
当ブログはトロント在住、日系一世カナダ人サミー・山田(48)おっさんの「独り言」です。まさに「個人日記」。1968年11月16日東京都目黒区出身(A型)・在北米30年の日系カナダ人(Canadian Citizen)・University of Toronto Woodsworth College BA History & East Asian Studies Major トロント在住(職業記者・医療関連・副職画家)・Toronto Ontario「団体」「宗教」「党派」一切無関係・「政治的」意図皆無=「事実関係」特定の「考え」が’正しい’あるいは一方だけが’間違ってる’いう気は毛頭なし。「知って」それぞれ「考えて」いただれれば本望(^_-☆Everybody!! Let's 'Ponder' or 'Contemplate' On va vous re?-chercher!Internationale!!「世界人類みな兄弟」「平和祈願」「友好共存」「戦争反対」「☆Against Racism☆」「☆Gender Equality☆」&ノーモア「ヘイト」(怨恨、涙、怒りや敵意しか生まない)Thank you very much for everything!! Ma Cher Minasan, Merci Beaucoup et Bonne Chance 

《Les Jeux olympiques de Pékin》US troops to deploy to Eastern Europe/России и НАТО/Russland und Ukraine/Japan's sanctions over Ukraine/Muere a los 89 años Shintaro Ishihara(狂った果実Kurutta kajitsu)【Феникс《오로나민COronamin C》Phönix》】2022/02/03

①[February 3, 2022]Hitoshi Matsumoto, what he thought during the waiting period at home was "Nothing has changed from 18. 58. Do it."Downtown" Hitoshi Matsumoto will update his Twitter account by the 3rd. He spelled out the waiting period at home to become a close contact with people infected with the new coronavirus. Matsumoto wrote, "I thought about it in this long time," and wrote, "Nothing has changed since 18. 58. Do it. Matsumoto was absent from Fuji TV's "Wide na Show" (Sunday, 10 am) on January 30 because he was waiting at home. At the end of January, she revealed that she would resume her activities, saying, "It's about time to go to Shaba

②[February 4, 2022]Hitoshi Matsumoto is excited about the super-big guys he saw in the city! Hitoshi Matsumoto (58) from the comedy duo "Downtown" will appear on Fuji TV's "Hitoshi Matsumoto's Sake Knob" (9.58 after Friday) broadcast on the 4th. He showed an episode of the excitement of that super-big actor that he saw in the city. When it comes to the theme of "the entertainer on the off day I saw in the city," Matsumoto was confident that "this might be my victory." "There is an object like a transparent chair on TV Asahi's Keyakizaka. I've seen Johnny Depp looking at it," he said, and the studio was in a turmoil with a voice saying "It's a lie!". Matsumoto said, "I thought,'I can't be in such a place!'. The next day, I came to a wide show to promote a movie. I'm sure I did it! I was wondering if it was okay to sit down, didn't I? "

피닉스(phoenix) Phönix (Mythologie)또는 불사조(不死鳥, "죽지 않는 새")Phénix는 아라비아 사막에 살며 500년마다 스스로의 몸을 불태워 죽고 그 재 속에서 부활(born again) 또는 재생한다Феникс.Deutschドイツ語⇒Cailin Suzanne Russo (* 17. Dezember 1993 in San Diego, Kalifornien) ist eine US-amerikanische Musikerin (Gesang, Songwriting) und Model.Françaisフランス語⇒Christina Nicola « Chrissy » Costanza (née le 23 août 1995) est une chanteuse, compositrice et musicienne américaine.

Сінтаро Ісіхара (яп. 石原 慎太郎; 30 вересня 1932, Кобе — 1 лютого 2022) — японський письменник та політик, губернатор Токіо з 1999 по 2012 рр.〈선전포고 NO라고 할 수 있는 일본 경제―미국의 금융 노예로부터의 해방-〉성 차별(性差別, 영어: Sexism 섹시즘) misogynist①Sept 30, 2002 — Outrage over Tokyo governor's tirade on women②Dec 11, 2012 —Is Shintaro Ishihara the most dangerous man in Japan ...What is most worrying is that Ishihara's offensive remarks were not considered that terrible or racist in the minds of many Tokyo voters.

« Время солнца太陽の季節태양의 계절Season of the Sun » — рассказ Синтаро Исихары.Die Taiyō no Tō (jap. 太陽の党, dt. „Partei der Sonne“; engl. The Sunrise Party) war eine politische Partei in Japan.Tachiagare Nippon (jap. たちあがれ日本, dt. „Steh auf, Japan“; engl. The Sunrise Party of Japan)税金豪遊Kurutta kajitsu (狂った果実, 1956)

Српски / srpskiセルビア語⇒Naruto (jap. NARUTOナルト) japanska je manga serija koju je napisao i ilustrovao Masaši Kišimoto.

July 15, 2020-Hitoshi Matsumoto's counterargument that Rino Sashihara is the essence of "If you can make a favorite person, a woman will be useless"! "There is no relationship between men and women" "People who think so about Mr. Matsumoto"
However, this crap would be just about discrimination against women. Were scorned by women and the old-fashioned view of marriage, and insisted that women could quit their jobs because of marriage or childbirth, but men couldn't, but the story is completely the opposite. ..Certainly, as Sashihara pointed out, there are very few examples of female talents continuing to play an active role in variety shows compared to male talents. But that's not at all because, as Hitoshi Matsumoto said, "women are useless if they can do what they like" and "women become uninteresting when they get married." Needless to say, it is a reflection of the male and female sexism of Japanese society. There are still many women who are unilaterally responsible for domestic work and childcare and have no choice but to give up their jobs due to marriage or childbirth. On television, especially in variety shows, men and women are more vulnerable than dramas and music. Before there were few female talents who continued to be active in the line for a long time, the number of female performers themselves was overwhelmingly smaller than that of men. Even Shinobu Sakagami once said that while half of the performers in dramas and movies were actresses, he was surprised at the scarcity of women when he came to the variety show. First of all, male talents are overwhelmingly responsible for the main MC, and females are often treated as assistants. Even in the Hinamatsuri with about 10 people, there are not a few women at most one or two. And the talk that unfolds is based on the hierarchical relationship of comedians and the human relationship of men and women.

*ミソジニー Misogynie(英: misogyny)Мизогиния は、女性に対する嫌悪や蔑視の事である。女性嫌悪(じょせいけんお)여성혐오、女性蔑視(じょせいべっし)などともいう。ギリシア語の「μῖσος mîsos(嫌悪、憎しみ)」と「γυνή gunḗ(女性)」に由来する。女性を嫌悪する人物をミソジニスト(英: misogynist)と呼ぶ。

①Discriminarea sexuală (numită și sexism) este o atitudine sau prejudecată, exprimată sau ne-exprimată, privind superioritatea unui reprezentant al unui sex asupra altui sex și cu discriminarea acestuia din urmă②Идеология превосходства — Le suprématisme ou, par anglicisme, suprémacisme est une idéologie de supériorité et de domination : elle affirme qu'une certaine catégorie de personnes est supérieure aux autres et doit les dominer ou les asservir, ou est en droit de le faire. La classe de gens supposée supérieure peut être définie par une race, un sexe, une classe, une civilisation, une culture, une langue, une religion ou autre système de croyances…③Чоловічі привілеїーLe privilège masculin est un concept en sciences sociales utilisé pour examiner la situation sociale, économique et politique des avantages, ou des droits, mis à la disposition des hommes, sur la seule base de leur genre. L'accès des hommes à ces avantages peut également dépendre d'autres caractéristiques, telles que l'ethnie, l'orientation sexuelle et la classe sociale.男尊女卑,意思是以男性为中心的封建伦理观念,属于传统封建思想.

Passions juvéniles «Безумный плод»; в ином русском переводе — «Плоды безумия» (яп. 狂った果実: курутта кадзицу; англ. Crazed Fruit) — японский чёрно-белый фильм-драма режиссёра Ко Накахиры по роману Синтаро Исихары, он же является автором сценария. Фильм вышел на экраны в 1956 году.

Richmond Hill, ON Weather Thu., Feb. 3, 5:35 p.m. -9°C FEELS LIKE -17 Snow
こんばんは☆いかがお過ごしでしょうか?こちらは↑のとおりです。昨日は「みぞれ」質のボタボタ雪が積もり、本日は「氷の結晶」・・・いま「雪かき」は終りましたが、また降ってきました。明日は食料品の買出しに出向かなければ。さて、また「晩メシ」作りです(笑)。繰り返しながら「温泉」「健康ランド」あがってきている記事も手伝ってか、思い切り恋しいです(涙)。おやすみなさい、ご自愛くださいませ☆ Sammy from Canada

Hrvatskiクロアチア語⇒Naruto je anime autora Masashi Kishimoto s dizni TV serijskom preradom.

①Saya Zamuraï (さや侍, Saya zamurai?, Le Samouraï sans épée) est le troisième long-métrage du réalisateur japonais Hitoshi Matsumoto, sorti en 2012②Dec 22, 2021【調子に乗るGetting in shape】「いい気になって軽率な行動をすることto be motivated and act carelessly」「おだてられ、得意になって物事をすることto be fooled and to be good at doing things」.oggi.jp③『松本人志』の人気がまとめてわかる!You can see the popularity of "Hitoshi Matsumoto" all together!評価や評判Evaluation and reputation④【順風満帆Smooth sailing】船が帆に追い風をいっぱいに受けて快く進むこと。また、そのように物事が滞りなく順調に進むたとえThe ship is willing to take a tailwind from the sails . Also, even if things go smoothly like that.

Françaisフランス語→«Sora Wo Minayo/Regarde le ciel» est le huitième single de Sharam Q. Il a été publié par BMG JAPAN le 23 août 1995(Lyrics作詞: Makotoまこと, Composition作曲: Hatakeはたけ).Sharam Q (Japanese: シャ乱Q, Hepburn: Sharan Kyū) was a Japanese rock band composed of lead singer Tsunku (つんく), Hatake (はたけ) on guitar, Makoto (まこと) on drums, Taisei (たいせい, たいせー prior to 2006) on keyboards and Shuしゅう)on bass player .

2022年2月4日(Vendredi/Friday/週末NOT YET)
みなさん、こんばんは☆お元気でしょうか?実は近所のジムで掃除の仕事がみつかりそうです(来週の火曜日に面接になりました)。いきなり、また一転「カナダ社会」へ笑。体力がもつかどうか、心配。かなり緊張しています。The reality of life sometimes can be very painful. . . 生きるためには贅沢はいっていられない(気合い!)。というわけで、現在のようには更新したり記事を書いたりできなくなります。とはいえ、なるようにしかならない苦笑。引き続き、可能な限りこなして行きたいと思っていますで、これからもよろしくお願いします☆ とりいそぎ よい週末を☆ 今夜は無性に疲れてどうもならん涙~♪さまよった道のりも無駄じゃないから?~♪おやすみなさい☆Thank you very much and have a great week-end!! 謝謝 再見 Bonne nuit!

《드래곤볼》(영어: Dragon Ball; 일본어: ドラゴンボール)은 일본의 만화가 토리야마 아키라(鳥山明)가 일본 최대 코믹스 출판사인 슈에이샤의《주간 소년 점프》에서 1984년 51호부터 1995년 25호까지 약 10년동안 연재한 만화이다.
Portuguêsポルトガル語→Wands (estilizado como WANDS) foi uma banda de rock japonesa.

Españolスペイン語⇒Miho Komatsu (小松 未歩 Komatsu Miho?), nacida el 30 de marzo de 1974 es una cantante de J-Pop.

Françaisフランス語→La PomPon (ラ・ポンポン, Ra ponpon?) est un girl group japonais de pop sous le label Being de l'agence Being Inc1.

①[2022/02/04]水野美紀、松本人志のオフの姿に衝撃 新宿の街を黒ずくめの集団で大行進Miki Mizuno shocks Hitoshi Matsumoto's off appearance A big march in a group of black people in the city of Shinjuku②[2022/02/05]「また何か言われそう」松本人志、爆笑・太田との“因縁”をいじり視聴者喝采"I'm going to say something again" Hitoshi Matsumoto laughs and messes with the "fate" with Ota and cheers the viewer③Nov 2, 2021 —松本人志の時代はまだまだ続く テレビ局が重視する「コア視聴率」の高さL'ère d'Hitoshi Matsumoto est toujours d'actualité, le « core audience rating » élevé auquel les chaînes de télévision attachent de l'importance④【Degree of people民度Mind】quality is the average intellectual level and education of a group of people living in a specific area / country, or users (users) / participants / fans of a specific facility / service. It refers to the degree of maturity such as standards, cultural standards, manners , and behavioral patterns .

Deutschドイツ語⇒„ Skorpion-Serie für weibliche Sträflinge女囚さそりシリーズFemale Convict Scorpion Series“ ist eine von Toei produzierte Filmreihe , die auf Toru Shinoharas Manga „Scorpion“ basiert. Italianoイタリア語⇒Miki Mizuno 미즈노 미키(水野 美紀 Mizuno Miki?; Yokkaichi, 28 giugno 1974) è un'attrice giapponese.

