
当ブログはトロント在住、日系一世カナダ人サミー・山田(48)おっさんの「独り言」です。まさに「個人日記」。1968年11月16日東京都目黒区出身(A型)・在北米30年の日系カナダ人(Canadian Citizen)・University of Toronto Woodsworth College BA History & East Asian Studies Major トロント在住(職業記者・医療関連・副職画家)・Toronto Ontario「団体」「宗教」「党派」一切無関係・「政治的」意図皆無=「事実関係」特定の「考え」が’正しい’あるいは一方だけが’間違ってる’いう気は毛頭なし。「知って」それぞれ「考えて」いただれれば本望(^_-☆Everybody!! Let's 'Ponder' or 'Contemplate' On va vous re?-chercher!Internationale!!「世界人類みな兄弟」「平和祈願」「友好共存」「戦争反対」「☆Against Racism☆」「☆Gender Equality☆」&ノーモア「ヘイト」(怨恨、涙、怒りや敵意しか生まない)Thank you very much for everything!! Ma Cher Minasan, Merci Beaucoup et Bonne Chance 

☭Бухарин: Политическая биография: A Political Biography, 1888-1938 by Stephen F. Cohen☭ブハーリンとボリシェヴィキ革命 政治的伝記1888〜1938 | スティーヴン・F・コーエン/第6章:ブハーリン主義と社会主義への道CHAPTER VI: Bukharinism and the Road to Socialism③

*ペレコープ(ウクライナ語: Перекоп、ロシア語: Перекоп、クリミア・タタール語: Ор Къапы、ギリシア語: Τάφρος)は、ウクライナ本土とクリミア半島を結ぶペレコープ地峡にある村[1][2]。オル・カピ(英語版)要塞がある場所として知られる。ロシアの2014年クリミア連邦管区国勢調査によると、人口は919[2]。ロシア語で перекоп とは文字通りには〈遮断溝、横溝〉を意味する廃語あるいは方言語彙である[3]。

*【Философия спекуляции思弁哲学Philosophy of speculationФилософия Speculative philosophy :思弁(実践に対する、観測と理論。経験に依らずに、真理認識に至ろうとする操作或いは行為。知的直観を指す場合もある)を主たる方法とする哲学。古代ギリシャ哲学・合理主義などはおおむねこの傾向にあるが、特にフィヒテ・シェリング・ヘーゲルの哲学を指すことが多い。

*悲観主義(ひかんしゅぎ)Пессими́змとは、ペシミズム(pessimism)の訳語の一つ。厭世主義(えんせいしゅぎ)、厭世観(えんせいかん)とも言う。語源はラテン語で最悪のものを意味する「pessimum」に由来する・・・元来は哲学の分野で用いられる語で、この世界は悪と悲惨に満ちたものだという人生観をさす。反対語は Оптимизм楽天主義(オプティミズムoptimism)である。ジャコモ・レオパルディGiacomo Leopardiの世界観と世界は盲目的な意志によって動かされているとするショーペンハウアーArthur Schopenhauerの思想が悲観主義の代表である。 
他方、「思想的危機」はブハーリンに特殊な責任を課した。彼は、新経済政策の公認の理論家かつ主たる擁護者として、ボリシェヴィキ・イデオロギーの再建に重大な責任があったのである。少なくとも、主な論争点に関してはそうであった。1923年以降、彼は党内論争に無関係な知的討論にはあまり参加せず、その代わり、新政策と彼のプログラムを理論的に説明することに注意を集中した。そして、その過程でそれらが「歴史的ボリシェヴィズム」と両立することを示そうとしたのである。ここでもまた、彼は特別な問題にぶつかった。左派は既成の(傷ついているにしても)諸観念に効果的に挑戦することができたが、ブハーリンはそれらの観念の多くが過去の幻想なのだと暴露することに追われていた。例えば彼は、3年間のボリシェヴィキの熱狂を、経済的実践においては戦時共産主義は「社会主義の戯画」だったという判断で片づけた。「古い本」から得られた諸観念を彼はいつも軽蔑したが、そのことは、彼が新たな観念を構築せねばならないということを意味していた。というのは、党の本質的な諸観念が根本的に変化したというのが真実ならば、新しい理論が必要だったからである。そして、ブハーリンもレーニンの著作―とりわけ最後の諸論文にみられる改良主義―に然るべく言及できたとはいえ、彼は師のたまわくmagister dixitを唱えるだけでは十分でないということを直ちに認めたのである。





In addition to linking the two sectors, distributing commodities, and helping to allocate resources, the market permitted the Soviet state to benefit from the private pursuits of its “mass of semi-friends and semi-enemies and open enemies in economic life.” According to Bukharin, the NEP market economy had established “the correct combination of the private interests of the small producer and the general interests of socialist construction.” By stimulating the personal incentives of peasants, artisans, workers, “and even the bourgeoisie . . . we put them objectively to the services of socialist state industry and the economy as a whole.” His attitude toward the kulak peasant ( “we help him but he helps us” ) typified his attitude toward private capital generally. Its development served willy-nilly-“independent of its will”-the interests of socialism. And in the end, the state sector stood to benefit most, through its greater market competitiveness, efficiency, and resources it would gradually displace private capital from trade and production. How Bukharin envisaged “overcoming the market through the market” Bukharin envisaged “overcoming the market through the market” will be discussed below; what is important here is that his acceptance of the mixed economy and the market determined his position on three key issues under debate: planning growth proportions between branches of industry, and the rare of economic growth itself.
The idea of planning, with its promise of “economic rationality,” against every Bolshevik’s imagination. All were agreed on its virtues and desirability, few on its meaning or implementation. A single industrial plan was the Left’s great cause, so compelling that it united the several different tendencies within the “opposition. Partly for this reason, and partly in reaction to the centralizing excesses which had passed for planning during war communism, Bukharin’s remarks on the subject were frequently negative between 1924 and 1926. He ridiculed the notion of an instant general plan imposed from above-materializing “like a deus ex machina”-as a remnant of those war communist illusions which should have expired “when the proletarian army took Perekop.” More to the point was his criticism of an industrial plan calculated independently of market forces, of the demand and supply of the peasant sector, as “unthinkable”: the correlation . . . inside state industry is determined by the correlation with the peasant market. That ‘plan’ which misses this correlation is not a plan, because this correlation is the basis of the entire plan.”
His positive remarks, on the other hand, drew upon the new wisdom of NEP. A “real” or “exact” plan could be formulated only gradually, as state economic ousted private ones through market competition and as large socialist production grew. The road to a planned economy was “a long process.” Meantime, however, Bukharin saw a “planned beginning” in the state’s regulation of the economy through manipulation of its “commanding heights,” and in the planning of wholesale and retail prices. And while his hostility to “economic futurism” tended to give his thinking on the subject a negative cast, he did adumbrate the philosophy behind his more ambitious planning proposals after 1926. In April 1925, he explained the direction of genuine planning: “Toward establishing the proportions between various branches of production within industry on the one hand, and the correct relations between industry and agriculture on the other.” The two were inseparable. “Proportionally of the separate parts of production without the establishment of a certain proportionality between industry and agriculture is a complex abstraction, merely noise.” Planning, he believed, began by maintaining proportionality, not, as he thought the Left was advocating, “by systematically breaking socially necessary proportions.”
The Left viewed planning as a way to promote immediate and extensive investment in heavy industry. Bukharin’s program envisaged a different pattern of industrial growth. Looking to mass consumption as the spur, and to the capacity of the internal market to determine proportions within industry, made necessary “the adaptation of industry to the peasant market.” It meant beginning with the development of industries producing for personal consumption ( textiles, for example ), and allowing heavy industry to grow as a result of the chain process. Bukharin argued that this pattern, which he also contrasted to the follies of war communism, had been proved viable by the industrial recovery attained since 1921: “We began by raising the lightest branches of industry, with those that obtained a commonly smychka with the peasant economy; though it light industry began to pick up, then middle, and the end of this process reached the basic production link, the production of basic capital, i.e., metal.” He projected this balanced growth pattern into the future, foreseeing a steady development of light industry and the continued dependency of heavy industry on a “full smychka with the peasant economy.”            
Finally, there was the question of tempo. Its importance in the debates fluctuated with the party’s perception of Soviet Russia’s security among nations, and it was usually discussed in terms of speculative philosophy. Everyone, of course, wanted the fastest attainable rate of industrial growth. The Left exhibited a particular sense of urgency, while being as imprecise in its pronouncements as the majority leadership. Bukharin’s pubic statements added to the confusion. Throughout 1924, he insisted that his program, not the Left’s would “achieve a very rapid tempo of development,” contrasting Soviet development to the economic situation in European capitalist countries. Thus, in early 1924, he declared: “in five or six years the USSR will be the most powerful European state.” The “stabilization of European capitalism by mid-1925, however, prompted a second and more sober thoughts: “we are growing and they are growing, this is something new . . .”; ‘we therefore must grow faster, significantly faster, than a number of our neighbors.” This would be guaranteed by “unleashing commodity turnover.”          
During the same period, however, Bukharin repeatedly employed imagery that seemed to imply a much slower growth rate. Seeking to emphasize the need to progress industrially in conjunction with the peasant sector, he expressed it variously: as “moving ahead slowly . . . dragging behind us the cumbersome peasant cart, or “dragging behind . . . the enormous heavy barge of the entire peasantry.” How could this image of “tiny steps,” as he put it elsewhere, be reconciled with his simultaneous promise of a “very rapid tempo”? Partly because the imagery referred to the prolonged process ( “decades”) of preparing the peasantry, economically and psychologically, for socialism, while “rapid tempo” referred only to economic growth. But the distinction was neither clear nor satisfactory. The Left’s polemics predictably focused on the implication of “tiny steps,” especially after Bukharin told a party congress in December 1925 ( two weeks after reiterating that “we will grow very rapidly”): “we can build socialism even on this wretched technical base . . . we shall creep at a snail’s pace. . . .” If this meant that industrialization would proceed at a “snail’s pace,” it satisfied no one, including Bukharin.          
He was on firmer ground when he chose, as he often did, to combine the issues of tempo and “pumping over,” and to take a more long-range perspective. Preobrazhenskii’s plan of “pumping over inordinately,” contended Bukharin, might bring an initial upsurge in capital expenditure, but a “sharp” fall would certainly follow. Instead, “our policies must be calculated not on the basis of one year, but a number of years,” in order to “guarantee every year a greater broadening of the whole economy.” He summarized this more tenable argument in July 1926.   
The most rapid tempo of industrial development is in no way ensured by taking the maximum amount from agriculture. It is not at all that simple. It we take less today, we thereby promote a larger accumulation in agriculture and thus ensure for ourselves tomorrow a larger demand for our industry’s products. By ensuring a larger income for agriculture, we shall be able to take more from this larger next year than we took last year, and to ensure for ourselves in future years even greater growth, even greater revenue for our state industry. If in the first year . . . we move at a somewhat less rapid tempo, in return the curve of our growth will then rise more rapidly.
The discussion of tempo underlined a significant fact about the economic debates generally. They were intimately connected with and influenced by noneconomic consideration, among them domestic and foreign policies, and, equally important, Bolshevik ideology. This was especially true in the case of the theoretically minded Bukharin. For, while he raised political, ethical, and economic arguments against the Left, his own program was only part of a broader theory of social change in the Soviet Union.                
The public Bolshevik ideology that had served so well from 1917 to 1920 was in shambles by 1924. The rude dismantlement of war communism, the emergence of NEP with its “extraordinary confusion of . . . socioeconomic relations,” the “psychological depression” caused by the failure of European revolution, Lenin’s death, and the spectacle of his successors claiming allegiance to different Leninisms-all shattered or seriously undermined earlier beliefs and certainties. The “collapse of our illusions” had been the collapse of dearly held assumption, of old theories. Disenchantment and pessimism came in the aftermath. There were many signs, some petty, some portentous: workers resented the finery of the nep-man’s wife; rural Communists were disoriented by the permissive agrarian policies; and most serious, among the party faithful, especially the youth. NEP brought “a sort of demoralization, a crisis of ideas.”                                                                
In a sense, the sequence of disillusionments put an end to the Bolsheviks’ innocent faith in the omnipotence of theory. Even Bukharin now liked to quote: “Theory, my friend, is gray, but green is the eternal tree of life.” Nonetheless, party leaders felt strongly the need to rebuild and reassert Bolshevism as a coherent ideology. The literate public, Bukharin warned in 1924, was expressing growing “demand . . . and inquires in the sphere of ideology”; if the party did not provide answers, others would. Answers were particularly important in the context of the party debates, where rival factions sought to appeal to the party’s broader membership and to its labor constituency at large. Both the official leadership and the opposition were committed to ideological communication, each claiming that its program alone was inspired by and consistent with “orthodox Bolshevism” ( Leninism ), or what Bukharin disingenuously called “historical Bolshevism.” Content to wrap its proposals in the existing ideological banner of the revolutionary-heroic tradition, the Left appealed largely to previous values and understandings. It saw no need for extensive theoretical innovation, preferring instead to scorn the majority’s “spiteful disbelief in bold economic initiative” as opportunism in practice and revisionism in theory.           
On the other hand, the “crisis of idea” presented Bukharin with a special responsibility. As official theorist and chief defender of the new economic policies, he was doubly responsible for the reconstruction of Bolshevik ideology, at least where large contested questions were involved. After 1923, he contributed little to intellectual discussions unrelated to the party dispute, devoting his attention instead to explaining the new policies and his program theoretically, and in the process trying to prove them compatible with “historical Bolshevism.” Here again he faced a special problem. While the Left could effectively evoke established ( if tarnished ) ideas, Bukharin was busy debunking many of those ideas as past illusion. He dismissed, for example, three years of Bolshevik fervor with the judgement that in economic practice war communism had been “a caricature of socialism.” His constant contempt for ideas gained from “old books” meant that he had to build anew. For if it was true that the party’s essential understandings had radically changed, new theories were required. And though Bukharin, too, could refer effectively to Lenin’s writings, especially the reformism of his last articles, he was quick to admit that to intone magister dixit was not enough.                          
Nor were stateman-like apothegms a solution. Consistent with his new pragmatism, Bukharin now inveighed regularly against “hysterical” policies, praising a course that was “neither right nor left, but . . . correct.” The trouble with this kind of middle-of-the-road maxim, and declaration such as “I say 10,000 times that we absolutely must not depart from the principles of NEP,” was that they smacked of conservatism and thus fed the suspicion that the majority’s policies were a betrayal of revolutionary ideals. The hopeful prognosis of some non-Bolsheviks, “the angel of revolution is flying quietly from the country,” had to be refuted, because it was also the opposition’s opinion. Bukharin himself had reflected in 1922: “History is full of examples of the transformation of parties of revolution into parties of order. Sometimes the only mementoes of a revolutionary party are the watchwords which it had inscribed on public buildings.” The opposition called this “Thermidorian reaction.”            
In short, not only new theories but optimistic ones were needed. Bukharin understood that NEP had generated pessimism partly because it was not outwardly heroic. The surface tawdriness of the mixed economy made him vulnerable to the charge that his ideas were “an idealization of NEP,” that he was not the theorist or revolutionary socialism but, as one opposition wit dubbed him, “the Pushkin of NEP.” Having originated as a retreat, the new policies seemed to many to remain only that. It was necessary to convince party members that in fact they represented the forward march of socialism, not “backward movement.” All those “concealed skeptics” who “consider it a mark of bad form to speak of our forward advance,” had to be refuted. In 1923, on the twenty-fifth anniversary of the party, Bukharin had written: “We set out upon a voyage the like of which not even Columbus ever dreamt.” Now he had to show that the voyage continued, that his acknowledged reformism, his ‘new economics,” were leading to socialism.                          
Before the details of socialist development could be broached, it was still necessary to establish whether it was permissible even to aspire to socialism in an isolated agrarian country. As we have seen, earlier Marxist-Bolshevik theory, with its central expectation of an international proletarian revolution arising out of the contradictions of mature industrialism, clearly suggested otherwise. The party’s Left, not always consistently or comfortably, defended the old position, even though its spokesmen carefully allowed that the process of building socialism in Soviet Russia was possible. They passionately rejected, however, the assertion that the process could be completed in a single, economically backward country. Their position, they insisted, was orthodox, realistic, and unflaggingly international success in October and in the civil war, the widespread succumbing to “leap into socialism” ideas during war communism, and the encouraging reappraisal of NEP initiated by Lenin in 1922-3-pointed to a different conclusion. This was drawn by the Stalin-Bukharin majority, in the doctrine of “socialism in one country.
Stalin, in the campaign against the “permanent revolutionists,” was the first to advance the doctrine explicitly, but it was Bukharin who turned it into a theory and thus defined the official understanding of “socialism in one country” in the twenties. As we have seen, he had been approaching such a conception since November 1922, it being the implicit assumption of “growing into socialism.” But only in April 1925, three months after Stalin’s statement, did Bukharin begin to address the question publicly and explicitly. He occasionally denied that the doctrine represented a revision of earlier views, though his disclaimers were halfhearted, and properly so: from 1917 to 1921, he, like everyone else, had been on record as believing that socialism in Russia alone was impossible. Although the logic of “socialism in one country” could be traced to the October coup, and legitimate paternity to Lenin’s 1922-3 articles, formal expression of the doctrine did constitute a radical departure in official Bolshevik thought, as Bukharin tacitly acknowledged: “it turned out that the question was not so simple as it seemed earlier, when we thought less about it.”                              
Having thought about it, he now presented a two-part formula in answer to the question, Can socialism be built in Soviet Russia in the absence of European revolution? The first part of the formula dealt with the country’s internal circumstances, her resources and classes. Here Bukharin’s conclusion was unequivocally affirmative. Rejecting the supposition that “we must perish because of our technological backwardness,” he issued his famous assurance: we can build socialism even on this wretched technical base . . . we shall creep at a snail’s pace, but . . . all the same we are building socialism and we shall build it.” This, he argued, was Lenin’s position in his “testament,” where he had found “all that is necessary and sufficient” for socialism. If true, it meant that “there can be no . . . point at which this construction can become impossible.” One potential obstacle did exist and was accounted for in the second part of Bukharin’s formula: the Soviet Union would be secure from foreign capitalist intervention and war only when the revolution became international. Thus, in terms of a guarantee from external threat, “the FINAL, practical victory of socialism in our country is not possible without the help of other countries and the world revolution.”
This formula was Bukharin’s way of reaffirming his internationalism while responding optimistically to the immediate question. Where are we going? By distinguishing between internal potential and external menace, he was focusing in effect on the prospects of economic modernization, a reasonable approach. For beneath the rhetoric about “building socialism” stood the essential, nondenominational issues of industrialization and modernization. It required no special vision of socialism to argue, as Bukharin did, that “we can stand firmly on our own feet,” that “daily, monthly, and yearly we will be overcoming this technical-economic backwardness.” In other words, “socialism in one country” was in large measure a debate about the possibility of industrializing without foreign assistance, whether from a victorious European proletariat or, in present-day terms, from a wealthy patron nation.
Although Bukharin defended his formula throughout the controversy, its unavoidable whiff of nationalism clearly made him uneasy. He apparently believed that he had reconciled “socialism in one country” with his own abiding commitment (“not platonic . . . but real”) to international revolution; but he also knew that the Left’s charge of “national narrow-mindedness” pointed to a real and growing danger. Though personally free of nationalistic fervor, he did not speak for the average party member, many of whom saw in the doctrine primarily a promise of Russia’s national destiny. Recognizing this, Bukharin tried to discourage the nationalist tendency in three ways. First, by stressing that socialism was “several decades” away “at a minimum.” Second, by repeating that even then Soviet socialism would be “backward socialism.” And, finally, by lashing out at the view that the Soviet undertaking “is what might be called a “national task,” and warning against the danger inherent in his own ideas about building socialism:
if we exaggerate our possibilities, there then could arise a tendency . . . “to spit” on the international revolution; such a tendency could give rise to its own special ideology, a peculiar “national Bolshevism” or something else in this spirit. From here it is a few small steps to a number of even more harmful ideas.

Discomforting or not, the doctrine cleared the way for a theoretical explanation of how NEP Russia would evoke into socialist Russia. Bukharin always insisted that the debate over “socialism in one country” was really about the “nature of our revolution,” that is, the nature and mutual relations of those classes involved in the revolutionary drama. This Marxist perspective meant that Bukharin’s theory had to begin with an analysis of Soviet Russia’s classes. There were said officially to be present in NEP society, landlords and large capitalism having been eliminated as forces during the civil war: the proletariat, the peasantry, and the “new bourgeoisie.” The urban population caused to theoretical problem or section disagreement, all Bolsheviks assenting that the industrial proletariat was the progressive class, the earlier of socialism. Nor was there difficulty in defining the urban reactionary, the nepman, who traded and speculated for “anti-social gain” within officially was part of the “new bourgeoisie.” Unanimity ended, however, at the city limits.
Disagreement centered on the differentiation within the peasantry, on applying the old tripartite classification of poor peasants, middle peasants, and kulaks to a countryside drastically transformed and leveled by the revolutionary events of 1917 to 1920. Not only were the categories vague ( kulak, for example, had become more of a pejorative than a precise sociological category ) but the statistical evidence was unreliable, conflicting, and regularly subjected to political manipulation. An official 1925 calculation estimated poor peasant households at 45 per cent of the total, middle peasants at 51 per cent, and kulaks at 4 per cent. Each figure was challenged and widely revised during the twenties, but especially the last. Opinion as to the percentage of kulaks ranged from zero ( some arguing that the hated pre-1917 type of village exploiter had ceased to exist ) to 14. Since 20 to25 million households were involved, even small variation in informed estimates, which put the kulak at about 3 to 5 per cent of the village population, had important implications for political and economic policy.                  
The Left habitually accepted and polemicized on the basis of the higher kulak figure. This was true of the few extremists who anticipated an anti-kulak expropriation, as well as of the mainstream oppositionists who believed that NEP had unleashed a new process of rural differentiation similar to that under capitalism. They foresaw increasing polarization between rich and poor peasants, the emergence of the exploiting kulak as the dominant force in the village, and a spreading of capitalist relations which would endanger not only revolutionary gains in the countryside but also in the cities. This was the heart of the Left’s repeated contention that NEP, particularly its extension in 1924-5, threatened to bring about a restoration of capitalism.                
Not all of the opposition’s claims were rejected outright by Bukharin. He argued that since 1923-4 differentiation had again been under way in the village. But the maintained that the nationalization of the land structurally limited the process of differentiation and that the constraints associated with the state’s “commanding heights” guaranteed that the process would not acquire serious dimensions. Also like the Left, though with some qualification, he accepted in theory the crucial dogma that poor and landless peasants, regarded as an agricultural proletariat, were the party’s natural rural “support” and the kulak “our enemy.” But his treatment of the kulak and, equally important, of the middle peasant, a category which tended to disappear in the Left’s analysis of polarization, suggested a very different understanding of village stratification and its implication.  
The term “kulak” typified a large problem faced by Bukharin in trying to adapt existing Bolshevik theory to a reformist program. The lexicon of the ideology-“dictatorship of the proletariat” and “class war” being examples-was provocatively bellicose, Bolshevism’s watchwords had been born in the anticipated and conduct of civil strife, and were not easily adaptable to policies based on peace. Most of the radical terminology came from original Marxism, or more properly, French revolutionary history; part, as in the case of the term “kulak,” came from Russian tradition. During the party’s brief promotion of rural class war in 1918, Lenin had declared a “merciless war” against kulaks, depicting them as “bloodsuckers, vampires, robbers of the people.” In his 1922-3 “testament,” however, he did not even mention the kulak, recognizing presumably that civil war had reduced the rural population to a largely undifferentiated mass of poverty-stricken peasants. Still, the heinous connotation of kulak lived on, conjured up by the Left to hint darkly that Bukharin proposed a recreant economic collaboration with “bloodsuckers” and “robbers of the people.”                                
Bukharin understood the problem. From 1924 onward, he methodically prefaced his policy statements with somber warnings about a potential “kulak danger” in the party, claiming ( justly, it would appear ) to have been the first to define this danger and to caution against translating the new policies into a “wager on the kulak,” and asserting that he saw the kulak “perfectly well.” Behind these strictures, however, he was seeking to reorient the party’s thinking on the subject. He seems to have toyed briefly with the idea of arguing that the Soviet kulak was unlike the “old type.” Instead, he chose the safer argument that the kulak and well-to-do peasant constituted only “about 3, not more than 3 to 4 per cent” of the total, while at the same time distinguishing between the rapacious “well-to-do innkeeper, village usurer, kulak” and the “strong proprietor who employs some agricultural workers. . . .” the distinction reflected his unwillingness to label every enterprising peasant a kulak.

↑↓Lenin's Testamentレーニンの遺書 is a document dictated by Vladimir Lenin in the final weeks of 1922 and the first week of 1923. In the testament, Lenin proposed changes to the structure of the Soviet governing bodies. Sensing his impending death, he also gave criticism of Bolshevik leaders Zinoviev, Kamenev, Trotsky, Bukharin, Pyatakov and Stalin. He warned of the possibility of a split developing in the party leadership between Trotsky and Stalin if proper measures were not taken to prevent it. In a post-script he also suggested Joseph Stalin be removed from his position as General Secretary of the Russian Communist Party's Central Committee, although Stalin was able to persuade the other party leaders into ignoring this suggestion after Lenin’s death.

