☭Bukharin and the Bolshevik Revolution: A Political Biography, 1888-1938 by Stephen F. Cohen☭ブハーリンとボリシェヴィキ革命 政治的伝記1888〜1938 | スティーヴン・F・コーエン/第5章:ボリシェヴィズムの再考CHAPTER V: Rethinking Bolshevism③
1921年以降、ブハーリンは「非党員大衆」に注目を集中し、かつての革命的強制への熱狂は、説得と教育の強調へと転じた。彼は、戦時共産主義期につくりあげられた「巨大な」官僚制のうちに、党の孤立の微表を見てとった。つまり、官僚制の成長は、ボリシェヴィキ政府と民衆の間にできた「真空」と結びついたものだと考えたのである。こう結びつけるところから、彼の基本的な考えの一つが生まれた。官僚制に対する解毒剤は、この真空を「幾百幾千の、大小の、急速に広まっていく自発的結社・サークル・協会」-これらは「大衆とのつなぎ目」を提供するであろうーで埋めることにあるのだった。これらは「分権的なイニシャチヴ」を促進し、全体として「伝導機構」―これを通して党が世論に影響を及ぼすと同時に、世論からの影響をうけるーとなるであろう。これらが増えていくことは、ブハーリンの言葉によれば、「ソヴェト社会体(ソヴェツカヤ・オプシチューストヴェンノスチsovetskaia obshtestvennost’ советская общественность(第6章原注(181)参照))の・・・成長」を示しているのであり、解体した「社会階級」を復興させていくのであった。「国家化」とは対極的な自発的諸組織および「下部における大衆的イニシャチヴ」へのこの信頼は、ブハーリンの再考の特徴的な部分であった。
*一国社会主義論(いっこくしゃかいしゅぎろん、ロシア語: социали́зм в отде́льно взя́той стране́)とは、世界革命を経なくても一国で社会主義の建設が可能だとする考え方。1924年にヨシフ・スターリンが主張し、1928年のコミンテルン第六回大会で採択され、各国の共産党において支配的な見解となった。
Bogdanov long had argued that the ruling in any given society is that group which organizes the economy, whether or not it actually owns the means of production. For him the essential source of exploitation lay in the relationship between organizer and organized. Bukharin’s contention that ‘the difference between technician and worker” cannot be eliminated within a capitalist society was directed against Bogdanov’s conclusion that until the proletariat ripened into a capable organizing class, socialist revolution was premature. He did not, however, challenge the older thinker’s redefinition of class. Nor did he dispute the findings of Michel’s “very interesting book” ( Zur Soziologie Des Parteiwesens in der modernen Demokratie ), which showed that the “administration of boundless capital . . . assigns at least as much power to the administration as would possession of their own private property.” Instead, he tried to counter the conclusion that “socialist may be victorious, but not socialism” by arguing that, in the future society, “what constitutes an eternal category in Michel’s presentation, namely, the ‘incompetence of the masses’ will disappear. . . . “This was his hope, but he was than fully confident about the outcome. Class exploitation without private property was possible, and he warned the party: “Our task generally is not to allow such an ‘evolutionary’ return to exploitative relations.”
To characteristic Bukharin’s elliptical remarks on a new class as a theory would be to exaggerate their substance. As though fearful of pushing his logic further, he only hinted at this potentially “tragic outcome” of the revolution. But in various forms it became perhaps his most serious private fear, offsetting to some extent his public dogma that exploitation of the working class was impossible in a “workers” state.” Evolution of the revolutionary régime into a new kind of exploitative bureaucratic state became his personal bogie in the twenties, much as “petty bourgeois degeneration” became that of the Bolshevik Left. In the Left’s economic programs he professed to see an institutionalization of the official “arbitrariness” of war communism and the rise of “privileged Communist groups”-a “new state of chinovniki”-indifferent to the needs of the masses and enjoying “absolute immunity” from recall. A rebirth of exploitation came to concern him more than the fate of the urban masses alone: programs that would “plunder” the countryside would lead, he predicted, not to a classless socialist society but to “the eternal’ reign of the proletariat’” and to “its degeneration into a real exploiter class” in relation to the peasantry. While others scanned the horizon for ghosts of the French revolution, listening for ‘the footsteps of history,” Bukharin worried about a form of degeneration without historical precedent.
The he chose the first year of NEP to brood over this gloomy possibility was not accidental. Kronstadt and the rural uprisings had produced in him a profound sense of the party’s isolation, an awareness that the Bolsheviks now ruled as a tiny minority, bolstered by armed force and lacking even the whole support of the class they claimed to represent. Once the leader and voice of revolutionary workers and peasants, the party was now “alienated from the masses.” The people say, Bukharin told the Tenth Party Congress, “There is no bread and no coal-for this the Communist Party is to blame.” In July 1921, he expressed uncertainty that the régime would survive, a situation starkly unlike 1917, when “all the soldiers and all the workers were on our side” and “it was joyous to live. . . .” Although he continued to eulogize the party’s dictatorship, sometimes quite unabashedly, elitism did not rest comfortably on him; henceforth, his thinking was predicated on the need to overcome the isolation that was the legacy of the civil war-to regain popular support and secure for the party’s program the greatest number of allies.
From 1921 onward, Bukharin’s attention focused on the “non-party masses,” and his previous enthusiasm for revolutionary coercion shifted to an emphasis on persuasion and education. He began to see in the “colossal” bureaucracy erected during war communism all that was symptomatic of the party’s isolation, associating its growth with the “vacuum” that had opened between the Bolshevik government and the people. The equation resulted in one of his basic ideas. The antidote against bureaucracy consisted in filling this void with “bundreds and thousands of small and large rapidly expanding voluntary societies, circles, and association,” which would provide a “link with the masses.” They would promote “decentralized initiative” and collectively constitute a “transmission mechanism” through which the party could influence, but also he influenced by, public opinion. Their proliferation would express what Bukharin called “the growth . . . of the Soviet social structure ( sovetskaia obshtestvennost’ советская общественность) ,” and would restore the disintegrated “social fabric.” This belief in voluntary organizations and “mass initiative at the lower levels,” as opposed to “statization,” was a characteristic part of Bukharin’s rethinking.
The “masses,” of course, meant the peasantry. Never having been an extremist among Bolsheviks on the “peasant question,” Bukharin now accepted the fact that the party’s stability depended on a lasting rapprochement with the rural population. The other problems that concerned him in 1921 to 1923-Russia’s backwardness, bureaucratic overcentralization, and the Bolsheviks’ isolation-were each a part of this larger one. The idea of a historic smychka between the proletariat and the peasantry ( a euphemism for the party’s relations with the peasant ) quickly impressed him as “the fundamental question of our revolution,” the “slogan of slogans,” “a conditio sine qua non of the proletarian revolution.” After 1921, it was the basic factor in his policy thinking; and by April 1923, he could be identified in the Bolshevik leadership as the most convinced and consistent defender of the inviolability of the smychka.
The insistence on the need to conciliate the peasant was not in itself unusual. Most Bolsheviks at least paid it lip service in the early twenties. What was distinctive about Bukharin’s remarks on the smychka was his growing tendency to speak of the peasantry as a whole, as an undifferentiated class, and to skirt the orthodox Bolshevik distinction between peasant states, between rural friends and enemies. In an address at Sverdlov University in early 1923, he admitted that the party knew little about contemporary village life and urged that new studies be undertaken and “clichés” avoided. He suggested that one such cliché involved the question of rural leveling and “the degree of stratification of the peasantry.” To which, he added, there was “not a single answer.” But his already pronounced habit of speaking of the proletariat and the peasantry as “two laboring classes” was the beginning of his hotly contented theory of Soviet Russia as “a two-class society” and his notion that “a worker-peasant bloc” had replaced the old ruling “land-lord-bourgeois bloc.” Both concepts were to be important in his domestic program.
Like Lenin, then, Bukharin had come to see in NEP the proper framework for Bolshevik economic policy and the conditions of social equilibrium in which the country might move toward socialism. He presented his views to the Fourth Comintern Congress in November 1922, where Lenin and Trotsky had emphasized the tactical consideration of NEP Bukharin thought another perspective was needed. NEP, he said,
is not only a strategic retreat, but the solution to a large social, organizational problem, namely, the correlation between spheres of production which we must rationalize and those which we cannot rationalize. We still say frankly: we tried to take on ourselves the organization of everything-even the organization of the peasants and the millions of small producers . . . from the viewpoint of economic rationality this was madness.
A few weeks later, he implicitly contrasted his new ideas with the still prevailing party sentiment; he called for a new party program, arguing that the 1919 program, as well as his own ABC, “which became a party canon,” had been outdated by NEP. And shortly afterwards he declared: “we now see how we shall come to socialism . . . nor as we thought earlier, but by a much more firm and solid path.”
In the process of rethinking, Bukharin also sounded three other principles of a new reformist Bolshevism. First and most general was that “civil peace under the command of the proletariat” should replace civil strife as party policy. From the followed his argument that class struggle in Russia would now be socialist economics and private economies, and on the ideological and cultural fronts. Finally, in 1922 appeared the quintessential expression of Bukharin’s gradualism, the theory of “growing into socialism.” He launched it tentatively at the Comintern congress, dissociating it from “the revisionist understanding that . . . capitalism grows into socialism”:
We shall not be able to fulfill our task by single decrees, by single compulsory measures . . . a prolonged organic process . . . a process of real growing into socialism will be required. But the difference between them and us is establishing when growing in begins. The revisionists, who do not want any kind of revolution, maintain that this process . . . occurs already in the bosom of capitalism. We maintain that it begins only together with the dictatorship of the proletariat. The proletariat must destroy the old bourgeois state, seize power, and with the help of this lever change economic relations. We have here a lengthy process of development, in the course of which socialist forms of production and exchange obtain an ever wider dissemination and, in that way, gradually displace all the remnants of capitalist society. . . .
By 1923, he had specifically included peasant economics in this development “through the process of circulation,” and was energetically expounding the “evolutionary path” as a reality of Soviet life. “For many decades we will slowly be growing into socialism: through the growth of our state industry, through cooperation, through the increasing influence of our banking system, through a thousand and one intermediate forms.”
*Социализм в отдельно взятой стране — теория о возможности построения социализма в СССР, ставшая официальной доктриной государства после XIV съезда ВКП(б) в 1925 году и поражения оппозиции во внутрипартийной борьбе 1923—1927 годов[1].
The appearance of this theory as early as November 1922 calls into question the impression that the idea of “socialism in one country” resulted from the German fiasco of October 1923. While it is true that the German disappointment finally shattered Bolshevik hopes of an early European revolution, and that the idea of building socialism in isolation was first expressed formally by Stalin in December 1924. Bukharin’s “growing-in” proposition indicates that the requisite reasoning had been expressed earlier. Though not yet facing the hard problems of industrialization ( that began in 1924 ), his theory addressed the question of moving toward socialism in Russia, and was at no point dependent on internationalizing the revolution. ( The same was true of Lenin’s “On Cooperation,” where he found “all that is necessary and sufficient.”) Bukharin may have assure his Comintern audience that “Russian socialism, in comparison with others, will look Asiatic,” and that Russia’s economic backwardness “will find expression in the backward form of our socialism.”
He was not contrasting socialism in Russia with international revolution, not, however, was he any longer making the former dependent on the latter. Like Lenin, he was grouping for a vision of Bolshevism’s future in peasant Russia. European revolution or no, the party had power, and one of two conclusions was possible: either it was building a socialist society or it was presiding over the evolution of capitalism. As Bukharin exclaimed in 1926, if the first was untrue, “then we went to the barricades in October for nothing.” In this sense, Stalin’s future slogan of “socialism in one country” was far less innovating than is assumed. Indeed, in April 1924, eight months before Stalin’s statement, Bukharin explained his theory of the “peaceful-economic-organic” class struggle as follows: “A victory in this type of class struggle ( we abstract here from the problem of the external order ) is the final victory of socialism. Much of the controversy of the twenties revolved around the permissibility of just such an abstraction.
Bukharin’s views on the outside world also changed in 1921-3, but less abruptly than on internal matters. Reluctant to conclude that the direct assault on European capitalism was over, in June 1921, with Zinoviev and Radek, he briefly opposed in preliminary meetings Lenin’s proposal to introduce united front tactics at the Third Comintern Congress. Though offering no further opposition, in December he was still contesting assertions that European capitalism was overcoming its crisis. In 1922 and early 1923, he recognized that the “decelerated tempo” of European revolution meant it was “many years” away, but he continued to portray capitalism in a state of “economic chaos, social chaos, ideological chaos.” This outlook did not stem from a congenital leftism ( it was Bukharin who informed-and scandalized-the Fourth Comintern Congress that the Soviet Union was sufficiently mature “to concludes a military alliance with one bourgeois country in order to crush with its help another bourgeois country”). Rather, it probably related to what stabilization meant in terms of his understanding of state capitalism-a more powerful European capitalism vulnerable only to world war.
The new element in his thinking was the “world peasantry.” Having abandoned his “foolish” position on the national question, and embraced the proposition that Soviet Russia was the defender “of all the oppressed and colonial peoples, the peasant class, the petty bourgeoisie, etc., Bukharin discovered that the ratio between workers and peasants in Russia reflected a world phenomenon. In April 1923, at the Twelfth Party Congress, he emerged as the Bolshevik leader most interested in the Eastern nationalist movements. Lenin had pointed in this direction earlier, and Bukharin followed enthusiastically. His congressional report on international revolution, including a detained country-by-country analysis of a “whole Eastern world . . . in a period of the deepest revolutionary ferment,” presented the awakening colonial peasantry as “a gigantic reservoir of revolutionary infantry,” marching with the Western proletariat against world capitalism. The lessons of the Russian smychka were international, as his imagery sought to suggest: “If the state of things is examined on its universally historic scale, it may be said that the large industrial states are the cities of world economy, and the colonies and semi-colonies its countryside.” The conclusion was obvious: “a great united front between the revolutionary proletariat of the world ‘city' and the peasantry of the world ‘country side.’ History has entered irrevocably upon this path.” Shortly thereafter, when his accepted the reality of European stabilization, this image became the pivot of his revised theory of international revolution.
Bukharin remarked in 1923 that he now thought differently than when in “swaddling clothes,” implying that his rethinking was nearing completion and his illusions dispelled. ( Some world soon argue that he had exchanged one set of illusions for another.) The remark also reminds us that when war communism ended and NEP began, he was only thirty-two, not remarkably young in an era of revolutionaries, but sufficient for his opinions not yet to have hardened and become unshakable. On neither domestic nor foreign issues had Bukharin fully developed the new theories and programs which his party opponents would decry as neo-populism. But by 1923, when these issues became involved in the struggle for power, he had already developed a distinct orientation. He would choose allies accordingly. The Politburo of the early twenties was form of coalition government, and like most such arrangements serviceable in a time of crisis but unstable when danger passed. Lenin’s uniquely authoritative presence gave its fractions membership a semblance of unity until his first stroke in May 1922, when a muted struggle for a ruling Politburo majority and, inevitably, the rank of primus inter pares began.
A triumvirate of Zinoviev, Kamenev, and Stalin was formed in late 1922 against the more illustrious Trotsky. Personal animosities and “biographical investigations,” not policy, underlay the strife at the outset. Zinoviev and Stalin despised and feared Trotsky, and inspired “whispering campaigns” to remind the party of his past Menshevism and potential Bonapartism. Trotsky, himself not above biographical politics, procrastinated, compromised, and guarded his political fortunes with unbelievable ineptitude. By 1923, he had been isolated from the effective sources of power. Later that year, he finally attacked, becoming the champion of internal party democracy and chief critic of the system of secretarial appointment and party bureaucracy now headed by Stalin. (The Party’s original doctrine of “democratic centralism,” whereby centralized authority inside the party was to be combined with the election of lower and higher bodies, had become a rigid authoritarian system largely as a result of the civil war.) He was soundly defeated in December and January 1924, his authority further diminished. Though he later rose again in opposition, Trotsky’s real political opportunity had passed.
Bukharin was a noncontender in this opening round of the succession struggle. Until December 1923, when he conditionally threw his support to the triumvirs, he remained unaligned with either faction, an aspiring “peacemaker.” His position in the Bolshevik oligarchy was anomalous. The senior members regarded him as their junior in age and tenure: “Our Benjamin,” said Zinoviev; “the most distinguished forces ( among the youngest forces ),” said Lenin in characterizing Bukharin and Piatakov. But, though formally only a candidate member of the Politburo between 1919 and 1924, along with Lenin, Trotsky, and the triumvirs, Bukharin was recognized by insiders and outsiders alike as one of the party’s six “big” leaders. A foreign Communist visitor reported in 1922 that he was spoken of “as the eventual successor of Lenin.” The report was erroneous, but it testified to Bukharin’s stature, as did the fact that after Lenin’s stroke he functioned as a full Politburo member and then inherited Lenin’s seat. His prestige rested less on powerful offices ( though the editorship of Pravda was important ) than on his reputation as the theoretical voice of Bolshevism, his great personal popularity in the party and Comintern, and his “tremendous authority” among the party youth. Consequently, while he was not an immediate threat to any of the contending oligarchs, he was a valuable potential ally.
In an angry moment during the trade union debates, Lenin had described Bukharin as “soft wax,” on which “any ‘demagogue’ can write whatever he pleases.” Trotsky, the “demagogue” in question, repeated the remark many years later to explain Bukharin’s subsequent alliance with Stalin. It has since become a familiar characterization, although it was inappropriate. In his political career to 1923. Bukharin had been singularly and fiercely independent, a maverick in emigration, leader of the young Left in 1917, head of the Left Communists in 1918, and a futile “buffer” between Lenin and Trotsky in 1920-21. No major leader had opposed Lenin so often. In the various factional disputes, only once had he aligned himself with another Politburo member ( Trotsky in the second phase of the trade union controversy), his stand being determined each time by the issue, not the personalities. Bukharin’s attempt to steer a course independent of the triumvirs and of Trotsky in 1922-3 was therefore characteristic. He was again in loner, but this time without ranking supporters. His personal friends and former political allies, among them Osinskii, Smirnov, Piatakov, and Preobrazhenskii, were in various ways becoming critics of the new policies and moving into opposition, for which Moscow would again provide organizational strength.
If Bukharin was personally close to any senior Bolshevik at this time, it was the stricken Lenin. Evidence that by 1922 an usually warm friendship existed between them is fragmentary but significant. Naturally, they continued to disagree on secondary matters, such as the meaning of state capitalism and proletarian culture, as well as on two points of greater importance. The first of these arose in April 1922, when Bukharin and Radek led a Comintern delegation to a Berlin conference of the three socialist internationals to explore the possibilities of united labor action in Europe. At the meeting, social democrats insisted on the condition that the Bolshevik government promise not to execute Socialist Revolutionary prisoners who were to be publicly tried in June for “terrorism,” and “counter-revolution.” Bukharin and Radek agreed. Lenin immediately protested the concession as a capitulation to “blackmail,” though he conceded that the promise had to be honored. A sharply divided Politburo arrived at a compromise solution: the death penalty would be withheld as long as underground Socialist Revolutionaries refrained from “terrorist” activity. A second and more abrasive disagreement between Bukharin and Lenin developed in October 1922, when Bukharin, Stalin, and other Politburo members supported a proposal to relax the state’s foreign trade monopoly, Lenin angrily intervened, castigated Bukharin, and blocked the proposal.
Political dissension, however, was an integral part of their relationship. It had not spoiled their friendship earlier, and did not do so now. In his autobiography, Bukharin wrote of his relations with Lenin after 1918: “I had the good fortune . . . to stand close to him generally, as a comrade and a person.” This personal note was unusual in the formal decorum of Bolsheviks, but it also appeared in Lenin’s “treatment,” written on December 24, 1922:
Bukharin is not only the party’s most valuable and biggest theoretician, he is also rightfully considered the favorite of the whole party; but his theoretical views can only with very great doubt be regarded as fully Marxist, for there is something scholastic in them ( he has never studied and, I think, never fully understood dialectics ).
The leader’s seemingly contradictory appraisal of Bukharin as the party’s most valuable theorist, but one who did not understand dialectics, is open to various interpretations. It may have referred to what Lenin had regarded as Bukharin’s unreliable political role in the trade union dispute of 1920-1. Or it may simply have reflected Lenin’s passionate concern with Hegelian and Marxist philosophical dialects ( which he had “studied” intensely ), a subject scorned by Bukharin for “sociology.” Most important, however, was Lenin’s unusual judgement of Bukharin as a person, the only such favorable appraisal in his ‘testament.” It spoke less of Bukharin’s general popularity in the party than of his position as Lenin’s “favorable.”
This lends further credibility to unofficial accounts of a letter Lenin in said to have written in early 1922 about their relationship. Bukharin was ill in 1921, and during the course of the year, Lenin dictated several concerned notes of different people on his behalf. One real: “Send the best doctor to examine the health of N. I. Bukharin . . . and inform me of the results.” Doctors recommended medical treatment in Germany, but Bukharin was unable to obtain a visa. At this point, Lenin reportedly wrote to Krestinskii, the Soviet ambassador to Germany, asking him to approach Chancellor Wirth with a message that went something as follows: “I am an old man and I have no children. Bukharin is like a son to me. And I ask as a personal favor . . . that Bukharin he gives a vis and the opportunity to receive treatment in Germany.” The visa was issued.
The letter cannot be verified, though circumstantial evidence of its existence can be found in official sources. It is clear, however, that something approximating filial love bound the two men, and that this was particularly evident toward the end of Lenin’s life. In the latter part of 1922, when the ailing leader had retired to his Gorki retreat, Bukharin was the only Politburo member who visited him frequently. His later recalled how “Lenin would summon me to come to see him . . . take me by the hand and lead me into the garden” to discuss political matters forbidden by the doctors. They spoke of “leaderology” and of Lenin’s last articles, which Bukharin soon would interpret as a testament. Their views on NEP were now similar, and these confidences “on the edge of the grave” clearly fortified Bukharin’s belief that he spoke for Lenin after 1924. The meetings were not of great political importance, but rather a moving personal episode that probably prompted Bukharin to look with dismay upon the unseemly struggle among senior oligarchs to replace a leader who still lived.
His aloofness from the triumvirs, who were sanctimoniously wrapping themselves in the mantle of Leninism and “old Bolshevism,” was revealed dramatically at the Twelfth Party Congress in April 1923. Since the autumn of 1922, a bitter struggle had been going on between Stalin and a dissident group of Georgian Bolshevik leaders who were protesting the mechanism through which the Georgian Republic would be federated into the new Soviet Union. Lenin supported Stalin’s plan until late December 1922, when he discovered that the general secretary’s representation had brutally run roughshod over the dissidents. Lenin abruptly reversed his position. In a postscript to his “testament,” dated January 4th 1923, he declared that Stalin was “too rude” to be entrusted with great power and called for his removal as general secretary. He notified the Georgians, “I am with you . . . with all my soul,” and prepared a set of notes denouncing this “Great Russian chauvinism.” He dispatched the notes of Trotsky, asking him to take up the defense of the Georgian oppositions. Trotsky suddenly had a weapon to strike back at the triumvirs by destroying the man on whom they relied for organizational power. He compromised instead. In return for empty gestures of repentance, he agreed to join Stalin, Zinoviev, and Kamenev in a conspiracy of silence at the Twelfth Congress.