
当ブログはトロント在住、日系一世カナダ人サミー・山田(48)おっさんの「独り言」です。まさに「個人日記」。1968年11月16日東京都目黒区出身(A型)・在北米30年の日系カナダ人(Canadian Citizen)・University of Toronto Woodsworth College BA History & East Asian Studies Major トロント在住(職業記者・医療関連・副職画家)・Toronto Ontario「団体」「宗教」「党派」一切無関係・「政治的」意図皆無=「事実関係」特定の「考え」が’正しい’あるいは一方だけが’間違ってる’いう気は毛頭なし。「知って」それぞれ「考えて」いただれれば本望(^_-☆Everybody!! Let's 'Ponder' or 'Contemplate' On va vous re?-chercher!Internationale!!「世界人類みな兄弟」「平和祈願」「友好共存」「戦争反対」「☆Against Racism☆」「☆Gender Equality☆」&ノーモア「ヘイト」(怨恨、涙、怒りや敵意しか生まない)Thank you very much for everything!! Ma Cher Minasan, Merci Beaucoup et Bonne Chance 

☭Бухарин: Политическая биография: A Political Biography, 1888-1938 by Stephen F. Cohen☭ブハーリンとボリシェヴィキ革命 政治的伝記1888〜1938 | スティーヴン・F・コーエン/第6章:ブハーリン主義と社会主義への道CHAPTER VI: Bukharinism and the Road to Socialism④



彼らがこの自滅的な戦術をなぜ選んだのかは一種の謎である。ブハーリンが指摘した通り、国家資本主義をめぐる以前の論争は「全く別の問題」だったのである。それは、ソヴェト経済の中に私的大資本を存在させることをめぐるものだったのであって、国有工業―これについてはレーニンは「一貫して社会主義的な型の」ものだとしていたーの性質をめぐる論争ではなかった。反対派は明らかに、自らの批判の帰結を察知できなかったのである。なぜなら、ブハーリンが問うたように、もし国有工業企業が国家資本主義的なものだとしたら「われわれの希望はどこにあるのか?」ということになるからである。反対派の議論は、ボリシェヴィキ体制は「搾取的体制であってプロレタリア独裁では全くない」ということになるだろう。もしこれが真実だったなら「私は党を捨て、新党を結成し、現存のソヴェト権力に反対して第三革命を宣伝するところだろう・・・」とブハーリンは劇的な修辞法でつけ加えた。ボリシェヴィキの観点にたつなら、ブハーリンの議論は批判の余地のないものだった。なぜなら、それは指導部と反対派に共通する決定的な仮定に依拠していたからである。その仮定とは、「ヘーゲルの言葉でいうなら、社会主義は「現存している」わけではないが「生成しつつある」―im Werden Становлениеであるーのであって、既に強力な基礎―わが社会主義的国有工業―をもっている」ということであった。ブハーリンはこのやり取りに用意に勝利した。
*Werden (Philosophie)生成在哲学中指存在物变化的可能性Becoming (philosophy)In philosophy, becoming is the possibility of change in a thing that has being, that exists.

*代数(だいすう)とは特定の数の代わりとして用いられる文字・記号などのこと+代数学(だいすうがく、algebra)Алгебраは、数学の一分野で、もとは「代数」 の名の通り、数の代わりに文字を用いて方程式の解法などを研究する学問である[1]。現代の代数学はその研究範囲を大きく広げ、半群・群・環・多元環(代数)・体・束などと呼ばれる代数系を研究する学問(抽象代数学)となった。代数学の考え方は、解析学や幾何学等にも浸透しており、数学の諸分野に共通言語を提供する役割を果たしている。


*修正主義(しゅうせいしゅぎ、英: Revisionism)Révisionnisme (marxisme)は、マルクス主義運動の分野では、マルクス主義の原則とされるものに対して、重大な「修正」を加える意見や思想などに対して使われている用語である[1]。この用語は多くの場合は批判や蔑称として使われたもので、その「修正」はマルクス主義を放棄したもの、あるいは異端であると見なされた。逆に修正や改良を拒否する者への批判は「教条主義」と言う。

重要なマルクス主義的概念が一つ、ソヴェト社会主義への漸進的道についての彼の理論に組み込まれるべきものとして残っていた。階級闘争の概念である。それは、非社会主義経済の搾取的性質についての漠然としたエーテル的観念だったが、1917-20年の事態によって、内戦を婉曲にいった言葉になっていた。それはボリシェヴィキ・イデオロギーの中でも最もジョルジュ・ソレル(ジョルジュ・ソレル(Georges Sorel、1847年11月2日 - 1922年8月29日)Жорж Эжен Соре́ль は、革命的サンディカリスムのフランス人の哲学者、社会理論家)風のイメージであって、社会を非和解的階級戦の戦場、一方のみが勝者となれる論争に引き裂かれた土俵として描きだした。ソヴェトの20年代の文脈では、階級闘争は潜在的に爆発性の固定観念であって、国内平和のアンチ・テーゼであった。階級闘争が引続き存在し不可避的に強まっているという説は、当然にも、またしばしば、ボリシェヴィキ左派とりわけその反クラーク的翼から述べられた。他方、ブハーリンは、このドグマの解釈に二つの改訂を施すことによって、それを稀薄化させようとした。
*エーテル体(エーテルたいÄtherleib、英: etheric body)Эфирное телоは、神智学の『シークレット・ドクトリン』では、「魂の体、創造主の息」[1]であり、ソフィア・アカモート[2]が最初に顕在化した形態[3]、7つの粗大順の物質(4つは顕在化し3つは未顕在)のうち最も粗大で塑性の物質であり物質の骨格であるとしている。アストラル光とも。初期の霊的世界において蛇として象徴されたものであり、ギリシア語の「ロゴス」に相当し[4]、厳密にはアイテールとエーテルは異なるが、物質が存在する前は、現在のアカシャやアイテールと同様の「父であり母」であったと説明している[5]。活力体、生気体 (vital body) とも呼ばれる。人智学で知られるルドルフ・シュタイナーは、生命体 (Lebensleib)、生命力体 (Lebenskraftleib)、形成力体 (Bildekräfteleib) とも呼んだ。
*エーテル (aether, ether, luminiferous aether)Эфир (физика) とは、光の波動説において宇宙に満ちていると仮定されるもので、光が波動として伝搬するために必要な媒質を言う。ロバート・フックによって命名された。特殊相対性理論と光量子仮説の登場などにより、エーテルは廃れた物理学理論だとされている[2]。



Most important, however, was his argument that the kulak alone did not represent a serious economic or political threat. While rural capitalists might temporarily flourish, they could do so only alongside the expanding state sector, whose “commanding heights” contained and directed their economic development. For this reason, insisted Bukharin, the advantageous policy of encouraging kulak production was not in itself dangerous. And “in the end, the kulak’s grandson will probably thank us for having treated his grandfather this way.” The political threat, if misunderstood, was more serious, since it involved whether or not the kulak could exercise influence and leadership over the peasant masses, particularly the middle peasantry. The danger, Bukharin explained, was in direct proportion to rural satisfaction or dissatisfaction with Soviet power. When official malpractices generated widespread dissatisfaction, “the middle peasant sees in the kulak, expressing it particularly, a father-benefactor. . . .” Occasional ‘kulak successes in local soviet and cooperative elections were attributable to this kind of middle-peasant disgruntlement, which, if allowed to become a mass phenomenon, would give the kulak hegemony over an “overwhelming majority of the population.”                
In describing the middle peasant an the “most important stratum” and “basic mass,” Bukharin wanted to convey three related ideas to the party. The first was wanted sociological: the destruction of landlords and kulaks and the redistribution of land during “our great agrarian revolution” had resulted in the “middle-peasantication of the countryside”-the middle peasant had become the majority figure on the land. The second was economic: middle-peasantry economics were the backbone of Soviet agriculture. And, finally, a political idea: the allegiance of the middle peasant was the pivotal factor in the contest for hegemony in the countryside. These, Bukharin thought, were empirical observations pointing to an irrefutable conclusion: “the basic line of our policy consists in winning this stratum to the side of Soviet power.” In his mind, peasantry policy meant policy toward the middle peasantry. And on this equation, he built his theory of socialism and the peasant.               
Bukharin saw the middle peasant standing at a historic “crossroads.” One led to capitalism ( kulak economics ), the other to socialism. Opposition spokesmen had implied that middle-peasant undertakings were capitalist, a suggestion Bukharin contested vigorously. In Marxist analysis, he explained, the middle peasant was a “simple commodity producer”: “the engages in trade but he does not exploit wage labor.” Therefore, he was not a capitalist, but, in class terms, petty bourgeois. Under capitalism, petty bourgeois economics tended to grow into capitalist ones, the simple commodity producers becoming a small capitalist, or, failing that, a proletarian. In Soviet society, however, his future evolution was open, because there existed the possibility of a “noncapitalist path.” This unprecedented option was conceivable because, as Bukharin put it, the peasant had “two souls”: a “laboring soul,” residing in the small owner who “has a certain respect for the large owner.” Which soul would prevail depended on the “social economic context.”                            
It is clear that for Bukharin the middle peasant had become not just the “most important stratum” but a symbol of the peasantry as a class. The anti-tendency within the middle peasant’s “soul” was characteristic of the peasantry generally, “even the laboring peasant.” This unorthodox association found reflection in Bukharin’s habit of dropping “middle” and speaking of “the peasantry,” as, for instance, when he elaborated on the worldwide “struggle” for the peasantry’s soul.” Similarly, neither his analogy with the “landlord-capitalist bloc” nor his contention that the Soviet worker-peasant smychka originated in a “combination of proletarian revolution and peasant war” left room for traditional Bolshevik differentiation between peasant strata.             
But the clearest evidence of his tendency to think in terms of an undifferentiated village population was his conception of NEP Russia as “basically a two-class society.” Despite pro forma references to three classes, the theory of a “two-class society”-social order based on the “collaboration of two laboring classes”-revealed his underlying understanding of the transition period and its main problems: “the problem of the city and the countryside, industry and agriculture, large and small production, the rational plan and anarchistic market, and . . . relations between the working class and the peasantry.” What each of these dualisms omitted, his opponents quickly pointed out, was any perception of capitalist economies and the “new bourgeoisie,” particularly the kulak. Equating the middle peasant with at least the “peasant masses,” however, was theoretically indispensable to Bukharin. It explained, for example, his objection to Bolsheviks who urged “neutralization” rather than a “firm alliance” with the middle peasant. This, too, was contrary to Bolshevism’s “historic task” of “guaranteeing to every small peasant the possibility of participating in the construction of socialism.”                       
The reverse side of class theory was economic. In Marxist thought, social classes evolved and acted as representatives of different forms of economic activity, each prevalent in different historical societies. Collective labor, epitomized by the industrial factory, was embryonically socialist, while private ownership and individual labor were thought to be incompatible with socialism. Of Bukharin’s two “basic classes,” the proletariat therefor should have posed no theoretical or organizational problem, since it represented the economic future of socialism. But in 1925, determined to counteract what they regarded as the majority’s idealization of NEP, the Zinovievists suddenly inferred that Soviet state industry was not socialist but state capitalist.             
Why they chose this self-defeating tactic is something of a mystery. As Bukharin pointed out, the earlier controversy over state capitalism had been “another question entirely.” It had concerned the presence of large private capital in the Soviet economy and not the nature of nationalized industry, which Lenin described as being of “a consistently socialist type.” The opposition apparently failed to perceive the ramification of its own criticism, because, as Bukharin asked, if state industrial enterprises were state capitalist, “where is our hope?” It would mean that the Bolshevik régime was an “exploiting system and not at all a proletarian dictatorship.” Were this true, he added with dramatic flourish, “I would quit the party, begin building a new party, and begin propagating a third revolution against the present Soviet power. . . .” From the Bolshevik point of view, his argument was unassailable, because it rested on an assumption crucial to leadership and opposition alike: “speaking in Hegelian language, socialism does not ‘exist’ here but it ‘is becoming,’ is im Werden, and it already has a strong foundation, our socialist state industry.” Bukharin won this exchange easily.
*Становление (Наука логики)Становление в работе Гегеля «Наука логики» — движение исчезновения бытия в ничто, а ничто в бытии.                                                  
Peasant agriculture was a more troublesome matter. The Bolsheviks had come to power believing in the doctrinal sanctity and economic superiority of large-scale, collective agricultural production. The1917 revolution, however, had the opposite effect, breaking up large estates and creating millions of new, minuscule peasant holdings. War communism witnessed a brief and unsuccessful campaign for various types of collective farms; but with the coming of NEP, the immediate feasibility of such endeavors on a broad scale was dismissed as another illusion, though the verbal commitment to a future collectivized agriculture continued, most pronouncedly among Left Bolsheviks. After 1921, official disinterest combined with peasant hostility to reduce the amount of land under collective cultivation to around a per cent in 1925. That same year, however, in connection with the debates over “building socialism,” and with the desire to offset the growth of rural capitalism by establishing a socialist “commanding height” in the countryside, collective farming again came under discussion and found a small group of enthusiastic supporters in the party.                                                      
 Proponents of the collective farm suffered a resounding ( though temporary ) defeat, no one contributing to this defeat and the generally “anti-collective farm mood” in the party more than Bukharin. Not all of his remarks were flatly negative. He insisted, for example, that Bolsheviks still believed that large enterprises were “more rational than small ones” in agriculture as well as in industry. And, conceding that “the collective farm in a powerful thing,” he held out the prospect that some poor and landless peasants, because of their destruction, would “gravitate” spontaneously toward collective farming. But, he added, even where these lowest strata were concerned, the peasant’s traditional proprietary soul-“old habits inherited from grandfathers and fathers”-worked against the acceptability of collective farming. It was therefore “scarcely possible to think that the collective farm movement will capture the whole wide mass of poor peasants.”                                                    
That the movement would have any success whatsoever in the foreseeable future, among Soviet Russia’s “basic peasant mass”-the middle peasantry-was unthinkable. This was for Bukharin “an arithmetic truth.” Collectivized agriculture was at best a distant prospect, whose eventually depended on the ability of voluntary, mechanized, self-sustaining collective farms to prove their economic superiority in competition with private farming on the open market. It would be mistake, he warned to create collective farms artificially; they would become “parasitic Communist institutions,” living off state funds and serving only to reinforce the thing. Having set out the obvious case against collective farming, Bukharin proceeded to abandon an entrenched Bolshevik assumption: “Collective economics is not the main highway, not the high road, not the chief path by which the peasantry will come to socialism.” To emphasize its importance, he restated this pronouncement almost verbatim at four suspicious official gatherings in March and April of 1925, one of them the inaugural conference of collective farmers.           
Since state farms were even less attractive to the peasant, Bukharin’s declaration meant that socialism in the village would “not begin . . . from the angle of production.” Given the Marxist understanding of the decisive role of the mode of production in shaping social relations, this was a novel assertion. How, then, would the peasant come to socialism? Bukharin answered: through “ordinary cooperatives-marketing, buying, credit.” Here he was greatly dependent for theoretical legitimacy on Lenin’s “original theory of “agrarian-cooperative” socialism,” the “Leninist plan which was bequeathed to us as directives, as a route, as a high road. . . .” For although an official rehabilitation of the cooperatives had been under way since 1921, they remained in the eyes of many Bolsheviks essentially capitalist institutions. To Bukharin, however, they were the key to the peasantry’s “noncapitalist evolution,” and the “high road to socialism” in the countryside. His program, as he pointed out regularly from 1924 onward, was also “a wager on the cooperatives.”
The common wisdom of NEP taught that the proprietary interest of the peasant had to be accommodated. This, according to the peasant “as a small owners” and gave him “immediate benefits”:  

If it is a credit cooperative, he should receive cheaper credit, if it is a marketing cooperative, he should sell product more advantageously and emerge from this the gainer. If he wants to by something, he should do it through his cooperative and . . . receive a better and cheaper commodity.
In pursuing his private interests, this peasant would discover that “it is more advantageous to be organized in cooperatives . . . than to remain outside cooperatives,” and would thus become amenable to other collective ventures, including collective farming.
But agricultural cooperatives also performed a higher function in Bukharin’s scheme of things. With their “innumerable threads leading to the individual peasant undertakings,” they served as “the organized bridge . . . by which state industry is united with the peasant economy.” In other words:
the intermediate link between the proletarian city and the laboring village in the cooperative, which stands precisely at the junction where the city and the village meet, embodying first of all the economic smychka between the working class and the peasantry. . . .                    

By their class association with state economic organs, cooperatives provided a means of “linking up,” through the market, centralized state industry and millions of scattered peasant economics, and of setting the latter on a socialist course. Calling upon yet another metaphor, Bukharin explained: “Our proletarian steamer, i.e., our state industry, will drag behind in first the cooperative; and the cooperative, which will be a barge heavier than this steamer, will drag behind millions of threads the enormous heavy barge of the whole peasantry.”
Few Bolshevik sensibilities were seriously offended by the suggestion that market and credit cooperatives, unlike collective farms, could appeal successfully to the peasant. They had done so on a very broad scale before the revolution. More novel, and to many shocking, was Bukharin’s contention that the whole “ladder” of these formerly bourgeois ( at best, petty bourgeois ) institutions would “grow into socialism,” that their growth was “the continuous and systematic growth of the cells of the future socialist society.” While continuing to profess optimism that “ordinary cooperatives” would one day lead the peasant to collective cultivation, his main point was: “we will come to socialism here through the process of circulation, and not directly through the process of production; we will come there through the cooperatives.” This, as a Stalinist critic later said, was “the alpha and omega of Bukharin’s cooperative plan.” It was controversial not only because it seemingly ignored the exalted role of production in Marxist thought, but because of the cooperatives long association with Russian populist socialism and Western Marxist revisionists.

*Ревизиони́зм (от англ. revision «пересмотр, изменение»)Ревизионизм (марксизм) — пейоративный термин, указывающий на отступления от исходных постулатов и выводов марксизма, который был распространен во внутрипартийных конфликтах марксистов XX века. В своем строгом и точном смысле обвинение в ревизионизме сводится к отказу от исходного для марксизма метода материалистической диалектики или утверждению неких взглядов, противоречащих ему. На практике обвинение в ревизионизме часто имело конъюнктурное содержание. Впервые оно было использовано в немецкой социал-демократии по отношению к концепции Эдуарда Бернштейна, объявившего о необходимости «ревизии» марксизма в новых исторических условиях.           
Bukharin tried to turn the suspect past of the cooperatives to his advantage, arguing as follows: Populists and Marxists who had projected a noncapitalist path for agriculture in the theory of “so-called ‘agrarian-cooperative socialism” were purveys of “a miserable reformist Utopia” because they had imagined a socialist evolution of cooperatives within the capitalist system. In fact, cooperatives existing alongside and dependent on capitalist banks, industry, and the bourgeois state inescapably “fall under the influence of capitalist economics”; they “gradually become fused to capitalist economic organization,” and finally themselves “are transformed into capitalist enterprises.” In short, “they grow into capitalism.” Through the same process, however, Soviet cooperatives, functioning within the dictatorship of the proletariat, relying on and connected with socialist industry and banks, inevitably “become part and parcel of the proletarian economic body.” “Independent of their will,” they must “grow into socialism”: “The cooperatives will grow into the system of our institution, just as in capitalist society they grew into the system of capitalist relation.” Thus agrarian-cooperatives socialism “becomes a reality under the dictatorship of the proletariat.”                  
Bukharin’s theory of NEP as the road to socialism rested heavily on this analogical reasoning. Posting the cooperative as the vehicle of transition, it enabled him to argue that, again paralleling the process in capitalism society, ‘the small owner inevitably will grow into our state-socialist system. . . .” This theory of “growing in” clearly derived from his decade-old conception of modern state capitalism, in which a dominant state sector absorbs and subordinates smaller and formerly autonomous economics units through a centralized amalgam of bank and finance capital. Indeed, his earlier implicit revision of the Marxist proposition that the productive base of society governs its superstructure was now made explicit in his discussion of the Soviet case. The proletarian state, he reasoned was “nor merely a political superstructure,” but, because it included the “economic commanding heights,” a “constituent part of the productive relations of Soviet society, i.e., a part of the “base.” Hence, “the originality of the relationship between base and superstructure” in Soviet society: “the ‘secondary’ ( the superstructure ) regulates the ‘primary’ ( the base ). . . .” This logic underlay Bukharin’s argument that the seething, unorganized economy under socialist influence.” Given the “socialist commanding heights,” Soviet petty bourgeois and cooperative economics would evolve along socialist lines. More specifically, it rationalized his insistence that no separate “commanding height” ( the collective farm, for example ) was required in agriculture: “the commanding height in the countryside . . . is the city.”                           
The essential mechanism in this “growing in” process was the Soviet banking and credit system. The “threads” of financial and credit dependency assured the economic hegemony of the state sector, “knitting” nonsocialist organizations to the socialist sector and creating a “ ‘community of interest’” between cooperatives and “the credit organs of the proletarian state.” Faith in the economic omnipotence of the state’s bank credit “commanding height” brought Bukharin to his most controversial conclusion: “even the kulak cooperative [ credit cooperatives ] will grow into our system.” Anticipating the objections this idea would provoke, he first broached it tentatively in the spring of 1925. A few weeks later, however, summing up his cooperative theory, he wrote with greater certainly:
the basic network of our cooperative peasant organization will consist of cooperative cells not of a kulak but of a “laboring” type, cells growing into the system of our general state organs and thus becoming links in a single chain of socialist economy. On the other hand, the kulak cooperative nests will in exactly the same way, through the banks, etc., grow into this same system, but they will be to a certain extent an alien body. . . . If it warns to prosper, it must inevitably be linked . . . with state economic organs; if . . . will deposit its spare cash in our banks in order to receive a fixed interest. Even if their own banking organizations should arise . . . they unavoidably would have to be linked with the powerful credit institutions of the proletarian state, which have at their disposal the country’s basic credit resources. In any event, the kulak and the kulak cooperative will have nowhere to go, for the general patterns of development in our country has been determined beforehand at the system of the proletarian dictatorship. . . .
Four years later, this passage would be cited as supreme evidence of Bukharin’s heresy.

One important Marxist concept, that of class struggle, remained to be integrated into his theory of the evolutionary road to Soviet socialism. From a vaguely ethereal notion about the exploitative nature of nonsocialist economics, it had been transformed by the events of 1917 to 1920 into a euphemism for civil war. The most Sorelian image in Bolshevik ideology, it pictured society as a battlefield of warring and irreconcilable classes, a divided, strife-ridden arena in which only a single victor could emerge. In the context of the Soviet twenties, class struggle was a potentially explosive idée fixe, the antithesis of civil peace. References to its continuing presence and inevitable intensification came naturally and frequently from the Bolshevik Left, particularly its anti-kulak wing. On the other side, Bukharin tried to defuse the dogma by making two revision in its understanding.
First, he maintained that the advent of Soviet society made possible a new relationship between antagonistic classes: ‘the dictatorship of the proletariat serves as an envelope for a certain ‘collaboration of classes,’ which expresses the unity of the social whole. . . .” This proposition combined two of Bukharin’s basic ideas. Soviet society ( and its economy ) was a single entity or “unity of opposite,” a truth he thought the Left did not perceive: “Preobrazhenskii sees the contradiction but does not see the unity of the national economy, he sees the struggle but he does not see the collaboration. . . .” Social “unity” implied a significant degree of class harmony or collaboration, which for Bukharin meant that the proletariat and the peasantry were joined in a maximum economic collaboration in which the new bourgeoisie could participate “within limits” to perform a “socially useful function.” Thus, economic class collaboration prevailed over, or at least tempered, the disruptive aspects of class struggle.
Collaboration did not mean, Bukharin explained in his second revision, that class struggle had ended in Soviet Russia. Rather, it meant that its previous violent forms-“the mechanical ‘knocking out of teeth’”-no longer applied, and that class struggle now expressed itself as “an economic competition” between socialist ( state and cooperative ) enterprises and capitalist ones. In this ‘unprecedented and extremely original” process, socialist victory appeared in many guises: in the displacement of private trade through market competition; in providing the peasant with cheaper credit than did the village usurer; and, generally, in winning over the ‘soul’ of the peasantry. In all respects, the new class struggle differed from the old in being “peaceful” and “bloodless”; it was conducted “without the clanging of metal weapons.” To war against the private merchant, Bukharin cited as an example, was “not to trample on him and to close his shop, but . . . to produce and to sell cheaper and better . . . than he.” Cheaper and better goods, cheaper and larger credit were “the weapon we should bring to . . . our struggle with the exploiting elements in the countryside.”                                  
Both revisions were expressed in angry objections to the idea that socialist development presupposed a deepening of class conflict, particularly in the countryside. Conceding that class struggle might intensify sporadically in the near future. Bukharin insisted progress meant “the class struggle would begin to subside,” begin “dying out.” Incidents of violent confrontation would not proliferate, but “become ever more rare and finally will disappear without a trace.” Above all, he denounced the argument that the party should “kindle the class struggle” rather than seek its “softening.” As he declared at a party conference in 1925; “Can it be said that our general line, the Bolshevik line . . . consists in a conscious forcing of the class struggle? I do not think so. . . .” Or, as he said elsewhere: “I am not at all in favor of sharpening the class war in the countryside.” In his mind, movement toward socialism presupposed an easing of class conflict.
Rendering the class struggle as a depersonalized competition between economic forms capped Bukharin’s evolutionary theory and resolved what seemed to be its internal contradiction. Marxist socialism anticipated a planned marketless economy, but Bukharin’s program called fro “economic growth on the basis of market relations.” To reconcile the two proposition, he again referred analogically to capitalist societies where, through market competition, “large production finally ousts small, medium capital retracts before larger capital . . . the number of competition decreases,” and there is “a vanquishing of the market by the market itself, free competition changing into monopoly. . . .” The process would be replicated within the NEP framework. As larger and more efficient socialist units displaced private capitalists from their strongholds in retail and wholesale trade, “we will outgrow the market” and approach a planned economy: “Through the struggle on the market . . . through competition, state and cooperative enterprises will oust their competitor, i.e., private capital. In the end, the development of market relations destroys itself . . . and sooner or later the market itself will die off. . . .” The irony was dialectical: “It turns out that we will come to socialism precisely through market relations. . . .”
Whatever else, Bukharin’s theory was optimistic. Within the discouraging economic pluralism of NEP society, it found an “organic evolutionary road” to socialism. The “rails” ware laid, no cataclysmic upheaval, no final solution, no “third revolution” was required; even the kulak’s fate was cheerfully predetermined. The essential assumption on which this optimism rested was that “ordinary” peasant cooperatives were socialist “cells.” Identifying market cooperatives with the socialist sector allowed Bukharin to cite the yearly proportionate increase in state and cooperative trade over private trade as proof of socialism’s advance, evidence “that despite the absolute growth of private capital . . . the socialist elements of our economy are growing relatively stronger all the time.” The same reasoning promised the spontaneous emergence of economic planning as the socialist sector “keeps increasing its strength and gradually absorbs the backward economic units. . . .” Together these assumption meant that the mere “growth of productive forces . . . in our conditions is movement toward socialism. . . .”
His theory, in the Bolshevik context, also was new because while embracing revolutionary ideals, it repudiated the prevailing revolutionary-heroic tradition and opted frankly for gradualism and reformism. By these methods rather than previous ones, said Bukharin, “step by step we will overcome all the evil which still exists here.” A fundamental alteration in Bolshevik thinking and practice was required. As he put it in 1925: “We now see clearly our road to socialism, which runs not where, or rather, not quite where we searched for it earlier.” Not only a “new economics” and new theory were needed, but a new politics as well.

