
当ブログはトロント在住、日系一世カナダ人サミー・山田(48)おっさんの「独り言」です。まさに「個人日記」。1968年11月16日東京都目黒区出身(A型)・在北米30年の日系カナダ人(Canadian Citizen)・University of Toronto Woodsworth College BA History & East Asian Studies Major トロント在住(職業記者・医療関連・副職画家)・Toronto Ontario「団体」「宗教」「党派」一切無関係・「政治的」意図皆無=「事実関係」特定の「考え」が’正しい’あるいは一方だけが’間違ってる’いう気は毛頭なし。「知って」それぞれ「考えて」いただれれば本望(^_-☆Everybody!! Let's 'Ponder' or 'Contemplate' On va vous re?-chercher!Internationale!!「世界人類みな兄弟」「平和祈願」「友好共存」「戦争反対」「☆Against Racism☆」「☆Gender Equality☆」&ノーモア「ヘイト」(怨恨、涙、怒りや敵意しか生まない)Thank you very much for everything!! Ma Cher Minasan, Merci Beaucoup et Bonne Chance 

[Avis de cette semaine=Neige]Major blizzard slamming Greater Toronto Area/Biden et Kishida tiendront une vidéoconférence【Omicron strain=Shades of Gray】Kishida says virus measures, defense top/Ukraine-Konflikt/Impacto del tsunami en Japón«Марш защи́тников Москвы́»통가 해저화산 폭발《Eyes Without a Face》

17.01.2021 Snow accumulation of 40 to 60 cm is expected in the hardest hit areas such as the GTA, Environment Canada said.

De 15 à 40 cm de neige pour plusieurs régions du sud de l'Ontario

2022-01-11 "Voix des victimes de la vaccination et discours sur la promotion des vaccins" Yoshinori Kobayashi Rising Vol.422 

[Avis de cette semaine] "Tondemo Memoirs" de Mokuren Izumi... Une interview d'une femme tombée malade après la vaccination a été diffusée sur NHK "News Watch 9" diffusée le 7 janvier. NHK a augmenté la pression d'inoculation en augmentant la peur de Corona, en élevant "Kobi Navi" et en créant un programme qui rejette unilatéralement l'opinion du groupe prudent de vaccination comme "faux". Cependant, c'est un rapport qui me fait sentir que j'ai enfin atteint la zone aquatique où la phytotoxicité ne peut être dissimulée et que j'ai commencé à "faire un alibi". Les reportages médiatiques sur la phytotoxicité des vaccins commencent à apparaître petit à petit. Pour ceux qui souffrent de réactions secondaires graves ou qui ont perdu leur famille à cause de la vaccination, déclarez que les avantages et l'innocuité du vaccin sont « prouvés » et ne laissez pas les amateurs donner leur avis à des experts. Comment les experts et les médias, y compris "Kobi Navi" qui a dit ça, répondez-vous ?
《Диктатор獨裁者독재자》Selon le Trésor de la langue française, une dictature est un régime politique dans lequel une personne ou un groupe de personnes exercent tous les pouvoirs de façon absolue, sans qu'aucune loi ou institution ne les limitent ; il faut préciser que même un régime autoritaire peut avoir des lois, des institutions, voire un parlement avec des députés élus, mais pas librement et ne représentant donc pas des contre-pouvoirs.

La neige (Écouter) est d'abord une forme de précipitations1,2 atmosphériques constituée de particules de glace ramifiées contenant de l'air qui sont la plupart du temps cristallisées3,4 et agglomérées en flocons4, de structure et d'aspect très variables. Снег — форма атмосферных осадков, состоящая из мелких кристаллов льда. Относится к обложным осадкам, выпадающим на земную поверхность.

Yamamoto Sayaka releases new digital single "Don't hold me back" Саяка Ямамото山本彩 (Sayaka Yamamoto, 14 июля 1993 г. ) — японская певица , автор песен и певица . Бывшая участница айдол-групп NMB48 и AKB48 .О́сака (яп. 大阪府 О:сака-фу) — префектура, расположенная в регионе Кинки на острове Хонсю, Япония.
Gentosha (sorti le 03/2012) Washizumu Réédition de l'aube Yoshinori Kobayashi
« Washizum » est un magazine trimestriel japonais publié par Gentosha et Shogakukan . Yoshinori Kobayashi , un artiste manga , était le rédacteur en chef responsable.

Daisaku Ikeda (池田 大作, Ikeda Daisaku?), né le 2 janvier 1928 à Ōmori (actuellement Ōta), est un intellectuel, philosophe et personnage religieux japonais. Troisième président de l’association bouddhiste Sōka Gakkai entre 1960 et 1979. Il fonde la Soka Gakkai internationale (SGI)1 le 26 janvier 1975, qui réunit les associations Soka de différents pays ; il en est encore le président à ce jour.創価学会が日蓮正宗から破門された理由(わけ)La raison pour laquelle la Soka Gakkai a été excommuniée par Nichiren Shōshū (raison) 

①Nov 10, 2021 — 創価学会池田大作氏の個人資産1兆8000億!Les actifs personnels de Soka Gakkai Daisaku Ikeda 1,8 trillion !②Dec 15, 2020 — 創価学会マネーがコロナで縮小、「財務=お布施が激減」も?【危機(2)縮む経済力】corona, "finances = diminution drastique des dons" ? [Crise (2) Diminution du pouvoir économique]

Le Chant des défenseurs de Moscou (en russe : Mарш защитников Москвы) est une marche militaire de l'Armée rouge composée à la veille de la bataille de Moscou. La musique en est de Boris Mokrousov, et les paroles d'Alekseï Sourkov.

①[January 16, 2022]Hitoshi Matsumoto's statement that "Omicron is not scary" causes controversy as expected. Hitoshi Matsumoto's theory about the expansion of Omicron strains "It's okay to have a feeling of herd immunity" "Vaccine side reactions are better ..."
Hitoshi Matsumoto (58) from the comedy duo "Downtown" will appear on Fuji TV's "Wide na Show" (10:00 before Sunday) on the 16th. He mentioned the rapid spread of infection due to the spread of the new variant of the new coronavirus "Omicron strain".The number of new infections of the new coronavirus nationwide reached 22,045 on the 14th, and the number of new infections per day exceeded 20,000 for the first time in about four and a half months since September 1st last year. The government has announced that it will shorten the waiting period required for close contacts as a measure against Omicron stocks. The waiting period, which had been 14 days so far, has been reduced to 10 days, and for essential workers working in the field such as medical care, long-term care, and police, cancellation will be permitted if a negative test is confirmed on the 6th day after waiting.
②[January 16, 2022]" I don't think Omicron is scary." Hitoshi Matsumoto didn't bend his theory. "I think the side reactions are tougher."
Hitoshi Matsumoto from the comedy duo downtown will appear on Fuji TV's "Wide na Show" broadcast on the 16th. He developed his theory about measures against the new coronavirus, whose infection has re-expanded due to the spread of the Omicron strain.
③[January 19, 2022]Hitoshi Matsumoto says "Omicron is not scary"
Downtown Hitoshi Matsumoto will appear at " Wide Na Show " on January 16th . The remarks about the new Corona at that time are controversial.The program of the day featured the spread of infection by the Omicron strain. As of the 14th, the number of newly infected people of the new Corona Will nationwide has exceeded 20,000 since September last year, and the government's response was reported.At the studio after watching the VTR, it was reported that the number of infected people and close contacts is increasing again in the entertainment world, and while talks were exchanged among the performers, Matsumoto said, "I talked about this Omicron. A long time ago, almost two months ago, I think I talked about the fact that Omicron shares weren't really scared at that time, and that they were afraid of becoming a state of emergency. It hasn't changed, and I think I'm steadily going to that bad scenario. "In addition, "Mr. Kishida and Mr. Koike also have a position, so I understand that I can not say loose things, but honestly I am an elderly person or a person with an underlying illness, and there is a reason. As long as I think about how to protect those who haven't been vaccinated, I think it's okay for other people to have herd immunity. ""However, in some countries, the number of deaths is actually increasing due to the expansion of Omicron strains, and even in Japan, there are ambiguous parts such as the standards and numbers for treating severely ill people are completely different between the national and local governments. Even so, it is obvious that if the "denominator" of the number of infected people increases rapidly as in the current situation, the number of seriously ill people and those who infect will naturally increase, so I feel uncomfortable with the feeling of "not scared" like Matsumoto. There are many people who said, "I'm not an expert, so I shouldn't say anything appropriate." "I have the power to communicate, so I should stop making irresponsible statements." It's out. "(Media writer)Since the disaster of Corona, the remarks of the talent and the indications of the Internet have often collided, but it seems that the repulsion is also great because the speaker was Matsumoto who has a great influence.
【Diktatoro独裁者Диктатор】A dictator is a political leader who possesses absolute power. A dictatorship is a state ruled by one dictator or by a small clique. The word originated as the title of a Roman dictator elected by the Roman Senate to rule the republic in times of emergency (see Roman dictator and justitium).

하마사키 아유미(浜崎 あゆみ, 본명: 하마사키 아유미(浜崎 歩), 1978년 10월 2일 ~ )는 일본의 가수이다. 팬들 사이에서는 아유(あゆ)라는 애칭으로도 불리고있다.Ayumi Hamasaki (japanisch 浜崎 あゆみ, bürgerlich 濱﨑 歩, Hamasaki Ayumi – Hiragana はまさき あゆみ; * 2. Oktober 1978 in Fukuoka, Präfektur Fukuoka) ist eine japanische Sängerin.Die Präfektur Fukuoka (japanisch 福岡県 Fukuoka-ken) ist eine der Präfekturen Japans. Sie liegt in der Region Kyūshū auf der Insel Kyūshū.

"Shades of Gray" is a song which was written by Barry Mann and Cynthia Weil, and recorded by The Monkees for their 1967 album Headquarters.몽키스(The Monkees)는 1966년에서 1971년까지 활동한 록, 팝 밴드다. 다만, 해산 뒤에도 음반 및 순회공연을 위해 재결합하기도 했다.

Shueisha (released 08/08/2008)Hitoshi Matsumoto's wrath red version Hitoshi Matsumoto [Author]
instructions:Beijing Olympics, indiscriminate murder, fake food, pension problems, chasing mature women, etc ...

Shueisha (released 08/08/2008) Hitoshi Matsumoto's wrath blue version Hitoshi Matsumoto [Author]
instructions: Female Anna, Manzai Ban, Mote Age, Sexless, Sharp Blood Type, etc ....

Daisaku Ikeda (japanisch 池田 大作 Ikeda Daisaku; * 2. Januar 1928 in Iriarai (heute: Ōta), Präfektur Tokio) ist ein japanischer Schriftsteller und seit 1975 Präsident der neu-religiösen Bewegung Sōka Gakkai International, einer Schwesterorganisation der japanischen neuen Religion Sōka Gakkai, deren Präsident er von 1960 bis 1979 war und deren Ehrenvorsitzender er ist. Ikeda ist Autor zahlreicher Romane, Essays und Gedichte, hält Vorträge und führt Dialoge, die sich den Themen Frieden, Kultur und Erziehung auf der Basis des Nichiren-Buddhismus widmen. Er ist seit einigen Jahren nicht mehr öffentlich in Erscheinung getreten.創価学会との関係についてÜber die Beziehung zu Soka Gakkai日蓮正宗は、平成3年(1991)11月、日蓮正宗の教義・信条に従わない創価学会を破門し、信徒組織を法華講に統一しましたIm November 1991 besiegte Nichiren Shōshū die Soka Gakkai, die nicht der Lehre und dem Glauben von Nichiren Shōshū folgt, und vereinte die Gemeinde in Hokkoko. 

①2010-12-09池田大作創価学会名誉会長を"怪物"に変えた「金」と「スキャンダル」Daisaku Ikeda „Geld“ und „Skandal“, der den Ehrenvorsitzenden von Soka Gakkai in ein „Monster“ verwandelte②Dec 13, 2016 —"池田大作の言葉は創価学会本部の代筆"と元職員が実名証言! だが告発本の広告出稿を全国紙が拒否„Die Worte von Daisaku Ikeda werden von der Soka Gakkai-Zentrale geschrieben“, sagte ein ehemaliger Mitarbeiter mit seinem richtigen Namen. Die überregionale Zeitung weigerte sich jedoch, eine Anzeige für das Anklagebuch zu schalten.

«Марш защи́тников Москвы́» («Песня защитников Москвы») — военный марш Красной Армии, появившийся в ходе Битвы за Москву. Слова Алексея Суркова, музыка Бориса Мокроусова.

(veröffentlicht im März 2018)Besiege Takeshis Frauentheorie Beat Takeshi [Autor]
Anweisungen: Streicheln der Ratefrauen! Schneiden Sie die berühmten Frauen ab, die Lärm gemacht haben! Sie gesteht auch ihren Skandal und ihre weibliche Reiseroute. Iss die „Wahrheit von Männern und Frauen“, die in der giftigen Zunge verborgen ist! !!
*Diktator je izraz kojim se označava autoritarni vladar neke države. Naziv potječe od institucije rimski diktatora u Rimskoj Republici, a u današnjem svijetu u pravilu ima pejorativno značenje. 

Pharrell Williams (Virginia Beach, SAD, 5. travnja 1973.) poznatiji kao Pharrell je američki izvođač, producent i modni dizajner.퍼렐 윌리엄스ファレル・ウィリアムス(Pharrell Williams, 1973년 4월 5일 )는 미국의 뮤지션이며 패션 디자이너이다.Gesaffelstein (prononcé en allemand : [ɡəˈzafl̩ʃtaɪ̯n]), de son vrai nom Mike Lévy, né le 24 juin 1985 à Lyon, est un musicien, disc jockey et compositeur français de musique électronique.

«Eyes Without a Face» (с англ. — «Глаза без лица») — второй сингл британского певца Билли Айдола из его второго студийного альбома Rebel Yell.Billy Idol (pravo ime William Michael Albert Broad), angleški rock glasbenik in pevec, * 30. november 1955, Middlesex, Združeno kraljestvo.

Ausgabe vom 23. Januar 2022 Takeshi Kitano steckt neben der TV-Entlassung in der Klemme, weil der Release des neuen Unterhaltungsfilms ungewiss ist. Die Veröffentlichung des neuen Films „Neck“ (vorläufiger Titel) von Beat Takeshi (Takeshi Kitano) mit dem Titel „Kitano of the World“ ist in Gefahr. „Die Dreharbeiten wurden Anfang Oktober letzten Jahres hochgefahren, aber der Film wurde aufgrund einer Reihe von Problemen nicht fertiggestellt.

Икэда Дайсаку (яп. 池田大作 ; род. 2 января 1928, Токио) — японcкий об­ще­ст­вен­но-по­ли­тический и ре­лигиозный дея­тель, буддистский философ.「池田大作破門」「創価学会破門」に至る真相だ!Вся правда о «Отлучении Дайсаку Икэда» и «Отлучении Сока Гаккай»!
①サヨナラ私の池田大作Прощай, мой Дайсаку Икеда, прощай, женщины 女たちの決別創価学会・公明党を糾すOB有志の会Сока Гаккай / Волонтерская ассоциация Komeito OB②信平レイプ裁判で再び問われる 池田大作創価学会名誉会長「女性スキャンダル」暴露事件第一号Дайсаку Икеда, почетный председатель Soka Gakkai, «Женский скандал» раскрывает дело № 1

Hate speech/仇恨言論/Hassrede/Язык вражды/הסתה/Sermo odiosus est locutio aut oratio discriminationis rassismi, sexus, opinionis politicae, status socialis vel oeconomici, originis classis, homophobiae vel transphobiae causa habita.

January 16, 2022 Hitoshi Matsumoto is on fire ... Controversy over unfounded theory about Corona's Omicron strain! Influential entertainers continue to cause social turmoil with irresponsible and harmful remarks
Hitoshi Matsumoto (58) of the comedy combination "Downtown" has developed a groundless theory about the new coronavirus at the Fuji TV series "Wide na Show" broadcast on January 16, 2022, and is controversial. .. Since the beginning of Corona, influential entertainers have continued to make irresponsible comments, but this time too, criticisms have been received. I summarized the remarks of Hitoshi Matsumoto and the reaction of 2ch.

Winter Storm Warning Southern Ontario 23 mins ago – Environment and Climate Change Canada Winter storm conditions continue today. Hazards: Total snowfall amounts of 40 to 60 cm. Local blowing snow due to winds gusting up to 60 km/h which will significantly reduce ...
Richmond Hill, ON Weather Mon., Jan. 17, 11:45 a.m. -5°C FEELS LIKE -13 Overcast
こんにちは☆朝、起きて外をみたら「吹雪」・・・たんまり積もっていました。いくぶん小降りになってきたので、これから雪かきをしてきます☆Tokyo, Japan Jan. 18 Tuesday 1:00 a.m. 3°C° Clear「津波」関連、みなさんの無事を祈っております☆ また後ほど サミー(「雪かき」半分終了(風が出てきて、また降りだした)なかなか終らないです苦笑)少し休憩してから再開☆)。 

①北野武Таке́сі Кіта́но⇒Akihitus明仁아키히토「すごい存在a great existence」「信仰に近いというか、神にかなり似た存在a person who is closer to faith, or more like a god」「日本の歴史を振り返ると天皇は『はなからいる』存在when looking back on the history of Japan, the emperor is a'being'」②ダウンタウンの松本人志と天皇ではどっちが偉いの?Which is greater, Downtown Hitoshi Matsumoto or the Emperor?③小林よしのりYoshinori Kobayashi『ゴーマニズム宣言スペシャル・天皇論Déclaration de Gomanisme Théorie de l'Empereur Spécial』④The Humanity Declaration (人間宣言Декларация о человеческой природе, Ningen-sengen인간선언)신격(神格)⇔「(昭和)天皇のあの莫大な財産は、天皇が働いて儲かったのではなくて、あれは人民の懐から奪い取ったものでありますThat enormous fortune of the (Showa)emperor was not that the emperor worked and made money, but that it was taken from the bosom of the people」(1946年、徳田球一Kyuichi Tokuda)

