
当ブログはトロント在住、日系一世カナダ人サミー・山田(48)おっさんの「独り言」です。まさに「個人日記」。1968年11月16日東京都目黒区出身(A型)・在北米30年の日系カナダ人(Canadian Citizen)・University of Toronto Woodsworth College BA History & East Asian Studies Major トロント在住(職業記者・医療関連・副職画家)・Toronto Ontario「団体」「宗教」「党派」一切無関係・「政治的」意図皆無=「事実関係」特定の「考え」が’正しい’あるいは一方だけが’間違ってる’いう気は毛頭なし。「知って」それぞれ「考えて」いただれれば本望(^_-☆Everybody!! Let's 'Ponder' or 'Contemplate' On va vous re?-chercher!Internationale!!「世界人類みな兄弟」「平和祈願」「友好共存」「戦争反対」「☆Against Racism☆」「☆Gender Equality☆」&ノーモア「ヘイト」(怨恨、涙、怒りや敵意しか生まない)Thank you very much for everything!! Ma Cher Minasan, Merci Beaucoup et Bonne Chance 

☭Бухарин: Политическая биография: A Political Biography, 1888-1938 by Stephen F. Cohen☭ブハーリンとボリシェヴィキ革命 政治的伝記1888〜1938 | スティーヴン・F・コーエン/第6章:ブハーリン主義と社会主義への道CHAPTER VI: Bukharinism and the Road to Socialism⑥




Led by Preobrazhenskii, the Left quickly pinpointed the essential weak spot in his industrial program, accusing him of a delusive “restoration ideology.” While a program of encouraging consumer demand to stimulate industrial output may have sufficed during the period of industrial recovery, which had stated in 1921 and was drawing to a close in 1926, the Left argued that it was totally unsuitable for the ensuring period, when the existing industrial plant would be operating at full capacity, and when expansion and technological retooling of fixed capital (“reconstruction”) would become the central problem. As the relatively cheap costs of recover were exhausted, the hard problem of new investment could no longer be avoided. In focusing on demand, his critics charged, Bukharin was chasing a deadly chimera. The consumption and depreciation of fixed capital in 1914-21, coupled with the fact that the revolution had freed peasants from their heavy financial obligations and enabled them to put greater demands on Soviet industry, meant that industry’s structural inability to meet consumer demand was the real malady, not a weak internal market. Until industry was reconstructed, no equilibrium between supply and demand was possible. Instead, there would be a chronic industrial “goods famine.”
The Left’s critique was clearly valid in important respects Bukharin had projected a long-term program on the basis of short-term industrial success. Dazzled by the ‘stormy economic growth” of 1923-6, when industrial output increased one year by 60 per cent and the next by 40, he anticipated “enormous perspectives for unleashing industry.” That his strategy involved reactivating existing facilities rather than creating new ones was evident: “The whole art of economic policy consists in forcing into motion (‘mobilizing’) the factors of production which are lying hidden as ‘unemployed capital.’” Although 75 per cent of industry’s “unemployed capital” was “in motion” by 1925, it was not until March 1926 that Bukharin began to worry publicly about “additional capital.” He was virtually silent on the mild goods famine of 1925, until February 1926, when he dismissed it as “spasm of our economic development.” His disinclination to envisage a radical and immediate expansion of industry was also obvious in secondary ways. Bolsheviks understood for example, that the source of their mounting urban unemployment was rural overpopulation. Preobrazhenskii’s solution was new industry to absorb the migrants to the city. Bukharin’s was to generate new agricultural employment in the countryside.
His thinking about agriculture was also vulnerable. Bukharin’s assumption that whetting peasant consumer appetites and commercializing the peasant economy would generate grain sufficient to feel the cities and support industrialization obscured the inherent backwardness and low productivity of Russian agriculture, the primitive, fragmented nature of which had been worsened by the revolutionary breaking up of large surplus-producing estates and kulak farms in 1917-18. Two solutions were possible. One was to allow private consolidation of land and the formation of a rural capitalist sector capable of high productivity. To Bukharin, as to most Bolsheviks, this “kulak solution” was ideologically unacceptable. While wanting to spike the kulak bogey, his toleration or the emergence of a rural bourgeoisie. In telling peasants to “enrich yourselves,” he was hoping for a uniformly prosperous, middle-peasant countryside, probably a delusive proposal. An alternative solution was the creation of larger, productive collective or state farm. But consistent with his negative attitude in 1924-6, the period of Bukharin’s greater influence witnessed an official neglect and decline of all forms of collective cultivation.
Even if Soviet agriculture regained its pre-revolutionary productivity, there still remained the problem of marketed product. The leveling of the countryside had reinforced the self-sufficiency of the peasant economy, and the abolition of the peasant’s arrears had given him greater freedom in deciding how much and what to produce and market. Bukharin hoped that favorable prices and an abundance of cheap industrial goods would entice a steady increase in marketed surplus, a prospect constantly jeopardized by the threat of goods famine. If shortcomings in his industrial program imperiled his agricultural program, the reverse was also true. The first omens appeared in 1925, when, despite a good harvest, grain collections fell considerably below official expectations, seriously impairing the government’s export-import schedule.
All of which is to say that Bukharin’s economic thinking in 1924-6 underemphasized the need for state intervention in both industrial and agricultural production. Instead of planned capital investment, he urged lower industrial costs and prices; instead of pointing toward the eventual creation of a supplementary, collective grain sector, he depended wholly on the “collaboration” of the small peasant. In each instance, he minimized the interventionist capabilities of the state’s commanding heights,” relying instead on the spontaneous functioning of the market. Throughout 1924-6, he posed what were essentially market goals, such as displacing private traders and speeding up commonly exchange. These goads were often achieved, but the country’s productive capacity was left untouched.
This orientation underlay other difficulties associated with Bukharin’s policies. His thinking on the rate and pattern of industrial growth also reflected recovery period, when output surged forward dramatically and light industry was left to spur heavy. But, while speaking of a “small’s pace” movement toward socialism, and once arguing that, “a slow tempo” need not be “a fatal danger,” Bukharin like the Left, strongly desired “a very rapid tempo,” and one that would not permit heavy industry to “lag behind.” Finally, to many Bolsheviks his policies seemed to deprive the party of its industrializing initiative and to place it in the suspect hands of the peasant or the foreign market. For this reason, a ranking feeling of political importance combined with economic objections to generate opposition to his program.
Why did Bukharin linger with important misconceptions and remain stubbornly indifferent to the Left’s analysis? Certainly, he was misled by the government’s dramatic successes during the period of economic recovery. In addition, certain that the opposition’s polices meant political disaster, and himself engaged in a bitter struggle inside the party, he closed his mind to valid criticism and, like his opponents, grew more convinced that his policies-and only his policies-were wise. More than anything, however, his ethical understanding of Bolshevism’s “historic task” seems to have been responsible. It wed him to the proportion that mass consumption would be the driving force of Soviet industrialization. This perspective occasionally served Bukharin well, alerting him, for example, to the dangers inherent in political and economic monopoly. But it also misled him. Outraged by Preobrazhenskii’s “Insane Utopia,” that would feed industry by exploiting the peasantry, he indulged in moral sloganizing when hard-headed reasoning was needed. To the Left’s call for higher industrial prices, he restored: “our industry must give the village economy cheaper products that did the capitalists.” However gratifying morally, this did not answer Preobrazhenskii. At its worse, the ethical understanding led Bukharin to imagine the impossible: industrialization without scarcity or terrible burdens-a painless road to modernity.
Whatever the reason, his original economic program was already in trouble by 1926, the year industrial recovery drew to a close. Within months, he would begin to rethink and revise his policies, though his revised thinking would remain faithful to the general theoretical, political, and ethical arguments he had set out in 1924-26. Then, as before, policies as well as economic conditions would influence his proposals, if only because Bukharin and his ideas were now at the center of a political storm.




↑カール・ベルンガールドヴィチ・ラデック(ロシア語: Карл Бернга́рдович Ра́дек〔カルル・ラーデク〕[1], 1885年10月31日 - 1939年5月19日)は、ソビエト連邦の政治家。本名カロル・ゾベルゾーン(Karol Sobelsohn、Ка́роль Собельсо́н)ポーランド系ユダヤ人Polscy Żydzi
*1923年に、この民族ボルシェヴィズム路線でのドイツ革命失敗の責任者として失脚。1924年に中央委員の資格を失い、党中央に対する反対派としてトロツキーと提携する。1925年、(Коммунистический университет трудящихся Китая (КУТК)中国労動者孫逸仙共産主義大学)モスクワ中山大学Moscow Sun Yat-sen Universityの学長という政治的に無害なポストに任命されるが、共産主義アカデミーの席上で当時議論の的となっていた「一国社会主義」の理論を笑いものとし、さらにヨシフ・スターリンとニコライ・ブハーリンが進めていた中国への政策を批判した。そのため1927年の党大会で除名、シベリアへ追放された。1928年、同じ反対派のイヴァール・スミルガ、エフゲニー・プレオブラジェンスキーとともに中央執行委員会に送った手紙の中で、ラデックは自分の誤りを認めトロツキー派脱退を宣言し、1929年の夏に復党を許された。1937年に第2回モスクワ裁判に巻きこまれ、反革命陰謀のかどで10年の刑を受け、ヴェルフネウラリスクの強制収容所へ送られた。1939年、別の囚人に殺害された(享年53歳)。ニキータ・フルシチョフのスターリン批判においては、NKVDの陰謀だと認定されている。1988年にブハーリンらとともに名誉回復。

*1929年、OGPUの工作員・ブリュムキンがトルコに亡命していたトロツキーをひそかに訪ねたところ、捕らえられて処刑されたことがある。トロツキーがブリュムキンにラデック宛の小包を託したという状況証拠から、ラデックが密告したものと思われる。1937年の粛清裁判での判決が比較的軽かったことから見て、彼が他人(ブハーリンなど)を売った可能性が高い・・・第2回モスクワ裁判でラデックが死刑にならなかった理由について、元ソ連共産党員であるКакудзо Такая高谷覚蔵Kakuzo Takaya「Радек сыграл большую роль в том, чтобы заставить Америку одобрить Россию. Если Радека приговорили к смертной казни, Сталин знал об этом. опасность того, что дипломатические отношения между США и Россией окажутся на грани краха, потому что он купит сопротивление интимных евреев Соединенных Штатовアメリカをしてロシヤを承認せしめる為には、ラデックは大きな役割を演じたので、若しラデックを死刑に処したならば、アメリカの親密ユダヤ人の反感を買ひ、米露国交が破綻に瀕するといふ危険をスターリンが知つて居つたからであるRadek played a big role in getting America to approve Russia. If Radek was sentenced to death, Stalin was aware of the danger that the US-Russia diplomatic relations would be on the verge of collapse, because he would buy the opposition of the intimate Jews of the United States」との見解を示している。

*Ранняя карьера и политическая ориентация Радек очень похожи на Розу Люксембург, но различия в темпераменте отличают их друг от друга. Роза всю жизнь не любила Радека и, по-видимому, поверила слухам о том, что Радек украл доверенные ему профсоюзные фонды незадолго до отъезда из Польшиラデック初期の経歴や政治志向はローザ・ルクセンブルクとよく似ているが、気質の違いがこの二人を大きく分けている。ローザは終生ラデックのことを嫌い、ラデックがポーランドを発つ直前に預かっていた労働組合の資金を私したという噂も信じていたらしいRadek's early career and political orientation are very similar to those of Rosa Luxembourg, but the differences in temperament set the two apart. Rosa hated Radek all his life, and apparently believed the rumor that she had stolen the trade union funds that Radek had kept just before he left Poland.
*По словам Сталина, «язык управляет разумом Радека». В 1918 году он оценил, что «уверен в ярком интеллекте и политической честности Радека», но не поддерживал свою связь с Троцким в течение трех месяцевスターリンの言葉として「ラデックの理性を支配しているのは舌だ」というのがある。「自分はラデックの活気みなぎる知力と政治的な誠実を信頼している」と1918年に評価していたトロツキーとの提携は3ヶ月と保たなかったIn the words of Stalin, "It is the tongue that rules Radek's reason." In 1918 he assessed that he had "confidence in Radek's vibrant intellect and political honesty," but did not maintain his affiliation with Trotsky for three months.

↑Георгий Пятаковゲオルギー(ユーリ)・ピャタコフЮрій П'ятаков(ウクライナ人українці ) Первый Секретарь ЦК КПУウクライナ党第一書記Перший Секретар ЦК КПУ(37年に銃殺刑=享年46歳)88年に名誉回復。

Ленин был в состоянии говорить и читать по- французски, по- немецки и по- английски в дополнение к русским. Он заботится о своем здоровье и регулярно занимается спортом, предпочитает плавание, охоту и езду на велосипеде и развил страсть к горной ходьбе в Швейцарии. Домашние животные и вкус, особенно кошки были лелеять. Он ненавидел беспорядок, его стол всегда был прибран, карандаши оставались острыми, и он требовал полной тишины во время работы.  Ленин указывает, что Ленин был «крайне сдержанный о своих личных желаний» и , таким образом , был «простой, почти аскетический образ жизни . »  По словам Фишера, Ленин имел лишь «минимальное» тщеславие и поэтому ненавидел для себя культ личности , но признавал, что он может быть полезен для объединения коммунистического движенияレーニンはロシア語の他にフランス語、ドイツ語、英語を話し、また読むことができた。健康に気を遣って定期的な運動を心がけており、水泳、狩猟、サイクリングを好んだほか、スイスでは山歩きへの情熱を育んだ。ペットも好み、特にネコを可愛がっていた。乱雑さを嫌い、デスクは常に片付けられ、鉛筆は尖った状態に保たれており、仕事中には完全な静寂を要求した。パイプスは、レーニンが「私的な欲望について極端に自制的」であり、したがって「質素な、ほとんど禁欲的と言える生活スタイル」を送っていたと指摘している。フィッシャーによればレーニンは「最低限度」の虚栄心しか持っておらず、したがって自らに対する個人崇拝も忌み嫌っていたが、それが共産主義運動の統一化に有益である可能性は認めていたLenin was able to speak and read French, German, and English in addition to Russian. He cares about his health and exercises regularly, prefers swimming, hunting and cycling and has developed a passion for mountain walking in Switzerland. Pets also taste, especially cats had cherish. He hated clutter, his desk was always tidied up, his pencils were kept sharp, and he demanded complete silence during work. Lenin points out that Lenin was "extremely restrained about his private desires" and thus had a "simple, almost austere lifestyle. " According to Fisher, Lenin had only a "minimal" vanity, and therefore hated cult of personality for himself , but acknowledged that it could be beneficial to the unification of the communist movement.

Что касается личности Ленина, Сервисы иногда описывали ее как «капризную и нетерпеливую», а Пайпс описывал ее как «полную неприязнь к людям». о доброте Ленина к людям, особенно к детям. По свидетельству биографов, Ленин не терпел контраргументации, часто отвергая откровенные мнения, отличные от него, и игнорируя неудобные для его взгляда факты. Он крайне неохотно шел на компромисс и был очень редко допускают ошибкиレーニンの性格について、サーヴィスは時に「気まぐれで短気」であったと述べ、パイプスは「徹底的な人間嫌い」であったと評したが、歴史家クリストファー・リードはパイプスの見解に反論し、レーニンが人間、特に子供に対して親切心を示した例は数多く存在すると指摘している。複数の伝記作家によれば、レーニンは反論されることを許容できず、しばしば自分と異なる率直な意見をはねつけたほか、自らの見解にとって不都合な事実を無視し、妥協することを極度に嫌い、間違いを認めることは非常に稀だったRegarding Lenin's personality, Services sometimes described it as "capricious and impatient," and Pipes described it as "a thorough dislike of humans." Historian Christopher Reed said in Pipes' view. He argued, pointing out that there are many examples of Lenin's kindness towards humans, especially children. According to biographers, Lenin could not tolerate a counter-argument, often rejecting frank opinions that differed from him, and ignoring facts that were inconvenient for his view. He was extremely reluctant to compromise and was very rare to admit mistakes.

Библиотека Ленина Ленин говорил на девяти языках Помещение рядом с конференц-залом Наркомата — личная библиотека Ленина, в которой около 5000 томов. Ленин использовал книги гораздо шире, но по его собственному желанию часть его личной коллекции была передана в дар совхозу имени Горького и другим библиотекам, а также 2000 томов - Институту марксизма-ленинизма. Более 500 из этих книг имеют надписи на полях. Книги в этой библиотеке, также размещенные на современных модульных стеллажах, демонстрируют удивительную широту интересов Ленина. Помимо книг на русском языке, в общей сложности есть книги в 20 странах, в том числе на английском, немецком, французском, итальянском, испанском, польском и болгарском языках. Говорят, что Ленин свободно говорил на девяти языках. Он свободно говорит на немецком, английском и французском языках, хорошо читает и переводит по-польски и по-итальянски, понимает шведский и чешский языки. Кроме того, он знал латынь и греческий язык, которые выучил в школе. На нескольких съездах Коминтерна Ленин выступал на иностранном языке. Например, на IV конгрессе Коминтерна он выступил с докладом на немецком языке под названием «Пять лет русской революции и перспективы мировой революции»レーニンのライブラリー・レーニンはおよそ9ヶ国語につうじていたー人民委員会議の会議室のさらに隣の部屋が、レーニンの個人的ライブラリーになっていて、約5千冊の書物が保管されている。レーニンの利用した書物はもっと多かったが、彼の意思で個人的蔵書の1部は、マルクス・レーニン主義研究所への2千冊をはじめ、ゴルキ国営農場その他の図書館に寄贈された。これらの本のうち、余白に書き込みがある本が500冊以上ある。このライブラリーの書物も、モダンなユニット式の書架に収まっているが、これらの書物はレーニンの驚くべき関心の広さを物語っている。ロシア語の書物の他に、英、独、仏、伊、スペイン、ポーランド、ブルガリアの各国語を含めて、全部で20カ国の書物が並んでいる。レーニンは、9ヶ国語に通じていたという。ドイツ語、英語、フランス語を流暢に話し、ポーランド語とイタリア語を十分に読みこなし、翻訳できたほか、スウェーデン語とチェコ語を理解した。加えて学校時代に学んだラテン語とギリシャ語を知っていたのである。コミンテルンの何度かの大会で、レーニンは外国語で演説している。例えばコミンテルン第4回大会では「ロシア革命5年と世界革命の展望」と題した報告をドイツ語で行っているLenin's Library The room next to the meeting room of the People's Commissariat, where Lenin spoke about nine languages, is Lenin's personal library, which contains about 5,000 books. . Lenin's use of books was much larger, but on his will part of his personal collection was donated to the Gorki State Farm and other libraries, as well as 2,000 volumes to the Institute of Marxism-Leninism. More than 500 of these books have writing in the margins. The books in this library, also housed in modern modular shelving, demonstrate the surprising breadth of Lenin's interest. In addition to books in Russian, there are books in 20 countries in total, including English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Polish, and Bulgarian. Lenin was said to be fluent in nine languages. He spoke German, English and French fluently, read and translated Polish and Italian well, and understood Swedish and Czech. He also knew Latin and Greek, which he learned in school. At several Comintern conventions, Lenin spoke in a foreign language. For example, at the 4th Congress of the Comintern, he gave a report in German entitled "Five Years of the Russian Revolution and Prospects for the World Revolution".

Ленин признавал, что он был этнически русским, но считал другие европейские страны, особенно Германию, культурно превосходящими его родную Россию и описывал Россию как « культурно превосходящую». Это была самая неразвитая, средневековая, постыдная страна. слаборазвитая страна всех азиатских стран . " Он также был разочарован отсутствием дисциплины и усердия в русских людях, надеясь, что с подросткового возраста Россия станет более западной и европейской в ​​культуреレーニンは自分は民族的にロシア人であると認識していたが、母国ロシアよりも他のヨーロッパ諸国、特にドイツは文化的に優れていると考えており、ロシアを「アジア諸国の中でも最も未開で、中世風の、恥ずべき後進国」と評していた。また、ロシア国民に見られる規律や勤勉さの欠如に苛立っており、青年期からロシアが文化的により西洋的・ヨーロッパ的になることを望んでいたLenin recognized that he was ethnically Russian,but considered other European countries, especially Germany, to be culturally superior to his native Russia,and described Russia as " It was the most undeveloped, medieval, shameful underdeveloped country of all Asian nations . " He was also frustrated by the lack of discipline and diligence found in the Russian people, hoping that from adolescence Russia would become more Western and European in culture.

