
当ブログはトロント在住、日系一世カナダ人サミー・山田(48)おっさんの「独り言」です。まさに「個人日記」。1968年11月16日東京都目黒区出身(A型)・在北米30年の日系カナダ人(Canadian Citizen)・University of Toronto Woodsworth College BA History & East Asian Studies Major トロント在住(職業記者・医療関連・副職画家)・Toronto Ontario「団体」「宗教」「党派」一切無関係・「政治的」意図皆無=「事実関係」特定の「考え」が’正しい’あるいは一方だけが’間違ってる’いう気は毛頭なし。「知って」それぞれ「考えて」いただれれば本望(^_-☆Everybody!! Let's 'Ponder' or 'Contemplate' On va vous re?-chercher!Internationale!!「世界人類みな兄弟」「平和祈願」「友好共存」「戦争反対」「☆Against Racism☆」「☆Gender Equality☆」&ノーモア「ヘイト」(怨恨、涙、怒りや敵意しか生まない)Thank you very much for everything!! Ma Cher Minasan, Merci Beaucoup et Bonne Chance 

☆ Коминтерн☆第11章: 外交政策とコミンテルン II(1934-41年)CHAPTER 11:FOREIGN POLICY AND COMINTERN II (1934-41)★იოსებ სტალინიИосиф Сталин이오시프 스탈린★Stalin: A Political Biography. by Isaac Deutscher④

少くともモスクワにいる2人の男は、この警告を本気に考えようとはしなかった。それはスターリンとフォン・シューレンブルクであった。ドイツ大使の誤算は理解できる。彼はビスマルク的伝統に忠実で、ドイツ、ロシア間の摩擦が戦争にまで発展しないことを望んでいた。4月末、彼は平和を訴えるため、ヒトラーの許に赴いた。それは130年の昔、フランス大使コーランクールAuguste Jean-Gabriel de Caulaincourtがロシア侵略を思い留まるようナポレオンに訴えたのと全く同じであった。シューレンブルクは、来年ドイツに穀類500万トンを引き渡すというロシア提案を携行した。彼はヒトラーに「無知のようにロシアは300パーセントの安全保障を確保したいという強い欲求を持っているが」、国境地帯へのロシア軍の集結はこの欲求に由るものであることを説明しようと試みた。彼はいった。「なにかの理由でドイツが1個師を送れば、ロシアは完全に安全な体制を整えるため、同じ狙いから10個師を送るであろう。私はロシアがドイツを攻撃するものとは信じられない」だがヒトラーはこれらの言葉に動かされなかった。
だが、これからのおれたちは 君たちの盾ではない 戦いにとびこんでゆくまい!


In his ‘Asiatic panache Stalin had an ulterior motive. He had just drawn his conclusion form the fact that, despite his resistance, Germany had become the master of the Balkans and had not left an inch of European land open to the expansion of Russian influence. He had to put up with his reverse. Six months before he had sent Molotov to haggle with Hitler over Russian interests in Europe. Now he was trying, in his cryptic manner, to convey to Hitler that he, Stalin, had withdrawn from the contest and that he was ready to content himself, as Hitler had advised him through Molotov, with advantages in Asia. On the day of Matsuoka’s departure from Moscow, 19 April, he made an ostentatious gesture calculated to bring his new attitude to Hitler’s notice. Quite unexpectedly, he emerged from his seclusion to see off the Japanese Minister at the railway station. In the presence of a large gathering of foreign correspondences and astonished diplomats, he embraced his ‘fellow Asiatic’; and then, to quote Schulenburg, he ‘publicly asked for me and when he found me came up to me and threw his arm around my shoulders: “We must remain friends and you must now do everything to that end!” Somewhat later Stalin turned to the German . . . military attaché, Colonel Krebs, first made sure that he was a German, and then said to him: “We will remain friends with you in any events.” Hitler and Ribbentrop could not possibly have missed the meaning of all this. Stalin was, as if were, taking up their proposals of November and indicating his desire to negotiate.          
Too late! In the next few weeks Moscow and Berlin fired protests at each other against violations of the frontier. German planes were flying over Russian territory and Russian planes were reconnoitering German terrain. About 150 German divisions were concentrated on the frontier. They were confronted by a slightly superior number of Russian divisions. It was in those days, about the end of April, that Stalin received the British message, which Churchill was to mention in his speech of 22 June, warning him of the imminence of the German attack. So precise was the warning, according to some versions, that it mentioned 22, the anniversary of Napoleon’s invasion of Russia, as the probable date of the German invasion.*
*The German naval attaché in Moscow, reporting to Berlin that that date had been mentioned by the British Ambassador, commented that it Moscow by the United States Government earlier in the year.
At least two men in Moscow refused to take the warning seriously; Stalin and von Schulenburg. The German Ambassador’s mistake is understandable. He was true to his Bismarckian tradition and hoped that the friction between Germany and Russia would not lead to war. In the last days of April he went to Hitler to plead for peace, just as another Ambassador, Caulaincourt, had pleaded with Napoleon against the invasion of Russia, 130 years before. Schulenburg brought with him a Russian offer of 5 million tons of grain to be delivered to Germany next year; and he tried to explain to Hitler the concentration of Russian troops on the frontier by the ‘well-known Russian urge for three hundred per cent security. If for any reason we sent one German division, they would send ten for the same purpose in order to be completely safe. I could not believe that Russia would ever attack Germany.’ But Hitler was not to be moved.                   
That Stalin, too, hoped that the peace between Russia and Germany could still be saved may seem almost incredible. Yet this follows from his whole behavior in these critical weeks. His now committed one of those errors to which the over-cunning are sometimes liable. He dismissed all ill omens and was confident that he, by himself, with his tactical skill and flair for sharp political turns, could retrieve the situation.          
On 6 May Moscow was startled by the news that Stalin had become Prime Minister. What made him step out of the General Secretariat and assume direct responsibility for the Government? Grave, fateful decisions were in the balance. What were they to be? The last May Day parade had been turned into an unusual display of military power. On the eve of his appointment Stalin had attended military exercises at the War Academy and had made a long, secret speech to the graduating officers, extoling the valor of the Red Army. Was it war then? Hitler’s opponents watched with bated breach the first steps of Stalin, the Prime Minister; and they were appalled. He denied the rumors of strong military concentrations on the frontier; he resumed diplomatic relations with the pro-German Government of Iraq, which he had previously refused to recognized; and – most amazing of all – he asked the Belgian, Norwegian, and Yugoslav envoys in Moscow to close their embassies and leave Russia, because their Government had ceased to exist. This last act, and even more so the allegations by which he supported it, were obviously meant to placate Hitler; and it is difficult to say which was more astounding in them: his lack of scruple or his short-sightedness. Yet, while going out of his way to regain Hitler’s confidence, he also feared that in doing so he might infect his own people with weakness and defeatism. He therefore kept secret from the Russian people and the Red Army his decision to wind up the three embassies. Then he waited a whole month to see whether Hitler would show any sign of appreciation. No sign came.              
He made one last desperate and tragi-comic effort. On 14 June, exactly one week before the German invasion, he authorized his news agency to publish a statement which, against all diplomatic custom, violently attacked the British Ambassador for spreading rumors of an ‘impending Russo-German war’. The statement, in which Stalin’s hand could easily be recognized, denied that Germany had made any economic or territorial demands on Russia, and that, because Russia had rejected them, the two countries were completing their preparations for war. Contradicting several of Molotov’s secret notes to Ribbentrop, Stalin now credited Germany with ‘fulfilling to the letter’ her agreements with Russia; and though he no longer denied that great armies were standing on both sides of the frontier, he described as ‘false, nonsensical, and provocative’ all suggestions that either the German or the Russian troops were there to wage war.                  
It would be difficult to find, even in the diplomatic records of the Second World War, anything quite as pathetic. And yet this bizarre statement, where Stalin praised before the whole world those next week were to unmask themselves as Russia’s mortal enemies and taunted those who next week would be her only allies, this bizarre statement was not wholly false. It was true, as Stalin claimed, that Germany had made no demands on Russia. He evidently expected Hitler to raise demands over which it would be possible to bargain. German attacks on Austria, Czechoslovakia, and Poland had indeed been preceded by open claims and loud threats. Stalin apparently thought that Hitler would act according to precedent. Because he did not see the usual danger signals he refused to admit the imminent danger. In his statement he invited Hitler, in that devious manner which Hitler statement he invited Hitler did not take the hint.                      
But why did not Stalin spare the British his taunts even now? He believed, and in this he was right, that the British were interested to frustrate his plans for a last-minute conciliation of Hitler. He was incensed by what he believed to be the British Ambassador’s indiscretion. But even if the British had been completely unselfish in he matter, they would probably still have aroused his anger: the mere forecast of the storm seemed to him to bring the storm nearer. He could well afford, on the other hand, to hurt British susceptibilities. Now, after Britain had stood alone against Germany for a year, he knew that he had to need to sue for British friendship, that the alliance between Russia and Britain would be established almost automatically once hostilities had broken out; and then bygones would be bygones.                           
Very few of Stalin’s deeds have given rise to so many passionate disputes as his dealings with Hitler between 1939 and 1941. It was in those years, so his critics say, that, low as had been his previous record of political morality, he descended to even lower depths of treachery. His apologizes retort that though his path was full of twists and turns, he acted from legitimate expediency, never losing sight of his ultimate objectives, never discarding his principles.
Stalin himself made his own apology soon after the outbreak of hostilities. ‘It may be asked,’ he said on 3 July 1941, ‘how could the Soviet Government have consented to conclude a non-aggression pact with such perfidious people, such fiends as Hitler and Ribbentrop? Was this not an error on the part of the Soviet Government?’ He denied the ‘error’ and pointed to the advantages of his policy: ‘We secured to our country peace for a year and a half and the opportunity of preparing our forces.’ Apart from time Russia had, of course, also gained territory, the much desired defensive glacis. Her mortal gain consisted in the clear awareness of her peoples that Germany was the aggressor and that their own Government had pursued peace to the very end.
Of these three alleged gains – in time, space, and morale – the gain in morale was the most real. It had been a peculiar feature of Russian military history that the Russian soldier had, unlike the German, fought best in the defense of his native soil; and the clear conviction that the fight for national survival had been forced upon Russia brought out the best qualities in him in the years that followed. The strategic, value of Russia’s territorial acquisitions appears far less certain. The military outposts in the Baltic states and in former eastern Poland were lost by Russia a few days after hostilities began. Yet to build up these outposts had been so arduous and ugly a job; it had caused so much resentment among so many nations, especially after the mass deportations of ‘unreliable’ Poles and Balts into the interior of Russia; in a word, the strategic advantages of those outposts were so negligible or, at any rate, so quickly lost, and the moral and the political disadvantages arising from their acquisition were so great, that on balance the whole undertaking was a costly and dismal failure.            
Nor was the gain in time more positive. To be sure, Stalin used the twenty-two months of the respite for an intensive development of Russian war industries and for retraining the armed forces in the light of fresh military experiences and for retaining the armed forces in the light of fresh military experience. But Hitler, too, used those twenty-two months. Freed from the nightmare of war on two fronts, be subjugated nearly the whole of Europe and harnessed the economic resources and the manpower of a dozen countries to the German war machine. No matter how great and important was the fresh accumulation of war stocks and the expansion of armament plant achieved in Russia between 1939 and 1941, it could not match the additional power that accrued to Hitler in the same period. For three long years now, the Red Army was to confront almost single-handed Hitler’s forces on the land, to cede vast and most valuable territory, to bleed more profusely than any army had ever bled, and to watch in anxious and frustrating suspense for the opening of a second front in the west. Yet that second front had been there later, had Stalin thrown Russia’s weight into the struggle during one of its earlier phases.               
Nor is it true that he used his respite as fully as he might have used it. Hoping till the last minute to avert the war and disregarding the omens that showed it inevitable and imminent, he refrained from mobilizing sufficient strength to prevent the Wehrmacht from scoring its great initial victories. He met Hitler’s onslaught only half mobilized. In June 1941 the number of mobilized Russian and German divisions was almost equal, but only part of the Russian divisions were ready to meet their experienced and well-equipped opponent, to whom a long succession of brilliant victories had given high self-assurance. Yet the Red Army could have had strong superiority in numbers. The excessive complexity of his political game led Stalin to put himself at a military disadvantage. He had been uneasy enough to mobilize 170 divisions and to move most of these to the frontier; but he had still been too complacent, or too wary of ‘provoking’ Hitler, to carry out the mobilization on the scale required. For this we have his own authority: ‘The fact of the matter is,’ he stated(3 July 1941), ‘that the troops of Germany, a country at war, were already fully mobilized, . . . and in a state of complete readiness, only awaiting the signal to move into action, whereas the Soviet troops had still to effect mobilization and to more up to the frontiers.* What Stalin in fact admitted was that in the last weeks before the invasion he had squandered much of that precious time, to the gain of which he still pointed as to the justification of his policy. ‘Of no little importance,’ he added,’ . . . was the fact that Fascist Germany suddenly and treacherously violated the non-aggression pact.’ The world was told then that ‘vizor’d falsehood and base forgery ‘betrayed his ‘credulous innocence’.                     
When the balance of those strange twenty-two months is drawn, it is impossible to overlook the gratuitous service which the Comintern unwittingly rendered to Hitler. No sooner had Molotov and Ribbentrop put their signatures to the pact of August 1939 than the Comintern called off the anti-Hitler crusade to which its trumpeters had so long summoned governments and peoples. All the strategy and tactics of anti-fascism, all its elaborate arguments and slogans, were scrapped. The European shadowed of the Russian General Secretary adopted an ambiguous pose of neutrality. Both belligerent camps, it was now said, pursued imperialist aims, and there was nothing to choose between them. The working classes were called upon to resist war and fight for peace. Outwardly, these appeals resembled the policy of revolutionary defeatism which Lenin had pursued in the First World War. The resemblance was deceptive. In Lenin’s opposition to war there was revolutionary integrity and consistency, while the policy of the Comintern merely suited the temporary convenience of Stalin’s diplomacy and was as tor ous as that diplomacy. At times the opposition to war had an unmistakably pro-German twist as, for instance, in October 1939, when the Comintern echoed Molotov’s and Ribbentrop’s call for a negotiated peace and policy, especially in France, was merely defeatist, not revolutionary. It supplemented the defeatism that corroded the top of French society with a quasi-popular brand of defeatism coming from below. Only after the harm had been done, whine Moscow, alarmed by Hitler’s victories, began to encourage resistance to Nazi occupation, did the French Communist party switch over to a new policy. Less obvious, though not unimportant, was the effect of the Ribbentrop-Molotov pact upon anti-Nazi elements in Germany; it made their confusion worse of them to reconcile themselves to Hitler’s war.
It would be naïve to suppose that Stalin was not aware of those results of his ‘friendship’ with Hitler. But he almost certainly thought them of little importance in comparison with the tangible advantages he had obtained. His pragmatic mind struck to concrete, strategic conceptions, to military bases, rivers, salient, and rounded-off frontiers, all the elements of defense, the value of which had been so greatly reduced by modern military technique. He disregarded such imponderables as the mood of the French or the German working classes or the national resentments of Poles, Finns, and other Baltic nationalities. Yet all those imponderables were to take, and some of them are taking even now, their revenge on Russia. In this, his disregard of the immaterial factors in great political processes, lay the main weakness of his strong but limited realism.
When all that is necessary has been said about Stalin’s miscalculations and errors judgement, it would still be wrong to attribute them merely to his personal shortcomings. His policy had behind I a powerful current of popular feeling, the current of which Alexander Blok had so strong a presentiment.
But we ourselves henceforth shall be no shield of yours We ourselves henceforth with enter to battle:

These words of ‘The Scythians’, addressed to the West, epitomized the emotional strains in the Russian society of 1939. The bulk of the Russian people, wearied by years of strenuous economic construction, attached by an exalted devotion to the results of their labor, made sullen by the hostility or, at best, the luke-warmness of the outside world, feeling themselves isolated and betrayed in their socialist pursuits – that people was at one with Stalin, when he refused to ‘stir when the ferocious Hun rifled the pockets of the dead’ and when he clung to peace even while the Nazis were already building the death chambers of Auschwitz and Maidanek to ‘roast the flesh of the white brothers’.
This was not the only current of popular feeling in Russia. There was also an undercurrent of uneasiness and misgiving. The party had a guilty conscience. The army suffered from a vague sense of humiliation. But stronger than all that was probably the people’s urge to escape the inexorable destiny of war.

