader of an unsuccessful rock band. Wendy's appeal as a tall blonde American woman draws attention to both the locals and the band themselves. She falls in love with Hiro and develops a music career as the movie advances. With some tricks they manage to catch the eye of a record label producer and achieve success for a short time. The song, which is played throughout, is a cover version from John Sebastian's Do you believe in magic? While they top the charts, there is some luxury in their lives, but the blossoming relationship of the main couple starts breaking apart. A business mogul tells Wendy that being a foreign singer in Japan is looked at as a novelty, and questions the longevity of her career, citing quickly changing trends in pop culture as the reason. Wendy, no longer wanting to be used a gimmick, encourages Hiro to perform his own original songs as frontman for the band, so that their true essence will be the highlight and no longer based on Wendy's looks. Hiro does this towards the end and succeeds at the concert. Wendy realizes that "Tokyo Pop" is a one-day business where groups have their fifteen minutes of fame and then vanish forever. Since this is the case, Wendy goes back to the US in hopes of finding a more stable career. She appreciates the time she spent with Hiro, and the two have inspired one another. However, she believes she can leave him behind because she has given him the hope to believe in himself as a writer. At the end of the film, during the credits, Wendy is seen in the studio performing an original song inspired by her time with Hiro.
Carrie Louise Hamilton (December 5, 1963 – January 20, 2002) was an American actress, playwright and singer. Hamilton was a daughter of comedian Carol Burnett and producer Joe Hamilton.[1] She was also the older sister of Jody Hamilton, an actress and producer, and singer Erin Hamilton.
Кэ́рри Луи́з Хэ́милтон (англ. Carrie Louise Hamilton; 5 декабря 1963, Нью-Йорк, США — 20 января 2002, Лос-Анджелес, Калифорния, США) — американская актриса, драматург и певица.