
当ブログはトロント在住、日系一世カナダ人サミー・山田(48)おっさんの「独り言」です。まさに「個人日記」。1968年11月16日東京都目黒区出身(A型)・在北米30年の日系カナダ人(Canadian Citizen)・University of Toronto Woodsworth College BA History & East Asian Studies Major トロント在住(職業記者・医療関連・副職画家)・Toronto Ontario「団体」「宗教」「党派」一切無関係・「政治的」意図皆無=「事実関係」特定の「考え」が’正しい’あるいは一方だけが’間違ってる’いう気は毛頭なし。「知って」それぞれ「考えて」いただれれば本望(^_-☆Everybody!! Let's 'Ponder' or 'Contemplate' On va vous re?-chercher!Internationale!!「世界人類みな兄弟」「平和祈願」「友好共存」「戦争反対」「☆Against Racism☆」「☆Gender Equality☆」&ノーモア「ヘイト」(怨恨、涙、怒りや敵意しか生まない)Thank you very much for everything!! Ma Cher Minasan, Merci Beaucoup et Bonne Chance 

Hitoshi Matsumoto마쓰모토 히토시★不死身★の矮小「裸の王様」(次代’首相’候補)? "Remarques super sexuelles"/ 松本人志 "Quando haverá um problema de novo ..."/A terrible remark burns again ...What exactly does he want to do ...?志望→傲慢差別人間「かなりの大御所」2世?

Hitoshi Matsumoto "Women-only cars are all ugly", criticized by co-stars for misrepresentation=Hitoshi Matsumoto "Nur Frauenfahrzeuge sind hässlich", kritisiert von Co-Stars wegen falscher Darstellung.

2019.12.17 18:32 GJ
松本人志「超セクハラ発言」で再び大炎上! 指原莉乃に「お得意の体使って……」無神経発言を連発
13日放送の『ダウンタウンなう』(フジテレビ系)で、司会を務めるダウンタウン・松本人志が「セクハラ発言」をしたとして、ネット上で大きな物議を醸している。この日、女優の佐藤仁美や夏菜、タレントの朝日奈央などをゲストに呼び「今年いろいろあったオンナの忘年会」を開催。話題は10月に結婚したばかりの佐藤と結婚生活となり、松本が「(夜は)まだレスなわけないでしょ?」と質問を投げかけると、佐藤は「まあうん……」と健在であることを匂わせた。さらに、松本は「妊活もしないとね」と佐藤の子作りについても言及。それに対し「年齢も年齢なんで」と重々しく返したのだが……。こうした妊活を促すような松本の「マタハラ」が、多くの女性から非難を浴びることに。ネット上では松本に対するバッシングで溢れかえっている状態だ。「佐藤さんは今年で40歳ですから妊娠適齢期からやや過ぎている状況です。それだけに、松本さんの『妊活しないと』という言葉は無神経でデリカシーに欠ける問題発言といえるでしょう。女性からは『40歳の女性に言う必要ある?』『さすがに失礼すぎる』『デリケートな質問はやめろよ』と非難が続出中です」(芸能ライター) 世の女性を敵に回すような「セクハラ発言」で絶賛炎上中の松本。ただ、このような失礼な対応は今年始めにもあったようだ。「実は、1月に放送された『ワイドナショー』フジテレビ系)でも、元HKT48でタレントの指原莉乃さんに対して『それはお得意の体を使ってなんとかするとかさ。そういうやり方も』と発言し、SNS上で批判が殺到していたんです。この日、番組ではNGT48の元メンバー・山口真帆さんの暴行事件が話題に。アイドルとHKT48劇場支配人を兼務していたこともある指原さんは『すべてが間違っていた』『メンバーと運営の間に立つ人間が少なすぎる』と運営サイドの対応を厳しく指摘。すると、松本さんは先の『お得意の体を使って……』を返し、すかさず指原さんは『「何?何言ってるんですか?』と反論していました。この松本の発言に視聴者からは『性を駆け引きに使えってこと?』『明らかなセクハラ』『枕営業してるみたいな言い方だな』といった厳しいコメントが多く寄せられ、しばらくの間炎上が続いていましたね」(記者)女性を軽視するような問題発言が目立つ松本。本人に悪意はないのかもしれないが、もう少し周りに配慮した行動をすべきなのかもしれない。

I watched the Widena show. Hitoshi Matsumoto: "That's doing something with your body, which you're good at...'' Looking at the video, it was far more shitty than I had imagined. He says it himself and laughs vulgarly at himself. I want him to disappear from the entertainment industry immediately.
2019.12.17 18:32 GJ
Hitoshi Matsumoto "Remarques super sexuelles" a fait une nouvelle fois une grande flamme!Rino Sashihara a fait une série de remarques insensibles, "Utilisez votre corps préféré ..."
Dans "Downtown Nau" (série télévisée Fuji) diffusé le 13, le modérateur, Hitoshi Matsumoto, a fait une "remarque de harcèlement sexuel", provoquant de nombreuses controverses en ligne. Ce jour-là, nous avons invité les actrices Hitomi Sato, Natsuna et le talent Nao Asahina à organiser une «fête de fin d'année pour les femmes qui ont organisé divers événements cette année». Le sujet était d'épouser Sato, qui venait de se marier en octobre, et quand Matsumoto a demandé: "N'est-il pas encore (la nuit)?", Sato a dit: "Eh bien ..." Je l'ai senti. En outre, Matsumoto a également mentionné la fabrication d'enfants de Sato, en disant: "Je dois tomber enceinte." D'un autre côté, il a répondu "Je suis vieux aussi" ...Le « Matahara » de Matsumoto , qui encourage une telle fertilité, a été critiqué par de nombreuses femmes. Sur le net, c'est plein de dénigrement contre Matsumoto. "M. Sato a 40 ans cette année, donc c'est un peu plus l'âge de la grossesse. C'est pourquoi les mots de M. Matsumoto" Je dois tomber enceinte "peuvent être considérés comme une déclaration problématique, insensible et manquant de délicatesse. Une femme a demandé: «Dois-je le dire à une femme de 40 ans? «C'est trop impoli», «Ne posez pas de questions délicates», et les critiques continuent. »(Écrivain de divertissement) Matsumoto est acclamé pour ses «remarques sexuelles» qui transforment les femmes du monde en ennemies. Cependant, il semble qu'une réponse aussi grossière ait été faite plus tôt cette année. "En fait, même dans la série télévisée Fuji" Wide Nashow "diffusée en janvier), j'ai dit à M. Rino Sashihara, un ancien talent de HKT48," C'est quelque chose que je peux faire avec mon corps préféré. J'ai fait une déclaration et j'ai été inondé de critiques sur SNS. Ce jour-là, le cas d'agression de Maho Yamaguchi, un ancien membre de NGT48, est devenu un sujet brûlant dans le programme. M. Sashihara, qui était autrefois à la fois une idole et le directeur du théâtre HKT48, a sévèrement souligné la réponse de la direction, affirmant que "tout allait mal" et "il y a trop peu de gens entre les membres et la direction".
Ensuite, M. Matsumoto a répondu: "Utilisez votre corps préféré ...", et M. Sashihara a immédiatement répondu: "De quoi? De quoi parlez-vous?" En réponse aux remarques de Matsumoto, les téléspectateurs ont dit: «Pouvez-vous utiliser le sexe pour négocier? "Effacer le harcèlement sexuel", "C'est comme dire que vous êtes dans le secteur des oreillers," et de nombreux commentaires sévères ont été reçus, et cela a continué à brûler pendant un certain temps. "(Reporter) Matsumoto a des remarques problématiques manifestes qui manquent de respect aux femmes. La personne n'est peut-être pas malveillante, mais elle doit agir avec un peu plus de considération pour son environnement.

☆사시하라 리노☆(일본어:愛しの ☆指原 莉乃さん☆Ma cher☆さっしーちゃん☆お元気ですか?いっつも大好きだよ!!負けないでね!!☆安全祈願☆応援してます!!, 1992년 11월 21일 ~ )는 일본의 아이돌이자 프로듀서이며, 여성 아이돌 그룹 전 HKT48 팀H의 최연장자이자, 오자키 아츠시와 함께 전 HKT48 극장 지배인이다. 현재는 =LOVE, ≠ME의 프로듀서이다. 2019년 4월 28일, 졸업 콘서트를 끝으로 HKT48 및 AKB48 활동을 끝맺었다. Italianoイタリア語→Rino Sashihara (Dearest ☆指原 莉乃さん☆ Sashihara Rino?; Ōita, 21 novembre 1992) è una conduttrice televisiva e produttrice discografica giapponese, ex componente e manager teatrale del gruppo idol HKT48. Ha fatto inoltre parte delle AKB48, delle STU48 e delle Not yet, quest'ultima sub-unit delle stesse AKB48.Bislamaビスラマ(メラネシア)語Rino Sashihara (boen 1992) em i woman blong singsing blong Japan.


松本人志に物申せないフジ「いつまた問題が…」と不安の声 記事投稿日:2019/01/27 20:59 最終更新日:2019/01/27 20:59
Fuji que não pode fazer uma declaração para Hitoshi Matsumoto "Quando haverá um problema de novo ..."
O presidente Masaki Miyauchi (74) da Fuji Television realizou uma reunião presidencial regular em Tóquio em 25 de janeiro e mencionou os comentários de Hitoshi Matsumoto (55) no "Widena Show", transmitido no dia 13. No programa do dia, Maho Yamaguchi (23) do NGT48 assumiu a turbulência dos danos por assalto, e Rino Sashihara (26) do HKT48 criticou a operação do grupo. Naquela época, Matsumoto disse a Sashihara: "Vou fazer algo a respeito com meu corpo favorito." Por outro lado, críticas como "É assédio sexual!" "Em resposta ao alvoroço, o Sr. Sashihara escreveu em seu Twitter," Que o Sr. Matsumoto seque !!! ", e mostrou uma" resposta adulta "para tentar rir. A turbulência não diminuiu e a resposta de Fuji estava chamando a atenção. "(Emissora) De acordo com jornais esportivos, o presidente Miyauchi comentou o assunto, dizendo: "É uma troca que vem da relação entre os performers, mas como a percepção dos telespectadores é diversificada, eles devem estar atentos às mudanças dos tempos". Em resposta, o oficial responsável disse: "Houve uma discussão sobre a transmissão ou não. Temos os direitos editoriais e a responsabilidade pela transmissão. Achei que não havia problema em transmitir, mas alguns espectadores não acham isso" Diz-se que o paradeiro de "" foi revelado. “Na transmissão do dia 20, o Sr. Matsumoto explicou: 'Basicamente, este programa é um entendimento implícito de que quero usar o que digo sem cortar o máximo possível, mas ainda não decidi, mas esse programa.' A questão é que Fuji não pode fazer uma declaração a Matsumoto. Enquanto essa posição continuar, será difícil prevenir a recorrência, e há vozes de ansiedade dizendo: "Quando haverá um problema novamente ..." (repórter de entretenimento) ) Espero que não aconteça que o problema volte a acontecer ...
記事投稿日:2019/06/03 16:34 最終更新日:2019/06/03 16:34
6月2日放送の『ワイドナショー』(フジテレビ系)における松本人志(55)の発言が物議を醸している。番組では、5月28日に川崎市で小学生ら20人が殺傷された事件を特集。自殺した容疑者に対する「死にたいなら1人で死ぬべき」という意見の是非に触れた。その際、松本は以下のように持論を展開した。「僕は、人間が生まれてくる中でどうしても不良品って何万個に1個、絶対これはしょうがないと思うんですよね」東野幸治(51)が「なんか先天的、とかいう、犯罪者になるという……」と口を挟むと、松本は続けて「それを何十万個、何百万個に1つぐらいに減らすことは、できるのかなあって、みんなの努力で。正直、こういう人たちはいますから絶対数。もうその人たち同士でやりあってほしいですけどね」と語った。一連の発言に対し、Twitter上では批判が相次いでいる。《人間を「生まれついての不良品」と見做す人間観。そうした人間観が歴史上どれだけの不幸を起こしてきたかを少しでも知っていれば、到底口に出せるものじゃないですよ》《確かに犯人がやったことは悪だ。ものすごい悪だ。でも人間は生まれながらの絶対的な「不良品」なんていない。人間は「品」じゃない》《自分はまともであり、まともじゃない人は排除すべきという優生思想そのものじゃないか》松本は番組放送の3時間後に《凶悪犯罪者は人として不良品。ひきこもりが不良品? 誰の意見?》とツイートしているが、上記のようなツイートと議論が噛み合っているとはいえず論争は続きそうだ。

Inundo de kritikoj pri la "difekta produkto" de Hitoshi Macumoto rimarkas ... "Yusei pensis sin"
La rimarkoj de Hitoshi Macumoto (55) en "Wide Nashow" (Fuĵi-televida serio) elsendita la 2-an de junio estas kontestataj. La programo prezentas la kazon, kie 20 elementaj lernantoj estis mortigitaj en Kawasaki-urbo la 28-an de majo. Li tuŝis la avantaĝojn kaj malavantaĝojn de la opinio, ke "se vi volas morti, vi devas morti sola" al la suspektato, kiu sin memmortigis. Tiutempe Macumoto disvolvis sian teorion jene. "Mi pensas, ke unu el po dekmiloj da difektaj produktoj estas neevitebla kiam homoj naskiĝas, ĉu ne?"mizero kaŭzis tian vidpunkton pri homoj en la historio, vi ne povas vere diri ĝin. "<< Certe tio, kion faris la krimulo, estas malbona. Ĝi estas terura malbono. Sed homoj ne naskiĝas kun absolutaj "difektaj produktoj". Homoj ne estas "varoj" << Ĉu ne estas la eŭforia ideo, ke mi estas deca kaj devas ekskludi tiujn, kiuj ne estas decaj? >>Macumoto diris tri horojn post la elsendo de la programo, "La abomena krimulo estas malbona produkto kiel homo. Ĉu la retiro estas misa? Kies opinio? 》, Sed oni ne povas diri, ke la supraj ĉirpetoj kaj diskutoj estas interplektitaj, kaj la diskutado probable daŭros.


Hitoshi Matsumoto should stop talking about "current affairs" anymore  What exactly does he want to do ...?
A terrible remark burns again ...
You shouldn't cut out just a part of the remark, so if you look before and after that, the series of remarks is as follows.
To be honest, I don't think there is one reason for suicide. I think that various complex things overlap and exceed the permissible range, which is why water overflows from the cup. It's not because of this. I don't have one, so maybe I don't have a suicide note.  This is impossible to pinpoint, and of course I can't say that the office isn't bad, and I can't say, but it's hard for us to deal with this kind of news when such a suicide person appears on a show like this It's hard to blame the deceased person, you can't blame it. But, yes, I tend to get burned, but I really hate this tendency that if everyone doesn't say that I'll lose if I die, everyone will protect me if I die.
Whether it's cut or not, it's still a terrible statement. However, not all of them are terrible remarks, and there are some parts that I can agree with.  It is certainly a mistake to think that the reason for suicide is simplified and understood.  Also, at the end of the series of remarks, "I have to teach more that if I die, I will lose," he said, though it is mediocre, but common sense.  However, the keynote is the tone of "difficult to blame" and "I don't want to eaves", and there is no awe for the deceased girl.
What on earth do you want to blame so much?
Someone as influential as he ...Why does Hitoshi Matsumoto burn and repeat it over and over again?  First of all, as mentioned earlier, while leaning against power, there is an aversion to hitting only the weak from above. There is a feeling of excitement, but I can't feel compassion.  It's as if he's become a naked ing now that he's at the top of the comedy world and no one can give or disagree with him.
And, without hesitation, he can say low-level remarks such as idiots at izakaya on national television. If someone as influential as him speaks on television, he should be aware that it comes with a natural responsibility.  However, he unknowingly sheds the harm of ignorance without any preliminary research or study. Even if criticized, it will not be heard by the naked king. The TV station also has an attitude that it is good if the audience rating can be obtained, and it is left unattended no matter how much it burns.  The media may feel that there is too much noise about this suicide. However, not everyone is hiding because nothing died.  As Matsumoto says, you may not know the true cause of suicide, but just because you don't know, you can't leave it alone.  There is also a background that can be understood by careful examination. It is the same in the case of karoshi suicide and bullying suicide.  It is at least possible for us to stand in the eyes of the crushed weak and expose the domineering of the strong and the responsibility of society.  It goes without saying that people are losing late because they take seriously the death of a person and because they have a feeling of mourning the dead, but the bereaved family, the people around them, and society are trying not to repeat the same tragedy. I try to find out the background. And he tries to respond to the deceased's remorse.  In Arata Tendo's Naoki Prize-winning work "Mourning People," mourning is a passage that keeps remembering "who loved you, who you loved, and what you did to thank others." There is. The deceased is connected in a story with loved and loved people.  And because we are also connected to someone else in a story different from the one who died, we can think of the deceased, his bereaved family, and his friends.
This is a natural manifestation of human emotions. His remarks are unpleasant because they are straightforward emotions, not logic or thought.
Uniformly irresponsible
"Suicide" and "flaming" remind me of Eitaro Ogawa's past remarks, which received great criticism over the "Shincho 45" over the LGBT issue. A similar figure of Matsumoto's remark can be seen here.  Mr. Ogawa said in "Monthly HANADA" about the problem that a new employee of Dentsu committed suicide due to overwork, "What should the president of a large company take responsibility for every time an employee commits suicide in Neurose?"
In addition, "there is a great deal of misunderstanding, such as using death to threaten Japanese labor practices. Unfortunately, the mother of a woman who committed suicide by more misplacement is doing it," she just blasphemes the dead. Not only that, but also the blasphemy of his mother.  Because I make such a terrible criticism, I wondered if I had investigated this case and the background so much, "I am not familiar with this case. Even now, I am writing this without knowing too much detail." As mentioned in, this person is consistently doing something wrong.  I remember writing in an article about LGBT, saying, "I don't know the details about the concept of LGBT, and I'm stupid and I don't intend to know the details."  Both Matsumoto's remarks and Ogawa's remarks are uniformly irresponsible and insensitive to the weak, and there is no fragment of awe for life.  And, without knowing well about such a serious problem, without even the trouble of investigating it, a prejudiced attack is thrown away. On the other hand, if he wants to take part in something, he will rub against the strong man.  In the case of Matsumoto's remark, it is not as overtly malicious as Ogawa's remark, but since the magnitude of its influence is incomparable, it can be said that it cannot be dealt with more.
What i want to do
In response to criticism of Matsumoto's remarks, there were quite a few advocacy arguments that "what to do if you ask the entertainer for good sense." But if you're an entertainer, you can say something interesting.  Of course, this case is not something that can be laughed at, but if you want to talk about current affairs, I think you should try one of the cynical remarks that makes you laugh at another topic. It makes much more sense than whipping the dead.
Mr. Norihisa Furuichi, who appears in the "Wide Na Show", is a "artistic style" who does not know whether he is smart enough to calculate or just can not read the air, even if he is a regular on fire. There are many flames that make you laugh.  For example, when Takanohana retired, he said to Sumo reporter Reiko Yokono, who had consistently criticized Takanohana and defended the Sumo Association, saying, "Do you feel happy to get rid of it?" I was standing on the side and putting in a cynical plunge.  If someone else said the same thing, the place might have frozen, but his laughing trick seems to have been getting better and better these days.  In comparison, Hitoshi Matsumoto's series of remarks is completely uninteresting and laughable. It's just a thin critic.  He may deny it, but when he sees filming and discussing current affairs, is he tracing Takeshi Kitano?  But it's just a copy, it doesn't have any originality, and it's a sadly significant degradation, whether it's a movie or a comment on the news.
What exactly does Hitoshi Matsumoto want to do?
Are you tired of the world of comedy, and are you trying to get sensual and aim for art and the next stage? Or are you going to run for elections? If he runs, Eitaro Ogawa will definitely lose, but Hitoshi Matsumoto will definitely win, and I don't want to see such a scene.
At the beginning, he said that he no longer saw Hitoshi Matsumoto's comedy. This time, in order to criticize the comments, I went through all the past comments. I don't want to share with them the irresponsibility of criticizing without even looking.  However, his laughter is not interesting so I don't feel like watching it anymore. You might be told what it means to be "uninteresting" without even watching it. However, unlike current affairs, "not watching" about comedy is also one of the expressions of attitude as a comedy fan.  However, somewhere in my heart, I want to make Hitoshi Matsumoto laugh again as in the past.  I don't want you to become a small Takeshi Kitano or Eitaro Ogawa as it is.
I don't want to see Matsu-chan, a genius who makes people laugh and have fun, continue to hurt people with heartless words.
The entertainer Hitoshi Matsumoto dies every time he spits out poison that can't be laughed at.

Отлучение 파문(破門, 영어:excommunication)《大日本人》是一齣日本喜劇電影,為諧星松本人志所初次執導的作品,於2007年6月2日在日本上映。Сёко Накагава나카가와 쇼코→Il semble qu'un nombre considérable de grands noms (かなりの大御所)visitent également les magasins gérés par Keiko, et Takeshi Kitano (北野武)connaît Keiko.

北野武(日语:北野 武/きたの たけし Kitano Takeshi */?;1947年1月18日-)是日本搞笑藝人,東京都足立區島根出身。原本與兼子二郎以搞笑二人組「Two Beat」的名義活動,後來身兼電影導演、演員、电视节目主持人,並因電影導演身分使其國際知名度大開

Dec 4, 2017 —松本人志の日馬富士の暴行擁護コメントに批判殺到Le commentaire d'Hitoshi Matsumoto sur la défense contre l'agression d'Harumafuji est inondé de critiques 「無知な逆張り政治トークDiscussion politique à contre-courant ignorante」「芸人が知ったかぶりで時事問題を語るのは反対Je suis contre le fait de parler de l'actualité sous prétexte qu'un artiste sava」

Hitoshi Matsumoto (54 ans) a mentionné l'ancien yokozuna Harumafuji dans l'émission d'information "Wide na Show" (Fuji TV) du 3 décembre. À propos de l'assaut de Takanoiwa par Harumafuji "Bien sûr, il y a des moments où j'ai utilisé trop de choses dans le lieu de l'alcool. Mais je ne suis pas une personne ordinaire, et c'est un monde où les gens sont submergés et renversés. Je pense que oui. Alors, comment pratiquez-vous la formation « L'entraînement et les châtiments corporels sont très gris, et il y a des lutteurs qui deviennent plus forts avec ça. J'ai développé ma théorie. Après avoir qualifié le cas d'agression de "châtiment corporel", les critiques inondent le net avec l'argument ridicule selon lequel la différence entre les châtiments corporels et la pratique est inconnue. "Combiner la violence de la table à saké avec la pratique sur le ring" "La beuverie n'est pas une pratique" M. Matsumoto a également déclaré que le contexte est que 3 yokozuna sur 4 sont des Mongols. "Si les lutteurs japonais deviennent plus forts, peu importe si les Mongols boivent de l'alcool." "Je suis trop conscient des lutteurs mongols, et je peux voir beaucoup de choses parce que je perds." Mentionné. L'assaut d'Harumafuji a reçu beaucoup d'attention car les Japonais sont trop conscients des lutteurs mongols. Les propos de M. Matsumoto ont été critiqués les uns après les autres sur Internet. Concernant le fait que la différence entre entraînement et châtiments corporels soit ambiguë, de nombreuses voix s'étonnent que "la violence de la table à boire et l'entraînement sur le ring se conjuguent" et "la beuverie n'est pas un entraînement". En septembre de cette année, il a dit : « Personne ne me dira pourquoi il ne peut plus y avoir de châtiments corporels maintenant.

[2018.2.13]ワイドナショーで株を下げ続ける松本人志 「社会問題を語るには無理がある」という声もHitoshi Matsumoto continues to lower stocks at the Wide Na Show Some say, "It's impossible to talk about social issues."
お笑い芸人としては高い評価を得ている松本人志さんだが、「ワイドナショー」(フジテレビ系)が始まってからというもの、政治や社会に関する発言にがっかりする人が相次いでいるHitoshi Matsumoto, who has been highly acclaimed as a comedian, has been disappointed by many people who have been disappointed with his statements about politics and society since the beginning of "Wide na Show" (Fuji TV).
政治学者の三浦瑠璃さんが2月11日、同番組で”テロリストが大阪に潜伏している”と発言し、批判が殺到したRuri Miura, a political scientist, said on the same program on February 11 that "terrorists are hiding in Osaka," and was flooded with criticism.松本さんは同日 Mr. Matsumoto said on the same day、「オレの番組にゲストで出たタレントさんが叩かれてたりするとツライです。きっとサービス精神でいろいろ話してくれたのに。ダウンタウンの番組に出て楽しかった!って思って欲しいもんなーIt's hard to hear that the talent who appeared on my program as a guest was hit. I'm sure he talked about various things with a service spirit. I want you to think that it was fun to appear on the downtown program!」
とツイートしたTweeted.津田大介氏Daisuke Tsuda「ワイドナショーは関係している誰一人幸せになってない感じがするI feel that no one involved in the wide na show is happy」

