☭Bukharin and the Bolshevik Revolution: A Political Biography, 1888-1938 by Stephen F. Cohen☭ブハーリンとボリシェヴィキ革命 政治的伝記1888〜1938 | スティーヴン・F・コーエン/第5章:ボリシェヴィズムの再考CHAPTER V: Rethinking Bolshevism②
レーニンにしてもブハーリンー彼はすぐレーニンにならい、更にその発意をこえて進んでいったーにしても、その漸進主義を10月革命の革命的教訓ないし理想から離れたものという風には構成しなかった。例えば、2人とも10月革命のうちに持続的な教訓も見出していた。労働者階級と農民の歴史的なスムィチカ(連合または同盟+Smychka (Russian: смычка) was a popular political term in Soviet Russia and Soviet Union. It can be roughly translated as "collaboration in society"[1] "union", "alliance", "joining the ranks".)-1917年には「プロレタリア革命と農民戦争の結合」という形で凱歌をあげたーを建設的な形で維持する必要がそれである。根底的な社会改造も、今なお目標であった。「わが革命はまだ終わっていない」とブハーリンは約束するのだった。漸進主義とは、「革命的な剣の一撃によって」ではないが、ネップの「軌条」に沿った有機的変化による経済革命なのであった。レーニンとブハーリンは共に、大戦前から大戦中にかけてロシア・マルクス主義の急進化に主たる役割を演じていた。帝国主義とブルジョア国家に関する彼らの著作はボリシェヴィズムに、社会民主主義の態度とはっきり区別される戦闘的なイデオロギー的態度を与えていた。そして、2人とも決してその急進的伝統を公然と否定はしなかった。しかし、改良主義を急進主義と理論的に両立可能にする作業を主に引き受けたのはブハーリンであったが、根本的な修正と見えたにちがいないものの口火を切ることができたのはレーニンだけであった。というのは、テルミドール派に加えてエドゥアルト・ベルンシュテタインがボリシェヴィキの記録のうちにあったからである。
The chinovnikчиновник was a Russian title for a person having a rank and serving in the civil or court service. The institution of chinovniks existed de facto in the Tsardom of Russia and the Russian Empire, but until 1722 it did not have a clear structure. The de jure chinovnik institute was structured by the establishment of the Table of Ranks on February 4, 1722. "As the peasants were slaves of the landowners, the Russian people are still slaves of chinovniks", wrote Lenin in 1903, "Political freedom means the people's right to choose all the chinovniks themselves". After the victory of the October Revolution in 1917, the Table of Ranks was abolished, and the institution of chinovniks was liquidated.[3] Persons employed in the field of public administration became known as civil servants.
*チンギス・カン(ジンギス・カン、チンギス・ハーン、モンゴル語:Cinggis qagan.svg、キリル文字:Чингис хаан、ラテン文字化:Činggis Qan または Činggis Qa'an、漢字:成吉思汗、英語:Genghis Khan、1162年5月31日? - 1227年8月25日?)は、モンゴル帝国の初代皇帝(在位:1206年 - 1227年)。大小様々な集団に分かれてお互いに抗争していたモンゴルの遊牧民諸部族を一代で統一し、中国・中央アジア・イラン・東ヨーロッパなどを次々に征服し、最終的には当時の世界人口の半数以上を統治するに到る人類史上最大規模の世界帝国であるモンゴル帝国の基盤を築き上げた。死後その帝国は百数十年を経て解体されたが、その影響は中央ユーラシアにおいて生き続け、遊牧民の偉大な英雄として賞賛された。特に故国モンゴルにおいては神と崇められ、現在のモンゴル国において国家創建の英雄として称えられている。
*Als Nepmann (Plural russisch Нэпманы – Nepmany) wurden Geschäftemacher während der Neuen Ökonomischen Politik (russische Abkürzung NEP, 1921–1928) in der Sowjetunion bezeichnet. Da die staatlichen Betriebe den Güterbedarf nicht decken konnten, wurden private Händler toleriert. Viele von ihnen kamen durch den Handel mit knappen Waren zu Wohlstand. Am 11. Oktober 1931 endete die Zeit der Nepmänner mit dem vollständigen Verbot des privaten Handels durch Stalin.
ブハーリンの議論は率直であるばかりでなく、正統マルクス主義の階級定義から暗黙のうちにはずれているという点で注目される。階級支配を財産の法的所有権と厳密に結びつけることは、後に数十年にわたって、反スターリンが共産主義者の批判の泣き所となった。トロツキーでさえも、極度に悲観的な著作、「裏切られた革命Преданная революция」において、スターリン主義的管理制が一つの社会階級をなしていることを認めなかった。しかし、ミロヴァン・ジラス(ミロヴァン・ジラス (発音: [mîlɔʋan dʑîlaːs], セルビア語/モンテネグロ語: Милован Ђилас/Milovan Đilas; 1911年6月4日 – 1995年4月20日)は、ユーゴスラビア共産党政治家、ユーゴスラビア副大統領、理論家、作家)の「新しい階級」が階級のカテゴリーを修正してそれをソヴィト社会に適用するより30年も前に、ブハーリンは「新しい支配階級」-私有財産に基づくのではなく、「独占的な」権威と特権に基くーの危険性を警告したのである。まさにこの問題―後に西欧の理論において、「経営者階級」とか「財産なき権力」という言葉で表現されるーこそ、彼が1915―16年に現代資本主義を研究した際には無視し、今や見るようになった問題なのであった。つまり、国家財産の基礎の上に、搾取する組織的階級が現れるかもしれないということである。この「巨大な危険」がいかに彼の胸を騒がしたかを如実に物語っているのは、彼の議論がボグダーノフおよびロベルト・ミヘルスの異なったエリート理論によって刺激されているという事実である。
『裏切られた革命』(うらぎられたかくめい)とは、1937年に出版されたレフ・トロツキーの著作。オリジナルの書名は『裏切られた革命 - ソビエト連邦とは何か、どこへ行くのか』(ロシア語: Преданная революция: Что такое СССР и куда он идет?、英語: The Revolution Betrayed: What Is the Soviet Union and Where Is It Going?)。ロシアのボリシェヴィキ指導者のトロツキーが、ウラジーミル・レーニン死後のソビエト連邦のスターリン主義と発展を分析し批判した書籍である。トロツキーはノルウェーへ亡命中だった1936年に執筆した。
Lenin frankly presented the new economic policies to his followers as a retreat born of the failure of war communism. But he tried to legitimate them by stating that they had been adopted “seriously and for a long time,” by describing them as a return to his correct aborted policies of early 1918, and, as if to convince the party that it was no longer in rout, by announcing shortly that the retreat was at an end ( even though no change in policy accompanied the announcement ). Meantime, he began debunking methods associated with war communism: the time of “furious assaults” was past; the notion that “all tasks . . . can be solved by Communist decree” was “Communist conceit.” And on the fourth anniversary of the revolution-twenty-five years after Eduard Bernstein, the father of deradicalized European Marxism, had made it anathema for radical Marxists-Lenin rehabilitated the concept of reformism. Condemning “exaggerated revolutionism” as the greatest danger in domestic policy, he wrote: “What is new at the present moment for out revolution is the need to resort to a ‘reformist,’ gradualist, cautiously roundabout method of activity in the fundamental questions of economic construction.” He juxtaposed the new method and the old Bolshevik tradition: “Compared with the previous revolutionary one, this is a reformist approach ( revolution is a transformation which breaks the old fundamentally and radically, and which does not remake it cautiously, slowly, gradually, trying to break as little as possible ).” Lenin expounded reformist until he died. In 1922, he sent a brief greeting to Pravda in the form of a with: “My wish is that in the next five years we will conquer peacefully not less than we conquered previously with arms.”
Neither Lenin nor Bukharin, who soon followed and went beyond his initiative, construed their evolutionism as a departure from the revolutionary precepts or ideals of October. Both, for example, would also find an enduring lesson in October: the need to preserve in a constructive form the historic smychkaсмычка ( alliance or union ) between the working class and the peasantry, which in 1917 had been victorious in “the combination of a proletarian revolution and a peasant war.” Radical social transformation was still the goal. “Our revolution has not ended,” Bukharin would promise. Evolutionism meant economic revolution nor “by one stroke of the revolutionary sword,” but by organic evolution along the “rails” of NEP. Together Lenin and Bukharin had been largely responsible for radicalizing Russian Marxism before and during the world war; their writings on imperialism and the bourgeois state had given Bolshevism a militant ideological posture distinct from that of social democracy, and neither man ever openly repudiated the radical tradition. But while the main work of making reformism theoretically compatible with radicalism fell to Bukharin, only Lenin could have initiated what must have seemed to be a profound revision. For, in addition to the Thermidorians, Bolsheviks remembered Eduard Bernstein.
After Bukharin’s defeat in 1929, Stalinist critics began refereeing to him as the Soviet Bernstein, an interesting analogy but one which should have caused its supporters some discomfort. Shortly before his death, Engels, the surviving founder of Marxism and Bernstein’s mentor, completed a prefatory essay which seemed to revise orthodox doctrine by suggesting that in certain countries the proletariat might come to power through legal processes, without revolution. Bernstein used this “last testament” defensively in his sweeping revision and deradicalization of Marxism. Between January 2 and February 9, 1923, after suffering a second stroke in late December 1923, Lenin dictated five short, thematically connected articles: “Pages from a Diary,” “On Cooperation,” “Our Fewer, But Better.” They were his last. Bukharin soon argued that they constituted a “political testament,” a set of “directives,” and that they marked an important change in Lenin’s thinking about NEP Russia and building socialism: “Ilich . . . saw the inevitable end . . . he began to dictate his political testament and on the edge of the grave originated things which for decades will determine the policy of our party.” His own program, said Bukharin, was based on this “testament.” The meaning of the five articles was debated throughout the decade, some Bolsheviks agreeing with Bukharin, others denying that Lenin had changed his mind on vital issues and quoting instead from an earlier Lenin. Still others insisted that his reformism was the work of a depressed, sick man and ought not to be taken seriously. The bifurcation of Bolshevism was due in no small part to Lenin’s ambiguous legacy.
Lenin set down his original understanding of NEP in May 1921 in an article called “The Tax in Kind.” He defined the new course as a return to state capitalism, underlying its predigree by quoting a lengthy extract from his May 1918 defense of state capitalism against the Left Communists. Once again, large capital, public and private, was to be aligned against less progressive petty bourgeois elements. This was the only feasible transition to socialism in a peasant in the 1921 economy: foreign concession ( Lenin was optimistic that Western capitalists would invest generously in Soviet Russia ); the cooperative; private persons marketing state products; and the leasing of state property. He implied by omission that state-owned and operated enterprises were socialist, later describing them as being “of a consistently socialist type.”
Lenin’s comparison of 1921 to 1918, when he had visualized a rapprochement between the new Soviet state and the private industrial establishment, was superficial and shaky. Unlike then, the state now controlled most industrial facilities, while large private capital was nonexistent. Moreover, in 1918 Lenin had not thought in terms of free trade, so his initial version of state capitalism had been silent on the question of market relations. When he wrote “The Tax in Kind,” trade was still restricted; but in 1922, when it had become a national phenomenon, he was forced to label ordinary trade as capitalism and include it in the overall system of state capitalism. Apart from rendering his theoretical conception inconsistent and all but incomprehensible, it drew a dire picture of Russia after four years of revolution. According to Lenin, as Bukharin later remarked, there seemed to be “a tiny island of socialism, and all the rest was state capitalism. . . .”
This remained Lenin’s general view of NEP Russia during the next year and a half. Bukharin ( among others ) immediately raised his previous objection that state capitalism was theoretically impossible under a proletarian dictatorship, again informing Lenin both publicly and privately, “you misuse the word ‘capitalism.’ But because they concurred on the policies involved, and because each was unable to convince the other, both dismissed the terminological disagreement as abstract and unimportant. Again fiercely pragmatic, Lenin was less concerned in 1921 and 1922 with theoretical definition than with impressing on the party the importance and objectives of NEP: to appeal to the peasant’s private initiative in order to set industry, large and small, into motion; to create through the medium of trade a durable economic and political smychka or union between the proletariat and the peasantry, between industry and agriculture; and to make state economic institutions efficient and capable of competing with their privately owned counterparts. To Bolsheviks who worried about where all this was leading, Lenin vaguely promised “to build solid gangways . . . to socialism through state capitalism” and “to build communism with non-Communist hands.” He did not explain how this would come about and it is doubtful that he knew how before late 1922, when his thinking began to change.
Three developments after May 1921 compelled Lenin to rethink his ideas on NEP and state capitalism. The ravages of war and famine were notably ameliorated and the economy, including the state sector, showed a steady advance, though heavy industry lagged seriously behind. The government’s position was much improved. Second, Lenin had placed his hopes for new capital on foreign loans and concessions; it was his formula for recovery and industrialization. The plan proved to be an almost total failure. In September 1922, he admitted that sufficient foreign capital would not be forthcoming and concluded that the country would have to develop on its own resources through economizing measures and increased taxation. In addition to turning his attention inward, this development eliminated the major element of state capitalism in his original analysis. Third, as ordinary market relations unfolded, the cooperative societies, which had been numerous and very significant before October, and which had been transformed into state distribution organs during war communism, were gradually restored to autonomous status and began to capture an increasing amount of retail and wholesale trade. Bolsheviks were in the habit of scorning these producer and consumer societies as semi-capitalist, peasant, reformists institutions, dominated earlier by Socialist Revolutionaries and Mensheviks. In “The Tax in Kind,” Lenin classified them as “a kind of state capitalism.”
Thus, by 1922, the cooperative seemed to be the foremost element of state capitalism in Russia, wholly unlike the large industrial capital originally envisaged by Lenin. Since free trade was being assiduously and officially encouraged, marketing cooperative were certain to develop further. Lenin probably began to change his mind just before his second stroke in late December 1922. On November 20, he delivered what was to be his final public speech. After a matter-of-fact appraisal of the country’s situation, he concluded on a startlingly optimistic note: “Socialism is now no longer a question of the distant future . . .”; he was confident that “not tomorrow, but in a few years . . . NEP Russia will become socialist Russia.” Within a month, he began preparing his last five articles, which ( many would argue ) translated this promise into a program.
Taken as a whole, the articles rested on a single basic sociopolitical assumption-“in our Soviet Republic the social order is based on the collaboration of two classes, Lenin concluded, “would be fatal for the Soviet Republic.” This unorthodox class alignment derived from the fact that the first socialist revolution occurred in a backward peasant country. But, Lenin insisted, the deviation from the expected historical pattern (“the German model”) did not, as Mensheviks believed, preclude the construction of socialism in Russia. First, we will “create the prerequisites of civilization” and then “begin the movement toward socialism.” Where is it written, he asked rhetorically, “that such modification of the usual historical sequence are impermissible or impossible” Quoting statistics putting the illiteracy rate at over 65 per cent, Lenin urged the party to begin with a “cultural revolution” to eliminate this “semi-Asiatic ignorance,” and to expose the rural population to the pedagogical influence of the cities, but without “the preconceived goal of instilling communism in the countryside.” This, too, would be “fatal for communism.” The peasant must be approached cautiously and patiently, on the subject of cooperatives.
The article “On Cooperation” contained a statement of self-criticism: “we forgot to think about the cooperative. . . .” Having now done so and decided that these societies represented the ideal combination of private interest and state regulation, Lenin concluded that they were the building blocks of Soviet socialism, the institution which would allow “every small peasant . . . to participate in this construction”:
Indeed, the power of the state over all large-scale means of production, state power in the hands of the proletariat, the alliance of this proletariat with the many millions of small and very small peasants, the guaranteed leadership of the proletariat in relation to the peasantry, etc.-is this not all that is necessary for constructing a fully socialist society out of the cooperative . . .? This is not yet the construction of socialism, but it is all that is necessary and sufficient. . . .His envisage at best “one or two decades” before the whole population would be participating in cooperative, and before the peasant could be culturally transformed into “an intelligent and literate tradesman.” But in Soviet conditions that would be socialism: “a system of civilized cooperators in the system of socialism.”
Lenin had executed a remarkable about-face in this own thinking as well as in the context of Marxist thought. He was speaking throughout of exchange or market societies, not ( as Stalinists would later claim ) production cooperatives. He was drawing on an old, pre-Marxist, “utopian” socialist tradition. Recognizing the departure, he added that the revolution had brought about a change in the nature of cooperatives. The cooperative socialism of Robert Owen and others had been a “fantasy, something romantic” because it failed to see the preliminary task of political revolution; in fantasy “is becoming the most unvarnished reality.” This, of course, was directly contrary to his position in “The Tax in Kind,” where he had written: “Under existing Russian conditions, freedom and rights for cooperative mean freedom and rights for capitalism. To close one’s eyes to this obvious truth would be foolishness or a crime.” Now he argued that ( with “the “small” exception” of concession ) “for us the simple growth of cooperatives is identical . . . with the growth of socialism.” He had turned the island of socialism into a sea, and little, if anything remained of state capitalism.
It is not necessary to interpret these last articles as a “testament” to appreciate the profound change they represented. To be sure, intermingled with the positive themes was Lenin’s growing disenchantment with the state and party bureaucracies; his last two articles were mainly an anxious warning against “repellant chinvmik* realities.” But it was his optimistic evaluation of NEP as an advance toward socialism that stood out. He again expressed confidence that by diligent economizing, Russia’s internal resources could provide the basis for industrialization. Equally important, by formulating, however sketchily, a type of indigenous cooperative socialism, and by raising this question separately from that of international revolution, Lenin implied that socialism in an isolated Soviet Russia was possible. His final directives to his party seemed neither internationalist nor radical, the heroic tradition being all but repudiated by his explicit acknowledgement of the new reformism:
*Чино́вник — лицо, имеющее чин, и состоящее на гражданской или придворной службе. Институт чиновничества существовал де-факто в Русском царстве и Российской империи, но до 1722 года не имел чёткой структуры. Де-юре институт чиновничества был структурирован учреждением Табели о рангах 24 января (4 февраля) 1722 года. После Октябрьской революции в 1917 году Табель о рангах была упразднена, а институт чиновничества ликвидирован[4]. Лица, занятые в сфере государственного управления, стали именоваться государственными служащими.
We are forced to admit a radical change in our entire view of socialism. This radical change consists of the fact that earlier we placed, and had to place, the main emphasis on the political struggle, on revolution, on conquering power, etc. Now the main emphasis is being changed to such an extent that it is being shifted to peaceful organizational “cultural” work.
Bukharin, too, was rethinking his Bolshevism during the early years of NEP. He published notably less in 1922 and 1922 ( itself a sign of his silent deliberation ); for the most part his tone was reflective and tentative. He brooded publicly on the great complexion facing a revolutionary party in power, comparing them wistfully to the simple, clear-cut decision of an earlier period. Evidence of his rethinking soon appeared, and by 1923 he had articulated most of the major themes associated with his domestic policies for the remainder of the decade. A year later, in a sort of collective party mea culpa, he explained how the new wisdom had dawned. Recalling Marx’s statement that proletarian revolutions would discover the correct policy through constant self-criticism, he continued:
In the fire of this self-criticism the illusions of the childhood period are consumed and disappear without a trace, real relations appear in all their sober nakedness, and proletarian policy acquires in appearance sometimes a less emotional, but therefore a more assured, character-a solid one, adhering closely to reality and therefore much more truly changing this reality. From this point of view, the transition to the new economic policies represented the collapse of our illusions.
Bukharin’s own illusions about war communism had begun to collapse in 1920, and by February 1911 he had accepted the need for a drastic change. The end of grain requisitioning apparently met with his full approval, his only objection during preliminary Politburo discussions of the new course involving Lenin’s insistence on the term “state capitalism.” In this respect, Bukharin was perhaps more easily able to incorporate the subsequent development of free trade into his thinking than was Lenin. The essence of capitalism, he argued, was “capitalist property,” nor market relations alone. He seemed to be less enthusiastic about foreign concessions ( whether because he disliked the idea or thought it unfeasible is not clear ), and therefore quicker to emphasize the importance of internal and foreign trade. But his full endorsement of the new policies was evident; the official materials circulated in the party to populate them included his article. “The New Course in Economic Policy.”
Though Bukharin did not mention it, the emerging economic system resembled what he had advocated in early 1918. In the beginning, however, he did not embrace NEP with a sense of its enduring rationality or rightness. Like other leaders, he defended it apologetically for several months, stressing the strategic expediency of the change and arguing that, while NEP involved risky concession, it was a response to a greater threat. Kronstadt and the rural uprisings were omens of “a peasant Vendée”; economic concession were made to avoid political concessions-to restore a favorable social equilibrium and revive the economy. He encouraged his listeners to think of the move as “a peasant Brest.” But, while evasive as to the legitimacy and permanently of NEP, Bukharin flatly excluded a return to requisitioning and war communism. Commenting indirectly on his own justification of force in The Economics, he now stated that “extra-economic coercion” was limited to the destructive era of the revolution; once the old order was shattered, it lost “nine-tenths of its meaning.” The constructive era was to be peaceful.
Bukharin’s enthsiasm for NEP began to emerge as his criticism of war communism broadened. In August 1921, he admitted that while the old policies had been militarily necessary, they were incompatible with economic development. In December, he tied the economic irrationality of war communism to bureaucratic overcentralization. An “all-embracing apparatus” had been established to control the entire economy of a peasant country, but it had turned out to be economically “less rational than the anarchistic commodity structure.” Bukharin now believed that there were severe limitation on what the proletariat could and should try to organize:
Taking too much on itself, it has to create a colossal administrative apparatus. To fulfill the economic functions of the small producers, small peasants, etc., it requires too many employees and administrators. The attempt to replace all these small fgures with state chinovniki-call them what you want, in fact they are state chinovniki-gives birth proves to be incomparably more significant than the unproduction; as a result, this entire form of management, the entire economic apparatus of the proletarian state, does not facilitate, but only impedes the developmentof the forces of produciton. In reality it flows into the direct opposite of what was intended, and therefore iron necessity compels that it be broken. . . . If the proletarian itself does not do this, then other forces will overthrow it.
This was to be Bukharin’s position throughout the twenties, the origins of his conviction that in some the market performed more efficiently than the state and of his opposition to proponents of a “Genghis Khan plan”
The argument was directly contrary to that in The Economics, where he had glorified the proletariat’s organizing capabilities. Limitations on the efficiency of state control could be explained in part by referring to Russia’s atomized peasant economy; but the problem ran deeper. It raised the question of the maturity of the Russian proletariat and therefore a large one. Had Russia in fact been “ripe” for a socialist revolution? The possibility that they had acted prematurely in 1917, that their social revolution was doomed, haunted the Bolsheviks; it was on this premise that Marxist critics, from Bogdanov to the Mensheviks, challenged their right to speak and act in the name of Marxist socialism. In The Economics, Bukharin had dismissed Russia’s relative backwardness by maintaining that since the old economic structure was destroyed in the process of revolution, the essential determinant of “ripeness” was the existence of a developed proletariat as a “social-organizing” class. The argument was no longer feasible. Everyone conceded that the proletariat had become “peasantized,” a significant portion having rejoined the peasant in outlook and often in occupation. Bukharin therefore had to rethink the whole question of “ripeness.” The product was a long article, “The Bourgeois Revolution and the Proletarian Revolution,” written in late 1921 and published in the summer of 1922, which once again revised this crucial Marxist doctrine.
Marxist expectation about socialist revolution were patterned on the historical example of capitalism’s emergence form feudalism. As capitalism had ripened in the womb of feudal society, so socialism was expected to mature within the old capitalist order. Bukharin declared that the analogy was entirely wrong. The kernel of his argument was simple. In feudal society, the nascent bourgeoisie had an autonomous base in the new cities, where it could grow independently of and in opposition to the feudal landlord class, to create its own material technical, and cultural foundations, and to develop its own administrative élites. The bourgeoisie was not an exploited or deprived class, and thus became in every way a qualified ruling and organizing class prior to its political revolution. The position of the proletariat in capitalist society, Bukharin continued, was altogether different. Lacking an independent economy base, its mass remained an economically and culturally oppressed and exploited class, despite the fact that it represented a potentially higher cultural principle. The bourgeoisie monopolized not only the means of production, but also of education ( a point Bukharin thought had been overlooked ). Throughout its pre-revolutionary history, the proletariat necessarily remained a backward class within a developed society. And therefore, unlike the bourgeoisie, it was unable “to prepare itself for organizing all of society. It is successful in preparing itself for ‘the destruction of the old world”; but “it ripens as the organizer of society only in the period of dictatorship.” Thus, class immaturity was not a peculiarity of the Russian proletariat, but a characteristic of proletarian revolutions in general.
By a single stroke, Bukharin had vanquished an assortment of ideological vexations confronting the Bolsheviks. Combined with his previous treatment of economic backwardness, the argument answered their Marxist opponents, provided a further explanation of the high “costs” of the Russian revolution ( the inexperienced proletariat committing “a tremendous number of mistakes”), and presented economic and cultural modernization as a legitimate task of a Marxist party. It justified the employment of the old “technical intelligentsia” as a transitional measure pending the development of proletarian specialists. And above all, it rationalized on a higher level what Bolsheviks no longer bothered to disclaim-that the dictatorship of the proletariat was the “dictatorship of the party.” The largely unqualified proletariat had to rule through its most advanced segment, the party, which was to the class what the head was to the body. The vanguard, however, was also heterogeneous and therefore required leaders, “through which the party expressed its will.” Bukharin had traveled a long way from the myth of proletarian hegemony, and he did not shrink from the final fillip: because the working class was unable to cultivate its own intellectual élite in the womb of capitalism, initially its ranking leaders were necessarily drawn “from a hostile class . . . from the bourgeois intelligentsia.” Soviet reality had been given theoretical expression.
Bukharin argument could be dismissed as an ingenious piece of ideological chicanery were it not for two things. First, his treatment of “ripening” and the feudalism-capitalism analogy was more convincing than the orthodox doctrine, which was only an unstudied assumption. Second, he took his discovery seriously and did not ignore the peril to which it pointed. If, during the transition period, a slowly maturing but largely underdeveloped proletariat remained politically, culturally, and administratively subordinate to a host of higher authorities, then the danger of a perversion of the socialist ideal was very great. Many Bolsheviks spoke during NEP of the danger of degeneration, usually thinking in terms of Russia’s petty bourgeois economic base and the restoration of capitalism through the agency of the kulak and the nepman. It became a favorite augury of left opposition and of Trotsky, who, somewhat incoherently, mingled it with his premonitions of Thermidor and “bureaucratic degeneration.” Bukharin was among the first ( if not the first ) Bolshevik leaders to raise the question, and while he occasionally referred to the “petty bourgeois danger,” his real concern was more pertinent and less orthodox.
*Нэ́пманы (совбу́ры — советские буржуа) — разговорное название предпринимателей в Советской России и СССР в период НЭПа (1921—1931)
He feared that the “cultural backwardness” of the working masses might show a new class to develop. If the advanced states of the proletariat ( its leading cadres ) were to become “alienated from the masses” and “assimilated” with prevailing administrative élite, they could coalesce into a privileged and “monopolistic caste” and together “turn into the embryo of a new ruling class.” Bukharin was not consoled by the usual Marxist homily: “Appealing to working-class origins and proletarian virtue cannot in itself serve as an argument against the possibility of such a danger.” He looked to two developments to undermine this “tendency to ‘degenerate’”; the growth of the forces of production and the end of an educational monopoly. A “colossal overproduction of organizers” drawn from the working class would “nullify the stability of the ruling groups” and subvert “this possible new class alignment.”
Apart from its forthrightness, Bukharin’s analysis was noteworthy for its implicit departure from the orthodox Marxist definition of class. The narrow association of class dominance with legal ownership of property would later hamper the critiques of anti-Stalinist Communists for decades. Even Trotsky, in his bitterly pessimistic The Revolution Betrayed, denied that the Stalinist bureaucracy constituted a social class. But thirty years before Mikovan Djilas’s The New Class revised the category and applied it to Soviet society, Bukharin was warning against “a new ruling class” based not on private property but on “monopolistic” authority and privilege. It was this problem-later expressed in Western theory in terms of “the managerial class” and “power without property”-that he had ignored in his 1915-16 study of modern capitalism, and which he now saw; an exploiting organizational class could emerge on the basis of nationalized property. How much this “enormous danger” alarmed him is illustrated by the fact that his discussion was prompted by the different élite theories of Bogdanov and Robert Michels.
«Преданная революция: Что такое СССР и куда он идёт?» — книга о состоянии СССР в 1930-е годы, написанная Львом Троцким в 1936 году. Является одним из наиболее значительных произведений автора.