
当ブログはトロント在住、日系一世カナダ人サミー・山田(48)おっさんの「独り言」です。まさに「個人日記」。1968年11月16日東京都目黒区出身(A型)・在北米30年の日系カナダ人(Canadian Citizen)・University of Toronto Woodsworth College BA History & East Asian Studies Major トロント在住(職業記者・医療関連・副職画家)・Toronto Ontario「団体」「宗教」「党派」一切無関係・「政治的」意図皆無=「事実関係」特定の「考え」が’正しい’あるいは一方だけが’間違ってる’いう気は毛頭なし。「知って」それぞれ「考えて」いただれれば本望(^_-☆Everybody!! Let's 'Ponder' or 'Contemplate' On va vous re?-chercher!Internationale!!「世界人類みな兄弟」「平和祈願」「友好共存」「戦争反対」「☆Against Racism☆」「☆Gender Equality☆」&ノーモア「ヘイト」(怨恨、涙、怒りや敵意しか生まない)Thank you very much for everything!! Ma Cher Minasan, Merci Beaucoup et Bonne Chance 

☭Lev Troțki★武装せる予言者・トロツキー 1879-1921 アイザック・ドイッチャー/The Prophet Armed: Trotsky, 1879-1921 by Isaac Deutscher/第九章:十月革命におけるトロツキーCHAPTER IX: Trotsky in the October Revolution②

さしあたり、彼は政治的フリーランサーとなっていた。いろんな接触をさがしもとめて、彼はマクシム・ゴーリキーの『Новая Жизньノヴァヤ・ジズニNovaya Zhizn』(新生活New Life)の編集部にとどまった。彼とゴーリキーは、すでに長いあいだたがいに知りあい、感嘆しあっていた。彼らの年齢、気質、考え方の相違は、ふたりの緊密な友情をさまたげるようなものであったが、しかしふたりはときおり協力した。ゴーリキーがレーニンから遠ざかったときには、ことにそうだった。このとき、ゴーリキーは、ボルシェヴィキとメンシェヴィキの中間にたっていた。そして、彼の大日刊紙で、両者をいましめ、革命的モラルを説いていた。彼は自分のようにトロツキーもまた、社会主義陣営内の反対者たちを和解させようとするだろうと信じて、彼の加盟を希望した。トロツキーのペトログラードにおける最初の発言は、彼に不吉な予感を感じさせた。彼の寄稿者たちは、「トロツキーはレーニンよりももっと悪いくらいだ」とささやきあった。それにもかかわらず、ゴーリキーは彼の編集部のスタッフとトロツキーの会合をとりはからった。彼らの目的はすっかり食いちがっていることは、すぐわかった。それは別としても、ゴーリキーの影響力は厳に文学的であった。彼の新聞は、ジャーナリスティックな価値は大いにあったとしても、世論を代表する団体や、革命に重大な関係のある組織との重要なつながりは、なにひとつもっていなかった。偉大な小説家も、マルクス主義の政治にあっては、子供臭いほどナイーヴだった。しかし、自分でたたき上げた有名な人に特有な無遠慮から、彼は政治的予言者の態度をとった。トロツキーがゴーリキーと協同するとしたら、それこそこの上もない奇妙なことであったろう。まして彼を政治的先導者としてうけいれるなどということは、いうまでもない。トロツキーは確固とした骨組をもつ組織、革命の現実のなかにしっかり碇をおろしているものを探しもとめていた。そして、これこそゴーリキーがあたえることのできないものであった。彼らの意見の交換は、むしろ苦渋なものとなった。トロツキーは、自分にのこされた道は、ただレーニンと手をにぎることだけだといって、これにけりをつけた。
*コミッサール(ロシア語: КомиссарCommissarは、ロシア語で政治官僚や行政官僚の両方に用いられる語。この肩書はソビエト連邦やピョートル1世時代からのロシアで用いられている。
*The Kornilov affairコルニーロフ事件, or the Kornilov putsch, was an attempted military coup d'état by the commander-in-chief of the Russian Army, General Lavr Kornilov, from 27–30 August (O.S., 10–13 September N.S.) 1917, against the Russian Provisional Government headed by Aleksander Kerensky and the Petrograd Soviet of Soldiers' and Workers' Deputies.
このころ、彼はシルク・モデルンCirque Moderneに彼の演壇を確立して、そこでほとんど毎晩のようにぼう大な群衆にむかって演説をした。円形演技場は身動きもできないほど、ぎっしりつまっていたので、彼はいつも聴衆の頭の上に演壇のほうへはこばれていった。そしてその壇上から、彼はこの集会に出ている、最初の結婚で生れた娘たちの興奮した眼差しをとらえるのだった。彼はいつものつき刺すように鋭い論理をもって、その日のトピックや革命の目的について語った。だが、彼はまた聴衆の精神、彼らのきびしい正義感、物事のハッキリした、鮮明な輪郭を見たいという彼らの渇望、彼らの不安、偉大な期待を吸いとった。のちになって彼は、自分があらかじめ十分に準備していた言葉や論理が、群衆の姿を見ただけでたちまち退いていき、自分にはおもいがけない、だが、聴衆の要求にぴったり合った、ほかの言葉や論理が、さながら彼の潜在意識からわきあがってくるように、どっと殺到したことを思い出している。すると、彼は、自分自身の考えや文句が騒然として湧きたつように殺到するのにペースを合わせようとし、まるで夢遊病者みたいに、自分がとつぜん目が覚めて、たおれてしまいはしないかと恐れながら、他人の声でも聞くように、自分自身の声に耳をかたむけた。ここでは、彼の政治は、職業的政治家の小さなサークルでの、個人的な反省や討論の蒸溜物ではなくなった。彼は彼のもちまえの熱した、黒い人間の集団と感情的に溶け合い、その媒体となった。彼はモデルン円技場と完全に一体となっていのたで、ソビエトが開かれるタブリーダ宮やスモルヌィ学園へもどっていって、反対派を攻撃したり、彼らと議論すると、彼らは彼にむかって「ここはきみのモデルン円技場じゃないぞ」とか、「モデルン円技場では、きみはいまとはちがったことをいってるぞ」とか叫んだ。
*ボリショイ・サンクトペテルブルク国立サーカス(ボリショイ・サンクトペテルブルクこくりつサーカス、ロシア語: Большо́й Санкт-Петербу́ргский госуда́рственный циркCiniselli Circusはロシア・サンクトペテルブルクのフォンタンカ川に沿った所にある国立のサーカスである。
*タヴリーダ宮殿(タヴリーチェスキー宮殿;ロシア語Таврический дворец;ラテン文字転写の例:Tavrichesky dvorets;英語:Taurida Palace)は、ロシア、サンクトペテルブルクにある宮殿。
左翼反対派のスポークスマンたちは、多数派自身の成功を利用して、多数派を攻撃した。リヴォフ公とカデット党は、とるにもたらぬ支持者しかもっていない、と彼らはいった。穏和派の社会主義者たちは、国民の圧倒的多数を代表している。それなのに、なぜ彼らはカデットのための樵(きこり)大臣や水汲み大臣の役で満足しているのか?なぜ彼らは彼ら自身の政府を組織しなのか?民主的にそうする資格があり、体面上そうせざるをえないにもかかわらずにである。これがレーニンの演説の主旨であった。それはまたトロツキーの主要なテーマでもあった。トロツキーの議論は、部分的にはレーニンの議論よりもいっそう痛烈であったが、彼は多数派にたいしていっそう友好的な調子で呼びかけ、共通の利害と運命にうったえた。彼はメンシェヴィキと社会革命党自身の屈辱的な立場にたいして、彼らの目をひらかせ、ブルジョア政党との協力体制を断ち切るように、彼らを説得しようとした。政府と階級間の和解の会議室に変えようとしても、それはむだである、と彼はいった。「和解の会議室は、革命の時期には力を発揮することはできない」。リヴォフ公と彼の友人たちは、統治し、支配することになれた階級を代表している。劣等感をもった社会主義大臣のうちでも、いちばん名前の知られていないペシェホーノフ(Alexey Vasilyevich Peshekhonov (Russian: Алексе́й Васи́льевич Пешехо́нов) (February 2, 1867 (January 21 old style) – April 3, 1933) was a Russian economist, publicist, and statistician. He was a member of the Russian provisional government as a minister of food supplies for some months in the summer of 1917)に、二,三友好的に触れ、そのため多数派の議席から拍手がおこった。そこで彼は、もしこうしたペシェホーノフのような人物だけで政府が構成されるなら、「重大な一歩前進」となるだろう、と論じた。「同志諸君、この問題において、わたくしはどんな分派や党の角度からも出発しないで、いっそう広い見解から出発しているのである・・・」労働階級に規律をまもらせなくてはならないという社会主義大臣たちに、彼は同意した。だが、資本家大臣により、資本家的政策のために、彼らに規律をまもらせることはできない。これは極左の側のいっさいの煽動の源であった。多数派はそれに不平をとなえた。
これらの論争は、「グリム事件」のためにいっそう悪化した。グリム(Robert Grimm (* 16. April 1881 in Wald ZH; † 8. März 1958 in Bern) war ein sozialdemokratischer Schweizer Politiker und Publizist)というのは、チンメルワルト会議に参加したスイス人の議会主義者であり、社会主義者であり、平和主義者であった。チンメルワルト会議では、「中間」派にぞくしていて、レーニンの革命的戦術とは意見を異にした。その後、彼はレーニンがドイツ経由、スイスからロシアに旅行する手はずを助けた。5月にグリムはペトログラードの支配的諸党の指導者たちに、講和の可能性についてロシアの意向を打診する、ドイツ政府のメッセージをつたえた。ロシア政府は彼をドイツのスパイとして追放したが、その理由は明らかにしなかった。
*①Вели́кая ха́ртия во́льностейマグナ・カルタMagna Carta Libertatum (Medieval Latin for "Great Charter of Freedoms"), commonly called Magna Carta (also Magna Charta; "Great Charter"), is a royal charter of rights agreed to by King John of England at Runnymede, near Windsor, on 15 June 1215②または大憲章(だいけんしょうConstitution du Royaume-Uni、ラテン語: Magna Carta / Magna Carta Libertatum、英語: Great Charter of the Liberties、直訳では「自由の大憲章」)Конституция Великобританииは、イギリス(連合王国)の不成典憲法を構成する法律の一つであり、イングランド王国においてジョン王の時代に制定された憲章である。

Trotsky would have had to be much more free from pride than he was to accept Lenin’s proposals immediately. He also had to consider objections raised by some of his associates who spoke about the lack of democracy in Lenin’s party and the ‘sectarian practices’ of the Bolshevik committees and conventicles. Trotsky, who had son long criticized Lenin’s party in the same terms, now saw little substance in these misgivings. In his reply to Lenin he dwelt on the recent change in the Bolshevik party, which, he said, ‘had acquired an internationalist outlook’ and become ‘de-bolshevized’. Politically, he was therefore in complete agreement with Lenin; and he also accepted most of Lenin’s technical proposal for immediate co-operation. But, precisely because the Bolshevik party had changed to strikingly and to such advantage, he and his friends should not be asked to call themselves Bolsheviks. ‘I cannot describe myself as a Bolshevik. It is undesirable to stick to the old labels.’ They ought to join hands in a new party, with a new name, at a joint congress of their organizations. Trotsky must have been aware that at such a congress, the Bolsheviks would in any case enjoy an absolute preponderance; and so the whole difference reduced itself to the ‘label’. This was too slight a matter to justify him and his associates in clinging to their political isolation. But for the moment the issue was shelved.                      
When about this time Lenin was asked what, despite their complete agreement, still kept him and Trotsky apart, he replied: ‘Now don’t you know? Ambition, ambition, ambition.’ For Trotsky to declare himself a Bolshevik was tacit surrender, not to the Lenin of the present, but to the Lenin of the past; and at this he balked. Yet the surrender was in part inevitable, for it was the Lenin of the past, the émigré, who had been the master architect of what turned out to be the party of revolution. On the other hand, the present programme of the party embodied what used to be Trotsky’s rather than Lenin’s point of view. For this Trotsky received no recognition and to acknowledgement. Much as this may have hurt Trotsky, Lenin was almost certainly unaware of it; and it was practically impossible for him to make the acknowledgement in any form, even if he had been willing to make it. A revolutionary party, in the middle of a revolution, has no time for fine scruples over the copyright of political ideas. Later in the year, Lenin unstintingly paid tribute to Trotsky, saying that since he had broken with the Mensheviks there was no better Bolshevik. Trotsky on his part had far too much political sense not to see that it would be laughable to insist at this time on his superior foresight. For him, too, the practical politics of the revolution were infinitely more important than old theoretical prognostications. His hesitantly was merely the last flicker of his opposition to Lenin.
For the moment he remained a political free-lance. Looking round for contacts he stopped at the editorial offices of Maxim Gorky’s Novaya Zhizn(New Life). He and Gorky had known and admired each other for a long time past. The differences in their ages, temperaments, and modes of thinking were such as to preclude intimate friendship; but they had occasionally cooperated, especially when Gorky moved away from Lenin. At present Gorky stood half-way between Bolsheviks and Mensheviks; and in his great daily he remonstrated with both and preached revolutionary morals to both. He hoped for Trotsky’s accession, believing that like himself Trotsky would try to conciliate the adversaries in the Socialist camp. Trotsky’s first utterances in Petrograd had caused him forebodings, and his contributors whispered that ‘Trotsky was even worse than Lenin’. Nevertheless, Gorky arranged a meeting between his editorial staff and Trotsky. At once it became clear that they were at cross purposes. Apart from this, Gorky’s influence was strictly literary. His paper, for all its journalistic merits, had no serious ties with the bodies of opinion and the organizations that mattered in the revolution. In Marxist policies, the great novelist was childishly naïve. Yet with the lack of modesty characteristic of a famous self-made man, he assumed the posture of political oracle. Nothing would have been more incongruous than that Trotsky should associate himself with Gorky, let alone accept him as a political guide. Trotsky was in search of a firm framework of organization, of a solid anchorage in the realities of the revolution; and this Gorky could not offer him. Their exchange of views was rather sour, and Trotsky concluded it by saying that nothing was left to him but to join hands with Lenin.
In the meantime he founded Vperyod ( Forward ), the paper of the Inter-Borough Organization. Vperyod, although it had many brilliant contributors, was not successful. At this time only such papers gained wide currency as could rely on strong financial backing or on the disinterested services of a widely ramified organization. Vperyod had neither. It began as a weekly; but it came from the presses irregularly; altogether only sixteen issues appeared before the Inter-Borough Organization joined the Bolshevik party.                
It was through the spoken rather than the written word that Trotsky made his impact on the political life in the capital. He addressed, usually with Lunacharsky, innumerable meetings. Within only two or three weeks of his arrival, both he and Lunacharsky had gained enormous popularity as the most eloquent agitators of the Soviet Left. The naval base of Kronstadt, situated just outside the capital, was his favorite stumping-ground; and Kronstadt proved extremely important in his further political fortunes. The navy was in utter rebellion. The base formed a sort of red republic bowing to no authority. The sailors violently resisted attempts to reimpose discipline on them. The ministry appointed commissars, some of whom had been discredited by their association with the old régime and even with the Black Hundred gangs. The sailors refused to admit them on board ship and manhandled some of them. Trotsky urged the sailors to keep their tempers and to refrain from vengeance; but he also did his best to kindle their revolutionary ardor.
Towards the end of May the Socialist ministers indicted the sailors before the Soviet and Trotsky came out to defend them. He did not condone their excesses, but he pleaded that these could have been avoided if the government had not appointed as commissars discredited and hated men. ‘Our socialist ministers’, he exclaimed, ‘refuse to fight against the danger of the Black Hundreds. Instead, they declare war on the sailors and soldiers of Kronstadt. Yet should reaction rise and should a counter-revolutionary general try to throw a noose around the neck of the revolution, your Black Hundred commissars will soap the rope for all of us, while the Kronstadt sailors will come and fight and die with us.’ This phrase was much quoted later when the sailors of Kronstadt actually defended Kerensky’s government against General Kornilov’s mutiny. Trotsky also wrote for the sailors the fiery manifesto in which they appealed against the Ministry of War to the country-this was Kerensky’s first setback since he had become Minister of War. Henceforward the sailors faithfully followed Trotsky, guarded him, almost idolized him, and obeyed him whether he called them to action or exhorted them to curb their tempers.
*Корни́ловское выступле́ние(в советской историографии — Корниловский мятеж, Корниловщина) — неудачная попытка установления военной диктатуры, предпринятая Верховным главнокомандующим Русской Армией генералом от инфантерии Л. Г. Корниловым в августе (сентябре) 1917 года с целью восстановления в России «твёрдой власти» и предотвращения с помощью военной силы прихода к власти левых радикалов (большевиков).
In these days, too, he established his platform in the Cirque Moderne, where almost every night he addressed enormous crowds. The amphitheater was densely packed that Trotsky was usually shuffled towards the platform over the heads of the audience, and from his elevation he would catch the excited eyes of the daughters of his first marriage, who attended the meetings. He spoke on the topics of the day and the aims of the revolution with his usual piercing logic; but he also absorbed the spirit of the crowd, its harsh sense of justice, its desire to see things in sharp and clear outline, its suspense, and its great expectations. Later he recollected how at the mere sight of the multitude words and arguments he had prepared well in advance receded and dispersed in his mind and other words and arguments, unexpected by himself but meeting a need in his listeners, rushed up as if from his subconscious. He then listened to his own voice as to that of a stranger, trying to keep pace with the tumultuous rush of his own ideas and phrases and afraid lest like a sleepwalker he might suddenly wake and break down. Here his politics ceased to be the distillation of individual reflection or of debates in small circles of professional politicians. He merged emotionally with the warm dark human mass in front of him, and became its medium. He became so identified with the Cirque Moderne that when he went back to the Tauride Palace or the Smolny Institute, where the Soviet sat, and assailed his opponents or argued with them, they shouted at him: ‘This is not your Cirque Moderne’, or At the Cirque Moderne you speak differently.’               
At the beginnings of June the first all-Russian Congress of the Soviets assembled in Petrograd; and it was in session for three weeks. For the first time the parties and their leaders confronted one another in a national forum, the only national elected body then existing in Russia. The moderate Socialists commanded about five-sixths of the votes. They were led by civilian intellectuals, but in their ranks military uniforms and peasant rubakhas were most conspicuous. On the extreme left, among the 120 members of the opposition, workers from the great industrial centers were predominant. The Congress reflected a division between the military and rural elements of the provinces and the proletarian elements of the cities. A few days before, a municipal election in Petrograd had revealed a significant shift. The Cadets, dominant in the government, had suffered a crushing defeat in their ‘safest’ boroughs. The Mensheviks had polled half the votes. The working-class suburbs had solidly voted for the Bolsheviks. The Mensheviks came to the Congress as the hopeful victors of the day. The Bolsheviks brought with them a new confidence in their future victory.
The spokesmen of the Left opposition used against the majority the latter’s own success. Prince Lvov and the Cadets, they said, had a negligible following. The moderate Socialists represented the nation’s overwhelming majority. Why then did they content themselves with the roles of ministerial hewers of wood and drawers of water for the Cadets? Why did they not form their own government, as they were democratically entitled and in honor bound to do? This was the tenor of Lenin’s speech. The was also Trotsky’s main theme. Although his argument was in parts more trenchant than Lenin’s, he appealed to the majority in a more friendly tone, invoking common interests and destines. He tried to open the eyes of the Mensheviks and Social Revolutionaries to their own humiliating position and to persuade them to break up their partnership with the bourgeois parties. It was, he said, no use trying to turn the government into a chamber of conciliation between social classes. ‘A chamber of conciliation cannot exercise power in a revolutionary epoch.’ Prince Lvov and his friends represented classes accustomed to rule and dominate; and the Socialist ministers, which brought him applause from the benches of the majority. And he argued that a government consisting only of such Peshekhonovs would be ‘a serious step forward’. ‘You see, comrades, that in this issue I am starting not from the angle of any faction or party, but from a broader view. . . .’ He agreed with the Socialist ministers that the working classes should be disciplined; but they could not be disciplined by a capitalist ministry and for the sake of capitalist policies. This was the source of all the agitation on the extreme Left, about which the majority complained.
‘The so-called Left agitators’, he pleaded, ‘prepare the future of the Russian revolution. I venture to say that we, with our work, do not undermine your authority-we are an indispensable element in preparing the future.’ ‘Comrades, I am not hoping to convince you to-day, for this would be too bold a hope. What I would like to achieve to-day is to make you aware that selfish faction, but because, together with you, we are suffering all the pangs and agonies of the revolution. We see solutions different from those which you see, and we are firmly convinced that while you are consolidating the present of the revolution, we prepare its future for you.’ At this stage, Lenin no longer granted his adversaries the credit Trotsky still gave them, although he agreed with Trotsky that a ‘Ministry of twelve Peshkhonovs’ would be an advance upon the present coalition.
These debates were exacerbated by the ‘Grimm incident’. Grimm was a Swiss parliamentarian, a Socialist, and a pacifist, who had taken part in the Zimmerwald conference. There he had belonged to the ‘center’ and disagreed with Lenin’s revolutionary tactics. Later he helped to arrange Lenin’s journey from Switzerland to Russia, via Germany. In May Grimm conveyed to leaders of the ruling parties in Petrograd a message from the German government sounding Russia on the possibility of peace. The Russian government expelled him as a German agent, but it did not reveal its reason.

Grimm was not, strictly speaking, a German agent. As a pacifist of not much sophistication, he found it quite natural to convey a peace feeler. Not well versed in the intricacies of Russian revolutionary politics, he could not see why Russian Socialists, whether those who, like the Bolsheviks and Trotsky, clamored for peace or those who, like the Bolsheviks and Trotsky, clamored for peace or those who like the Mensheviks, merely kept on promising an early peace, should object to his action. Lenin and Trotsky were not informed about his doings. The fact, however, that the government had denounced Grimm as a German agent was at once used to discredit the Russian participants of the Zimmerwald movement. Miliukov made a speech in which he was reported to have branded Lenin and Trotsky, too, as German agents. Trotsky rose in Congress to defend Grimm. He did not believe that the government was right in expelling Grimm, and he saw in the incident Miliukov’s sinister intrigue. Referring to Miliukov’s charges against himself and Lenin, he said, turning to the journalists’ bench: ‘From this platform of revolutionary democracy, I am appealing to the honest Russian press with the request that they should reproduce my words: As long as Miliukov does not withdraw his charges, he is branded as a dishonest slanderer.’
‘Trotsky’s statement’, so Gorky’s paper reported the scene, ‘made with élan and dignity, met with the unanimous applause of the whole assembly. The whole Congress, without difference of faction, stormily acclaimed Trotsky for several minutes.’ On the next day Miliukov declared that he had not described Lenin or Trotsky as German agents-he had merely said that the government ought to imprison them for their subversive activity.
This was the last occasion on which the Congress so unanimously acclaimed Trotsky. As the debates went on, the gulf between the parties became fixed. Tempers rose during a controversy over the last Duma. That Duma had been elected in 1912 on a very limited franchise; it had functioned as the Tsar’s consultative assembly, not as a real parliament; and its great majority had consisted of the Tsar’s underlings. The Cadets pressed for the revival of the Duma, which they hoped to use as a quasi-parliamentary base for their government. The Mensheviks and Social Revolutionaries laid before the Soviet’s vague resolution, which Martov wittily paraphrased as follows: ‘The Duma no longer exists, but a warning is hereby issued against any attempts to put it out of existence.’ Lunacharsky moved that the Duma should be buried as a relic of a shameful past. Trotsky seconded him with a scathing speech. When at one of the next settings he rose again and as usual began his address with the word ‘Comrades’, he was interrupted by an outcry: ‘What sort of comrades are we to you?’ and ‘Stop calling us comrades!’ He stopped, and he moved closer to the Bolsheviks.

The main issue which occupied the Congress was the condition of the army. Since the overthrow of Tsardom the Russian fronts had been inactive. Pressed by the western allies, the government and the General Staff were preparing a new offensive for which they were anxious to obtain the Soviets’ approval. The General Staff was also pressing for a revision of the famous Order No. 1, the Magna Charta of the soldiers’ freedom. In this debate Trotsky made his chief speech, in which he warned the government that after the prodigious losses the army had suffered and after the disruption of its supply services by inefficiency, profiteering, and corruption, the army was incapable of further fighting. The offensive would end in disaster; the attempt to reimpose the old discipline would lead nowhere. ‘Fortunately for Russia’s whole history, our revolutionary army has done away with the old outlook of the Russian army, the outlook of the locust . . . when hundreds of thousands used to the passively . . . without every being aware of the purpose of their sacrifice. . . . Let this historical period which we have left behind be dammed! What we now value is not the elemental, unconscious heroism of the mass, but a heroism which refracts itself through every individual consciousness.’ At present the army had no idea to fight for. ‘I repeat, that in this same army, as it has emerged from the revolution . . . there exist and there will exist ideas, watchwords, purposes capable of rallying it and of imparting to this our army unity and enthusiasm. . . . The army of the great French revolution consciously responded to calls for an offensive. What it is crux of the matter? It is this: no such purpose that would rally the army exists now. . . . Every thinking soldier asks himself: for every five drops of blood which I am going to shed today will not one drop only be shed in the interest of the Russian revolution, and four in the interests of the French Stock Exchange and of English imperialism? If only Russia disentangled herself from the imperialist alignments, if only the power of the old ruling classes was destroyed and a new democratic government established by the Soviets, then ‘we should be able to summon all European peoples and tell them that now a citadel of revolution has risen on the map of Europe’.
He then resumed his ever-recurring dialogue with the sceptic who did not believe that ‘the revolution would spread and that the Russian revolutionary army and Russian democracy would find allies in Europe’: My answer is that history has given no guarantee to us, to the Russian revolution, that we shall not be crushed altogether, that our revolutionary will is not going to be strangled by a coalition of world capital, that world imperialism will not crucify us.’ The Russian Revolution represented so great a danger to the propertied classes of all countries that they would try to destroy it and to transform Russia into a colony of European or, what was more probable, of American capital. But this trial of strength was still ahead, and the Soviets were in duty bound to be ready for it. ‘If . . . [revolutionary ] Germany does not rise, or if she rises too feebly, then we shall move our regiments . . . not in order to defend ourselves but in order to undertake a revolutionary offensive.’ At this point the powerful peroration was interrupted by an anonymous voice from the floor: ‘It will be too late, then’. Before the year was out, the anonymous voice was proved right. But in the Trotsky who addressed the Congress the features can be clearly discerned of the man who was not only to confront, without any armed strength behind him, the diplomacy of the Hohenzollerns and the Hapsburgs, but also to create he Red Army.
At this Congress he had his last clash with Plekhanov. They addressed each other frigidly as ‘Citizens’, not ‘Comrades’. Plekhanov had reached the extreme of his warlike mood, and even the Mensheviks were so embarrassed by his chauvinist outbursts that they kept aloof from him. But the Congress paid a warm tribute to Plekhanov’s past merits, only to be treated by him to a hackneyed patriotic sermon. Trotsky aggressively reproached him for this, and Plekhanov replied haughtily, comparing himself now with Danton and now with Lassalle and contrasting the disheartened and dejected armies of the Russian Revolution with the armies of Cromwell and of the Jacobins, whose ‘spirits soared when they drank the sap of revolution’. Little did the sick veteran imagine that it was his younger and much snubbed opponent who was destined for the role of the Russian Danton, destined to make the Russian armies ‘drink the sap of revolution’.
Through the greater part of the proceedings, the majority treated lightly the Bolsheviks and their associates. When Tseretelli, pleading for the coalition government, challenged the delegation to say whether there was a single party in Russia prepared alone to shoulder responsibility for government, Lenin interrupted from the floor to say that his party was prepared for that. The majority drowned Lenin’s words in hilarious laughter. The delegates from the provinces were not aware that in Petrograd the opposition’s influence was already growing like an avalanche. Lenin was eager to impress them and to show them that Petrograd demanded an end to the coalition and the formation of a Socialist ministry, that is of a ministry consisting only of the moderate Socialists. Despite his statement from the floor of the Congress, which was a declaration of principle, not of immediate purpose, Lenin did not yet aim at the overthrow of the government. Still less did he favor a coalition between the moderate Socialists and his own party. As long as the Bolsheviks were a minority in the Soviets, he urged his followers not to play at seizing power but ‘patiently to explain their attitude to the masses’, until they gained the majority. This was the crux of his Soviet constitutionalism. In the meantime, the Bolshevik slogan was not ‘Down with the government’, but ‘Down with the ten capitalist ministers!’ Overcoming the forebodings in his own Central Committee, Lenin was in great secrecy preparing a monster demonstration under this slogan for to June. Trotsky, dispelling his friends’ misgivings, induced the Inter-Borough Organization to join in the demonstration. But on 9 June, when Pravda made an open call to the workers and the garrison, the Executive of the Congress the demonstration.

Neither Lenin nor Trotsky wished to defy the ban. They decided to submit to the decision of the majority, to cancel the demonstration, and to explain their attitude in a special manifesto. This was an anxious moment. Would the workers and soldiers take note of the cancellation? If so, would they not misunderstand the party’s attitude? Would their urge for action not be chilled? Lenin drafted an explanatory statement, but as his followers and he himself were not pleaded with it he gladly adopted another text, submitted by Trotsky; and this was read out at the Congress in the name of the entire opposition. Trotsky, not yet a member of the party, also composed for the Bolshevik Central Committee a manifesto on the subject.

↑マクシム・ゴーリキー(Макси́м Го́рький, 旧綴: Горькій, 1868年3月28日(ユリウス暦3月16日) - 1936年6月18日)Maxim Gorkyは、ロシアの作家。本名はアレクセイ・マクシーモヴィチ・ペシコフ(Алексе́й Макси́мович Пешко́вAlexei Maximovich Peshkov

Анатолий Васильевич Луначарскийアナトリー・ワシリエヴィチ・ルナチャルスキーАнатолій Васильович Луначарський(ウクライナ生まれのロシア人・ソ連初代教育人民委員)の演説(1917年10月)。晩年の33年に駐スペイン全権ソ連代表(大使)として派遣されるが、赴任中の同年12月にフランスのマントンで病死した(享年58歳)。

↑ラーヴル・ゲオールギエヴィチ・コルニーロフ(ロシア語:Лавр Георгиевич Корниловラーヴル・ギオールギイェヴィチュ・カルニーラフ、1870年8月18日(8月30日) - 1918年3月31日(4月13日))Lavr Georgiyevich Kornilov は、ロシア帝国の軍司令官、将軍、探険家にして外交官であった。ロシア共和国軍の最高総司令官(1917年)、白軍のカリスマ的リーダーであった。また、日露戦争や第一次世界大戦ではロシアの英雄であった。一方、二月革命に際しては、ロシア皇帝の家族を逮捕した。特に、失敗に終わった1917年8月のクーデター、「コルニーロフ事件」の指導者として知られる。

↑ アレクセイ・ヴァシリエヴィチ・ペシェホーノフАлексе́й Васи́льевич Пешехо́нов臨時政府食糧大臣(33年、ラトビアのリガで死去=享年66歳)。

