约瑟夫·斯大林იოსებ სტალინიИосиф Сталин이오시프 스탈린=Stalin: A Political Biography. by Isaac Deutscher. /第8章(CHAPTER 8)☆大改革THE GREAT CHANGE☆①
8 ”大改革”
われわれのスターリン一生の叙述は1925-26年に達した。このとき以来、スターリンに反対する共産主義者は彼を反革命的反動の指導者として繰り返し画き出している。一方、反共産主義者の大部分は、さまよう共産主義の妖怪が彼の姿をかりて現われたものだと考えてきたし、今でもそう考えている。だが、1920年代のボリシェヴィキ指導者たちの間では、スターリンは主として中庸の人であった。当時、過激な見解が党公認の立場をねらって互いに競合していたが、スターリンは過激な見解を本能的にきらった。彼独自の役割は、対立する過激な見解を妥協させると思われる方式を打ち出すことであった。動揺する大多数の党員にとっては、彼の言葉は良識そのもののように響いた。彼らは、党の運営が“中道”に沿って行なわれるのは確実で、“安全第一”が指導原則となるだろうと期待しながら、スターリンの指導性を受け入れた。彼はボリシェヴィズムのボールドウィン(ビュードリーの初代ボールドウィン伯爵スタンリー・ボールドウィン(英: Stanley Baldwin, 1st Earl Baldwin of Bewdley, KG, PC, PC, JP, FRS、1867年8月3日 - 1947年12月14日)は、イギリスの政治家、実業家、貴族)、チェンバレン(アーサー・ネヴィル・チェンバレン (英語: Arthur Neville Chamberlain, FRS, 1869年3月18日 - 1940年11月9日) は、イギリスの政治家。首相(在任:1937年5月28日 - 1940年5月10日))、ハーディング(ウォレン・ガメイリアル・ハーディング(Warren Gamaliel Harding, 1865年11月2日 - 1923年8月2日)は、アメリカ合衆国の政治家、第29代大統領。大統領に選ばれた最初の現職連邦上院議員であり、在職中に死去した6人目の大統領)、フーヴァー(ハーバート・クラーク・フーヴァー(Herbert Clark Hoover, 1874年8月10日 - 1964年10月20日)とは、アメリカ合衆国の政治家、鉱山技術者である。第31代大統領、第3代商務長官を歴任した)のような感じを与えたといえるかもしれない。もっとも、これらの名前をボリシェヴィズムと結び付けて持ち出すことだけでも余りにもとってつけたような響きがする。
当時、1925年11月起こった奇怪な事件は、条件反射の結果、“鉄の規律”を最も不合理な要求に対してさえ、党員としてどのような反応を示すようになったかを説明する。トロツキーのあとを継いで軍事人民委員となったフルンゼ(미하일 바실레예비치 프룬제(러시아어: Михаил Васильевич Фрунзе; 루마니아어: Mihail Vasilievici Frunză: 1885년 2월 2일 ~ 1925년 10월 31일)는 소련의 군인이자 혁명가이다)が病気になった。一部の医者は彼に外科手術を受けることを勧めたが、他の医者は彼はひどく衰弱しているから手術すれば死ぬのではないかと気遣った。政治局は同人民委員に外科医の執刀を受けるよう指示してこの問題を解決した。フルンゼはいやいやながらこの指示に従い、手術中に死んだ。後にトロツキーはスターリンが自分のいいなりに動く外科医に政治局の手術決定を支持する意見を述べさせたのだろう。スターリンはジノヴィエフに味方した同人民委員に死刑の宣告を下したのと同然だと述べた。真相を明らかにするのは困難だが、この話で最も重要で確実なことは、政治局がこのような個人的問題まで決定する権利を奪い取ることができたということである。箇々のボリシェヴィキは、最高司令官であれ、地方委員会書記であれ、すべて体も心も党のものであった。彼には党以外の生活も意志もなかった。彼の個人生活で最も根深い感情的面でさえ上級党員の監視の目にさらされていた。フルンゼのような人でさえ上級党員の監視の目にさらされていた。フルンゼのような人でさえ屈服した党内で、一般党員が自己を主張する勇気を見出せなかったことはいうまでもない。党全体が冷酷な外科医スターリンのメスのもとにあおむけの体を横たえた。
大会後スターリンのとった次の措置は反対派をレニングラードのとりでから追い払うことだった。“レーニンの街”の発言は影響力が大きかったので反対派のため弁ずることは許せなかった。スターリンがレニングラードからのジノヴィエフ追放のため派遣したのはセルゲイ・キーロフ(セルゲイ・ミローノヴィチ・キーロフ(ロシア語: Сергей Миронович Киров[1], 1886年3月27日(ユリウス暦3月15日) - 1934年12月1日)は、ソビエト連邦の革命家、政治家。本姓はコーストリコフ(Ко́стриков)。レニングラード・ソビエト議長)ー1934年のキーロフ暗殺は30年代後半のテロ開始ののろしとなった。キーロフはそれまではバクー党組織の書記で、古参ボリシェヴィキのなかでは比較的小物の1人に算えられていたが、精力的な組織者であり、有能な弁舌家であった。全権を与えられた彼は、レニングラード党員の規律を重んずる精神に訴えた。彼は少なくとも外見上は迅速に目的を達成した。レニングラードは依然反対派に同情を寄せ続けたが、書記局の指令に屈服した。
IN 1929, five years after Lenin’s death, Soviet Russia embarked upon her second revolution, which was directed solely and exclusively by Stalin. In its scope and immediate impact upon the life of some 160 million people the second revolution was even more sweeping and radical than the first. It resulted in Russia’s rapid industrialization; it compelled more than a hundred million peasants to abandon their small, primitive holdings and to set up collective farms; it ruthlessly tore the primeval wooden plough from the hands of the muzhik and forced him to grasp the wheel of a modern tractor; it drove tens of millions of illiterate people to school and made them learn to read and write; and brought Asiatic Russia nearer to Europe. The rewards of that revolution were astounding; but so was its cost: the complete loss, by a whole generation, of spiritual and political freedom. It takes a great effort of the imagination to gauge the enormousness and the complexity of that upheaval for which hardly any historical precedent can be found. Even if all allowance is made for the different scales of human affairs in different ages, the greatest reformers in Russian history, Ivan the Terrible and Peter the Great, and the great reformers of other nations too, seem to be dwarfed by the giant form of the General Secretary.
And yet the giant’s robe hangs somewhat loosely upon Stalin’s figure. There is a baffling disproportion between the magnitude of the second revolution and the stature of its maker a disproportion which was not noticeable in the revolution of 1917. There the leaders seem to be equal to the great events; here the events seem to reflect their greatness upon the leader. Lenin and Trotsky foresaw their revolution and prepared it many years before it materialized. Their own ideas fertilized the soil of Russia for the harvest of 1917. Not so with Stalin. The ideas of the second revolution were not his. He neither foresaw it nor prepared for it. Yet he, and in a sense he alone, accomplished it. He was at first almost whipped into the vast undertaking by immediate dangers. He started it gropingly, and desire his own fears. Then, carried on by the force of his own doings, he walked the giant’s causeway, almost without halt or rest. Behind him were tramping the myriads of weary and bleeding Russian feet, a whole generation in search of socialism in one country. His figure seemed to grow to mythical dimensions. Seen at close quarters, it was still the figure of a man of very ordinary stature and of middling thoughts. Only his fists and feet contrasted with his real stature – they were the fists and the feet of a giant.
Our narrative of Stalin’s life has reached the years 1925-6. Since then Stalin’s Communist opponents have repeatedly described him as the leader of an anti-revolutionary reaction, while most anti-Communists have been and still see the haunting specter of communism embodied in his person. Yet, among the Bolshevik leaders of the twenties, he was primarily the man of the golden mean. He instinctively abhorred the extreme viewpoint which then competed for the party’s recognition. His peculiar job was to produce the formulas in which the opposed extremes seemed reconciled. To the mass of hesitating members of the party his words sounded like common sense itself. They accepted his leadership in the hope that the party would be reliably steered along the ‘middle of the road’ and that ‘safety first’ would be the guiding principle. It might be said that he appeared as the Baldwin or the Chamberlain, the Harding or the Hoover of Bolshevism, if the mere association of those names with Bolshevism did not sound too incongruous.
It was neither Stalin’s fault nor his merit that he never succeeded in sticking to the middle of any road; and that he was constantly compelled to abandon ‘safety’ for the most dangerous of ventures. Revolutions are as a rule intolerant of golden means and ‘common sense’. Those who in a revolution try to tread the middle of the road usually find the earth cleaving under their feet. Stalin was repeatedly compelled to make sudden and inordinately violent jumps now to this now to that extreme of the road. We shall see him over and over again either far to the right of his right-wing critics or far to the left of his left-wing critics. His periodical sharp turns were the convulsive attempts of the man of the golden mean to keep his balance amid the cataclysms of his time. What is astounding is how well he kept his balance – each of his many jumps would have broken the neck of any less resilient leader.
Thus, for all his inclination towards the reconciliation of conflicting Bolshevik viewpoints, he was no man of compromise. Apart from the fact that those viewpoints were manually exclusive, his personal characteristic were not those of the conciliator. The only trait he had in common with any man of compromise was his distrust of extremes. But he lacked the suavity, the flair for persuasion, and the genuine interest in narrowing gaps between opposed views which make the political peacemaker. His temperament was altogether averse to compromise; and the conflict between his mind and his temperament underlay much of his behaviors. He appeared before the party with formulas, some parts of which he had borrowed from right-wing Bolsheviks and some from left-wing Bolsheviks. But these were strange compromise formulas: their purpose was not to bring the extremes together but to blow them up and to destroy them. He did not mediate between those who seemed to walk to the right or left of him; he annihilated them. He personified the dictatorship of the golden mean over all the unruly ideas and doctrines that emerged in post-revolutionary society, the dictatorship of the golden mean that could not remain true to itself, to the golden mean.
We left Stalin as he was advancing the dogma of socialism in one country. Let us now quickly follow his next steps in the struggle over the succession to Lenin. In January 1925 he at last brought Trotsky to resign from the Commissariat of War. As the chief of the armed forces, Trotsky had still held a most formidable trump. If he had chosen to stage a military coup d'état he might perhaps have defeated the triumvirs. But he left office without the slightest attempt at rallying in his defence the army he had created and led for seven years. He still regarded the party, no matter how or by whom it was led, as the legitimate spokesman for the working class. If he were to oppose army to party, so he reasoned, he would have automatically set himself up as the agent for some other class interests, hostile to the working class. He would have entered the path of Bonapartism which he refused to tread. Having resigned from the Commissariat of War, Trotsky devoted his energy and talent to such minor jobs in the economic administration as Stalin assigned to him. He still remained a member of the Politbureau, but for more than a year he kept aloof from all public controversy.
After Trotsky had thus been effaced, the only bond that kept the triumvirs together snapped. Up to the last moment Zinoviev clamored for harsher reprisals against Trotsky, even for his arrest. Stalin countered his demands with a public statement to the effect that it was ‘inconceivable’ that Trotsky should be eliminated from the leadership of the party. Soon afterwards he took the initiative in breaking up the triumvirate: he refused to consult his partners or to concert with them his moves before the session of the Politbureau. To all intents and purposes he was the indisputable master of the party, even though Kamenev was still entrenched in the organization of Moscow, while Zinoviev still led he Bolsheviks of Leningrad. Yet, powerful though Stalin’s grip on the party was, he could assert his leadership only as the spokesman of a majority of the Politbureau. The totalitarian evolution of the party had not yet gone far enough for its members to submit to the undisguised dictatorship of any single one of Lenin’s disciples was worthy of Lenin’s mantle and that only as a team could they aspire to leadership. That team was organized in the Politbureau; and the will of the Politbureau was constitutionally expressed through majority vote. In 1925 that body consisted of seven members: Stalin, Zinoviev, Kamenev, Trotsky, Bukharin, Rykov, and Tomsky. Having put an end to the triumvirate, Stalin was now entirely depended on the backing of three members: Bukharin, Rykov, and Tomsky.
The new alignment coincided with the crystallization of a right wing in the party and the Politbureau. The process began in the first half and was completed in the second half od 1925. Bukharin, Rykov, and Tomsky were the chief spokesmen of the new trend, while Zinoviev and Kamenev came to head the left wing. The new alignment had little or nothing to common with the previous ones. During much of the Leninist period, Bukharin had led the left Communists, while Zinoviev and Kamenev had, during the revolution, spoken for the most moderate group. In Lenin’s days the lines of division between various factions were neither stable nor clear-cut. Factions emerged and dissolved on a shifting political scene; individual moved from one group to another, as situations, issues, and attitudes changed. Yesterday’s lefts were today’s moderates; and vice versa. There was then little sense of loyalty to group, coterie, or clique. The present alignment was of an altogether different kind. It had its stable points of controversy and rigid divisions; it bore all the marks of irrevocable finally. Left and right now confronted each other with conflicting programs and slogans covering almost every aspect of Bolshevik policy.
Stalin belonged neither to the one nor to the other wing. Tactical reasons compelled him to join hands with the spokesmen of the right, on whose vote in the Politbureau he was dependent. He also felt a closer affinity with the men of the new right than with his former partners. Bukharin, Rykov, and Tomsky accepted his socialism in one country, while Zinoviev and Kamenev denounced it. Bukharin may justify be regarded as the co-author of the doctrine. He supplied the theoretical arguments for it and he gave it that scholarly polish which it lacked in Stalin’s more or less crude version. Temperamental affinities also made for Stalin’s alliance with the leaders of the right. Zinoviev and Kamenev were, first of all, ideologues. So was, to be sure, Bukharin, too. But Rykov and Tomsky were, like Stalin himself, primarily administration. Rykov was now chairman of the Council of People’s Commissars, the Soviet Premier. Tomsky was the leader of the trade unions. Both managed huge administrative machines with great caution, with a strong, though narrow, sense of reality, and with indubitable integrity. They and Stalin spoke in the same idiom, the idiom of the administrators. Nevertheless, Stalin felt uneasy in his new alliance. The only middle-of-the=roader in the Politbureau, he was in a sense his allies’ prisoner. He used the first opportunity to strengthen his own position. After the fourteenth congress, in December 1925, Molotov, Voroshilov, and Kalinin were elected to the Politbureau. They formed the actual Stalinist ‘center’, although Voroshilov and Kalinin were more attracted by the right than suited Stalin. Molotov, slow-minded, dull, but endowed with enormous patience and capacity for work, had followed Stalin like a faithful shadow from the days when, in 1913, he had helped Stalin to issue the first copy of Pravda. Stalin exercised upon him the fascination which an astute and ruthless man often exercises upon people lacking such qualities.
The main issue on which the new controversy centered was the practical interpretation that was to be given to the policy of the N.E.P. Under the N.E.P. the country had a mixed economy. State-owned industry private enterprise prevailed. Private ownership ruled supreme in farming. It was still commonly accepted that socialism could be attained only by the gradual expansion of the Socialist sector in competition with the private one.
The question arose, Within what limits should that competition be allowed; and what forms should it take? Everybody agreed that the country needed a degree of harmony and cooperation between the two sectors. The Socialist industry could not function without buying foodstuffs and raw materials from the individual farmers and without selling part of its own produce to them. The distribution of goods was dependent on private traders. But the competition of the two sectors also implied a degree of antagonism between them. The peasantry clamored for more and cheaper industrial goods, demanding high prices for its own produce. Industry, only slowly rising from ruin, produced few goods and at high prices and clamored for cheap food and raw materials. Broadly speaking, the ‘Bukharin group’ put the greater emphasis on harmonious cooperation between the various sectors of the national economy, while Zinoviev and Kamenev stressed the conflict of their interests.
The general problem resolved itself into two more specific issues: the tempo of Russia’s industrialization; and the Government’s attitude towards private farming. The left Bolsheviks saw the chief danger to socialism in the slowness of economic recovery and pressed for rapid industrialization. The right wing thought the position of socialism to secure, even if industrialization were to proceed slowly, ‘at a small’s pace’ as Bukharin put it. Industrialization, on the need for which everybody agreed ‘in principle’, required funds. These had to be levied to a large extent from private enterprise and private initiative and thereby upset a precarious economic balance. The left argued that the farmers and the traders did not deliver the goods any how; and that they would be induced to self more food raw materials if more and cheaper industrial goods were thrown on the market.
Meanwhile, the peasantry clamored for an extension of the concession made to it under the N.E.P. It asked for a reduction of agricultural taxation. Well-to-do peasants pressed for the abolition of restriction on the hiring of farm laborers. Since the sake of land was forbidden, they also pressed for long-term leasing of land to be permitted, for the freedom to invest capital in agriculture, and so on. The ruling party claimed to stand for an ‘alliance’ with the poor and ‘middle’ peasants but not with the big farmers, the so-called kulaks.* In practice it had to appease the kulaks also, who only too often withheld food from the towns and induced other peasants to do likewise. In the middle twenties the farmers sold to the towns only one-third of the food they used to sell before the war.
*The peasantry was divided into these groups by the following rule of thumb method: ‘strong’ farmers who hired labor were classed as kulaks. Those who had their small holdings but also hired themselves as laborers were regarded as poor peasants(byednyaks). The middle peasant(serednyak) was the self-supporting smallholder, who neither employed laborers nor hired labor to others.
In the summer of 1924 a rising of peasants broke out in Georgia. In part this was a delayed reaction of the Georgians’ offended national sentiment to the invasion of 1921. In part the rising was provoked by economic grievances. Stalin convened the secretaries of the rural Communist organization and warned them that ‘what had happened in Georgia could happen in the whole of Russia’. The party, he concluded, had lost contact with the peasantry; and it had to approach the muzhik with more attentiveness and confidence than hitherto.
But declarations of confidence in the muzhik were not enough. The Politbureau could not easily make up its mind what to do next. At first, the issue gave rise to no clear-cut division. Zinoviev urged that the peasants be given a bigger and more real share in running the Soviets. Trotsky argued about the need to offer them economic incentives. The division crystalized later when Bukharin, Rykov, and Tomsky came to voice a definite pro-muzhik policy. They wanted the Government to stimulate the with food, since the poor and even the middle peasants produced only just enough to feed themselves. The logic of this attitude demanded that the party should abandon its hostility towards the well-to-do farmers, who could, in Bukharin’s view, constitute no danger to socialism as long as the Government was master over industry, transport, and banking, the ‘commanding posts’ in the national economy. In the end, Bukharin believed, even the kulak would be more or less painlessly absorbed in the Socialist economy, though the convoy of socialism would have no more forward at the pace dictated by its slowest, that is its rural, section. Bukharin frankly called upon the peasants to ‘enrich’ themselves.
Stalin listened to the debates in the Politbureau and at first avoided committing himself. He was inclined to accept the policy of the pro-muzhik group, as a master of practical convenience. But he had his mental reservations, especially when the right wing openly advocated the appeasement of well-to-do farmers. He tried to prevail upon his partners to exercise more discretion; and he disavowed Bukharin’s frank appeals to the rural bourgeoisie. When at last he spoke his mind, his utterances were eclectic. In practice he opted for the course advocated by Bukharin; but he was anxious to appear as the devotee of Bolshevik orthodoxy.
In April 1925 a party conference drew up the balance of recent debates. The agricultural tax was reduced Restrictions upon the leasing of land, the hiring of labor, and the accumulation of capital were largely removed. The pro-muzhik group scored its first point. It stood for this course not because it favored capitalist farming for its own sake, but because it saw in it the decisive factor in improving the provisioning of the towns.
Simultaneously with its swing in domestic policies, a new view on the international situation came to be accepted. Stalin and Bukharin told the party that in Europe the period of revolutionary strain and stress had come to an end and that foreign capitalism had achieved a degree of stabilization which made it certain that Soviet Russia would remain isolated for a long time to come. The spokesmen of the right wing forecast a period of stability and prosperity in the capitalist countries similar perhaps to that which prevailed before 1914. Stalin carefully stressed the circumstances which might upset the ‘stabilization’; but the general tenor of his argument also led to the conclusion that the capitalist would had recovered from the war and that the prospects of any new revolutionary crisis abroad belonged to a more or less remote future. In retrospect, these prognostications, which were made a couple of years before the great depression of 1929, appear startling. They form a curious pendant to socialism in one country and to the ‘gradualist’, almost Fabian, trend in Soviet politics at that time.
It was against this Soviet Fabianism that Zinoviev and Kamenev rose in opposition. They denounced the pro-muzhik policy, saying that the stronger the big farmers grew the easier it would be for them to withhold food from the urban population and to wrest more and more concessions from the Government; the easier, in a word, it would be for them to undermine the Soviets and work for the restoration of capitalism. The Government should have reduced taxation for middle and poor peasants, but increased it for the well-to-do. The country was threatened by a chronic food crisis. In old days the supply of food was secured by the landlords’ large estates, which were now split up. Before the revolution Russia had 16 million farms – it had 24 or 25 millions of them now. The Government should set out to create large farms, producers of marketable grain; but these should be large collective farms and not the large farms of the kulaks.
There was no question, in the view of the left Bolsheviks, of driving the peasants into collective farms by force. The switch over from private to collective farming was to be carried out gradually, with the peasants’ own consent. The masses of poor peasants would be only too glad to join in the collective farms if the Government offered them proper inducements: tractions, fertilizers, seeds, and so on. These would greatly increase the yield of agricultural labor and convince other smallholders of the benefits of collective farming. Such inducements would be forthcoming only if and when industry expanded. In addition, the muzhik had to be taught to handle machines. The transformation of agriculture would admittedly take much time; but the Government, so the left concluded, should at least make a determined start with the reform.
The left Bolsheviks also refused to accept Stalin’s and Bukharin’s views on the stabilization of capitalism. They repeated after Lenin that the First World War had opened a general crisis of the capitalist order, an epoch of world-wide revolutionary transformation. The temporary ebb and flow of the Communist tide abroad did not, in their view, affect the basically revolutionary character of the times. The left Bolsheviks pointed to the revolution in China, which had just begun, and to the first rumblings of a grave social crisis in Great Britain.
In the autumn of 1925 the debate spread from the Politbureau into the Press and public meetings. Zinoviev published his essay The Philosophy of an Epoch and his book Leninism. In October the leaders of the left submitted to the Central Committee a memorandum in which they asked for a free debates on all controversial issues. The memorandum, resembling Trotsky’s previous interventions, was signed by Zinoviev, Kamenev, Krupskaya, and Sokolnikov, the Commissar Finance.
The real controversy was between the two extreme wings. Stalin contributed to it not a single idea of his own. He looked askance at the bold plans for industrialization and collectivization and dubbed his former partners adherences of ‘super-industrialization’, even though their schemes were almost timid compared with those he himself was to promote a few years later. He charged them with attempting to disrupt the alliance between the proletariat and the peasantry, even though the ‘anti-muzhik’ measures proposed by the left Bolsheviks were very mild compared with the collectivization of 1929-30. The course advocated by the right seemed to him to be much safer and to promise much more immediate advantage.
But he took pains to appear before the party as an advocate of the middle course. He spoke for the muzhik, that is for the poor and the middle peasants but against the kulaks. He reproached Zinoviev and Kamenev with preaching hostility not just to the kulak but to the middle peasants . Branding them as super-industrializers, he nevertheless included industrialization in the programme of his own which he presented to the fifteenth congress of the party. For nearly three years, until late in 1928, industrialization was actually shelved while the programme of the right wing was being carried out. But Stalin’s vague intermediate formulas served their purpose. They sanctioned the policies of the right wing; and they put at ease those who, if they had to make a straight choice between right and left, might have opted for the left.
Meanwhile, Stalin benefited from the circumstance that Trotsky and the two ex-triumvirs hesitated to join hands against him, although they now had many points in common. From his position of vantage, he watched his divided opponents, their shy mutual overtures, their jealousies and resentments. He added to the confusion in their ranks by his own vague advances to Trotsky’s followers that Zinoviev, not Stalin, had exhibited the worst virulence in the fight against them. Stalin himself in his book Problems of Leninism, which was published in January 1926, turned all his polemical zest against Zinoviev and Kamenev and refrained from making a single unfriendly remark about Trotsky. Some of the leading Trotskyists, for instance Antonov Ovseenko and Radek, urged their friends to coalesce with Stalin. Others wished a plague on both the General Secretary and his laconically described the risk of any coalition: ‘Stalin will deceive us and Zinoviev will sneak away.’ On the other hand, Zinoviev’s followers had been so strongly indoctrinated against Trotsky that for them it was the irony of history that they should now repeat many of his arguments. Meanwhile, the heavy hand of the General Secretary bore down the new dissidents as it had done upon the old ones. Zinoviev’s followers were removed from positions of responsibility. Ordinary workers who remembered that a vote were non-committal – there was too much unemployment under the N.E.P. for anybody but most courageous to brave the risk. The doubters and the waverers responded to the invocations of ‘iron discipline’ which the General Secretariat showed upon them.
A strange incident which happened in those days, in November 1925, shows how the party’s reflexes had become conditioned to respond even to the most irrational demands of that ‘iron disciple’. Frunze, Trotsky’s successor in the Commissariat of War, fell ill. Some of his doctors advised him to undergo a surgical operation, while others feared that he was too weak to survive it. The Politbureau settled the matter, ordering the Commissar to submit to the surgical knife. Frunze reluctantly obeyed; and he died during the operation. Later on, Trotsky suggested that Stalin got subservient physicians to express an opinion in favor of the operation to the Politbureau; and that he thus virtually condemned to death the Commissar who had sided with Zinoviev. It is difficult to say what were the facts. What is certain and most significant in the story is that the Politbureau could arrogate to itself the right to take decision on so personal a matter. The individual Bolshevik, whether he was the commander-in-chief or the secretary of a provincial committee, belonged in his entirely to the party. He had no existence and no will beyond it. Even the most intimate side of his private life was open to inspection by his superiors. It goes without saying that where a Frunze submitted the average member could hardly dare to assert himself. As a body, the party lay supine under the knife of its implacable surgeon, the General Secretary.
It was, therefore, not surprising that, at the fourteenth congress, Stalin defeated his ex-partners, even though Zinoviev succeeded in rallying the delegates of Leningrad for turbulent dramatic engagement. Both he and Kamenev protested vehemently against the rule of the General Secretary and made a belated attempt to bring Lenin’s testament to the party’s notice. Stalin now levelled against them all the charges from which he had defended them the year before, when these were made by Trotsky. They were the ‘deserters; and ‘strike-breakers’ of October. He stood by his new partners, Bukharin, Rykov, and Tomsky, in the same way to which he had previously stood by Zinoviev and Kamenev, saying that it was grotesque to imagine that the party could be led without them. He told the story how he had been put and kept in his office by his present critics and how many times he had wanted to resign. The shouts of the Leningraders, ‘Resign now!’, were drowned by outbursts of indignation on the part of the majority and by thunderous ovations for Stalin and ‘the Leninist Central Committee united around Nominally the party was still led by a team, the ‘Leninist Central Committee’, but the team was already ‘united around Stalin’. Constitutionally, the General Secretary could claim no status above that of any other member of the Central Committee; but he already was recognized as primus inter pares. In theory this was still to be his status many years later, after the Central Committee had been reduced to his mere shadow.
His next step, after the congress, was to dislodge the opposition from its stronghold in Leningrad. The voice of ‘Lenin’s city’ carried too much weight to be allowed to speak for the opposition. The man whom Stalin sent to oust Zinoviev from Leningrad was Sergei Kirov – his assassination in 1934 was to become the starting-point for the terror of the late thirties. Hitherto the secretary of the organization of Baku, one of the lesser lights among the old Bolsheviks, Kirov was an energetic organizer and an able orator. Armed with plenty powers, he appealed to the Leningraders’ sense of discipline; and he quickly achieved his objective, at least in appearance. The city continued to sympathize with the opposition, but it submitted to orders from the General Secretariat.
It was only after they had been beaten, in the spring of 1926, that Zinoviev and Kamenev at last threw in their lot with Trotsky. Meanwhile, Trotsky, too, had further weakened his position by renouncing his supporters abroad, who had published Lenin’s testament. He even went so far – and all in the name of discipline – as to describe the document as apocryphal. The union of the two opposition represented therefore little more than the joint wreckage of their former separate selves.