
当ブログはトロント在住、日系一世カナダ人サミー・山田(48)おっさんの「独り言」です。まさに「個人日記」。1968年11月16日東京都目黒区出身(A型)・在北米30年の日系カナダ人(Canadian Citizen)・University of Toronto Woodsworth College BA History & East Asian Studies Major トロント在住(職業記者・医療関連・副職画家)・Toronto Ontario「団体」「宗教」「党派」一切無関係・「政治的」意図皆無=「事実関係」特定の「考え」が’正しい’あるいは一方だけが’間違ってる’いう気は毛頭なし。「知って」それぞれ「考えて」いただれれば本望(^_-☆Everybody!! Let's 'Ponder' or 'Contemplate' On va vous re?-chercher!Internationale!!「世界人類みな兄弟」「平和祈願」「友好共存」「戦争反対」「☆Against Racism☆」「☆Gender Equality☆」&ノーモア「ヘイト」(怨恨、涙、怒りや敵意しか生まない)Thank you very much for everything!! Ma Cher Minasan, Merci Beaucoup et Bonne Chance 

☭Lev Troțki★武装せる予言者・トロツキー 1879-1921 アイザック・ドイッチャー/The Prophet Armed: Trotsky, 1879-1921 by Isaac Deutscher/第九章:十月革命におけるトロツキーCHAPTER IX: Trotsky in the October Revolution⑥

【原注】中央委員会議事録、110-25頁に、レーニン『全集』第26巻、165頁、この会議で、スヴェルドロフ、スターリン、ブブノフ、ウリツキー、ゼルジンスキーからなる「軍事本部」(Military Centre)なるものが任命された。これは「ソビエトの軍事革命委員会の一部になる」はずであった。つまり、トロツキーの下につくはずであった。この「本部」は、反乱中ついにいちども一個の組織として行動しはしなかったが、しかしスターリンとスターリニスト的歴史家たちは、スターリンがこの一員であったというので、その後スターリンがじっさいに反乱の指導者であったと主張した。
*Streikbrecher파업파괴자(罷業破壞者, 영어: strikebreaker, scab, blackleg, knobstick)Briseur de grève werden Arbeitnehmer genannt, die entgegen gewerkschaftlichem Beschluss nicht an einem Streik teilnehmen. Es kommt vor, dass Unternehmer speziell Streikbrecher engagieren, um einen Streik ins Leere laufen zu lassen. Des Weiteren werden gelegentlich vom Arbeitgeber so genannte Streikbrecherprämien gezahlt. Es kommt vor, dass Unternehmer die Aufträge an ein anderes Unternehmen verkaufen.
だが、彼はこう否定しただけでとどまりはしなかった。それは敵ばかりでなく、味方をも混乱させたかもしれないからである。彼はまた自分の手をしばって、行動の自由をうしなうようなこともしなかった。「もしも事態の経過によって、ソビエトが武力行動を決定せざるをえなくされたら」と、彼はつけくわえた。「そのときこそ、労働者と兵士は、ひとりの人間のように、ソビエトの訴えにおうじてあらわれるであろう」。彼は赤衛軍に銃を支給する命令をくだしたことをみとめた。だが、彼は、メンシェヴィキ・ソビエトだっておなじことをやった、という、いつもつかいなれている前例でごまかした。「ペトログラード・ソビエトは」と、彼は敢然としてつけくわえた。「労働者自衛隊の組織と武装をつづけるであろう・・・われわれは用意をしていなくてはならない。われわれはいっそう激烈な闘争の時期にはいっている。われわれは反革命の攻撃にたいして、たえず準備していなくてはならない。だが、ソビエト大会を解散させようとする最初の反革命的企図にたいし、われわれにたいする最初の攻撃の企図にたいし、われわれは仮借ない反撃をもってこたえるであろう。そして、この反撃を、最後まで徹底的におしすすめるであろう」。こうして、彼は敵の頭を困惑させながら、反乱者たちと彼らの味方の闘志をかきたてたのである。彼は非常に細心な注意をはらって、反乱者たちの活動の防衛的な面を表面にだし、攻撃的な面は背景にかくしておいた。その場で、カーメネフはすぐさま起立して、トロツキーとの完全な一致団結を表明した。ジノヴィエフは『ラボーチィ・プチРабочий путь』(労働者の道)の編集者にあてた手紙で、同様な意志表示をした。2人の反乱反対者は、党を厳に防衛的態度に拘束し、こうした遠回しなやり方で党に反乱を放棄させようとのぞんだのである。だが、彼らがトロツキーとの一致団結を示威的に表明したことは、全然ちがった効果を生んだ。反ボルシェヴィキ諸党は、有名なクーデター反対者が、トロツキーとの一致を宣言したのを見て、トロツキーもまた彼らと同意しているものと想像した。「では反乱などないだろう」といって、メンシェヴィキと社会革命党は自分をなぐさめた。
トロツキーの芝居がかった外見と、ほとんど詩的なまでに高遠な彼の演説とは、彼のruses de guerre (戦略)にもおとらず、反ボルシェヴィキ指導者たちをまどわせた。彼らは彼の雄弁の絢爛たる花火に、あまりにも馴れすぎていたので、こんどはそれが本物の火だということに気づくことができなかった。トロツキーは彼らには、勝利的反乱の指導者となるには、あまりにも饒舌すぎるようにおもえた。そうおもったのは、彼らばかりではなかった。しかし、この革命では、言葉、偉大な理想主義的な言葉は、事実連隊や師団よりも力があり、火を噴くような雄弁は、激戦とおなじ働きをした。ある時点まで、それは革命の戦う必要をすっかりのぞいてくれた。革命は、主としてその巨大な説得力をとおして活動した。そして、その力の大部分を、たったひとりの人間にあたえたようにおもえた

10月23日までに、軍事革命委員会は、詳細な作戦計画をもっていた。それは非常に慎重に計画され、同時にきわめて単純であった。そして、選抜部隊による首都のあらゆる戦略的地点の、迅速な占領を準備していた。反乱本部と守備隊とのあいだの連絡は、絶対確実にはたされていた。選抜部隊は、合図のありしだい、ただちに行動できる用意ができていた。軍事革命委員会の委員たちは、部隊の傾向の最後の検分をみて、これなら政府は、軽く一押しするだけで、顛覆することができると確信したーソビエトの背後に整列した部隊は、それほど圧倒的に優勢だったのである。ただひとつだけ、重要地点が確実でなかった。それはネヴァ河畔のペトロパヴロフスカヤ要塞Петропа́вловская кре́постьで、その守備隊はケレンスキーを支持しているか、でなくとも、すくなくとも動揺している、と警告された。アントーノフ=オフセーエンコは、要塞を爆撃する計画を用意した。これは、予想される唯一の重要な戦闘であった。だが、トロツキーは言葉で強襲しようと決心した。23日の午後、ソビエト護衛隊の非ボルシェヴィキ指揮官をともない、彼はトラックに乗って、敵の陣営とおもわれるこの要塞にのりこんでいった。そして、要塞の守備隊にむかって演説し、彼らを説得して、自分にならってソビエトへの忠誠の誓いを復唱させた。

*Major-General Sir Alfred William Fortescue Knox (30 October 1870 – 9 March 1964)Сэр А́льфред Уи́льям Фортескью́ Нокс was a career British military officer and later a Conservative Party politician.
*メフィストフェレス(一般にMephistopheles、他にMephistophilus, Mephistophilis, Mephostopheles, Mephisto, Mephastophilis)は、16世紀ドイツのファウスト伝説やそれに材を取った文学作品に登場する悪魔。「メフィスト(Mephisto)」とも略称される。一般にファウスト博士が呼び出した悪魔として知られ、ファウストを題材とした作品での風貌や性質がよく知られている。中でもゲーテの『FaustファウストФа́уст』が有名。
*ヴィボルグ(ロシア語:Вы́борг, ラテン文字転記:Vyborg)は、ロシア連邦レニングラード州の都市である。ロシア語での発音はヴィーボルクに近く、また他にヴィボルク、ヴイボルクなどの表記も用いられる。かつてはスウェーデン領やフィンランド領であった都市であり、ヴィープリ(フィンランド語、カレリア語:Viipuri)、ヴィボリ(スウェーデン語:Viborg)の名でも知られる。

During this ‘silent rising’, the Central Committee met once again in the presence of important local Bolshevik leaders. Lenin who had arrived, heavily disguised, moved that the conference should confirm the decision on insurrection, and that the Central Committee should at once issue a call to action. The representative of the Petrograd Committee spoke about apathy in the masses, but declared that the call for insurrection, if it came from the Soviet, not from the party, would stir up the masses, and meet with response. Krylenko, leader of the party’s military branch, on which the execution of Lenin’s plan entirely depended, declared that only a minority of the branch was for insurrection, but even this minority favored initiative by the Soviet, not by the party. Volodarsky spoke in the same vein. Zinoviev and Kamenev emphatically restated their objections to armed action in any form. Stalin reproached them with lack of faith in European revolution, and remarked that while the party leaders were engaged in confused argument, the Soviet was already ‘on the road to insurrection’. Miliutin, for Moscow, spoke ambiguously. Sokolnikov held that the rising ought to be started only after he opening of the Congress of the Soviets. From all sides there came anxious voices about the apathy and the weariness of the masses. Lenin recapitulated his arguments, but he made a concession to the adherents of Trotsky’s plan and submitted that ‘the Central Committee and the Soviet should in due time indicate the right moment and the practical methods of attack’. Tentatively 20 October was fixed as the day of action.
*Loc. cit., and Lenin, Sochinenya, vol.xxvi, p. 165. At this session a ‘Military Centre’ was appointed, consisting of Sverdlov, Stalin, Bubnov, Uritsky, and Dzershinsky. It was to ‘become part of the Military Revolutionary Committee of the Soviet’, i.e. to serve under Trotsky. On his membership of this ‘Centre’, which throughout the rising never acted as a separate body, Stalin and the Stalinist historians later based claim that Stalin had been the actual leader of the rising.

The Central Committee had fixed this date because it was the eve of the expected opening of the Congress. Only three or four days were left for preparations. Yet no sooner had the Central Committee confirmed its decision on insurrection than Zinoviev and Kamenev made a vigorous attempt to frustrate it. They denounced the plan, this time not within the Bolshevik caucus but in the pages of Gorky’s newspaper. Thus, from the men supposed to act as members of the General Staff of the insurrection, the outside world received a warning about what was pending. Lenin, beside himself with indignation, demanded the immediate expulsion from the party of the two ‘strikebreakers of the revolution’. His demand fell on deaf ears. In the Bolshevik newspaper Stalin tried to reconcile the adversaries, although this was a matter in which reconciliation was impossible; an insurrection either is or is not made.   Trotsky utilized even the confusion among the Bolshevik leaders to further his plan. On 17 October he received with well concealed relief the news that the Menshevik Central Executive had again postponed the Congress of the Soviets for a few days. This gave him a little more time for the last preparations. But the other camp might also have benefited from the delay; and Zinoviev’s and Kamenev’s disclosures threatened to arouse its vigilance. On 18 October two embarrassing questions were put to Trotsky in the Soviet, one about the widespread rumors on insurrections, and the other about his order to the arsenals for the issue of rifles to Red Guards. His answer was a masterpiece of diplomatic camouflage: ‘The decisions of the Petrograd Soviet are published’, he said. ‘The Soviet is an elected institution, every deputy is responsible to the workers and soldiers who have elected him. This revolutionary parliament . . . can have no decisions which are unknown to the workers. We conceal nothing. I declared on behalf of the Soviet: we have not decided on any armed action.’ This was literally true: the Soviet had decided nothing of the sort. As its President he was expected to give an account only of the Soviet’s work. He was under no obligation to make a public confession of a confidential decision taken by a private body such as the Central Committee of the party.                        
But he did not stop at this denial, which might have confounded friends as well as foes. Nor did he tie his hands. ‘If the course of events’, he added, ‘compels the Soviet to decide on armed action, then the workers and the soldiers will come on in response to its appeal like one man.’ He admitted that he had ordered rifles for the Red Guards, but he covered himself by the familiar precedent: the Menshevik Soviet had done the same. ‘The Petrograd Soviet’, he added defiantly, ‘will go on organizing and arming workers’ guards. . . . We must be ready. We have entered a period of more acute struggle. We must be constantly prepared for attack by the counter-revolution. But to the first counter-revolutionary attempt to break up the Congress of the Soviets, to the first attempt of an attack on us, we shall retort with a counter-attack which will be merciless and which we shall press to the very end.’ Thus he stirred the military of the insurgents and of their friends while he was obfuscating their enemies. With meticulous care he brought to the fore the defensive aspect of the insurgents’ activity, and kept the offensive aspect in the background. On the spot Kamenev rose to declare his complete solidarity with Trotsky, and Zinoviev did the same in a letter to the editor of Rabochyi Put. The two opponents of the rising hoped thereby to the down their party to a strictly defensive attitude, and so to make it renounce insurrection in a roundabout way. But their demonstrative expression of solidarity with Trotsky had a quite different effect. The anti-Bolshevik parties, seeing that the known opponents of the coup declared their agreement with Trotsky, assumed that he was also in agreement with them. ‘There will be no insurrection, then’, the Mensheviks and Social Revolutionaries consoled themselves.          Immediately after this incident, Trotsky had a secret meeting with Lenin, the only one, it seems, that they had in these weeks. He wondered whether Lenin had not misunderstood his statement and the appearance of agreement between himself and Zinoviev and Kamenev; and he was anxious to dispel Lenin’s misapprehension. But on this point his fears were groundless. Lenin had just written to the Central Committee: ‘Kamenev’s trick at the session of the Petrograd Soviet is something simply mean. He, you see, is in full agreement with Trotsky. But is it difficult to understand that Trotsky could not and should not have said more than he did in the face of enemies.’ At this meeting, Trotsky wrote later, Lenin was ‘more calm and confident, I would say, less suspicious. . . . All the same, now and again he shook his head and asked : “And the same, now and again he shook his head and asked: “And will they not forestall us? Will they not catch us napping?” I argued that from now on everything would develop almost automatically.’                      
Lenin was not quite reassured. That his reiterated demand for the immediate expulsion of Zinoviev and Kamenev met with no response from Trotsky and the Central Committee as a whole made him bristle with suspicion again. Zinoviev’s and Kamenev’s indiscretion would be regarded as treacherous by any party in similar circumstances. And so Lenin saw in the consideration shown to them by the Central Committee a sign of the latter’s irresolute attitude in the matter of insurrection.
*Characteristic of the relations inside the Bolshevik party at the time is the fact that not a single voice in the Central Committee supported Lenin’s demand Kamenev had of his own accord announced his resignation from the Committee. Lenin, nevertheless demanded his and Zinoviev’s expulsion as an exemplary punishment not for their dissent but for the unheard-of breach of discipline they had committed. The record of the sitting of the Central Committee of 20 October makes instructive reading. Dzerzhinsky expressed the opinion that Kamenev should be advised to withdraw from political activity; but he did not advocate expulsion. It was not worthwhile bothering, he added, about Zinoviev, who was in hiding anyhow. Stalin and Miliutin advised shelving the question until a plenary session of the Central Committee. Stalin had in the party’s paper defended the motives of Zinoviev and Kamenev, and he himself now came under fire. Uritsky was for postponing the matter, Sverdlov spoke strongly against Kamenev, but held that the Central Committee had no right to expel anybody. Trotsky was for accepting Kamenev’s resignation, but not for expulsion. He attacked Stalin’s editorial conduct, saying that the ambiguous attitude of the party’s paper created ‘an intolerable situation’. Yoffe spoke in the same vein. Stalin once again defended Zinoviev and Kamenev, saying that they should remain on the Central Committee: ‘Expulsion from the party is to remedy-unity must be preserved.’ Kamenev’s resignation was accepted by five votes to three. Then Stalin announced that he was resigning as editor of the party’s paper. But this was not accepted. It is quite impossible to square this and many similar episodes with the view that monolithic or totalitarian uniformity had resigned in the Bolshevik party ever since its inception. Protokoly Tsen. Kom., 127-9.
The preliminary to the rising came to a close when the Soviet instructed the garrison to carry out only such official orders as were endorsed by the Military Revolutionary Committee or its commissars. On 21 October Trotsky convened this instruction to a general meeting of regimental committees; and he appealed to the Cossacks, the former praetorian guards of the Tsars, to stand by the revolution. The regimental committees adopted Trotsky’s resolution, which stated inter alia:           
Endorsing all political decisions of the Petrograd Soviet, the garrison declares: the time for words has passed. The country is on the brink of doom. The army demands peace, the peasants demand land, the workers demand employment and bread. The coalition government is against the people, an instrument in the hands of the people’s enemies. The time for words has passed. The All-Russian Congress of Soviets ought to take power in its hands and secure peace, land, and bread to the people. . . . The Petrograd garrison solemnly pledged itself to put at the disposal of the All-Russian Congress all its forces, to the last man, to fight for these demands. Rely on us. . . . We are at our posts, ready to conquer or die.
Events showed that this last assurance was more solemn than true. The civilian workers were in fact ‘ready to conquer or die’; but the garrison supported the Soviet because it was confident in an easy victory over Kerensky, a victory which was expected to end the war. Whatever its motives, the fact was that the garrison placed itself under the orders of the Soviet.
Inevitably this gave rise to a conflict between the regular military command and the Military Revolutionary Committee. Even now, Trotsky did not claim on behalf of that Committee that it was superseding the military command. Commissars of the Committee were attached to the General Staff, ostensibly in order to co-ordinate activities and eliminate friction; and on the very day of the rising Trotsky inspired reports that the negotiations were proceeding satisfactorily. At the same time at he made these military preparations, Trotsky put the Red Guards and the civilian organizations on the alert. On 22 October he addressed a monster meeting at the Narodnyi Dom ( People’s House ). ‘Around me’, the eyewitness whom we have often quoted describes the scene, ‘the crowds were in an almost ecstatic mood.’ Trotsky asked them to repeat after him the words of oath. ‘A numberless multitude lifted up their hands. Trotsky hammered out the words: “Let this your vote be your oath with all your might and power of sacrifice to support the Soviet, which has taken on itself the great burden of bringing the victory of the revolution to completion and of giving the people land, bread, and peace. The numberless multitude keep their hands up. They agree. They take the oath. . . . Trotsky has finished. Somebody else is taking the platform. But it is not worthwhile to wait and look any more.
The theatrical quality of Trotsky’s appearances and the almost poetic loftiness of his speech did not less than his ruses de guerre to mislead the anti-Bolshevik leaders. The latter were too well accustomed to the bright fireworks of his oratory to suspect that this time it was real fire. Trotsky seemed to them, and not that this time it was real fire. Trotsky seemed to them, and not only to them, too voluble for a commander of a successful insurrection. Yet in this revolution words, great idealistic words, were in fact more effective than regiments and divisions, and inspired tirades did the work of pitched battles. Up to a certain moment they relieved the revolution of the need to fight battles at all. The revolution worked mainly through its titanic power of persuasion, and it seemed to have vested the greater part of that power in a single person.                         

By 23 October the Military Revolutionary Committee had a detailed plan of operations in hand. It was as simple as it was carefully laid. It provided for a rapid occupation by picked detachments of all strategic positions in the capital. Liaison between insurgent headquarters and the garrison functioned infallibly. The picked units were ready for the signal. As the members of the Military Revolutionary Committee surveyed for the last time the disposition of forces, they were confident that they could knock the government over by a slight push-so overwhelming was the superiority of the forces arrayed behind the Soviet. Only one important position was uncertain: the Peter-Paul fortress on the Neva, the garrison of which was reported to stand for Kerensky or at least to waver. Antonov-Ovseenko prepared a plan to assault the fortress, the only important engagement which was expected. Trotsky, however, decided to try to storm it with words. In the afternoon of the 23rd, accompanied by a non-Bolshevik commander of the Soviet guard, he went on a lorry into what was supposed to be the enemy’s camp. He addressed the garrison of the fortress and induced it to repeat after him the oath of allegiance to the Soviet.
All that Trotsky was now waiting for was provocation from Kerensky, which would allow him to launch the insurrection as a defensive operation. He had no doubt that Kerensky was bound to give the provocation-he himself had provoked him sufficiently into giving it. And indeed, on the 23rd, Kerensky attempted to strike a blow from the vacuum in which he and his government were suspended. He banned Robochyi Put ( Worker’s Road ), under which tittle Pravda had appeared since the July days, and he ordered the closing of its editorial officers and printing-press. A working girl and a man from the press rushed to the Military Revolutionary Committee, saying that they were prepared to break the seals on the premises of Rabochyi Pul and to go on producing the paper if the Committee gave them an effective military escort. This suggestion, breathlessly made by an unknown working girl, came to Trotsky like a flash. ‘A piece of official sealing wax’, he wrote later, ‘on the door of the Bolshevik editorial room as a military measure-that was not much. But what a superb signal for battle!’ On the spot he signed an order sending a company of riflemen and a few platoons of sappers to guard the Bolshevik offices and printing-press. The order was carried out instantaneously.                    
*There can be no doubt, however, that Kerensky had always regarded the Soviets as an embarrassment to be got rid of. He did so even when Bolshevik influence in the Soviets was slight and when he himself owed his position entirely to the Soviets. As early as 27 March ( 9 April in the new calendar ) Sir George Buchanan noted in his diary: ‘Kerensky, with whom I had a long conversation yesterday, does not favor the idea of taking strong measures at present either against the Soviet or the Socialist propaganda in the army. On my telling him that the government would never be masters of the situation as long as they allowed themselves to be dictated to by a rival organization, he said that the Soviet would die a natural death. . . . ‘Sir George Buchanan, My Mission to Russia, vol.ii, p. 11.
This was a tentative gambit. It was made on the dawn of 24 October. Next morning the papers were full of reports about Kerensky’s plan to suppress the Soviet and the Bolshevik party. The Military Revolutionary Committee was working out the last details of the rising, which, as was now clear, could not be delayed a single day. The Smolny Institute, hitherto guarded with insouciant slackness, was rapidly transformed into a fortress, bristling with cannon and machine-guns. In the early morning, the Central Committee of the party met for the last time before the decisive event. All members present in Petrograd had arrived, with the exception of Lenin and Zinoviev, who had not yet come into the open, and Stalin who was unaccountably absent. Kamenev, who had resigned from the Committee to oppose the insurrection, placed himself at the service of the insurgents once the action had started; and he displayed surprising initiative. It was he who proposed, inter alia, that no member of the Committee should leave Smolny during the day. On Trotsky’s initiative, each was given a specific assignment in liaison and organization. Dzerzhinsky kept in touch with the posts and telegraphs; Bubnov with the railwaymen; Nogin and Lomov with Moscow. Sverdlov was to watch the movements of the Provisional Government, while Miliutin was to take charge of the city’s food supplies. Kamenev and Berzin were to win over the Left Social Revolutionaries, who were breaking away from their mother party. Finally, Trotsky proposed that, in case the Bolsheviks were routed at the Smolny, the headquarters of the insurrection should move to the Peter-Paul fortress, the garrison of which he had just won over for the cause.              
While this was taking place, Kerensky addressed the pre-Parliament and indulged in belated threats. He announced that he had ordered the prosecution of the entire Military Revolutionary Committee, a new search for Lenin, the arrest of Trotsky and other Bolshevik leaders released on bail, and that he was taking action against the sailors of Kronstadt. Trotsky convened an extraordinary session of the Petrograd Soviet and reported on the steps just taken by the Military Revolutionary Committee. Even now he did not proclaim the rising:
*The day before, Major General Sir Alfred Knox, the British Military Attaché, knew about the plan. ‘To-day Bagratuni told me’, runs an entry in his note-book, ‘that Kerensky had decided to arrest Trotsky and the members of the Military Revolutionary Committee. . . . I asked if we were strong enough to carry out this programme, and Bagratuni said we were. Podryelov said: “We can take the risk. "With the Russian Army, vol. ii, p. 705.
We are not afraid to shoulder responsibility for maintaining revolutionary order in the city. . . . Our principle is-all power to the Soviets. . . . At the forthcoming session of the All-Russian Congress of the Soviets, this principle ought to be put into effect. Whether this will lead to an insurrection or to any other form of action depends not only and not so much on the Soviets as on those who, in defiance of the people’s unanimous will, still hold governmental power. [ He reported the incident with Rabochyi Pul and asked:] Is this an insurrection? We have a semi-government in which the people has no confidence and which has no confidence in itself, because it is dead within. This semi-government only awaits the sweep of history’s broom. . . .
He announced that he had countermanded Kerensky’s action against the Kronstadt sailors and ordered the cruiser Aurora to lie in readiness on the Neva:

To-morrow the Congress of the Soviets opens. It is the task of the garrison and of the proletariat to put as its disposal the power they have gathered, a power on which any governmental provocation will founder. It is our task to carry this power, undiminished and unimpaired, to the Congress. If the illusory government makes a hazardous attempt to revive its own corpse, the popular masses will strike a decisive counter-blow. And the blow will be the more powerful the stronger the attack. If the government tries to use the twenty-four or forty-eight hours still left to it in order to stab the revolution, then we declare that the vanguard of the revolution will meet attack with attack and iron with steel.
When a delegation from the city council approached him to inquire about the Soviet’s intentions, he answered cryptically that the Soviet was prepared to co-ordinate the defense of the revolutionary order with the city council; and, tongue in cheek, he invited the council to participate in the Military Revolutionary Committee.
Late in the evening the Menshevik Central Executive called a meeting of the delegates who had assembled for the Congress. For the last time Dan spoke on behalf of the old leadership of the Soviets. He warned the delegates against bloodshed. ‘The counter-revolution is only waiting for the Bolsheviks to begin riots and massacres-this will be the end of the revolution. . . . The masses are sick and exhausted. They have no interest in the revolution. . . . It is inadmissible . . . that the Petrograd garrison should not submit to the orders of the Staff. . . . All power to the Soviets means death. . . . We are not afraid of bayonets. . . .’ Amid uproar and cries of derision, Dan promised immediate peace negotiations and land reform, thereby unwittingly admitting that the Bolsheviks had all along been right in their demands. (‘Russia’ he declared, ‘could no longer afford to wage the war.’) From the floor came cries: ‘Too late!’                              

Then Trotsky mounted the tribute, borne on a wave of roaring applause . . . a rising house, thunderous. His thin, pointed face was positively Mephistophelian in its expression of malicious irony. ‘Dan’s tactics proved that the masses-the great, dull, indifferent masses-are absolutely with him!’ (Titanic mirth.) He turned towards the Chairman, dramatically. ‘When we spoke of giving the land to the peasants you were against it. We told the peasants, “If they don’t give it to you, take it yourselves!” and the peasants followed our advice. And now you advocate what we did six months ago. . . . The time may come when Dan will say that the flower of the revolution participated in the rising of the July days. . . . No. The history of the last seven months shows that the masses have left the Mensheviks. . . . Dan tells you that you have no right to make an insurrection. Insurrection is the right of all revolutionaries! When the downtrodden masses revolt it is their right. . . . If you maintain complete confidence, there will take the place which is legitimately yours, that of the masters of the Russian land.’
Dan, deceived by the vague manner in which Trotsky still spoke about the rising, and perhaps also hoping that the Bolsheviks might not obtain a majority at the Congress, rushed off to Kerensky to assure him that there would be no Bolshevik coup and to implore him to refrain from repressive action.             

The rising was already in progress. Trotsky issued his famous Order No. 1: ‘The Petrograd Soviet is in imminent danger. Last might the counter-revolutionary conspirators tried to call the Junkers and the shock battalions into Petrograd. You are hereby ordered to prepare your regiment for action. Await further orders. All procrastination and hesitation will be regarded as treason to the revolution.’ The firmness of his tone inspired the insurgents with confidence. During the night of 24-25 October Red Guards and regular regiments occupied with lighting speed, almost noiselessly, the Tauride Palace, the post-offices and the railway stations, the national bank, the telephone exchanges, the power-stations, and other strategic points. While the movement which overthrew Tsardom in February lasted nearly a week, the overthrow of Kerensky’s government took a few hours only. In the morning of 25 October Kerensky had already escaped from the capital in the car of a foreign embassy. His Ministers were vainly waiting for him in the Winter Palace, when at noon they were already besieged there, just as the Tsarist government had been in the final phase of the February Revolution. Without bloodshed, the Bolsheviks had become the masters of the capital. By mid-day Trotsky reported to the Petrograd Soviet, almost stunned with incredulity, on further development: some Ministers had been placed under arrest; the pre-Parliament had been disbanded; the whole city was under control. The enemy now held only the Winter Palace, which Antonov-Ovseenko was preparing to storm.
*Major-General Sir Alfred Knox, a most hostile observer of the Bolshevik success, gives the total number of the casualties as ‘about ten’. With the Russian Army, vol. ii, p. 711.            
On the evening of the 24th Lenin still heavily disguised, arrived in the Smolny. Reports in the newspapers about friendly negotiations between the General Staff and the Military Revolutionary Committee had stirred his mistrust afresh. He still suspected that the rising was being bungled. As he made his way stealthily from the Vyborg suburb, where he had been hiding for the last few days, to the Smolny, he did not realize that the city he walked through was virtually in his party’s hands. He bombarded Trotsky and the other leaders with questions: Were they really on the point of coming to terms with the General Staff? And why was the city to calm? But as he listened to the answers, as he watched the tense staff work in the room of the Military Revolutionary Committee, the reports coming in ceaselessly and the instructions going out, as he eyed the leaders of the rising themselves, almost exhausted, unshaven, dirty, with eyes inflamed from sleeplessness, yet confident and composed, he realized that they had crossed the Rubicon without him, and his suspicion melted away. Somewhat shyly and apologetically, he remarked that the rising could, of course, he conducted in their manner as well-the main thing was that it should succeed.

↑Lenin in disguise on the run to Finland in August 19171917年8月、変装(髭を剃りshaved his mustache and beard、かつらを被っているwearing a wig)してフィンランドへ逃れたレーニン(そのときの(偽名)パスポート写真(pseudonym) passport photo at that time)。

