
当ブログはトロント在住、日系一世カナダ人サミー・山田(48)おっさんの「独り言」です。まさに「個人日記」。1968年11月16日東京都目黒区出身(A型)・在北米30年の日系カナダ人(Canadian Citizen)・University of Toronto Woodsworth College BA History & East Asian Studies Major トロント在住(職業記者・医療関連・副職画家)・Toronto Ontario「団体」「宗教」「党派」一切無関係・「政治的」意図皆無=「事実関係」特定の「考え」が’正しい’あるいは一方だけが’間違ってる’いう気は毛頭なし。「知って」それぞれ「考えて」いただれれば本望(^_-☆Everybody!! Let's 'Ponder' or 'Contemplate' On va vous re?-chercher!Internationale!!「世界人類みな兄弟」「平和祈願」「友好共存」「戦争反対」「☆Against Racism☆」「☆Gender Equality☆」&ノーモア「ヘイト」(怨恨、涙、怒りや敵意しか生まない)Thank you very much for everything!! Ma Cher Minasan, Merci Beaucoup et Bonne Chance 

☆Bukharin and the Bolshevik Revolution: A Political Biography, 1888-1938 by Stephen F. Cohen ☆ブハーリンとボリシェヴィキ革命 政治的伝記1888〜1938 | スティーヴン・F・コーエン/第3章:内戦期の政治CHAPTER III:The Politics of Civil War③


*憲法制定議会議員委員会(ロシア語:Комитет членов Учредительного собрания 、Комуч:コムーチ)はロシア内戦中のロシアの反革命分子の政府。チェコ軍団がサマーラを占領した後の1918年6月8日に結成された。

ヤーコフ・ミハイロヴィチ・スヴェルドロフ(ロシア語: Яков Михайлович Свердлов、ラテン文字表記の例:Yakov Mikhaylovich Sverdlov、1885年6月3日〈ユリウス暦5月22日〉 - 1919年3月16日)は、ロシアの革命家、政治家。ユダヤ系ロシア人)でやっていけるだろうか?」レーニンは懸念をもっていたかもしれないが、明らかに彼の代わりとしてブハーリンを、トロツキーの代わりとしてヤーコフ・スヴェルドローフー当時の組織面の第一人者―を想定していたのである。

*白軍(はくぐん、ロシア語: Белая Армия ビェーラヤ・アールミヤ)は、1917年以降のロシア革命期における革命側の赤軍に対する反革命側の軍隊の総称である。白衛軍(Белая Гвардияビェーラヤ・グヴァールヂヤ)、白色運動(Белое движениеビェーライェ・ドヴィジェーニイェまたはБелое делоビェーライェ・ヂェーラ)とも呼ばれる。その他、各国語によって異なる名称で呼ばれる。ロシア内戦において赤軍と戦闘を繰り広げたが、1920年にクリミア半島から最後の部隊が撤退・亡命した。
またブハーリンの短期間の反対派活動は、党指導部における彼の地位を傷つけはしなかった。後の時期とちがって、蕩児の帰還は認められていたのである。1917年の第6回党大会での中央委員選挙における彼の得票順位は10位だったが、ブレスト条約に反対する左翼共産主義者の代表として彼が発言した第7回党大会では5位になっていた。これは、反対派になっていてさえも彼の権威が上昇したことを物語っている。1年後、1919年3月の第8回党大会では、満票を獲得したのは6人だけだったーレーニン、ジノーヴィエフ(グリゴリー・エフセーエヴィチ・ジノヴィエフ(ロシア語: Григорий Евсеевич Зиновьев、ラテン文字転写:Grigorii Yevseevich Zinoviev、1883年9月23日(ユリウス暦9月11日) - 1936年8月25日)は、ロシアの革命家、ソビエト連邦の政治家。ユダヤ系ロシア人)、トロツキー、ブハーリン、カーメネフ(レフ・ボリソヴィチ・カーメネフ(ロシア語: Лев Борисович Каменев、ラテン文字表記の例:Lev Borisovich Kamenev、1883年7月6日(グレゴリオ暦7月18日) - 1936年8月25日)は、ロシアの革命家、ソビエト連邦の政治家。ユダヤ系ロシア人)、スターリンである。これは少なくとも、党最高指導部を正当に構成するのは誰かということについての党エリートたちの感情を反映していた。第8回党大会はまた最初の政治局Политбюро ЦК КПССを創設し、党寡頭制を制度化した。それは5人の正式メンバーーレーニン、トロツキー、スターリン、カーメネフ、クレスチンスキーーと3人の候補―ブハーリン、ジノーヴィエフ、ミハイル・カリーニン(ミハイル・イヴァーノヴィチ・カリーニン(ロシア語: Михаи́л Ив́анович Кали́нин, ラテン文字転写: Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin , 1875年11月19日(ユリウス暦11月7日) - 1946年6月3日)は、ロシアの革命家。ソビエト連邦の政治家)ーからなっていた。これらの8人がソヴェト・ロシアの真の政府なのであった。

1918年末までにブハーリンはまた国際共産主義運動にも深く関わるようになっていた。外国の共産主義者たちが、成功した革命の国へと希望にみちた巡礼旅行にやってくるようになると、国際共産主義者として知られていたブハーリンはロシア共産党の指導的な代表者となった。1918年10月、失敗に終ったドイツ反乱の前夜に、彼は再びドイツを訪れカール・リープクネヒト(カール・リープクネヒト(ドイツ語: Karl Liebknecht, 1871年8月13日 - 1919年1月15日)は、帝国時代から共和国時代初期にかけてのドイツの政治家で共産主義者。ドイツ社会民主党創始者ヴィルヘルム・リープクネヒトの子)とその他のドイツの共産主義者たちと会談した(この派遣の性質については、未だ明らかになっていない)。しかし、ドイツ革命が敗北しても、新たな第三インターナショナルをつくろうという1915年以来のレーニンの願望はかき消されなかった。彼の支持をうけてブハーリンは「ボリシェヴィズムの理論と戦術」の概略を示した文書を準備した。これは、1919年3月4日にモスクワで開かれた共産主義インターナショナルーコミンテルンー創立大会の憲章的宣言となった。これ以後、ブハーリンは多くの時間をコミンテルン関係にさくことになる。彼はコミンテルンの執行委員およびその組織を統制する「小ビューロー」の副議長となり、首席議長のジノーヴィエフと並んで日々の業務の責任を分担した。
*ドイツ革命(ドイツかくめい、独: Novemberrevolution, 英: German Revolution of 1918–19)は、第一次世界大戦末期に、1918年11月3日のキール軍港の水兵の反乱に端を発した大衆的蜂起と、その帰結としてドイツ皇帝ヴィルヘルム2世が廃位され、帝政ドイツが打倒された革命である。ドイツでは11月革命とも言う。

*ヴァイマル共和政(ヴァイマルきょうわせい、ドイツ語: Weimarer Republik)は、1919年に発足して1933年に事実上崩壊した戦間期のドイツ国の政体。政治体制は1919年8月に制定・公布されたヴァイマル憲法に基づいている。ヴァイマル共和国、ワイマール共和政、ワイマール共和国などとも訳される。
*バイエルン・レーテ共和国(バイエルン・レーテきょうわこく、ドイツ語: Bayerische Räterepublik)は、第一次世界大戦後の1919年に、バイエルンで社会主義者たちが革命を起こして一時的に作った社会主義政権。成立後すぐさま軍の討伐を受けて消滅している。バイエルン州(バイエルン王国)の首都ミュンヘンにちなんでミュンヘン・レーテ共和国(Münchner Räterepublik)とも呼ばれる。また、「レーテ」(ドイツ語: Räte、評議会)はロシア語の「ソヴィエト」(Совет)と同義であることから「バイエルン(ミュンヘン)・ソヴィエト共和国」と意訳することもある。
*コミンテルン(ロシア語: Коминтерн、カミンテールン、ラテン文字転写例: Komintern、英語: Comintern)は、1919年から1943年まで存在した国際共産主義運動の指導組織[2]である。別名は、第三インターナショナル[5][6](だいさん-)、第三インター[5](だいさん-)、国際共産党[2][7](こくさいきょうさんとう)。
*チェーカーまたはチェカー(ロシア語:Чека‎, ラテン文字転写:Cheka[1]、英: Cheka, 独: Tscheka)は、ウラジーミル・レーニンによって十月革命直後の1917年12月20日に人民委員会議直属の機関として設立された秘密警察組織の通称である。

エフゲニー・アレクセーヴィチ・プレオブラジェンスキー(ロシア語: Евге́ний Алексе́евич Преображе́нский、1886年2月15日 - 1937年7月13日)は、20世紀ロシアの政治家、ボルシェヴィキ党員、経済理論家)ーやはり若い理論家で元左翼共産主義者―は、「ロシア共産党綱領の通俗的解説」にとりかかった。10月に完成されたこの本は「共産主義のABC」と題され、スターリン時代以前のボリシェヴィズムの解説の中で最も有名で、最も広く普及されたものとなった。プレオブラジェンスキーが共著者であることは半ば忘れられて、「ABC」はすぐブハーリンの名と分かちがたく結びつけられ、彼の名声を高め、「革命の黄金児」という評判を(今日三主義者の間で)高めた。

+ソビエト社会主義共和国連邦科学アカデミー(Академия наук СССР、Akademiya Nauk SSSR)の創立委員として、彼は、党員のイデオロギー教育の形成と党インテリ育成とに、次第に大きな責任と影響力をもつようになった。彼の著作は党学校での必修教科書となり、1918年以降、彼自らスヴェルドローフ大学(Ya・M・スヴェルドロフ名称共産大学(Ya・M・スヴェルドロフめいしょうきょうさんだいがく、ロシア語: Коммунистический университет имени Я. М. Свердлова )は、ソビエト連邦に存在した、ソビエトおよび共産党幹部育成のための高等教育機関)で経済学と史的唯物論のゼミナールをうけもつようになった。ブハーリン生来の性向を表わしているとはいえ、これらの教育活動は次第に公的機能の位置を得るようになった。30代の初めという中で、彼はほとんど増えていく弟子たちに囲まれることとなり、その弟子たちの多くはやがて党内で出世し、正統教義の守護者という彼の役まわりをおし進めたのである。この役まわりはブハーリンが求めたものではなく、また彼にとって気楽なものでもなかったのであるが。


西側の歴史家はこの本を戦時共産主義の理論的弁明だとしてー事実そうなのだがー軽視しがちであった。ただ、現下の事態を分析することはマルクス主義者の任務だというブハーリンの考えが 酌されはしているが、しかし、何かそれ以上のものがあったからこそ、この本は引続き好評を保ち、その議論のうちのあるものは戦時共産主義以後まで生命力をもったのである。非常に一般的にいえば、ブハーリンは三つの主題ないしテーマを取り扱っていた。①プロレタリア革命前夜の現代資本主義の構造、②革命的崩壊のさ中の社会、いいかえると革命的に「均衡を破壊された」社会、③混沌からぬけだし、新たな社会的均衡をうちたてる社会主義への過渡の局面、がそれである。彼はロシアには非常に稀にしか言及していないが、第二、第三のテーマは取扱いから明らかに、ボリシェヴィキの経験が何よりも先ず彼の念頭にあったのである。ちょうどマルクスがイギリスについての発見を一般法則だと仮定したように、ブハーリンもプロレタリア革命の普遍的法則を定式化しているのだと信じたのである。

These traumatic years also established a new reference point for future policy debates. All Bolsheviks, even those who later repudiated the measures of war communism, took pride in this era, when seemingly certain defeat was turned into victory. Bukharin captured the feeling of this moment when he wrote: “The proletariat stands in splendid isolation; everyone’s hand is raised against it.” Henceforth, 1918-21 would be “the heroic period,” establishing a tradition of material defiance in the face of the allegedly impossible, and of mobilized “mass upsurge and revolutionary enthusiasm.” A decade later, Stalin would call upon this tradition to storm other fortresses.
The coming of civil war and the disbanding of the Left Communists marked a turning point in Bukharin’s party career. It ended his long political alliance with the young Moscow Left. Opposition movements in 1918-20 fluctuated according to the Bolsheviks’ military situation. (Franklin’s advice to American revolutionaries, “We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately, was generally heeded.) Two significant oppositions did develop when military circumstances appeared less dire. In March 1919, a group called the Military Opposition attacked the reintroduction of traditional military discipline, privileged, and rank in the Red army. And beginning in 1919 the Democratic Centralists protested the reimposition of one-man managerial authority and the general bureaucratization and centralization in party and state affairs. Both factions were led by former Left Communists, notably Osinskii and Smirnov, and had their organizational base in Moscow. Bukharin, however, was conspicuously absent from both oppositions, and at the Ninth Party Congress in 1920 he spoke against Osinskii in the name of the Central Committee.
In February 1918, Bukharin and the Left Communism had resigned their party and state posts to go into open opposition against the Brest treaty. Bukharin resumed his position on the Central Committee in May or June, and the editorship of Pravda immediately following an abortive uprising by Left Socialist Revolutionaries in early July. He later claimed to have been the first Left Communist “to admit my error,” though a published statement to that effect did not appear until October. By then revolution in Germany, and perhaps Vienna, seemed Bukharin spoke with the admixture of hopeful expectation and prudence that was to characterize Soviet foreign policy for several years:
I must frankly and openly admit that we . . . were wrong, that Lenin was right, because the breathing spell gave us the opportunity to concentrate forces, to organize a powerful Red army. Now every good strategist must understand that we must not splinter our forces, but direct them against the strongest enemy. Germany and Austria are no longer dangerous. The danger comes from . . . the former allies-mainly England and America.

The German proletariat would be supported with “that which is dearest to us-our blood and our bread. But Soviet Russia was not to be risked, the main battleground was now the Russian civil war.
*Комите́т чле́нов Всеросси́йского Учреди́тельного собра́ния (сокр. КОМУЧ или Комуч) — первое претендовавшее на статус всероссийского антибольшевистское правительство в период Гражданской войны[2]. Реально власть Комуча распространялась на территорию Среднего Поволжья, Прикамья и Южного Урала.

From the summer of 1918 until late 1920, no important question divided Bukharin and Lenin. Two secondary disputes from the past were revived briefly, one over a theoretical description of modern capitalism, the other over Lenin’s slogan of self-determination. The first war beyond resolution and simply dropped, the second finally settled by compromise, albeit a compromise weighted in Lenin’s favor. Neither of these once-bitter issues, however, excited much passion because the two men again agreed on major decision before the party.
This ability to heal wounds after prolonged and bitter disputes reflected an important aspect of their relationship. No leading Bolshevik challenged Lenin’s views more often than Bukharin; yet he had become Lenin’s favorite. Affection, even love, and mutual respect bound them together. The aftermath of Left Communism was to exception, though Lenin’s full confidence in Bukharin’s political wisdom was not immediately restored. On June 2, 1918, before Bukharin’s departure for Germany to establish contact with radical Communists, Lenin warned the Soviet representative in Berlin: “Bukharin in loyal, but he went to sickening extremes in “left-foolishness.’. . . Prenez garde!” Nonetheless, his estimation of the youngest oligarch remained remarkably high, as evidenced by his remark to Trotsky early in the civil war: “If the White Guards kill you and me, will Bukharin and Sverdlov be able to manage?” Lenin may have worried, but he apparently thought of Bukharin as his replacement and of Iakov Sverdlov, then the party’s chief organizer, as Trotsky’s.
Nor did Bukharin’s brief opposition injure his standing in the party leadership. Unlike later times, a prodigal could return. At the Sixth Party Congress in 1917, he had been tenth in the voting for Central Committee members; at the Seventh Congress, at which he spoke for the Left Communists against the treaty, he had been fifth, evidence of his prestige even in opposition. One year later, at the Eight Congress in March 1919, only six names appeared on every delegate’s voting list: Lenin, Zinoviev, Trotsky, Bukharin, Kamenev, and Stalin, reflecting at least the party élite’s feelings as to who rightfully comprised its high leadership. The Eighth Congress also created the first functioning Politburo, thereby in members-Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin, Kamenev, and Krestinskii-and three candidate members-Bukharin, Zinoviev, and Mikhail Kalinin. These eight men were the real government of Soviet Russia.
Until Trotsky ( for example), who as War Commissar was always center stage, it is difficult to get a precise picture of Bukharin’s official activities during the civil war years, partly became he played several roles. His major responsibility was the editorship of Pravda, a position of great importance. In addition to being the ruling party’s official voice at home and abroad. Pravda served as the definitive organ of internal party communication, a daily ( except Monday ) chronicle publishing official but also divergent points of view. Bukharin wrote most of the editorials and set the paper’s general tone. And as Pravda’s official gradually came to house a variety of party and nonparty publications, he assumed de facto responsibility for the Soviet press in general as well as overall Bolshevik propaganda.
*Die Novemberrevolution von 1918/19 führte in der Endphase des Ersten Weltkrieges zum Sturz der Monarchie im Deutschen Reich und zu dessen Umwandlung in eine parlamentarische Demokratie, die Weimarer Republik.
*Als Weimarer Republik (zeitgenössisch auch Deutsche Republik) wird der Abschnitt der deutschen Geschichte von 1918 bis 1933 bezeichnet, in dem erstmals eine parlamentarische Demokratie in Deutschland bestand. Diese Epoche löste die konstitutionelle Monarchie der Kaiserzeit ab und begann mit der Ausrufung der Republik am 9. November 1918. Sie endete mit der Machtübernahme der NSDAP und der Ernennung Adolf Hitlers zum Reichskanzler am 30. Januar 1933
*Баварская советская Республика — кратковременное государственное образование, провозглашённое советом рабочих и солдатских депутатов 6 апреля 1919 в Мюнхене. По версии Большой советской энциклопедии[1] и Льва Давидовича Троцкого[2], провозглашена 13 апреля. Просуществовала до 3 мая 1919 года.
*Коммунисти́ческий интернациона́л (Коминте́рн, III Интернациона́л) — международная организация, объединявшая коммунистические партии различных стран в 1919—1943 годах. По формулировке Ленина — «союз рабочих всего мира, стремящихся к установлению Советской власти во всех странах»[1].

By late 1918, Bukharin was also deeply involved in international Communism affairs. His credentials as an internationalist made him a leading representative of the Russian party as foreign Marxists began their hopeful pilgrimages to the seat of successful revolution. In October 1918, on the eve of the abortive German uprising, he again journeyed to Berlin to confer with Karl Liebknecht and other German Communists. ( The nature of his mission remains unclear.) The German failure, however, did not thwart Lenin’s 1915 aspiration of a new, Third International. On his instructions, Bukharin prepared a document outlining “the theory and tactics of Bolshevism”; it became a charter manifesto of the inaugural congress of the Communist International, or Comintern in Moscow on March 4, 1919. Henceforth, much of Bukharin’s time was devoted to Comintern affairs. A member of its Executive Committee and deputy chairman of the “small bureau” which governed the organization, he and Zinoviev, its first chairman, shared responsibility for day-to-day operations.
*Всероссийская чрезвычайная комиссия по борьбе с контрреволюцией и саботажем[2] при Совете народных комиссаров РСФСР (ВЧК при СНК РСФСР) — специальный орган безопасности Советского государства. Комиссия была создана 7 (20) декабря 1917 года[3][4]. Упразднена 6 февраля 1922 года с передачей полномочий ГПУ при НКВД РСФСР.
The fact that he combined these duties with a variety of other official and semi-official activities suggests that Bukharin played a special role within the Politburo. A remark attributed to Lenin implies what this was. When asked why Bukharin did not hold a formal state position, Lenin reportedly explained that the party needed at least one person “with brains without bureaucratic distortions.” Bukharin’s reputation for honesty, fairness, and incorruptibility was a valuable asset in those days of unchecked assumed, or was delegated, the role of Politburo troubleshooter and rightest-of-wrongs. He turned up constantly as the leadership’s representative in troublesome situation: on a committee to combat anti-Semitism, at the Cheka to investigate questionable arrests of “bourgeois intellectuals,” and at the trade unions when the party’s labor relations became stained. Not everyone thought that Bukharin performed this function wll, one Bolshevik complaining that he had wrought more confusion than he resolved in the trade union affair. Whatever the case, he served enthusiastically, and “fluttered” ubiquitously about Moscow: “There is a saying about him. ‘One can never tell where he will turn up next.’
None of these functions, however, compared with Bukharin’s most influential role-that of Bolshevism’s leading, and eventually official, theorist. Then, and for a few years of come, theorizing-and ideology in general-remained an important and meaningful endeavor. While the party’s composition was changing rapidly, its leaders still regarded themselves as intellectuals. Political arguments were judged partly by their theoretical consistency and persuative-ness, and Bolsheviks took pride in their written work. Thus Lenin still gave “literateur” as his profession, and Bukharin described himself and Lenin as “Communist ideologists.” The vaunted unity of theory and practice had not yet become jingoism. Bolsheviks respected theory and ideas as passionately as truth because they believed that the two were synonymous, and saw in this their capacity for leadership. Like Marx, they believed that “to be radical means to grasp the root of things.”
The body of theoretical work that earned Bukharin Lenin’s praise as the party’s “biggest theoretician” was largely completed by 1920. ( Historical Materialism was published in 1921.) His two books written in emigration, Imperialism and World Economy and The Economic Theory of the Leisure Class, finally appeared in full in 1918 and 1919, bringing to a larger public the nature and extent of his achievements. Together with his other writings, they distinguished him as the party’s leading student of neo-capitalism, a pre-eminence acknowledged by Lenin in 1919, when, bemoaning the impossibility of constructing “an integral picture of capitalism’s collapse,” he added: “I am completely certain that if anyone could do this, it is most of all Comrade Bukharin. . . . “ In 1920, in The Economic of the Transition Period, Bukharin extended his theoretical purview to cotemporary Soviet Russia; and while the book theoretical purview to contemporary Soviet Russia; and while the book was highly controversial, it established his claim as the foremost ( and most audacious) theorist of the post-capitalist ear as well.
Bukharin always distinguished between his “theoretical” and his “popular” writings, and it was one of the later that brought him his greater fame Following the adoption of a new party program in March 1919. Bukharin and Eveginii Preobrazhenskii, another young theorist and former Left Communist, undertook “ A Popular Explanation of the Program of the Communist Party of Russia.” Completed in October, it was called the ABC of Communism, the best-known and most widely circulated of all pre-Stalinist expositions of Bolshevism. Preobrazhenskii’s co-authorship half-forgotten,, The ABC soon became inextricably associated with Bukharin, spreading his fame and giving rise to his reputation ( in Communist circles) as “the golden child of the revolution.”
The ABC was notable less for its theoretical originality than for its encyclopedic coverage, readability, and extraordinary popularity. Observing that “older Marxist literature . . . is largely inapplicable to present needs, its authors tried to provide “an elementary textbook of communist knowledge” for party schools and “for independent study by every worker of peasant.” Their text followed that of the program, expounding each point, omitting no contemporary question, foreign or domestic. Apart form its treatment of imperialism and state capitalism, it was not a specifically Bukharinist document. Its views reflected those of the party as a whole and its novelty lay in its chronicling of almost every Bolshevik assumption in the year 1919.
For this reason, the book had and still retains considerable power. Its mood was that of war communism, a militant optimism invigorated by the belief that “what Marx prophesied is being fulfilled under our very eyes.” It was a statement of Bolshevik aspiration and utopian hopes in 1919, of party innocence, not Soviet reality. And although much of it was outdated by 1921, because The ABC spoke with the voice of “the heroic period,” it became an instant and continuing success-“a party canon.” By the early thirties, it had gone through no less than eighteen Russian editions and twenty foreign translations. For Russian and foreign Communists, The ABC, along with Historical Materialism, became “the two most standard books of Communist propaganda,” carrying Bukharin’s name to every corner of the earth, to wherever men and women were drawn to the revolutionary movement. After The ABC, his fame approached that of Lenin and Trotsky.
At the same time, this eminence began to bring Bukharin an unfortunate sort of recognition. “Super popular” writings like The ABC entitled him to praise as “one of the ablest pamphleteers . . . of our age.” But the longer the Bolsheviks ruled, and the more frequent dissent within the party, the more the leaders felt obliged to systemize and institutionalize their ideology. In the twenties, when party policies dictated the establishment of a well-defined fundamentalism, Bukharin’s theoretical reputation and the biblical aura of writings like The ABC thrust him willy-nilly into the role of high priest of “orthodox Bolshevism.”
The pattern emerged even during the civil war. A charter member of the newly founded Socialist Academy, he acquired increasing responsibility and influence in sharping the ideological education of party members and the training of a party intelligentsia. His works became required textbooks in party schools, and beginning in 1919, he personally conduced seminars in economics and historical materialism at Sverdlov University. Though expressing Bukharin’s natural proclivities, these pedagogical undertakings increasingly attained the status of official functions. Still in his early thirties, he found himself surrounded by a growing number of disciples, many of whom would rise in the party and promote his enshrinement as keeper of the orthodoxy, a mantle Bukharin neither sought nor wore with ease.
An awareness that he was becoming responsible for the theoretical integrity of Bolshevism may have prompted Bukharin’s decision, after two years of revolution to undertake an analysis of the current transition from capitalism to socialism. No such effort had yet been made, partly because of this general party bewilderment over the improvised measures of war communism, and partly because Bolshevik attention remained fixed on Europe, where further revolutions were awaited “literally from day to day.” Bukharin’s own fierce optimism about European prospects began to wane only in 1919, when he started to caution that international revolution should be viewed as a lengthy historical process made up of many parts, including anti-colonial rebellions in Asia, and that Communists should not seek “to force historical developments.” Though he would be hopeful again, particularly in the winter of 1920-1, Bukharin’s euphoric certainty about the imminence of revolution in the West had passed. As a result, he and other Bolsheviks began to think more seriously about the economics of an isolated Soviet Russia.
In the economic debates of April-May 1918, Bukharin had been to the left of Lenin, but neither had foreseen or advocated policies like those of war communism. Indeed, some of these policies were contrary to what Bukharin had urged-for example, that only large, easily managed enterprises he nationalized. Nonetheless, within the year, he came to see in these extreme measures a validity beyond that imposed by military necessity. In the far-reaching “statization” of the economy, in the withering of intermediary institution between state and society, he perceived a road along which Russia was speeding from capitalism to socialism. In March 1919, he put socialism “on the agenda of the day,” and worried that the rapid tempo might shortly outdate sections of the party’s new program.
This expectant outlook brought an important change in Bukharin’s thinking about the new Soviet state. Its “fundamental meaning,” he now decided, “is precisely that it is the lever of economic revolution.” While the acceptance of the state as the instrument to transform a backward society was essential for a Marxism modernize, it called into question Marx’s celebrated dictum that superstructural phenomena ( including the state) were subordinate to the economic base of society. Bukharin’s answer derived from his understanding of state capitalist societies, and constituted an important revision of Marxism:

If the proletariat’s stone power is the lever of economic revolution, then it is clear that “economic” and policies must merge here into a single whole. Such a merging exists under the dictatorship of finance capital . . . in the form of state capitalism. But the dictatorship of the proletariat reverse all the relations of the old world-in order words, the political dictatorship of the working class must inevitably be its economic dictatorship.
In 1919-20, this proposition rationalized war communism; later, it would lead Bukharin to a very different conception of “the road to socialism.” In both instances, however, it meant postponing the state’s “withering away” in favor of “strengthening the Soviet state,” a tolerate perspective if it was a “workers state.” And in this, Bukharin’s faith was unshakable.
His enthusiasm for “startization” and war communism as the birth of an organized socialist economy was clearly based solely on the state’s success in extending its control over industrial production, however meager, and the distribution of manufactured goods. That this was a one-eyed view of a predominantly agrarian society was evident from Bukharin’s own less fanciful remarks about peasant agriculture. Small peasants, he emphasized repeatedly, were not to be expropriated not forcibly collectivized; “many intermediary forms and levels of agricultural production” were necessary. Acknowledging that “for a long time to come small-scale peasant farming will be the predominant form,” he warned against the Bolshevik tendency “to spit on the muzhik,” although spitting on the muzhik ( forcible requisitioning ) was in fact the linchpin of war communism. From the onset, then, Bukharin insisted that the country’s millions of private peasant holdings should not be forcibly integrated into the new, organized economy, but “drawn in” through “a slow process, by peaceful means. . . . How this would occur he felt temporarily unanswered, urging only patience and pedagogy.
If the economic reasoning behind Bukharin’s acceptance of the policies of war communism as a viable road to socialism remain obscure, the historical circumstances influencing his thinking seem clear enough. Having come to office with no preconceived economic program, Bukharin, and Bolsheviks generally, embraced the first one that appeared to arise out of and correspond to actual events. An internal logic-what Marxism called lawfulness or “regularity”-seemed discernible in the kaleidoscopic developments of 1918-20 and the measures adopted to cope with them. Class war, civil war, foreign intervention, the economic and political monopoly of the “dictatorship of the proletariat”-each in its own way could be reconciled with the party’s pre-1917 expectations. And if war communism was the product of improvisation, it meant only that reality was validating “gray theory.”
Bukharin was not alone in this. The notion ( promoted by the Bolsheviks themselves after 1921 ) that only a few dreamers and fanatics accepted war communism as an enduring policy, as a direct route to socialism, is incorrect. It was the sentiment of the party majority; few resisted the general euphoria. Most notably, Lenin, despite his fabled pragmatism and subsequent deprecation of the follies of war communism, was to exception. “Now the organization and the proletariat’s communist activities, and the entire policy of the Communists,” he said in 1919, “has fully acquired a final, stable form, and I am convinced that we stand on the right road. . . .” What set Bukharin apart from the others, what made him seem to be the most convinced, was his literary monument to the collective folly. The Economic of the Transition Period, a tract grounded in the worst error of the period, the belief that “Civil war lays bare the true physiognomy of society. . . .”
The Economic appeared in May 1920, just as war communism was approaching its apogee. Bukharin intended it to be the theoretical half of a two-volume study of “the process of the transformation of capitalist society into communist society.” The second volume, projected as “a concrete, descriptive work on contemporary Russian economics,” never appeared. Originally, he planned to co-author the book with Piatakov, but “practical tasks” ( Piatakov was at the front during most of the civil war ) made this impossible and the latter contributed directly to only one chapter. Written rapidly and in extremely abstract language-as Bukharin concepts were frequently not fully explained and occasionally inconsistent. But as a first and audacious attempt to go beyond the existing body of Marxist thought the book was an immediate and lasting succés d’estime. And although its domestic policy implications were largely obsolete by March 1921, it continued to be a highly influential ( and controversial ) work. In 1928, Pokrovskii, the doyen of Soviet historians, cited it as one of the three great Bolshevik achievements in “social science” since the revolution.
Western historians have tended to dismiss The Economics as a theoretical apology for war communism, which it was, though Bukharin’s notion that it was a Marxist duty to analyze contemporary reality is surely a mitigating factor. Something more, however, accounted for the book’s enduring esteem and for the fact that several of its arguments outlived war communism. Very generally, Bukharin dealt with three broad subjects or themes: the structure of modern capitalism on the eve of proletarian revolution; society in the midst of revolutionary breakdown, or the revolutionary “disequilibrated” society; and the process of establishing a new societal equilibrium out of the chaos as a phase in the transition to socialism. He mentioned Russia very rarely, but it was clear from his treatment of the second and third subjects that the Bolshevik experience was foremost in his mind. Just as Marx had posited his findings on English capitalism as general laws, so did Bukharin believe that he was formulating universal laws of proletarian revolution.
Bukharin’s treatment of neo-capitalism in The Economic was largely a restatement of his views on state capitalism and imperialism. It occupied a large part of the book and generally followed his writings of 1915-17. As earlier, he portrayed the state capitalist economy as an imposing assembly of productive, technological, and organizational achievements. This, however, raised a serious question about the desirably of revolution, which in Russia had reduced economic production to a virtual fraction of the 1913 level. In addition to the direct casualties of the civil war, thousands were dying from the most primitive of causes, hunger and cold. Consequently, the Bolsheviks were being assailed by European social democrats, particularly Karl Kautsky, as destroyers not builders. Marxists regarded themselves as harbingers of a socially just abundance, and this accusation hurt. A number of Bolshevik polemics had been produced in response, but the charge required a more substantial and reasoned answer. The Economic sought to provide that answer by formulating “the costs of revolution” as a law of revolution.

ファニー・エフィモフナ・カプラン(ロシア語:Фа́нни Ефи́мовна Капла́н;本名Feiga Haimovna Roytblat 、Фейга Хаимовна Ройтблат; 1890年2月10日-1918年9月3日)はユダヤ系ロシア人女性、社会革命党、そして初期ソビエトの反対者はウラジーミル・レーニンを暗殺しようとした罪で有罪判決を受け、1918年9月3日、 チェカによって処刑された。

